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Genomic evaluations are rapidly replacing traditional evaluation systems used for dairy cattle selection. Higher reliabilities from larger genotype files promote cooperation across country borders. Genomic information can be exchanged across countries using simple conversion equations, by modifying multi-trait across-country evaluation (MACE) to account for correlated residuals originating from the use of foreign evaluations, or by multi-trait analysis of genotypes for countries that use the same reference animals.


Traditional MACE assumes independent residuals because each daughter is measured in only one country. Genomic MACE could account for residual correlations using daughter equivalents from genomic data as a fraction of the total in each country and proportions of bulls shared. MACE methods developed to combine separate within-country genomic evaluations were compared to direct, multi-country analysis of combined genotypes using simulated genomic and phenotypic data for 8,193 bulls in nine countries.


Reliabilities for young bulls were much higher for across-country than within-country genomic evaluations as measured by squared correlations of estimated with true breeding values. Gains in reliability from genomic MACE were similar to those of multi-trait evaluation of genotypes but required less computation. Sharing of reference genotypes among countries created large residual correlations, especially for young bulls, that are accounted for in genomic MACE.


International genomic evaluations can be computed either by modifying MACE to account for residual correlations across countries or by multi-trait evaluation of combined genotype files. The gains in reliability justify the increased computation but require more cooperation than in previous breeding programs.  相似文献   



In national evaluations, direct genomic breeding values can be considered as correlated traits to those for which phenotypes are available for traditional estimation of breeding values. For this purpose, estimates of the accuracy of direct genomic breeding values expressed as genetic correlations between traits and their respective direct genomic breeding values are required.


We derived direct genomic breeding values for 2239 registered Limousin and 2703 registered Simmental beef cattle genotyped with either the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip or the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip. For the 264 Simmental animals that were genotyped with the BovineHD BeadChip, genotypes for markers present on the BovineSNP50 BeadChip were extracted. Deregressed estimated breeding values were used as observations in weighted analyses that estimated marker effects to derive direct genomic breeding values for each breed. For each breed, genotyped individuals were clustered into five groups using K-means clustering, with the aim of increasing within-group and decreasing between-group pedigree relationships. Cross-validation was performed five times for each breed, using four groups for training and the fifth group for validation. For each trait, we then applied a weighted bivariate analysis of the direct genomic breeding values of genotyped animals from all five validation sets and their corresponding deregressed estimated breeding values to estimate variance and covariance components.


After minimizing relationships between training and validation groups, estimated genetic correlations between each trait and its direct genomic breeding values ranged from 0.39 to 0.76 in Limousin and from 0.29 to 0.65 in Simmental. The efficiency of selection based on direct genomic breeding values relative to selection based on parent average information ranged from 0.68 to 1.28 in genotyped Limousin and from 0.51 to 1.44 in genotyped Simmental animals. The efficiencies were higher for 323 non-genotyped young Simmental animals, born after January 2012, and ranged from 0.60 to 2.04.


Direct genomic breeding values show promise for routine use by Limousin and Simmental breeders to improve the accuracy of predicted genetic merit of their animals at a young age and increase response to selection. Benefits from selecting on direct genomic breeding values are greater for breeders who use natural mating sires in their herds than for those who use artificial insemination sires. Producers with unregistered commercial Limousin and Simmental cattle could also benefit from being able to identify genetically superior animals in their herds, an opportunity that has in the past been limited to seed stock animals.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to fit the genomic evaluation model to Polish Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle. A training data set for the estimation of additive effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) consisted of 1227 Polish Holstein-Friesian bulls. Genotypes were obtained by the use of Illumina BovineSNP50 Genotyping BeadChip. Altogether 29 traits were considered: milk-, fat- and protein- yields, somatic cell score, four female fertility traits, and 21 traits describing conformation. The prediction of direct genomic values was based on a mixed model containing deregressed national proofs as a dependent variable and random SNP effects as independent variables. The correlations between direct genomic values and conventional estimated breeding values estimated for the whole data set were overall very high and varied between 0.98 for production traits and 0.78 for non return rates for cows. For the validation data set of 232 bulls the corresponding correlations were 0.38 for milk-, 0.37 for protein-, and 0.32 for fat yields, while the correlations between genomic enhanced breeding values and conventional estimated breeding values for the four traits were: 0.43, 0.44, 0.31, and 0.35. This model was able to pass the interbull validation criteria for genomic selection, which indicates that it is realistic to implement genomic selection in Polish Holstein-Friesian cattle.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of stage of pregnancy on estimates of breeding values for milk yield and milk persistency in Gyr and Holstein dairy cattle in Brazil. Test-day milk yield records were analyzed using random regression models with or without the effect of pregnancy. Models were compared using residual variances, heritabilities, rank correlations of estimated breeding values of bulls and cows, and number of nonpregnant cows in the top 200 for milk yield and milk persistency. The estimates of residual variance and heritabilities obtained with the models with or without the effect of pregnancy were similar for the two breeds. Inclusion of the effect of pregnancy in genetic evaluation models for these populations did not affect the ranking of cows and sires based on their predicted breeding values for 305-day cumulative milk yield. In contrast, when we examined persistency of milk yield, lack of adjustment for the effect of pregnancy overestimated breeding values of nonpregnant cows and cows with a long days open period and underestimated breeding values of cows with a short days open period. We recommend that models include the effect of days of pregnancy for estimation of adjustment factors for the effect of pregnancy in genetic evaluations of Dairy Gyr and Holstein cattle.  相似文献   



Today, genomic evaluations are an essential feature of dairy cattle breeding. Initially, genomic evaluation targeted young bulls but recently, a rapidly increasing number of females (both heifers and cows) are being genotyped. A rising issue is whether and how own performance of genotyped cows should be included in genomic evaluations. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of including yield deviations, i.e. own performance of cows, in genomic evaluations.


Two different genomic evaluations were performed: one including only reliable daughter yield deviations of proven bulls based on their non-genotyped daughters, and one including both daughter yield deviations for males and own yield deviations for genotyped females. Milk yield, the trait most prone to preferential treatment, and somatic cell count, for which such a bias is very unlikely, were studied. Data consisted of two groups of animals from the three main dairy breeds in France: 11 884 elite females genotyped by breeding companies and 7032 cows genotyped for a research project (and considered as randomly selected from the commercial population).


For several measures that could be related to preferential treatment bias, the elite group presented a different pattern of estimated breeding values for milk yield compared to the other combinations of trait and group: for instance, for milk yield, the average difference between estimated breeding values with or without own yield deviations was significantly different from 0 for this group. Correlations between estimated breeding values with or without yield deviations were lower for elite females than for randomly selected cows for milk yield but were very similar for somatic cell count.


This study demonstrated that including own milk performance of elite females leads to biased (over-estimated) genomic evaluations. Thus, milk production records of elite cows require specific treatment in genomic evaluation.  相似文献   

With the objective of evaluating measures of milk yield persistency, 27,000 test-day milk yield records from 3362 first lactations of Brazilian Gyr cows that calved between 1990 and 2007 were analyzed with a random regression model. Random, additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were modeled using Legendre polynomials of order 4 and 5, respectively. Residual variance was modeled using five classes. The average lactation curve was modeled using a fourth-order Legendre polynomial. Heritability estimates for measures of persistency ranged from 0.10 to 0.25. Genetic correlations between measures of persistency and 305-day milk yield (Y305) ranged from -0.52 to 0.03. At high selection intensities for persistency measures and Y305, few animals were selected in common. As the selection intensity for the two traits decreased, a higher percentage of animals were selected in common. The average predicted breeding values for Y305 according to year of birth of the cows had a substantial annual genetic gain. In contrast, no improvement in the average persistency breeding value was observed. We conclude that selection for total milk yield during lactation does not identify bulls or cows that are genetically superior in terms of milk yield persistency. A measure of persistency represented by the sum of deviations of estimated breeding value for days 31 to 280 in relation to estimated breeding value for day 30 should be preferred in genetic evaluations of this trait in the Gyr breed, since this measure showed a medium heritability and a genetic correlation with 305-day milk yield close to zero. In addition, this measure is more adequate at the time of peak lactation, which occurs between days 25 and 30 after calving in this breed.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that computation of genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) with accuracies significantly greater than parent average (PA) estimated breeding values (EBVs) requires genotyping of at least several thousand progeny-tested bulls. For all published analyses, GEBV computed from the selected samples of markers have lower or equal accuracy than GEBV derived on the basis of all valid single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In the current study, we report on four new methods for selection of markers. Milk, fat, protein, somatic cell score, fertility, persistency, herd life and the Israeli selection index were analyzed. The 972 Israeli Holstein bulls genotyped with EBV for milk production traits computed from daughter records in 2012 were assigned into a training set of 844 bulls with progeny test EBV in 2008, and a validation set of 128 young bulls. Numbers of bulls in the two sets varied slightly among the nonproduction traits. In EFF12, SNPs were first selected for each trait based on the effects of each marker on the bulls’ 2012 EBV corrected for effective relationships, as determined by the SNP matrix. EFF08 was the same as EFF12, except that the SNPs were selected on the basis of the 2008 EBV. In DIFmax, the SNPs with the greatest differences in allelic frequency between the bulls in the training and validation sets were selected, whereas in DIFmin the SNPs with the smallest differences were selected. For all methods, the numbers of SNPs retained varied over the range of 300 to 6000. For each trait, except fertility, an optimum number of markers between 800 and 5000 was obtained for EFF12, based on the correlation between the GEBV and current EBV of the validation bulls. For all traits, the difference between the correlation of GEBV and current EBV and the correlation of the PA and current EBV was >0.25. EFF08 was inferior to EFF12, and was generally no better than PA EBV. DIFmax always outperformed DIFmin and generally outperformed EFF08 and PA. Furthermore, GEBV based on DIFmax were generally less biased than PA. It is likely that other methods of SNP selection could improve upon these results.  相似文献   

In order to optimize the use of genomic selection in breeding plans, it is essential to have reliable estimates of the genomic breeding values. This study investigated reliabilities of direct genomic values (DGVs) in the Jersey population estimated by three different methods. The validation methods were (i) fivefold cross-validation and (ii) validation on the most recent 3 years of bulls. The reliability of DGV was assessed using squared correlations between DGV and deregressed proofs (DRPs). In the recent 3-year validation model, estimated reliabilities were also used to assess the reliabilities of DGV. The data set consisted of 1003 Danish Jersey bulls with conventional estimated breeding values (EBVs) for 14 different traits included in the Nordic selection index. The bulls were genotyped for Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers using the Illumina 54 K chip. A Bayesian method was used to estimate the SNP marker effects. The corrected squared correlations between DGV and DRP were on average across all traits 0.04 higher than the squared correlation between DRP and the pedigree index. This shows that there is a gain in accuracy due to incorporation of marker information compared with parent index pre-selection only. Averaged across traits, the estimates of reliability of DGVs ranged from 0.20 for validation on the most recent 3 years of bulls and up to 0.42 for expected reliabilities. Reliabilities from the cross-validation were on average 0.24. For the individual traits, the reliability varied from 0.12 (direct birth) to 0.39 (milk). Bulls whose sires were included in the reference group had an average reliability of 0.25, whereas the bulls whose sires were not included in the reference group had an average reliability that was 0.05 lower.  相似文献   



Long-term benefits in animal breeding programs require that increases in genetic merit be balanced with the need to maintain diversity (lost due to inbreeding). This can be achieved by using optimal contribution selection. The availability of high-density DNA marker information enables the incorporation of genomic data into optimal contribution selection but this raises the question about how this information affects the balance between genetic merit and diversity.


The effect of using genomic information in optimal contribution selection was examined based on simulated and real data on dairy bulls. We compared the genetic merit of selected animals at various levels of co-ancestry restrictions when using estimated breeding values based on parent average, genomic or progeny test information. Furthermore, we estimated the proportion of variation in estimated breeding values that is due to within-family differences.


Optimal selection on genomic estimated breeding values increased genetic gain. Genetic merit was further increased using genomic rather than pedigree-based measures of co-ancestry under an inbreeding restriction policy. Using genomic instead of pedigree relationships to restrict inbreeding had a significant effect only when the population consisted of many large full-sib families; with a half-sib family structure, no difference was observed. In real data from dairy bulls, optimal contribution selection based on genomic estimated breeding values allowed for additional improvements in genetic merit at low to moderate inbreeding levels. Genomic estimated breeding values were more accurate and showed more within-family variation than parent average breeding values; for genomic estimated breeding values, 30 to 40% of the variation was due to within-family differences. Finally, there was no difference between constraining inbreeding via pedigree or genomic relationships in the real data.


The use of genomic estimated breeding values increased genetic gain in optimal contribution selection. Genomic estimated breeding values were more accurate and showed more within-family variation, which led to higher genetic gains for the same restriction on inbreeding. Using genomic relationships to restrict inbreeding provided no additional gain, except in the case of very large full-sib families.  相似文献   



In future Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) evaluations of dairy cattle, genomic selection of young sires will cause evaluation biases and loss of accuracy once the selected ones get progeny.


To avoid such bias in the estimation of breeding values, we propose to include information on all genotyped bulls, including the culled ones, in BLUP evaluations. Estimated breeding values based on genomic information were converted into genomic pseudo-performances and then analyzed simultaneously with actual performances. Using simulations based on actual data from the French Holstein population, bias and accuracy of BLUP evaluations were computed for young sires undergoing progeny testing or genomic pre-selection. For bulls pre-selected based on their genomic profile, three different types of information can be included in the BLUP evaluations: (1) data from pre-selected genotyped candidate bulls with actual performances on their daughters, (2) data from bulls with both actual and genomic pseudo-performances, or (3) data from all the genotyped candidates with genomic pseudo-performances. The effects of different levels of heritability, genomic pre-selection intensity and accuracy of genomic evaluation were considered.


Including information from all the genotyped candidates, i.e. genomic pseudo-performances for both selected and culled candidates, removed bias from genetic evaluation and increased accuracy. This approach was effective regardless of the magnitude of the initial bias and as long as the accuracy of the genomic evaluations was sufficiently high.


The proposed method can be easily and quickly implemented in BLUP evaluations at the national level, although some improvement is necessary to more accurately propagate genomic information from genotyped to non-genotyped animals. In addition, it is a convenient method to combine direct genomic, phenotypic and pedigree-based information in a multiple-step procedure.  相似文献   



The purpose of this work was to study the impact of both the size of genomic reference populations and the inclusion of a residual polygenic effect on dairy cattle genetic evaluations enhanced with genomic information.


Direct genomic values were estimated for German Holstein cattle with a genomic BLUP model including a residual polygenic effect. A total of 17,429 genotyped Holstein bulls were evaluated using the phenotypes of 44 traits. The Interbull genomic validation test was implemented to investigate how the inclusion of a residual polygenic effect impacted genomic estimated breeding values.


As the number of reference bulls increased, both the variance of the estimates of single nucleotide polymorphism effects and the reliability of the direct genomic values of selection candidates increased. Fitting a residual polygenic effect in the model resulted in less biased genome-enhanced breeding values and decreased the correlation between direct genomic values and estimated breeding values of sires in the reference population.


Genetic evaluation of dairy cattle enhanced with genomic information is highly effective in increasing reliability, as well as using large genomic reference populations. We found that fitting a residual polygenic effect reduced the bias in genome-enhanced breeding values, decreased the correlation between direct genomic values and sire''s estimated breeding values and made genome-enhanced breeding values more consistent in mean and variance as is the case for pedigree-based estimated breeding values.  相似文献   



Genomic selection is a recently developed technology that is beginning to revolutionize animal breeding. The objective of this study was to estimate marker effects to derive prediction equations for direct genomic values for 16 routinely recorded traits of American Angus beef cattle and quantify corresponding accuracies of prediction.


Deregressed estimated breeding values were used as observations in a weighted analysis to derive direct genomic values for 3570 sires genotyped using the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip. These bulls were clustered into five groups using K-means clustering on pedigree estimates of additive genetic relationships between animals, with the aim of increasing within-group and decreasing between-group relationships. All five combinations of four groups were used for model training, with cross-validation performed in the group not used in training. Bivariate animal models were used for each trait to estimate the genetic correlation between deregressed estimated breeding values and direct genomic values.


Accuracies of direct genomic values ranged from 0.22 to 0.69 for the studied traits, with an average of 0.44. Predictions were more accurate when animals within the validation group were more closely related to animals in the training set. When training and validation sets were formed by random allocation, the accuracies of direct genomic values ranged from 0.38 to 0.85, with an average of 0.65, reflecting the greater relationship between animals in training and validation. The accuracies of direct genomic values obtained from training on older animals and validating in younger animals were intermediate to the accuracies obtained from K-means clustering and random clustering for most traits. The genetic correlation between deregressed estimated breeding values and direct genomic values ranged from 0.15 to 0.80 for the traits studied.


These results suggest that genomic estimates of genetic merit can be produced in beef cattle at a young age but the recurrent inclusion of genotyped sires in retraining analyses will be necessary to routinely produce for the industry the direct genomic values with the highest accuracy.  相似文献   

Estimated breeding values (EBVs) and genomic enhanced breeding values (GEBVs) for milk production of young genotyped Holstein bulls were predicted using a conventional BLUP – Animal Model, a method fitting regression coefficients for loci (RRBLUP), a method utilizing the realized genomic relationship matrix (GBLUP), by a single-step procedure (ssGBLUP) and by a one-step blending procedure. Information sources for prediction were the nation-wide database of domestic Czech production records in the first lactation combined with deregressed proofs (DRP) from Interbull files (August 2013) and domestic test-day (TD) records for the first three lactations. Data from 2627 genotyped bulls were used, of which 2189 were already proven under domestic conditions. Analyses were run that used Interbull values for genotyped bulls only or that used Interbull values for all available sires. Resultant predictions were compared with GEBV of 96 young foreign bulls evaluated abroad and whose proofs were from Interbull method GMACE (August 2013) on the Czech scale. Correlations of predictions with GMACE values of foreign bulls ranged from 0.33 to 0.75. Combining domestic data with Interbull EBVs improved prediction of both EBV and GEBV. Predictions by Animal Model (traditional EBV) using only domestic first lactation records and GMACE values were correlated by only 0.33. Combining the nation-wide domestic database with all available DRP for genotyped and un-genotyped sires from Interbull resulted in an EBV correlation of 0.60, compared with 0.47 when only Interbull data were used. In all cases, GEBVs had higher correlations than traditional EBVs, and the highest correlations were for predictions from the ssGBLUP procedure using combined data (0.75), or with all available DRP from Interbull records only (one-step blending approach, 0.69). The ssGBLUP predictions using the first three domestic lactation records in the TD model were correlated with GMACE predictions by 0.69, 0.64 and 0.61 for milk yield, protein yield and fat yield, respectively.  相似文献   



Although the efficacy of genomic predictors based on within-breed training looks promising, it is necessary to develop and evaluate across-breed predictors for the technology to be fully applied in the beef industry. The efficacies of genomic predictors trained in one breed and utilized to predict genetic merit in differing breeds based on simulation studies have been reported, as have the efficacies of predictors trained using data from multiple breeds to predict the genetic merit of purebreds. However, comparable studies using beef cattle field data have not been reported.


Molecular breeding values for weaning and yearling weight were derived and evaluated using a database containing BovineSNP50 genotypes for 7294 animals from 13 breeds in the training set and 2277 animals from seven breeds (Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Charolais, Gelbvieh, Limousin, and Simmental) in the evaluation set. Six single-breed and four across-breed genomic predictors were trained using pooled data from purebred animals. Molecular breeding values were evaluated using field data, including genotypes for 2227 animals and phenotypic records of animals born in 2008 or later. Accuracies of molecular breeding values were estimated based on the genetic correlation between the molecular breeding value and trait phenotype.


With one exception, the estimated genetic correlations of within-breed molecular breeding values with trait phenotype were greater than 0.28 when evaluated in the breed used for training. Most estimated genetic correlations for the across-breed trained molecular breeding values were moderate (> 0.30). When molecular breeding values were evaluated in breeds that were not in the training set, estimated genetic correlations clustered around zero.


Even for closely related breeds, within- or across-breed trained molecular breeding values have limited prediction accuracy for breeds that were not in the training set. For breeds in the training set, across- and within-breed trained molecular breeding values had similar accuracies. The benefit of adding data from other breeds to a within-breed training population is the ability to produce molecular breeding values that are more robust across breeds and these can be utilized until enough training data has been accumulated to allow for a within-breed training set.  相似文献   

Since many countries use multiple lactation random regression test day models in national evaluations for milk production traits, a random regression multiple across-country evaluation (MACE) model permitting a variable number of correlated traits per country should be used in international dairy evaluations. In order to reduce the number of within country traits for international comparison, three different MACE models were implemented based on German daughter yield deviation data and compared to the random regression MACE. The multiple lactation MACE model analysed daughter yield deviations on a lactation basis reducing the rank from nine random regression coefficients to three lactations. The lactation breeding values were very accurate for old bulls, but not for the youngest bulls with daughters with short lactations. The other two models applied principal component analysis as the dimension reduction technique: one based on eigenvalues of a genetic correlation matrix and the other on eigenvalues of a combined lactation matrix. The first one showed that German data can be transformed from nine traits to five eigenfunctions without losing much accuracy in any of the estimated random regression coefficients. The second one allowed performing rank reductions to three eigenfunctions without having the problem of young bulls with daughters with short lactations.  相似文献   



In contrast to currently used single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels, the use of whole-genome sequence data is expected to enable the direct estimation of the effects of causal mutations on a given trait. This could lead to higher reliabilities of genomic predictions compared to those based on SNP genotypes. Also, at each generation of selection, recombination events between a SNP and a mutation can cause decay in reliability of genomic predictions based on markers rather than on the causal variants. Our objective was to investigate the use of imputed whole-genome sequence genotypes versus high-density SNP genotypes on (the persistency of) the reliability of genomic predictions using real cattle data.


Highly accurate phenotypes based on daughter performance and Illumina BovineHD Beadchip genotypes were available for 5503 Holstein Friesian bulls. The BovineHD genotypes (631,428 SNPs) of each bull were used to impute whole-genome sequence genotypes (12,590,056 SNPs) using the Beagle software. Imputation was done using a multi-breed reference panel of 429 sequenced individuals. Genomic estimated breeding values for three traits were predicted using a Bayesian stochastic search variable selection (BSSVS) model and a genome-enabled best linear unbiased prediction model (GBLUP). Reliabilities of predictions were based on 2087 validation bulls, while the other 3416 bulls were used for training.


Prediction reliabilities ranged from 0.37 to 0.52. BSSVS performed better than GBLUP in all cases. Reliabilities of genomic predictions were slightly lower with imputed sequence data than with BovineHD chip data. Also, the reliabilities tended to be lower for both sequence data and BovineHD chip data when relationships between training animals were low. No increase in persistency of prediction reliability using imputed sequence data was observed.


Compared to BovineHD genotype data, using imputed sequence data for genomic prediction produced no advantage. To investigate the putative advantage of genomic prediction using (imputed) sequence data, a training set with a larger number of individuals that are distantly related to each other and genomic prediction models that incorporate biological information on the SNPs or that apply stricter SNP pre-selection should be considered.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12711-015-0149-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A whole-genome scan using single marker association was used to detect chromosome regions associated with seven female fertility traits in Finnish Ayrshire dairy cattle. The phenotypic data consisted of de-regressed estimated breeding values for 340 bulls which were estimated using a single trait model. Genotypes were obtained with the Illumina BovineSNP50 panel and a total of 35 630 informative, high-quality single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were used. The association analysis was performed using a mixed-model approach which fitted a fixed effect for each SNP and a random polygenic effect. We detected eleven genome-wide significant associations on eight different chromosomes. With at least chromosome-wise significance after Bonferroni correction, sixteen SNPs on nine chromosomes showed significant associations with one or more fertility traits. The results confirmed quantitative trait loci on three chromosomes (1, 2 and 20) for fertility traits previously reported for the same breed and one on chromosome four previously detected in Holstein cattle.  相似文献   

The relationships of nine blood group systems and two blood protein polymorphisms with breeding values for several production traits were examined in dairy cattle of the Swedish Red and White (SRB) breed. The material consisted of 2212 bulls; the bulls were performance tested for growth rate and their breeding values for milk yield, fat and protein content in milk were estimated from progeny tests. The direct effect of marker alleles or marker phenotypes was analysed in a multiple regression model. Several significant associations were found; many supported earlier findings. However, the contribution of the markers to the total variation of the breeding values was very small. Linkage between marker loci and production loci was studied in offspring from heterozygous sires by estimating the interactions between sire and marker alle using a model eliminating the direct effects of sire and marker alle. There were strong indications of linkage between some marker loci (e.g. B, J and Am-1 loci) and loci with large effects on production traits.  相似文献   

Associations of percent live sperm, sperm number, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and potential breeding efficiency score with scrotal circumference were studied using data from the records of 465 Polled Hereford and 264 Simmental bulls. Data were subdivided by breed and within breed into three groups according to scrotal circumference (SC) size. Group I bulls had SC measurements <32 cm. Group II included bulls with SC measurements between 32 cm and the mean measurement of the breed (i.e., 35 cm for Polled Hereford and 38 cm for Simmentals). Group III was comprised of bulls with SC values above their respective breed averages. Age and body weight differences were also evaluated in the three groups. Average age differences among bulls in the three groups differed by not more than nine days in the two breeds. Average body weight differences among the three groups were statistically significant (P<0.05) with the maximum difference between any two groups within breed being 80 pounds. Average differences in percent live sperm and sperm number were greater (P<0.05) in Groups II and III than in Group I. For sperm concentration ratings, sperm motility ratings and potential breeding efficiency score, and for both breeds, Group I had a significantly lower (P<0.05) number of bulls classified satisfactory and a significantly greater (P<0.05) number of bulls classified unsatisfactory than did groups II and III.  相似文献   



Milkability, primarily evaluated by measurements of milking speed and time, has an economic impact in milk production of dairy cattle. Recently the Italian Brown Swiss Breeders Association has included milking speed in genetic evaluations. The main objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of implementing genomic selection for milk flow traits in the Italian Brown Swiss population and thereby evaluate the potential of genomic selection for novel traits in medium-sized populations. Predicted breeding values and reliabilities based on genomic information were compared with those obtained from traditional breeding values.


Milk flow measures for total milking time, ascending time, time of plateau, descending time, average milk flow and maximum milk flow were collected on 37 213 Italian Brown Swiss cows. Breeding values for genotyped sires (n = 1351) were obtained from standard BLUP and genome-enhanced breeding value techniques utilizing two-stage and single-step methods. Reliabilities from a validation dataset were estimated and used to compare accuracies obtained from parental averages with genome-enhanced predictions.


Genome-enhanced breeding values evaluated using two-stage methods had similar reliabilities with values ranging from 0.34 to 0.49 for the different traits. Across two-stage methods, the average increase in reliability from parental average was approximately 0.17 for all traits, with the exception of descending time, for which reliability increased to 0.11. Combining genomic and pedigree information in a single-step produced the largest increases in reliability over parent averages: 0.20, 0.24, 0.21, 0.14, 0.20 and 0.21 for total milking time, ascending time, time of plateau, descending time, average milk flow and maximum milk flow, respectively.


Using genomic models increased the accuracy of prediction compared to traditional BLUP methods. Our results show that, among the methods used to predict genome-enhanced breeding values, the single-step method was the most successful at increasing the reliability for most traits. The single-step method takes advantage of all the data available, including phenotypes from non-genotyped animals, and can easily be incorporated into current breeding evaluations.  相似文献   

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