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In vivo and in situ digestive characteristics of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia L., a tannin-rich forage) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L., a tannin-free forage) were compared to evaluate the effects of condensed tannins (CT) and growth stage (vegetative v. early flowering) in experiment 1. In experiment 2, the hays of the two forages, harvested at early flowering, were compared. Ingestibility, organic matter digestibility (OMD) and nitrogen (N) retention were measured in sheep fed sainfoin and lucerne fresh forages and hays. The loss of dry matter (DM) and N from polyester bags suspended in the rumen, abomasum and small intestine was also measured using rumen fistulated sheep and other intestine fistulated sheep. Nitrogen content was lower in sainfoin than in lucerne. Content of CT in sainfoin decreased with growth stage (3.5 to 2.5 g CT/kg DM) and was lower for sainfoin hay (0.6 g CT/kg DM). Ingestibility and OMD did not differ between fresh-fed forage species. Total N tract digestibility in vivo was much lower for sainfoin than for lucerne fresh forages (mean value 0.540 v. 0.721, P < 0.001) and for sainfoin hay than lucerne hay (0.464 v. 0.683, P < 0.001). In both species, N digestibility was not altered by growth stage. The rumen degradation of N was lower in sainfoin than in lucerne, resulting in a lower proportion of N intake excreted in urine. The intestinal digestibility of sainfoin was also lower than that of lucerne, resulting in a higher N excretion in faeces. Hence the efficiency of N utilisation by sheep (ENr) was similar (mean value 0.205 and 0.199 g N retained/g N intake for fresh sainfoin and lucerne, respectively). The coefficient of N retention by the animal was higher for sainfoin at the vegetative stage than for all the other forages. Nitrogen degradability in the rumen determined by the nylon bag technique (DegN) was lower for sainfoin than for lucerne when forages were studied both fresh (mean value 0.608 and 0.818, respectively) and as hays (0.631 and 0.767). The efficiency of forage N digestion (ENd) was higher for sainfoin at the vegetative stage. Compared with lucerne, sainfoin greatly increased the in situ estimate of forage N escaping the rumen but decreased its intestinal digestibility.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the use of sainfoin-based condensed tannins (CT) enhances feed value when given with tannin-free legumes (lucerne) to sheep. The experiments were conducted with fresh sainfoin and lucerne harvested at two stages (vegetative stage as compared with early flowering) in the first growth cycle. Fresh sainfoin and lucerne forages were combined in ratios of 100 : 0, 75 : 25, 25 : 75 and 0 : 100 (denoted S100, S75, S25 and S0, respectively). Voluntary intake, organic matter digestibility (OMD) and nitrogen (N) retention were measured in sheep fed the different sainfoin and lucerne mixtures. Loss of dry matter (DM) and N from polyester bags suspended in the rumen, abomasum and small intestine (SI) was also measured using rumen-fistulated sheep and intestinally fistulated sheep. The CT content in sainfoin (S100) decreased with increasing percentage of lucerne in the mixture (mean value from 58 g/kg DM for S100 to 18 g/kg DM for S25) and with growth stage (S100: 64 to 52 g/kg DM). OMD did not differ between different sainfoin/lucerne mixture ratios. Sainfoin and lucerne had an associative effect (significant quadratic contrast) on voluntary intake, N intake, total-tract N digestibility, N in faeces and urine (g/g N intake) and N retained (g/g N intake). Compared with lucerne mixtures (S0 and S25), high-sainfoin-content mixtures (S100 and S75) increased the in situ estimates of forage N escaping from the rumen (from 0.162, 0.188 for S0 and S25 to 0.257, 0.287 for S75 and S100) but decreased forage N intestinal digestibility (from 0.496, 0.446 for S0 and S25 to 0.469, 0.335 for S75 and S100). The amount of forage N disappearing from the bags in the SI (per g forage N) was the highest for high-sainfoin mixtures (from 0.082, 0.108 for S100 and S75 to 0.056, 0.058 for S25 and S0, P < 0.001). Rumen juice total N (tN) and ammonia N (NH3-N) values were the lowest in the high-sainfoin diet (mean tN 0.166 mg/g in S100 as compared with 0.514 mg/g in S0; mean NH3-N 0.104 mg/g in S100 as compared with 0.333 mg/g in S0, P < 0.001).  相似文献   

Tannin-rich forages offer an alternative to anthelmintic chemicals to control gastrointestinal nematodes. However, the mode of action of such bioactive plants still needs to be assessed. Previous studies have shown that extracts of tannin-rich plants interfere with the first phase of host invasion, i.e., the exsheathment of infective larvae (L3s). In the current study, we examined the hypothesis that exposure to tannins could also affect the second phase of larval establishment, i.e., the tissue association/penetration of the exsheathed L3s into the digestive mucosae. An in vitro direct challenge technique using fundic explants was applied in this study. The main parasite model was Haemonchus contortus. The objectives were to verify: (i) whether a modification of the association/penetration of L3s with the mucosae occurred after contact with sainfoin extract; (ii) whether this is a dose-dependent phenomenon; (iii) whether tannins were responsible for these effects; (iv) whether these effects were dependent on the parasite species; and (v) how the biochemical structure of tannins might influence these effects. Following 3 h contact with sainfoin extract at 1,200 μg/ml, the penetration of exsheathed L3s of H. contortus and Teladorsagia circumcincta into fundic explants was significantly reduced. Moreover, a dose–response relationship was found for H. contortus. For both nematodes, the changes were totally alleviated after addition of polyvinyl polypyrrolidone, an inhibitor of tannins, to the sainfoin extract, suggesting that tannins play a major role in the observed effects. Comparison of results obtained with different monomers of condensed tannins confirms a relationship between structure and activity, the prodelphinidin monomers and galloyl-derivatives being more effective than the procyanidin monomers. Combined with the delay or the inhibition of larval exsheathment previously shown, these effects could explain how tanniniferous plants reduce the establishment of infective larvae in small ruminants.  相似文献   


Three temperate forages, sainfoin, birdsfoot trefoil, and chicory, characterized by elevated contents of plant secondary compounds, were compared to a ryegrass-clover mixture (control) in dried (Experiment 1) and ensiled form (Experiment 2) in their palatability and nutritional value. Palatability was measured in adult wethers (n = 6) allowed to choose between the familiar control forage and one of the three test plants. Palatability index was calculated from differences in intake of control and test plants measured after given times. Generally at first contact, palatability of the unfamiliar plants was low. Lag time until palatability index approached or exceeded a value of 100 was 2 – 5 d, but could not be related to the content of condensed tannins. Sainfoin had a high palatability, the highest content of condensed tannins (77.4 ± 10.23 g/kg DM), a high content of duodenally utilisable crude protein (94.7 ± 16.87 g/100 g CP), and a high content of metabolizable energy (9.5 ± 0.38 MJ ME/kg DM), making this plant most promising for various purposes including anthelmintic action.  相似文献   

The effect of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) hay consumption on the pathophysiology and local cellular responses of growing lambs during infection with Trichostrongylus colubriformis was investigated. Thirty-two lambs, 16 weeks of age, were allocated to 1 of 4 treatment groups (n=8) that were offered either grass (G) or sainfoin (S) hay while concurrently either infected (+), or not (-) with 12,000 L3 T. colubriformis larvae per week for 6 weeks. Liveweight gains were affected by diet (P=0.002) and reduced by infection (P<0.05). Faecal egg count was reduced in S+compared to G+ from days 35 to 42 (P=0.001); however, total egg output, worm burdens at day 42 and worm fecundity were similar between diets (P>0.05).Feeding sainfoin appeared to enhance immune cell development with tissue eosinophils, mast cells and pan T cells present in greater concentrations in S+ than in G+ animals. However, further studies are required to determine if the enhanced immune cell development is a consequence of a greater nutrient supply or a direct influence of sainfoin metabolites on local inflammatory responses to the gastrointestinal nematode T. colubriformis.  相似文献   

The temperate forage legume sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) is readly nodulated by rhizobia isolated from arctic legumes (Astragalus and Oxytropis species). We have investigated the effects of low temperatures on nitrogenase activity in sainfoin nodulated by arctic and temperate (homologous) rhizobia. At low temperatures, nitrogenase activity of arctic rhizobia measured either with detached nodules or with whole plants, was higher than that of temperate rhizobia. At 5°C and 10°C, nitrogenase activity values of arctic rhizobia represented 12% and 33% of those measured at 20°C, while lower values of 3.7% and 22.4% were observed with temperate rhizobia. This cold adaptation was also reflected on bacterial growth where, at 5°C and 10°C, arctic rhizobia showed a shorter doubling time and synthesized more protein than temperate rhizobia.  相似文献   

Two forage legumes, birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) and sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.), containing condensed tannins in their leaves and stems were used as source material to study condensed tannins in tissue culture. More protoplasts were isolated from mesophyll tissue of a low tannin-containing strain of birdsfoot trefoil than from a high tannin-containing strain, but more tannin-filled protoplasts were observed in the latter. Growth rates of leaf explant-derived callus tissue were greater for the high-tannin than for the low-tannin strain. In sainfoin, callus cultures from leaf explants produced numerous tannin-filled cells by 21 days. Explants from sainfoin cotyledons and roots, tissues which normally do not contain tannins, also formed callus with tannin-filled cells in 21 days but in almost every case, a cytokinin was required for tannin formation to occur. The occurrence of tannin-filled cells in callus from root and cotyledon explants was variable and genotype specific. These results show that endogenous tannins can affect protoplast isolation and possibly callus growth in birds-foot trefoil, and that the formation of condensed tannins in sainfoin callus culture can be influenced by a growth regulator.Abbreviations BAP benzylaminopurine - KIN kinetin - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - PAR photosynthetically active radiation Contribution no. 920 of Agriculture Canada Research Station, 107 Science Cres., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N OX2  相似文献   

The effects of tanniferous sainfoin on digestion and metabolism have been investigated in 12 lambs in an incomplete cross-over design (n = 6). Effects of condensed tannins (CT) were evaluated by comparing dehydrated and ensiled sainfoin treated with and without polyethylene glycol (PEG). Dehydrated and ensiled grass-clover mixtures served as controls. The lambs were fed the treatment diets, including a mineral supplement, for 21 d. During the last 7 d excreta, rumen fluid and blood were sampled. The CT of sainfoin decreased rumen fluid ammonia concentration (p < 0.001) and increased the plasma concentration mainly of essential amino acids (p < 0.001). Body retention of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium was lower with sainfoin compared to PEG-treated sainfoin (p < 0.05). Sainfoin without PEG resulted in lower digestibilities of organic matter and neutral detergent fibre than sainfoin with PEG and the grass-clover mixture (p < 0.001). Ensiling of sainfoin led to the lowest N-retention. In conclusion, the reduction in ruminal ammonia and urine-N losses by sainfoin CT did not improve N-retention.  相似文献   

The effects of (i) medium and high feed value (MFV and HFV) maize silages and (ii) MFV and HFV grass silages, each in combination with a range of concentrate feed levels, on the performance of finishing lambs were evaluated using 280 Suffolk-X lambs (initial live weight 36.1 kg). The MFV and HFV maize silages represented crops with dry matter (DM) concentrations of 185 and 250 g/kg, respectively, at harvest, and had starch and metabolisable energy (ME) concentrations of 33 and 277 g/kg DM and 9.6 and 11.0 MJ/kg, respectively. HFV and MFV grass silages had DM and ME concentrations of 216 and 294 g/kg and 11.0 and 11.5 MJ/kg DM, respectively. A total of 13 treatments were involved. The four silages were offered ad libitum with daily concentrate supplements of 0.2, 0.5 or 0.8 kg per lamb. A final treatment consisted of concentrate offered ad libitum with 0.5 kg of the HFV grass silage daily. Increasing the feed value of grass silage increased (P < 0.001) forage intake, daily carcass and live weight gains, final live weight and carcass weight. Increasing maize silage feed value tended to increase (P = 0.07) daily carcass gain. Increasing concentrate feed level increased total food and ME intakes, and live weight and carcass gains. There was a significant interaction between silage feed value and the response to concentrate feed level. Relative to the HFV grass silage, the positive linear response to increasing concentrate feed level was greater with lambs offered the MFV grass silage for daily live weight gain (P < 0.001), daily carcass gain (P < 0.01) and final carcass weight (P < 0.01). Relative to the HFV maize silage, there was a greater response to increasing concentrate feed level from lambs offered the MFV maize silage in terms of daily carcass gain (P < 0.05) and daily live weight gain (P = 0.06). Forage type had no significant effect on the response to increased concentrate feed level. Relative to the MFV grass silage supplemented with 0.2 kg concentrate, the potential concentrate-sparing effect of the HFV grass silage, and the MFV and HFV maize silages was 0.41, 0.09 and 0.25 kg daily per lamb, respectively. It is concluded that increasing forage feed value increased forage intake and animal performance, and maize silage can replace MFV grass silage in the diet of finishing lambs as performance was equal to or better (depending on maturity of maize at harvest) than that for MFV grass silage.  相似文献   

This work was conducted to evaluate the effect of tannins, contained in a by-product derived from olive oil extraction (two-stage olive cake), on nutrient digestibility, nitrogen (N) losses and liver and kidney functions in goats and wethers. Six Segureña wethers and six Granadina goats were fed three experimental diets: alfalfa hay (AH); alfalfa hay and a concentrate (formulated with two-stage olive cake, barley and a mineral-vitamin mixture) without (AHCO) or with polyethylene glycol (PEG) addition (AHCOP). The inclusion of two-stage olive cake increased condensed tannins content of the diet and led to a decrease ( P < 0.001) in dry matter, organic matter, neutral-detergent fibre, acid-detergent fibre and crude protein (CP) digestibility. PEG supply increased ( P < 0.001) CP digestibility and N losses in urine and faeces only in wethers. Concentrations of creatinine and alkaline phosphatase activity, measured in the serum of animals, were not modified either by olive cake inclusion or by PEG supply. Results from this work indicate a higher sensitivity of sheep to diets containing condensed tannins, compared with goats, and reveal no toxic effect of tannins from two-stage olive cake at the concentration used in the experimental diets.  相似文献   

Three temperate forages, sainfoin, birdsfoot trefoil, and chicory, characterized by elevated contents of plant secondary compounds, were compared to a ryegrass-clover mixture (control) in dried (Experiment 1) and ensiled form (Experiment 2) in their palatability and nutritional value. Palatability was measured in adult wethers (n = 6) allowed to choose between the familiar control forage and one of the three test plants. Palatability index was calculated from differences in intake of control and test plants measured after given times. Generally at first contact, palatability of the unfamiliar plants was low. Lag time until palatability index approached or exceeded a value of 100 was 2-5 d, but could not be related to the content of condensed tannins. Sainfoin had a high palatability, the highest content of condensed tannins (77.4 +/- 10.23 g/kg DM), a high content of duodenally utilisable crude protein (94.7 +/- 16.87 g/100 g CP), and a high content of metabolizable energy (9.5 +/- 0.38 MJ ME/kg DM), making this plant most promising for various purposes including anthelmintic action.  相似文献   

Protein in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) is poorly utilised by ruminants because of its extensive degradation to ammonia in the rumen. However, white clover produces condensed tannins (CT) in its flowers, which can reduce rumen proteolysis. Effects of increasing proportions of clover dry matter (DM) as flowers (and therefore floral CT) on soluble protein, ammonia and volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations were determined with in vitro incubations. Minced mixtures of 0, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 g/kg of DM as white clover flower (F) with the remainder as white clover leaf, were incubated in vitro and sampled after 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 h. Treatments contained 0, 13, 26, 39 and 52 g CT/kg DM, respectively. A further treatment with 500 g/kg DM as flower and 500 g/kg DM as leaf had polyethylene glycol added to remove effects of CT. Increasing the proportion of white clover as flowers from 0 to 1000 g/kg DM reduced net conversion of plant N to ammonia N from 290 to 120 mM/M at least partly due to reduced solubility of the protein. Treatments with 750 g/kg DM or more as clover flowers reduced ammonia concentrations to levels likely to limit microbial growth. Total VFA production was not affected by flower content, although the proportion of acetate to propionate increased. The contribution of CT to treatment effects was small compared to effects attributed to difference in chemical composition between flowers and leaves.  相似文献   

Genes involved in plant defences against herbivores and pathogens are often highly polymorphic. This is a putative sign that balancing selection may have operated reciprocally on the hosts and their herbivores. Spatial and temporal variations (for example, in soil nutrients and the plants'' ontogenetic development) may also modulate resistance traits, and thus selection pressures, but have been largely overlooked in theories of plant defences. Important elements of defences in Populus tremula (hereafter aspen) are phenolic compounds, including condensed tannins (CTs). Concentrations of CTs vary considerably with both variations in external factors and time, but they are also believed to provide genotype‐dependent resistance, mainly against chewing herbivores and pathogens. However, evidence of their contributions to resistance is sparse. Detailed studies of co‐evolved plant–herbivore associations could provide valuable insights into these contributions. Therefore, we examined correlations between CT levels in aspen leaves and both the feeding behavior and reproduction of the specialist aspen leaf aphid (Chaitophorus tremulae) in varied conditions. We found that xylem sap intake and probing difficulties were higher on genotypes with high‐CT concentrations. However, aphids engaged in more nonprobing activities on low‐CT genotypes, indicating that CTs were not the only defence traits involved. Thus, high‐CT genotypes were not necessarily more resistant than low‐CT genotypes, but aphid reproduction was generally negatively correlated with local CT accumulation. Genotype‐specific resistance ranking also depended on the experimental conditions. These results support the hypothesis that growth conditions may affect selection pressures mediated by aphids in accordance with balancing selection theory.  相似文献   

Cotyledons from aseptically grown seedlings of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) were used as explant material to grow callus tissue for periods of 21 and 31 days. The formation of cells containing condensed tannins was induced by adding a range of BAP concentrations to an mB5 culture medium containing 2,4-D. After 21 days the fresh weight of calli treated with BAP was much greater than the control and appeared highest at the 0.6 mg/L level. Fresh weight was reduced at high BAP levels (2 to 8 mg/L) but still remained well above the control. The formation of tannin-filled cells was genotype-specific but occurred in all treatments with BAP. After 21 days in culture, fresh weight and tannin formation increased with the BAP level at the lower BAP concentrations. After 31 days, the growth rate slowed in the control and the lower BAP concentration, but continued at a high rate in the remaining treatments; the number of tannin-filled cells appeared to decline. The results show that in sainfoin callus culture, BAP induces the formation of condensed tannin, a secondary metabolite, and concomitantly produces a high growth rate.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - KIN kinetin - PAR photosynthetically active radiation Contribution No. 974 of Agriculture Canada, Research Station, 107 Science Cres., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 0X2 Canada  相似文献   

王壮  杨万勤  谭波  常晨晖  汪沁  蒋雨芮  曹瑞 《生态学报》2021,41(4):1451-1460
倒木分解是森林生态系统中重要的养分循环过程,倒木中的难分解物质对土壤有机质积累具有积极作用。但关于森林林窗和附生植物对倒木难分解物质含量的影响还不清晰。为了理解林窗更新及附生植物生长对倒木总酚和缩合单宁含量的影响,2013年8月在川西高山原始森林进行样地布置,在进行3年附生植物去除处理后,2016年8月在不同林窗位置(林窗、林缘和林下)下两种处理(附生植物去除和保留)不同腐解等级(I-V)进行岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)倒木不同结构(心材、边材和树皮)样品采集,分析其总酚和缩合单宁含量。结果表明:树皮总酚和缩合单宁含量显著高于心材和边材,树皮总酚和缩合单宁含量随腐解等级变化差异不显著;森林林窗对Ⅲ-V腐解等级心材和边材总酚含量具有显著影响,但对心材和边材缩合单宁影响差异不显著,林窗对倒木树皮总酚和缩合单宁含量影响差异极显著且两者含量特征均表现为林窗 > 林缘 > 林下;附生植物去除处理降低了心材缩合单宁和边材总酚含量,增加了倒木边材缩合单宁含量。附生植物去除处理对树皮影响和林窗位置存在交互作用,林缘和林下的倒木附生植物去除显著降低了树皮总酚和缩合单宁含量。此外,不同林窗位置的温度差异是导致树皮总酚和缩合单宁含量变化的主要原因,附生植物去除对倒木pH的影响也可能是影响倒木总酚和缩合单宁含量的原因之一。由此可见,高山森林林窗更新及附生植物生长会显著影响倒木难分解物质含量变化特征,为进一步了解倒木分解过程在养分循环及对环境的响应提供了新的角度。  相似文献   

A completely randomised design study involving 132 continental crossbred beef steers was undertaken to evaluate the effects of method of grain treatment and feed level, and grass silage feed value on animal performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of beef cattle. Winter wheat was harvested and the grain was stored either ensiled crimped and treated with 4.5 l/t of a proprietary acid-based additive (crimped), ensiled whole and treated with 20 kg feed-grade urea per t (urea) or stored conventionally in an open bin treated with 3 l propionic acid per t. Two grass silages, of contrasting feed value (L and H) were ensiled. For the conventional, crimped and urea treatments, grain dry matter (DM) concentrations were 802, 658 and 640 g/kg, respectively. For the L- and H-feed value silages, DM concentrations were 192 and 240 g/kg and D values were 671 and 730 g/kg DM, respectively. The silages were offered as the sole forage supplemented with either conventional, crimped or urea-treated grain-based concentrate at either 3.5 or 6.0 kg DM per steer per day. The grain supplement consisted of 850 and 150 g/kg DM of grain and citrus pulp, respectively. For the conventional, urea and crimped treatments, DM intakes were 8.85, 9.43 and 9.04 kg/day (standard error (s.e.) = 0.129); estimated carcass gains were 0.60, 0.55 and 0.61 kg/day (s.e. = 0.020), respectively. For the low- and high- feed value grass silages, estimated carcass gains were 0.56 and 0.61 kg/day (s.e. = 0.014), respectively. For the low and high grain feed levels, estimated carcass gains were 0.56 and 0.61 kg/day, respectively. Grain treatment, grain feed level or silage feed value did not alter (P > 0.05) meat quality, lean colour or fat colour. There were significant silage feed value × grain feed level interactions (P < 0.05) for final live weight (LW) and daily live-weight gain (DLWG). Increasing grain feed level increased final LW and DLWG when offered with the low-feed value silage, however, grain feed level had no effect on final LW or DLWG when offered with the high-feed value silage. It is concluded that urea treatment of grain increased silage intake and feed conversion ratio (kg DM intake per kg carcass) and tended to decrease carcass gain. Crimping provides a biologically equally effective method to store grain as conventional methods. Improving grass silage feed value had a greater impact on animal performance than increasing grain feed level by 2.4 kg DM per day.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to quantify the effects of unroasted or roasted ground-shelled corn (GSC), when fed with alfalfa ensiled in bag, bunker, or O2-limiting tower silos on ruminal digestion and microbial CP synthesis in lactating dairy cows. The roasted corn was heat-treated in a propane-fired roasting system. Alfalfa was harvested as second cutting from fields with regrowth of the same maturity. A portion of each field was allotted to each silo. The diets with 3 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments were fed to six multiparous rumen-cannulated Holstein cows in a cyclic change-over design with five 21-day periods. Experimental diets were comparable and averaged (on dry matter (DM) basis): 410 g/kg alfalfa silage (AS), 150 g/kg corn silage, 350 g/kg GSC, 50 g/kg soybean meal, 40 g/kg roasted soybeans, 177 g/kg CP, 264 g/kg NDF and 250 g/kg starch. Nutrient flow was quantified by the omasal sampling technique with use of three markers (Co, Yb and indigestible NDF). Continuous infusion of 10% atom excess (15NH4)2SO4 was used to label microbial CP. None of the interactions between storage structure of dietary AS and corn type were significant. DM intake was not different among dietary treatments, averaging 24.5 kg/day across diets. Means of ADF digested in the rumen for cows fed diets with AS from bag, bunker and O2-limiting tower silo were 2.1, 1.7 and 2.1 kg/day, respectively, and was lower in cows fed AS from the bunker silo. This response may partly be a reflection of the higher intake of ADF by cows fed AS ensiled in the O2-limiting tower silo compared with the bunker. There was a slightly greater supply of fermentable substrates for cows fed diets with roasted compared with unroasted GSC. The small increases in yield of milk protein and lactose observed in the previous production trial in cows fed diets containing roasted corn may have occurred because of greater supply of fermentable substrates.  相似文献   

The nutritional effects of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) forage containing condensed tannins (CT) on growth of lambs, and carcass and meat quality were investigated. Thirty-two male Comisana lambs aged 100 ± 8 days weighing 19.0 ± 2.8 kg were fed fresh forage of sulla or CT-free annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. subsp. Wersterwoldicum) for 49 days until slaughter; in addition, each lamb was supplied with 200 g/days of concentrate. Eight lambs per diet had been previously treated with anthelmintic drugs to remove nematode parasites. Measurements of BW and feed intake, and counts of faecal nematode eggs were made. Carcass parameters were recorded after slaughter, and tissue components of the hind leg were determined. Longissimus dorsi meat was evaluated for pH, colour, thawing and cooking losses, Warner-Bratzler shear force, chemical composition and sensory properties based on triangle tests. Relative to ryegrass-fed lambs, sulla-fed lambs had significantly greater dry matter (DM) and protein intake, a more favourable feed conversion ratio, and superior growth rate, final BW at 150 days of age, carcass weight, yield and fatness. These results were attributed to the high protein and non-structural carbohydrate content of sulla, and also to the moderate CT content of sulla (16.7 and 20.3 g/kg of DM in offered and consumed sulla forage, respectively). Anthelmintic treatment did not affect lamb growth, as the level of parasitic infection (initial and final) was low. The physical, chemical and sensory properties of the lamb meat were not influenced by diet.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) has been shown to reduce proteolysis and lipolysis in red clover through deactivation of proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes and/or through formation of protein–phenol–lipid complexes. This experiment investigated the time course of both lipolysis and proteolysis in two red clover lines with different PPO activities with and without addition of a silage inoculant to help understand the action of PPO in the silo, and its potential effects on protein and glycerol-based lipid conservation, and to determine effects of a more rapid pH reduction with inoculation on PPO activity. Four silages were prepared from high or low PPO precision chopped red clover in 60 test-tube-silos, each containing 120 g fresh weight: (a) high PPO red clover without inoculation (H−), (b) low PPO red clover without inoculation (L−), (c) high PPO red clover with inoculation (H+), and (d) low PPO red clover with inoculation (L+). Each treatment had three replicates for each time point of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 90 days. The inoculant used was Lactobacillus plantarum strain L54 applied at a rate of 106 CFU/g fresh weight. Silage pH was reduced (P < 0.001) by inoculation with no effect of PPO. Inoculation had no effect on either lipolysis or free amino acid release, although more (P < 0.01) soluble protein and less (P < 0.01) ammonia-N was in inoculated silages. H silages had a lower level of both proteolysis (release of free amino acids, P < 0.05) and lipolysis (loss of membrane lipid, P < 0.01) than L red clover silages. Results indicate that PPO reduced proteolysis and lipolysis in the silo and that inoculation had no adverse effects on PPO activity.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the effect of the forage source and feed particle size (FPS) in ruminant rations on the composition of the ruminal Firmicutes community in vitro. Methods and Results: Three diets, varying in maize silage to grass silage ratio and FPS, were incubated in a rumen simulation system. Microbial samples were taken from the liquid fermenter effluents. Microbial community analysis was performed by 16S rRNA‐based techniques. Clostridia‐specific single‐strand conformation polymorphism profiles revealed changes of the community structure in dependence on both factors tested. The coarse grass silage–containing diets seemed to enhance the occurrence of different Roseburia species. As detected by real‐time quantitative PCR, Ruminococcus albus showed a higher abundance with decreasing FPS. A slightly lower proportion of Bacilli was found with increasing grass silage to maize silage ratio by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In contrast, a slightly higher proportion of bacterial species belonging to the Clostridium‐clusters XIV a and b was detected by FISH with increasing grass silage contents in the diet. Conclusions: The ruminal Firmicutes community is affected by the choice of the forage source and FPS. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study supplies fundamental knowledge about the response of ruminal microbial communities to changing diets. Moreover, the data suggest a standardization of grinding of feeds for in vitro studies to facilitate the comparison of results of different laboratories.  相似文献   

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