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Abstract. The onset of prestalk differentiation of Dictyostelium discoideum has been thought to be triggered by differentiation inducing factor (DIF), which is secreted by differentiating cells. We characterized the cell-type specific proteins, wst31 (prestalk and stalk specific) and wst34 (stalk specific), using the mutant HM44 which is defective in DIF-production, and examined the effects of DIF and cAMP on the formation of the proteins. In the mutant HM44, wst34 was formed only in the presence of exogenous DIF as reported for other prestalk/stalk markers (e.g. pDd63 and acid phosphatase-2), which indicates the DIF-requirement for this protein. By contrast, the accumulation of wst31 in this mutant occurred in the presence of cAMP regardless of the presence of exogenous DIF. Thus, we propose a new and distinct state (or stage) in prestalk differentiation, where the expression of wst31 occurs but not that of pDd63 or acid phosphatase-2.  相似文献   

To determine which glycoproteins may be critical to sexual development in Dictyostelium discoideum, cell samples from different developmental stages were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and blotted to nitrocellulose. Concanavalin A (ConA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binding proteins were visualized on the blots using an immunochemical procedure employing peroxidase-antiperoxidase. ConA labelled at least 28 proteins, but only one band showed calcium-dependent changes in its expression. WGA bound at least 30 proteins and changes in several bands were observed that did not occur in calcium-deficient controls. Two WGA-binding glycoproteins which migrated at 200 and 166 kilodaltons (kDa), respectively, showed developmental changes associated with the time of cell fusion. One WGA-binding and one ConA-binding glycoprotein migrating at 130 and 126 kDa, respectively, appeared later during sexual development, in association with the phase of zygote differentiation. Several WGA- and ConA-binding glycoproteins decreased during sexual development, but were not affected by the absence of calcium ions. Tunicamycin (1 microgram/mL) inhibited cell fusion when added to sexual cultures prior to the appearance of the 166-kDa glycoprotein gp166. The effects of this inhibitor on development support the importance of glycoproteins to cell fusion during sexual development in D. discoideum.  相似文献   

C L Saxe  M Sussman 《Cell》1982,29(3):755-759
Dictyostelium discoideum strain JC-5 is a temperature-sensitive, cohesion-defective mutant. At the restrictive temperature, aggregates are formed and develop normally to a specific late stage, but then disperse to a lawn of noncohesive cells. The defect stems from the inability of the mutant at the restrictive temperature to accumulate or retain an adequate level of a newly arisen, plasma-membrane-associated cohesive moiety during the later stages of morphogenesis. We now report that the noncohesive mutant cells can be induced to cohere at a level of greater than 99% by addition of a fraction reactive with wheat germ agglutinin and isolated from the plasma membranes of late-stage, cohesive mutant or wild-type cells. Furthermore, the cohesivities of late-stage, cohesive mutant or wild-type cells can be significantly enhanced by the same preparations but early-stage cohesive cells remain unaffected. The cohesion-inducing activity can be recovered from two regions of a one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electropherogram following elution and renaturation. The first is associated with a single silver-staining band (apparent molecular weight 95,000). It appears de novo at a postaggregative stage, and accumulates in a thermostable fashion in the wild-type and in a thermosensitive fashion in the mutants, concurrent with the loss of cohesivity. The second is associated with a complex of silver-staining bands (apparent molecular weights 40,000-50,000). The activity of the eluate reactive with wheat germ agglutinate is destroyed within 5 min at 100 degrees C.  相似文献   

Lectin-receptors on leukocyte and endothelial surfaces are becoming more important in the light of increasing evidence which implicates lectin-carbohydrate interactions in diverse physiological phenomena. This study reports the identification of a major 118 kDa granulocyte surface protein, (Protein 1a) which binds the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and is distinctly different from reported WGA binding granulocyte membrane proteins. Protein 1a has been isolated from the Triton-soluble and Triton-insoluble lysates of normal individuals and patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) using a combination of differential solubilization, lectin affinity, ion exchange chromatography and HPLC. The protein from the detergent lysates of both normal and CML granulocytes has similar pI values, lectin affinities, and hydrophobicity. However, its solubility in Triton is different in the two cell types. In 71% of CML cases examined, Protein 1a exhibits decreased Triton solubility suggesting its increased association with the cytoskeleton (CSK). Stimulation of normal granulocytes with WGA leads to the translocation of the soluble form of Protein 1a to the Triton-insoluble fraction. This cytoskeletal recruitment of Protein 1a is sustained only under conditions of excess WGA and occupied receptor. The CSK disruptive agent dihydrocytochalasin B (H2CB) releases the insoluble form of the receptor into the Triton-soluble fraction. Investigation of a CSK-involving process such as ligand internalization revealed that CML granulocytes exhibit slower kinetics of internalization of fluorescent WGA molecules. Since Protein 1a is a major WGA receptor on the granulocyte surface, its decreased Triton solubility in CML granulocytes suggests that this may be one of the factors contributing to the defective receptor-mediated endocytosis of WGA by CML cells, arising as a consequence of altered membrane-CSK interaction — a nodal point in the signal transduction cascade.  相似文献   

Although muscle cell fusion was shown to be an energy-requiring process, release of myoblasts from an EGTA fusion block could be accomplished with Earle's balanced salt solution (containing 1.8 mM Ca++) free of glucose or any other energy-produced metabolite. The effect of concanavalin A, abrin, and the lectins from wheat germ, soybean, and Lens culinaris on myoblast fusion was examined with synchronized myoblast cultures upon release from fusion block. At a concentration of 15 mug/ml, these lectins were found to inhibit the fusion process to the extent of 62%, 41%, 32%, 8%, and 19%, respectively. Concanavalin A inhibition could be prevented by alpha-methyl-D-mannoside. The inhibitory effect of all the lectins except abrin could be reversed by changing to the normal, serum-containing medium. The number of binding sites was 3.4 X 10(7), 6.1 X 10(7), and 1.7 X 10(6), respectively. Although myoblasts were found to have about twice as many binding sites for wheat germ agglutinin as for concanavalin A, concanavalin A was determined to be twice as effective as wheat germ agglutinin as an inhibitor of myoblast fusion. These findngs raise the possibility that specific cell surface glycoproteins may be an important factor in this process.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (Con A), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA) bound with either 125I, fluorescent dyes, or fluorescent polymeric microspheres were used to quantitate and visualize the distribution of lectin binding sites on mouse neuroblastoma cells. As viewed by fluorescent light and scanning electron microscopy, over 107 binding sites for Con A, WGA, and RCA appeared to be distributed randomly over the surface of differentiated and undifferentiated cells. An energy-dependent redistribution of labeled sites into a central spot occurred when the cells were labeled with a saturating dose of fluorescent lectin and maintained at 37°C for 60 min. Reversible labeling using appropriate saccharide inhibitors indicated that the labeled sites had undergone endocytosis by the cell. A difference in the mode of redistribution of WGA or RCA and Con A binding sites was observed in double labeling experiments. When less than 10% of the WGA or RCA lectin binding sites were labeled, only these labeled sites appeared to be removed from the cell surface. In contrast, when less than 10% of the Con A sites were labeled, both labeled and unlabeled Con A binding sites were removed from the cell surface. Cytochalasin B uncoupled the coordinate redistribution of labeled and unlabeled Con A sites, suggesting the involvement of microfilaments. Finally, double labeling experiments employing fluorescein-tagged Con A and rhodamine-tagged WGA indicate that most Con A and WGA binding sites reside on different membrane components and redistribute independenty of each other.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A binds to human circulating lymphocytes in a complex manner suggesting the presence of multiple binding sites. Saturation of one or more of these binding sites is observed at concentrations of concanavalin A which induce blast transformation in lymphocytes. In contrast, only one saturable binding site is observed for wheat germ agglutinin. During in vitro transformation, the amount of concanavalin A which can be bound by lymphocytes increases, whereas the amount of wheat germ agglutinin which can be bound remains unchanged. Since the size increases during transformation, there must be a fall in the density of surface receptors for wheat germ agglutinin whereas the density of concanavalin A receptors remains unchanged.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of sexual cell fusion in Dictyostelium discoideum was studied using the heterothallic strains HM1 and NC4. Monovalent antibodies (Fab) prepared from rabbit antiserum against a crude membrane preparation of fusion-competent HM1 cells inhibited fusion between HM1 and NC4 cells. Six out of 43 antigenic proteins were found in fusion-competent HM1 cells but not in fusion-incompetent cells. Among them, only one protein with a molecular mass of 70 kDa was able to neutralize the fusion-inhibiting activity of Fab, suggesting its possible participation in sexual cell fusion.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the non-covalent complex between wheat germ agglutinin (isolectin no. 2) and N-acetyl-d-neuraminic acid, a saccharide widely found at the termini of carbohydrate chains in membrane glycoproteins and known to interact with wheat germ agglutinin, has been determined from an electron density difference map at 2.8 Å resolution. This map exhibits two strong binding sites on the wheat germ agglutinin dimer molecule which are located in corresponding crevices at the protomer/protomer interface. Amino acid sidechains from B and C-type domains of opposite protomers contribute to the binding site. The N-acetylneuraminic acid molecule is oriented such that its acetyl group becomes essentially buried upon binding, whereas the charged carboxylate and the glycerol groups point away from the protein surface, but are also able to make contact with surface side-chains. Model building shows that substituents of the pyranoside ring which had been predicted as essential for binding from solution studies, are situated favorably to allow interactions to be made with main and side-chain atoms of the protein molecule.  相似文献   

Binding of cyclic AMP (cAMP) to the cell surface receptor induces a transient activation of guanylate cyclase in Dictyostelium discoideum. A frigid mutant (HC85) which lacks G alpha 2, a guanine nucleotide binding protein, does not respond to cAMP. We found that 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol (BAL) induced a continuous activation both in the frigid and in its parents. Therefore, the BAL-induced continuous activation of guanylate cyclase is independent of G alpha 2. We also found that cAMP enhanced the BAL-induced continuous activation in the frigid mutant. This result suggests that an unidentified signal transduction mechanism from the cAMP-receptor besides the one involving G alpha 2 plays a role in the enhancement of activation. Lastly, we found that the BAL-induced continuous activation was terminated by cAMP in the parental strain, but not in the frigid mutant. Therefore, the cAMP-induced suppression on the BAL-induced continuous activation is mediated through G alpha 2.  相似文献   

Two substances, cAMP and 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol (BAL) are known to induce transient activation of adenylate cyclase in Dictyostelium discoideum. A frigid mutant (HC85) has a deletion in a gene for G alpha 2, a guanine nucleotide binding protein and cannot activate the cyclase in response to cAMP. We found that BAL induced activation in the frigid mutant. This result suggests that the BAL-induced activation is independent of G alpha 2 and that BAL mimics a role of activated G alpha 2. We also found that cAMP promoted the BAL-induced activation. This result suggests that cAMP plays a role in activation through a mechanism in which G alpha 2 is not involved. We lastly showed that continuous cAMP stimulation could not inhibit the BAL-induced activation in the frigid mutant. Since the cAMP-induced inhibition observed in the wild type strain (NC4) proceeds with the time course identical to the cAMP-induced adaptation (Oyama, submitted), this result suggests that G alpha 2 is involved in adaptation of adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Antiserum directed against the alditol derivative of the human milk monosialyloligosaccharide sialyltetrasaccharide a [D. F. Smith, P. A. Prieto, and B. V. Torres (1985) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 241, 298-303] is used to detect a new ganglioside in human meconium by direct binding on nitrocellulose filters of the sialyl[3H]oligosaccharide alditol obtained from gangliosides after ozonolysis and alkali fragmentation. The sialyl[3H]oligosaccharide is purified by affinity chromatography on a column containing anti-sialyltetrasaccharide a antibodies. The affinity-purified sialyl[3H]oligosaccharide cochromatographs with the 3H-labeled alditol derivative of authentic sialyltetrasaccharide a from human milk. Results of sequential enzyme degradation of the pure sialyl[3H]oligosaccharide and cochromatography of the digestion products with standards are consistent with the presence in meconium of a monosialylganglioside with the structure NeuAc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-3GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-ceramide. This ganglioside is presumably the biosynthetic precursor of the sialyl-Lea ganglioside [G. C. Hansson and D. Zopf (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 9388-9392], which is also a component of human meconium.  相似文献   

Summary The affinity of rat peripheral nerve fibres for concanavalin A (Con A) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) was tested in semithin sections of Epon-embedded material. A two-step post-embedding technique was used. As a first step, Con A and WGA were used in pure form. As a second step, peroxidase-gold (for Con A) and ovomucoid-gold (for WGA) complexes were applied. The lectin-binding sites, visualized by means of signal amplification with the photochemical silver reaction, were associated mainly with the myelin sheaths and the surfaces of Schwann cells.  相似文献   

Antibodies directed against human milk sialyloligosaccharides [D. F. Smith and V. Ginsburg (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 55-59] are used to identify human meconium gangliosides by radioimmuneoverlay-thin-layer chromatography or by direct binding on nitrocellulose filters of sialyl[3H]oligosaccharide alditols obtained from gangliosides after ozonolysis and alkali-fragmentation. Thin-layer chromatograms of meconium monosialylgangliosides immunostained with rabbit antisera specific for LS-tetrasaccharide c (NeuAc alpha 2-6Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc) or LS-tetrasaccharide b (Gal beta 1-3[NeuAc alpha 2-6]GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc) reveal their corresponding gangliosides, 6'-LM1 and a previously undescribed ceramide derivative of LS-tetrasaccharide b, respectively. The sialyl[3H]oligosaccharides derived from the monosialylganglioside fraction of meconium are separated by paper chromatography and assayed for binding to specific anti-sialyloligosaccharide sera. Antisera specific for LS-tetrasaccharide c and 3'-sialyllactose (NeuAc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4Glc) identify their corresponding 3H-labeled haptens released from the major meconium gangliosides 6'-LM1 and GM3, respectively. Binding of a ganglioside-derived sialyl[3H]oligosaccharide by anti-LS-tetrasaccharide b serum is consistent with the presence in meconium of a monosialylganglioside with the following proposed structure: (formula; see text)  相似文献   

The Dictyostelium protein kinase YakA is required for the growth-to-development transition. During growth YakA controls the cell cycle, regulating the intervals between cell divisions. When starved for nutrients Dictyostelium cells arrest growth and undergo changes in gene expression, decreasing vegetative mRNAs and inducing the expression of pkaC. YakA is an effector of these changes, being necessary for the decrease of vegetative mRNA expression and the increase of protein kinase A (PKA) activity that will ultimately regulate expression of adenylyl cyclase, cAMP synthesis, and the induction of development. We report a role for this kinase in the response to nitrosoative or oxidative stress of Dictyostelium cells. Hydrogen peroxide and sodium nitroprusside arrest the growth of cells and trigger cAMP synthesis and activation of PKA in a manner similar to the well-established response to nutrient starvation. We have found that yakA null cells are hypersensitive to nitrosoative/oxidative stress and that a second-site mutation in pkaC suppresses this sensitivity. The response to different stresses has been investigated and YakA, cAMP, and PKA have been identified as components of the pathway that regulate the growth arrest that follows treatment with compounds that generate reactive oxygen species. The effect of different types of stress was evaluated in Dictyostelium and the YakA/PKA pathway was also implicated in the response to heat stress.  相似文献   

Addepalli MK  Fujita Y  Kanai K 《Mycologia》2002,94(4):712-722
Pythium porphyrae (Oomycota) is a microbial pathogen which causes red rot disease in the commercially cultivated red seaweed Porphyra. This disease is initiated by the motile zoospores of the fungus, which it has been suggested to recognize and process host specific signals by membrane bound receptors. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were developed against the surface components of zoospores and cysts of this fungus in order to try and identify the putative receptor molecules involved in the zoospore encystment process. Screening of MAbs by immunofluorescence assays has revealed three different patterns of surface epitope binding, while labeling of zoospore and cysts components by FITC-conjugated lectins has identified different carbohydrate moieties. Of the MAbs and lectins tested, MAb 1A3 and wheat germ agglutinin have induced zoospore encystment under in vitro conditions. MAb 1A3 identified a 109 KDa band of a glycoprotein in western blot analysis which could be a putative receptor responsible for the induction of zoospore encystment.  相似文献   

Activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade gives rise to a neuroprotective effect in a variety of cell types. The bipolar disorder treatment, valproic acid (VPA), increases the activity of this pathway by modulating extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2) phosphorylation through an unknown mechanism. To investigate the molecular basis of this effect, we have used the biomedical model system Dictyostelium discoideum to dissect this signalling pathway. We find that, similar to mammalian systems, VPA causes a transient increase in the activation of the MAPK signalling pathway, as shown by ERK2 phosphorylation. We show that the MAP kinase and phosphatase, protein kinase A (PKA) and glycogen synthase kinase signalling pathways all function in controlling the levels of phospho-ERK2 (pERK2). We find that VPA induces elevated pERK2 levels through attenuation of the PKA signalling pathway. Interestingly, pERK2 levels are also controlled by another bipolar disorder drug, lithium, providing a common effect of these two drugs. This work therefore suggests a conserved pathway in eukaryotes that is targeted by neuroprotective and bipolar disorder drugs and allows us to propose a model for this neuroprotective effect.  相似文献   

A antiserum raised against the C-terminal hexapeptide ET16-21 common to ET-1, -2 and -3 was produced and characterized with respect to its binding properties for ET-1, -2, -3, ET16-21, the C-terminal octapeptide ET14-21, its derivative Phe21-ET14-21 and human big-ET-1. The antibody reacted with the peptides with decreasing binding affinities in the order: ET-1 greater than ET-2 greater than or equal to ET16-21 = ET 14-21 much greater than Phe21-ET14-21. It showed no crossreactivity with human big-ET-1. Similar results were obtained using [125I]ET-1, -2 or -3 as tracer. Substitution of Trp21 by Phe decreased the binding affinity of ET14-21 about 10 fold. Thus, the immunologically recognized sequence of the peptides is C-terminal and Trp21 seems to be important for high binding affinities. The significant differences in binding affinity observed for ET-1, -2, -3 and ET16-21 are consistent with an interaction of the C-terminal part of the endothelins with the bicyclic N-terminal part.  相似文献   

The acyl coenzyme A (CoA) binding protein AcbA is cleaved to form a peptide (SDF-2) that coordinates spore encapsulation during the morphogenesis of Dictyostelium discoideum fruiting bodies. We present genetic evidence that the misspecification of cell types seen in mutants of the serine protease/ABC transporter TagA results from the loss of normal interactions with AcbA. Developmental phenotypes resulting from aberrant expression of the TagA protease domain, such as the formation of supernumerary tips on aggregates and the production of excess prestalk cells, are suppressed by null mutations in the acbA gene. Phenotypes resulting from the deletion of tagA, such as overexpression of the prestalk gene ecmB and the misexpression of the prespore gene cotB in stalk cells, are also observed in acbA mutants. Moreover, tagA- mutants fail to produce SDF-2 during fruiting body morphogenesis but are able to do so if they are stimulated with exogenous SDF-2. These results indicate that the developmental program depends on TagA and AcbA working in concert with each other during cell type differentiation and suggest that TagA is required for normal SDF-2 signaling during spore encapsulation.  相似文献   

The response of spring wheat and rhizospheric nitrogen-fixing micro-organisms to the presowing treatment of seeds by wheat germ agglutinin was investigated in conditions of green house experiments. It was shown, that exogenous lectin induced the metabolic changes in plants and caused an increase in chlorophyll content and activity of endogenous lectins in the leaves, as well as enhanced accumulation of plants biomass and nitrogen-fixing capacity of the rhizospheric micro-organisms. These results evidence for the considerable role of exogenous lectin as a regulator of growth and development of plants and activity of the nitrogen-fixing microorganisms.  相似文献   

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