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The localization of cytoplasmic free calcium and a dihydropyridine (DHP) receptor, a putative calcium channel, was recorded
during the opposite graviresponses of tip-growing Chara rhizoids and Chara protonemata by using the calcium indicator Calcium Crimson and a fluorescently labeled dihydropyridine (FL-DHP). In upward
(negatively gravitropically) growing protonemata and downward (positively gravitropically) growing rhizoids, a steep Ca2+ gradient and DHP receptors were found to be symmetrically localized in the tip. However, the localization of the Ca2+ gradient and DHP receptors differed considerably during the gravitropic responses upon horizontal positioning of the two
cell types. During the graviresponse of rhizoids, a continuous bowing downward by differential flank growth, the Ca2+ gradient and DHP receptors remained symmetrically localized in the tip at the centre of growth. However, after tilting protonemata
into a horizontal position, there was a drastic displacement of the Ca2+ gradient and FL-DHP to the upper flank of the apical dome. This displacement occurred after the apical intrusion and sedimentation
of the statoliths but clearly before the change in the growth direction became evident. In protonemata, the reorientation
of the growth direction started with the appearence of a bulge on that site of the upper flank which was predicted by the
asymmetrically displaced Ca2+ gradient. With the upward shift of the cell tip, which is suggested to result from a statolith-induced displacement of the
growth centre, the Ca2+ gradient and DHP receptors became symmetrically relocalized in the apical dome. No major asymmetrical rearrangement was observed
during the following phase of gravitropic curvature which is characterized by slower rates of bending. Labeling with FL-DHP
was completely inhibited by a non-fluorescently labeled dihydropyridine. From these results it is suggested that FL-DHP labels
calcium channels in rhizoids and protonemata. In rhizoids, positive gravitropic curvature is caused by differential growth
limited to the opposite subapical flanks of the apical dome, a process which does not involve displacement of the growth centre,
the calcium gradient or calcium channels. In protonemata, however, it is proposed that a statolith-induced asymmetrical relocalization
of calcium channels and the Ca2+ gradient precedes, and might mediate, the rearrangement of the centre of growth, most likely by the displacement of the Spitzenk?rper,
to the upper flank, which results in the negative gravitropic reorientation of the growth direction.
Received: 13 February 1999 / Accepted: 25 June 1999 相似文献
R. J. BOX 《Plant, cell & environment》1986,9(6):501-506
Abstract The rhizoid of Chara hispida L. made a small contribution to the uptake of inorganic phosphate under laboratory conditions. At 1 mmol m?3 phosphate the rhizoid contributed about 4% to the uptake of the whole plant over 4 h. Under these conditions about half of the phosphate taken up by the rhizoid was translocated into the shoot. The rates of uptake and translocation increased with increasing external phosphate concentrations. When the shoot was in darkness, 32P-translocation from the rhizoid was less than half of that found when the shoot was illuminated. When the rhizoid medium was anaerobic the translocation rate was lower than the rate in aerobic conditions and illumination of the shoot had no effect on the uptake or translocation of phosphate. Translocated 32P accumulated in the apical growing regions of the plant. This was first noted in the secondary apices nearest to the rhizoids. 相似文献
R. J. BOX 《Plant, cell & environment》1987,10(2):169-176
Abstract The uptake of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen by cultured plants of the green freshwater alga Chara hispida L. has been compared quantitatively with the contribution of its rhizoidal tissue. In the short-term, the rhizoid takes up 7–20% of the ammonium nitrogen, and about 15% of the nitrate that is taken up by whole plants under similar conditions. The uptake was studied over a range of both temperatures and external concentrations. The apparent activation energy for the uptake of NH4+ and NO3? by the whole plant was found to be 50 kJ mol?1 and 30 kJ mol?1, respectively. For the rhizoid, the values were similar for both nitrogenous ions, 106 kJ mol?1 and 70–100 kJ mol?1. The rhizoidal uptake mechanism for ammonium nitrogen operates more efficiently compared to that in the whole plant. Nitrate is taken up by the rhizoid by a mechanism with a substrate affinity higher than in the plant taken as a whole. The possible ecological significance of the results is discussed. 相似文献
A. Sievers Margret Kramer-Fischer M. Braun Brigitte Buchen 《Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)》1991,104(2):103-109
Horizontally positioned Chara rhizoids continue growth without gravitropic bending when the statoliths are removed from the apex by basipetal centrifugation. The transport of statoliths in centrifuged rhizoids is bidirectional: 50–60 % of the statoliths are re-transported on a straight course to the apex at velocities from 1 to 14 μm . min?1 increasing towards the rhizoid tip. The centrifuged statoliths which are located closest to the nucleus are basipetally transported and caught up in the cytoplasmic streaming of the cell. Those statoliths which are located near the apical side of the nucleus are transported either apically or basally. A de-novo-formation of statoliths was not observed. After retransport to the apex some statoliths transiently sediment, a process which can induce a local inhibition of cell wall growth. The rhizoid bends again gravitropically only if a few statoliths finally sediment in the apex; the more statoliths that sediment in the apex the shorter the radius of bending becomes. The transport of statoliths is mediated by actin filaments which form a network of thin filaments in the apical and subapical zone of the rhizoid, and thicker parallel bundles in the basal zone where cytoplasmic streaming occurs. Both subpopulations of actin filaments overlap in the nucleus zone. 相似文献
M. Braun 《Protoplasma》1996,191(1-2):1-8
Summary Myosin-related proteins have been localized immunocytochemically in gravity-sensing rhizoids of the green algaChara globularis using a monoclonal antibody against the heavy chain of myosin from mouse 3T3 cells and a polyclonal antibody to bovine skeletal and smooth muscle myosin. In the basal zone of the rhizoids which contain a large vacuole, streaming endoplasm and stationary cortical cytoplasm, the monoclonal antibody stained myosin-related proteins as diffusely fluorescing endoplasmic strands. This pattern is similar to the arrangement of subcortical actin filament bundles. In the apical zone which contains an aggregation of ER membranes and secretory vesicles for tip growth, diffuse immunofluorescence was detected; the intensity of the signal increasing towards the apical cell wall. The most prominent myosin-staining was associated with the surface of statoliths in the apical zone. The polyclonal antibody produced a punctate staining pattern in the basal zone, caused by myosin-related proteins associated with the surface of drganelles in the streaming endoplasm and the periphery of the nucleus. In the apical zone, this antibody revealed myosin-immunofluorescence on the surface of statoliths in methacrylate-embedded rhizoids. Neither antibody revealed myosin-immunofluorescence on the surface of organelles and vesicles in the relatively stationary cytoplasm of the subapical zone. These results indicate (i) that different classes of myosin are involved in the various transport processes inChara rhizoids; (ii) that cytoplasmic streaming in rhizoids is driven by actomyosin, corresponding to the findings onChara internodal cells; (iii) that actindependent control of statolith position and active movement is mediated by myosin-related proteins associated with the statolith surfaces; and (iv) that myosin-related proteins are involved in the process of tip growth. 相似文献
In-vivo differential interference contrast microscopy was used to detect individual Golgi vesicles and a new structure in the tip of fast-growing rhizoids of Chara fragilis Desvaux. This structure is a spherical clear zone which is free of Golgi vesicles, has a diameter of 5 m and is positioned in the center of the apical Golgi-vesicle accumulation (Spitzenkörper). After glutaraldehyde fixation and osmium tetroxide-potassium ferricyanide staining of the rhizoid, followed by serial sectioning and three-dimensional reconstruction, the spherical zone shows a tight accumulation of anastomosing endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes. The ER membranes radiate from this aggregate towards the apical plasmalemma and to the membranes of the statolith compartments. Upon gravistimulation the ER aggregate changes its position according to the new growth direction, indicating its participation in growth determination. After treatment of the rhizoid with cytochalasin B or phalloidin the ER aggregate disappears and the statoliths sediment. It is concluded that the integrity of the ER aggregate is actin-dependent and that it is related to the polar organisation of the gravitropically growing cell tip.Abbreviations CB
cytochalasin B
differential interference contrast microscopy
dimethyl sulfoxide
- ER
endoplasmic reticulum 相似文献
James D. Burton Marianne K. Pedersen Harold D. Coble 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2008,27(4):342-352
Cyclanilide is a plant growth regulator that is registered for use in cotton at different stages of growth, to either suppress
vegetative growth (in combination with mepiquat chloride) or accelerate senescence (enhance defoliation and boll opening,
used in combination with ethephon). This research was conducted to study the mechanism of action of cyclanilide: its potential
interaction with auxin (IAA) transport and signaling in plants. The activity of cyclanilide was compared with the activity
of the auxin transport inhibitors NPA and TIBA. Movement of [3H]IAA was inhibited in etiolated corn coleoptiles by 10 μM cyclanilide, NPA, and TIBA, which demonstrated that cyclanilide
affected polar auxin transport. Although NPA inhibited [3H]IAA efflux from cells in etiolated zucchini hypocotyls, cyclanilide had no effect. NPA did not inhibit the influx of IAA
into cells in etiolated zucchini hypocotyls, whereas cyclanilide inhibited uptake 25 and 31% at 10 and 100 μM, respectively.
Also, NPA inhibited the gravitropic response in tomato roots (85% at 1 μM) more than cyclanilide (30% at 1 μM). Although NPA
inhibited tomato root growth (30% at 1 μM), cyclanilide stimulated root growth (165% of control at 5 μM). To further characterize
cyclanilide action, plasma membrane fractions from etiolated zucchini hypocotyls were obtained and the binding of NPA, IAA,
and cyclanilide studied. Cyclanilide inhibited the binding of [3H]NPA and [3H]IAA with an IC50 of 50 μM for both. NPA did not affect the binding of IAA, nor did IAA affect the binding of NPA. Kinetic analysis indicated
that cyclanilide is a noncompetitive inhibitor of both NPA and IAA binding, with inhibition constants (K
i) of 40 and 2.3 μM, respectively. These data demonstrated that cyclanilide interacts with auxin-regulated processes via a
mechanism that is distinct from other auxin transport inhibitors. This research identifies a possible mechanism of action
for cyclanilide when used as a plant growth regulator. 相似文献
Centrifugal accelerations of 50-250 g were applied to rhizoids of Chara globularis Thuill. at stimulation angles (alpha) of 5-90 degrees between the acceleration vector and the rhizoid axis. After the start of centrifugation, the statoliths were pressed asymmetrically onto the centrifugal flank of the apical cell wall. In contrast to the well-known bending (by bowing) under 1 g, the rhizoids responded in two distinct phases. Following an initial phase of sharp bending (by bulging), which is similar to the negatively gravitropic response of Chara protonemata, rhizoids stopped bending and, in the second phase, grew straight in directions clearly deviating from the direction of acceleration. These response angles (beta) between the axis of the bent part of the rhizoid and the acceleration vector were strictly correlated with the g-level of acceleration. The higher the acceleration the greater was beta. Except for the sharp bending, the shape and growth rate of the centrifuged rhizoids were not different from those of gravistimulated control rhizoids at 1 g. These results indicate that gravitropic bending of rhizoids during enhanced accelerations (5 degrees < or = alpha < or = 90 degrees) is caused not only by subapical differential flank growth, as it is the case at 1 g, but also by also by the centripetal displacement of the growth centre as was recently discussed for the negative gravitropism of Chara protonemata. A hypothesis for cytoskeletally mediated polar growth is presented based on data from positive gravitropic bending of Chara rhizoids at 1 g and from the anomalous gravitropic bending of rhizoids compared with the negatively gravitropic bending of Chara protonemata. The data obtained are also relevant to a general understanding of graviperception in higher-plant organs. 相似文献
Abstract Rates of uptake of 14C-labelled inorganic carbon were measured for whole Chara hispida plants, detached parts of the shoot and isolated (split-chamber technique) apices, lateral branchlets and rhizoid—node complexes. The rates of inorganic carbon uptake by the rhizoid—node complex expressed per gram fresh weight whole plant were three to four orders of magnitude less than the uptake for the whole plant. Up to 70% of the carbon taken up by the rhizoid—node complex was translocated to the shoot. After 12 h exposure to 14C-labelled inorganic carbon the concentration of 14C was greater in apices than in uppermost or central internodal cells and in all lateral branchlets, regardless of whether label was supplied to the whole plant or isolated rhizoid—node complexes. Measurement of inorganic carbon uptake by detached internodal cells and detached and isolated apices and lateral branchlets showed that lateral branchlets had the greatest rates of inorganic carbon uptake. During 12 h exposure to 14C, isolated lateral branchlets translocated to the attached shoot 55% of the labelled carbon taken up; for isolated apices this value was only 13%. It is concluded that it is highly unlikely that the rhizoid of Chara hispida could acquire a significant fraction of the whole plant requirement for inorganic carbon and that apices are sink regions for photosynthate while lateral branchlets are source regions. 相似文献
Summary The relationship between the position of the statoliths and the direction and rate of tip growth in negatively gravitropic protonemata ofChara globularis was studied with a centrifuge video microscope. Cells placed perpendicularly to the acceleration vector (stimulation angle 90 °) showed a gradual reduction of the gravitropic curvature with increasing accelerations from 1g to 8g despite complete sedimentation of all statoliths on the centrifugal cell flank. It is argued that the increased weight of the statoliths in hypergravity impairs their acropetal transport which is induced when the cell axis deviates from the normal upright orientation. When the statoliths were centrifuged deep into the apical dome at 6g and a stimulation angle of 170 ° the gravitropic curvature after 1 h was identical to that determined for the same cells at 1g and the same stimulation angle. This indicates that gravitropism in Chara protonemata is either independent of the pressure exerted by the statoliths on an underlying structure or is already saturated at 1g. When the statoliths were moved along the apical cell wall at 8g and the stimulation angle was gradually increased from 170 ° to 220 ° the gravitropic curvature reverted sharply when the cluster of statoliths passed over the cell pole. This experiment supports the hypothesis that in Chara protonemata asymmetrically distributed statoliths inside the apical dome displace the Spitzenkörper and thus the centre of growth, resulting in gravitropic bending. In contrast to the positively gravitropic Chara rhizoids, no modifications either in the transport of statoliths during basipetal acceleration (6g, stimulation angle 0 °, 5 h) or in the subsequent gravitropic response could be detected in the protonemata. The different effects of centrifugation on the positioning of statoliths in Chara protonemata and rhizoids indicate subtle differences in the function of the cytoskeleton in both types of cells.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Zygmunt Hejnowicz on the occasion of his 70th birthday 相似文献
Net fluxes of Ca2+, H+ and K+ were measured from intact Chara australis cells and from isolated cell walls, using ion-selective microelectrodes. In both systems, a stimulation in Ca2+ efflux (up to 100 nmol m?2 s?1, from an influx of ~40 nmol m?2 s?1) was detected as the H+ or K+ concentration was progressively increased in the bathing solution (pH 7.0 to 4.6 or K+ 0.2 to 10mol m?3, respectively). A Ca2+ influx of similar size occurred following the reverse changes. These fluxes decayed exponentially with a time constant of about 10 min. The threshold pH for Ca2+ efflux (pH 5.2) is similar to a reported pH threshold for acid-induced wall extensibility in a closely related characean species. Application of NH4+ to intact cells caused prolonged H+ efflux and also transient Ca2+ efflux. We attribute all these net Ca2+ fluxes to exchange in the wall with H+ or K+. A theoretical treatment of the cell wall ion exchanges, using the ‘weak acid Donnan Manning’ (WADM) model, is given and it agrees well with the data. The role of Ca2+ in the cell wall and the effect of Ca2+ exchanges on the measured fluxes of other ions, including bathing medium acidification by H+ efflux, are discussed. 相似文献
Allelopathic activity of Chara aspera 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
Allelopathic activity of Chara aspera was determined in agar diffusion assays using planktonic cyanobacteria as target organisms. Growth inhibition of cyanobacterial strains was observed in bioassays inoculated with living Chara aspera shoots as well as with 60% aqueous methanol extracts of Chara aspera. For further analysis, the methanol extract was fractionated into three parts: a lipophilic methanol – a butylmethylether-extract and a hydrophilic methanol extract. The bioassays indicated that major allelopathic activity was retained in the hydrophilic methanol – and the lipophilic butylmethylether-extract. Separation of the extracts by means of high performance liquid chromatography followed by fractionation of the eluant resulted in supplementary nine fractions, three from each part, respectively. Three fractions exhibited a strong growth inhibition of the target organism Anabaena cylindrica Lemmermann. The second and the third fraction of the lipophilic butylmethylether extract indicate the presence of novel allelopathic active compounds with lipophilic characteristics. The results lead to the suggestion that more than two chemical compounds in Chara aspera are responsible for the growth inhibition of cyanobacteria. 相似文献
The permeability of biological membranes to boric acid was investigated using the giant internodal cells of the charophyte
alga Chara corallina (Klein ex Will. Esk. R.D. Wood). The advantage of this system is that it is possible to distinguish between membrane transport
of boron (B) and complexing of B by plant cell walls. Influx of B was found to be rapid, with equilibrium between the intracellular
and extracellular phases being established after approximately 24 h when the external concentration was 50 μM. The intracellular
concentration at equilibrium was 55 μM, which is consistent with passive distribution of B across the membrane along with
a small amount of internal complexation. Efflux of B occurred with a similar half-time to influx, approximately 3 h, which
indicates that the intracellular B was not tightly complexed. The concentration dependence of short-term influx measured with
10B-enriched boric acid was biphasic. This was tentatively attributed to the operation of two separate transport systems, a
facilitated system that saturates at 5 μM, and a linear component due to simple diffusion of B through the membrane. V
max and K
m for the facilitated transport system were 135 pmol m−2 s−1 and 2 μM, respectively. The permeability coefficient for boric acid in the Chara plasmalemma estimated from the slope of the linear influx component was 4.4 × 10−7 cm s−1 which is an order of magnitude lower than computed from the ether:water partition coefficient for B.
Received: 14 August 2000 / Accepted: 16 September 2000 相似文献
Growth of plants or plant organs towards more light is commonly interpreted as an adaptation to low light conditions. Here, we show for the first time, in a study of charophyte branches, a growth-based orientation towards light functioning as a mechanism to protect the plant from excessive light. Two Chara species were exposed to five different intensities of photosynthetically active radiation and species traits and pigmentation were measured. Branches of plants exposed to higher light intensities were convergent and pointed steeply upwards, whereas those exposed to lower light intensities grew nearly straight and were less inclined. Only branches that increased in length during the experiments reacted to differences in light intensity. This indicates that branch orientation is determined by a light-dependent growth reaction. Orientation of charophyte branches towards light is accompanied by a decrease in chlorophyll a (Chla) content and a lower Chla : carotenoid ratio, which clearly indicates that the plant is taking protective measures against potentially damaging excess light conditions. We suggest that the growth-based orientation of Chara branches towards light may protect sexual organs, which grow on adaxial branch sides, from light damage. In addition, the upward orientation of branches might lead to increased light transmission within dense charophyte beds, thus enabling an enhanced gross production. 相似文献
Polar organization and gravity-oriented, polarized growth of characean rhizoids are dependent on the actin cytoskeleton. In this report, we demonstrate that the prominent center of the Spitzenkörper serves as the apical actin polymerization site in the extending tip. After cytochalasin D-induced disruption of the actin cytoskeleton, the regeneration of actin microfilaments (MFs) starts with the reappearance of a flat, brightly fluorescing actin array in the outermost tip. The actin array rounds up, produces actin MFs that radiate in all directions and is then relocated into its original central position in the center of the Spitzenkörper. The emerging actin MFs rearrange and cross-link to form the delicate, subapical meshwork, which then controls the statolith positioning, re-establishes the tip-high calcium gradient and mediates the reorganization of the Spitzenkörper with its central ER aggregate and the accumulation of secretory vesicles. Tip growth and gravitropic sensing, which includes control of statolith positioning and gravity-induced sedimentation, are not resumed until the original polar actin organization is completely restored. Immunolocalization of the actin-binding proteins, actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF) and profilin, which both accumulate in the center of the Spitzenkörper, indicates high actin turnover and gives additional support for the actin-polymerizing function of this central, apical area. Association of villin immunofluorescence with two populations of thick undulating actin cables with uniform polarity underlying rotational cytoplasmic streaming in the basal region suggests that villin is the major actin-bundling protein in rhizoids. Our results provide evidence that the precise coordination of apical actin polymerization and dynamic remodeling of actin MFs by actin-binding proteins play a fundamental role in cell polarization, gravity sensing and gravity-oriented polarized growth of characean rhizoids.Abbreviations ADF Actin-depolymerizing factor - CD Cytochalasin D - MF Microfilament 相似文献
Plasmodesmata are channels that bridge the cell walls of plant cells, allowing regulated transport of molecules between neighbouring cells. We have used a proteomic strategy to identify putative plasmodesmata-associated proteins in the giant-celled green alga Chara corallina. Proteins were extracted from the plasmodesmata-rich nodal complexes and the middle of the long internodal cells, which do not contain plasmodesmata. Comparison of protein spot patterns generated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of both the soluble and cell wall fractions from the two cell types was done. Fifty-eight spots that were common to the nodal and internodal soluble fractions were analysed by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry, and peptide mass fingerprint data were used to search the database. Matches were made to four of these spots, in each case to housekeeping proteins. Further, a number of nodal specific spots were identified, 11 from the soluble fraction and nine from the wall fraction. These spots were excised from the gels and analysed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry to obtain peptide sequence. Database searches suggest that these spots include homologues to previously identified plasmodesmata-associated proteins cp-wap13 and heat shock cognate 70, as well as RNA-binding proteins, eukaryotic initiation factor 4A and a beta-1,3-glucanase. Several spots remained unidentified providing exciting new candidate plasmodesmata-associated proteins. 相似文献
L. V. Kovaleva E. V. Zakharova Yu. V. Minkina 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2007,54(3):396-401
The contents of IAA and flavonoids (Fls) were monitored in developing anthers, in vitro growing pollen tubes, and in the in vivo pollen-pistil system of two petunia (Petunia hybrida L.) clones, self-compatible and self-incompatible. In both clones, the development of male gametophytes was accompanied by the increase in the IAA (from 10 to 60–70 ng/g fr wt) and Fls (from 2 to 20 mg/g fr wt) contents. In both clones, pollen grain germination was accompanied by a substantial (by 10–30%) increase in the IAA content during the first two hours and Fl content during the first hour. Treatments with IAA and Fls stimulated both in vitro pollen grain germination and pollen tube growth by 25–30%. Male gametophyte germination in vivo, on the pistil surface, was accompanied by the increase in the IAA content from 90 to 200 ng/g fr wt during 8 h, whereas the content of Fl increased from 2 to 3 mg/g fr wt during the first hour and was maintained later at this level. In the pollen-pistil system, IAA and Fls were distributed evenly in the tissues of stigma, style, and ovary. On the basis of data obtained, we concluded that Fls might be endogenous mediators of IAA transport, which is one of the principal regulators of male gametophyte growth and development in the progame phase of fertilization, but are not involved in the mechanism of gametophyte incompatibility. 相似文献
D. Hodick S. Gilroy M. D. Fricker A. J. Trewavas 《Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)》1991,104(3):222-228
Rhizoids of Charafragilis Desv. were iontophoretically loaded with the Ca2+-sensitive ratio dye indo-1. After loading, the rhizoids regained their preinjection-membrane potential within 2 to 5 min and survived the procedure for more than 24 h, but their growth in length was permanently inhibited. Microfluorimetric measurements of the indo-1 fluorescence-ratio showed spontaneous fluctuations of the cytoplasmic Ca2+-concentration, usually declining from high values after loading to 425 ± 80 nM (± SD, n = 7) as determined by in-vitro calibration. Increasing the extracellular K+-concentration (0.1 mM to 10 mM) or Ca2+-concentration (1 mM to 10 mM) led to increases of 100 to 200 nM in cytoplasmic Ca2+-concentration. The spatial distribution of cytosolic Ca2+ in the rhizoid tips was visualised in ratio images computed from low-light video-pictures. These images showed a fairly homogeneous distribution of Ca2+ throughout the tip cytoplasm with concentrations being in the same range as determined by microfluorimetry. A tip-to-base gradient in cytoplasmic Ca2+, thought to be a prerequisite for cell polarity and tip growth, was found in only 1 out of 16 successfully microinjected cells. Additionally, a progressive compartmentalization of the fluorochrome indo-1, probably in the proplastids and the very abundant endoplasmic reticulum of the rhizoids, was observed. 相似文献
Andrzej Kaźmierczak 《Acta Physiologiae Plantarum》1999,21(4):345-348
Method for simultaneous measurement of gibberellic acid was applied using capillary zone electrophoresis. Gibberellic acid
was identified in extracts of apical part of thallus of Chara vulgaris L. The amount of gibberellins measured on the basis of activity determined by the micro-drop bioassay (59.8 mg·kg−1; with gibberellic acid as a standard) was comparable with that estimated by capillary electrophoresis (54.9 mg·kg−1). 相似文献
The H+ - and IAA-induced growth responses of isolated Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek hypocotyl segments were investigated concurrently with IAA-induced H+ excretion. The effects of external pH on these reactions were also studied. Experiments were performed with intact, peeled and abraded segments. Only abraded segments reacted to H+ and to IAA. In short-term experiments, the cuticle prevented proton efflux and influx; however, it allowed gradual ion movements which become measurable after 1 h. Both phases of the IAA growth response reacted to external pH. The interactions between these two phases and their pH dependencies are discussed. 相似文献