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Basic fibroblast growth factor in rat salivary glands   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We studied the occurrence and localization of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in rat salivary glands using a specific monoclonal antibody. It was shown that the extract of rat salivary glands has a pronounced stimulatory activity on the growth of bovine capillary endothelial cells, which is blocked by the addition of an antibody against bFGF. The concentration of bFGF in the submandibular/sublingual gland, as determined by radioimmunoassay, was 80% that in the brain. Immunocytochemistry revealed bFGF-immunoreactivity localized primarily in the epithelial cells lining the striated ducts and excretory ducts of the parotid, sublingual and submandibular glands. In addition, intense bFGF-immunoreactivity was observed in the granular convoluted tubule of the submandibular gland, localized predominantly in the agranular pillar cells, which lay in small numbers among the majority of weakly immunostained cells containing many apical secretory granules. At the electron-microscopic level, the immunoreactive material was distributed diffusely in the cytoplasmic matrix and nuclei of all immunoreactive cells, whereas it was absent from all cytoplasmic organelles including the secretory granules. These results indicate that bFGF is localized in different cellular and subcellular compartments from those of other growth factors in the duct system of rat salivary glands.  相似文献   

Neuroendocrine and exocrine cells secrete proteins in either a constitutive manner or via the regulated secretory pathway (RSP), but the specific sorting mechanisms involved are not fully understood. After gene transfer to rat salivary glands, the transgenic model proteins human growth hormone (hGH) and erythropoietin (hEpo) are secreted primarily into saliva (RSP; exocrine) and serum (constitutive; endocrine), respectively. We hypothesized that fusion of hGH at either the C-terminus or the N-terminus of hEpo would re-direct hEpo from the bloodstream into saliva. We constructed and expressed two fusion proteins, hEpo-hGH and hGH-hEpo, using serotype 5-adenoviral vectors, and delivered them to rat submandibular glands in vivo via retroductal cannulation. Both the hEpo-hGH and hGH-hEpo fusion proteins, but not hEpo alone, were secreted primarily into saliva (p < 0.0001 and p = 0.0083, respectively). These in vivo studies demonstrate for the first time that hGH, in an N- as well as C-terminal position, influences the secretion of a constitutive pathway protein.  相似文献   

Osteopontin is a multifunctional protein secreted by epithelial cells of various tissues. Its expression in the adult rat major salivary glands has not yet been studied. We examined osteopontin expression by immunohistochemistry using a well characterized monoclonal antibody. Submandibular glands of young adult male rats (70–100 days old) showed specific expression in secretion granules of granular duct cells but also in cells of the striated ducts and excretory duct. In the major sublingual as well as the parotid gland expression was found solely in the duct system. In addition, a few interstitial-like cells exhibiting very strong immunostaining for osteopontin could be found in either organ. Expression could neither be seen in acinar cells nor in cells of the intercalated ducts. Moreover, in submandibular glands of more aged rats (6- to 7-month old) which show well developed granular convoluted tubules, there was almost exclusive expression of osteopontin in granular duct cells as well as in some interstitial-like cells, but barely in the striated/excretory duct system. Western blot analysis of the submandibular gland showed a specific band migrating at approximately 74 kDa, detectable at both age stages. Osteopontin secreted fom granular duct cells may influence the compostion of the saliva, e.g. thereby modulating pathways affecting sialolithiasis. Its expression in striated duct cells may also hint to roles such as cell–cell attachment or cell differentiation. The cell-specific expression detected in the rat major salivary glands differs in part from that reported in mice, human and monkey.Nicholas Obermüller and Nikolaus Gassler contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary The roles of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves in the secretion of saliva from submandibular glands of rats have been tested by electrical stimulation of either nerve for 1 h unilaterally in separate animals. The flows of saliva thereby induced and their protein content were monitored. Structural changes in each gland were assessed by light- and electron microscopy and compared with the unstimulated contralateral control gland, and the extent of the changes was determined morphometrically. Sympathetic nerve stimulation induced a relatively low flow of saliva that was rich in protein and was accompanied by extensive degranulation from both acinar and granular duct cells. In contrast parasympathetic nerve stimulation induced a considerable flow of saliva that had a low protein content and no detectable degranulation occurred from the secretory cells. It is possible, therefore, that some protein in parasympathetic saliva may have arisen from a non-granular pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural localization of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) (EC in rat submandibular and parotid glands was studied immunocytochemically by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method, using a monospecific antiserum against rat kidney DPP IV. There were no differences in the immunocytochemical localization of DPP IV between submandibular and parotid glands. In these glands, DPP IV was primarily found to be associated with the luminal and intercellular canalicular plasma membranes of acinar cells and with the luminal plasma membranes of intercalated and striated duct cells. Occasionally, immunoreaction of DPP IV was detected in cytoplasmic vesicles (vacuoles), lysosomes, and multivesicular bodies in some acinar cells as well as in ductal epithelial cells. Furthermore, the reaction product was also found within the lumina of peri-acinar and peri-ductal capillaries and in the cytoplasm of some fibroblasts in the interstitial connective tissue. These data suggest that DPP IV in the submandibular and parotid glands may play some role in the secretion or reabsorption processes of secretory proteins and peptides in these glands.  相似文献   

When treating head and neck for cancer with the use of radiotherapy the salivary glands are usually within the treatment volume with ensuing dryness and discomfort. Since the autonomic nervous system is of pivotal importance for the salivary gland function and integrity, the irradiation-induced effects may involve an influence on the innervation of salivary glands. Therefore, the rat submandibular gland, including the submandibular ganglionic cells, has been subjected to immunohistochemical examination with respect to expression of neuropeptides following fractionated irradiation with high energy photons. A markedly enhanced expression of bombesin- and leu-enkephalin-(ENK)-like immunoreactivities (LI) in the ganglionic cells and a pronounced increase in the number of nerve fibers showing these immunoreactivities in the submandibular gland tissue following irradiation were observed 10 days after treatment. On the other hand, no changes in the patterns of VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide)- and NPY (neuropeptide Y)-immunoreactivities occurred. Thus, the present study shows that alterations in the expression of certain neuropeptides take place in the submandibular gland and its associated ganglionic cells in response to irradiation of the head and neck region. These changes may add further explanation to the inherent radiosensitivity of salivary glands.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies produced against rat von Ebner's gland (VEG) protein, a recently characterized member of a lipophilic ligand carrier protein family, detect this protein immunocytochemically in von Ebner's gland acini and show that it is present at high concentrations in the clefts of circumvallate and foliate papillae. During embryonic development, von Ebner's gland anlagen are innervated (as shown immunocytochemically using neuronal specific antibodies) as early as embryonic day 20, before lateral glandular outgrowth and VEG protein can be observed. Expression of the VEG protein as determined by in sity hybridization and immunocytochemistry begins at postnatal day-2 cells in differentiating and branching off from von Ebner's gland ducts, and sharply increases with further enlargement and maturation of the gland. The close temporal correlation of von Ebner's gland innervation and VEG protein expression with papilla innervation and taste-bud development suggests a functional relationship of both structures. VEG protein might control access of lipophilic sapid molecules, such as bitter substances, to the gustatory receptors.  相似文献   

the present immunohistochemical study demonstrates the ontogenetic appearance of aromatase-immunoreactive neurons in several discrete regions of the hypothalamus and limbic system in the rat brain, using a purified antibody against human placental aromatase cytochrome P450. Immunoreactive cells were first detected in the preoptic area on the 13th day of embryonic life (E 13), and additionally in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis on E 15. Labeled cells were also found in the medial amygdaloid nucleus and the ventromedial nucleus on E 16, and some were detected in the arcuate nucleus on E 19. As gestation progressed, the number and the immunoreactivity of these cells gradually increased and peaked within definite periods of perinatal life and there-after declined or disappeared. The immunoreactive cells were also found in the central amygdaloid nucleus and the lateral septal nucleus, and in the ventral pallidum, after the 14th day of postnatal life (P 14) and 30th day (P 30), respectively. The distribution of aromatase-immunoreactive neurons was similar between the sexes, while the immunoreactivity was higher in males than in females after late gestational days. No immunoreaction was detectable in other regions of the telencephalon or midbrain at any time periods studied. The aromatase-immunoreactive neurons in the specific regions may be involved in the sexual differentiation of the brain.  相似文献   

Summary The duct system of the rat exorbital lacrimal gland consists of intercalated ducts, interlobular ducts and excretory ducts. The morphological changes from one type of duct to the next are gradual. At the light microscopical level this consists of a change from a bilaminar epithelium in the intercalated ducts to an epithelium, consisting of approximately three layers — which may be pseudostratified — in the excretory ducts. The basal layer of the intercalated ducts consists of myoepithelial cells, whereas the inner epithelial cells may have both a secretory and an electrolyte transporting function. The interlobular duct epithelium contains many cells with deep infoldings of the basolateral plasma membranes and associated mitochondria, suggesting a similar function to the striated duct epithelium in salivary glands. Numerous basal cells in this epithelium have tentatively been interpreted as unusual myoepithelial cells. Nerve terminals have been observed in the ductal epithelium.This work was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. — We wish to thank Mrs. Eva Vasak for her expert technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical application of the antimuscarinic acetylcholine receptor antibody M35 to pancreas tissue revealed the target areas for the parasympathetic nervous system. Immunoreactivity in the endocrine pancreas was much higher than that in the exocrine part. Moreover, the endocrine cells at the periphery of the islets of Langerhans displayed the highest level of immunoreactivity. Based on these findings in the mantle of the islets, two types of islets have been distinguished: type-I islets with intensely stained mantle cells, and type-II islets with a much lower concentration of these cells. On average, type-I islets were larger (244.8 m±6.1 SEM) than type-II islets (121.5 m±3.8 SEM). M35-immunoreactivity was present on the majority of D cells, which were characterized by their immunoreactivity to somatostatin [of 446 D cells 356 (79.8%) were M35-immunopositive]. However, only a small proportion of the intensely stained mantle cells belonged to the D cell population. Therefore, it is concluded that the majority of the intensely stained mantle cells represent glucagon-secreting A and/or pancreatic polypeptide-secreting F cells. The intensity of M35-immunoreactivity at the periphery and central core of the islets paralleled the density of cholinergic innervation, suggesting a positive correlation between the intensity of cholinergic transmission and the number of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors at the target structures. The present study further revealed some striking parallels for the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor characteristics between the (endocrine) pancreas and the central nervous system.  相似文献   

This investigation concerns the natural history of microlith in the salivary glands of cat. Microliths were detected in more sublingual than submandibular glands and were almost absent in the parotid. They were found intraparenchymally, intraluminally and interstitially, and ultrastructurally in phagosomes of acinar, ductal and myoepithelial cells, intermixed with the cytoplasm of degenerate acinar cells, and in intraparenchymal macrophages and a multinuclear giant cell. They appear to form in healthy acinar cells during autophagocytosis, and possibly to be discharged luminally, laterally or basally, and to form in the debris of degenerate cells intraparenchymally and intraluminally. They appear to be removed by expulsion in the saliva, scavenging macrophages, and possible eventual degradation in the parenchymal phagosomes. The greater occurrence of microliths in the sublingual gland may relate to a low level of secretory activity, and the near absence of microliths in the parotid to a low level of calcium. The feline salivary glands were found to be an outstanding model for the investigation of microlithiasis.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine whether β-adrenergic cell signalling is altered in submandibular salivary glands (SMSG) is essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency. Three groups of rats were fed diets which were deficient in EFA (EFAD), marginally deficient in EFA (MEFAD) or contained sufficient amount of EFA (Control). Rats were killed after 20 wk on diets, SMSG were dissected out and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) activity was measured. The specific enzyme activities were higher in the homogenates and supernatant fractions of the gland from EFAD and MEFAD rats compared with the controls. The relative levels of guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (Gs and Gi) were also measured in the SMSG membranes of rats fed the 3 diets. The levels of Gs were significantly higher in the EFAD and MEFAD groups than in the controls. No significant differences were observed in the secretion of trichloroacetic acid-phosphotungstic acid (TCA-PTA) precipitable glycoproteins from the SMSG slices among the 3 dietary groups.  相似文献   

We have localized at light and electron-microscopic level the growth-associated protein GAP-43 in adrenal gland using single and double labelling immunocytochemistry. Clusters of GAP-43-immunofluorescent chromaffin cells and many immunofluorescent fibres were observed in the medulla. GAP-43-immunoreactive fibres also formed a plexus under the capsule, crossed the cortex and ramified in the zona reticulata. Double labelled sections showed the coexpression of GAP-43 with a subpopulation of tyrosine hydroxylase-and of dopamine--hydroxylase-immunoreactive chromaffin cells. Dual colour immunofluorescence for GAP-43 and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) revealed that some of the GAP-43-immunoreactive fibres also express CGRP. Pre-embedding electron microscopy showed GAP-43 immunoreactivity associated with the plasma membranes and cytoplasm of noradrenaline-producing chromaffin cells, and with processes of nonmyelin-forming Schwann cells. Immunoreactive unmyelinated axons and terminals were also observed. The immunostained terminals made symmetrical synaptic contacts with chromaffin cells. Immunoreactive unmyelinated fibres and small terminals were present in the cortex. Our results show that GAP-43 is expressed in noradrenergic chromaffin cells and in various types of nerve fibres that innervate the adrenal. Likely origins for these fibres include preganglionic sympathetic fibres which innervate chromaffin cells, postganglionic sympathetic fibres in the cortex, and CGRP containing sensory fibres.  相似文献   

Acinar cells of extraorbital lacrimal glands from control, pilocarpinetreated, atropine-treated and atropine + pilocarpine-treated rats were studied using a potassium pyroantimonate technique and X-ray microanalysis for calcium localization at the ultrastructural level. This was done in order to identify intracellular compartmentalization of calcium and to elucidate any calcium translocation that might occur during the secretory process. Calcium-pyroantimonate complexes were identified in the mitochondria, plasma membrane and cytoplasmic vesicles of the untreated specimens and in the plasma membrane of atropine-treated specimens, these complexes decreased drastically in the actively-secreting cells. The function of calcium in lacrimal gland secretion and the action of pilocarpine and atropine on membrane calcium are discussed.  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin (ADM) is a hypotensive peptide, highly expressed in the mammalian adrenal medulla, which belongs to a peptide superfamily including calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and amylin. Quantitative autoradiography demonstrated the presence of abundant [125I]ADM binding sites in both zona glomerulosa (ZG) and adrenal medulla. ADM binding was selectively displaced by ADM(22–52), a putative ADM-receptor antagonist, and CGRP(8–37), a ligand that preferentially antagonizes the CGRP1-receptor subtype. ADM concentration-dependently inhibited K+-induced aldosterone secretion of dispersed rat ZG cells, without affecting basal hormone production. Both ADM(22–52) and CGRP(8–37) reversed the ADM effect in a concentration-dependent manner. ADM counteracted the aldosterone secretagogue action of the voltage-gated Ca2+-channel activator BAYK-8644, and blocked K+- and BAYK-8644-evoked rise in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration of dispersed ZG cells. ADM concentration-dependently raised basal catecholamine (epinephrine and norepinephrine) release by rat adrenomedullary fragments, and again the response was blocked by both ADM(22–52) and CGRP(8–37). ADM increased cyclic-AMP release by adrenal-medulla fragments, but not capsule-ZG preparations, and the catecholamine response to ADM was abolished by the PKA inhibitor H-89. Collectively, the present findings allow us to draw the following conclusions: (1) ADM modulates rat adrenal secretion, acting through ADM(22–52)-sensitive CGRP1 receptors, which are coupled with different signaling mechanisms in the cortex and medulla; (2) ADM selectively inhibits agonist-stimulated aldosterone secretion, through a mechanism probably involving the blockade of the Ca2+ channel-mediated Ca2+ influx; (3) ADM raises catecholamine secretion, through the activation of the adenylate cyclase/PKA signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) was isolated from tumours and is thought to represent the main factor responsible for humoral hypercalcaemia, which accompanies neoplastic diseases. At present, the protein is known to reside in multiple tissues and organs of both humans and animals. Our study was aimed at demonstrating the presence of PTHrP in normal salivary glands (parotid and submandibular) of rats and humans. Application of immunocytochemical techniques permitted to document the presence of PTHrP in the human and in the rat salivary glands. In all cases, an intense reaction was observed in intra- and interlobular ducts. In rat salivary glands, PTHrP was also present in cells of mucous acini. In our opinion, the presence of PTHrP in the ducts indicates participation of the protein in electrolyte transport across the epithelial cells. The positive reaction noted in mucous acini of rat salivary glands may indicate accessory role of PTHrP in the secretory processes in the glands.  相似文献   

Production of secretion in the accessory reproductive glands of male Melanoplus sanguinipes has been examined by electrophoresis and radiolabelling. The secretion of each group of tubules (long hyaline glands, white glands, short hyaline glands, and seminal vesicles) can be resolved into more than 20 protein bands and includes several glycoproteins and, in the long hyaline and white glands only, lipoproteins. Each group of tubules has a characteristic pattern of synthesis and accumulation of proteins; that is, specific proteins appear in the secretion at particular times during sexual maturation. In allatectomized insects, the long hyaline glands accumulate very little secretion; the white glands and short hyaline glands accumulate about one-third the normal amount; and accumulation in the seminal vesicles is not affected by the operation. Allatectomy exerts its effect by inhibiting the synthesis of particular proteins. The observations are discussed in terms of juvenile hormone-specific protein synthesis in the accessory reproductive glands.  相似文献   

Salivary glands are involved in secretion of saliva, which is known to participate in the protection and hydratation of mucosal structures within the oral cavity, oropharynx and oesophagus, the initiation of digestion, some antimicrobial defence, and the protection from chemical and mechanical stress. Saliva secretion is a watery fluid containing electrolytes and a mixture of proteins and can be stimulated by muscarinic and adrenergic agonists. Since water movement is involved in saliva secretion, the expression, localization and function of aquaporins (AQPs) have been studied in salivary glands. This review will focus on the expression, localization and functional roles of the AQPs identified in salivary glands. The presence of AQP1, AQP5 and AQP8 has been generally accepted by many, while the presence of AQP3, AQP4, AQP6 and AQP7 still remains controversial. Functionally, AQP5 seems to be the only AQP thus far to be clearly playing a major role in the salivary secretion process. Modifications in AQPs expression and/or distribution have been reported in xerostomic conditions.  相似文献   

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