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This year’s Kyoto prize signals the long overdue recognition of the fundamental interdependence of economic and ecologic systems for the protection and maintenance of ecosystem services and human well-being. Levin (2006) and Vincent (2007) point to several of the more important ways that interdisciplinary approaches will be essential to the better quantification and understanding of the economic contributions of ecosystem services, but they differ fundamentally in their relative faith in the evolution of new social norms versus economic incentives backed up by sanctions to achieve the necessary cooperation for environmental protection. In the case of marine fisheries, social norms have proven highly effective on small spatial scales but have not taken root in the face of increasingly global markets and free trade.  相似文献   

Institutions and incentives for biodiversity conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Incentive measures for biodiversity conservation cannot be evaluated and compared outside the context of institutional performance and relationships. The institutional framework for biodiversity incentives includes a variety of organizations operating on different spatial scales. The institutional actors with an impact on biodiversity include community groups, local and national governmental structures, NGOs, business enterprises and international organizations. But the positve influence of conservation-oriented organizations is often significantly outweighed by the negative influence of other sets of institutional actors who are largely unaware of biodiversity as a concept and not unduly concerned with its conservation. There are several options for improving the institutional framework for biodiversity incentives: (1) decentralization of resource management decision making to local levels; (2) engaging and reorienting government institutions; (3) establishing new national and international institutions; and (4) establishing functional linkages between key institutional actors. The role of local, national and international institutions in designing and implementing effective incentive measures for biodiversity conservation will be critical. But the dynamics within and between institutional actors influencing biodiversity conservation are complex, variable and insufficiently understood, somewhat like biodiversity itself.  相似文献   

Overexploitation is one of the principal threats to coral reef diversity, structure, function, and resilience [1, 2]. Although it is generally held that coral reef fisheries are unsustainable [3-5], little is known of the overall scale of exploitation or which reefs are overfished [6]. Here, on the basis of ecological footprints and a review of exploitation status [7, 8], we report widespread unsustainability of island coral reef fisheries. Over half (55%) of the 49 island countries considered are exploiting their coral reef fisheries in an unsustainable way. We estimate that total landings of coral reef fisheries are currently 64% higher than can be sustained. Consequently, the area of coral reef appropriated by fisheries exceeds the available effective area by approximately 75,000 km(2), or 3.7 times the area of Australia's Great Barrier Reef, and an extra 196,000 km(2) of coral reef may be required by 2050 to support the anticipated growth in human populations. The large overall imbalance between current and sustainable catches implies that management methods to reduce social and economic dependence on reef fisheries are essential to prevent the collapse of coral reef ecosystems while sustaining the well-being of burgeoning coastal populations.  相似文献   

World population is expected to grow from the present 6.8 billion people to about 9 billion by 2050. The growing need for nutritious and healthy food will increase the demand for fisheries products from marine sources, whose productivity is already highly stressed by excessive fishing pressure, growing organic pollution, toxic contamination, coastal degradation and climate change. Looking towards 2050, the question is how fisheries governance, and the national and international policy and legal frameworks within which it is nested, will ensure a sustainable harvest, maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functions, and adapt to climate change. This paper looks at global fisheries production, the state of resources, contribution to food security and governance. It describes the main changes affecting the sector, including geographical expansion, fishing capacity-building, natural variability, environmental degradation and climate change. It identifies drivers and future challenges, while suggesting how new science, policies and interventions could best address those challenges.  相似文献   

In this paper, we revisit the state of deep-water fisheries to the west of the British Isles and aim to provide an overview on the key drivers behind community changes along continental margins. The deep-water fisheries to the west of the British Isles that extend from the shelf-slope break down to the lower slope and along banks and seamounts of the Rockall Basin, mainly target blue ling Molva dypterygia, roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris, orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus, with by-catches of black scabbardfish Aphanopus carbo and tusk Brosme brosme. These fishing grounds experienced a long period of exhaustive exploitation until the early 2000s, but subsequently the implementation of management strategies has helped to relieve excessive fishing pressure. It is widely accepted that a better understanding of the long-term implications of disturbance is needed to understand patterns in deep-water communities and what sustainable use and exploitation of resources might look like in this context.  相似文献   

In recent decades, following the cleanup in the 1960s, the Thames Estuary has become a major nursery ground for economic and conservation species, and has seen the development of substantial commercial and recreational fisheries. The Environment Agency has both sea fisheries and freshwater fisheries statutory powers in the estuary. A unique and focussed survey programme has been developed to inform management policies. A Fisheries Management Action Plan has been developed to promote integrated salmonid, eel Anguilla anguilla and sea fisheries management, promote nurseries, sustainable exploitation and habitat protection and enhancement. Data are used to influence water quality, water resources and flood defence management regimes and in the planning field to influence development proposals. Consensus and collaboration have been built through the Thames Estuary Partnership. Research aims identified through the Thames Estuary Research Forum are described together with future pressures on key species. The survey rationales being developed will contribute to new standard sampling strategies and classification scheme to meet the requirements of the E.U. Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

The NHS reforms have come to mean all things to all men (and women). Identifying a market oriented purchaser-provider split as the conceptual heart of the reforms is still, however, useful. There are important perverse incentives in and around the NHS that are associated with the reforms; furthermore, many reactions to the resulting problems are paradoxical and often counterproductive. Hitherto most criticism of the reforms from the health policy and management community (as opposed to the professions and the public) has been tactical rather than fundamental. There are serious problems for the NHS associated both with the NHS market and with current, often tacit, strategies for the future of the service.  相似文献   

The 1996 World Food Summit defined food security as "Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life". This paper looks at the status of production from both shrimp capture fisheries and shrimp aquaculture, as well as trade, in order to understand the contribution of the crustacean sector to overall fish production and thus to global food security. This paper also examines some sustainability issues that will potentially affect the contribution of the crustacean sector (particularly shrimp) to food security. These include sustainable shrimp capture fisheries, sustainable shrimp trade and sustainable shrimp aquaculture. The paper concludes that crustaceans are an important source of aquatic food protein. Production (as food and ornamental) and trade are extremely important for developing countries. It provides both economic development and empowerment in terms of contribution to GDP, consumption, employment, catch value and exports. The crustacean sector generates high value export products which enables producers to buy lower value products in the world market - thus a positive contribution to food security in both producing and exporting countries.  相似文献   



This study examines the impact of subsidies on the profitability and ecological stability of the North Sea fisheries over the past 20 years. It shows the negative impact that subsidies can have on both the biomass of important fish species and the possible profit from fisheries. The study includes subsidies in an ecosystem model of the North Sea and examines the possible effects of eliminating fishery subsidies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Hindcast analysis between 1991 and 2003 indicates that subsidies reduced the profitability of the fishery even though gross revenue might have been high for specific fisheries sectors. Simulations seeking to maximise the total revenue between 2004 and 2010 suggest that this can be achieved by increasing the effort of Nephrops trawlers, beam trawlers, and the pelagic trawl-and-seine fleet, while reducing the effort of demersal trawlers. Simulations show that ecological stability can be realised by reducing the effort of the beam trawlers, Nephrops trawlers, pelagic- and demersal trawl-and-seine fleets. This analysis also shows that when subsidies are included, effort will always be higher for all fleets, because it effectively reduces the cost of fishing.


The study found that while removing subsidies might reduce the total catch and revenue, it increases the overall profitability of the fishery and the total biomass of commercially important species. For example, cod, haddock, herring and plaice biomass increased over the simulation when optimising for profit, and when optimising for ecological stability, the biomass for cod, plaice and sole also increased. When subsidies are eliminated, the study shows that rather than forcing those involved in the fishery into the red, fisheries become more profitable, despite a decrease in total revenue due to a loss of subsidies from the government.  相似文献   

The biology of elasmobranchs makes them very vulnerable to fishing pressure and there is increasing international concern over their exploitation. In northern Australia the stocks of some species may be shared with those in southern Indonesia. Indonesia has the highest landings of elasmobranchs worldwide (>100,000 t p.a.) and millions of Indonesian artisanal fishers rely heavily on elasmobranchs taken in target fisheries. They are also taken by industrial trawlers and as bycatch in pelagic tuna fisheries. This paper, resulting from a collaborative project between Australia and Indonesia, summarises the elasmobranch fisheries; the characteristics of the fisheries are outlined, the status of the stocks are assessed, and management options described and discussed. The project focussed on representative markets and fish landing sites in southern Indonesia from 2001 to 2005. Data were from market surveys, the records of the Indonesian Directorate General of Capture Fisheries, and from research cruises. Data from the ongoing tuna monitoring programme showed that shark bycatch from the tuna fleets forms about 11% of shark landings in Indonesia. Yield per recruit and related analyses were used to integrate biological information to indicate the productivity of each species to allow for management policy options and constraints. Research cruise data show that catch rates of elasmobranchs in the Java Sea declined by at least one order of magnitude between 1976 and 1997. The results indicate strongly that many of the shark and ray species in Indonesia are overfished and that the most effective management strategy may need to involve capacity control, such as licencing, gear restrictions and catch limits, together with controls on the fin trade.  相似文献   

McManus  J. W. 《Coral reefs (Online)》1997,16(1):S121-S127
Coral Reefs -  Rapidly growing human population and economic inequities are placing increasing demands on tropical marine fisheries. Coral reef fisheries constitute an important source of...  相似文献   


The rise and fall of the Peruvian anchoveta fishery provides an interesting case study of the mixture of socioeconomic, oceanographic, meteorological, and biological factors that can affect fish populations in coastal upwelling regions. The purpose of this paper is to identify some of the societal factors that might have an adverse effect on the rational management of this fishery. The paper focuses on views expressed in the social and physical sciences literature that relate successes and failures of fisheries management to activities at the international level, the national level, or to individual behavior. While some of the factors occurring at the three levels of analysis are obvious to those involved in fisheries, the effect of others are not so obvious. This framework for analysis of natural resource issues might offer a new approach to an improved understanding of how societies interact with their physical and biological environments.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the environmental impact of the cage culture of salmonids in fresh waters, and evaluates the effects of this fish farming practice on the growth, behaviour and diseases of inland fish populations, concentrating on relationships between rainbow trout cage culture and indigenous brown trout populations. Possible future developments in salmonid cage culture are also discussed and the implications of this development for inland fisheries evaluated. The paper argues that the development of models should enable improved prediction of eutrophication from cage culture, to the benefit of the fish farmer, inland fisheries and other freshwater users, but also identifies a clear need for research in other areas of possible conflict.  相似文献   

Fishes and fisheries of Lake Nubia,Sudan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
M. T. Ali 《Hydrobiologia》1984,110(1):305-314
Developing lake conditions in Lake Nubia were found to offer good commercial fisheries potential. This prospect initiated fishery research since 1967.In this study, 26 fish species belonging to 10 families were recorded. Compared with previous studies the total number has decreased and some of the species that were commercially important during the early years of the lake formation, are now negligible in occurrence (Distichodus, Citharinus, Bagrus). The species widely distributed in the lake are Labeo niloticus, Lates niloticus, Sarotherodon niloticus, Hydrocynus forskallii, Alestes baremose and Eutropius niloticus. Their highest production occurs during two periods: February to May and July to September. The dominant fish species feed on different items in a balanced equilibrium with the ecological and biological conditions.  相似文献   

Underwater acoustics in marine fisheries and fisheries research   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Underwater acoustics enables the detection and precise location of fish and is therefore a prerequisite for effective fishing methods such as pelagic trawling and purse seining. The application of acoustic instruments to detect fish and monitor gear performance in modern commercial fisheries is outlined. The latest developments in obtaining information such as bottom roughness and determining such characteristics of fish detected as size and species are presented.Echo integration is now widely used to estimate the abundance of commercially important fish stocks. The principles of the method are outlined briefly, and special emphasis is put on such effects of fish behaviour as the dramatic influence of fish orientation on its backscattering cross section, the possible effects of vessel avoidance, and the uncertainties connected with spatial variability.The use of acoustic tags, echosounders and sonar to study and quantify fish behaviour and distribution is outlined, with particular attention to new developments that provide detailed information on fish behaviour and distribution in relation to environmental parameters.Future developments and improvements in the application of underwater acoustics to commercial fisheries and fisheries research are suggested  相似文献   


Longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) is a neritic species that supports commercial, artisanal and recreational fisheries throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Historically receiving little attention by commercial fisheries, the global annual catch of longtail tuna has steadily risen from around 30,000 t in the early 1980s to exceeding 200,000 t since 2004, reaching a peak of 291,264 t in 2007, and was 281,613 t in 2017. Catches of longtail tuna in the Indian Ocean now exceed catches of principal commercial target species, such as albacore and bigeye tunas. A sequence of stock assessments undertaken throughout the species’ range since the late 1980s persistently indicated that at least three of the four stocks defined in this paper are likely to have been, and most likely are currently, subject to overfishing and overfished as a result of excess fishing effort on this relatively slow-growing and long-lived tuna species. As the spawning biomass of principal tuna target species continue to decline in both the Indian and western and central Pacific Oceans, the increasing catches of longtail tuna, other neritic tunas, and seerfishes is worrisome. Few conservation and management measures (CMMs) are currently in place specifically for longtail tuna, although in recent years some coastal States, Regional Fishery Bodies, and tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organisations have begun to develop initiatives to improve the catch and biological data quality for longtail tuna and sympatric species of neritic tunas and tuna-like species. This paper provides a global review of biological, ecological and fishery information to provide researchers, fishery managers and policy makers with the most current information from which to begin to guide future stock assessment and the development of CMMs for longtail tuna.


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