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One of the most promising applications of telepathology (pathology at a distance by electronic transmission of images in pathology) is frozen section diagnosis, especially because by means of this tool operations requiring an intraoperative histopathological diagnosis are feasible at hospitals without a pathologist on-site. For the introduction of this diagnostic tool into pathologist's daily practice the evidence of its diagnostic accuracy comparable to that of the conventional frozen section diagnosis is crucial. For this purpose the literature on the diagnostic accuracy of telepathological frozen section diagnosis was reviewed. In a metaanalysis these studies and reports, in which a total of more than 1290 cases had been examined, showed a slightly lower overall diagnostic accuracy (of the telepathological frozen section diagnosis) of about 0.91 than the conventional frozen section diagnosis with an average accuracy of about 0.98 found in an analysis of several studies (on frozen section diagnosis of different organs). This difference is at least predominantly caused by a higher rate of deferred and false negative frozen section diagnoses in the telepathological method, while the specificity of both methods, each more than 0.99 was not significantly different. In conclusion, the introduction of a telepathological frozen section diagnosis for hospitals without an acceptable access to a pathologist is justifiable already at the current state of the technological development especially when considering the advantages (time saving, reduction in costs) compared to the alternative of surgical interventions without access to an intraoperative diagnosis.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the feasibility of an inexpensive, generally applicable video-conferencing system for frozen section telepathology (TP). METHODS: A commercially widely available PC-based dynamic video-conferencing system (Picture-Tel LIVE, model PCS 100) has been evaluated, using two, four and six ISDN channels (128-384 kilobits per second (kbs)) bandwidths. 129 frozen sections have been analyzed which were classified by TP as benign, uncertain (the remark probably benign, or probably malignant was allowed), malignant, or not acceptable image quality. The TP results were compared with the original frozen section diagnosis and final paraffin diagnosis. RESULTS: Only 384 kbs (3 ISDN-2 lines) resulted in acceptable speed and quality of microscope images, and synchronous image/speech transfer. In one of the frozen section cases (0.7%), TP image quality was classified as not acceptable, leaving 128 frozen sections for the analysis. Five of these cases were uncertain by TP, and also deferred by frozen section procedure (FS). One more benign and three malignant FS cases were classified as uncertain by TP. Three additional cases were uncertain by FS, but benign according to TP (in agreement with the final diagnosis). In one case, FS diagnosis was uncertain but TP was malignant (in agreement with the final diagnosis). Thus, test efficiency (i.e., cases with complete agreement) was 120/128 (93.8%, Kappa = 0.88) between FS and TP. Sensitivity was 93.5%, specificity 98.6%, positive and negative predictive values were 97.7% and 96.0%. Between TP and final diagnosis agreement was even higher. More importantly, there was not a single discrepancy as to benign-malignant. Moreover, there was a clear learning effect: 5 of the 8 FS/TP discrepancies occurred in the first 42 cases (5/42 = 11.9%), the remaining 3 in the following 86 cases (3/86 = 3.5%). DISCUSSION: The results are encouraging. However, TP evaluation is time-consuming (5-15 min for one case instead of 2-4 min although speed went up with more experience) and is more tiring. The system has the following technical drawbacks: no possibility to point at objects or areas of interest in the life image at the other end, resolution (rarely) may become suboptimal (blocky), storage of images evaluated (which is essential for legal reasons) is not easy and no direct control of a remote motorized microscope. Yet, all users were positive about the system both for telepathology and personal contact by video-conferencing. CONCLUSION: With a relatively simple videoconferencing system, accurate dynamic telepathology frozen section diagnosis can be obtained without false positive or negative results, although a limited number of uncertain cases will have to be accepted.  相似文献   

Starting with the paradigm change of health systems towards personalized health services, the paper introduces the technical paradigms to be met for enabling ubiquitous pHealth including ePathology. The system-theoretical, architecture-centric approach to mobile, pervasive and autonomous solutions has to be based on an open component system framework such as the Generic Component Model. The crucial challenge to be met for comprehensive interoperability is multi-disciplinary knowledge representation, which must be integrated into the aforementioned framework. The approach is demonstrated for security and privacy services fundamental for any eHealth or ePathology environment.  相似文献   

We started to use virtual slide (VS) and virtual microscopy (VM) systems for quick frozen intra-operative telepathology diagnosis in Kyoto, Japan. In the system we used a digital slide scanner, VASSALO by CLARO Inc., and a broadband optic fibre provided by NTT West Japan Inc. with the best effort capacity of 100 Mbps. The client is the pathology laboratory of Yamashiro Public Hospital, one of the local centre hospitals located in the south of Kyoto Prefecture, where a full-time pathologist is not present. The client is connected by VPN to the telepathology centre of our institute located in central Kyoto. As a result of the recent 15 test cases of VS telepathology diagnosis, including cases judging negative or positive surgical margins, we could estimate the usefulness of VS in intra-operative remote diagnosis. The time required for the frozen section VS file making was found to be around 10 min when we use x10 objective and if the maximal dimension of the frozen sample is less than 20 mm. Good correct focus of VS images was attained in all cases and all the fields of each tissue specimen. Up to now the capacity of best effort B-band appears to be sufficient to attain diagnosis on time in intra-operation. Telepathology diagnosis was achieved within 5 minutes in most cases using VS viewer provided by CLARO Inc. The VS telepathology system was found to be superior to the conventional still image telepathology system using a robotic microscope since in the former we can observe much greater image information than in the latter in a certain limited time of intra-operation and in the much more efficient ways. In the near future VS telepathology will replace conventional still image telepathology with a robotic microscope even in quick frozen intra-operative diagnosis.  相似文献   

In some legal surroundings telepathology is considered a breach of registrational barriers. The recommendation of the G 8 states in Europe for required legislation in telemedicine suggests to recognise that the localization of the remote health care professional defines the site not only of licensure but also of liability. This approach must be considered helpful, since it can solve many problems brought about by the doubtful results of private international law and conventions like the European Union (EU) and Lugano Convention. Under today's conditions in private international law it must be considered essential to agree upon a choice of law and stipulate a court of jurisdiction when doing telepathology. However, the opposing aims of insuring the patients claims and avoiding jurisdictions that exceed the local expectations of the medical professional must be reconciled. Data protection and data security are other crucial topics that require attention. Generally speaking, the principles of minimum data exchange, anonymity, pseudonymity and cryptography must be established as a basis for all telepathology procedures. Only when personal data is needed, its use can be legitimated. Written consent of the patient is advised. To guarantee a cross-border security level the regulations of the EU-Data Protection Directive need to be transformed into national law. In practise, cross-border dataflow shall only take place where the security level can be maintained even within the other country. Finally, reimbursement questions must be answered to establish a sound economical basis for telepathology. The spatial distance between the participants may yield the question, whether the service has been rendered to an extent necessary and sufficient for reimbursement. If reimbursement takes place on a cross-border or cross-regional level, severe disturbances of the health systems can occur. Regulation schemes or treaties need therefore to be developed to avoid such disturbances and encompass mutual standards of care as well as methods to balance reimbursement.  相似文献   

Diagnostic value of a scope of peripheric parameters of thyroid function was assessed in an unselected group of untreated patients with suspected thyroid disorder, further in untraeted selected patients (without cardiac involvement) and in treated patients. Comparison of relative values of individual tests was performed, based on relation to plasma thyroid hormone level represented by PBI. It was found that: 1. The diagnostic value of heart rate, plasma cholesterol level, B. M. R. and Hegglin's sign (T-2s interval) is of a very limited degree. 2. The diagnostic accuracy of AJT, Q-Kd interval and PEP was found to be of considerable interest even in unselected patients. Values of IRVD and D indices found for these tests are comparable and allow the immediate estimation of thyroid function in bedside diagnosis. 3. The diagnostic value of PEP could be enhanced by exclusion of patients with suspected or proved cardiac disorder or myocardial failure; this may be useful for physiologic studies. 4. While heart rate is profoundly and inconsistently influenced by beta-blockade, AJT is influenced to a minimal degree only and Q-Kd and PEP are uniformly shifted to higher values, allowing thus diagnostic evaluation during this form of treatment also. 5. As Q-Kd is considerably age-and height-dependent, AJT and PEP are believed to be the most suitable test for immediated clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

目的优化冷冻切片的关键条件,以期提高甲状腺组织冷冻制片效率、切片质量与染色效果。方法收集术中新鲜送检的甲状腺标本,通过对比实验,比较冷冻切片制作环节中取材厚度、速冻方法与染色方法等因素对制片质量的影响。结果甲状腺组织冷冻切片取材厚度以0.2~0.3cm为佳;预先制作“冰垫”的托头并于上方加盖冷冻冰锤,有利于提高速冻效率、提高组织结构清晰度、减少组织块崩裂、减少冰晶、减少裂隙;机染有利于提高染色优良率并减少染色时间。结论选择适当的取材厚度、优化速冻方法、采用优质的染色方法,可显著提高甲状腺组织冷冻切片的制片质量,为精准的术中病理诊断奠定基础。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To construct a local telepathology network between the Department of Pathology, Tohoku University Hospital, and Koritu Kesennuma Hospital, about 150 km away. STUDY DESIGN: Tohoku University Hospital is connected with Koritu Kesennuma Hospital by an integrated service digital network for telepathology using the National Television Standard Committee system. The cases submitted for telepathology were limited to those in which a rapid intraoperative diagnosis was made on frozen sections. RESULTS: At this writing, more than 200 cases were diagnosed during a period of 2.5 years. The cases submitted increased with time, amounting to 150 in 1996. In some cases the use of telepathology proved to be fairly advantageous. For example, in one case a radical operation was avoided because of a diagnosis on intraoperative frozen sections. DISCUSSION: There are problems to be solved before telepathology becomes available for practical use: (1) misdiagnosis due to poor quality of instruments, including the transmission cable and pictures; (2) cost-benefit ratio, (3) protection of patients' privacy, and (4) overwork for pathologists. The Japanese government will officially accept telepathology as a means of medical examination in the future. Despite some problems left, telepathology is a promising technology.  相似文献   

The freezing behavior of NaCl solutions containing antifreeze glycoproteins from an Antarctic fish has been investigated to determine whether the glycoproteins prevent concentration of NaCl during freezing. Frozen NaCl solutions containing glycoproteins exhibit greater resistance to releasing their brine during centrifugation than NaCl solutions containing other cryoprotectants. With the aid of calorimetry this is shown to be caused not by an incorporation of the NaCl into the ice but by compartmentalization of the brine pockets. The compartmentalization is attributed to an unusual spicular structure that is imposed on the ice by glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Our experience in creating and using telepathology system and multimedia database for education is described. This program packet currently works in the Department of Pathology of University Medical School in Poznan. It is used for self-education, tests, services and for the examinations in pathology, i.e., for dental students and for medical students in terms of self-education and individual examination services. The system is implemented on microcomputers compatible with IBM PC and works in the network system Netware 5.1. Some modules are available through the Internet. The program packet described here accomplishes the TELEMIC system for telepathology, ASSISTANT, which is the administrator for the databases, and EXAMINATOR, which is the executive program. The realization of multi-user module allows students to work on several working areas, on random be chosen different sets of problems contemporary. The possibility to work in the exercise mode will image files and questions is an attractive way for self-education. The standard format of the notation files enables to elaborate the results by commercial statistic packets in order to estimate the scale of answers and to find correlation between the obtained results. The method of multi-criterion grading excludes unlimited mutual compensation of the criteria, differentiates the importance of particular courses and introduces the quality criteria. The packet is part of the integrated management information system of the department of pathology. Applications for other telepathological systems are presented.  相似文献   

A calorimetric method for measuring ice in frozen solutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The aim of this paper is to describe the experiments carried out to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of a dynamic-robotic telepathology system for the delivery of pathology services to distant hospitals. The system provides static/dynamic features and the remote control of a robotized microscope over 4 ISDN lines. For evaluation purposes, 184 consecutive cases of frozen sections (60), gastrointestinal pathology (64), and urinary cytology (60) have been diagnosed at a distance using the system, and the telediagnosis obtained in this way has been compared with the traditional microscopic diagnosis. Diagnostic agreement ranged from 90% in urinary cytology to 100% in frozen sections. The results obtained suggest that such a system can be considered a useful tool for supporting the pathology practice in isolated hospitals.  相似文献   

From a drastic decrease in the phosphorescence lifetime of tryptophan residues buried in compact rigid cores of globular proteins, it was possible to demonstrate that freezing of aqueous solutions is invariably accompanied by a marked loosening of the native fold, an alteration that entails considerable loss of secondary and tertiary structure. The phenomenon is largely reversible on ice melting although, in some cases, a small fraction of macromolecules recovers neither the initial phosphorescence properties nor the catalytic activity. The variation in the lifetime parameter was found to be a smooth function of the residual volume of liquid water in equilibrium with ice and to depend on the morphology of ice. The addition of cryoprotectants such as glycerol and sucrose profoundly attenuates or even eliminates the perturbation. These results are interpreted in terms of adsorption of protein molecules onto the surface of ice.  相似文献   

GOAL: In a study of 10 autopsy cases with congenital cardiac malformations we investigated whether obtaining a second opinion by means of telepathology could satisfy quality standards for the diagnosis of cardiac malformations and what the advantages and disadvantages of such a procedure might be. MATERIAL: The investigatory samples were 10 formalin-fixed hearts with complex malformations from 9 fetuses and one newborn on which autopsies had been performed at the Pathological Institute of the Charité Hospital. The requests for a second opinion, which included text and image data, were sent in the form of Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to 5 experts in 4 countries. Per case the number of images that were sent was between 3 and 7. The size of the files was between 439 and 942 kb. The time required for preparation of the cases for sending them to the specialists was between 1 and 2 hours: this encompassed the time for putting the notation on the images, compressing them, creating a file that included both the images and the clinical data and then sending the case file. RESULTS: All 10 cardiac malformations were correctly identified. In 8 of the 10 cases at least one expert had questions. After these questions had been answered and further images had been sent final correct diagnoses were made in all cases. All experts said that the quality of the images was very good. Use of a standardized findings questionnaire, which also included the marking of anatomic structures and of pathological findings in the images, proved useful. Standardized findings forms facilitate orientation during interpretation of the cases and should be used generally to avoid misunderstandings in telepathological communication. CONCLUSIONS: In general it is possible to obtain an effective and reliable diagnosis of congenital heart malformations by means of telepathology. It is far quicker to get a second opinion by this means than by conventional means.  相似文献   

The availability of pathology services differs greatly in our environment. Although pathology would be especially suitable for being practised at a distance by transporting digital image information, the spread of telepathology into everyday work still is relatively slow. The article describes the situation of diffusion of this innovative technology by reviewing the literature and discussing this in context to data based on questionnaires dealing with the acceptance of telepathology. The current situation of telepathology can be discussed by five items for innovation spead: (1) communication and influence; (2) economic costs and benefits; (3) knowledge barriers and learning; (4) feasibility of techniques offered for the demands of the users; (5) clarification of the legal status and other factors concerning international collaboration. All these head lines do not represent realistic obstacles for the more widespread use of telepathology. The real drawbacks may therefore be found behind certain professional habits of pathologists. The most important causes may be that (a) telediagnosis is not as easy as it may seem at the first glance; (b) telepathology is seen as a potential highway to a world-wide competition of pathology service providers. As soon as these mostly unjustified prejudices are corrected and telepathology is percepted as additional technique in pathology, it will become a diagnostic tool as common and as useful as the telephone.  相似文献   

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