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In contrast to the preponderance of affected males in families with X-linked mental retardation, Rett syndrome (RTT) is a neurological disorder occurring almost exclusively in females. The near complete absence of affected males in RTT families has been explained by the lethal effect of an X-linked gene mutation in hemizygous affected males. We report here on a novel mutation (A140V) in the MECP2 gene detected in one female with mild mental retardation. In a family study, the A140V mutation was found to segregate in the affected daughter and in four adult sons with severe mental retardation. These results indicate that MECP2 mutations are not necessarily lethal in males and that they can be causative of non-specific X-linked mental retardation.  相似文献   

对X 连锁非特异性智力低下相关基因的功能研究越来越引起研究者们的注意,目前已见报道的与X 连锁非特异性智力低下相关的基因有24个,FACL4基因是第一个被发现的参与脂肪酸代谢的智力低下相关基因.本文阐述了FACL4基因的结构和功能,以及该基因的研究进展及其与X连锁非特异性智力低下发生的可能机制.  相似文献   

A large kindred is described in which 22 males and 3 females show non-specific mental retardation with impaired speech. An X-linked recessive is the most likely mode of inheritance of this condition. Similar families have been described in the literature, characteristic physical abnormalities are absent and performance I.Q. tends to be higher than verbal I.Q. This possible heterogenous condition may be a major individual cause of mental deficiency in males, and may account for the excess of male retardates in the population.  相似文献   

Summary We report an extended family in which two brothers with a fragile X chromosome are mentally retarded while a third brother with the fragile site is both phenotypically and mentally normal. The study of six probes detecting restriction fragment length polymorphisms on either sides of the fragile site Xq27 confirmed that the fragile X regions inherited by these three brothers were identical from DXS 102 to the telomere. These data highlight the heterogeneity of the fragile X syndrome, which is discussed in the framework of the different hypotheses previously proposed.  相似文献   

A large French family including members affected by nonspecific X-linked mental retardation, with or without autism or pervasive developmental disorder in affected male patients, has been found to have a 2-base-pair deletion in the Neuroligin 4 gene (NLGN4) located at Xp22.33. This mutation leads to a premature stop codon in the middle of the sequence of the normal protein and is thought to suppress the transmembrane domain and sequences important for the dimerization of neuroligins that are required for proper cell-cell interaction through binding to beta-neurexins. As the neuroligins are mostly enriched at excitatory synapses, these results suggest that a defect in synaptogenesis may lead to deficits in cognitive development and communication processes. The fact that the deletion was present in both autistic and nonautistic mentally retarded males suggests that the NLGN4 gene is not only involved in autism, as previously described, but also in mental retardation, indicating that some types of autistic disorder and mental retardation may have common genetic origins.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis was performed in a family with nonspecific X-linked mental retardation (MRX). Affected individuals had no clinical characteristics other than mental retardation. Linkage was detected to the marker loci DXS477, DXS465, DXS52, DXS15 and F8C with maximum lod scores of 1.70, 1.32, 2.52, 1.70, and 1.09, respectively ( = 0.0). The results strongly indicate that the gene for mental retardation in the family studied maps close to DXS52.  相似文献   

Heterozygous mutations in the X-linked MECP2 gene cause Rett syndrome, a severe neurodevelopmental disorder of young females. Only one male presenting an MECP2 mutation has been reported; he survived only to age 1 year, suggesting that mutations in MECP2 are male lethal. Here we report a three-generation family in which two affected males showed severe mental retardation and progressive spasticity, previously mapped in Xq27.2-qter. Two obligate carrier females showed either normal or borderline intelligence, simulating an X-linked recessive trait. The two males and the two obligate carrier females presented a mutation in the MECP2 gene, demonstrating that, in males, MECP2 can be responsible for severe mental retardation associated with neurological disorders.  相似文献   

In an institutionalised population of 471 mentally retarded adult residents (436 males and 35 females), 22 males (i.e. 5 % of the male population) had XLMR, accounting for 36.1 % of the residents diagnosed with a monogenic disorder (n = 61). Fragile X syndrome (FRAXA) was diagnosed in 16 residents, X-linked mental retardation with marfanoid habitus (Lujan-Fryns syndrome) in 2, and non-specific X-linked mental retardation (MRX) in 4 males. The 4 MRX-patients included 3 male sibs of a family, carrying a mutation in the IL-1 receptor accessory protein-like gene, and one male patient member of the MRX-44 family (linkage with LOD-score of 2.90). In the group of 215 males with idiopathic mental retardation (MR), family histories and pedigree data were compatible with XLMR in 35 males (35/215 = 16.3 %) from 32 families. Of these 35 males, 5.7 % were microcephalic with dysmorphic features and 5.7 % macrocephalic; micro-orchidism and macro-orchidism were each found in 11.4 %. One macrocephalic male had also macro-orchidism and dysmorphic features. In this study, the diagnosis of XLMR could thus be proposed in 57 males i.e. 13.1 % of the total male population. The clinical phenotype, behavioural problems and follow-up data in these different subgroups of XLMR are presented.  相似文献   

X-linked nonspecific mental retardation (MRX) has a frequency of 0.15% in the male population and is caused by defects in several different genes on the human X chromosome. Genotype-phenotype correlations in male patients with a partial nullisomy of the X chromosome have suggested that at least one locus involved in MRX is on Xp22.3. Previous deletion mapping has shown that this gene resides between markers DXS1060 and DXS1139, a region encompassing approximately 1.5 Mb of DNA. Analyzing the DNA of 15 males with Xp deletions, we were able to narrow this MRX critical interval to approximately 15 kb of DNA. Only one gene, VCX-A (variably charged, X chromosome mRNA on CRI-S232A), was shown to reside in this interval. Because of a variable number of tandem 30-bp repeats in the VCX-A gene, the size of the predicted protein is 186-226 amino acids. VCX-A belongs to a gene family containing at least four nearly identical paralogues on Xp22.3 (VCX-A, -B, -B1, and -C) and two on Yq11.2 (VCY-D, VCY-E), suggesting that the X and Y copies were created by duplication events. We have found that VCX-A is retained in all patients with normal intelligence and is deleted in all patients with mental retardation. There is no correlation between the presence or absence of VCX-B1, -B, and VCX-C and mental status in our patients. These results suggest that VCX-A is sufficient to maintain normal mental development.  相似文献   

The proband and two maternal uncles were similarly affected by a unique constellation of mental retardation and physical abnormalities. There were severe retardation, growth less than the third percentile, and significantly delayed bone age. They manifested deafness, a flat nasal bridge, several ocular abnormalities, and a rudimentary scrotum with cryptorchidism, and one had a small penis. The proband also had onychodystrophy of his fingers and toes. Their birth weights and lengths were less than expected. No chromosomal or biochemical abnormality was detected. Both uncles died, but the proband is healthy at 4 years. Their phenotype is distinguished from other forms of X-linked mental retardation and appears to be a new syndrome.  相似文献   

X-linked sideroblastic anemia is a genetic disorder characterized by a hypochromic microcytic anemia of variable intensity with the presence of ring sideroblasts in the bone marrow of the patients. Two different mutations have been reported in the ALAS2 gene in patients with this diseae. We have studied a large kindred with a pyridoxine-sensitive form of X-linked sideroblastic anemia. Sequencing amplified cDNA of the proband revealed a guanine-to-adenine change at nucleotide 871 of the coding sequence (exon 7 of the gene). This results in a glycine to serine substitution that is responsible for a marked decrease in the enzymatic activity of the mutated protein. A polymerase chain reaction assay demonstrated the presence of the same mutation in three affected males and two female carriers in the kindred. The carrier status was excluded in eight females at risk. Early detection of the mutant allele in family members may thus be important for the prevention of anemia in males and of iron overload both in affected males and carrier females.  相似文献   

Mutations in the creatine transporter gene, SLC6A8 (MIM 30036), located in Xq28, have been found in families with X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) as well as in males with idiopathic mental retardation (MR). In order to estimate the frequency of such mutations in the MR population, a screening of 478 males with MR of unknown cause was undertaken. All 13 exons of SLC6A8 were sequenced using genomic DNA. Six novel potentially pathogenic mutations were identified that were not encountered in at least 588 male control chromosomes: two deletions (p.Asn336del, p.Ile347del) and a splice site alteration (c.1016+2C>T) are considered pathogenic based on the nature of the variant. A mutation (p.Arg391Trp) should be considered pathogenic owing to its localization in a highly conserved region. Two other missense variants (p.Lys4Arg, p.Gly26Arg) are not conserved but were not observed in over 300 male control chromosomes. Their pathogenicity is uncertain. A missense variant (p.Val182Met), was classified as a polymorphism based on a normal creatine/creatinine (Cr:Crn) ratio and cerebral creatine signal in proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (H-MRS) in the patient. Furthermore, we found 14 novel intronic and neutral variants that were not encountered in at least 280 male control chromosomes and should be considered as unclassified variants. Our findings of a minimum of four pathogenic mutations and two potentially pathogenic mutations indicate that about 1% of males with MR of unknown etiology might have a SLC6A8 mutation. Thus, DNA sequence analysis and/or a Cr:Crn urine screen is warranted in any male with MR of unknown cause.Amy J. Clark and Efraim H. Rosenberg have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

We have identified a large Dutch kindred with a new form of X-linked nondysmorphic mild mental retardation. All affected males in this family show very characteristic abnormal behavior, in particular aggressive and sometimes violent behavior. Other types of impulsive behavior include arson, attempted rape, and exhibitionism. Attempted suicide has been reported in a single case. The locus for this disorder could be assigned to the Xp11-21 interval between DXS7 and DXS77 by linkage analysis using markers spanning the X chromosome. A maximal multipoint lod score of 3.69 was obtained at the monoamine oxidase type A (MAOA) locus in Xp11.23-11.4. Results of 24-h urine analysis in three affected males indicated a marked disturbance of monoamine metabolism. These data are compatible with a primary defect in the structural gene for MAOA and/or monoamine oxidase type B (MAOB). Normal platelet MAOB activity suggests that the unusual behavior pattern in this family may be caused by isolated MAOA deficiency.  相似文献   

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