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We have studied myoblasts from a patient with a severe autosomal dominant Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (AD-EDMD) caused by an arginine 545 to cystein point mutation (p.R545C) in the carboxy-terminal domain of the lamin A/C gene. This mutation has pleiotropic cellular effects on these myoblasts as demonstrated by nuclear structural defects, exhibiting lobulations which increase with cell passages in culture. The organization of both lamin A/C and its inner nuclear membrane partner emerin are altered, eventually showing a honeycomb pattern upon immunofluorescence microscopy. In addition, the distribution of histone H3 trimethylated at lysine 27 and of phosphorylated RNA polymerase II, markers of inactive and active chromatin domains, respectively, are altered suggesting an impact on gene expression. Patient myoblasts also presented a high index of senescence in ex vivo culture. Moreover, our data show for the first time in an AD-EDMD context that the 20S core particle of the proteasome was inactivated. With cell passages, the 20S core protein progressively accumulated into discrete nuclear foci that largely colocalized with promyelocytic leukemia (PML) bodies while p21 accumulated throughout the nuclear compartment. Proteasome inactivation has been linked to normal cellular ageing. Our data indicate that it may also contribute to premature senescence in AD-EDMD patient myoblasts. Finally, when transferred to low-serum medium, patient myoblasts were deficient in ex vivo differentiation, as assessed by the absence of myotube formation and myogenin induction. Altogether, these data suggest that the LMNA mutation p.R545C impairs both proliferation and differentiation capacities of myoblasts as part of the pathogenesis of AD-EDMD.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is a multifunctional cytokine that mediates inflammation and induces bone loss caused by excessive bone resorption by osteoclasts. The interaction of TNF-alpha with its receptor activates several signal transduction pathways, including those of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases (p38, JNK, and ERK) and NF-kappaB. Signaling from these molecules has been shown to play an important role in osteoclastogenesis. In the present study, we investigated the mechanism of TNF-alpha-induced osteoclast differentiation in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). We found that TNF-alpha alone greatly induced differentiation of PBMCs into osteoclasts. The osteoclast differentiation induced by TNF-alpha was independent of RANKL binding to its receptor RANK on PBMCs. Furthermore, TNF-alpha potently activated p38 MAPK, JNK, and NF-kappaB. Western blotting analysis revealed that p21(WAF1/Cip1), a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor, is significantly induced upon TNF-alpha stimulation. The induction of p21(WAF1/Cip1) during differentiation is responsible for arrest at G(0)/G(1) phase and associated with the JNK pathway. These results suggest that TNF-alpha regulates osteoclast differentiation through p21(WAF1/Cip1) expression and further shows that these events require JNK activity.  相似文献   

The two osteoclastogenesis pathways, receptor activator nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB ligand (RANKL)-mediated and fusion regulatory protein-1 (FRP-1)-mediated osteoclastogenesis, have recently been reported. There were significant differences in differentiation and activation mechanisms between the two pathways. When monocytes were cultured with FRP-1 without adding M-CSF, essential for the RANKL system, TRAP-positive polykaryocyte formation occurred. FRP-1-mediated osteoclasts formed larger pits on mineralized calcium phosphate plates than RANKL+M-CSF-mediated osteoclasts did. Lacunae on dentin surfaces induced by FRP-1-mediated osteoclasts were inclined to be single and isolated. However, osteoclasts induced by RANKL+M-CSF made many connected pits on dentin surfaces as if they crawled on there. Interestingly, FRP-1 osteoclastogenesis was enhanced by M-CSF/IL-1alpha, while chemotactic behavior to the dentin slices was not effected. There were differences in pH and concentration of HCO3- at culture endpoint and in adherent feature to dentin surfaces. Our findings indicate there are two types of osteoclasts with distinct properties.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem (hES) cells have the ability to renew themselves and differentiate into multiple cell types upon exposure to appropriate signals. In particular, the ability of hES cells to differentiate into defined neural lineages, such as neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes, is fundamental to developing cell-based therapies for neurodegenerative disorders and studying developmental mechanisms. However, the utilization of hES cells for basic and applied research is hampered by the lack of well-defined methods to maintain their self-renewal and direct their differentiation. Recently we reported that neural precursor (NP) cells derived from mouse ES cells maintained their potential to differentiate into dopaminergic (DA) neurons after significant expansion in vitro . We hypothesized that NP cells derived from hES cells (hES-NP) could also undergo the same in vitro expansion and differentiation. To test this hypothesis, we passaged hES-NP cells and analyzed their proliferative and developmental properties. We found that hES-NP cells can proliferate approximately 380 000-fold after in vitro expansion for 12 weeks and maintain their potential to generate Tuj1+ neurons, GFAP+ astrocytes, and O4+ oligodendrocytes as well as tyrosine hydroxylase-positive (TH+) DA neurons. Furthermore, TH+ neurons originating from hES-NP cells expressed other midbrain DA markers, including Nurr1, Pitx3, Engrail-1, and aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase, and released significant amounts of DA. In addition, hES-NP cells maintained their developmental potential through long-term storage (over 2 years) in liquid nitrogen and multiple freeze–thaw cycles. These results demonstrate that hES-NP cells have the ability to provide an expandable and unlimited human cell source that can develop into specific neuronal and glial subtypes.  相似文献   

Mature lamin A is formed after post-translational processing of prelamin A, which includes prenylation and carboxymethylation of cysteine 661 in the CaaX motif, followed by two proteolytic cleavages by zinc metalloprotease (ZMPSTE24). We expressed several prelamin A mutants, C661S (defective in prenylation), Y646F (designed to undergo prenylation but not second proteolytic cleavage), double mutant, Y646F/C661S and Y646X (mature lamin A), and the wild-type construct in human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) cells. Only the Y646F mutant co-localized with nuclear pore complex proteins, including Nup53 and Nup98, whereas the other mutants localized to the nuclear envelope rim. The cells expressing Y646F mutant also revealed abnormal nuclear morphology which was partially rescued with the farnesyl transferase inhibitors. These data suggest that the unprenylated prelamin A is not toxic to the cells. The toxicity of prenylated prelamin A may be due to its association and/or accumulation at the nuclear pore complex which could be partially reversed by farnesyl transferase inhibitors.  相似文献   

The efficient propagation of the OK strain of the B variant of human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6B) was demonstrated in a line of T cells, TaY, established from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of a patient with adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL). Growth of TaY cells depends on the presence of IL-2 and the cells harbor HTLV-I genomes. A severe cytopathic effect (CPE) was observed in many HHV-6B(OK)-infected TaY cells one week after infection. The release of virus from HHV-6B(OK)-infected TaY cells [TaY(OK)] was first detected after three days and increased rapidly for up to seven days after infection, as demonstrated by PCR. The titer of HHV-6B(OK) in the supernatant was comparable to the value of 10(3.5) TCID50/ml obtained with PHA-activated cord blood lymphocytes (CBL) that had been infected with HHV-6B(OK). The replication of the virus was shown to depend to a considerable extent on cell viability. Electron microscopy revealed many herpesvirus-type capsid- and enveloped-viruses in the nuclei and cytoplasm of degenerated cells in TaY(OK) cultures. The U1102 strain of HHV-6A and the Z29 strain of HHV-6B also infected TaY cells productively, as detected by PCR and an immunofluorescence test. These results suggest that the activation of CD4+ T lymphocytes with mitogens such as PHA or IL-2 and the expression of some cellular gene or the HTLV-I gene might be essential for efficient propagation of HHV-6B. TaY cells should play an important role in future investigations of cell-virus interactions and genetic variations or cell tropism of HHV-6 isolates since no cell line that shows propagation of both HHV-6A and HHV-6B has been reported to date.  相似文献   

Summary The objectives of the title were accomplished by a four-step experimental procedure followed by a simple graphical and mathematical analysis. Platelets are (i) overloaded with the indicator quin2 to cytoplasmic concentrations of 2.9mm and (ii) are exposed to 2mm external Ca2+ and 1.0 m ionomycin to rapidly achieve cytoplasmic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt) of ca. 1.5 m. (iii) The external Ca2+ is removed by EGTA addition, and (iv) the active Ca2+ extrusion process is then monitored as a function of time. Control experiments show that the ionophore shunts dense tubular uptake and does not contribute to the Ca2+ efflux process during phases iii–iv and that the extrusion process is sensitive to metabolic inhibitors.The progress curves for the decline of quin2 fluorescence (resulting from active Ca2+ extrusion) were analyzed as a function of [Ca2+]cyt using a mathematical model involving the probability that an exported Ca2+ was removed from a quin2 complex (vs. a cytoplasmic binding element). The observed rates of decline of quin2 fluorescence at a particular [Ca2+]cyt are dependent upon (i) the absolute rate of the extrusion system (a function of itsK m, Vm and Hill coefficient (n)), (ii) the intrinsic Ca2+ buffer capacity of the cytoplasm (a function of the total site concentration ([B] T ) and itsK d) and (iii) the buffer capacity of the intracytoplasmic quin2 (a function of its concentration andK d). The contribution of (iii) was known and varied and was used to determine (ii) and (i) as a function of [Ca2+]cyt.The Ca2+ binding data were verified by45Ca2+ experimentation. The data fit a single binding site ([B] T =730±200 m) with an averageK d of 140±10n m. This can be accounted for by platelet-associated calmodulin. The rate of the Ca2+ extrusionvs. [Ca2+]cyt curve can be described by two components: A saturable one withV m=2.3±0.3 nmol min–1 mg-membrane–1,K m=80±10 andn=1.7±0.3 (probably identified with a Ca2+-ATPase pump) and a linear one (probably identified with a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger).  相似文献   

The binding of dexamethasone to its receptor in hepatic cytosol preparations from pregnant mice of four congenic and recombinant strains, C57BL/10, B10.A, B10.A(2R) and B10.A(5R), which have almost identical genetic backgrounds other than the H-2 complex, on day 12 of gestation was analyzed by plotting the binding of ligand against cytosol concentration. The plots of C57BL/10 and B10.A(5R) mice were straight lines, but those of the strains B10.A and B10.A(2R) were upward concave curves. The curvature probably did not result from denaturation of the receptor, as indicated by the time course of the dexamethasone binding and by the fact that at a lower concentration of the ligand, at which the receptor would be less stable, there was less curvature than at a higher concentration of the ligand. The curvature can be explained by the presence of endogenous modifier(s) using an analogy from enzymology. Mathematical analysis, partial removal of the modifier(s) by gel filtration, and mixing of the cytosols from the two types of strains indicated the presence of an unsaturated amount of a modifier(s) in the cytosol of the B10.A and B10.A(2R) strains, and the presence of a saturated amount in the cytosol of the c57BL/10 and B10.A(5R) strains. Thus, the H-2 complex contains a gene(s) which regulates the level of a modifier(s) in hepatic cytosol which affects the binding of glucocorticoid to its hepatic cytosolic receptor.  相似文献   

Approximately 60,000 patients in the United States are waiting for a kidney transplant due to genetic, immunologic and environmentally caused kidney failure. Adult human renal stem cells could offer opportunities for autologous transplant and repair of damaged organs. Current data suggest that there are multiple progenitor types in the kidney with distinct localizations. In the present study, we characterize cells derived from human kidney papilla and show their capacity for tubulogenesis. In situ, nestin+ and CD133/1+ cells were found extensively intercalated between tubular epithelia in the loops of Henle of renal papilla, but not of the cortex. Populations of primary cells from the renal cortex and renal papilla were isolated by enzymatic digestion from human kidneys unsuited for transplant and immuno-enriched for CD133/1+ cells. Isolated CD133/1+ papillary cells were positive for nestin, as well as several human embryonic stem cell markers (SSEA4, Nanog, SOX2, and OCT4/POU5F1) and could be triggered to adopt tubular epithelial and neuronal-like phenotypes. Isolated papillary cells exhibited morphologic plasticity upon modulation of culture conditions and inhibition of asymmetric cell division. Labeled papillary cells readily associated with cortical tubular epithelia in co-culture and 3-dimensional collagen gel cultures. Heterologous organ culture demonstrated that CD133/1+ progenitors from the papilla and cortex became integrated into developing kidney tubules. Tubular epithelia did not participate in tubulogenesis. Human renal papilla harbor cells with the hallmarks of adult kidney stem/progenitor cells that can be amplified and phenotypically modulated in culture while retaining the capacity to form new kidney tubules. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Polycystic Kidney Disease.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the role(s) of syndecan-4 in regulating the formation of an actin geodesic dome structure called a cross-linked actin network (CLAN) in which syndecan-4 has previously been localized. CLANs have been described in several different cell types, but they have been most widely studied in human trabecular meshwork (HTM) cells where they may play a key role in controlling intraocular pressure by regulating aqueous humor outflow from the eye. In this study we show that a loss of cell surface synedcan-4 significantly reduces CLAN formation in HTM cells. Analysis of HTM cultures treated with or without dexamethasone shows that laminin 5 deposition within the extracellular matrix is increased by glucocorticoid treatment and that a laminin 5-derived, syndecan-4-binding peptide (PEP75), induces CLAN formation in TM cells. This PEP75-induced CLAN formation was inhibited by heparin and the broad spectrum PKC inhibitor Ro-31–7549. In contrast, the more specific PKCα inhibitor Gö 6976 had no effect, thus excluding PKCα as a downstream effector of syndecan-4 signaling. Analysis of PKC isozyme expression showed that HTM cells also expressed both PKCγ and PKCε. Cells treated with a PKCε agonist formed CLANs while a PKCα?γ agonist had no effect. These data suggest that syndecan-4 is essential for CLAN formation in HTM cells and that a novel PKCε-mediated signaling pathway can regulate formation of this unique actin structure.  相似文献   

A poplar short rotation coppice (SRC) grown for the production of bioenergy can combine carbon (C) storage with fossil fuel substitution. Here, we summarize the responses of a poplar ( Populus ) plantation to 6 yr of free air CO2 enrichment (POP/EUROFACE consisting of two rotation cycles). We show that a poplar plantation growing in nonlimiting light, nutrient and water conditions will significantly increase its productivity in elevated CO2 concentrations ([CO2]). Increased biomass yield resulted from an early growth enhancement and photosynthesis did not acclimate to elevated [CO2]. Sufficient nutrient availability, increased nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and the large sink capacity of poplars contributed to the sustained increase in C uptake over 6 yr. Additional C taken up in high [CO2] was mainly invested into woody biomass pools. Coppicing increased yield by 66% and partly shifted the extra C uptake in elevated [CO2] to above-ground pools, as fine root biomass declined and its [CO2] stimulation disappeared. Mineral soil C increased equally in ambient and elevated [CO2] during the 6 yr experiment. However, elevated [CO2] increased the stabilization of C in the mineral soil. Increased productivity of a poplar SRC in elevated [CO2] may allow shorter rotation cycles, enhancing the viability of SRC for biofuel production.  相似文献   

The biological response after exposure to a high‐strength static magnetic field (SMF) has recently been widely discussed from the perspective of possible health benefits as well as potential adverse effects. To clarify this issue, CD34+ cells from human placental and umbilical cord blood were exposed under conditions of high‐strength SMF in vitro. The high‐strength SMF exposure system was comprised of a magnetic field generator with a helium‐free superconducting magnet with built‐in CO2 incubator. Freshly prepared CD34+ cells were exposed to a 5 tesla (T) SMF with the strongest magnetic field gradient (41.7 T/m) or a 10 T SMF without magnetic field gradient for 4 or 16 h. In the harvested cells after exposure to 10 T SMF for 16 h, a significant increase of hematopoietic progenitors in the total burst‐forming unit erythroid‐ and megakaryocytic progenitor cells‐derived colony formation was observed, thus producing 1.72‐ and 1.77‐fold higher than the control, respectively. Furthermore, early hematopoiesis‐related and cell cycle‐related genes were found to be significantly up‐regulated by exposure to SMF. These results suggest that the 10 T SMF exposure may change gene expressions and result in the specific enhancement of megakaryocytic/erythroid progenitor (MEP) differentiation from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells and/or the proliferation of bipotent MEP. Bioelectromagnetics 30:280–285, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

From the roots of a recently discovered Ancistrocladus taxon, with close affinities to Ancistrocladus congolensis regarding molecular ITS sequence data, six naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids, 5'-O-demethylhamatine (2), 5'-O-demethylhamatinine (3), 6-O-demethylancistroealaine A (4), 6,5'-O,O-didemethylancistroealaine A (5), 5-epi-6-O-methylancistrobertsonine A (6), and 5-epi-4'-O-demethylancistrobertsonine C (7), have been isolated, along with a likewise benzopyranone carboxylic acid, 8. The structural elucidation succeeded by chemical, spectroscopic, and chiroptical methods. Their bioactivities were tested against protozoan parasites causing severe tropical diseases. Furthermore, eight known related alkaloids were identified.  相似文献   

In the present study, a semiquinone glucoside derivative (SQGD) isolated from a radioresistant bacterium Bacillus sp. INM-1 was evaluated for its immunostimulatory activities. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were stimulated by different doses (30–90 μg/ml) of SQGD for different time (3–12 h) intervals at 37 °C, and IL-12p40, IL-23p19, IL-10, RelA and c-Jun gene expression analysis was carried out by qRT-PCR method. SQGD dose dependent cytokines protein expression kinetic analysis was carried out using western blotting. As the results of SQGD (30 μg/ml) stimulation for 3 h at 37 °C, significant induction in IL-12p40, IL-23p19 and RelA gene expression was observed in PBMCs compared to unstimulated control cells. However, no such induction in IL-10 and c-Jun gene expression was observed. Time dependent protein expression study indicated significant increase in IL-12p40, IL-12p35, IL-23p19 and RelA protein expression at 3–6 h, which was found decrease at 12 h upon SQGD treatment. In contrast, IL-10 protein expression was found to enhance significantly at 12 h after SQGD treatment to the PBMCs. SQGD dose dependent study showed approximately similar level of induction in IL-12p40, IL-12p35, IL-23p19 and RelA proteins expression at all tested concentration (30–90 μg/ml) compared to control. However, no significant change in the IL-10 and c-Jun protein expression was observed at any SQGD concentration. SQGD treatment (0.25 mg/kg b wt.) was also found to enhance anti-keyhole Limpet Hemocynin (KLH) IgM antibodies significantly in the mice immunized by KLH.Thus, SQGD fraction stimulates cellular immunity by inducing immunostimulatory cytokines and humoral immunity by enhancing IgM antibodies and could be a promising immunostimulant. Further studies related to molecular mechanisms offering immunostimulation is underway, will certainly helpful to unravel its mode of action in the biological system.  相似文献   

We describe a female patient of 1 year and 5 months-old, referred for genetic evaluation due to neuropsychomotor delay, hearing impairment and dysmorphic features. The patient presents a partial chromosome 21 monosomy (q11.2→q21.3) in combination with a chromosome 3p terminal monosomy (p25.3→pter) due to an unbalanced de novo translocation. The translocation was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and the breakpoints were mapped with high resolution array. After the combined analyses with these techniques the final karyotype was defined as 45,XX,der(3)t(3;21)(p25.3;q21.3)dn,-21.ish der(3)t(3;21)(RP11-329A2-,RP11-439F4-,RP11-95E11-,CTB-63H24 +).arr 3p26.3p25.3(35,333-10,888,738)) × 1,21q11.2q21.3(13,354,643-27,357,765) × 1. Analysis of microsatellite DNA markers pointed to a paternal origin for the chromosome rearrangement. This is the first case described with a partial proximal monosomy 21 combined with a 3p terminal monosomy due to a de novo unbalanced translocation.  相似文献   

Type II citrullinaemia, also known as citrin deficiency, is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder, which is caused by pathogenic mutations in the SLC25A13 gene on chromosome 7q21.3. One of the clinical manifestations of type II citrullinaemia is neonatal intrahepatic cholestatic hepatitis caused by citrin deficiency (NICCD, OMIM# 605814). In this study, a 5-month-old female Chinese neonate diagnosed with type II citrullinaemia was examined. The diagnosis was based on biochemical and clinical findings, including organic acid profiling using a gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS), and the patient's parents were unaffected. Approximately 14 kb of the exon sequences of the SLC25A13 and two relative genes (ASS1 and FAH) from the proband and 100 case-unrelated controls were captured by array-based capture method followed by high-throughput next-generation sequencing. Two single-nucleotide mutations were detected in the proband, including the previous reported c.1177+1G>A mutation and a novel c.754G>A mutation in the SLC25A13 gene. Sanger sequence results showed that the patient was a compound heterozygote for the two mutations. The novel mutation (c.754G>A), which is predicted to affect the normal structure and function of citrin, is a candidate pathogenic mutation. Target sequence capture combined with high-throughput next-generation sequencing technologies is proven to be an effective method for molecular genetic testing of type II citrullinaemia.  相似文献   

Oxysterols, the oxidized forms of cholesterol or of its precursors, are formed in the first steps of cholesterol metabolism. Oxysterols have interested chemists, biologists, and physicians for many decades, but their exact biological relevance in vivo, other than as intermediates in bile acid biosynthesis, has long been debated. However, in the first quarter of this century, a role for side-chain oxysterols and their C-7 oxidized metabolites has been convincingly established in the immune system. 25-Hydroxycholesterol has been shown to be synthesized by macrophages in response to the activation of Toll-like receptors and to offer protection against microbial pathogens, whereas 7α,25-dihydroxycholesterol has been shown to act as a chemoattractant to lymphocytes expressing the G protein-coupled receptor Epstein-Barr virus-induced gene 2 and to be important in coordinating the action of B cells, T cells, and dendritic cells in secondary lymphoid tissue. There is a growing body of evidence that not only these two oxysterols but also many of their isomers are of importance to the proper function of the immune system. Here, we review recent findings related to the roles of oxysterols in immunology.  相似文献   

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