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We have isolated a cDNA from rat small intestine that encodes a novel Na+-independent neutral amino acid transporter with distinctive characteristics in substrate selectivity and transport property. The encoded protein, designated L-type amino acid transporter-2 (LAT-2), shows amino acid sequence similarity to the system L Na+-independent neutral amino acid transporter LAT-1 (Kanai, Y., Segawa, H., Miyamoto, K., Uchino, H., Takeda, E., and Endou, H. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 23629-23632) (50% identity) and the system y+L transporters y+LAT-1 (47%) and KIAA0245/y+LAT-2 (45%) (Torrents, D., Estevez, R., Pineda, M., Fernandez, E., Lloberas, J., Shi, Y.-B., Zorzano, A., and Palacin, M. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 32437-32445). LAT-2 is a nonglycosylated membrane protein. It requires 4F2 heavy chain, a type II membrane glycoprotein, for its functional expression in Xenopus oocytes. LAT-2-mediated transport is not dependent on Na+ or Cl- and is inhibited by a system L-specific inhibitor, 2-aminobicyclo-(2,2,1)-heptane-2-carboxylic acid (BCH), indicating that LAT-2 is a second isoform of the system L transporter. Compared with LAT-1, which prefers large neutral amino acids with branched or aromatic side chains, LAT-2 exhibits remarkably broad substrate selectivity. It transports all of the L-isomers of neutral alpha-amino acids. LAT-2 exhibits higher affinity (Km = 30-50 microM) to Tyr, Phe, Trp, Thr, Asn, Ile, Cys, Ser, Leu, Val, and Gln and relatively lower affinity (Km = 180-300 microM) to His, Ala, Met, and Gly. In addition, LAT-2 mediates facilitated diffusion of substrate amino acids, as distinct from LAT-1, which mediates amino acid exchange. LAT-2-mediated transport is increased by lowering the pH level, with peak activity at pH 6.25, because of the decrease in the Km value without changing the Vmax value. Because of these functional properties and a high level of expression of LAT-2 in the small intestine, kidney, placenta, and brain, it is suggested that the heterodimeric complex of LAT-2 and 4F2 heavy chain is involved in the trans-cellular transport of neutral amino acids in epithelia and blood-tissue barriers.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA from a rabbit intestinal cDNA library which, when co-expressed with the heavy chain of the human 4F2 antigen (4F2hc) in mammalian cells, induces system L-like amino acid transport activity. This protein, called LAT2, consists of 535 amino acids and is distinct from LAT1 which also interacts with 4F2hc to induce system L-like amino acid transport activity. LAT2 does not interact with rBAT, a protein with a significant structural similarity to 4F2hc. The 4F2hc/LAT2-mediated transport process differs from the 4F2hc/LAT1-mediated transport in substrate specificity, substrate affinity, tissue distribution, interaction with D-amino acids, and pH-dependence. The 4F2hc/LAT2-associated transport process has a broad specificity towards neutral amino acids with K(t) values in the range of 100-1000 microM, does not interact with D-amino acids to any significant extent, and is stimulated by acidic pH. In contrast, the 4F2hc/LAT1-associated transport process has a narrower specificity towards neutral amino acids, but with comparatively higher affinity (K(t) values in the range of 10-20 microM), interacts with some D-amino acids with high affinity, and is not influenced by pH. LAT2 is expressed primarily in the small intestine and kidney, whereas LAT1 exhibits a much broader tissue distribution.  相似文献   

We have identified a new human cDNA, L-amino acid transporter-2 (LAT-2), that induces a system L transport activity with 4F2hc (the heavy chain of the surface antigen 4F2, also named CD98) in oocytes. Human LAT-2 is the fourth member of the family of amino acid transporters that are subunits of 4F2hc. The amino acid transport activity induced by the co-expression of 4F2hc and LAT-2 was sodium-independent and showed broad specificity for small and large zwitterionic amino acids, as well as bulky analogs (e.g. BCH (2-aminobicyclo-(2,2,1)-heptane-2-carboxylic acid)). This transport activity was highly trans-stimulated, suggesting an exchanger mechanism of transport. Expression of tagged N-myc-LAT-2 alone in oocytes did not induce amino acid transport, and the protein had an intracellular location. Co-expression of N-myc-LAT-2 and 4F2hc gave amino acid transport induction and expression of N-myc-LAT-2 at the plasma membrane of the oocytes. These data suggest that LAT-2 is an additional member of the family of 4F2 light chain subunits, which associates with 4F2hc to express a system L transport activity with broad specificity for zwitterionic amino acids. Human LAT-2 mRNA is expressed in kidney > placenta > brain, liver > spleen, skeletal muscle, heart, small intestine, and lung. Human LAT-2 gene localizes at chromosome 14q11.2-13 (13 cR or approximately 286 kb from marker D14S1349). The high expression of LAT-2 mRNA in epithelial cells of proximal tubules, the basolateral location of 4F2hc in these cells, and the amino acid transport activity of LAT-2 suggest that this transporter contributes to the renal reabsorption of neutral amino acids in the basolateral domain of epithelial proximal tubule cells.  相似文献   

We identified a novel Na(+)-independent acidic amino acid transporter designated AGT1 (aspartate/glutamate transporter 1). AGT1 exhibits the highest sequence similarity (48% identity) to the Na(+)-independent small neutral amino acid transporter Asc (asc-type amino acid transporter)-2 a member of the heterodimeric amino acid transporter family presumed to be associated with unknown heavy chains (Chairoungdua, A., Kanai, Y., Matsuo, H., Inatomi, J., Kim, D. K., and Endou, H. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 49390-49399). The cysteine residue responsible for the disulfide bond formation between transporters (light chains) and heavy chain subunits of the heterodimeric amino acid transporter family is conserved for AGT1. Because AGT1 solely expressed or coexpressed with already known heavy chain 4F2hc (4F2 heavy chain) or rBAT (related to b(0,+)-amino acid transporter) did not induce functional activity, we generated fusion proteins in which AGT1 was connected with 4F2hc or rBAT. The fusion proteins were sorted to the plasma membrane and expressed the Na(+)-independent transport activity for acidic amino acids. Distinct from the Na(+)-independent cystine/glutamate transporter xCT structurally related to AGT1, AGT1 did not accept cystine, homocysteate, and l-alpha-aminoadipate and exhibited high affinity to aspartate as well as glutamate, suggesting that the negative charge recognition site in the side chain-binding site of AGT1 would be closer to the alpha-carbon binding site compared with that of xCT. The AGT1 message was predominantly expressed in kidney. In mouse kidney, AGT1 protein was present in the basolateral membrane of the proximal straight tubules and distal convoluted tubules. In the Western blot analysis, AGT1 was detected as a high molecular mass band in the nonreducing condition, whereas the band shifted to a 40-kDa band corresponding to the AGT1 monomer in the reducing condition, suggesting the association of AGT1 with other protein via a disulfide bond. The finding of AGT1 and Asc-2 has established a new subgroup of the heterodimeric amino acid transporter family whose members associate not with 4F2hc or rBAT but with other unknown heavy chains.  相似文献   

The 4F2 cell surface antigen is a disulfide-linked heterodimer induced during the process of cellular activation and expressed widely in mammalian tissues (Parmacek, M. S., Karpinski, B. A., Gottesdiener, K. M., Thompson, C. B., and Leiden, J. M. (1989) Nucleic Acids Res. 17, 1915-1931). The human heavy chain component, a type II membrane glycoprotein, has 29% identity to the amino acid transport-related protein encoded by the recently cloned rat D2 cDNA. We have demonstrated that Xenopus oocytes injected with in vitro transcribed cRNA from D2 take up cystine and dibasic and neutral amino acids (Wells, R. G., and Hediger, M. A. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 89, 5596-5600). In the present study, we examine the role of the human 4F2 heavy chain in amino acid transport. In vitro transcribed 4F2 cRNA was injected into Xenopus oocytes which were assayed for the uptake of radiolabeled amino acids. Our results show that cRNA from 4F2 stimulates the uptake of dibasic and neutral amino acids into oocytes at levels up to 3-fold higher than for water-injected control oocytes. There is no demonstrable uptake of cystine. Uptake is saturable, with characteristics of high affinity transport, and inhibition data suggest that uptake occurs via a single transporter. Dibasic amino acids are taken up by both 4F2 and D2 cRNA-injected oocytes in a sodium-independent manner. In contrast, 4F2-induced but not D2-induced neutral amino acid uptake has a significant component of sodium dependence. Likewise, neutral amino acids in excess inhibit the 4F2-induced uptake of radiolabeled arginine but not leucine in a sodium-dependent manner. The 4F2-induced uptake we observe most likely represents the activity of a single transport system with some characteristics of systems y+, b0,+, and B0,+. We suggest that 4F2 and D2 represent a new family of proteins which induce amino acid transport with distinct characteristics, possibly functioning as transport activators or regulators.  相似文献   

System B0 activity accounts for the majority ofintestinal and kidney luminal neutral amino acid absorption. An aminoacid transport system, called ATB0 (also known as ASCT2),with functional characteristics similar to those of systemB0, has been recently cloned. We generated polyclonalantibodies to human and rabbit ATB0 COOH-terminal peptidesand used Western blot analysis to detect ATB0 protein inrabbit tissues, rabbit ileal brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV), andHeLa cells transfected with plasmids containing ATB0 cDNAs.Immunohistochemistry was used to localize ATB0 in rabbitkidney and intestine. In Western blots of rabbit tissues, ATB0 was a broad smear of 78- to 85-kDa proteins. Intransfected HeLa cells, ATB0 appeared as a smear consistingof 57- to 65-kDa proteins. The highest expression was found in thekidney. ATB0 was enriched in rabbit ileal BBMV and in HeLacells transfected with ATB0 cDNAs. In the kidney and in theintestine, ATB0 was confined to the brush-border membrane(BBM) of the proximal tubular cell and of the enterocyte, respectively.Tissue and intracellular distribution of ATB0 proteinparallels that of system B0 activity. ATB0protein could be the transporter responsible for system B0in the BBM of epithelial cells.


We provide evidence here that b(0,+) amino acid transporter (b(0, +)AT) interacts with 4F2 heavy chain (4F2hc) as well as with the protein related to b(0,+) amino acid transporter (rBAT) to constitute functionally competent b(0,+)-like amino acid transport systems. This evidence has been obtained by co-expression of b(0, +)AT and 4F2hc or b(0,+)AT and rBAT in human retinal pigment epithelial cells and in COS-1 cells. The ability to interact with 4F2hc and rBAT is demonstrable with mouse b(0,+)AT as well as with human b(0,+)AT. Even though both the 4F2hc x b(0,+)AT complex and the rBAT x b(0,+)AT complex exhibit substrate specificity that is characteristic of system b(0,+), these two complexes differ significantly in substrate affinity. The 4F2hc x b(0,+)AT complex has higher substrate affinity than the rBAT x b(0,+)AT complex. In situ hybridization studies demonstrate that the regional distribution pattern of mRNA in the kidney is identical for b(0,+)AT and 4F2hc. The pattern of rBAT mRNA expression is different from that of b(0,+)AT mRNA and 4F2hc mRNA, but there are regions in the kidney where b(0,+)AT mRNA expression overlaps with rBAT mRNA expression as well as with 4F2hc mRNA expression.  相似文献   

We identified a novel amino acid transporter designated Asc-2 (for asc-type amino acid transporter 2). Asc-2 exhibited relatively low but significant sequence similarity to the members of the heterodimeric amino acid transporters. The cysteine residue responsible for the disulfide bond formation between transporters (light chains) and heavy chain subunits in the heterodimeric amino acid transporters is conserved for Asc-2. Asc-2 is, however, not colocalized with the already known heavy chains such as 4F2 heavy chain (4F2hc) or related to b(0,+) amino acid transporter (rBAT) in mouse kidney. Because Asc-2 solely expressed or coexpressed with 4F2hc or rBAT did not induce functional activity, we generated fusion proteins in which Asc-2 is connected with 4F2hc or rBAT. The fusion proteins were sorted to the plasma membrane and expressed the function corresponding to the Na(+)-independent small neutral amino acid transport system asc. Distinct from the already identified system asc transporter Asc-1 which is associated with 4F2hc, Asc-2-mediated transport is less stereoselective and did not accept some of the high affinity substrates of Asc-1 such as alpha-aminoisobutyric acid and beta-alanine. Asc-2 message was detected in kidney, placenta, spleen, lung, and skeletal muscle. In kidney, Asc-2 protein was present in the epithelial cells lining collecting ducts. In the Western blot analysis on mouse erythrocytes and kidney, Asc-2 was detected as multiple bands in the nonreducing condition, whereas the bands shifted to a single band at lower molecular weight, suggesting the association of Asc-2 with other protein(s) via a disulfide bond. The finding of Asc-2 would lead to the establishment of a new subgroup of heterodimeric amino acid transporter family which includes transporters associated not with 4F2hc or rBAT but with other unknown heavy chains.  相似文献   

Na(+)-dependent neutral amino acid transport into the bovine renal epithelial cell line NBL-1 is catalysed by a broad-specificity transporter originally termed System B(0). This transporter is shown to differ in specificity from the B(0) transporter cloned from JAR cells [J. Biol. Chem. 271 (1996) 18657] in that it interacts much more strongly with phenylalanine. Using probes designed to conserved transmembrane regions of the ASC/B(0) transporter family we have isolated a cDNA encoding the NBL-1 cell System B(0) transporter. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes the clone catalysed Na(+)-dependent alanine uptake which was inhibited by glutamine, leucine and phenylalanine. However, the clone did not catalyse Na(+)-dependent phenylalanine transport, again as in NBL-1 cells. The clone encoded a protein of 539 amino acids; the predicted transmembrane domains were almost identical in sequence to those of the other members of the B(0)/ASC transporter family. Comparison of the sequences of NBL-1 and JAR cell transporters showed some differences near the N-terminus, C-terminus and in the loop between helices 3 and 4. The NBL-1 B(0) transporter is not the same as the renal brush border membrane transporter since it does not transport phenylalanine. Differences in specificity in this protein family arise from relatively small differences in amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

We describe the regulation mechanisms of the Na(+)-dependent neutral amino acid transporter ASCT2 via nitric oxide (NO) in the human intestinal cell line, Caco-2. Exposure of Caco-2 cells to S-nitrosothiol, such as S-nitroso-N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine (SNAP) and S-nitrosoglutathione, and the NO-donor, NOC12, concentration- and time-dependently increased Na(+)-dependent alanine uptake. Kinetic analyses indicated that SNAP increases the maximal velocity (V(max)) of Na(+)-dependent alanine uptake in Caco-2 cells without affecting the Michaelis-Menten constant (K(t)). The stimulatory effect was partially eliminated by actinomycin D and cycloheximide. Increased Na(+)-dependent alanine uptake by SNAP was partially abolished by the NO scavengers, 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl 3-oxide sodium salt (carboxy-PTIO) and N-(dithiocarboxy)sarcosine disodium salts (DTCS), as well as the NADPH oxidase inhibitor, diphenyleneiodonium. RT-PCR revealed that Caco-2 cells expressed the Na(+)-dependent neutral amino acid transporter ASCT2, but not the other Na(+)-dependent neutral amino acid transporters ATB(0,+) and B(0)AT1. These results suggested that functional up-regulation of ASCT2 by SNAP might be partially associated with an increase in the density of transporter protein via de novo synthesis.  相似文献   

The nature and ontogeny of Na(+)-dependent L-alanine transport was examined in mouse eggs and preimplantation conceptuses. Mediated L-alanine uptake was not detected in fertilized or unfertilized eggs, but a small amount of Na(+)-dependent L-alanine transport was detected in 2-cell conceptuses. Na(+)-dependent alanine transport was more rapid at the 8-cell stage of development, and more than 10-fold faster in blastocysts than in 8-cell conceptuses. Analog inhibition analyses were consistent with the interpretation that L-lysine-sensitive and L-lysine-resistant components of transport were present at the 2-cell, 8-cell and blastocyst stages of development. The range of amino acids and their analogs that inhibited the most conspicuous component of alanine transport in blastocysts was consistent with the conclusion that system B0,+ is largely responsible for L-alanine uptake in these conceptuses. Moreover, system B0,+, but not other known systems in blastocysts, became susceptible to activation as these conceptuses approached the time of implantation, so this activation could be involved in implantation. Although the data are consistent with the possibility that system B0,+ is also present in 2-cell and 8-cell conceptuses, the relatively slow L-alanine transport in conceptuses at these earlier stages of development precluded more detailed study of their ability to take up alanine. Similarly, the less conspicuous L-lysine-resistant component of L-alanine transport in blastocysts also may be present in conceptuses as early as the 2-cell stage. The L-lysine-resistant component of L-alanine transport could not be attributed to residual system B0,+ activity, however, because it was inhibited more strongly by trans-OH-L-proline than L-arginine, whereas the reverse was the case for system B0,+. Similarly, L-tryptophan and L-leucine each inhibited system B0,+ more strongly than L-serine or L-cysteine, whereas all four of these amino acids inhibited the L-lysine-resistant component equally well. Moreover, a Hofstee plot for L-alanine influx was consistent with the interpretation that at least two mediated components of Na(+)-dependent L-alanine transport are present in blastocysts. The less conspicuous component of L-alanine transport in blastocysts was relatively susceptible to inhibition by L-leucine and L-tryptophan, but it resisted inhibition by the 'model' system A substrate, MeAIB, and the system ASC inhibitors, L-penicillamine and cationic amino acids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Glycoprotein-associated amino acid transporters (gpaAT) are permease-related proteins that require heterodimerization to express their function. So far, four vertebrate gpaATs have been shown to associate with 4F2hc/CD98 for functional expression, whereas one gpaAT specifically associates with rBAT. In this study, we characterized a novel gpaAT, LAT2, for which mouse and human cDNAs were identified by expressed sequence tag data base searches. The encoded ortholog proteins are 531 and 535 amino acids long and 92% identical. They share 52 and 48% residues with the gpaATs LAT1 and y(+)LAT1, respectively. When mouse LAT2 and human 4F2hc cRNAs were co-injected into Xenopus oocytes, disulfide-linked heterodimers were formed, and an L-type amino acid uptake was induced, which differed slightly from that produced by LAT1-4F2hc: the apparent affinity for L-phenylalanine was higher, and L-alanine was transported at physiological concentrations. In the presence of an external amino acid substrate, LAT2-4F2hc also mediated amino acid efflux. LAT2 mRNA is expressed mainly in kidney and intestine, whereas LAT1 mRNA is expressed widely. Immunofluorescence experiments showed colocalization of 4F2hc and LAT2 at the basolateral membrane of kidney proximal tubules and small intestine epithelia. In conclusion, LAT2 forms with LAT1 a subfamily of L-type gpaATs. We propose that LAT1 is involved in cellular amino acid uptake, whereas LAT2 plays a role in epithelial amino acid (re)absorption.  相似文献   

The properties of system y(+)L-mediated transport were investigated on rat system y(+)L transporter, ry(+)LAT1, coexpressed with the heavy chain of cell surface antigen 4F2 in Xenopus oocytes. ry(+)LAT1-mediated transport of basic amino acids was Na(+)-independent, whereas that of neutral amino acids, although not completely, was dependent on Na(+), as is typical of system y(+)L-mediated transport. In the absence of Na(+), lowering of pH increased leucine transport, without affecting lysine transport. Therefore, it is proposed that H(+), besides Na(+) and Li(+), is capable of supporting neutral amino acid transport. Na(+) and H(+) augmented leucine transport by decreasing the apparent K(m) values, without affecting the V(max) values. We demonstrate that although ry(+)LAT1-mediated transport of [(14)C]l-leucine was accompanied by the cotransport of (22)Na(+), that of [(14)C]l-lysine was not. The Na(+) to leucine coupling ratio was determined to be 1:1 in the presence of high concentrations of Na(+). ry(+)LAT1-mediated leucine transport, but not lysine transport, induced intracellular acidification in Chinese hamster ovary cells coexpressing ry(+)LAT1 and 4F2 heavy chain in the absence of Na(+), but not in the presence of physiological concentrations of Na(+), indicating that cotransport of H(+) with leucine occurred in the absence of Na(+). Therefore, for the substrate recognition by ry(+)LAT1, the positive charge on basic amino acid side chains or that conferred by inorganic monovalent cations such as Na(+) and H(+), which are cotransported with neutral amino acids, is presumed to be required. We further demonstrate that ry(+)LAT1, due to its peculiar cation dependence, mediates a heteroexchange, wherein the influx of substrate amino acids is accompanied by the efflux of basic amino acids.  相似文献   

We isolated two cDNAs from the mosquito Aedes aegypti, an L-amino acid transporter (AeaLAT) and a CD98 heavy chain (AeaCD98hc). Expression of AeaCD98hc or AeaLAT alone in Xenopus oocyte did not induce amino acid transport activity. However, co-expression of AeaCD98hc and AeaLAT, which are postulated to form a heterodimer protein linked through a disulfide bond, showed significant increase in amino acid transport activity. This heterodimeric protein showed uptake specificity for large neutral and basic amino acids. Small acidic neutral amino acids were poor substrates for this transporter. Neutral amino acid (leucine) uptake activity was partially Na+ dependent, because leucine uptake was approximately 44% lower in the absence of Na+ than in its presence. However, basic amino acid (lysine) uptake activity was completely Na+ independent at pH of 7.4. Extracellular amino acid concentration could be the main factor that determined amino acid transport. These results suggest the heteromeric protein is likely a uniporter mediating diffusion of amino acids in the absence of ions. The AeaLAT showed high level expression in the gastric caeca, Malpighian tubules and hindgut of larvae. In caeca and hindgut expression was in the apical cell membrane. However, in Malpighian tubules and in midgut, the latter showing low level expression, the transporter was detected in the basolateral membrane. This expression profile supports the conclusion that this AeaLAT is a nutrient amino acid transporter.  相似文献   

1. The transport of L- and DL-2-hydroxy 4-methylthiobutanoic acid (HMB), the methionine hydroxy analogue, by brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) from chick small intestine was the sum of a saturable Michaelian component and a diffusive term. 2. Unlike that of L- and DL-MET, uptake was Na+-independent and electroneutral. 3. The inhibition of L-HMB transport by L-lactate, a structural analogue, and D-HMB as well, was of the competitive type. 4. Preloading of BBMV with D-HMB but not with L-lactate or L-MET trans-stimulated the influx of labelled L-HMB. 5. HMB uptake by rat and chick intestinal BBMV exhibited similar characteristics but the chick nonstereospecific transport system appeared to be unable to carry out L-lactate translocation.  相似文献   

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