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The study of evolutionary dynamics on graphs is an interesting topic for researchers in various fields of science and mathematics. In systems with finite population, different model dynamics are distinguished by their effects on two important quantities: fixation probability and fixation time. The isothermal theorem declares that the fixation probability is the same for a wide range of graphs and it only depends on the population size. This has also been proved for more complex graphs that are called complex networks. In this work, we propose a model that couples the population dynamics to the network structure and show that in this case, the isothermal theorem is being violated. In our model the death rate of a mutant depends on its number of neighbors, and neutral drift holds only in the average. We investigate the fixation probability behavior in terms of the complexity parameter, such as the scale-free exponent for the scale-free network and the rewiring probability for the small-world network.  相似文献   

Temporal organization of biological processes requires massively parallel processing on a synchronized time-base. We analyzed time-series data obtained from the bioenergetic oscillatory outputs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and isolated cardiomyocytes utilizing Relative Dispersional (RDA) and Power Spectral (PSA) analyses. These analyses revealed broad frequency distributions and evidence for long-term memory in the observed dynamics. Moreover RDA and PSA showed that the bioenergetic dynamics in both systems show fractal scaling over at least 3 orders of magnitude, and that this scaling obeys an inverse power law. Therefore we conclude that in S. cerevisiae and cardiomyocytes the dynamics are scale-free in vivo. Applying RDA and PSA to data generated from an in silico model of mitochondrial function indicated that in yeast and cardiomyocytes the underlying mechanisms regulating the scale-free behavior are similar. We validated this finding in vivo using single cells, and attenuating the activity of the mitochondrial inner membrane anion channel with 4-chlorodiazepam to show that the oscillation of NAD(P)H and reactive oxygen species (ROS) can be abated in these two evolutionarily distant species. Taken together these data strongly support our hypothesis that the generation of ROS, coupled to redox cycling, driven by cytoplasmic and mitochondrial processes, are at the core of the observed rhythmicity and scale-free dynamics. We argue that the operation of scale-free bioenergetic dynamics plays a fundamental role to integrate cellular function, while providing a framework for robust, yet flexible, responses to the environment.  相似文献   

We study intrinsic properties of attractor in Boolean dynamics of complex networks with scale-free topology, comparing with those of the so-called Kauffman's random Boolean networks. We numerically study both frozen and relevant nodes in each attractor in the dynamics of relatively small networks (20?N?200). We investigate numerically robustness of an attractor to a perturbation. An attractor with cycle length of ?c in a network of size N consists of ?c states in the state space of 2N states; each attractor has the arrangement of N nodes, where the cycle of attractor sweeps ?c states. We define a perturbation as a flip of the state on a single node in the attractor state at a given time step. We show that the rate between unfrozen and relevant nodes in the dynamics of a complex network with scale-free topology is larger than that in Kauffman's random Boolean network model. Furthermore, we find that in a complex scale-free network with fluctuation of the in-degree number, attractors are more sensitive to a state flip for a highly connected node (i.e. input-hub node) than to that for a less connected node. By some numerical examples, we show that the number of relevant nodes increases, when an input-hub node is coincident with and/or connected with an output-hub node (i.e. a node with large output-degree) one another.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compile the network of software packages with regulatory interactions (dependences and conflicts) from Debian GNU/Linux operating system and use it as an analogy for a gene regulatory network. Using a trace-back algorithm we assemble networks from the pool of packages with both scale-free (real data) and exponential (null model) topologies. We record the maximum number of packages that can be functionally installed in the system (i.e., the active network size). We show that scale-free regulatory networks allow a larger active network size than random ones. This result might have implications for the number of expressed genes at steady state. Small genomes with scale-free regulatory topologies could allow much more expression than large genomes with exponential topologies. This may have implications for the dynamics, robustness and evolution of genomes.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies are investigating the effect of contact structure on the dynamics of epidemics in large-scale complex networks. Whether findings thus obtained apply also to networks of small size, and thus to many real-world biological applications, is still an open question. We use numerical simulations of disease spread in directed networks of 100 individual nodes with a constant number of links. We show that, no matter the type of network structure (local, small-world, random and scale-free), there is a linear threshold determined by the probability of infection transmission between connected nodes and the probability of infection persistence in an infected node. The threshold is significantly lower for scale-free networks compared to local, random and small-world ones only if super-connected nodes have a higher number of links both to and from other nodes. The starting point, the node at which the epidemic starts, does not affect the threshold conditions, but has a marked influence on the final size of the epidemic in all kinds of network. There is evidence that contact structure has an influence on the average final size of an epidemic across all starting nodes, with significantly lower values in scale-free networks at equilibrium. Simulations in scale-free networks show a distinctive time-series pattern, which, if found in a real epidemic, can be used to infer the underlying network structure. The findings have relevance also for meta-population ecology and species conservation.  相似文献   

One of the current theoretical challenges to the explanatory powers of Evolutionary Theory is the understanding of the observed evolutionary survival of cooperative behavior when selfish actions provide higher fitness (reproductive success). In unstructured populations natural selection drives cooperation to extinction. However, when individuals are allowed to interact only with their neighbors, specified by a graph of social contacts, cooperation-promoting mechanisms (known as lattice reciprocity) offer to cooperation the opportunity of evolutionary survival. Recent numerical works on the evolution of Prisoner's Dilemma in complex network settings have revealed that graph heterogeneity dramatically enhances the lattice reciprocity. Here we show that in highly heterogeneous populations, under the graph analog of replicator dynamics, the fixation of a strategy in the whole population is in general an impossible event, for there is an asymptotic partition of the population in three subsets, two in which fixation of cooperation or defection has been reached and a third one which experiences cycles of invasion by the competing strategies. We show how the dynamical partition correlates with connectivity classes and characterize the temporal fluctuations of the fluctuating set, unveiling the mechanisms stabilizing cooperation in macroscopic scale-free structures.  相似文献   

The study of the scale-free topology in non-biological and biological networks and the dynamics that can explain this fascinating property of complex systems have captured the attention of the scientific community in the last years. Here, we analyze the biochemical pathways of three organisms (Methanococcus jannaschii, Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) which are representatives of the main kingdoms Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotes during the course of the biological evolution. We can consider two complementary representations of the biochemical pathways: the enzymes network and the chemical compounds network. In this article, we propose a stochastic model that explains that the scale-free topology with exponent in the vicinity of gamma approximately 3/2 found across these three organisms is governed by the log-normal dynamics in the evolution of the enzymes network. Precisely, the fluctuations of the connectivity degree of enzymes in the biochemical pathways between evolutionary distant organisms follow the same conserved dynamical principle, which in the end is the origin of the stationary scale-free distribution observed among species, from Archaea to Eukaryotes. In particular, the log-normal dynamics guarantees the conservation of the scale-free distribution in evolving networks. Furthermore, the log-normal dynamics also gives a possible explanation for the restricted range of observed exponents gamma in the scale-free networks (i.e., gamma > or = 3/2). Finally, our model is also applied to the chemical compounds network of biochemical pathways and the Internet network.  相似文献   

Malcom JW 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e14747
The environments in which organisms live and reproduce are rarely static, and as the environment changes, populations must evolve so that phenotypes match the challenges presented. The quantitative traits that map to environmental variables are underlain by hundreds or thousands of interacting genes whose allele frequencies and epistatic relationships must change appropriately for adaptation to occur. Extending an earlier model in which individuals possess an ecologically-critical trait encoded by gene networks of 16 to 256 genes and random or scale-free topology, I test the hypothesis that smaller, scale-free networks permit longer persistence times in a constantly-changing environment. Genetic architecture interacting with the rate of environmental change accounts for 78% of the variance in trait heritability and 66% of the variance in population persistence times. When the rate of environmental change is high, the relationship between network size and heritability is apparent, with smaller and scale-free networks conferring a distinct advantage for persistence time. However, when the rate of environmental change is very slow, the relationship between network size and heritability disappears and populations persist the duration of the simulations, without regard to genetic architecture. These results provide a link between genes and population dynamics that may be tested as the -omics and bioinformatics fields mature, and as we are able to determine the genetic basis of ecologically-relevant quantitative traits.  相似文献   

Intrinsic scaling complexity in animal dispersion and abundance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecological theory related to animal distribution and abundance is at present incomplete and to some extent naive. We suggest that this may partly be due to a long tradition in the field of model development for choosing mathematical and statistical tools for convenience rather than applicability. Real population dynamics are influenced by nonlinear interactions, nonequilibrium conditions, and scaling complexity from system openness. Thus, a coherent theory for individual-, population-, and community-level processes should rest on mathematical and statistical methods that explicitly confront these issues in a manner that satisfies principles from statistical mechanics for complex systems. Instead, ecological theory is traditionally based on premises from simpler statistical mechanical theory for memory-free, scale-specific, random-walk, and diffusion processes, while animals from many taxa generally express strategic homing, site fidelity, and conspecific attraction in direct violation of primary model assumptions. Thus, the main challenge is to generalize the theory for memory-free physical, many-body systems to include a more realistic memory-influenced framework that better satisfies ecological realism. We describe, simulate, and discuss three testable aspects of a model for multiscaled habitat use at the individual level: (1) scale-free distribution of movement steps under influence of self-reinforcing site fidelity, (2) fractal spatial dispersion of intra-home range relocations, and (3) nonasymptotic expansion of observed intra-home range patch use with increasing set of relocations. Examples of literature data apparently supporting the conjecture that multiscaled, strategic space use is widespread among many animal taxa are also described. We suggest that the present approach, which provides a protocol to test for influence from scale-free, memory-dependent habitat use at the individual level, may also point toward a guideline for development of a generalized theoretical framework for complex population kinetics and spatiotemporal population dynamics.  相似文献   

《Ecological Complexity》2008,5(3):238-251
We present a spatial, individual-based predator–prey model in which dispersal is dependent on the local community. We determine species suitability to the biotic conditions of their local environment through a time and space varying fitness measure. Dispersal of individuals to nearby communities occurs whenever their fitness falls below a predefined tolerance threshold. The spatiotemporal dynamics of the model is described in terms of this threshold. We compare this dynamics with the one obtained through density-independent dispersal and find marked differences. In the community-driven scenario, the spatial correlations in the population density do not vary in a linear fashion as we increase the tolerance threshold. Instead we find the system to cross different dynamical regimes as the threshold is raised. Spatial patterns evolve from disordered, to scale-free complex patterns, to finally becoming well-organized domains. This model therefore predicts that natural populations, the dispersal strategies of which are likely to be influenced by their local environment, might be subject to complex spatiotemporal dynamics.  相似文献   

The influence of the topology on the asymptotic states of a network of interacting chemical species has been studied by simulating its time evolution. Random and scale-free networks have been designed to support relevant features of activation-deactivation reactions networks (mapping signal transduction networks) and the system of ordinary differential equations associated to the dynamics has been numerically solved. We analysed stationary states of the dynamics as a function of the network's connectivity and of the distribution of the chemical species on the network; we found important differences between the two topologies in the regime of low connectivity. In particular, only for low connected scale-free networks it is possible to find zero activity patterns as stationary states of the dynamics which work as signal off-states. Asymptotic features of random and scale-free networks become similar as the connectivity increases.  相似文献   

Both the threat of bioterrorism and the natural emergence of contagious diseases underscore the importance of quantitatively understanding disease transmission in structured human populations. Over the last few years, researchers have advanced the mathematical theory of scale-free networks and used such theoretical advancements in pilot epidemic models. Scale-free contact networks are particularly interesting in the realm of mathematical epidemiology, primarily because these networks may allow meaningfully structured populations to be incorporated in epidemic models at moderate or intermediate levels of complexity. Moreover, a scale-free contact network with node degree correlation is in accord with the well-known preferred mixing concept. The present author describes a semi-empirical and deterministic epidemic modeling approach that (a) focuses on time-varying rates of disease transmission in both unstructured and structured populations and (b) employs probability density functions to characterize disease progression and outbreak controls. Given an epidemic curve for a historical outbreak, this modeling approach calls for Monte Carlo calculations (that define the average new infection rate) and solutions to integro-differential equations (that describe outbreak dynamics in an aggregate population or across all network connectivity classes). Numerical results are obtained for the 2003 SARS outbreak in Taiwan and the dynamical implications of time-varying transmission rates and scale-free contact networks are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

Populations of species in ecosystems are often constrained by availability of resources within their environment. In effect this means that a growth of one population, needs to be balanced by comparable reduction in populations of others. In neutral models of biodiversity all populations are assumed to change incrementally due to stochastic births and deaths of individuals. Here we propose and model another redistribution mechanism driven by abrupt and severe reduction in size of the population of a single species freeing up resources for the remaining ones. This mechanism may be relevant e.g. for communities of bacteria, with strain-specific collapses caused e.g. by invading bacteriophages, or for other ecosystems where infectious diseases play an important role. The emergent dynamics of our system is characterized by cyclic ‘‘diversity waves’’ triggered by collapses of globally dominating populations. The population diversity peaks at the beginning of each wave and exponentially decreases afterwards. Species abundances have bimodal time-aggregated distribution with the lower peak formed by populations of recently collapsed or newly introduced species while the upper peak - species that has not yet collapsed in the current wave. In most waves both upper and lower peaks are composed of several smaller peaks. This self-organized hierarchical peak structure has a long-term memory transmitted across several waves. It gives rise to a scale-free tail of the time-aggregated population distribution with a universal exponent of 1.7. We show that diversity wave dynamics is robust with respect to variations in the rules of our model such as diffusion between multiple environments, species-specific growth and extinction rates, and bet-hedging strategies.  相似文献   

An initial unsynchronized ensemble of networking phase oscillators is further subjected to a growing process where a set of forcing oscillators, each one of them following the dynamics of a frequency pacemaker, are added to the pristine graph. Linking rules based on dynamical criteria are followed in the attachment process to force phase locking of the network with the external pacemaker. We show that the eventual locking occurs in correspondence to the arousal of a scale-free degree distribution in the original graph.  相似文献   

Modulation of interactions among neurons can manifest as dramatic changes in the state of population dynamics in cerebral cortex. How such transitions in cortical state impact the information processing performed by cortical circuits is not clear. Here we performed experiments and computational modeling to determine how somatosensory dynamic range depends on cortical state. We used microelectrode arrays to record ongoing and whisker stimulus-evoked population spiking activity in somatosensory cortex of urethane anesthetized rats. We observed a continuum of different cortical states; at one extreme population activity exhibited small scale variability and was weakly correlated, the other extreme had large scale fluctuations and strong correlations. In experiments, shifts along the continuum often occurred naturally, without direct manipulation. In addition, in both the experiment and the model we directly tuned the cortical state by manipulating inhibitory synaptic interactions. Our principal finding was that somatosensory dynamic range was maximized in a specific cortical state, called criticality, near the tipping point midway between the ends of the continuum. The optimal cortical state was uniquely characterized by scale-free ongoing population dynamics and moderate correlations, in line with theoretical predictions about criticality. However, to reproduce our experimental findings, we found that existing theory required modifications which account for activity-dependent depression. In conclusion, our experiments indicate that in vivo sensory dynamic range is maximized near criticality and our model revealed an unanticipated role for activity-dependent depression in this basic principle of cortical function.  相似文献   

Resource matching and population dynamics in a two-patch system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Esa Ranta  Veijo Kaitala 《Oikos》2000,91(3):507-511
We study resource matching – the relationship between resource supply and forager numbers – under conditions of fluctuating population dynamics in a two-patch system. For the inter-patch dispersal we apply the patch-departure rule following the principle of the ideal free distribution: leave the current patch of residence if local conditions are worse than conditions elsewhere on average. We show that such a dispersal rule synchronises cyclic and chaotic local population dynamics, but unlike many other dispersal rules, leaves the underlying population dynamics untouched. We also show that the IFD dispersal rule is not very sensitive to biased information and navigation failures during the dispersal phase. Even under such circumstances we observe a quick process of populations becoming synchronised, even when the population dynamics are chaotic. We conclude that an IFD patch-departure rule represents an ESS dispersal behaviour towards which the dispersal patterns should evolve.  相似文献   

Protein interactions are central to most biological processes. We investigated the dynamics of emergence of the protein interaction network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by mapping origins of proteins on an evolutionary tree. We demonstrate that evolutionary periods are characterized by distinct connectivity levels of the emerging proteins. We found that the most-connected group of proteins dates to the eukaryotic radiation, and the more ancient group of pre-eukaryotic proteins is less connected. We show that functional classes have different average connectivity levels and that the time of emergence of these functional classes parallels the observed connectivity variation in evolution. We take these findings as evidence that the evolution of function might be the reason for the differences in connectivity throughout evolutionary time. We propose that the understanding of the mechanisms that generate the scale-free protein interaction network, and possibly other biological networks, requires consideration of protein function.  相似文献   

Spontaneous brain activity is characterized by bursts and avalanche-like dynamics, with scale-free features typical of critical behaviour. The stochastic version of the celebrated Wilson-Cowan model has been widely studied as a system of spiking neurons reproducing non-trivial features of the neural activity, from avalanche dynamics to oscillatory behaviours. However, to what extent such phenomena are related to the presence of a genuine critical point remains elusive. Here we address this central issue, providing analytical results in the linear approximation and extensive numerical analysis. In particular, we present results supporting the existence of a bona fide critical point, where a second-order-like phase transition occurs, characterized by scale-free avalanche dynamics, scaling with the system size and a diverging relaxation time-scale. Moreover, our study shows that the observed critical behaviour falls within the universality class of the mean-field branching process, where the exponents of the avalanche size and duration distributions are, respectively, 3/2 and 2. We also provide an accurate analysis of the system behaviour as a function of the total number of neurons, focusing on the time correlation functions of the firing rate in a wide range of the parameter space.  相似文献   

We studied the Boolean dynamics of the "quenched" Kauffman models with a directed scale-free network, comparing with that of the original directed random Kauffman networks and that of the directed exponential-fluctuation networks. We have numerically investigated the distributions of the state cycle lengths and its changes as the network size N and the average degree k of nodes increase. In the relatively small network (N approximately 150), the median, the mean value and the standard deviation grow exponentially with N in the directed scale-free and the directed exponential-fluctuation networks with k=2, where the function forms of the distributions are given as an almost exponential. We have found that for the relatively large N approximately 10(3) the growth of the median of the distribution over the attractor lengths asymptotically changes from algebraic type to exponential one as the average degree k goes to k=2. The result supports the existence of the transition at k(c)=2 derived in the annealed model.  相似文献   

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