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The binding of 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS) to ciliary dynein ATPase leads to a marked increase in the dye's fluorescence intensity, accompanied by a blue shift in the observed fluorescence emission maximum. We found that dynein has 37 +/- 3 ANS binding sites and that experimentally applied ANS concentrations failed to alter enzyme activity. The fluorescence properties of the enzyme-dye complex were used to learn more about the binding characteristics of dynein substrates and effectors and to probe for possible conformational changes of the enzyme. The fluorescence of the dynein-ANS complex is increased by a number of substrates, including ATP, GTP, and UTP. The transfer of excitation energy from dynein chromophores to adsorbed ANS was also investigated. Our findings indicate that dynein appears to undergo a localized conformational change in its interaction with ATP. Native dynein was also found to be conformationally different from heat-activated or NEM-modified enzyme as evidenced by the emission and excitation spectra of the various enzyme-ANS complexes.  相似文献   

1-Anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) anion is conventionally considered to bind to preexisting hydrophobic (nonpolar) surfaces of proteins, primarily through its nonpolar anilino-naphthalene group. Such binding is followed by an increase in ANS fluorescence intensity, similar to that occurring when ANS is dissolved in organic solvents. It is generally assumed that neither the negative sulfonate charge on the ANS, nor charges on the protein, participate significantly in ANS-protein interaction. However, titration calorimetry has demonstrated that most ANS binding to a number of proteins occurs through electrostatic forces, in which ion pairs are formed between ANS sulfonate groups and cationic groups on the proteins (D. Matulis and R. E. Lovrien, Biophys. J., 1998, Vol. 74, pp. 1-8). Here we show by viscometry and diffusion coefficient measurements that bovine serum albumin and gamma-globulin, starting from their acid-expanded, most hydrated conformations, undergo extensive molecular compaction upon ANS binding. As the cationic protein binds negatively charged ANS anion it also takes up positively charged protons from water to compensate the effect of the negative charge, and leaves the free hydroxide anions in solution thus shifting pH upward (the Scatchard-Black effect). These results indicate that ANS is not always a definitive reporter of protein molecular conformation that existed before ANS binding. Instead, ANS reports on a conformationally tightened state produced by the interplay of ionic and hydrophobic characters of both protein and ligand.  相似文献   

The ATPase activity of the chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) isolated from the green alga Dunaliella is completely latent. A brief heat treatment irreversibly induces a Ca2+ -dependent activity. The Ca2+ dependent ATPase activity can be reversibly inhibited by ethanol, which changes the divalent cation dependency from Ca2+ to Mg2+. Both the Ca2+ -dependent and Mg2+ -dependent ATPase activities of heat-treated Dunaliella CF1 are inhibited by monospecific antisera directed against Chlamydomonas reinhardi CF1. However, when assayed under identical conditions, the Ca2+ -dependent ATPase activity is significantly more sensitive to inhibition by the antisera than is the Mg2+ -dependent activity. These data are interpreted as indicating that soluble Dunaliella CF1 can exist in a variety of conformations, at least one of which catalyzes a Ca2+ -dependent ATPase and two or more of which catalyze an Mg2+ -dependent ATPase.  相似文献   

The trypsin-activated Ca2+ -ATPase of spinach chloroplast membranes was completely inhibited by treatment with naphthylglyoxal, a fluorescent compound that should bind covalently to arginine residues. The inhibition followed apparent first-order kinetics. The apparent order of reaction with respect to inhibitor concentration gave values near unity, suggesting that inactivation is a consequence of modifying one arginine residue per active site. Partial protection against naphthylglyoxal was afforded by ADP and ATP, with either less or no protection by other nucleotide bases. At inhibition levels less than complete, the Km for ATP was not affected but the Vmax of the enzyme was diminished. The light-dependent exchange of tightly bound nucleotides on the membrane-bound enzyme was not inhibited by naphthylglyoxal treatment, indicating significant retention of the conformational response of the enzyme to the membrane high-energy state. Using [3H]naphthylglyoxal, the extent of inhibition was a linear function of the amount of naphthylglyoxal bound up to 60% inhibition. The curves extrapolated to 2 mol naphthylglyoxal bound, associated with complete inhibition of ATPase. The radioactive naphthylglyoxal was distributed equally between α- and β-subunits.  相似文献   

An analysis of interspecific hybrids of Nicotiana spp. in which one of the parents was sensitive to tentoxin showed that this sensitivity was transmitted only through the female parent. Since tentoxin acts by selectively binding to the alpha,beta subunit complex of chloroplast coupling factor 1, the gene(s) specifying either one or both of these subunits is located in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

W D Frasch  B R Selman 《Biochemistry》1982,21(15):3636-3643
The reaction mechanism and substrate specificity of soluble chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) from spinach were determined by using the purified isomers of chromium-nucleotide complexes either as substrates for the enzyme or as inhibitors of the Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity. The isolation of CrADP( [32P]Pi) formed upon the addition of the enzyme to [32P]Pi and lambda-bidentate CrADP and the observation that the lambda-bidentate CrADP epimer was 20-fold more effective in inhibiting the Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity than was the delta epimer suggest that the substrate of phosphorylation catalyzed by CF1 is the lambda-bidentate metal ADP epimer. Tridentate CrATP was hydrolyzed by soluble CF1 to CrADP(Pi) at an initial rate of 3.2 mumol (mg of CF1)-1 min-1, indicating that the tridentate metal ATP is the substrate for ATP hydrolysis. From these results a mechanism for the phosphorylation of ADP catalyzed by coupling factor 1 is proposed whereby the bidentate metal ADP isomer associates with the enzyme, phosphate inserts into the coordination sphere of the metal, and the oxygen of the beta-phosphate of ADP attacks the inorganic phosphate by an SN2 type reaction. The resulting product is the tridentate ATP ligand.  相似文献   

The effect of Mg2+ on the binding of adenylates to isolated chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) was studied using CD spectrometry and ultrafiltration. At adenylate concentrations smaller than 100 muM, one mole of CF1 binds three moles of ATP (or ADP) regardless of the presence of Mg2+. In the presence of Mg2+, the first two ATP's bind to CF1 independently with the same binding constant of 2.5 X 10(-1) muM-1, then the third ATP binds with a much higher affinity of 10 muM-1. In the absence of Mg2+, the first ATP binds to CF1 with a binding constant of 2.5 X 10(-1) muM-1 then the other two ATP's bind less easily with the same binding constant of 4.0 X 10(-2) muM-1. The binding mode of ADP to CF1 is quite similar to that of ATP. In the presence of Mg2+, the binding constants of the first two ADP's are both 7.6 X 10(-2) muM-1, that of the third ADP being 4.0 muM-1. In the absence of Mg2+, the binding constant of the first ADP is 7.6 X 10(-2) muM-1, the constants of the other two ADP's both being 4.0 X 10(-2) muM-1. AMP caused a negligible change in CD.  相似文献   

Although freeze-induced perturbations of the protein native fold are common, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood owing to the difficulty of monitoring their structure in ice. In this report we propose that binding of the fluorescence probe 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) to proteins in ice can provide a useful monitor of ice-induced strains on the native fold. Experiments conducted with copper-free azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as a model protein system, demonstrate that in frozen solutions the fluorescence of ANS is enhanced several fold and becomes blue shifted relative free ANS. From the enhancement factor it is estimated that, at -13 degrees C, on average at least 1.6 ANS molecules become immobilized within hydrophobic sites of apo-azurin, sites that are destroyed when the structure is largely unfolded by guanidinium hydrochloride. The extent of ANS binding is influenced by temperature of ice as well as by conditions that affect the stability of the globular structure. Lowering the temperature from -4 degrees C to -18 degrees C leads to an apparent increase in the number of binding sites, an indication that low temperature and /or a reduced amount of liquid water augment the strain on the protein tertiary structure. It is significant that ANS binding is practically abolished when the native fold is stabilized upon formation of the Cd(2+) complex or on addition of glycerol to the solution but is further enhanced in the presence of NaSCN, a known destabilizing agent. The results of the present study suggest that the ANS binding method may find practical utility in testing the effectiveness of various additives employed in protein formulations as well as to devise safer freeze-drying protocols of pharmaceutical proteins.  相似文献   

The ATP synthase of chloroplasts consists of a proton-conducting portion, CF0, and a catalytic portion, CF1. The smaller subunits of CF1, in particular delta, may play a key role in the coupling of proton transport to ATP synthesis. Purified subunit delta, when added to partially CF1-depleted thylakoid membranes, can restore photophosphorylation (Engelbrecht, S., and Junge, W. (1987) Eur. J. Biochem. 172, 213-218). We report here that it does so by blocking proton conduction through CF0. Thylakoids were CF1-depleted by incubation in hypoosmolar NaCl/EDTA solutions. Variation of the NaCl concentrations and of the incubation times not only changed the overall degree of CF1 depletion but also the subunit composition of solubilized CF1, namely CF1 containing delta and CF1(-delta). This was quantified by immunoelectrophoresis and by fast protein liquid chromatography. Proton conduction was measured by flash spectrophotometry by using standard electrochromic and pH-indicating absorption changes. The removal of integral CF1 was correlated with high electric conductance of thylakoid membranes, an increased extent of rapid proton leakage, and loss of ATP synthesis activity, which exceeded the percentual loss of CF1. The removal of predominantly CF1(-delta) resulted in comparatively lesser effects on the loss of ATP synthesis and on the extent and velocity of proton leakage. On the same line, addition of integral CF1 and of purified delta diminished the electric leak in CF1-depleted thylakoids. Both approaches, the controlled removal of CF1 and CF1(-delta), respectively, and addition of delta and CF1 showed that delta can act as a "stopcock" to the exposed proton channel CF0.  相似文献   

The irreversible inhibition of chloroplast phosphorylation by either sulfate anions, or N-ethylmaleimide, is energy dependent. Chloroplasts must first be illuminated in the presence of the inhibitors and a mediator of electron flow, for the subsequent phosphorylation to show any inhibition. Both inhibitors affect the chloroplast coupling factor 1.Electron transport only through Photosystem I can be used to activate either of these inhibitions. The subsequent inhibition in a second light reaction is the same whether ATP synthesis is supported by Photosystem I, or by Photosystem II electron transport. The reverse experiment, activating inhibition by electron transport only through Photosystem II, is possible in the case of sulfate. Again, the inhibition is expressed whether Photosystem II or Photosystem I electron flow supports ATP synthesis. We conclude that the two electron transport regions probably generate the same high energy state which is able to activate all members of a functionally uniform coupling factor population. These enzyme molecules must catalyze phosphorylation coupled to electron transport through either region of the chain. The results tend to discredit models requiring a separate group of coupling factor molecules unique to each part of the chain.  相似文献   

Interaction between F(1)-ATPase activity stimulating oxyanions and noncatalytic sites of coupling factor CF(1) was studied. Carbonate, borate and sulfite anions were shown to inhibit tight binding of [14C]ATP and [14C]ADP to CF(1) noncatalytic sites. The demonstrated change of their inhibitory efficiency in carbonate-borate-sulfite order coincides with the previously found change in efficiency of these anions as stimulators of CF(1)-ATPase activity [Biochemistry (Mosc.) 43 (1978) 1206-1211]. Inhibition of tight nucleotide binding to noncatalytic sites was accompanied by stimulation of nucleotide binding to catalytic sites. This suggests that stimulation of CF(1)-ATPase activity is caused by interaction between oxyanions and noncatalytic sites. A most efficient stimulator of CF(1)-ATPase activity, sulfite oxyanion, appeared to be a competitive inhibitor with respect to ATP and a partial noncompetitive inhibitor with respect to ADP. The inhibition weakened with increasing time of CF(1) incubation with sulfite and nucleotides. Sulfite is believed to inhibit fast reversible interaction between nucleotides and noncatalytic sites and to produce no effect on subsequent tight binding of nucleotides. A possible mechanism of the oxyanion-stimulating effect is discussed.  相似文献   

Cross-linking reagents have been used to link covalently adjacent subunits of solubilized spinach chloroplast coupling factor 1, which is a latent ATPase. 1,5-Difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, dimethyl-3,3'-dithiobispropionimidate, and dimethylsuberimidate are able to form bridges of 3 to 11 A between amino groups, and hydrogen peroxide and the o-phenanthroline-cupric ion complex catalyze the oxidation of intrinsic sulfhydryl groups. The five individual subunit bands (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon) and several new aggregate bands can be separated by means of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The same four fastest moving aggregate bands, as characterized by their mobilities, migrate more slowly than the heaviest subunit band and appear with all of the cross-linkers employed. The subunit composition of the aggregate bands has been determined through the use of the reversible cross-linkers, dimethyldithiobispropionimidate, (o-phenanthroline)2Cu(II), and H2O2, and two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in which aggregates are separated in the first dimension, the disulfide cross-links are cleaved, and the individual subunits present in the aggregates are separated in the second dimension. The subunits are detected by Coomassie brilliant blue staining and by labeling some of the sulfhydryl groups of the gamma and epsilon subunits with radioactive N-ethylmaleimide. The results obtained indicate that the alpha and beta subunits can cross-link directly with each of the other subunits, that two beta subunits are adjacent, and that gamma epsilon, gamma epsilon 2, alpha delta, and beta delta aggregates are present. A minimal subunit stoichiometry consistent with these results is alpha 2 beta 2 gamma delta epsilon 2. A possible structural model of the coupling factor is derived from the data. Similar, but less extensive, experiments have been carried out with the heat-activated coupling factor (which is an ATPase); no differences in the spatial arrangement of subunits are detected from the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis of the cross-linked aggregates.  相似文献   

Conformational analysis of N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) was carried out using the empirical method. Properties such as conformational energies and dipole moments were considered. Furthermore, the effect of solvent medium was examined through the effective dielectic constant. The N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine molecule showed two energy minima which were independent of dielectic constant. The ANS molecule also showed two energy minima but the minima changed positions when the dielectic constant increased from 1.0 (vacuum) to 80.0 (highly polar medium). Hydrogen bonding appeared to play an important role in stabilizing these conformations. The minimum energy conformations may have relevance to the binding of ANS to lipid bilayers and bimembranes. The dipole moment, in contrast to the energy minimum, was found to depend on orientation of the sulfonate group rather than of the benzene ring with respect to the naphthalene ring. Thus binding and fluorescence enhancement of ANS may be attributed to the orientation of the sulfonate group, which to a large extent may determine the magnitude of the dipole moment and the degree of electrostatic interactions between the probe and binding domains. Various dimensions like intra-atomic distances, volume and area of the ANS molecule were calculated.  相似文献   

The hydrophobic fluorescent probe, 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulphonate (ANS), has been used to study conformational changes of mouse antigen-stimulated lymphocytes in vivo. Studies revealed that early conformational changes appear in Bovine Serum Albumin-- or Sheep Erythrocytes-- stimulated splenic and thymic lymphocytes. These conformational changes are detected by fluorescence intensity changes, when ANS is bound to lymphocytes. The kinetic studies further indicate that the course of conformational changes may vary considerably depending on antigens.  相似文献   

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