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We have cloned a chick homologue of Drosophila dachshund (dac), termed Dach1. Dach1 is the orthologue of mouse and human Dac/Dach (hereafter referred to as Dach1). We show that chick Dach1 is expressed in a variety of sites during embryonic development, including the eye and ear. Previous work has demonstrated the existence of a functional network and genetic regulatory hierarchy in Drosophila in which eyeless (ey, the Pax6 orthologue), eyes absent (eya), and dac operate together to regulate Drosophila eye development, and that ey regulates the expression of eya and dac. We find that in the developing eye of both chick and mouse, expression domains of Dach1 overlap with those of Pax6, a gene required for normal eye development. Similarly, in the developing ear of both mouse and chick, Dach1 expression overlaps with the expression of another Pax gene, Pax2. In the mouse, Dach1 expression in the developing ear also overlaps with the expression of Eya1 (an eya homologue). Both Pax2 and Eya1 are required for normal ear development. Our expression studies suggest that the Drosophila Pax-eya-dac regulatory network may be evolutionarily conserved such that Pax genes, Eya1, and Dach1 may function together in vertebrates to regulate neural development. To address the further possibility that a regulatory hierarchy exists between Pax, Eya, and Dach genes, we have examined the expression of mouse Dach1 in Pax6, Pax2 and Eya1 mutant backgrounds. Our results indicate that Pax6, Pax2, and Eya1 do not regulate Dach1 expression through a simple linear hierarchy.  相似文献   

The fate specification of the developing vertebrate inner ear could be determined by complex regulatory genetic pathways involving the Pax2/5/8 genes. Pax2 expression has been reported in the otic placode and vesicle of all vertebrates that have been studied. Loss-of-function experiments suggest that the Pax2 gene plays a key role in the development of the cochlear duct and acoustic ganglion. Despite all these data, the role of Pax2 gene in the specification of the otic epithelium is still only poorly defined. In the present work, we report a detailed study of the spatial and temporal Pax2 expression patterns during the development of the chick inner ear. In the period analysed, Pax2 is expressed only in some presumptive sensory patches, but not all, even though all sensory patches show the scattered Pax2 expression pattern later on. We also show that Pax2 is also expressed in several non-sensory structures.  相似文献   

The Pitx homeobox gene family has important roles in vertebrate pituitary, eye, branchial arch, hindlimb and brain development, as well as a key function in regulating left-right asymmetry. Here we report the isolation of a Pitx gene, PitxA, from two lamprey species, Lampetra planeri and Petromyzon marinus. Molecular phylogenetics show PitxA is most closely related to the Pitx1 and Pitx2 genes of jawed vertebrates, however resolution in the trees is insufficient to determine if PitxA is orthologous to a specific jawed vertebrate gene. In situ hybridisation studies show lamprey PitxA is expressed in the developing nasohypohyseal system and stomodeal ectoderm from early development through to early ammocoette larvae. PitxA expression was also detected in several areas of the developing brain, in the developing optic system, in pharyngeal endoderm and endostyle and in the lateral somite. These results show some key aspects of Pitx gene expression in gnathostomes are primitive for all living vertebrates.  相似文献   

The vertebrate brain is regionalized during development into forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) is expressed in the midbrain/hindbrain boundary (MHB) and functions as an organizer molecule. Previous studies demonstrated that the brain of basal chordates or ascidians is also regionalized at least into fore/midbrain and hindbrain. To better understand the ascidian brain regionalization, the expression of the Ciona Fgf8/17/18 gene was compared with the expression of Otx, En and Pax2/5/8 genes. The expression pattern of these genes resembled that of the genes in the vertebrate forebrain, midbrain, MHB and hindbrain, each of those domains being characterized by sole or combined expression of Otx, Pax2/5/8, En and Fgf8/17/18. In addition, the putative forebrain and midbrain expressed Ci-FgfL and Ci-Fgf9/16/20, respectively. Therefore, the regionalization of the ascidian larval central nervous system was also marked by the expression of Fgf genes.  相似文献   

The vertebrate brain is regionalized during development into forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) is expressed in the midbrain/hindbrain boundary (MHB) and functions as an organizer molecule. Previous studies demonstrated that the brain of basal chordates or ascidians is also regionalized at least into fore/midbrain and hindbrain. To better understand the ascidian brain regionalization, the expression of the Ciona Fgf8/17/18 gene was compared with the expression of Otx, En and Pax2/5/8 genes. The expression pattern of these genes resembled that of the genes in the vertebrate forebrain, midbrain, MHB and hindbrain, each of those domains being characterized by sole or combined expression of Otx, Pax2/5/8, En and Fgf8/17/18. In addition, the putative forebrain and midbrain expressed Ci-FgfL and Ci-Fgf9/16/20, respectively. Therefore, the regionalization of the ascidian larval central nervous system was also marked by the expression of Fgf genes.  相似文献   

Pax genes play a pivotal role in development of the vertebrate visual system. Pax6 is the master control gene for eye development: ectopic expression of Pax6 in Xenopus laevis and Drosphila melanogaster leads to the formation of differentiated eyes on the legs or wings. Pax6 is involved in formation of ganglion cells of the retina, as well as cells of the lens, iris and cornea. In addition Pax6 may play a role in axon guidance in the visual system. Pax2 regulates differentiation of the optic disk through which retinal ganglion cell axons exit the eye. Furthermore, Pax2 plays a critical role in development of the optic chiasm and in the guidance of axons along the contralateral or ipsilateral tracts of the optic nerve to visual targets in the brain. During development Pax7 is expressed in neuronal cells of one of the major visual targets in the brain, the optic tectum/superior colliculus. Neurons expressing Pax7 migrate towards the pia and concentrate in the stratum griseum superficiale (SGFS), the target site for retinal axons. Together, expression of Pax2, 6 and 7 may guide axons during formation of functional retinotectal/collicular projections. Highly regulated Pax gene expression is also observed in mature animals. Moreover, evidence suggests that Pax genes are important for regeneration of the visual system. We are currently investigating Pax gene expression in species that display a range of outcomes of optic nerve regeneration. We predict that such information will provide valuable insights for the induction of successful regeneration of the optic nerve and of other regions of the central nervous system in mammals including man.  相似文献   

Pax6 is involved in the control of neuronal specification, migration, and differentiation in the olfactory epithelium and in the generation of different interneuron subtypes in the olfactory bulb. Whether these roles are conserved during evolution is not known. Cartilaginous fish are extremely useful models for assessing the ancestral condition of brain organization because of their phylogenetic position. To shed light on the evolution of development of the olfactory system in vertebrates and on the involvement of Pax6 in this process, we analyzed by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry the expression pattern of Pax6 in the developing olfactory system in a basal vertebrate, the lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula. This small shark is becoming an important fish model in studies of vertebrate development. We report Pax6 expression in cells of the olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulb, and present the first evidence in vertebrates of strings of Pax6-expressing cells extending along the developing olfactory nerve. The results indicate the olfactory epithelium as the origin of these cells. These data are compatible with a role for Pax6 in the development of the olfactory epithelium and fibers, and provide a basis for future investigations into the mechanisms that regulate development of the olfactory system throughout evolution.  相似文献   

Several animal lineages, including the vertebrates, have evolved sophisticated eyes with lenses that refract light to generate an image. The nearest invertebrate relatives of the vertebrates, such as the ascidians (sea squirts) and amphioxus, have only basic light detecting organs, leading to the widely-held view that the vertebrate lens is an innovation that evolved in early vertebrates. From an embryological perspective the lens is different from the rest of the eye, in that the eye is primarily of neural origin while the lens derives from a non-neural ectodermal placode which invaginates into the developing eye. How such an organ could have evolved has attracted much speculation. Recently, however, molecular developmental studies of sea squirts have started to suggest a possible evolutionary origin for the lens. First, studies of the Pax, Six, Eya and other gene families have indicated that sea squirts have areas of non-neural ectoderm homologous to placodes, suggesting an origin for the embryological characteristics of the lens. Second, the evolution and regulation of the betagamma-crystallins has been studied. These form one of the key crystallin gene families responsible for the transparency of the lens, and regulatory conservation between the betagamma-crystallin gene in the sea squirt Ciona intestinalis and the vertebrate visual system has been experimentally demonstrated. These data, together with knowledge of the morphological, physiological and gene expression similarities between the C. intestinalis ocellus and vertebrate retina, have led us to propose a hypothesis for the evolution of the vertebrate lens and integrated vertebrate eye via the co-option and combination of ancient gene regulatory networks; one controlling morphogenetic aspects of lens development and one controlling the expression of a gene family responsible for the biophysical properties of the lens, with the components of the retina having evolved from an ancestral photoreceptive organ derived from the anterior central nervous system.  相似文献   

The Drosophila eyeless gene plays a central role in fly eye development and controls a subordinate regulatory network consisting of the so, eya and dac genes. All three genes have highly conserved mammalian homologs, suggesting possible conservation of this eye forming regulatory network. sine oculis (so) belongs to the so/Six gene family, and Six3 is prominently expressed in the developing mammalian eye. Eya1 and Dach1 are mammalian homologs of eya and dac, respectively, and although neither Eya1 nor Dach1 knockout mice express prenatal eye defects, possibilities exist for postnatal ocular phenotypes or for functional redundancy between related family members. To examine whether expression relationships analogous to those between ey, so, eya and dac exist in early mammalian oculogenesis, we investigated Pax6, Six3, Eya1 and Dach1 protein expression in murine lens and nasal placode development. Six3 expression in the pre-placode lens ectoderm is initially Pax6-independent, but subsequently both its expression and nuclear localization become Pax6-dependent. Six3, Dach1 and Eya1 nasal expression in pre-placode ectoderm are also initially Pax6-independent, but thereafter become Pax6-dependent. Pax6, Six3, Dach1 and Eya1 are all co-expressed in the developing ciliary marginal zone, a source of retinal stem cells in some vertebrates. An in vitro protein-protein interaction is detected between Six3 and Eya1. Collectively, these findings suggest that the Pax-Eya-Six-Dach network is at best only partly conserved during lens and nasal placode development. However, the findings do not rule out the possibility that such a regulatory network acts at later stages of oculogenesis.  相似文献   

During development, the vertebrate hindbrain is subdivided along its anteroposterior axis into a series of segmental bulges called rhombomeres. These segments in turn generate a repeated pattern of rhombomere-specific neurons, including reticular and branchiomotor neurons. In amphioxus (Cephalochordata), the sister group of the vertebrates, a bona fide segmented hindbrain is lacking, although the embryonic brain vesicle shows molecular anteroposterior regionalization. Therefore, evaluation of the segmental patterning of the central nervous system of agnathan embryos is relevant to our understanding of the origin of the developmental plan of the vertebrate hindbrain. To investigate the neuronal organization of the hindbrain of the Japanese lamprey, Lethenteron japonicum, we retrogradely labeled the reticulospinal and branchial motoneurons. By combining this analysis with a study of the expression patterns of genes identifying specific rhombomeric territories such as LjKrox20, LjPax6, LjEphC and LjHox3, we found that the reticular neurons in the lamprey hindbrain, including isthmic, bulbar and Mauthner cells, develop in conserved rhombomere-specific positions, similar to those in the zebrafish. By contrast, lamprey trigeminal and facial motor nuclei are not in register with rhombomere boundaries, unlike those of gnathostomes. The trigeminal-facial boundary corresponds to the rostral border of LjHox3 expression in the middle of rhombomere 4. Exogenous application of retinoic acid (RA) induced a rostral shift of both the LjHox3 expression domain and branchiomotor nuclei with no obvious repatterning of rhombomeric segmentation and reticular neurons. Therefore, whereas subtype variations of motoneuron identity along the anteroposterior axis may rely on Hox-dependent positional values, as in gnathostomes, such variations in the lamprey are not constrained by hindbrain segmentation. We hypothesize that the registering of hindbrain segmentation and neuronal patterning may have been acquired through successive and independent stepwise patterning changes during evolution.  相似文献   

To investigate the embryonic development of the central nervous system of the lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis, we have isolated and analysed the expression patterns of members of the LIM-homeodomain, Pax, Hedgehog and Nkx2.1 families. Using degenerate RT-PCR, single representatives of Lhx1/Lhx5, Lhx2/Lhx9, Pax3/Pax7 and Hedgehog families could be isolated in L. fluviatilis. Expression analysis revealed that the lamprey forebrain presents a clear neuromeric pattern. We describe the existence of 4 embryonic diencephalic prosomeres whose boundaries can be identified by the combined and relative expressions of LfPax37, LfLhx15 and LfLhx29. This suggests that the embryonic lamprey and gnathostome forebrain are patterned in a highly similar manner. Moreover, analysis of the LfHh gene, which is expressed in the hypothalamus, zona limitans intrathalamica and floor plate, reveals the possible molecular origin of this neuromeric brain pattern. By contrast, LfHh and LfNkx2.1 expressions suggest major differences in patterning mechanisms of the ventral telencephalon when compared to gnathostomes. In summary, our findings highlight a neuromeric organisation of the embryonic agnathan forebrain and point to the possible origin of this organisation, which is thus a truly vertebrate character. They also suggest that Hh/Shh midline signalling might act as a driving force for forebrain evolution.  相似文献   

On the basis of developmental gene expression, the vertebrate central nervous system comprises: a forebrain plus anterior midbrain, a midbrain-hindbrain boundary region (MHB) having organizer properties, and a rhombospinal domain. The vertebrate MHB is characterized by position, by organizer properties and by being the early site of action of Wnt1 and engrailed genes, and of genes of the Pax2/5/8 subfamily. Wada and others (Wada, H., Saiga, H., Satoh, N. and Holland, P. W. H. (1998) Development 125, 1113-1122) suggested that ascidian tunicates have a vertebrate-like MHB on the basis of ascidian Pax258 expression there. In another invertebrate chordate, amphioxus, comparable gene expression evidence for a vertebrate-like MHB is lacking. We, therefore, isolated and characterized AmphiPax2/5/8, the sole member of this subfamily in amphioxus. AmphiPax2/5/8 is initially expressed well back in the rhombospinal domain and not where a MHB would be expected. In contrast, most of the other expression domains of AmphiPax2/5/8 correspond to expression domains of vertebrate Pax2, Pax5 and Pax8 in structures that are probably homologous - support cells of the eye, nephridium, thyroid-like structures and pharyngeal gill slits; although AmphiPax2/5/8 is not transcribed in any structures that could be interpreted as homologues of vertebrate otic placodes or otic vesicles. In sum, the developmental expression of AmphiPax2/5/8 indicates that the amphioxus central nervous system lacks a MHB resembling the vertebrate isthmic region. Additional gene expression data for the developing ascidian and amphioxus nervous systems would help determine whether a MHB is a basal chordate character secondarily lost in amphioxus. The alternative is that the MHB is a vertebrate innovation.  相似文献   

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