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 A series of studies, recently reviewed, has established that approximately 60% of the structural genes which are expressed in the sporophytic portion of the angiosperm life cycle are also expressed and exposed to selection in the pollen. Given the haploidy and large population sizes of pollen grains, a substantial portion of the sporophytic genome could thus be periodically exposed to a bacterial type of mass screening. This extraordinary possibility is often subject to some skepticism which may, of course, be justified. However, recent attempts to apply models appear to be inappropriate in this context, in part because these attempts overlook an important source of genetic variation, and also because they assume fixed values for selection and fitness. More recently, studies of pollen/pollen interactions have suggested that what Linskens termed the ”programic phase” may represent an arena for important, and largely unexplored phenomena, some of which are discussed here. Received: 3 June 1996 / Revision accepted: 26 July 1996  相似文献   

The discovery and development of the -lactam antibiotics are among the most powerful and successful achievements of modern science and technology. Since Fleming's accidental discovery of the penicillin-producing mold, seventy years of steady progress has followed, and today the -lactam group of compounds are the most successful example of natural product application and chemotherapy. Following on the heels of penicillin production by Penicillium chrysogenum came the discoveries of cephalosporin formation by Cephalosporium acremonium, cephamycin, clavam and carbapenem production by actinomycetes, and monocyclic -lactam production by actinomycetes and unicellular bacteria. Each one of these groups has yielded medically-useful products and has contributed to the reduction of pain and suffering of people throughout the world. Research on the microbiology, biochemistry, genetics and chemistry of these compounds have continued up to the present with major contributions being made by both individual and collaborative groups from industry and academia. The discovery of penicillin not only led to the era of the wonder drugs but provided the most important antibiotics available to medicine. Continued efforts have resulted in the improvement of these compounds with respect to potency, breadth of spectrum, activity against resistant pathogens, stability and pharmacokinetic properties. On the research front, major advances are being made on structural and regulatory biosynthetic genes and metabolic engineering of the pathways involved. New semisynthetic compounds especially those designed to combat resistance development are being examined in the clinic, and unusual non-antibiotic activities of these compounds are being pursued. Although seventy years of age, the -lactams are not yet ready for retirement.  相似文献   

The prokaryotic tree of life: past, present... and future?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
No accepted phylogenetic scheme for prokaryotes emerged until the late 1970s. Prior to that, it was assumed that there was a phylogenetic tree uniting all prokaryotes, but no suitable data were available for its construction. For 20 years, through the 1980s and 1990s, rRNA phylogenies were the gold standard. However, beginning in the last decade, findings from genomic data have challenged this new consensus. Gene trees can conflict greatly, and strains of the same species can differ enormously in genome content. Horizontal gene transfer is now known to be a significant influence on genome evolution. The next decade is likely to resolve whether or not we retain the centuries-old metaphor of the tree for all of life.  相似文献   

These are exciting times for PVC researchers! The PVC superphylum is composed of the bacterial phyla Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia, Chlamydiae (those three founders giving it its name), Lentisphaerae and Kirimatiellaeota as well as some uncultured candidate phyla, such as the Candidatus Omnitrophica (previously known as OP3). Despite early debates, most of the disagreements that surround this group of bacteria have been recently resolved. In this article, we review the history of the study of PVC bacteria, with a particular focus on the misinterpretations that emerged early in the field and their resolution. We begin with a historical perspective that describes the relevant facts of PVC research from the early times when they were not yet termed PVC. Those were controversial times and we refer to them as the “discovery age” of the field. We continue by describing new discoveries due to novel techniques and data that combined with the reinterpretations of old ones have contributed to solve most of the discordances and we refer to these times as the “illumination age” of PVC research. We follow by arguing that we are just entering the “golden age” of PVC research and that the future of this growing community is looking bright. We finish by suggesting a few of the directions that PVC researches might take in the future.  相似文献   

Dating of sediments sampled from small lakes in the Kilpolansaari region, in the NW part of Lake Ladoga, indicate that the River Neva, which is the present outlet of Lake Ladoga, originated at 3,100 radiocarbon years BP This is in agreement with some earlier estimations but no consensus concerning the age of the River Neva has previously been reached. New diatom data provide information concerning salinity and nutrient conditions in northern Lake Ladoga prior to the formation of the River Neva, when the Litorina Sea occupied the Baltic basin and approached the level of the ancient Lake Ladoga. Some slightly brackish water diatom species may indicate occasional saline water incursions into the Ladoga basin but, on the other hand, slightly brackish water species also occur in the present Lake Ladoga.  相似文献   

Sequence data are well established in the reconstruction of the phylogenetic and demographic scenarios that have given rise to outbreaks of viral pathogens. The application of similar methods to bacteria has been hindered in the main by the lack of high-resolution nucleotide sequence data from quality samples. Developing and already available genomic methods have greatly increased the amount of data that can be used to characterize an isolate and its relationship to others. However, differences in sequencing platforms and data analysis mean that these enhanced data come with a cost in terms of portability: results from one laboratory may not be directly comparable with those from another. Moreover, genomic data for many bacteria bear the mark of a history including extensive recombination, which has the potential to greatly confound phylogenetic and coalescent analyses. Here, we discuss the exacting requirements of genomic epidemiology, and means by which the distorting signal of recombination can be minimized to permit the leverage of growing datasets of genomic data from bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   


Background: Tropical mountain ecosystems of the Northern Andes have long fascinated researchers because of the unique conditions associated with cold climates in equatorial latitudes. More than six decades have elapsed since the beginning of systematic ecological research in the Venezuelan páramos, making them one of the best-studied tropical alpine regions in the world.

Aims: We review the conceptual development and state of the art of ecological research in the Venezuelan páramos, with emphasis on environmental and plant ecology research, presenting a general framework for the studies included in this special issue.

Methods: We provide a historical sketch of the periods that have marked ecological studies in the Venezuelan páramos. Then, we synthesise research on environmental drivers, plant population and community ecology, ecosystem functioning, the response of the páramo to climate change and human disturbance; we finally consider agroecology and conservation.

Results and conclusions: This review demonstrates the significant contributions made to alpine ecology in key areas such as biodiversity/ecosystem function changes during succession, nutrient cycling, species interactions and socio-ecological research. We indicate the need to develop a more integrated view of the links between evolutionary processes, functional diversity, community dynamics and ecosystem services both in natural and human-impacted areas.  相似文献   

In August 1992 a joint Russian-Finnish expedition was arranged to the NW part of Lake Ladoga to study radioactive contamination in the region. Special attention was paid to the area surrounding the Heinämaa Islands, where the wreck of the former mine carrier ship Kit had been lying about 30 years before it was moved to Novaya Zemlya in 1991. During this period the wreck had been used as a store for radioactive waste containing principally 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,24OPu. Lake water, bottom sediment and some biological samples were collected for strontium, plutonium and gammaspectrometric analyses. In all the samples the radioactivity concentrations were very low, indicating radioactive contamination of about the same level as caused by global fallout in the 1960's and the Chernobyl fallout in the area. Only in two water samples taken close to the former site of the wreck slightly elevated 239,240Pu concentrations were detected. The great water volume of Lake Ladoga and effective water exchange at the wreck site may explain the very low levels of radioactive wastes detected in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Recently Bulgarian Bone Marrow Donors Registry (BBMDR) has been established and since August 2005 it has been a member of Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide. Currently the number of healthy donors included in the BBMDR is relatively low. All donors included in the BBMDR are typed for HLA-A, -B, -DRB loci. Phylogenetic analysis based on HLA allele frequencies shows that Bulgarians were characterized with closest genetic similarity to Macedonians, Greeks, Romanians, Cretans and Sardinians in comparison to the other European and Mediterranean populations. On the contrary the second largest ethnic minority–the Roma were the closest to the other Roma populations and North Indians. These differences were due to the predominance of alleles and haplotypes that are specific for the Asian and the other Roma populations. These specific genetic profiles in the Bulgarian ethnic minorities justify the need of an adequate representation of minorities in BBMDR. Future directions for BBMDR development are discussed, including an increase of the total number of donors and these for ethnic minorities, as well the enhancement of the level of resolution of the HLA typing for the donors in the registry.  相似文献   

Behavioral thermoregulation is an important mechanism allowing ectotherms to respond to thermal variations. Its efficiency might become imperative for securing activity budgets under future climate change. For diurnal lizards, thermal microhabitat variability appears to be of high importance, especially in hot deserts where vegetation is highly scattered and sensitive to climatic fluctuations. We investigated the effects of a shading gradient from vegetation on body temperatures and activity timing for two diurnal, terrestrial desert lizards, Ctenotus regius, and Morethia boulengeri, and analyzed their changes under past, present, and future climatic conditions. Both species’ body temperatures and activity timing strongly depended on the shading gradient provided by vegetation heterogeneity. At high temperatures, shaded locations provided cooling temperatures and increased diurnal activity. Conversely, bushes also buffered cold temperature by saving heat. According to future climate change scenarios, cooler microhabitats might become beneficial to warm‐adapted species, such as C. regius, by increasing the duration of daily activity. Contrarily, warmer microhabitats might become unsuitable for less warm‐adapted species such as M. boulengeri for which midsummers might result in a complete restriction of activity irrespective of vegetation. However, total annual activity would still increase provided that individuals would be able to shift their seasonal timing towards spring and autumn. Overall, we highlight the critical importance of thermoregulatory behavior to buffer temperatures and its dependence on vegetation heterogeneity. Whereas studies often neglect ecological processes when anticipating species’ responses to future climate change the strongest impact of a changing climate on terrestrial ectotherms in hot deserts is likely to be the loss of shaded microhabitats rather than the rise in temperature itself. We argue that conservation strategies aiming at addressing future climate changes should focus more on the cascading effects of vegetation rather than on shifts of species distributions predicted solely by climatic envelopes.  相似文献   

Clonal plants spreading horizontally and forming a network structure of ramets exhibit complex growth patterns to maximize resource uptake from the environment. They respond to spatial heterogeneity by changing their internode length or branching frequency. Ramets definitively root in the soil but stay interconnected for a varying period of time thus allowing an exchange of spatial and temporal information. We quantified the foraging response of clonal plants depending on the local soil quality sampled by the rooting ramet (i.e. the present information) and the resource variability sampled by the older ramets (i.e. the past information). We demonstrated that two related species, Potentilla reptans and P. anserina, responded similarly to the local quality of their environment by decreasing their internode length in response to nutrient-rich soil. Only P. reptans responded to resource variability by decreasing its internode length. In both species, the experience acquired by older ramets influenced the plastic response of new rooted ramets: the internode length between ramets depended not only on the soil quality locally sampled but also on the soil quality previously sampled by older ramets. We quantified the effect of the information perceived at different time and space on the foraging behavior of clonal plants by showing a non-linear response of the ramet rooting in the soil of a given quality. These data suggest that the decision to grow a stolon or to root a ramet at a given distance from the older ramet results from the integration of the past and present information about the richness and the variability of the environment.  相似文献   

Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada supports important sport and aboriginal-subsistence fisheries and is among the last remaining pristine great lakes of the world. The lake’s unique ecology is characterized by a harsh subarctic climate, low productivity and species diversity, and high intraspecific diversity of lake trout. These aspects in combination with geographical remoteness present special challenges to the management of two exceptionally different fisheries. The history of its management has not been well documented or reviewed; therefore, our objectives in this paper were to summarize the history and status of Great Bear Lake’s fisheries and their management, and to identify gaps in knowledge, future challenges, and actions required to meet those challenges. Prior to 1970, management goals for the lake had not been established formally, and harvest numbers and biological characteristics of fish were unknown. To reduce data gaps, creel surveys, gillnet assessments, fish tagging, and subsistence monitoring were implemented. During the 1980s, Canada established the management goal of conserving a high quality sport fishery, while protecting aboriginal access to the subsistence fishery. On the basis of assessment data, lodge harvest quotas, lodge guest capacity limits, individual angler harvest limits, and angler licensing were among the management actions taken to achieve that goal. Since 2005, decision making has been guided by the “water heart,” a management plan for Great Bear Lake. Management has since evolved into a complex co-management system among aboriginal, territorial, and federal governments. Changes in regulations, sport trophy and tourism industries, subsistence resource use, and social and cultural norms and practices contributed to changes in the Great Bear Lake fishery and its management. In the future, anthropogenic and climate change are the two main challenges facing co-management of the lake’s resources. We recommend the adoption of an ecosystem approach to management, establishment of a fishery technical committee, reformulation of the current plan, explicit commitment to evaluation, conducting community-based monitoring, and development and use of a joint strategic plan among co-managers to describe how to interact and implement the Great Bear Lake management plan.  相似文献   

The characteristic feature of Lake Leake and Tooms Lake is their great similarity in physical and chemical limnology. This similarity extends to the plankton populations in general terms, both lakes being dominated by Cyclotella stelligera Cleve et Grun. and having few other species. Floristic differences are minimal. Despite this floristic similarity distinct differences exist in plankton periodicity, principally in that of Cyclotella stelligera. The extreme oligotrophy of the lakes, already suspected from their low nutrient levels, is confirmed by the extremely meagre standing crops.  相似文献   

Host–parasite interactions are characterised by a lack of stable species-specific traits that limits generalisations one can make even about particular host or parasite species. For instance, the virulence, life history traits or transmission mode of a given parasite species can depend on which of its suitable hosts it infects. In the search for general rules or patterns, meta-analysis provides a possible solution to the challenges posed by the highly variable outcomes of host–parasite interactions. It allows an estimate of the overall association between any factor and its biological response that transcends the particulars of given host and parasite taxonomic combinations. In this review, we begin with a historical overview of the use of meta-analysis in research on the ecology and evolution of host–parasite interactions. We then identify several key conceptual advances that were made possible only through meta-analytical synthesis. For example, meta-analysis revealed the predominant association between rates of host and parasite gene flow and local adaptation, as well as an unexpected latitudinal gradient in parasite virulence, or parasite-induced host mortality. Finally, we propose some areas of research on host–parasite interactions that are based on a mature theoretical foundation and for which there now exist sufficient primary results to make them ripe for meta-analysis. The search for the processes causing variability in parasite species richness among host species, and the link between the expression of host resistance and the specificity of parasites, are two such research areas. The main objective of this review is to promote meta-analysis as a synthetic tool overriding the idiosyncrasies of specific host–parasite combinations and capable of uncovering the universal trends, if any, in the evolutionary ecology of parasitism.  相似文献   

Shark fishery is one of the most important activities in the Mexican Pacific coast, nevertheless, there is few data available about the specific captures done by the fleet along the coast. This study describes fishery biology aspects of the shark species catched by the semi-industrial long-line fleet of Manzanillo. Monthly samplings were made on board of these vessels during an annual period from April 2006 to April 2007. Captured species composition (n = 1 962 organisms) was represented by nine species. The one that sustains this fishery was Carcharhinus falciformis (88.12%), followed by Prionace glauca (8.21%). Low frequency species were represented by Sphyrna zygaena (1.78%), Alopias pelagicus (0.82%), Carcharhinus longimanus (0.45%). Furthermore, rare species were Alopias superciliosus (0.35%), Carcharhinus leucas (0.1%), Carcharhinus limbatus (0.1%) and Isurus oxyrinchus (0.05%). Fishery activity affected principally (60-92.70%) young males of C. falciformis, S. zygaena, C. longimanus and I. oxyrinchus; adult males (56-75%) of A. pelagicus, A. superciliosus, and C. limbatus; for P. glauca there were primarily female adults. For all the species found, females showed the bigger sizes when compared to males (with the exception of S. zygaena, that showed sexual dimorphism). Considering the lineal regressions made between precaudal length and total length, and, fork length and total length for C. falciformis, P. glauca, S. zygaena and A. pelagicus, the determination coefficients (r2) showed that both lengths can be useful to obtain the total length of fish with some damage or absence of its caudal fin. The estimated fecundity for C. falciformis was of 3-7 offspring/female of 30-45 cm LT (average of 40.57 +/- 2.03 cm LT); and for P. glauca 5-52 offspring/female of 5-18.6 cm LT (average of 11.61 +/- 0.21 cm LT). In the case of C. longimanus only one female was captured with a total of eight embryos, with an average of 45 cm LT each; for this reason we assumed that the fishery areas do not coincide with the nursery oness for this species. According to the information obtained, we concluded that C. falciformis has a concurrent cycle and P. glauca a consecutive biannual one.  相似文献   

Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) is one of the major plantation timbers of the world. The species is native to India, Myanmar, Thailand and Laos in South East Asia but was translocated to several countries in Africa and Central and South America during the past century. Today, large areas of plantations are grown outside the species native range. It is speculated that genetic bottlenecks and founder effects combined with new selection pressures under new growing conditions have led to the formation of distinct landraces; this hypothesis is supported by results from international provenance tests. In the present study, we apply genetic markers to identify the likely origin of teak grown outside its native range and examine if the landraces show signs of reduced genetic diversity. We find large variation in the level of diversity among landraces, although not larger than that observed among native populations. We conclude that variation in the studied teak landraces probably reflects their areas of genetic origin rather than severe founder effects created during their introduction. The genetic data suggests that the studied landraces originated from either the semi-moist east coast of India, southern Myanmar or western Thailand. These results indicate that translocation of teak has mainly come from a certain part of the native distribution and that this did not include the widespread natural teak areas of southern, dry interior or western India or northern Myanmar.  相似文献   

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