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Wolf G  Rimpau J  Lelley T 《Genetics》1977,86(3):597-605
Genes (Pde-A3; Pde-B3; Pde-D3) for phosphodiesterase (PDE; E.C. isoenzymes in hexaploid wheat were located on the three homoeologous chromosomes of group 3 by testing the electrophoretic banding pattern of monosomic, nullisomic and nullisomic/tetrasomic compensation lines of "Chinese Spring" variety. In plants nullisomic for chromosome 5B, the 3D structural gene is not expressed and this lack of expression can be overcome by four doses of either homoeologous chromosome 5A or 5D. Our data conclusively indicate that there are genes on group 5 chromosomes which positively control the expression of the 3D structural gene. In addition, the expression of the "regulatory genes" is dosage dependent. Thus, our study reveals a complex interaction of the three genomes of wheat for regulation of PDE gene expression.  相似文献   

Klaimi YY  Qualset CO 《Genetics》1973,74(1):139-156
The inheritance of photoperiodic response was studied in crosses involving four spring wheats (Sonora 64, Pitic 62, Justin and Thatcher) and three winter wheats (Blackhull, Early Blackhull and Extra Early Blackhull). The parental cultivars were classified into a photoperiod-sensitive group (Justin, Thatcher, Blackhull and Early Blackhull) and a relatively photoperiod-insensitive group (Sonora 64, Pitic 62 and Extra Early Blackhull) based on their heading response when vernalized and grown under different daylength regimes.-F(1) data indicated that daylength insensitivity is not always dominant over day-length sensitivity and that the dominance relationship with respect to photoperiodic response depends on the alleles present in the parents. The heading patterns after vernalization and growth under short days of F(1), F(2), F(3) and backcross generations of a 4-parent diallel cross involving Justin, Sonora 64, Extra Early Blackhull and Blackhull could be satisfactorily explained on the basis of two major loci with three alleles at each locus. The genotype for each parent was suggested in terms of these loci. Genes with minor effects also influenced the photoperiodic response in a quantitative manner.-Diallel cross analysis of the number of days to heading (log scale) indicated significant additive and dominance genetic variances, a high average degree of dominance for earliness (photoperiod insensitivity) and a preponderance of recessive alleles in the parents acting in the direction of lateness (photoperiod sensitivity). Estimation of the genetic components of variation contained in the generation means of individual crosses (untransformed data) showed that, besides additivity and dominance, epistasis was also an important factor in the genetic control of photoperiodic response in wheat.  相似文献   

普通小麦特殊染色体构型环状单价体和类等臂单价的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在植物花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ出现的单价体,因不配对常呈捧状或弯曲成V形而独立于赤道板之外,然而有时其自身的两臀也会配对发生交叉而成环状,这种环状单价体在黑麦、大麦和小麦中已有报道。环状单价体的研究对染色体特异性配对等基本理论问题有重要的意义。1987和1988年,我们在鉴定(中国春单体×小偃6号)F_1单  相似文献   

Klaimi YY  Qualset CO 《Genetics》1974,76(1):119-133
The inheritance of vernalization response was studied in crosses involving four spring wheats (Sonora 64 (S), Pitic 62 (P), Justin (J) and Thatcher (T)) and three winter wheats (Blackhull (B), Early Blackhull (E) and Extra Early Blackhull (EE)).—All winter cultivars were highly responsive to vernalization, and Pitic 62 was the only spring cultivar whose time to heading was significantly accelerated following cold treatments. When vernalized and grown under long days, spring and winter cultivars became comparable in their heading response, indicating that cold requirement is the major attribute differentiating the heading behavior of true spring and true winter wheats.—Inheritance of growth habit in the F1 generation of a five-parent diallel cross showed dominance of the spring character in all spring x winter crosses. Depending on the cross, one or two duplicate major genes governing growth habit were detected in F2, F3 and backcross generations grown in the field under long days in the absence of vernalizing temperatures. In some spring x winter crosses most of the variation in heading time among spring segregates could be attributed to the effects of major genes conditioning growth habit. In other crosses the heading patterns appeared more complex, indicating that genes with smaller effects are also involved in the control of heading response under spring or summer environments.—Evidence was presented supporting the hypothesis that the cultivar Pitic 62 carries a different allele at one of the two major loci governing its spring habit. This allele was associated with some response to vernalization and acted as a dominant gene determining earliness under low temperature vernalization, but as a partially recessive gene determining lateness in the absence of vernalizing temperatures. Genotypes were assigned to five cultivars as follows: S, CC DD; P, CC D'D'; J, cc DD; B and EE, cc dd.—The presence of major and minor genes and of multiple alleles governing response to photoperiod and vernalization was discussed in relation to the genetic manipulation of the heading response and to breeding wheat cultivars with specific or broad adaptation.  相似文献   

Avivi L  Feldman M 《Genetics》1973,73(3):379-385
Treatment with the antitubulin vinblastine was found to disrupt the spindle system in dividing root-tip cells of common wheat, Triticum aestivum L. Genotypes lacking the somatic association suppressor gene on 5BL, or containing the somatic-association promoter on 5BS, were found to be more sensitive to the treatment. In genetic lines carrying the somatic association suppressor, sensitivity to vinblastine was lower and there was a direct correlation between dosage of the suppressor gene (0, 2, and 4) and the decrease in spindle disruption on exposure to various concentrations of vinblastine. It is concluded that the somatic association genes affect binding ability of spindle tubulin to vinblastine. Since the same genes affect binding of colchicine to tubulin and since the two alkaloids attach to different sites it is assumed that the somatic association suppressor gene has a broad effect on the tubulin molecules which is not confined to a single site. The relevance of genetic control of antitubulin binding to somatic association is discussed.  相似文献   

小麦根尖细胞分化过程中超微结构变化的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文研究了小麦根尖分生区、伸长区和成熟区中细胞的超微结构变化。发现细胞核从分生区到成熟区,其大小、形态及其内核仁和异染色质结构均发生一些有规律的变化;内质网、液泡、线粒体、质体、细胞壁和胞间隙也存在着一系列有规律的变化;并讨论了这些动态变化与根尖细胞分化的内在联系。  相似文献   

小麦珠心细胞的超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道衰退前的珠心细胞在发育过程中的超微结构变化。大多数珠心表皮细胞和离胚囊较远的珠心细胞有较大的核质比,细胞质中游离核糖蛋白体的密度较大;线粒体和质体数量较多,形态上也有较大变化;有具活跃分泌功能的高尔基体和少量或长或短的粗糙内质网槽库;细胞中有或多或少的小液泡,其中常常含有被消化的细胞质碎片;细胞壁上有很多纹孔和胞间联丝与邻近细胞相通。在离胚囊稍近的珠心细胞中,粗糙内质网迅速增生,出现平行内质网槽库和同心内质网环,后者在一定条件下有可能成为一种自噬结构。同心内质网环包围的细胞质被消化后往往形成小液泡。通过新液泡的形成,原有液泡的扩大和合并,珠心细胞形成大的中央液泡。这时,珠心细胞呈现薄壁组织细胞的典型特征。此后,胚囊进一步扩展??引起这些珠心细胞衰退和死亡。  相似文献   

近十多年来,世界上一些国家开展了应用同工酶酶谱分析,研究作物品种起源、地理分布、种群分类和品种资源。我国近年来也以水稻、玉米为材料开展了这方面的工作。但以小麦为材料的这方面研究干作,目前报道的还比较少。我国小麦品种资源丰  相似文献   

12个不同基因型冬小麦的光合能力   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
 研究了12个不同基因型冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)品种(其中两个为北京本地品种)的光合能力。结果表明:小偃22、陕麦897和8907-11-5三个品种的净光合速率超过20μmolCO2·m-2·s-1,均比其它实验品种高,其PSⅡ总的光化学量子产额(Yield)、光化学荧光猝灭系数(qP)和水分利用效率(WUE)也较高;而其暗呼吸速率和非光化学荧光猝灭系数(qN)较低,表现出具有良好的光合生理功能,而且这些参数具有连锁相关的趋势。因此,北京地区要引种外地具有优良光合生理功能的冬小麦作为栽培品种或育种亲本时,在所实验的10个外地品种中,上述3个品种应为首选品种。  相似文献   

高分化潜能小麦胚性悬浮系的建立及保持   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
报道了小麦具高度植株再生潜能的优质胚性悬浮系的建立与保持方法。Ⅱ型胚性愈伤组织在改良MS液体培养基中增殖快,分散好,两周左右即可建立起优质悬浮系;在改良N6液体培养基中增殖较慢,较易形成块状结构;AA液体培养基不适于小麦胚性悬浮系的培养。长时间悬浮培养后,小麦胚性悬浮系再生能力下降,在NBD固体培养基上培养一段时间后再转回液体培养可使其再生能力得以保持与恢复。  相似文献   

用放射自显影术研究小麦花药培养中小孢子的雄核发育,发现培养24小时后3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷掺入单核晚期小孢子,2.5天后营养细胞核中有3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷掺入,由A和B途径形成多细胞花粉的过程中,超始几次孢子体分裂,细胞的DNA合成是同步进行的。在多细胞花粉形成时逐渐变为不同步,生殖核的DNA合成不活跃,偶而能被标记上,个别合成DNA的生殖细胞形成类胚柄结构,当培养基中蔗糖浓度低(3%)时,培养早期小孢子内核的DNA合成正常进行,3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷比高糖浓度(9%)更易惨入小孢子,但经1-2次分裂后,核不再分裂,细胞壁不形成,所以3%的糖浓度中,多细胞花粉不能形成,主要不是DNA不能复制,而是细胞分裂和细胞壁的形成受阻所致。  相似文献   

Fu TK  Sears ER 《Genetics》1973,75(2):231-246
Telocentrics for the β arm of chromosome 4A and the long arm of 6B were used as cytological markers for the determination of chiasma frequency. In concomitant studies of recombination, terminal segments of rye and T. umbellulatum chromatin carrying Hp (Hairy peduncle) and Lr9 (Leaf-rust resistance), respectively, marked 4A and 6B. Two temperatures, 21° and 32°, were used for both the 4A and 6B experiments.—Only one chiasma was observed in each heteromorphic bivalent. Because there was a substantial reduction in pairing between diakinesis and metaphase I, all determinations of chiasma frequency were made at diakinesis. In the 21° experiments, agreement was good between genetic recombination and cytological prediction on the basis of the partial chiasmatypy hypothesis that each chiasma represents a crossover. At 32° both chiasma frequency and crossing over, but particularly the latter, were strongly reduced. The fewer crossovers than expected are explained in part by stickiness of chromosomes at the high temperature, sometimes resulting in adjacent chromosomes being wrongly scored as having a chiasma, and in part by premetaphase disjunction of some recombined bivalents and subsequent independent behavior of the two resulting univalents.—Male transmission of the 4A telocentric from the heteromorphic bivalent was unusually high: 51% at 21° and 31% at 32°.  相似文献   

小麦叶片细胞周质微管的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用铜网粘附-负染色法,并结合超薄切片,对小麦幼叶和成熟叶片细胞内的周质微管进行了研究,结果如下: (1) 粘附于铜网支持膜上的质膜片段,往往包含一个组织中心的微管体系。微管组织中心具有电子致密度很高的浓密物质。微管从组织中心呈辐射状或扇形分布。微管之间,有单个或数根成束排列, 有的相互平行,有的则相互交叉形成网状结构。微管的外径为24—24.76毫微米,最大长度为12微米。(2) 周质微管与质膜之间有密切联系,两者之间有连丝结构(“桥”)相连接。微管-桥-质膜三者结合形成一个稳定的体系。(3) 不仅质膜能粘附于铜网的福尔马支持膜上,分离原生质体残留的细胞壁纤维素微丝也能粘附于其上。被粘附的网状排列的纤维素微丝与幼叶细胞中周质微管的网状排列相一致,说明周质微管与纤维素微丝排列方向的密切关系。(4) 正在迅速生长的幼叶细胞比成熟叶片具有更多的周质微管和小泡结构(Vesicles),显示这两种细胞器的数量与细胞生长及细胞壁增生加厚的活动强度成正相关。  相似文献   

34个小麦品种(系)与黑麦进行了杂交,结果表明:亲和性在供试材料间存在明显差异,其中12个小麦品种表现了与中国春相似的亲和性;对34个小麦/黑麦属间杂种(F_1)的回交结实率和开放授粉条件下的自交结实率的统计表明,杂种育性普遍较差,但不同组合间存在明显不同,其回交与自交结实率的变异幅度分别为0—4.50%和0—3.087粒/穗;小麦与黑麦属间杂种(F_1)育性与杂交亲和性间存在明显相关,回交和自交结实率以及能够回交和自交结实组合的出现频率均随亲和性的增加而表现增加的趋势;在小麦品种演化过程中,亲和性与杂种育性均表现降低的趋势;小麦/黑麦属间杂种(F_1)PMC MI染色体配对水平普遍较低,平均交叉结仅为0.359,但组合间存在一定差异,变幅为0—1.3;平均99.936%的杂种(F_1)花粉表现败育,仅有0.064%的杂种(F_1)花粉能被KI—I_2正常染色,杂种(F_1)染色体配对水平与正常染色花粉频率、正常染色花粉频率与自交结实率间存在一定程度的相关性,相关系数分别为0.209和0.205。  相似文献   

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