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胡耀武 《人类学学报》2022,41(5):952-958
范式自20世纪60年代创立以来,已普遍使用于多个科学研究领域,并于七八十年代引入至考古学。目前,国内外学界对考古学的研究范式有不少讨论,但对科技考古的研究范式的认知仍属空白。本文在简要介绍科学研究范式和考古学研究范式的基础上,首次提出了科技考古研究的3种范式,即科技范式、考古范式、科技考古融合范式,详细阐述了3种研究范式的理论、方法、实践等。此外,本文还指出:科技范式是推动科技考古研究发展的“发动机”,考古范式是掌控科技考古研究方向的“方向盘”,而科技考古融合范式则是协调科技考古各研究领域的“中控台”,真正让科技与考古融为一体。最后,笔者还对在科技考古研究范式下如何构建研究人员的知识体系提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

Social, historic, ethnohistoric, and archaeological values increasingly are considered in federal decision making affecting land use and modification . In situ preservation of significant archaeological properties is now often attainable through sensitive project planning. When destruction is unavoidable, funds are more often available for sound programs of data recovery than was the case in the past. The laws and policies which govern historic preservation challenge archaeologists to engage in regional planning, participate in agency decision making, emphasize conservation over excavation, develop explicit statements of research potential, and perform in a businesslike and professional manner. Particularism on the part of archaeologists, and procedural fossilization on the part of agencies, may hamper the development of balanced programs for preservation and scientific research . [Historic preservation, cultural resource management, public archaeology, archaeological law]  相似文献   

A "biologization" of anthropological theory has recently been proposed by scholars from various subfields of the discipline. One aspect of that phenomenon is Harold K. Schneider's proposal to rewrite world history as a diffusionary process based on a biological model. It is asserted that he fails for several reasons: a misunderstanding of biology, a misunderstanding of archaeology, and a rejection of empiricism, making his theory less testable than standard evolutionary theory. The role of diffusion in culture change is not explained by recourse to faulty analogy and highly selected archaeological data. [biological analogy, diffusionism, archaeological theory, cultural evolution]  相似文献   

ABSTRACT  Paul Sidney Martin excavated archaeological sites in southwestern Colorado for the State Historical Society of Colorado and the Field Museum of Natural History between 1927 and 1938, although he began working for museums in 1925. His work in three realms—research, exhibition and outreach, and collections—helped redefine the role of the museum anthropologist at a time when archaeological research, particularly that based in museums, was in transition away from the search for exhibition-quality objects and toward research-driven expeditions. With data gleaned from relevant archives, in this article I present previously unpublished details of Martin's work to suggest that Martin leaves behind a conflicted legacy from an important era in the development of North American archaeology.  相似文献   

Peatland archaeology: a conservation resource on the edge of extinction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The dichotomy between the Arts and Sciences has meant that much valuable information in terms of conservation strategies available from the archaeological record has tended to be ignored by the conservation bodies and pigeon-holing within science itself further leads to an ignorance of the palaeoecological record and its relevance. Similar charges can be levelled at archaeologists for their failure to understand the relevance of their research to the modern world. An attempt is made to draw these various strands together in terms of recent work in wetland archaeology and the development of raised mires and their conservation in Britain, with particular reference to the Humberhead Levels of South Yorkshire and adjoining counties. A plea for more effective dialogue and a joint approach is entered.  相似文献   

Whilst there is growing concern within archaeology about the wider impact of archaeological research in general, only limited attention has so far been paid to the impact fieldwork has on local communities. Here, using examples from fieldwork with an agro‐pastoral Mursi community in Ethiopia's Lower Omo Valley, we present a case in which local oral traditions are modified in response to archaeological discoveries. This illustrates a particular example of the impact of fieldwork during and after its completion; and the enduring traces of contact upon fieldwork participants. We argue that in employing an attitude of impact practice within fieldwork that foregrounds the Socratic notion of dialogue, the resulting focus highlights the value and significance of archaeology to local communities.  相似文献   

Domesticating Imperialism: Sexual Politics and the Archaeology of Empire   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
ABSTRACT  The archaeology of empire is permeated by sexual narratives. This has been especially true of archaeological research on the Spanish Americas, where the material remains of colonial settlements have often been interpreted as products of a literal and figurative marriage between two cultures. However, investigating colonization as a consensual domestic arrangement has masked the ways in which imperial projects relied on the exercise of power, including sexual regulations and sexual coercion. Recent archaeological and ethnohistoric research at the Spanish-colonial military settlement of El Presidio de San Francisco affords a different perspective, one in which the public and institutional exercise of sexual control was central to the imperial project.  相似文献   

Traditional archaeological approaches to interregional interaction or culture contact have relied on unidirectional, Eurocentric interpretive frameworks such as the world systems and acculturation models. More recently, researchers from diverse fields such as prehistoric archaeology, the archaeology of ancient literate societies, and historical archaeology have begun to develop a new perspective on interregional interaction. Problems with these more traditional approaches to the archaeology of interregional interaction are summarized, and the main elements are outlined for a new research perspective to study culture contact. A set of methods are suggested to translate this theoretical framework into effective field research. Finally, the expansion of Mesopotamia in the fourth millennium B.C. Uruk period is presented as a case study to illustrate some of the ways that models derived from this emerging perspective can be used to better understand interregional interaction in the world's earliest known colonial system. [Keywords: interregional interaction, culture contact, colonies, trade diasporas, Mesopotamia]  相似文献   

The new field of primate archaeology investigates the technological behavior and material record of nonhuman primates, providing valuable comparative data on our understanding of human technological evolution. Yet, paralleling hominin archaeology, the field is largely biased toward the analysis of lithic artifacts. While valuable comparative data have been gained through an examination of extant nonhuman primate tool use and its archaeological record, focusing on this one single aspect provides limited insights. It is therefore necessary to explore to what extent other non-technological activities, such as non-tool aided feeding, traveling, social behaviors or ritual displays, leave traces that could be detected in the archaeological record. Here we propose four new areas of investigation which we believe have been largely overlooked by primate archaeology and that are crucial to uncovering the full archaeological potential of the primate behavioral repertoire, including that of our own: (1) Plant technology; (2) Archaeology beyond technology; (3) Landscape archaeology; and (4) Primate cultural heritage. We discuss each theme in the context of the latest developments and challenges, as well as propose future directions. Developing a more “inclusive” primate archaeology will not only benefit the study of primate evolution in its own right but will aid conservation efforts by increasing our understanding of changes in primate-environment interactions over time.  相似文献   

宋志平  陈家宽  赵耀 《生物多样性》2018,26(4):346-11039
水稻(即亚洲栽培稻Oryza sativa)是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一, 全球有超过半数以上人口以稻米为食。关于水稻是何时、何地、在什么环境下开始驯化等问题一直是学术界关注的热点。得益于分析技术的进步, 近年来考古学和遗传学研究在水稻驯化起源问题上取得了重要进展。本文简要综述了有关长江流域的水稻驯化起源的遗传学和考古学的研究进展, 并讨论了水稻驯化与稻作文化及长江文明的关系。遗传学研究结果认为水稻(粳稻)最早起源于中国长江流域及以南地区(珠江流域), 考古学证据则表明水稻最先于10,000-8,000 BP在中国长江流域被驯化, 水稻驯化和稻作农业的发展催生了长江文明。这些进展促进了我们对水稻驯化、稻作文化和长江文明的认识, 对长江流域重要植物资源的保护也有启示意义。  相似文献   

Analysis of certain discussions in Tasmanian prehistory reveals a tacit but strong environmental determinism. This approach, which centres on the notion of cultural adaptation, dominates current research in Australian prehistory. Recent theoretical discussions have, however, shown that the ecological approach is untenable; it is suggested that neo-marxist economic anthropology, emphasizing social rather than ecological relations, provides an alternative. The interpretation of archaeological data in social terms is a problem, but it should be dealt with rather than ignored. A further difficulty arises from the epistemological framework within which most archaeological work has operated: this is simplistic and empiricist. Greater consideration needs to be given to the role of theory in, and the social context of knowledge.  相似文献   

As digital media become increasingly affordable and accessible, visual representation in archaeology is expanding across several dimensions. In this essay, I examine some emerging forms of visual media in archaeology, including online documentaries, maps and photographs, hypermedia, experimental films, and peripatetic video. Visual media offer powerful opportunities for engagement with the public. In addition, archaeologists are finding new ways to use the visual in interpretation, analysis, and critique. Experimental visual works often are self-consciously reflexive, questioning and exposing the ways archaeological knowledge is constructed, represented, and disseminated.  相似文献   

In the wake of public distrust regarding biotechnology, it has been suggested that the debate should be moved "upstream", whereby the public help to set research priorities. Although many scientists see this as an illogical reaction to a loss of faith in science, we argue that the boundaries between science and its technological applications have become blurred and this produces conflicts of interests that have led to this crisis of trust. Furthermore, this distrust is also a crisis in governance that calls for a new open and democratic approach to scientific research. We propose that the concept of Scientific Citizenship, based on good governance, will help to restore public trust and bridge the gap between science and the society that it serves. Integral to this is the suggestion that the governance of science forms part of the training for scientists.  相似文献   

Professor Dumond's research on the Alaska Peninsula provided information that prior to 1,000 years ago people of both sides of the Alaska Peninsula shared material culture and exhibited subsistence interests that persisted into historic times, During the Late Precontact Era (ca. 1100 A.D. to mid-1700s) these Alutiiq societies shared cultural traits including language, house styles, and material culture with their relatives and neighbors on Kodiak Island. Until recently, few data were available regarding potential variability in house construction techniques, or styles and functions of Alutiiq semi-subterranean houses of this era found on the Alaska Peninsula, This paper provides examples of a few known prehistoric and historic Alaska Peninsula and Kodiak Alutiiq houses and presents previously unreported data from archaeological tests at Marraatuq on the Central Alaska Peninsula, Taken together with Dumond's 1998-1999 field work at Leader Creek and archaeological research on Kodiak Island, the work provides further evidence that interregional interaction was strong during the Late Precontact Era. However, large population centers and ranked political hierarchies probably were not hallmarks of central Alaska Peninsula communities during the Late Precontact Era and historic times as they were on the Kodiak and Aleutian islands.  相似文献   

旧石器研究可以设法解决包括现代人起源和扩散在内的最重大的考古学问题,因此常常会引起公众的关注和想象。要重建旧石器时代人类生活状况显然也面临着很多问题,既有数据局限性导致的实践上的限制,也有试图理解发现本身时遇到的解释性的困难。过去的研究已经证明了实验考古学和民族考古学可以解决其中一些问题,但这也突显了考古学家所面临的限制。  相似文献   

It is by now no secret that some scientific articles are ghost authored – that is, written by someone other than the person whose name appears at the top of the article. Ghost authorship, however, is only one sort of ghosting. In this article, we present evidence that pharmaceutical companies engage in the ghost management of the scientific literature, by controlling or shaping several crucial steps in the research, writing, and publication of scientific articles. Ghost management allows the pharmaceutical industry to shape the literature in ways that serve its interests. This article aims to reinforce and expand publication ethics as an important area of concern for bioethics. Since ghost‐managed research is primarily undertaken in the interests of marketing, large quantities of medical research violate not just publication norms but also research ethics. Much of this research involves human subjects, and yet is performed not primarily to increase knowledge for broad human benefit, but to disseminate results in the service of profits. Those who sponsor, manage, conduct, and publish such research therefore behave unethically, since they put patients at risk without justification. This leads us to a strong conclusion: if medical journals want to ensure that the research they publish is ethically sound, they should not publish articles that are commercially sponsored.  相似文献   

Data relating to archaeological botany are often omitted or difficult to locate in the standard bibliographic sources of archaeology because the botanical component may be secondary to the principal intent of archaeological publications. Similarly, bibiliographic abstracting and indexing services in the natural sciences do not include archaeological journals and monographs. This bibliography is an effort to ameliorate this shortcoming, especially for sources concerned with South America and primarily for the period from 1966 through 1983.  相似文献   

We have compiled an extensive database of archaeological evidence for rice across Asia, including 400 sites from mainland East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia. This dataset is used to compare several models for the geographical origins of rice cultivation and infer the most likely region(s) for its origins and subsequent outward diffusion. The approach is based on regression modelling wherein goodness of fit is obtained from power law quantile regressions of the archaeologically inferred age versus a least-cost distance from the putative origin(s). The Fast Marching method is used to estimate the least-cost distances based on simple geographical features. The origin region that best fits the archaeobotanical data is also compared to other hypothetical geographical origins derived from the literature, including from genetics, archaeology and historical linguistics. The model that best fits all available archaeological evidence is a dual origin model with two centres for the cultivation and dispersal of rice focused on the Middle Yangtze and the Lower Yangtze valleys.  相似文献   

张萌  陈淳 《人类学学报》2019,38(4):536-546
本文回顾了1985年美国考古学家路易斯·宾福德访华的背景和产生的影响,认为这次中美旧石器考古合作的失败原因是两国学者之间在认识论和范式上的巨大差异。宾福德对周口店的埋藏学思考是立足于过程考古学中程理论和他自己的埋藏学探索的基础之上,并体现在他的《纽纳缪特民族考古学》和《骨骼:古代人类与现代之谜》两本著作中。宾福德中程理论和参考框架建设为我们提供了一种启示和借鉴,有助于中国旧石器考古学努力构建和完善自己的考古学理论框架。这种框架需要重视材料的分析和归纳,提出研究的问题和解决的办法,然后根据埋藏学和动物考古学排除遗址形成过程中的自然改造因素,提炼人类行为的信息。最后从民族考古学类比的参考框架来达到重建文化历史、人类生存方式和文化变迁的三大目标。  相似文献   

随着技术的发展和研究理念的转变,旧石器时代考古遗址的发掘和记录方法也发生着变化。20世纪30年代周口店遗址发掘方法的改革是中国旧石器时代考古发掘史上的重大转折,奠定了中国旧石器时代考古发掘、记录方法的基础。90年代,中美联合考古在泥河湾地区的开展使中国旧石器时代考古遗址的发掘和记录方法与国际接轨,更加规范化、科学化。进入21世纪,新技术、新理念的应用使旧石器时代考古遗址发掘的记录方法更加多样化、提取的遗存信息更加科学化、综合化。本文以周口店遗址和泥河湾盆地旧石器时代遗址的发掘历史为主线,简要回顾旧石器时代考古发掘记录方法的变革;以东谷坨遗址的新发掘为例,介绍该遗址发掘和记录的一般规则和具体方法,呼吁建立具有科学性和包容性的旧石器时代遗址考古发掘操作规程。  相似文献   

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