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Six hundred and fifty-three teenagers (aged 11-13 year) living in Siena and its surroundings (Tuscany, Italy) were the sample for serological screening intended to ascertain immunity to rubella. It was found that 324 of the teenagers (49.62%) lacked antibodies and, hence, were unprotected against the infection. Out of the 324 girls, 196 (around 3/5) were vaccinated using live vaccine. Post-vaccinal complications, with clinical signs of rubella infection, were recorded in almost one third of the vaccinees. Virus isolation from the blood was, in every case, not possible after either 10 or 30 days from vaccination. The serological findings, expressed in hemagglutination inhibition antibodies, could be summarized in the following way: (i) antibodies at low titre were found in only eight out of 184 girls (4.35%) ten days after vaccination; (ii) serological conversion was recorded in 187 out of 188 girls (99.47%) 30 days after vaccination; (iii) the titres were moderately high but much lower than those recorded for the natural infection. The results are discussed in the context of their implications for the strategies of rubella vaccination as far as the safety and the effectiveness of the vaccine are concerned, with emphasis on the duration of the protective immunity.  相似文献   

In a national sample of 16-year-old girls who were aged 12 when the rubella vaccine programme was implemented in 1970, 71% were reported to have received rubella vaccine. There was a high regional disparity in the uptake of rubella vaccine: 81% of girls living in Scotland had been vaccinated but only 61% of girls living in Wales. Similarly there was a difference in reported vaccine uptake according to the family social background, the lowest proportion vaccinated came from professional and unskilled manual families. Girls attending independent schools also had a lower vaccine uptake than girls in schools maintained by the local educational authorities. If rubella immunisation is to be effective uptake of vaccine must increase to almost 100%.  相似文献   


Heart rate variability (HRV) and body temperature during the sleep onset period was examined. The core body temperature and electrocardiogram were recorded continuously beginning 1 h before lights out (LO) until the end of the first rapid eye movement sleep (REM) in 14 young healthy subjects. HRV was calculated by the MemCalc method. The time course changes in body temperature and HRV was analyzed before and after sleep onset, and during the following eight consecutive phases: the 60 min before LO, the 30 min before LO, LO, first stage 2 (sleep onset), first slow wave sleep (SWS), stage 2 just before REM, start of REM, and end of REM. A clear decline was observed in the ratio of the low frequency (LF) to high frequency (HF) component of HRV (LF/HF), normalized LF (LF/(LF + HF)), and body temperature prior to sleep onset both in the time course of the sleep onset period and in the consecutive phases. The HF increased prior to sleep onset in the consecutive phases, while no clear increase was observed in the time course of sleep onset period. Changes in LF/(LF + HF) and LF/HF preceded SWS and REM. These results suggest the existence of a strong coupling between the cardiac autonomic nervous system and body temperature at the sleep onset period that may not be circadian effects. Furthermore, LF/(LF + HF) and LF/HF may possibly anticipate sleep and the onset of each sleep stage.


The results of the prolonged epidemiological surveillance on measles in Moscow are presented. The detailed analysis of the influence of immunization on the level of measles morbidity has been made. Changes in the age structure of measles patients with an essential increase in the proportion of adolescents and adults due to mass vaccination of the child population are shown. High risk groups have been determined according to the data of serological screening and epidemiological surveillance. The prospects of the vaccinal prophylaxis of measles under present conditions, as the basic intervention for achieving sporadic level of morbidity in this infection and further eradication are evaluated.  相似文献   

The changes in macrobenthos community depended on changes in stream discharge (from 0.001 m3/sec to 100 m3/sec) were studied on the basis of data from 254 stations of 180 streams located in the centre of European part of Russia. While discharge of stream increases community composition changes considerably. Species diversity increases from 12 to 47 species per station with the increase in stream size. Moreover, the diversity of almost all groups, discerned according habitat or trophic position and main taxonomic groups (with the exception of Plecoptera and Diptera) increases with the increase in stream discharge. The diversity of lithorheophilic species and species inhabiting soft substrates is higher in small streams, whereas phitophilic species are more diverse in large streams. With the increase in stream size the percent of algophagous and filter feeders increases, percent of carnivorous remains the same and the percent of detritophages decreases. The relative role of invertebrates macrotaxons change with the stream size: in the smallest streams the diversity is the highest among Diptera, Trichoptera and Plecoptera, in medium-size streams--among Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera and Diptera, in large streams--in Ephemeroptera, Gastropoda and Trichoptera. In some groups some species replace other (close-related) in parallel with change in stream discharge however in general this tendency is weak. The index of saprobic conditions increases with the increase in stream size from 1.6-1.7 to 2.3-2.4. In small streams the saprobic conditions are very different whereas large streams have tendency to be at beta-mesosaprobic level. Cluster analysis reveal four size classes of streams. Peculiarities of habitat and macrobenthos fauna of these classes are described.  相似文献   

Twenty one strains of rubella virus were isolated in the Western Siberia during 2004-2006 epidemic period. Genotyping of isolated strains was performed by partial sequencing of glycoprotein E1 gene. Phylogenetic analysis showed that 20 out of 21 isolated in the Western Siberia strains of rubella virus belonged to genotype 1g, and 1 strain (isolated in Altai region in 2006)--to genotype 1E.  相似文献   

Nineteen nulliparous, sexually mature heifers free of antibody to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus were given two 35 mg intramuscular injections of Lutalyse 10 days apart to synchronize estrus and randomly divided into control and vaccinated groups. On the day of the last Lutalyse injection, modified live IBR virus vaccine was administered intramuscularly to each animal in the vaccinated group and each group was placed with a proven sire for 35 days. After the vaccination, samples were taken for isolation of virus and for determination of serum neutralizing antibody titers. No virus shedding occurred after intramuscular vaccination. However, the conception rate was markedly lower in the vaccinated group than in the control group. These results suggest that the intramuscular inoculation of modified live IBR virus vaccines into cattle during estrus is contraindicated.  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years, the practice of vaccination has reached the important goal of reducing many of the diseases that afflicted humanity in past centuries. A better understanding of immunological mechanisms underlying the induction of immune protection and the advent of new technology led to improved vaccine preparations based on purified microbial antigens and new adjuvants able to boost both humoral and cellular immune responses. Despite these tremendous advances, much remains to be done. The emergence of new pathogens, the spread of strains resistant to antibiotics and the enormous increase in latent infections are urgently demanding more and more effective vaccines. Understanding the immunological mechanisms that mediate resistance against infections would certainly provide valuable information for the design of new candidate vaccines.  相似文献   

厦门海域浮游植物夏季赤潮期间分布变异的多元分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨清良  林更铭 《生态学报》2007,27(2):465-476
根据2000年6月至7月夏季藻华期在11个监测站10个航次获取的表层浮游植物和现场测定的理化参数数据,采用多元分析方法揭示浮游植物聚群在污染胁迫下的动态特征。结果表明:(1)该区调查期间浮游植物群落的物种多样性时空变异显著,各站多样性指数值(H′)变动在0.45—4.23之间;(2)聚类分析和多维排序(MDS)结果显示,浮游植物聚群可分为3个与浮游植物阶段性演替以及各水域间不同的理化特征相关联的群落。群落Ⅰ系2000年6月赤潮暴发时主要出现于西海域的低盐港湾群落,由微型(nano一)浮游植物组成,包括硅藻门的角毛藻、骨条藻等属种类以及金藻门的单鞭金藻属种类等,如中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、聚生角毛藻(Chaetoceros socialis)等和一种单鞭金藻(Chromulina sp.)(未鉴定到种,藻径3~5μm),它们是赤潮原因种。群落Ⅱ和群落Ⅲ都以小型(micro-)浮游植物占优势。群落Ⅱ为赤潮前后广泛出现于调查区各水域的亚热带近岸广布群落,代表种有具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、翼鼻状藻(Proboscia alata)、菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)和冰河拟星杆藻(Asterionellopsis glacialis).群落Ⅲ主要分布于本海区东一东北部,由我国东南沿海常见的近海广布性种类组成,包括旋链角毛藻(Chaetoceros curvisetus)、地中海细柱藻(Leptocylindrus mediterraneus)、尖刺伪菱形藻(Pseudonitzschia pungens)、优美施罗藻(Schroederella delicatula)和斯氏几内亚藻(Guinardia striata)等;(3)丰度-生物量曲线(ABC)分析结果显示,当微藻赤潮出现时,数值丰度的K-优势曲线位于生物量K-优势曲线上方,而无赤潮时2条曲线大体上重叠。其模式可指示厦门海区西部海域污染严重以及东-东北部中度污染的状况;(4)根据各航次全部调查数据所作的PCA分析得到的前3个最主要成分,包括浮游植物丰度和溶解氧,铵氮和磷酸盐,盐度和温度等,大约解析本调查总差异的78.5%。  相似文献   

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