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Summary Chromosome and organelle segregation after the somatic hybridization of related species with different degrees of genetic divergence were studied by comparing the interspecific somatic hybrids Brassica oleracea (CC) (+) B. campestris (AA), B. napus (AACC) (+) B. oleracea (CC) B. napus (AACC) (+) B. nigra (BB) and B. napus (AACC) (+) B. juncea (AABB) with the intergeneric somatic hybrids B. napus (AACC) (+) Raphanus sativus (RR) and B. napus (AACC) (+) Eruca sativa (EE). Within each combination, some hybrids were found whose DNA content was equal to the sum of parental chromosomes, others had a relatively higher DNA content and in most of the cases, some had a relatively lower content. However, the frequency distribution in these three classes differed significantly between the combinations. A positive correlation between the frequency of hybrids with eliminated chromosomes and the genetic distance between the species in each combination was found. Furthermore, by combining species with different ploidy levels we found a significantly higher degree of chromosome elimination compared to combinations of species with the same ploidy level. In the B. napus (+) B. Nigra, B. napus (+) R. sativus and B. napus (+) E. sativa combinations chromosomes from the B, R and E genomes appeared to be preferentially sorted out, as indicated by the fact that some of the nuclear markers from these genomes were missing in 7–46% of the plants, whereas no plants were lacking B. napus nuclear markers. Fertile hybrids were found in all but the B. napus (+) R. sativus fusion combination; the latter hybrids were male sterile, but female fertile. Hybrids between the A and C genomes were more fertile than hybrids obtained between the distantly related AC and B, R or E genomes, respectively. Analysis of the chloroplast RFLP pattern revealed that chloroplasts in the B. oleracea (+) B. campestris hybrids segregated randomly. A slightly biased segregation, favouring B. napus chloroplasts, was found in the B. napus (+) B. oleracea combination, whereas B. napus chloroplasts were strongly selected for in the B. napus (+) B. juncea, B. napus (+) B. nigra, B. napus (+) R. sativus and B. napus (+) E. sativa somatic hybrids.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial segregation and rearrangements were studied in regenerated somatic hybrids from seven different species combinations produced using reproducible and uniform methods. The interspecific hybridizations were made between closely or more distantly related species within the Brassicaceae and were exemplified by three intrageneric, two intergeneric and two intertribal species combinations. The intrageneric combinations were represented by Brassica campestris (+) B. oleracea, B. napus (+) B. nigra and B. napus (+) B. juncea (tournefortii) hybrids, the intergeneric combinations by B. napus (+) Raphanus sativus and B. napus (+) Eruca sativa hybrids, and the intertribal combinations by B. napus (+) Thlaspi perfoliatum and B. napus (+) Arabidopsis thaliana hybrids. In each species combination, one of the two mitochondrial genotypes was B. campestris since the B. napus cultivar used in the fusions contained this cytoplasm. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analyses were performed using DNA hybridization with nine different mitochondrial genes as probes. Among the various species combinations, 43–95% of the hybrids demonstrated mtDNA rearrangements. All examined B. campestris mtDNA regions could undergo intergenomic recombination since hybrid-specific fragments were found for all of the mtDNA probes analysed. Furthermore, hybrids with identical hybrid-specific fragments were found for all probes except cox II and rrn18/rrn5, supporting the suggestion that intergenomic recombination can involve specific sequences. A strong bias of hybrids having new atp A-or atp9-associated fragments observed in the intra- and intergeneric combinations could imply that these regions contain sequences that have a high reiteration number, which gives them a higher probability of recombining. A biased segregation of B. campestris-or B. campestris-like mitochondria was found in all combinations. A different degree of phylogenetic relatedness between the fusion partners did not have a significant influence on mitochondrial segregation in the hybrids in this study.  相似文献   

Organellar DNA of asymmetric somatic hybrids betweenSolanum tuberosum and irradiatedS. brevidens were analysed by DNA hybridization methods using the spinach chloroplast probepSBD, wheat mitochondrial genenad5 and petunia mitochondrial geneorf25. Eight of the 12 asymmetric hybrid plants hadS. tuberosum chloroplast DNA and the remaining fourS. brevidens chloroplast DNA. A novel mitochondrial hybridization pattern was present in eight out of the 17 hybrids tested. In six hybrids, novel combinations of chloroplasts and mitochondria were found, indicating that both organelle types sorted out independently.  相似文献   

Nicotiana tabacum (+)N. rustica interspecific somatic hybrids were produced by fusion of leaf mesophyll protoplasts of transgenic methotrexate-resistantNicotiana tabacum L. with leaf mesophyll protoplasts of transgenic kanamycin-resistantN. rustica L. Somatic hybrids were selected on the basis of resistance to both methotrexate and kanamycin. Evidence for nuclear hybridization was obtained for 21 hybrids by restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism (RFLP) analysis using a heterologous wheat nuclear ribosomal-DNA (rDNA) probe and by analysis of glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) isoenzymes. Chloroplasts segregated non-randomly as 20 of the somatic hybrids possessedN. rustica chloroplasts and only one hadN. tabacum chloroplasts. Patterns of mitochondrial inheritance were examined by hybridization of a heterologous wheat cytochrome oxidase subunit II (coxII) gene with genomic DNA of the somatic hybrids. Four somatic hybrids with hybridization patterns similar toN. rustica and 17 with hybridization patterns consistent with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) rearrangement or recombination were obtained. None of the somatic hybrids had patterns ofcoxll hybridization identical withN. tabacum. Male-fertility levels in the hybrids ranged from undetectable to 87% and only nine hybrids produced a limited amount of viable seed. There was no apparent correlation between the patterns of organelle inheritance in the somatic hybrids and the relative degree of fertility.Contribution No. 1439 Plant Research CentreCurrent address: Plant Biotechnology Institute, National Research Council, 110 Gymmasium Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N OW9, Canada  相似文献   

Patterns of organelle inheritance were examined among fertile somatic hybrids between allotetraploid Nicotiana tabacum L. (2n=4x=48) and a diploid wild relative N. glutinosa L. (2n=2x=24). Seventy somatic hybrids resistant to methotrexate and kanamycin were recovered following fusion of leaf mesophyll protoplasts of transgenic methotrexate-resistant N. tabacum and kanamycin-resistant N. glutinosa. Evidence for hybridization of nuclear genomes was obtained by analysis of glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase and peroxidase isoenzymes and by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis using a heterologous nuclear ribosomal DNA probe. Analysis of chloroplast genomes in a population of 41 hybrids revealed a random segregation of chloroplasts since 25 possessed N. glutinosa chloroplasts and 16 possessed N. tabacum chloroplasts. This contrasts with the markedly non-random segregation of plastids in N. tabacum (+)N. rustica and N. tabacum (+) N. debneyi somatic hybrids which we described previously and which were recovered using the same conditions for fusion and selection. The organization of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 40 individuals was examined by RFLP analysis with a heterologous cytochrome B gene. Thirty-eight somatic hybrids possessed mitochondrial genomes which were rearranged with respect to the parental genomes, two carried mtDNA similar to N. tabacum, while none had mtDNA identical to N. glutinosa. The somatic hybrids were self-fertile and fertile in backcrosses with the tobacco parent.Contribution No. 1487 Plant Research Centre  相似文献   

Summary Intergeneric somatic hybrids Diplotaxis catholica (2n=18) + Brassica juncea (2n=36) were produced by fusing mesophyll protoplasts of the former and hypocotyl protoplasts of the latter using polyethylene glycol. Out of 52 somatic embryos, 24 produced plants of intermediate morphology. Cytological analysis of 16 plants indicated that 15 were symmetric hybrids carrying 54 chromosomes, the sum of the parental chromosome numbers. One hybrid was asymmetric with 45 chromosomes. Nuclear hybridity of five putative hybrids was confirmed by the Southern hybridization pattern of full length 18s-25s wheat nuclear rDNA probe which revealed the presence of Hind III fragments characteristic of both the parental species. The hybridization pattern of mitochondria specific gene probe cox I indicated that three of the hybrids carried B. juncea mitochondria and one carried mitochondria of D. catholica. Presence of novel 3.5 kb Hind III and 4.8 kb Bgl II fragments suggested the occurrence of mtDNA recombination in one of the hybrids. The hybrids were pollen sterile. However, seeds were obtained from most of the hybrids by back crossing with B. juncea.  相似文献   

Tetraploid somatic hybrids, derived from ten different fusion combinations, were grown in the field to study the inheritance of quantitatively-controlled agronomic traits. The data from two seasons showed that the heterosis in yield varied between 70% and 230% compared to the mid-parent value of the dihaploid fusion clones. The relative yield of the hybrids compared to two standard varieties (= 100%) ranged from 47% to 106%. Despite large differences in yield between the single hybrids of the same fusion combination, no significant differences could be detected between the hybrids. The analysis of the yield components revealed that the heterosis was mainly due to a highly increased tuber weight, whereas the tuber number was in general intermediate to that of the parent clones. In three combinations, the starch content of the hybrids was 15–20% higher than the midparent value and in the others it was intermediate. Fusion of clones with long oval tubers and with round or round-oval ones showed the round/round-oval form was dominant. Fusion combinations of tuber flesh colour indicated that in most cases yellow was dominant to white, while red skin colour was dominant over yellow.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybrid plants, produced between Nicotiana rustica and N. tabacum by heterokaryon isolation and culture and also by mutant complementation, were examined regarding their ability to set seed. From a total of seventeen independent somatic hybrids, three were found to be partially self-fertile while the others did not set seed. Differences regarding the methods of hybrid selection, parental varieties and chloroplast composition of hybrids did not appear to be significant regarding the ability of plants to set seed. Much variation in fertility was observed in subsequent generations and by recurrent selection of the most fertile, over two generations, it was possible to increase the level of self-fertility in some of the progeny. One R2 derivative possessed approximately a tenfold higher level of self-fertility than it's somatic hybrid parent. The presence of genetic markers from both parents were observed in all progeny indicating their hybrid nature.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial (mt) DNAs of somatic hybrids obtained by electrical and chemical fusion of mesophyll protoplasts of S. brevidens and a dihaploid line of S. tuberosum PDH 40 were analysed by Southern hybridization using the digoxigenin-labelled mtDNA sequences nad5 or orf25. In the Southern analysis of the hybrid mtDNA probed with nad5, most of the 19 hybrids analyzed had an RFLP pattern similar, but not identical, to one of the parents, S. tuberosum, PDH40. Nineteen percent of the hybrids had most of the S. brevidens fragments. Five of the hybrids had an identical RFLP pattern to either one of the parents while another two hybrids had novel RFLP patterns. Similar results were obtained by Southern analysis with orf25. These results clearly show that mtDNA rearrangements had occurred at a high frequency in the somatic hybrids. There were no differences in the frequencies of rearrangements observed between the hybrids regenerated from chemical and electrical fusions.  相似文献   

Intertribal Brassica napus (+) Lesquerella fendleri hybrids have been produced by polyethylene glycol-induced fusions of B. napus hypocotyl and L. fendleri mesophyll protoplasts. Two series of experiments were performed. In the first, symmetric fusion experiments, protoplasts from the two materials were fused without any pretreatments. In the second, asymmetric fusion experiments, X-ray irradiation at doses of 180 and 200 Gy were used to limit the transfer of the L. fendleri genome to the hybrids. X-ray irradiation of L. fendleri mesophyll protoplasts did not suppress the proliferation rate and callus formation of the fusion products but did significantly decrease growth and differentiation of non-fused L. fendleri protoplasts. In total, 128 regenerated plants were identified as intertribal somatic hybrids on the basis of morphological criteria. Nuclear DNA analysis performed on 80 plants, using species specific sequences, demonstrated that 33 plants from the symmetric fusions and 43 plants from the asymmetric fusions were hybrids. Chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA analysis revealed a biased segregation that favoured B. napus organelles in the hybrids from the symmetric fusion experiments. The bias was even stronger in the hybrids from the asymmetric fusion experiments where no hybrids with L. fendleri organelles were found. X-ray irradiation of L. fendleri protoplasts increased the possibility of obtaining mature somatic hybrid plants with improved fertility. Five plants from the symmetric and 24 plants from the asymmetric fusion experiments were established in the greenhouse. From the symmetric fusions 2 plants could be fertilised and set seeds after cross-pollination with B. napus. From the asymmetric fusions 9 plants could be selfed as well as fertilised when backcrossed with B. napus. Chromosome analysis was performed on all of the plants but 1 that were transferred to the greenhouse. Three plants from the symmetric fusions contained 50 chromosomes, which corresponded to the sum of the parental genomes. From the asymmetric fusions, 11 hybrids contained 38 chromosomes. Among the other asymmetric hybrids, plants with 50 chromosomes and with chromosome numbers higher than the sum of the parental chromosomes were found. When different root squashes of the same plant were analysed, a total of 6 plants were found that had different chromosome numbers.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum SRI (streptomycin resistant) and of Nicotiana knightiana (streptomycin sensitive) were fused using polyethylene glycol treatment. From three heterokaryons 500 clones were obtained. From the 43 which were further investigated, 6 resistant, 3 sensitive, and 34 chimeric (consisting of resistant and sensitive sectors) calli were found. From eight clones, a total of 39 plants were regenerated and identified as somatic hybrids. Chloroplast type (N. tabacum = NT or N. knightiana = NK) in the plants was determined on the basis of the species specific EcoRI restriction pattern of the chloroplast DNA. Regenerates contained NT (13 plants) or NK (15 plants) plastids but only the plants with the NT chloroplasts were resistant to streptomycin. This finding and our earlier data on uniparental inheritance points to the chloroplasts as the carriers of the streptomycin resistance factor.  相似文献   

Otto Schieder 《Planta》1978,141(3):333-334
The hybrid nature of tetraploid somatic hybrids of two genetically different chlorophyll-deficient mutants from Datura innoxia Mill. was demonstrated with the aid of anther culture. Green and chlorophyll-deficient androgenetic lines could be regenerated from the pollen grains.  相似文献   

Summary Behavior of ribosomal RNA genes in the process of somatic hybridization was analyzed using hybrids Nicotiana tabacum + Atropa belladonna. Blothybridization of parental species DNAs to 32P-rDNA specific probes revealed two classes of ribosomal repeats in both tobacco and nightshade; their length was 11.2 kb, 10.4 kb (tobacco) and 9.4 kb, 10.2 kb (night-shade). For analysis of hybrids, labelled 32P rDNA specific probes were hybridized to DNA of parental species and somatic hybrids digested with restriction endonucleases EcoR1, EcoRV and BamH1. A new class of ribosomal DNA repeat, absent in parental species, was found in hybrid line NtAb-1. Possible mechanisms of appearence of a new rDNA class in the process of somatic cell fusion are discussed.  相似文献   

Following protoplast fusion between Nicotiana tabacum (dhfr) and N. megalosiphon (nptII) somatic hybrids were selected on the basis of dual resistance to kanamycin and methotrexate. Despite strong selection for parental nuclear-encoded resistances, only nine N. tabacum (+) N. megalosiphon somatic hybrids were obtained. A preferential loss of the parental N. tabacum nuclear and organelle genome was apparent in some plants in spite of the lack of genomic inactivation by the irradiation or chemical treatment of the parental protoplasts. Only six of the nine hybrids recovered possessed both parental profiles of nuclear RFLPs and isoenzymes. The remaining three hybrids were highly asymmetric with two being identical to N. megalosiphon except for minor morphological differences and rearranged or recombined mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNA), while the other one was distinguishable only by the presence of a rearranged or recombined mtDNA, and was therefore possibly a cybrid. Overall, eight somatic hybrids possessed rearranged or recombined mtDNAs and chloroplast inheritance was non-random since eight possessed N. megalosiphon-type chloroplasts and only one had N. tabacum chloroplasts. In contrast, using the same selection approach, numerous morphologically similar symmetric somatic hybrids with nuclear RFLPs and isozymes of both the parental species were recovered from control fusions between N. tabacum and the more closely related N. sylvestris. In spite of the low frequency of recovery of symmetric N. tabacum (+) N. megalosiphon hybrids in this study, one of these hybrids displayed a significant degree of self-fertility allowing for back-crosses to transfer N. megalosiphon disease-resistance traits to N. tabacum. Plant Research Centre Contribution No. 1579  相似文献   

Summary The chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNAs of Petunia somatic hybrid plants, which were derived from the fusion of wild-type P. parodii protoplasts with albino P. inflata protoplasts, were analyzed by endonuclease restriction and Southern blot hybridization. Using 32P-labelled probes that distinguished the two parental cpDNAs at a BamH1 site and at a HpaII site, only the P. parodii chloroplast genome was detected in the 10 somatic hybrid plants analyzed. To examine whether cytoplasmic mixing had resulted in rearrangement of the mitochondrial genome in the somatic hybrids, restriction patterns of purified somatic hybrid and parental mtDNAs were analyzed. Approximately 87% of those restriction fragments which distinguish the two parental genomes are P. inflata-specific. Restriction patterns of the somatic hybrid mtDNAs differ both from the parental patterns and from each other, suggesting that an interaction occurred between the parental mitochondrial genomes in the somatic fusion products which resulted in generation of the novel mtDNA patterns. Southern blot hybridization substantiates this conclusion. In addition, somatic hybrid lines derived from the same fusion product were observed to differ in mtDNA restriction pattern, reflecting a differential sorting-out of mitochondrial genomes at the time the plants were regenerated.  相似文献   

Detailed molecular analysis of the somatic hybrid plants of Diplotaxis catholica+B. juncea indicated random chloroplast segregation. One of the five hybrid plants analyzed derived its chloroplasts from D. catholica and two hybrids had chloroplasts of B. juncea origin. Two hybrid plants maintained mixed population of chloroplasts. The mitochondrial (mt) genomes of the fusion partners had undergone recombinations. Occurrence of fragments specific to both the parents in HindIII digestion followed by atp 9 probing, as in hybrid DJ5, provided evidence for intergenomic mitochondrial recombination between D. catholica and B. juncea. Similar mt genome organization in two hybrids (DJ3 and DJ6) suggested that intergenomic recombination may be preferred at specific sites. Hybrid DJ1 had about 70% similarity to D. catholica in mt genome organization. mt genomes of hybrids DJ2, 3, 5, and 6 differed from B. juncea by 14.3–28%. The significance of these novel mt genome organizations in developing novel male sterility systems is discussed. Received: 4 April 1997 / Revision received: 19 December 1997 / Accepted: 28 March 1998  相似文献   

Somatic hybrid plants produced by protoplast fusion between tetraploid Medicago sativa (2n= 4x=32) and the diploid species Medicago coerulea (2n= 2x=16) have been RFLP fingerprinted to establish their nuclear composition. Although all of the chromosomes were present, molecular analysis revealed an incomplete incorporation of the alleles of the diploid parent in the fusion products. In the polycross progeny the alleles of both parents segregated in a Mendelian mode. Cytological observations indicated that in the somatic hybrid population minor abnormalities are present; these are restricted mainly to the formation of univalents and lagging chromosomes. Meiosis appeared to be more stable than has been previously reported in the hexaploids of alfalfa. The somatic hybrids grown in the field had a rather vigorous aspect, particularly with respect to the vegetative organs. Forage yield was comparable to that of thmore productive parent. The results are discussed with a view to utilizing the somatic hybrids as starting material for breeding alfalfa at the hexaploid level.This paper was supported by the National Research Council of Italy, Special Project RAISA, Sub-project No.2 paper No. 1911  相似文献   

Summary Chloroplast and mitochondrial DNAs have been examined by comparison of restriction enzyme patterns in asymmetric hybrid plants, resulting from the fusion between leaf mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum (Solanaceae), and irradiated cell culture protoplasts of Daucus carota (Umbellifereae). These somatic hybrids with normal tobacco morphology were selected as a consequence of the transfer of methotrexate and 5-methyltryptophan resistance from carrot to tobacco. The restriction patterns of chloroplast DNAs in somatic hybrids were indistinguishable from the tobacco parent. However, we found somatic hybrids with mitochondrial DNA significantly different from either parent, as judged by analysis of fragment distribution after restriction enzyme digestion. The possible formation of altered mitochondrial DNA molecules as the result of parasexual hybrid production between two phylogenetically highly divergent plant species will be discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybrids between the Japanese radish and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) were produced by protoplast electrofusion in order to introduce clubroot disease resistance in the Japanese radish (Raphanus sativus) into Brassica crops. After electrofusion of iodoacetamide-treated cauliflower protoplasts with untreated radish ones, culture was performed under conditions, that allowed only cauliflower protoplasts to regenerate. Out of 40 regenerated plants, 37 were morphologically of a hybrid type and 3 of a cauliflower type. On the basis of isozyme and RFLP analysis, all of the hybrid-type plants tested proved to be true hybrids. Of the 10 true hybrids tested, 9 were found to contain chloroplasts similar to those found in the Japanese radish, while only 1 contained those of the cauliflower. Using two mitochondrial genes as probes, we were able to show that 3 hybrids contained mitochondria of the Japanese radish, with some modification, while 7 hybrids had either parental or new patterns. All of the hybrid-type plants showed resistance to clubroot disease as high as that found in the Japanese radish. Some hybrids were self-fertile. All of the self-fertile hybrids were found to contain 36 chromosomes, indicating that they were amphidiploids. In addition, a few seeds were obtained from a backcross of the self-fertile hybrids to both parents.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of the mitochondrial genome in somatic hybrids and cybrids regenerated following fusion of protoplasts from cultivated tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, and the wild species, L. Pennellii, was compared to assess the role of the nuclear genotype on the inheritance of organellar genomes. No organellar-encoded traits were required for the recorvery of either somatic hybrids or cybrids. The organization of the mitochondrial genome was characterized using Southern hybridization of restriction digestions of total DNA isolated from ten cybrids and ten somatic hybrids. A bank of cosmid clones carrying tomato mitochondrial DNA was used as probes, as well as a putative repeated sequence from L. pennellii mitchondrial DNA. The seven cosmids used to characterize the mitochondrial genomes are predicted to encompass at least 60% of the genome. The frequency of nonparental organizations of the mitochondrial genome was highest with a probe derived from a putative repeat element from the L. pennellii mitochondrial DNA. There was no difference in the average frequency of rearranged mitochondrial sequences in somatic hybrids (12%) versus cybrids (10%), although there were individual cybrids with a very high frequency of novel fragments (30%). The frequency of tomato-specific mtDNA sequences was higher in cybrids (25%) versus somatic hybrids (12%), suggesting a nuclear-cytoplasmic interaction on the inheritance of tomato mitochondrial sequences.  相似文献   

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