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We previously reported that soluble, stable YU2 gp140 trimeric human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein immunogens could elicit improved breadth of neutralization against HIV-1 isolates compared to monomeric YU2 gp120 proteins. In this guinea pig immunization study, we sought to extend these data and determine if adjuvant could quantitatively or qualitatively alter the neutralizing response elicited by trimeric or monomeric immunogens. Consistent with our earlier studies, the YU2 gp140 immunogens elicited higher-titer neutralizing antibodies against homologous and heterologous isolates than those elicited by monomeric YU2 gp120. Additionally, the GlaxoSmithKline family of adjuvants AS01B, AS02A, and AS03 induced higher levels of neutralizing antibodies compared to emulsification of the same immunogens in Ribi adjuvant. Further analysis of vaccine sera indicated that homologous virus neutralization was not mediated by antibodies to the V3 loop, although V3 loop-directed neutralization could be detected for some heterologous isolates. In most gp120-inoculated animals, the homologous YU2 neutralization activity was inhibited by a peptide derived from the YU2 V1 loop, whereas the neutralizing activity elicited by YU2 gp140 trimers was much less sensitive to V1 peptide inhibition. Consistent with a less V1-focused antibody response, sera from the gp140-immunized animals more efficiently neutralized heterologous HIV-1 isolates, as determined by two distinct neutralization formats. Thus, there appear to be qualitative differences in the neutralizing antibody response elicited by YU2 gp140 compared to YU2 monomeric gp120. Further mapping analysis of more conserved regions of gp120/gp41 may be required to determine the neutralizing specificity elicited by the trimeric immunogens.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) exterior envelope glycoprotein gp120 mediates receptor binding and is the major target for neutralizing antibodies. A broadly neutralizing antibody response is likely to be a critical component of the immune response against HIV-1. Although antibodies against monomeric gp120 are readily elicited in immunized individuals, these antibodies are inefficient in neutralizing primary HIV-1 isolates. As a chronic pathogen, HIV-1 has evolved to avoid an optimal host response by a number of immune escape mechanisms. Monomeric gp120 that has dissociated from the functional trimer presents irrelevant epitopes that are not accessible on functional trimeric envelope glycoproteins. The resulting low level of antigenic cross-reactivity between monomeric gp120 and the functional spike may contribute to the inability of monomeric gp120 to elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies. Attempts to generate native, trimeric envelope glycoproteins as immunogens have been frustrated by both the lability of the gp120-gp41 interaction and the weak association between gp120 subunits. Here, we present solid-phase HIV-1 gp160DeltaCT (cytoplasmic tail-deleted) proteoliposomes (PLs) containing native, trimeric envelope glycoproteins in a physiologic membrane setting. We present data that indicate that the gp160DeltaCT glycoproteins on PLs are trimers and are recognized by several relevant conformational ligands in a manner similar to that for gp160DeltaCT oligomers expressed on the cell surface. The PLs represent a significant advance over present envelope glycoprotein formulations as candidate immunogens for HIV vaccine design and development.  相似文献   

S I Hu  S G Kosowski    K F Schaaf 《Journal of virology》1987,61(11):3617-3620
The envelope gene of human immunodeficiency virus was inserted into the genome of an insect virus vector (Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus). Upon infection of tissue culture cells, this recombinant virus produced immunoreactive polypeptides related to the envelope glycoproteins of human immunodeficiency virus. Serological survey indicates such polypeptides would be of value as antigens in diagnostics for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.  相似文献   

The envelope glycoproteins of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) function as a trimer composed of three gp120 exterior glycoproteins and three gp41 transmembrane proteins. Soluble gp140 glycoproteins composed of the uncleaved ectodomains of gp120 and gp41 form unstable, heterogeneous oligomers, but soluble gp140 trimers can be stabilized by fusion with a C-terminal, trimeric GCN4 motif (X. Yang et al., J. Virol. 74:5716-5725, 2000). To understand the influence of the C-terminal trimerization domain on the properties of soluble HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein trimers, uncleaved, soluble gp140 glycoproteins were stabilized by fusion with another trimeric motif derived from T4 bacteriophage fibritin. The fibritin construct was more stable to heat and reducing conditions than the GCN4 construct. Both GCN4- and fibritin-stabilized soluble gp140 glycoproteins exhibited patterns of neutralizing and nonneutralizing antibody binding expected for the functional envelope glycoprotein spike. Of note, two potently neutralizing antibodies, immunoglobulin G1b12 and 2G12, exhibited the greatest recognition of the stabilized, soluble trimers, relative to recognition of the gp120 monomer. The observed similarities between the GCN4 and fibritin constructs indicate that the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein ectodomains dictate many of the antigenic and structural features of these fusion proteins. The melting temperatures and ligand recognition properties of the GCN4- and fibritin-stabilized soluble gp140 glycoproteins suggest that these molecules assume conformations distinct from that of the fusion-active, six-helix bundle.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 exterior gp120 envelope glycoprotein is highly flexible, and this flexibility may contribute to the inability of monomeric gp120 immunogens to elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies. We previously showed that an S375W modification of a critical interfacial cavity central to the primary receptor binding site, the Phe43 cavity, stabilizes gp120 into the CD4-bound state. However, the immunological effects of this cavity-altering replacement were never tested. Subsequently, we screened other mutations that, along with the S375W alteration, might further stabilize the CD4-bound state. Here, we define a selected second cavity-altering replacement, T257S, and analyze the double mutations in several gp120 envelope glycoprotein contexts. The gp120 glycoproteins with the T257S-plus-S375W double mutation (T257S+S375W) have a superior antigenic profile compared to the originally identified single S375W replacement in terms of enhanced recognition by the broadly neutralizing CD4 binding-site antibody b12. Isothermal titration calorimetry measuring the entropy of the gp120 interaction with CD4 indicated that the double mutant was also stabilized into the CD4-bound state, with increasing relative fixation between core, full-length monomeric, and full-length trimeric versions of gp120. A significant increase in gp120 affinity for CD4 was also observed for the cavity-filling mutants relative to wild-type gp120. The most conformationally constrained T257S+S375W trimeric gp120 proteins were selected for immunogenicity analysis in rabbits and displayed a trend of improvement relative to their wild-type counterparts in terms of eliciting neutralizing antibodies. Together, the results suggest that conformational stabilization may improve the ability of gp120 to elicit neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

In virus-infected cells, the envelope glycoprotein (Env) precursor, gp160, of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is cleaved by cellular proteases into a fusion-competent gp120-gp41 heterodimer in which the two subunits are noncovalently associated. However, cleavage can be inefficient when recombinant Env is expressed at high levels, either as a full-length gp160 or as a soluble gp140 truncated immediately N-terminal to the transmembrane domain. We have explored several methods for obtaining fully cleaved Env for use as a vaccine antigen. We tested whether purified Env could be enzymatically digested with purified protease in vitro. Plasmin efficiently cleaved the Env precursor but also cut at a second site in gp120, most probably the V3 loop. In contrast, a soluble form of furin was specific for the gp120-gp41 cleavage site but cleaved inefficiently. Coexpression of Env with the full-length or soluble form of furin enhanced Env cleavage but also reduced Env expression. When the Env cleavage site (REKR) was mutated in order to see if its use by cellular proteases could be enhanced, several mutants were found to be processed more efficiently than the wild-type protein. The optimal cleavage site sequences were RRRRRR, RRRRKR, and RRRKKR. These mutations did not significantly alter the capacity of the Env protein to mediate fusion, so they have not radically perturbed Env structure. Furthermore, unlike that of wild-type Env, expression of the cleavage site mutants was not significantly reduced by furin coexpression. Coexpression of Env cleavage site mutants and furin is therefore a useful method for obtaining high-level expression of processed Env.  相似文献   

The trimeric envelope glycoprotein (Env) spikes displayed on the surfaces of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) virions are composed of three heterodimers of the viral glycoproteins gp120 and gp41. Although binding of gp120 to cell surface CD4 and a chemokine receptor is known to elicit conformational changes in gp120 and gp41, changes in quaternary structure of the trimer have only recently been elucidated. For the HIV-1 BaL isolate, CD4 attachment results in a striking rearrangement of the trimer from a "closed" to an "open" conformation. The effect of CD4 on SIV trimers, however, has not been described. Using cryo-electron tomography, we have now determined molecular architectures of the soluble CD4 (sCD4)-bound states of SIV Env trimers for three different strains (SIVmneE11S, SIVmac239, and SIV CP-MAC). In marked contrast to HIV-1 BaL, SIVmneE11S and SIVmac239 Env showed only minor conformational changes following sCD4 binding. In SIV CP-MAC, where trimeric Env displays a constitutively "open" conformation similar to that seen for HIV-1 BaL Env in the sCD4-complexed state, we show that there are no significant further changes in conformation upon the binding of either sCD4 or 7D3 antibody. The density maps also show that 7D3 and 17b antibodies target epitopes on gp120 that are on opposites sides of the coreceptor binding site. These results provide new insights into the structural diversity of SIV Env and show that there are strain-dependent variations in the orientation of sCD4 bound to trimeric SIV Env.  相似文献   

Here, we confirm and extend our previous findings on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoproteinN-acetylglucosaminyl binding properties. We show the occurrence of saturable, temperature, pH, and calcium dependent carbohydrate-specific interactions between recombinant precursor gp160 (rgp160) and two affinity matrices:d-mannose-divinylsulfone-agarose, and natural glycoprotein, fetuin, also coupled to agarose. Binding of rgp160 to the matrices was inhibited by soluble mannosyl derivatives, -d-Man17-BSA and mannan, by -d-GlcNAc47-BSA and by glycopeptides from Pronase-treated porcine thyroglobulin, which produces oligomannose and complex N-linked glycans. Glycopeptides from Endoglycosidase H-treated thyroglobulin partially inhibited rgp160 binding, as did the asialo-agalacto-tetraantennary precursor oligosaccharide of human 1-acid glycoprotein for binding to fetuin-agarose. -d-Glucan and -d-Gal17-BSA had no or only limited effect. Also, surface unit rgp120 specifically interacted with fetuin-agarose and soluble fetuin, but in the latter case with a twofold reduced affinity relative to rgp160. After affinity chromatography, rgp160 was specifically retained by the two matrices and eluted by mannan in both cases, while rgp120 was not retained by fetuin-agarose but only eluted as a significantly retarded peak, which confirms its specific but weak interaction. Thus, rgp160 interacts with both oligomannose type, and the mannosyl core of complex type N-linked glycans, and its gp120 region plays a role in this interaction. Because fetuin and asialofetuin inhibit to nearly the same extent, the binding of rgp160 or rgp120 to fetuin-agarose, interaction with sialic acid or -d-galactosyl structures of complex N- or O-linked glycans can be ruled out. Specific rgp160 and rgp120 binding to ap-aminophenyl--d-GlcNAc-agarose matrix, which was inhibited by -d-GlcNAc47-BSA and by fetuin, confirms that HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins can also specifically interact with theN-acetylglucosaminyl core of oligosaccharide structures.  相似文献   

Four glycoproteins with apparent molecular weights of 300,000, 140,000, 125,000, and 36,000 (gp300, gp140, gp125, and gp36) were detectable in human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2)-infected cells. gp125 and gp36 are the external and transmembrane components, respectively, of the envelope glycoproteins of HIV-2 mature virions. gp300 and gp140 are only detectable in virus-infected cells. They have identical isoelectric points, suggesting that gp300 might be a dimeric form of the immature precursor, gp140. The purified gp300 can be dissociated in a slightly acidic buffer to give rise to monomers of 140,000 molecular weight. Such dissociated monomers and the purified gp140 showed identical patterns of polypeptides after partial proteolysis with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. Pulse-chase experiments indicated that gp300 is formed after synthesis of gp140 and before the detection of the mature external envelope glycoprotein, gp125. These results were confirmed by using various inhibitors of glycosylation and inhibitors of trimming enzymes. Dimer formation of the envelope glycoprotein precursor was also observed in cells infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a virus closely related to HIV-2. On the other hand, the envelope glycoprotein precursor of HIV-1 did not form a dimer during its processing. Therefore, dimer formation seems to be a specific property of HIV-2 and SIV envelope gene expression. Such transient dimerization of the glycoprotein precursor might be required for its efficient transport to the Golgi apparatus and for its processing.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoproteins function as a membrane-anchored trimer of three gp120 exterior glycoproteins and three gp41 transmembrane glycoproteins. Previously, we reported three approaches to stabilize soluble trimers containing parts of the gp41 ectodomains: addition of GCN4 trimeric helices, disruption of the cleavage site between gp120 and gp41, and introduction of cysteines in the gp41 coiled coil to form intersubunit disulfide bonds. Here, we applied similar approaches to stabilize soluble gp140 trimers including the complete gp120 and gp41 ectodomains. A combination of fusion with the GCN4 trimeric sequences and disruption of the gp120-gp41 cleavage site resulted in relatively homogeneous gp140 trimers with exceptional stability. The gp120 epitopes recognized by neutralizing antibodies are intact and exposed on these gp140 trimers. By contrast, the nonneutralizing antibody epitopes on the gp120 subunits of the soluble trimers are relatively occluded compared with those on monomeric gp120 preparations. This antigenic similarity to the functional HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins and the presence of the complete gp41 ectodomain should make the soluble gp140 trimers useful tools for structural and immunologic studies.  相似文献   

Four chimeric human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) env genes were constructed which encoded the extracellular domain of either the wild-type or a cleavage-defective HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (gp160) fused at one of two different positions in env to a C-terminal glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) attachment signal from the mouse Thy-1.1 glycoprotein. All four of the constructs encoded glycoproteins that were efficiently expressed when Rev was supplied in trans, and the two cleavable forms were processed normally to gp120 and a chimeric "gp41." The chimeric glycoproteins, in contrast to the wild-type glycoprotein, could be cleaved from the surface of transfected cells by treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, indicating that they were anchored in the plasma membrane by a GPI moiety. These GPI-anchored glycoproteins were transported intracellularly at a rate only slightly lower than that of the full-length HIV-1 glycoprotein and were present on the cell surface in equivalent amounts. Nevertheless, all four glycoproteins were defective in mediating both cell-cell and virus-cell fusion as determined by syncytium formation in COS-1-HeLa-T4 cell mixtures and trans complementation of an env-defective HIV-1 genome.  相似文献   

An 80-kilodalton glycoprotein (gp80) was produced in human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2)-infected cells along with three envelope glycoproteins that we have recently reported: the extracellular glycoprotein (gp125), the envelope glycoprotein precursor (gp140), and the transient dimeric form of the precursor (gp300). gp125 and gp80 were detectable after the synthesis of gp140 and the formation of gp300. Using a specific monoclonal antibody, we showed here that gp80 is a dimeric form of the transmembrane glycoprotein gp36 of HIV-2. Dimerization of the envelope glycoprotein precursor and dimeric forms of the transmembrane glycoproteins were also observed in cells infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV-mac), a virus closely related to HIV-2. Under routine conditions of our experiments (i.e., extraction by 1% Triton X-100 before polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate [SDS]), monomeric forms of the transmembrane glycoprotein of HIV-2 and SIV-mac were only seldomly observed. Dimeric forms of the envelope precursors and the transmembrane glycoproteins are probably stabilized by extraction in the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 since such dimeric forms resist dissociation during subsequent electrophoresis in the presence of the ionic detergent SDS. However, the dissociation of these dimeric forms might occur when samples are prepared by extraction directly in 1% SDS or by incubation of the purified dimers at acidic pH. Dimerization of the envelope precursor might be required for its processing to give the mature envelope proteins, whereas the transmembrane dimer might be essential for optimal structure of the virion and thus its infectivity.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) encodes two envelope glycoproteins, E1 and E2, that assemble as a noncovalent heterodimer which is mainly retained in the endoplasmic reticulum. Because assembly into particles and secretion from the cell lead to structural changes in viral envelope proteins, characterization of the proteins associated with the virion is necessary in order to better understand how they mature to be functional in virus entry. There is currently no efficient and reliable cell culture system to amplify HCV, and the envelope glycoproteins associated with the virion have therefore not been characterized yet. Recently, infectious pseudotype particles that are assembled by displaying unmodified HCV envelope glycoproteins on retroviral core particles have been successfully generated. Because HCV pseudotype particles contain fully functional envelope glycoproteins, these envelope proteins, or at least a fraction of them, should be in a mature conformation similar to that on the native HCV particles. In this study, we used conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies to characterize the envelope glycoproteins associated with HCV pseudotype particles. We showed that the functional unit is a noncovalent E1E2 heterodimer containing complex or hybrid type glycans. We did not observe any evidence of maturation by a cellular endoprotease during the transport of these envelope glycoproteins through the secretory pathway. These envelope glycoproteins were recognized by a panel of conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies as well as by CD81, a molecule involved in HCV entry. The functional envelope glycoproteins associated with HCV pseudotype particles were also shown to be sensitive to low-pH treatment. Such conformational changes are likely necessary to initiate fusion.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection encounters an early block in the cells of New World monkeys because the CD4 receptor does not efficiently support HIV-1 entry. We adapted HIV-1(NL4-3) and HIV-1(KB9), two HIV-1 variants with different envelope glycoproteins, to replicate efficiently in cells expressing the CD4 and CXCR4 proteins of the common marmoset, a New World monkey. The HIV-1(NL4-3) adaptation involves three gp120 changes that result in a specific increase in affinity for the marmoset CD4 glycoprotein. The already high affinity of the HIV-1(KB9) envelope glycoproteins for marmoset CD4 did not significantly change as a result of the adaptation. Instead, changes in the gp120 variable loops and gp41 ectodomain resulted in improved replication in cells expressing the marmoset receptors. HIV-1(KB9) became relatively sensitive to neutralization by soluble CD4 and antibodies as a result of the adaptation. These results demonstrate the distinct mechanistic pathways by which the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins can adapt to less-than-optimal CD4 molecules and provide HIV-1 variants that can overcome some of the early blocks in New World monkey cells.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope (Env) protein is incorporated into HIV virions or virus-like particles (VLPs) at very low levels compared to the glycoproteins of most other enveloped viruses. To test factors that influence HIV Env particle incorporation, we generated a series of chimeric gene constructs in which the coding sequences for the signal peptide (SP), transmembrane (TM), and cytoplasmic tail (CT) domains of HIV-1 Env were replaced with those of other viral or cellular proteins individually or in combination. All constructs tested were derived from HIV type 1 (HIV-1) Con-S DeltaCFI gp145, which itself was found to be incorporated into VLPs much more efficiently than full-length Con-S Env. Substitution of the SP from the honeybee protein mellitin resulted in threefold-higher chimeric HIV-1 Env expression levels on insect cell surfaces and an increase of Env incorporation into VLPs. Substitution of the HIV TM-CT with sequences derived from the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) envelope glycoprotein, influenza virus hemagglutinin, or baculovirus (BV) gp64, but not from Lassa fever virus glycoprotein, was found to enhance Env incorporation into VLPs. The highest level of Env incorporation into VLPs was observed in chimeric constructs containing the MMTV and BV gp64 TM-CT domains in which the Gag/Env molar ratios were estimated to be 4:1 and 5:1, respectively, compared to a 56:1 ratio for full-length Con-S gp160. Electron microscopy revealed that VLPs with chimeric HIV Env were similar to HIV-1 virions in morphology and size and contained a prominent layer of Env spikes on their surfaces. HIV Env specific monoclonal antibody binding results showed that chimeric Env-containing VLPs retained conserved epitopes and underwent conformational changes upon CD4 binding.  相似文献   

The C-type lectins DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR [collectively referred to as DC-SIGN(R)] bind and transmit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus to T cells via the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env). Other viruses containing heavily glycosylated glycoproteins (GPs) fail to interact with DC-SIGN(R), suggesting some degree of specificity in this interaction. We show here that DC-SIGN(R) selectively interact with HIV Env and Ebola virus GPs containing more high-mannose than complex carbohydrate structures. Modulation of N-glycans on Env or GP through production of viruses in different primary cells or in the presence of the mannosidase I inhibitor deoxymannojirimycin dramatically affected DC-SIGN(R) infectivity enhancement. Further, murine leukemia virus, which typically does not interact efficiently with DC-SIGN(R), could do so when produced in the presence of deoxymannojirimycin. We predict that other viruses containing GPs with a large proportion of high-mannose N-glycans will efficiently interact with DC-SIGN(R), whereas those with solely complex N-glycans will not. Thus, the virus-producing cell type is an important factor in dictating both N-glycan status and virus interactions with DC-SIGN(R), which may impact virus tropism and transmissibility in vivo.  相似文献   

A biotinylation assay was used to detect the envelope glycoprotein of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) envelope glycoprotein expressed by a recombinant vaccinia virus on the surface of HeLa T4 cells. The relationship between the detection of the envelope glycoprotein on the cell surface and its secretion from the cell was examined. It was found that much more gp120 was released into the culture medium than could be accounted for by shedding of the biotinylated SIV envelope protein from the cell surface. Treatment with the ionophore monensin showed that this drug did not block the secretion of gp120 into the culture medium even though the expression of gp120 on the cell surface was strongly downregulated. Similar results were observed for the secretion of gp120 in HUT78 cells infected with SIVmac251 virus. Brefeldin A, on the other hand, inhibited both the detection of gp120 on the cell surface and its secretion into the culture medium. On the basis of these results, we propose that gp120 can be secreted into the culture medium via at least two pathways. One pathway involves the dissociation of gp120 from membrane-associated gp41-gp120 complexes on the cell surface. However, the major pathway involves the secretion of gp120 without its transitory appearance on the cell surface as part of a gp41-gp120 complex.  相似文献   

Virus-specific CD4+ T cells (Th) play a crucial role in the control of lentiviral replication. To better understand the epitope-specificity of CD4+ Th repertoire to the envelope glycoprotein (Env) of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), we analyzed Th responses to 20-mer overlapping Env peptides in eight genetically heterogeneous macaques chronically infected with live attenuated SIV. A set of 19 'broadly reactive' Th peptide-epitopes was defined from the distinct sets of responder peptides for individual macaques. The majority of broadly reactive peptide-epitopes (14 of 19) were uniformly distributed on the transmembrane (TM) domain of Env. Only five broadly reactive responder peptides localized to the surface domain (SU) of Env, and they were all confined to two non-glycosylated regions towards its carboxyl-terminus. This first comprehensive report of Env peptide-specific Th responses associated with attenuated SIV vaccine immunity indicates a profound influence of glycosylation on the development of Th responses and has important implications for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) vaccine development.  相似文献   

The matrix (MA) protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) forms the outer protein shell directly underneath the lipid envelope of the virion. The MA protein has a key role in different aspects of virus assembly, including the incorporation of the HIV-1 Env protein complex, which contains a transmembrane glycoprotein with an unusually long cytoplasmic tail. In this study, we compared the abilities of HIV-1 MA mutants to incorporate Env protein complexes with long and short cytoplasmic tails. While the mutant particles failed to incorporate the authentic HIV-1 Env protein complex, they retained the ability to efficiently and functionally incorporate the amphotropic murine leukemia virus Env protein complex, which has a short cytoplasmic tail. Moreover, incorporation of the autologous Env protein complex could be restored by a second-site mutation that resulted in the truncation of the cytoplasmic tail of the HIV-1 transmembrane glycoprotein. Remarkably, the second-site mutation also restored the ability of MA mutants to replicate in MT-4 cells. These results imply that the long cytoplasmic tail of the transmembrane glycoprotein is responsible for the exclusion of the HIV-1 Env protein complex from MA mutant particles.  相似文献   

In order to map linear B epitopes in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) envelope glycoproteins (Env), a random library of FIV Env polypeptides fused to beta-galactosidase and expressed in Escherichia coli was screened by using sera from experimentally FIV-infected cats. We mapped five antibody-binding domains in the surface envelope glycoprotein (SU1 to SU5) and four in the transmembrane envelope glycoprotein (TM1 to TM4). Immunological analysis with 48 serum samples from naturally or experimentally infected cats of diverse origins revealed a broad group reactivity for epitopes SU2, TM2, and TM3, whereas SU3 appeared as strictly type specific. To study selection pressures acting on the identified immunogenic domains, we analyzed structural constraints and distribution of synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations (amino acids unchanged or changed). Two linear B epitopes (SU3 and TM4) appeared to be submitted to positive selection for change, a pattern of evolution predicting their possible involvement in antiviral protection. These experiments provide a pertinent choice of oligopeptides for further analysis of the protective response against FIV envelope glycoproteins, as a model to understand the role of antibody escape in lentiviral persistence and to design feline AIDS vaccines.  相似文献   

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