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Stratospheric ozone loss in mid-latitudes is expected to increase the ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation at the earth's surface. Impacts of this expected increase will depend on many factors, including the distribution of light in other wavelengths. Measurements of the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and UVB irradiance were made under clear skies at an open field and under the canopy of scattered trees in a suburban area in W. Lafayette, Indiana, USA (latitude 40.5°). Results showed that when there was significant sky view, the UVB penetration into sub-canopy spaces differs greatly from that of PAR. The UVBT canopy (transmittance; irradiance below canopy/irradiance in open) was inversely related to sky view. The UVB irradiance did not vary as greatly between shaded and sunlit areas as did PAR. Analysis of measurements made near a brick wall indicated that the leaf area of a canopy and the brick wall primarily acted to block fractions of the sky radiance and contributed little scattered UVB to the horizontal plant. A model was developed to predict the UVB and PART canopy based on diffuse fraction, sky view, and porosity of the crown(s) through which the beam is penetrating. The model accounted for the UVB and PART canopy to within 0.13 and 0.05 root mean squared error (RMSE), respectively. Analysis of the errors due to model assumptions indicated that care must be taken in describing the sky radiance distribution, the porosity of trees, the penetration of diffuse radiation through porous trees, and the location of sky-obstructing trees and buildings.  相似文献   

The variation of the biologically damaging solar UV (UVBE) enhanced by clouds above that of clear sky UVBE has been investigated. This was undertaken for summer through to winter for SZA of 5 to 60 degrees employing an integrated automatic cloud and spectral UV measurement system that recorded the solar UV spectra and the sky images at five minute intervals. The UVBE calculated with action spectra with higher relative effectiveness in the UVA produced the lower percentage of cloud enhanced cases. The DNA UVBE provided the highest percentage of cloud enhanced cases compared to the total number of UV scans with 2.2% cloud enhanced cases. As a comparison, the plant and fish melanoma UVBE provided the lowest percentage of cloud enhanced cases with 0.6 to 0.8% cloud enhanced cases. For the cases of cloud enhanced UVBE, the average ratio of the measured UVBE to calculated cloud free UVBE for the photokeratitis, cataracts, plant, generalized plant damage and fish melanoma action spectra was 1.21 to 1.25. In comparison, the highest value of 1.4 was for the DNA action spectrum.  相似文献   

Many animals use the sun as a reference for spatial orientation [1-3]. In addition to sun position, the sky provides two other sources of directional information, a color gradient [4] and a polarization pattern [5]. Work on insects has predominantly focused on celestial polarization as an orientation cue [6, 7]. Relying on sky polarization alone, however, poses the following two problems: E vector orientations in the sky are not suited to distinguish between the solar and antisolar hemisphere of the sky, and the polarization pattern changes with changing solar elevation during the day [8, 9]. Here, we present neurons that overcome both problems in a locust's brain. The spiking activity of these neurons depends (1) on the E vector orientation of dorsally presented polarized light, (2) on the azimuthal, i.e., horizontal, direction, and (3) on the wavelength of an unpolarized light source. Their tuning to these stimuli matches the distribution of a UV/green chromatic contrast as well as the polarization of natural skylight and compensates for changes in solar elevation during the day. The neurons are, therefore, suited to code for solar azimuth by concurrent combination of signals from the spectral gradient, intensity gradient, and polarization pattern of the sky.  相似文献   

A process based model integrating the effects of UV‐B radiation to molecular level processes and their consequences to whole plant growth and development was developed from key parameters in the published literature. Model simulations showed that UV‐B radiation induced changes in plant metabolic and/or photosynthesis rates can result in plant growth inhibitions. The costs of effective epidermal UV‐B radiation absorptive compounds did not result in any significant changes in plant growth, but any associated metabolic costs effectively reduced the potential plant biomass. The model showed significant interactions between UV‐B radiation effects and temperature and any factor leading to inhibition of photosynthetic production or plant growth during the midday, but the effects were not cumulative for all factors. Vegetative growth were significantly delayed in species that do not exhibit reproductive cycles during a growing season, but vegetative growth and reproductive yield in species completing their life cycle in one growing season did not appear to be delayed more than 2–5 days, probably within the natural variability of the life cycles for many species. This is the first model to integrate the effects of increased UV‐B radiation through molecular level processes and their consequences to whole plant growth and development.  相似文献   

The spectral UV and the cloud cover were measured at intervals of 5 min with an integrated cloud and spectral UV measurement system at a sub-tropical Southern Hemisphere site for a 6-month period and solar zenith angle (SZA) range of 4.7° to approximately 80°. The solar UV spectra were recorded between 280 nm and 400 nm in 0.5 nm increments and weighted with the action spectra for photokeratitis and cataracts in order to investigate the effect of cloud cover on the horizontal plane biologically damaging UV irradiances for cataracts (UVBEcat) and photokeratitis (UVBEpker). Eighty five percent of the recorded spectra produced a measured irradiance to a cloud free irradiance ratio of 0.6 and higher while 76% produced a ratio of 0.8 and higher. Empirical non-linear expressions as a function of SZA have been developed for all sky conditions to allow the evaluation of the biologically damaging UV irradiances for photokeratitis and cataracts from a knowledge of the unweighted UV irradiances.  相似文献   

Insect perception of ambient ultraviolet-B radiation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Solar ultraviolet‐B radiation (UV‐B, 290–315 nm) has a strong influence on the interactions between plants and animal consumers. Field studies in various ecosystems have shown that the intensity of insect herbivory increases when the UV‐B spectral band of solar radiation is experimentally attenuated using filters. This effect of UV‐B on insect herbivory has been attributed to UV‐B‐induced changes in the characteristics of plant tissues, and to direct damaging effects of UV‐B photons on the animals. We tested for effects of UV‐B radiation on insect behaviour using field experiments with the thrips Caliothrips phaseoli. When placed in a ‘choice’ tunnel under natural daylight, these insects showed a clear preference for low‐UV‐B environments, and this preference could not be accounted for by differences between environments in total irradiance. These results provide the first evidence of ambient UV‐B photoperception in an insect, challenging the idea that animals are unable to detect variations in the narrow UV‐B component of solar radiation.  相似文献   

Solar UVB radiation (280–320 nm) is an initiator of Vitamin D3 production in the human skin. While numerous studies have been conducted in relation to the biological impact of UV exposure in full sun, less research has investigated the irradiances in shade. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of UV radiation in relation to Vitamin D3 induction with six commonly encountered shade environments for the larger solar zenith angles observed during autumn and winter. Spectral UV irradiance measurements were made under relatively clear sky conditions at a sub-tropical Southern Hemisphere site for six specific shade environments and solar zenith angle between 35° and 60° to investigate the biologically effective UV irradiances for pre-Vitamin D3 production. Data from this research indicates that pre-Vitamin D3 effective UV wavelengths in the shade were most significant for tree shade and a shade umbrella. Compared to that in full sun, pre-Vitamin D3 effective UV wavelengths were at levels of approximately 52 and 55%, respectively, beneath the shade umbrella and in tree shade. UVB irradiance levels in the shade of a northern facing covered veranda and in a car with windows closed were significantly less than those beneath the shade umbrella, with levels of approximately 11 and 0%, respectively, of those in full sun. Shade is important as a UV minimisation strategy; however, it may also play an important role in providing the human body with adequate levels of UVB radiation for pre-Vitamin D3 production without experiencing the relatively higher levels of UVA irradiances present in full sun.  相似文献   

We measured the concentrations of ultraviolet (UV)‐absorbing phenolics varying in response to exclusion of either solar UV‐B or both solar UV‐A and UV‐B radiations in leaves of grey alder (Alnus incana) and white birch (Betula pubescens) trees under field conditions. In alder leaves 20 and in birch leaves 13 different phenolic metabolites were identified. The response to UV exclusion varied between and within groups of phenolics in both tree species. The changes in concentration for some metabolites suggest effects of only UV‐A or UV‐B, which band being effective depending on the metabolite. For some other metabolites, the results indicate that UV‐A and UV‐B affect concentrations in the same direction, while for a few compounds there was evidence suggesting opposite effects of UV‐A and UV‐B radiation. Finally, the concentration of some phenolics did not significantly respond to solar UV. We observed only minor effects on the summed concentration of all determined phenolic metabolites in alder and birch leaves, thus indicating that measuring only total phenolics concentration may not reveal the effects of radiation. Here, we show that the appropriate biological spectral weighting functions for plant‐protective responses against solar UV radiation extend in most cases – but not always – into the UV‐A region and more importantly that accumulation of different phenolic metabolites follows different action spectra. This demonstrates under field conditions that some of the implicit assumptions of earlier research simulating ozone depletion and studying the effects of UV radiation on plant secondary metabolites need to be reassessed.  相似文献   

In general, measurements of UV radition are related to horizontal surfaces, as in the case of the internationally standardized and applied UV index, for example. In order to obtain more relevant information on UV exposure of humans the new measuring system ASCARATIS (Angle SCAnning RAdiometer for determination of erythemally weighted irradiance on TIlted Surfaces) was developed and built. Three systems of ASCARATIS have been in operation at different locations in Bavaria for 3 years, providing erythemally weighted UV irradiation data for 27 differently inclined surfaces every 2 min. On the basis of these data virtual three-dimensional models of the human body surface consisting of about 20,000 triangles could be created and each of these triangles coloured according to its UV irradiation. This allowed the UV exposure of the human body to be visualized for any kind of body posture and spatial orientation on the basis of real measuring data. The results of the UV measurements on inclined surfaces have shown that measuring UV radiation on horizontal surfaces, as done routinely worldwide, often underestimates the UV exposure of the human skin. Especially at times of the day or year with low solar elevations the UV exposure of parts of the human skin can be many times higher than that of the horizontal surface. Examples of three-dimensional modelling of the human UV irradiation are shown for different times of the day and year, altitudes above sea level, body postures and genders. In these examples the UV hotspots can be detected and, among other things, used to inform and educate the public about UV radiation.  相似文献   

Cloud and solar zenith angle (SZA) are two major factors that influence the magnitude of the biologically damaging UV (UVBD) irradiances for humans. However, the effect on the short wavelength cut-off due to SZA and due to clouds has not been investigated for biologically damaging UV for cataracts. This research aims to investigate the influence of cloud and SZA on the short wavelength cut-off of the spectral UVBD for cataracts. The spectral biologically damaging UV for cataracts on a horizontal plane was calculated by weighting the spectral UV measured with a spectroradiometer with the action spectrum for the induction of cataracts in a porcine lens. The UV spectra were obtained on an unshaded plane at a latitude of 29.5 degrees S. The cut-off wavelength (lambdac) was defined as the wavelength at which the biologically damaging spectral irradiance was 0.1% of the maximum biologically damaging irradiance for that scan. For the all sky conditions, the short wavelength cut-off ranged by 12 nm for the SZA range of 5 to 80 degrees and the maximum in the spectral UVBD ranged by 15 nm. Similarly, for the cloud free cases, the short wavelength cut-off ranged by 9 nm for the same SZA range. Although, cloud has a large influence on the magnitude of the biologically damaging UV for cataracts, the influence of cloud on the short wavelength cut-off for the biologically damaging UV for cataracts is less than the influence of the solar zenith angle.  相似文献   

对不同海拔地区的太阳 UV- B辐射和植物叶片的光学特性进行了比较研究。结果表明 :位于高海拔地区的海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站 ,太阳 UV- B辐射明显高于相近纬度的西宁、兰州和南京地区。UV- B辐射与总辐射和 PAR的日变化规律相似 ,都受太阳高度角的直接影响 ,在当地太阳正午时最高。UV- B/Q的日变化也为单峰曲线 ,海北站地区的 UV- B/Q高于西宁的同期测定结果。对珠芽蓼等植物的研究表明 ,生长于海北站地区的珠芽蓼 ,其叶片中紫外线吸收物质的含量明显高于西宁的同种植物 ,也略高于海拔较高的达坂山和小达坂山山顶的同种植物。叶绿素含量以海北站珠芽蓼最低 ,达坂山和小达坂山的同种植物最高。珠芽蓼叶片中类胡萝卜素的含量以西宁最低 ,海北站、达坂山和小达坂山依次升高。海北站矮嵩草与从海北站移植到西宁生长 4年的同种植物相比 ,叶片中紫外线吸收物质、叶绿素、类胡萝卜素的变化与生长于两地区的珠芽蓼相同  相似文献   

Correlations between outdoor thermal indices and the calculated or measured mean radiant temperature Tmrt are in general of high importance because of the combined effect on human energy balance in outdoor spaces. The most accurate way to determine Tmrt is by means of integral radiation measurements, i.e. measuring the short- and long-wave radiation from six directions using pyranometers and pyrgeometers, an expensive and not always an easily available procedure. Some studies use globe thermometers combined with air temperature and wind speed sensors. An alternative way to determine Tmrt is based on output from the RayMan model from measured data of incoming global radiation and morphological features of the monitoring site in particular sky view factor (SVF) data. The purpose of this paper is to compare different methods to assess the mean radiant temperature Tmrt in terms of differences to a reference condition (Tmrt calculated from field measurements) and to resulting outdoor comfort levels expressed as PET and UTCI values. The Tmrt obtained from field measurements is a combination of air temperature, wind speed and globe temperature data according to the forced ventilation formula of ISO 7726 for data collected in Glasgow, UK. Four different methods were used in the RayMan model for Tmrt calculations: input data consisting exclusively of data measured at urban sites; urban data excluding solar radiation, estimated SVF data and solar radiation data measured at a rural site; urban data excluding solar radiation with SVF data for each site; urban data excluding solar radiation and including solar radiation at the rural site taking no account of SVF information. Results show that all methods overestimate Tmrt when compared to ISO calculations. Correlations were found to be significant for the first method and lower for the other three. Results in terms of comfort (PET, UTCI) suggest that reasonable estimates could be made based on global radiation data measured at the urban site or as a surrogate of missing SR data or globe temperature data recorded at the urban area on global radiation data measured at a rural location.  相似文献   

UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acid compounds (MAA) were identified and quantified in 13 macroalgal Chlorophyceae, six Phaeophyceae and 28 Rhodophy-ceae collected in the intertidal zone from the tropical island Hainan, People's Republic of China, as well as from tropical mangrove locations in America, Africa, Australia and Japan. All of these habitats receive naturally high solar ultraviolet (UV) irradiances. The study revealed that all Rhodophyceae contained several MAA, which are assumed to function as natural UV sunscreens. Within all species investigated eight distinct compounds were found, seven of which were identified as mycosporine-glycine, shinorine, porphyra-334, pal-ythine, asterina-330, palythinol and palythene. The unknown substance had an absorption spectrum with a maximum at 357 nm. This compound was restricted to two red algal species from Hainan. In contrast, the Chlorophyceae and Phaeophyceae did not contain MAA or exhibited only trace concentrations. Compared with data from the literature, the amount of all MAA in the tropical Rhodophyceae seemed to be higher than in temperate organisms, probably reflecting acclimation to the stronger solar radiation which is typical for lower latitudes. The data suggest that accumulation of MAA may represent a natural defence system against exposure to biologically harmful UV radiation.  相似文献   

Long-term records of solar UV radiation reaching the Earth’s surface are scarce. Radiative transfer calculations and statistical models are two options used to reconstruct decadal changes in solar UV radiation from long-term records of measured atmospheric parameters that contain information on the effect of clouds, atmospheric aerosols and ground albedo on UV radiation. Based on earlier studies, where the long-term variation of daily solar UV irradiation was derived from measured global and diffuse irradiation as well as atmospheric ozone by a non-linear regression method [Feister et al. (2002) Photochem Photobiol 76:281–293], we present another approach for the reconstruction of time series of solar UV radiation. An artificial neural network (ANN) was trained with measurements of solar UV irradiation taken at the Meteorological Observatory in Potsdam, Germany, as well as measured parameters with long-term records such as global and diffuse radiation, sunshine duration, horizontal visibility and column ozone. This study is focussed on the reconstruction of daily broad-band UV-B (280–315 nm), UV-A (315–400 nm) and erythemal UV irradiation (ER). Due to the rapid changes in cloudiness at mid-latitude sites, solar UV irradiance exhibits appreciable short-term variability. One of the main advantages of the statistical method is that it uses doses of highly variable input parameters calculated from individual spot measurements taken at short time intervals, which thus do represent the short-term variability of solar irradiance.  相似文献   

In terms of resistance to extreme environmental stresses, the bacterial spore represents a pinnacle of evolution. Spores are highly resistant to a wide variety of physical stresses such as: wet and dry heat, UV and gamma radiation, oxidizing agents, chemicals, and extremes of both vacuum and ultrahigh hydrostatic pressure. Some of the molecular mechanisms underlying spore resistance properties have been elucidated in the laboratory, and involve both: (i) protection of vital spore macromolecules during dormancy, and (ii) repair of damaged macromolecules during germination. Our group has recently become interested in testing if the laboratory model of spore UV resistance is relevant to spore persistence in the environment. We have constructed a number of Bacillus subtilis strains which are defective in various DNA repair systems and spore structural components. Using spores of these strains, we have been exploring: (i) the types of damage induced in DNA by the UV-B and UV-A components of sunlight; (ii) the relative contribution of the major spore DNA repair systems to spore solar radiation resistance; and (iii) the role of spore structural components such as the spore coats and dipicolinic acid (DPA) in attenuation of the lethal and mutagenic effects of solar UV. The current data are reviewed with the ultimate goal of obtaining a complete model describing spore persistence and longevity in the terrestrial solar UV radiation environment. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Besides playing an essential role in plant photosynthesis, solar radiation is also involved in many other important biological processes. In particular, it has been demonstrated that ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation plays a relevant role in grapevines (Vitis vinifera) in the production of certain important chemical compounds directly responsible for yield and wine quality. Moreover, the exposure to UV-B radiation (280–320 nm) can affect plant–disease interaction by influencing the behaviour of both pathogen and host. The main objective of this research was to characterise the solar radiative regime of a vineyard, in terms of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and UV components. In this analysis, solar spectral UV irradiance components, broadband UV (280–400 nm), spectral UV-B and UV-A (320–400 nm), the biological effective UVBE, as well as the PAR (400–700 nm) component, were all considered. The diurnal patterns of these quantities and the UV-B/PAR and UV-B/UV-A ratios were analysed to investigate the effect of row orientation of the vineyard in combination with solar azimuth and elevation angles. The distribution of PAR and UV irradiance at various heights of the vertical sides of the rows was also studied. The results showed that the highest portion of plants received higher levels of daily radiation, especially the UV-B component. Row orientation of the vines had a pronounced effect on the global PAR received by the two sides of the rows and, to a lesser extent, UV-A and UV-B. When only the diffused component was considered, this geometrical effect was greatly attenuated. UV-B/PAR and UV-A/PAR ratios were also affected, with potential consequences on physiological processes. Because of the high diffusive capacity of the UV-B radiation, the UV-B/PAR ratio was significantly lower on the plant portions exposed to full sunlight than on those in the shade.  相似文献   

利用LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪和ASD光谱仪,通过固定点拔节期冬小麦叶面积指数(LAI)观测实验和同步光谱辐亮度实验,测量了晴天条件下,固定点冬小麦从中午至傍晚24个不同时刻的LAI值及对应的辐亮度。继之分析了此段时间内测得的定点冬小麦LAI值分别与对应时刻可见光和近红外谱段的天空光辐亮度、总辐亮度和太阳直射辐亮度值之间的相关性。结果表明,无论波长小于490nm的谱段,还是波长大于490 nm的谱段,LAI与天空光辐亮度、总辐亮度和太阳直射辐亮度都呈负相关,相关系数(R2)高达0.8左右;尤其LAI与天空光辐亮度的负相关性最高,这种相关性随着波长的增大而减小。LAI与各谱段天空光辐亮度的相关性特征可为LAI-2000晴天观测的LAI值归一化修正处理提供一种新思路和技术途径,以消除太阳直射光的影响,从而解决LAI-2000只能在晴天观测的局限性,拓展LAI-2000在晴天观测条件下的适用性。  相似文献   

Dihydrocaffeic acid, a dietary constituent and a microbial metabolite of flavonoids, is an antioxidant, but few biological effects have been examined. After its production by microflora in the colon, dihydrocaffeic acid is absorbed and found in plasma as a combination of free and metabolized forms. Excess solar UV radiation provokes damage and initiates immune response and inflammation in skin, sometimes leading to cancer. Dihydrocaffeic acid reduced the cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory cytokine production (interleukin-6 and -8) in HaCaT cells, a keratinocyte model, following UV radiation. The effect of dihydrocaffeic acid may result from a combination of direct radical scavenging of the reactive oxygen species formed or reinforcement of the antioxidant potential of the keratinocytes, as well as a direct interference with the pathway involved in cytokine stimulation. The minimum structure required for such an effect appears to consist of a propionate side chain attached to a catechol moiety, as indicated by the efficacy of caffeic acid, but not of the methyl and glucuronide conjugates of dihydrocaffeic acid. The data obtained suggest that dihydrocaffeic acid is a potential candidate for photo-protection by interfering with the events initiated after UV exposure in keratinocytes.  相似文献   

The subject of our investigation was the visual features of wing color with special focus on the UV reflectance in the green‐veined white butterfly (Pieris napi). Previous studies had concluded that UV reflectance on dorsal wing surfaces is found only in the female P. napi. Based on UV sensitive photography, we analyzed a correlation between 12 geographic and environmental factors and UV reflectance patterns on 3 patches on the forewings of 407 P. napi specimens from the Palaearctic region. Results had shown that females significantly differ from males: they exhibit a 25% higher UV reflectance. To investigate whether and how UV reflectance levels on the forewings and hindwings of both sexes are influenced by the environment, we performed a principal component analysis (PCA) with several environmental variables. For several variables (in particular, latitude and longitude, mean annual temperature and precipitation, and temperature annual range and altitude), the generalized linear model (GLM) model revealed a significant correlation in both sexes. This suggests a link between UV reflectance levels and the environment and distribution of P. napi. We found that stronger UV reflectance is associated with generally more hostile environments and concluded that large‐scale environmental factors influence the UV reflectance on the forewings of both male and female green‐veined white butterflies.  相似文献   

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