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Landscape of the hnRNP K protein-protein interactome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K is an ancient RNA/DNA-binding protein that is involved in multiple processes that compose gene expression. The pleiotropic action of K protein reflects its ability to interact with different classes of factors, interactions that are regulated by extracellular signals. We used affinity purification and MS to better define the repertoire of K protein partners. We identified a large number of new K protein partners, some typically found in subcellular compartments, such as plasma membrane, where K protein has not previously been seen. Electron microscopy showed K protein in the nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, and in vicinity of plasma membrane. These observations greatly expanded the view of the landscape of K protein-protein interaction and provide new opportunities to explore signal transduction and gene expression in several subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

In order to fully understand biological processes it is essential to identify interactions in protein complexes. There are several techniques available to study this type of interactions, such as yeast two-hybrid screens, affinity chromatography, and coimmunoprecipitation. We propose a novel strategy to identify protein-protein interactions, comprised of first detecting the interactions using ProteinChips and SELDI-TOF MS, followed by the isolation of the interacting proteins through affinity beads and RP-HPLC and finally identifying the proteins using nano-LC MS/MS. The advantages of this new strategy are that the primary high-throughput screening of samples can be performed with small amounts of sample, no specific antibody is needed and the proteins represented on the SELDI-TOF MS spectra can be identified with high confidence. Furthermore, the method is faster and less labor-intensive than other current approaches. Using this novel method, we isolated and identified the interactions of two mouse plasma proteins, mannose binding lectin C and properdin, with GlialCAM, a type 1 transmembrane glycoprotein that belongs to the Ig superfamily.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions are essential in most biological processes. Many proteomic approaches have succeeded in the identification of strong and obligatory interactions but the study of weak and transient protein-protein interactions is still a challenge. The aim of the present study was to test the ability of bimolecular fluorescence complementation to detect and discriminate in vivo weak intracellular protein interactions. As a test case, the interaction of the SH3 domain from the c-Abl tyrosine kinase with both natural and designed targets has been chosen. The reassociation of functional yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) from its fragments requires previous binding between the SH3 domain and its partners; but once this occurs, the complex is trapped, turning transient SH3 interactions into stable, easily detectable ones. The method is very sensitive and can be implemented for proteomic analysis of weak protein interactions using flow cytometry. The fluorescence emission is dependent on the strength of the interaction, in such a way that it can be used, at least qualitatively, to screen for best binding candidates among similar proline-rich peptides. In addition, it is illustrated how this method can be used to gain structural insights into particular c-Abl SH3 interactions.  相似文献   

Goel A  Li SS  Wilkins MR 《Proteomics》2011,11(13):2672-2682
Protein-protein interaction networks are typically built with interactions collated from many experiments. These networks are thus composite and show all interactions that are currently known to occur in a cell. However, these representations are static and ignore the constant changes in protein-protein interactions. Here we present software for the generation and analysis of dynamic, four-dimensional (4-D) protein interaction networks. In this, time-course-derived abundance data are mapped onto three-dimensional networks to generate network movies. These networks can be navigated, manipulated and queried in real time. Two types of dynamic networks can be generated: a 4-D network that maps expression data onto protein nodes and one that employs 'real-time rendering' by which protein nodes and their interactions appear and disappear in association with temporal changes in expression data. We illustrate the utility of this software by the analysis of singlish interface date hub interactions during the yeast cell cycle. In this, we show that proteins MLC1 and YPT52 show strict temporal control of when their interaction partners are expressed. Since these proteins have one and two interaction interfaces, respectively, it suggests that temporal control of gene expression may be used to limit competition at the interaction interfaces of some hub proteins. The software and movies of the 4-D networks are available at http://www.systemsbiology.org.au/downloads_geomi.html.  相似文献   

Xu K  Bezakova I  Bunimovich L  Yi SV 《Proteomics》2011,11(10):1857-1867
We investigated the biological significance of path lengths in 12 protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. We put forward three predictions, based on the idea that biological complexity influences path lengths. First, at the network level, path lengths are generally longer in PPIs than in random networks. Second, this pattern is more pronounced in more complex organisms. Third, within a PPI network, path lengths of individual proteins are biologically significant. We found that in 11 of the 12 species, average path lengths in PPI networks are significantly longer than those in randomly rewired networks. The PPI network of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, however, does not exhibit deviation from rewired networks. Furthermore, eukaryotic PPIs exhibit significantly greater deviation from randomly rewired networks than prokaryotic PPIs. Thus our study highlights the potentially meaningful variation in path lengths of PPI networks. Moreover, node eccentricity, defined as the longest path from a protein to others, is significantly correlated with the levels of gene expression and dispensability in the yeast PPI network. We conclude that biological complexity influences both global and local properties of path lengths in PPI networks. Investigating variation of path lengths may provide new tools to analyze the evolution of functional modules in biological systems.  相似文献   

Müller VS  Jungblut PR  Meyer TF  Hunke S 《Proteomics》2011,11(10):2124-2128
Membrane proteins are crucial for many essential cellular processes. As membrane proteins function in complexes, methods to detect and to characterize membrane protein-protein interactions are undoubtedly required. Therefore, we developed the "Membrane-Strep-tagged protein interaction experiment" (Membrane-SPINE) that combines the specific purification of a Strep-tagged membrane protein with the reversible fixation of protein complexes by formaldehyde cross-linking. In combination with MS analysis, we suggest Membrane-SPINE as a powerful tool to identify unknown interaction partners of membrane proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

With recent publications of several large-scale protein-protein interaction (PPI) studies, the realization of the full yeast interaction network is getting closer. Here, we have analysed several yeast protein interaction datasets to understand their strengths and weaknesses. In particular, we investigate the effect of experimental biases on some of the protein properties suggested to be enriched in highly connected proteins. Finally, we use support vector machines (SVM) to assess the contribution of these properties to protein interactivity. We find that protein abundance is the most important factor for detecting interactions in tandem affinity purifications (TAP), while it is of less importance for Yeast Two Hybrid (Y2H) screens. Consequently, sequence conservation and/or essentiality of hubs may be related to their high abundance. Further, proteins with disordered structure are over-represented in Y2H screens and in one, but not the other, large-scale TAP assay. Hence, disordered regions may be important both in transient interactions and interactions in complexes. Finally, a few domain families seem to be responsible for a large part of all interactions. Most importantly, we show that there are method-specific biases in PPI experiments. Thus, care should be taken before drawing strong conclusions based on a single dataset.  相似文献   

The utility of biomolecular interaction analysis-mass spectrometry (BIA/MS) in screening for protein-protein interactions was explored in this work. Experiments were performed in which proteins served as ligands for screening of possible interactions with other proteins from human plasma and urine. The proteins utilized were beta-2-microglobulin, cystatin C (cysC), retinol binding protein (RBP), transthyretin (TTR), alpha-1-microglobulin, C-reactive protein, transferrin and papain. The immobilization of functionally active proteins was confirmed via interactions with antibodies to the corresponding proteins. Various dilutions of human urine and plasma were injected over the protein-derivatized surfaces. It was observed that the urine injections generally yielded smaller SPR responses than those observed after the plasma injections. The BIA/MS experiments did not reveal novel protein-protein interactions, although several established interactions (such as those between RBP and TTR, and cysC and papain) were validated. Few protein ligand deficiencies (such as truncations) leading to false negative and false positive BIA/MS results were also discovered.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are proteins that upon ligand stimulation undergo dimerization and autophosphorylation. Eph receptors (EphRs) are RTKs that are found in different cell types, from both tissues that are developing and from mature tissues, and play important roles in the development of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. EphRs also play roles in synapse formation, neural crest formation, angiogenesis and in remodeling the vascular system. Interaction of EphRs with their ephrin ligands lead to activation of signal transduction pathways and formation of many transient protein-protein interactions that ultimately leads to cytoskeletal remodeling. However, the sequence of events at the molecular level is not well understood. We used blue native PAGE and MS to analyze the transient protein-protein interactions that resulted from the stimulation of EphB2 receptors by their ephrinB1-Fc ligands. We analyzed the phosphotyrosine-containing protein complexes immunoprecipitated from the cell lysates of both unstimulated (-) and ephrinB1-Fc-stimulated (+) NG108 cells. Our experiments allowed us to identify many signaling proteins, either known to be part of EphB2 signaling or new for this pathway, which are involved in transient protein-protein interactions upon ephrinB1-Fc stimulation. These data led us to investigate the roles of proteins such as FAK, WAVEs and Nischarin in EphB2 signaling.  相似文献   

Braun P  Gingras AC 《Proteomics》2012,12(10):1478-1498
Today, it is widely appreciated that protein-protein interactions play a fundamental role in biological processes. This was not always the case. The study of protein interactions started slowly and evolved considerably, together with conceptual and technological progress in different areas of research through the late 19th and the 20th centuries. In this review, we present some of the key experiments that have introduced major conceptual advances in biochemistry and molecular biology, and review technological breakthroughs that have paved the way for today's systems-wide approaches to protein-protein interaction analysis.  相似文献   

Battesti A  Bouveret E 《Proteomics》2008,8(22):4768-4771
The original vectors of the bacterial two-hybrid technique developed by Karimova et al. in 1998 did not enable detection of the recombinant proteins. Here, we propose two methods resolving this problem, either using new plasmids containing the Flag epitope, or using a trick to detect the T18 domain of adenylate cyclase. Furthermore, we describe a set of vectors for TAP, CBP or 6-histidine tagging that possess the same cloning site as our two-hybrid vectors.  相似文献   

The detection and analysis of protein-protein interactions is one of the central tasks of proteomics in the postgenomic era. For this purpose, we present a procedure, the Strep-protein interaction experiment (SPINE) that combines the advantages of the Strep-tag protein purification system with those of reversible in vivo protein crosslinking by formaldehyde. Using two Bacillus subtilis regulator proteins, we demonstrate that this method is well suited to isolate protein complexes with high purity and virtually no background. Plasmids allowing the high-level expression of proteins carrying an N- or C-terminal Strep-tag in B. subtilis were constructed.  相似文献   

Complex molecular changes associated with early stage human heart disease are poorly understood and prevent the development of effective treatments of human cardiac disease. Relatively minor structural changes in early disease may accompany some conditions such as arrhythmias. Our objective was to determine if significant proteomic changes occur in heart tissues in the absence of structural pathology. We used a proteomic "pipeline" based on Ciphergen SELDI-TOF/MS, gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF/MS. The kyphoscoliosis (ky) mouse carries a mutation in a putative transglutaminase causing a primary skeletal muscle disease. The ky protein is expressed usually in skeletal and cardiac muscle but its absence from the ky heart causes no structural pathology making it a good model of "occult" heart disease. We discovered 20 statistically validated biomarkers discriminating ky from normal hearts, one cardiac troponin-I was reduced by 40% in ky hearts. A 17% deficit was confirmed subsequently by Western blot. Thus, the proteome of ky hearts was abnormal, giving support to our contention that this SELDI-based analytical approach is capable of making a significant contribution to the analysis of complex proteomic changes in early stage human heart disease.  相似文献   

Protein arginine methylation often modulates protein-protein interactions. To isolate a sufficient quantity of proteins enriched in methyl arginine(s) from natural sources for biochemical studies is laborious and difficult. We describe here an expression system that produces recombinant proteins that are enriched in omega-N(G),N(G)-asymmetry dimethylarginines. A yeast type I arginine methyltransferase gene (HMT1) is put on a plasmid under the control of the Escherichia coli methionine aminopeptidase promoter for constitutive expression. The protein targeted for post-translational modification is put on the same plasmid behind a T7 promoter for inducible expression of His(6)-tagged proteins. Sbp1p and Stm1p were used as model proteins to examine this expression system. The 13 arginines within the arginine-glycine-rich motif of Sbp1p and the RGG sequence near the C terminus of Stm1p were methylated. Unexpectedly, the arginine residue on the thrombin cleavage site (LVPRGS) of the fusion proteins can also be methylated by Hmt1p. Sbp1p and Sbp1p/hmt1 were covalently attached to solid supports for the isolation of interacting proteins. The results indicate that arginine methylation on Sbp1p exerts both positive and negative effects on protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

Cellulosomes are multi-enzyme complexes that orchestrate the efficient degradation of cellulose and related plant cell wall polysaccharides. The complex is maintained by the high-affinity protein-protein interaction between two complementary modules: the cohesin and the dockerin. In order to characterize the interaction between different cohesins and dockerins, we have developed matching fusion-protein systems, which harbor either the cohesin or the dockerin component. For this purpose, corresponding plasmid cassettes were designed, which encoded for the following carrier proteins: (i) a thermostable xylanase with an appended His-tag; and (ii) a highly stable cellulose-binding module (CBM). The resultant xylanase-dockerin and CBM-cohesin fusion products exhibited high expression levels of soluble protein. The expressed, affinity-purified proteins were extremely stable, and the functionality of the cohesin or dockerin component was retained. The fusion protein system was used to establish a sensitive and reliable, semi-quantitative enzyme-linked affinity assay for determining multiple samples of cohesin-dockerin interactions in microtiter plates. A variety of cohesin-dockerin systems, which had been examined previously using other methodologies, were revisited applying the affinity-based enzyme assay, the results of which served to verify the validity of the approach.  相似文献   

Shepherd CM  Reddy VS 《Proteins》2005,58(2):472-477
Viral capsids are composed of multiple copies of one or a few gene products that self-assemble on their own or in the presence of the viral genome and/or auxiliary proteins into closed shells (capsids). We have analyzed 75 high-resolution virus capsid structures by calculating the average fraction of the solvent-accessible surface area of the coat protein subunits buried in the viral capsids. This fraction ranges from 0 to 1 and represents a normalized protein-protein interaction (PPI) index and is a measure of the extent of protein-protein interactions. The PPI indices were used to compare the extent of association of subunits among different capsids. We further examined the variation of the PPI indices as a function of the molecular weight of the coat protein subunit and the capsid diameter. Our results suggest that the PPI indices in T=1 and pseudo-T=3 capsids vary linearly with the molecular weight of the subunit and capsid size. This is in contrast to quasi-equivalent capsids with T>or=3, where the extent of protein-protein interactions is relatively independent of the subunit and capsid sizes. The striking outcome of this analysis is the distinctive clustering of the "T=2" capsids, which are distinguished by higher subunit molecular weights and a much lower degree of protein-protein interactions. Furthermore, the calculated residual (R(sym)) of the fraction buried surface areas of the structurally unique subunits in capsids with T>1 was used to calculate the quasi-equivalence of different subunit environments.  相似文献   

Estrada E 《Proteomics》2006,6(1):35-40
Topological analysis of large scale protein-protein interaction networks (PINs) is important for understanding the organizational and functional principles of individual proteins. The number of interactions that a protein has in a PIN has been observed to be correlated with its indispensability. Essential proteins generally have more interactions than the nonessential ones. We show here that the lethality associated with removal of a protein from the yeast proteome correlates with different centrality measures of the nodes in the PIN, such as the closeness of a protein to many other proteins, or the number of pairs of proteins which need a specific protein as an intermediary in their communications, or the participation of a protein in different protein clusters in the PIN. These measures are significantly better than random selection in identifying essential proteins in a PIN. Centrality measures based on graph spectral properties of the network, in particular the subgraph centrality, show the best performance in identifying essential proteins in the yeast PIN. Subgraph centrality gives important structural information about the role of individual proteins, and permits the selection of possible targets for rational drug discovery through the identification of essential proteins in the PIN.  相似文献   

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