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Ab initio conformational maps for beta-lactose in both the gas phase and in aqueous solution have been constructed at the HF/6-31G(d,p) level of calculation. The results of the gas-phase ab initio calculations allow us to conclude that a rigid conformational map is able to predict the regions of the minima in the potential energy surface of beta-lactose, in full agreement with those found in the relaxed conformational map. The solvation effects do not give rise to any new local minimum in the potential energy surface of beta-lactose, but just change the relative Boltzmann populations of the conformers found in the gas-phase calculations. The values obtained for heteronuclear spin coupling constant (3J(H,C)), using the seven most stable conformers in solution are in good agreement with the available experimental values. This is a good indication that ab initio rigid conformational maps can be reliably used to sort the most stable conformers of beta-lactose.  相似文献   

This work presents an investigation on the conformational preferences of α,α-trehalose in gas phase and aqueous solution. Eighty-one systematically selected structures were studied at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d) level, giving rise to 40 unique conformers. The 19 lower energy structures and some selected other were further re-optimized at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level. The main factors accounting for the conformer’s stability were pointed out and discussed. NBO and QTAIM analyses were performed in some selected conformers in order to address the anomeric and exo-anomeric effects as well as intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The effect of solvent water on the relative stability of the conformers was accounted for by applying the conductor-like polarizable continuum model, CPCM.  相似文献   

The organization of the mammalian S phase was studied in synchronized mouse embryo cells in terms of the spatial relationship between replication units whose synthesis is initiated at different times in S phase and the rate of assimilation of replication units into high molecular weight DNA strands.The formation of high molecular weight nascent DNA strands several replication units in length was analyzed by velocity sedimentation in alkaline sucrose gradients and by isopycnic centrifugation in alkaline Cs2SO4/CsCl gradients. Differential labeling with an isotopic and a density label shows that replication units synthesized at different stages of the S phase are not found within the same high molecular weight polynucleotide strand. It is thus concluded that replication units duplicated at different stages of the S phase are spatially organized in clusters along the mammalian genome.The rate of formation of high molecular weight nascent DNA strands is at least 4 to 8 times slower than that predicted from the spatial organization of replication units and the rate of chain growth within replication units. It is concluded that the process of joining of the completed nascent strands of adjacent replication units plays a major role in the rate of completion of high molecular weight strands.  相似文献   

L S Kappen  Z Xi  I H Goldberg 《Biochemistry》2001,40(50):15378-15383
Neocarzinostatin chromophore (NCS-Chrom) induces strong cleavage at a single site (C3) in the single-stranded and 5' (32)P-end-labeled 13-mer GCCAGATTTGAGC in a reaction dependent on a thiol. By contrast, in the duplex form of the same 13-mer, strand cleavage occurs only at the T and A residues, and C3 is not cleaved. To determine the minimal structural requirement(s) for C3 cleavage in the single-stranded oligomer, several deletions and mutations were made in the 13-mer. A 10-mer (GCCAGAGAGC) derived from the 13-mer by deletion of the three T residues was also cleaved exclusively at C3 by NCS-Chrom, generating fragments having 5' phosphate ends. That the cleavage at C3 is initiated by abstraction of its 5' hydrogen is confirmed in experiments using 3' (32)P-end-labeled 10-mer. The competent 13-mer and 10-mer were assigned hairpin structures with a stem loop and a single bulged out A base, placing C3 across from and 3' to the bulge. Removal of the bulged A base from the 13-mer and the 10-mer resulted in complete loss of cutting activity, proving that it is the essential determinant in competent substrates. Studies of thiol post-activated NCS-Chrom binding to the DNA oligomers show that the drug binds to the bulge-containing 13-mer (K(d) = 0.78 microM) and the 10-mer (K(d) = 1.11 microM), much more strongly than to the 12-mer (K(d) = 20 microM) and the 9-mer (K(d) = 41 microM), lacking the single-base bulge. A mutually induced-fit between NCS-Chrom and the oligomer resulting in optimal stabilization of the drug-DNA complex is proposed to account for the site-specific cleavage at C3. These studies establish the usefulness of NCS-Chrom as a probe for single-base bulges in DNA.  相似文献   

Different chemical methods used to attach oligonucleotides by their 5′-end on a glass surface were tested in the framework of solid phase PCR where surface-bound instead of freely-diffusing primers are used to amplify DNA. Each method was first evaluated for its capacity to provide a high surface coverage of oligonucleotides essentially attached via a 5′-specific linkage that satisfyingly withstands PCR conditions and leaves the 3′-ends available for DNA polymerase activity. The best results were obtained with 5′-thiol-modified oligonucleotides attached to amino-silanised glass slides using a heterobifunctional cross-linker reagent. It was then demonstrated that the primers bound to the glass surface using the optimal chemistry can be involved in attaching and amplifying DNA molecules present in the reaction mix in the absence of freely-diffusing primers. Two distinct amplification processes called interfacial and surface amplification have been observed and characterised. The newly synthesised DNA can be detected and quantified by radioactive and fluorescent hybridisation assays. These new surface amplification processes are seen as an interesting approach for attachment of DNA molecules by their 5′-end on a solid support and can be used as an alternative route for producing DNA chips for genomic studies.  相似文献   

J King  C Fairley    W Morgan 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(7):1749-1754
In eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms DNA double-strand breaks with non-complementary ends can be joined by mechanisms of illegitimate recombination. We examined the joining of 3'-protruding single strand (PSS) ends, which do not have recessed 3' hydroxyls that can allow for fill-in DNA synthesis, to blunt ends. End-joining was examined by electro-transforming Escherichia coli strains with linearized plasmid DNA, sequencing the resulting junctions, and determining the transformation frequencies. Three different E.coli strains were examined: MC1061, which has no known recombination or DNA repair defects, HB101 (rec A-) and SURE (recB- recJ-). No striking differences were found in either the spectrum of products observed or the efficiency of end-joining between these strains. As in vertebrate systems, the majority of the products were overlaps between directly repeated DNA sequences. 3'-PSS are frequently preserved in vertebrate systems, but they were not preserved in our experiments unless the transforming DNA was pretreated with a DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

 The notion that DNA is capable of electron transfer (ET) has inspired several groups to investigate the nature of this intriguing process. While several factors modulate ET reaction rates, the distance dependence of ET in DNA is the focus of our current investigations. To this end we propose that several design criteria must be met to facilitate the collection of kinetic data corresponding to DNA-mediated ET reactions. These criteria include (1) covalent attachment of site-selective donor-acceptor pairs, (2) incorporation of donor-acceptor pairs that offer minimal structural perturbation of the DNA duplex, and (3) use of spectroscopically distinguishable donor and acceptor complexes that allow identification of kinetic intermediates. Received, accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

DNA phosphotriester adducts are common alkylation products of DNA phosphodiester moiety induced by N-nitrosoureas. The 2-hydroxyethyl phosphotriester was reported to hydrolyze more rapidly than other alkyl phosphotriesters both in neutral and in alkaline conditions, which can cause DNA single strand scission. In this work, DFT calculations have been employed to map out the four lowest activation free-energy profiles for neutral and alkaline hydrolysis of triethyl phosphate (TEP) and diethyl 2-hydroxyethyl phosphate (DEHEP). All the hydrolysis pathways were illuminated to be stepwise involving an acyclic or cyclic phosphorane intermediate for TEP or DEHEP, respectively. The rate-limiting step for all the hydrolysis reactions was found to be the formation of phosphorane intermediate, with the exception of DEHEP hydrolysis in alkaline conditions that the decomposition process turned out to be the rate-limiting step, owing to the extraordinary low formation barrier of cyclic phosphorane intermediate catalyzed by hydroxide. The rate-limiting barriers obtained for the four reactions are all consistent with the available experimental information concerning the corresponding hydrolysis reactions of phosphotriesters. Our calculations performed on the phosphate triesters hydrolysis predict that the lower formation barriers of cyclic phosphorane intermediates compared to its acyclic counter-part should be the dominant factor governing the hydrolysis rate enhancement of DEHEP relative to TEP both in neutral and in alkaline conditions.
DEHEP hydrolysis involved in DNA single strand scission induced by N-nitrosoureas  相似文献   

The behavior of chiral-nematic and isotropic phases of helical kappa-carrageenan in aqueous solution of sodium iodide was compared with that of the anisotropic biphasic phase that contains both these phases. On the basis of birefringence, rheology, chemical analysis, average molecular weight, and polydispersity index measurements, we derived a number of characteristic differences as well as similarities between these phases, over a range of polysaccharide concentrations obtained by the dilution of each phase. For example, we assessed the critical concentration of an isotropic-anisotropic transition (C(i)), the temperature of the anisotropic-isotropic phase shift during thermal heating-cooling cycles, and the viscosity changes due to the phase shift and due to the diminishing of the helical conformation. We also demonstrated how the different phases and their dilutions behave under the effect of shear and frequency of oscillation and how the viscoelastic properties vary in each phase and discussed the isotropic and anisotropic liquid crystal controlling behavior mechanisms. From a theoretical point of view, we propose to combine the wormlike chain model for semiflexible polyelectrolytes interacting via both hard-core and electrostatic repulsion to assess the concentration of isotropic-nematic transition, to assess the coexistence concentration range, and to determine the effects of charge by applying the effective diameter and a twisting effect.  相似文献   

Crystals of DNA have been grown in a form suitable for study by electron diffraction and electron microscopy. Preliminary electron diffraction patterns of any type that have been obtained from single crystals of highly polymerized DNA. The patterns, obtained from frozen, hydrated crystals with the beam approximately parallel to the DNA strand axis, show a hexagonal geometrical arrangement with a (1,0) Bragg spacing of 23.1 A.  相似文献   

DNA single strand breaks (ssb) have been induced in FLC/C cells in culture. They have been visualized in the electron microscope after decoration with biotin-avidin-ferritin complexes and spreading as monomolecular mixed films. This allowed one to determine the average number of decorated ssbs per unit of DNA length applying straight-forward and simple evaluation methods. This method has been used to investigate the DNA alterations by benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) on FLC/C culture cells. Thus a B[a]P-DNA damage curve can be constructed as a regression with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.97, while its isomer benzo[e]pyrene (B[e]P) known to have only low mutagenicity under the same experimental conditions is virtually without effect. The method has further informational potential regarding damage distribution and repair of DNA.  相似文献   

Microwave dielectric absorption of DNA in aqueous solution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dielectric properties of aqueous solutions of DNA were measured at frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 12 GHz. The results are analyzed using the Maxwell mixture theory and yield a value for the hydration of the DNA of about 0.4 g/g, which is in the range observed in other investigations. No evidence was found for an additional absorption effect at microwave frequencies, which has been predicted to occur in certain DNA analogs due to the vibrational excitation of the double helix by the applied microwave field.  相似文献   

Seventy-five years after the discovery of transformation with Streptococcus pneumoniae, it is remarkable how little we know of the proteins that interact with incoming single strands in the early processing of transforming DNA. In this work, we used as donor DNA in transformation a radioactively labelled homologous fragment to examine the fate of the single-stranded (ssDNA) products of uptake in cells mutant for DprA or RecA, two proteins essential for transformation. Fifteen minutes after uptake, the labelling of specific chromosomal restriction fragments that demonstrated homologous integration in the wild type was not detected in dprA or recA cells, indicating that in the mutants incoming ssDNA could not be processed into recombinants. Investigation of the fate of donor label 1 min after uptake revealed that incoming ssDNA was immediately degraded in the absence of DprA or RecA. Our results demonstrate that incoming ssDNA requires active protection prior to the RecA-driven search for homology and that both DprA and RecA are needed for this protection.  相似文献   

The unimolecular G-quadruplex structures of d(GGGTGGGTGGGTGGGT) (G1) and d(GTGGTGGGTGGGTGGGT) (G2) are known as the potent nanomolar HIV-1 integrase inhibitors, thus investigating the 3D structures of the two sequences is significant for structure-based rational anti-HIV drug design. In this research, based on the experimental data of circular dichroism (CD) spectropolarimetry and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), the initial models of G1 and G2 were constructed by molecular modeling method. The modeling structures of G1 and G2 are intramolecular parallel-stranded quadruplex conformation with three guanine tetrads. Particularly, the structure of G2 possesses a T loop residue between the first and the second G residues that are the component of two adjacent same-stranded G-tetrad planes. This structure proposed by us has a very novel geometry and is different from all reported G-quadruplexes. The extended (35 ns) molecular dynamic (MD) simulations for the models indicate that the G-quadruplexes maintain their structures very well in aqueous solution whether the existence of K+ or NH4+ in the central channel. Furthermore, we perform 500 ns MD simulations for the models in the gas phase. The results show that all the ion-G-quadruplex complexes are maintained during the whole simulations, despite the large magnitude of phosphate-phosphate repulsions. The gas phase MD simulations provide a good explanation to ESI-MS experiments. Our 3D structures for G1 and G2 will assist in understanding geometric formalism of G-quadruplex folding and may be helpful as a platform for rational anti-HIV drug design.  相似文献   

Biofiltration of air polluted by volatile organic compounds is now recognized by the industrial and research communities as an effective and viable alternative to standard environmental technologies. Whereas many studies have focused on solid/liquid/gas biofilters, there have been fewer reports on waste air treatment using other biological processes, especially in a solid/gas biofilter. In this study, a comparison was made of the hydrolysis of halogenated compounds (such as 1-chlorobutane) by lyophilized Rhodococcus erythropolis cells in a novel solid/gas biofilter and in the aqueous phase. We first determined the culture conditions for the production of R. erythropolis cells with a strong dehalogenase activity. Four different media were studied and the amount of 1-chlorobutane was optimized. Next, we report the possibility to use R. erythropolis cells in a solid/gas biofilter in order to transform halogenated compounds in corresponding alcohols. The effect of experimental parameters (total flow into the biofilter, thermodynamic activity of the substrates, temperature, carbon chain length of halogenated substrates) on the activity and stability of lyophilized cells in the gas phase was determined. A critical water thermodynamic activity (a(w)) of 0.4 is necessary for the enzyme to become active and optimal dehalogenase activity for the lyophilized cells is obtained for an a(w) of 0.9. A temperature of reaction of 40 degrees C represents the best compromise between stability and activity. Activation energy of the reaction was determined and found equal to 59.5 KJ/mol. The pH effect on the dehalogenase activity of R. erythropolis cells was also studied in the gas phase and in the aqueous phase. It was observed that pH 9.0 provided the best activity in both systems. We observed that in the aqueous phase R. erythropolis cells were less sensitive to the variation in pH than R. erythropolis cells in the gas phase. Finally, the addition of volatile Lewis base (triethylamine) in the gaseous phase and the action of the lysozyme in order to permeabilize the cells was found to be highly beneficial to the effectiveness of the biofilter.  相似文献   

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