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In order to get insight into the origin of apparent negative cooperativity observed for F1-ATPase, we compared ATPase activity and ATPMg binding of mutant subcomplexes of thermophilic F1-ATPase, α(W463F)3β(Y341W)3γ and α(K175A/T176A/W463F)3β(Y341W)3γ. For α(W463F)3β(Y341W)3γ, apparent Km's of ATPase kinetics (4.0 and 233 μM) did not agree with apparent Km's deduced from fluorescence quenching of the introduced tryptophan residue (on the order of nM, 0.016 and 13 μM). On the other hand, in case of α(K175A/T176A/W463F)3β(Y341W)3γ, which lacks noncatalytic nucleotide binding sites, the apparent Km of ATPase activity (10 μM) roughly agreed with the highest Km of fluorescence measurements (27 μM). The results indicate that in case of α(W463F)3β(Y341W)3γ, the activating effect of ATP binding to noncatalytic sites dominates overall ATPase kinetics and the highest apparent Km of ATPase activity does not represent the ATP binding to a catalytic site. In case of α(K175A/T176A/W463F)3β(Y341W)3γ, the Km of ATPase activity reflects the ATP binding to a catalytic site due to the lack of noncatalytic sites. The Eadie-Hofstee plot of ATPase reaction by α(K175A/T176A/W463F)3β(Y341W)3γ was rather linear compared with that of α(W463F)3β(Y341W)3γ, if not perfectly straight, indicating that the apparent negative cooperativity observed for wild-type F1-ATPase is due to the ATP binding to catalytic sites and noncatalytic sites. Thus, the frequently observed Km's of 100-300 μM and 1-30 μM range for wild-type F1-ATPase correspond to ATP binding to a noncatalytic site and catalytic site, respectively.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of MgATP and MgITP by mitochondrial F1-ATPase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is competitively inhibited by alpha, beta-CrADP, alpha, beta, gamma-CrATP and beta, gamma-CrATP. The apparent K1 values of the three complexes are in the range of the half-saturating MgATP concentration. The negative cooperativity (nH = 0.7) of MgATP hydrolysis is totally abolished by alpha, beta-CrADP (nH = 1.0), while it is not affected by the CrATP. It is concluded that alpha, beta-CrADP binds exclusively at the regulatory site and that CrATP binds exclusively to the catalytic site.  相似文献   

F(1)-ATPase catalyses ATP hydrolysis and converts the cellular chemical energy into mechanical rotation. The hydrolysis reaction in F(1)-ATPase does not follow the widely believed Michaelis-Menten mechanism. Instead, the hydrolysis mechanism behaves in an ATP-dependent manner. We develop a model for enzyme kinetics and hydrolysis cooperativity of F(1)-ATPase which involves the binding-state changes to the coupling catalytic reactions. The quantitative analysis and modeling suggest the existence of complex cooperative hydrolysis between three different catalysis sites of F(1)-ATPase. This complexity may be taken into account to resolve the arguments on the binding change mechanism in F(1)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Since the report by Sternweis and Smith (Sternweis, P. C., and Smith, J. B. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 526-531), the epsilon subunit, an endogenous inhibitor of bacterial F(1)-ATPase, has long been thought not to inhibit activity of the holo-enzyme, F(0)F(1)-ATPase. However, we report here that the epsilon subunit is exerting inhibition in F(0)F(1)-ATPase. We prepared a C-terminal half-truncated epsilon subunit (epsilon(DeltaC)) of the thermophilic Bacillus PS3 F(0)F(1)-ATPase and reconstituted F(1)- and F(0)F(1)-ATPase containing epsilon(DeltaC). Compared with F(1)- and F(0)F(1)-ATPase containing intact epsilon, those containing epsilon(DeltaC) showed uninhibited activity; severalfold higher rate of ATP hydrolysis at low ATP concentration and the start of ATP hydrolysis without an initial lag at high ATP concentration. The F(0)F(1)-ATPase containing epsilon(DeltaC) was capable of ATP-driven H(+) pumping. The time-course of pumping at low ATP concentration was faster than that by the F(0)F(1)-ATPase containing intact epsilon. Thus, the comparison with noninhibitory epsilon(DeltaC) mutant shed light on the inhibitory role of the intact epsilon subunit in F(0)F(1)-ATPase.  相似文献   

F1-ATPase, the catalytic sector of Fo-F1 ATPases-ATPsynthases, displays an apparent negative cooperativity for ATP hydrolysis at high ATP concentrations which involves noncatalytic and catalytic nucleotide binding sites. The molecular mechanism of such cooperativity is currently unknown. To get further insights, we have investigated the structural consequences of the single mutation of two residues: Q173L in the alpha-subunit and Q170Y in the beta-subunit of the F1-ATPase of the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. These residues are localized in or near the Walker-A motifs of each subunit and their mutation produces an opposite effect on the negative cooperativity. The betaQ170 residue (M167 in beef heart) is located close to the binding site for the phosphate-Mg moiety of the nucleotide. Its replacement by tyrosine converts this site into a close state with increased affinity for the bound nucleotide and leads to an increase of negative cooperativity. In contrast, the alphaQ173L mutation (Q172 in beef heart) abolishes negative cooperativity due to the loss of two H-bonds: one stabilizing the nucleotide bound to the noncatalytic site and the other linking alphaQ173 to the adjacent betaT354, localized at the alpha(DP)-beta(TP) interface. The properties of these mutants suggest that negative cooperativity occurs through interactions between neighbor alpha- and beta-subunits. Indeed, in the beef heart enzyme, (i) the alpha(DP)-beta(TP) interface is stabilized by a vicinal alphaR171-betaD352 salt bridge (ii) betaD352 and betaT354 belong to a short peptidic stretch close to betaY345, the aromatic group of which interacts with the adenine moiety of the nucleotide bound to the catalytic site. We therefore propose that the betaY345-betaT354 stretch (beef heart numbering) constitutes a short link that drives structural modifications from a noncatalytic site to the neighbor catalytic site in which, as a result, the affinity for ADP is modulated.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the IF(1) inhibitor protein of the mitochondrial F(1)F(0)-ATPase from molecular biochemistry to possible pathophysiological roles are reviewed. The apparent mechanism of IF(1) inhibition of F(1)F(0)-ATPase activity and the biophysical conditions that influence IF(1) activity are summarized. The amino acid sequences of human, bovine, rat and murine IF(1) are compared and domains and residues implicated in IF(1) function examined. Defining the minimal inhibitory sequence of IF(1) and the role of conserved histidines and conformational changes using peptides or recombinant IF(1) is reviewed. Luft's disease, a mitochondrial myopathy where IF(1) is absent, is described with respect to IF(1) relevance to mitochondrial bioenergetics and clinical observations. The possible pathophysiological role of IF(1) in conserving ATP under conditions where cells experience oxygen deprivation (tumor growth, myocardial ischemia) is evaluated. Finally, studies attempting to correlate IF(1) activity to ATP conservation in myocardial ischemic preconditioning are compared.  相似文献   

By applying the same method used for F(1)-ATPase (TF(1)) from thermophilic Bacillus PS3 (Noji, H., Yasuda, R., Yoshida, M., and Kinosita, K., Jr. (1997) Nature 386, 299-302), we observed ATP-driven rotation of a fluorescent actin filament attached to the gamma subunit in Escherichia coli F(1)-ATPase. The torque value and the direction of the rotation were the same as those observed for TF(1). F(1)-ATPases seem to share common properties of rotation irrespective of the sources.  相似文献   

Kinetic Analysis of Corn Mitochondrial F(1)-ATPase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The activation and catalytic mechanism of corn mitochondrial F1 were examined for the two distinct forms of the enzyme which appear upon storage in ammonium sulfate or glycerol. Apparently irreversible differences in the stability of the two active forms were found. Nucleosidetriphosphate induced activation of the enzyme was found to produce lasting effects on subsequent catalysis. These effects varied with both the nucleotide used for activation, and the hydrolyzed species. The substrate and metal specificity were examined with the ATP activated enzyme. Mg2+ and Ca2+ were found to be the most effective at promoting ATP hydrolysis. The substrates were hydrolyzed in the order GTP > ITP > ATP regardless of which nucleotide was used for activation. While ATP and GTP hydrolysis exhibited kinetics typical of other ATPases, ITP showed a transition from negative to positive cooperativity at low substrate concentrations. Bicarbonate was found to affect primarily the kinetics of ATP hydrolysis. AMP-PNP proved to be a potent inhibitor with respect to ATP hydrolysis. The results are discussed in terms of possible catalytic mechanisms and the similarities of the corn mitochondrial F1 to other ATPases.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that carbohydrates and polyols protect different enzymes against thermal inactivation and deleterious effects promoted by guanidinium chloride and urea. Here, we show that these osmolytes (carbohydrates, polyols and methylamines) protect mitochondrial F(0)F(1)-ATPase against pressure inactivation. Pressure stability of mitochondrial F(0)F(1)-ATPase complex by osmolytes was studied using preparations of membrane-bound submitochondrial particles depleted or containing inhibitor protein (IP). Hydrostatic pressure in the range from 0.5 to 2.0 kbar causes inactivation of submitochondrial particles depleted of IP (AS particles). However, the osmolytes prevent pressure inactivation of the complex in a dose-dependent manner, remaining up to 80% of hydrolytic activity at the highest osmolyte concentration. Submitochondrial particles containing IP (MgATP-SMP) exhibit low ATPase activity and dissociation of IP increases the hydrolytic activity of the enzyme. MgATP-SMP subjected to pressure (2.2 kbar, for 1 h) and then preincubated at 42 degrees C to undergo activation did not have an increase in activity. However, particles pressurized in the presence of 1.5 M of sucrose or 3.0 M of glucose were protected and after preincubation at 42 degrees C, showed an activation very similarly to those kept at 1 bar. In accordance with the preferential hydration theory, we believe that osmolytes reduce to a minimum the surface of the macromolecule to be hydrated and oppose pressure-induced alterations of the native fold that are driven by hydration forces.  相似文献   

In the structure of bovine F1-ATPase inhibited with residues 1-60 of the bovine inhibitor protein IF1, the α-helical inhibitor interacts with five of the nine subunits of F1-ATPase. In order to understand the contributions of individual amino acid residues to this complex binding mode, N-terminal deletions and point mutations have been introduced, and the binding properties of each mutant inhibitor protein have been examined. The N-terminal region of IF1 destabilizes the interaction of the inhibitor with F1-ATPase and may assist in removing the inhibitor from its binding site when F1Fo-ATPase is making ATP. Binding energy is provided by hydrophobic interactions between residues in the long α-helix of IF1 and the C-terminal domains of the βDP-subunit and βTP-subunit and a salt bridge between residue E30 in the inhibitor and residue R408 in the C-terminal domain of the βDP-subunit. Several conserved charged amino acids in the long α-helix of IF1 are also required for establishing inhibitory activity, but in the final inhibited state, they are not in contact with F1-ATPase and occupy aqueous cavities in F1-ATPase. They probably participate in the pathway from the initial interaction of the inhibitor and the enzyme to the final inhibited complex observed in the structure, in which two molecules of ATP are hydrolysed and the rotor of the enzyme turns through two 120° steps. These findings contribute to the fundamental understanding of how the inhibitor functions and to the design of new inhibitors for the systematic analysis of the catalytic cycle of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary Dimethyl suberimidate and dithiobis (succinimidyl propionate) have been used to explore the nearest neighbor relationship of the subunits (, , and by decreasing molecular weight) of F1-ATPase or BF1 factor of Micrococcus lysodeikticus. Cross-linking with the two diimido esters inhibited the ATPase activity but this inhibition never exceeded 50% of the initial value. The cross-linking pattern of this BF1 factor, as revealed by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, shows a relative low proportion of high molecular weight aggregates which move slowly than the heaviest subunit (). They are resolved as three components of molecular weights 200,000, 130,000 and 100,000 in 5% acrylamide gels, plus an additional component (mol. wt 80,000) identified in 10% acrylamide gels. The other aggregate bands represent cross-linking products of the smaller subunits ( and ) that may travel to the conventional position of the heavier subunits.The subunit composition of the aggregate bands has been determined through the reversion of dithiobis (succinimidyl propionate) cross-linking of the BF1 factor by dithiothreitol and analysis in second dimension by gel electrophoresis. The results indicate that subunit can cross-link with itself and with each of the other subunits except . The subunit is also able to cross-link with itself and with the other subunits although to a minor extent than , and that 2 aggregates are present. These results represent a specific pattern of cross-linking for this BF1 factor as compared to other F1 coupling factors. It suggests a certain asymmetry in the spatial organization of the major subunits of M. lysodeikticus F1-ATPase where the subunit must play a central role. A subunit stoichiometry 3 3 2 2 is proposed for whole F1-ATPase which leads to a molecular weight 440,000 consistent with the 430,000 value estimated by sedimentation equilibrium at low speed. A tentative structural model of M. lysodeikticus BF1 factor is derived from these data. The significance of the results in relation to the possible generalization of the molecular architecture of F1 factors is discussed.  相似文献   

The physiological role of F(1)F(0)-ATPase inhibition in ischemia may be to retard ATP depletion although views of the significance of IF(1) are at variance. We corroborate here a method for measuring the ex vivo activity of F(1)F(0)-ATPase in perfused rat heart and show that observation of ischemic F(1)F(0)-ATPase inhibition in rat heart is critically dependent on the sample preparation and assay conditions, and that the methods can be applied to assay the ischemic and reperfused human heart during coronary by-pass surgery. A 5-min period of ischemia inhibited F(1)F(0)-ATPase by 20% in both rat and human myocardium. After a 15-min reperfusion a subsequent 5-min period of ischemia doubled the inhibition in the rat heart but this potentiation was lost after 120 min of reperfusion. Experiments with isolated rat heart mitochondria showed that ATP hydrolysis is required for effective inhibition by uncoupling. The concentration of oligomycin for 50% inhibition (I(50)) for oxygen consumption was five times higher than its I(50) for F(1)F(0)-ATPase. Because of the different control strengths of F(1)F(0)-ATPase in oxidative phosphorylation and ATP hydrolysis an inhibition of the F(1)F(0)-ATPase activity in ischemia with the resultant ATP-sparing has an advantage even in an ischemia/reperfusion situation.  相似文献   

F(1)-ATPase is a rotary motor protein in which 3 catalytic β-subunits in a stator α(3)β(3) ring undergo unidirectional and cooperative conformational changes to rotate the rotor γ-subunit upon adenosine triphosphate hydrolysis. The prevailing view of the mechanism behind this rotary catalysis elevated the γ-subunit as a "dictator" completely controlling the chemical and conformational states of the 3 catalytic β-subunits. However, our recent observations using high-speed atomic force microscopy clearly revealed that the 3 β-subunits undergo cyclic conformational changes even in the absence of the rotor γ-subunit, thus dethroning it from its dictatorial position. Here, we introduce our results in detail and discuss the possible operating principle behind the F(1)-ATPase, along with structurally related hexameric ATPases, also mentioning the possibility of generating hybrid nanomotors. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 17th European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC 2012).  相似文献   

Xu L 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2008,1777(11):1422-1431
The enzyme F(1)-ATPase is a rotary nanomotor in which the central gamma subunit rotates inside the cavity made of alpha(3)beta(3) subunits. The experiments showed that the rotation proceeds in steps of 120 degrees and each 120 degrees step consists of 80 degrees and 40 degrees substeps. Here the Author proposes a stochastic wave mechanics of the F(1)-ATPase motor and combines it with the structure-based kinetics of the F(1)-ATPase to form a chemomechanic coupled model. The model can reproduce quantitatively and explain the experimental observations about the F(1) motor. Using the model, several rate-limited situations about gamma subunit rotation are proposed, the effects of the friction and the load on the substeps are investigated and the chemomechanic coupled time during ATP hydrolysis cycle is determined.  相似文献   

Corn mitochondrial F1-ATPase was purified from submitochondrial particles by chloroform extraction. Enzyme stored in ammonium sulfate at 4°C was substantially activated by ATP, while enzyme stored at −70°C in 25% glycerol was not. Enzyme in glycerol remained fully active (8-9 micromoles Pi released per minute per milligram), while the ammonium sulfate preparations steadily lost activity over a 2-month storage period. The enzyme was cold labile, and inactived by 4 minutes at 60°C. Treatment with octylglucoside resulted in complete loss of activity, while vanadate had no effect on activity. The apparent subunit molecular weights of corn mitochondrial F1-ATPase were determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to be 58,000 (α), 55,000 (β), 35,000 (γ), 22,000 (δ), and 12,000 (ε). Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies used in competitive binding assays demonstrated that corn mitochondrial F1-ATPase was antigenically distinct from the chloroplastic CF1-ATPases of corn and spinach. Monoclonal antibodies against antigenic sites on spinach CF1-ATPase β and γ subunits were used to demonstrate that those sites were either changed substantially or totally absent from the mitochondrial F1-ATPase.  相似文献   

We report a theoretical study of the F(1)-ATPase molecular rotary motor experimentally studied by R. Yasuda, H. Noji, M. Yoshida, K. Kinosita Jr., H. Itoh [Nature 410 (2001) 898]. The motor is modeled as a stochastic process for the angle of its shaft and the chemical state of its catalytic sites. The stochastic process is ruled by six coupled Fokker-Planck equations for the biased diffusion of the angle and the random jumps between the chemical states. The model reproduces the experimental observations that the motor proceeds by substeps and the rotation rate saturates at high concentrations of adenosine triphosphate or at low values of the friction coefficient. Moreover, predictions are made about the dependence of the rotation rate on temperature, and about the behavior of the F(1) motor under the effect of an external torque, especially, in the regime of synthesis of adenosine triphosphate.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial F1-ATPase contains a hexamer of alternating α and β subunits. The assembly of this structure requires two specialized chaperones, Atp11p and Atp12p, that bind transiently to β and α. In the absence of Atp11p and Atp12p, the hexamer is not formed, and α and β precipitate as large insoluble aggregates. An early model for the mechanism of chaperone-mediated F1 assembly (Wang, Z. G., Sheluho, D., Gatti, D. L., and Ackerman, S. H. (2000) EMBO J. 19, 1486–1493) hypothesized that the chaperones themselves look very much like the α and β subunits, and proposed an exchange of Atp11p for α and of Atp12p for β; the driving force for the exchange was expected to be a higher affinity of α and β for each other than for the respective chaperone partners. One important feature of this model was the prediction that as long as Atp11p is bound to β and Atp12p is bound to α, the two F1 subunits cannot interact at either the catalytic site or the noncatalytic site interface. Here we present the structures of Atp11p from Candida glabrata and Atp12p from Paracoccus denitrificans, and we show that some features of the Wang model are correct, namely that binding of the chaperones to α and β prevents further interactions between these F1 subunits. However, Atp11p and Atp12p do not resemble α or β, and it is instead the F1 γ subunit that initiates the release of the chaperones from α and β and their further assembly into the mature complex.Mitochondrial F1-ATPase consists of three α and three β subunits occupying alternate positions in a hexamer that surrounds a rod-like element containing one each of γ, δ, and ϵ subunits (13). Three nucleotide-binding catalytic sites (CS)4 and three noncatalytic sites (NCS) alternate at the six α/β interfaces. Early work with respiratory-deficient strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (4) revealed that two additional mitochondrial proteins, Atp11p and Atp12p, which are not integral subunits of the enzyme, are nonetheless necessary for the assembly of F1-ATPase. Besides their failure to assemble F1, a particularly interesting feature of atp11 and atp12 mutants is that they accumulate α and β subunits as high molecular weight aggregates (4) that can be recognized as densely stained inclusion bodies in the mitochondrial matrix (5). Subsequent studies in yeast have shown that Atp12p binds to F1 α (6) and that Atp11p binds to β (7); these interactions include binding determinants in the nucleotide binding domains (NBD) of the two F1 subunits. On this basis, it is now recognized that Atp11p and Atp12p are members of two new families of molecular chaperones, pfam06644 and pfam07542 (8), which are required for the assembly of mitochondrial ATP synthase in all eukaryotes. In fact, the first nuclear genetic lesion associated to a defect of mitochondrial ATP synthase in humans was identified in the locus ATPAF2 for Atp12p and was responsible for the death of a 14-month-old infant (9). Atp12p is also present in the α subdivision of Proteobacteria, consistent with the proposed origin of mitochondria from this ancestral line (10).The nature of the interactions between the F1 subunits and Atp11p and Atp12p has remained elusive because of the lack of structural information for these chaperones. As α and β aggregate in the absence of Atp11p and Atp12p, it is usually assumed that the F1 subunits are themselves poorly soluble, and that the two chaperones maintain them in a dispersed state until they are incorporated in the mature enzyme. Based on the analysis of the distribution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic areas on the surface of the α and β subunits of F1, and on the interaction energies between these subunits at the interfaces that provide the CS and NCS sites, Wang et al. (6) have proposed a model of F1 assembly in which Atp11p binds at the region of the β subunit that contributes to the CS site, and Atp12p binds at the region of the α subunit that contributes to the NCS site. One consequence of this particular binding of Atp11p and Atp12p to the F1 subunits is that as long as Atp11p is bound to β and Atp12p is bound to α, the two F1 subunits cannot interact at either the CS or the NCS interface. Since no other modulators of chaperone release are known, the Wang model requires an exchange of Atp11p for α and of Atp12p for β. Implied in this model is that the chaperones must themselves look very much like the α and β subunits, and that the driving force for the exchange must simply be a higher affinity of α and β for each other than for the respective chaperone partners. Here we present the structures of Atp11p from Candida glabrata and Atp12p from Paracoccus denitrificans, and we show that some features of the Wang model are correct, namely that binding of the chaperones to α and β prevents further interactions between these F1 subunits. However, Atp11p and Atp12p do not resemble α or β, and it is instead the F1 γ subunit that initiates the release of the chaperones from α and β and their further assembly into mature complex.  相似文献   

Growth of Escherichia coli in the presence of glyphosate, an inhibitor of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis, has permitted the production of proton-dislocating ATPase that is specifically labeled with 5-fluorotryptophan. Five sets of (19)F resonances could be assigned to each tryptophan residue by lauryldimethylamine oxide and carboxypeptidase treatment. On labeling with 4-chloro-7-nitro-benzofurazan, the label attached to b155Lys, which is known to be in the catalytic site, which caused one of the residues, b108Trp, to become nonequivalent. (19)F NMR spectroscopic investigation of internally fluorotryptophan-labeled F(1)-ATPase will provide valuable information about the asymmetric nature of F(1)-ATPase and the conformational changes induced by ligand binding.  相似文献   

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