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The neighbor-joining method: a new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees   总被引:673,自引:29,他引:673  
A new method called the neighbor-joining method is proposed for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from evolutionary distance data. The principle of this method is to find pairs of operational taxonomic units (OTUs [= neighbors]) that minimize the total branch length at each stage of clustering of OTUs starting with a starlike tree. The branch lengths as well as the topology of a parsimonious tree can quickly be obtained by using this method. Using computer simulation, we studied the efficiency of this method in obtaining the correct unrooted tree in comparison with that of five other tree-making methods: the unweighted pair group method of analysis, Farris's method, Sattath and Tversky's method, Li's method, and Tateno et al.'s modified Farris method. The new, neighbor-joining method and Sattath and Tversky's method are shown to be generally better than the other methods.   相似文献   

Rooted phylogenetic trees constructed from different datasets (e.g. from different genes) are often conflicting with one another, i.e. they cannot be integrated into a single phylogenetic tree. Phylogenetic networks have become an important tool in molecular evolution, and rooted phylogenetic networks are able to represent conflicting rooted phylogenetic trees. Hence, the development of appropriate methods to compute rooted phylogenetic networks from rooted phylogenetic trees has attracted considerable research interest of late. The CASS algorithm proposed by van Iersel et al. is able to construct much simpler networks than other available methods, but it is extremely slow, and the networks it constructs are dependent on the order of the input data. Here, we introduce an improved CASS algorithm, BIMLR. We show that BIMLR is faster than CASS and less dependent on the input data order. Moreover, BIMLR is able to construct much simpler networks than almost all other methods. BIMLR is available at http://nclab.hit.edu.cn/wangjuan/BIMLR/.  相似文献   

This paper poses the problem of estimating and validating phylogenetic trees in statistical terms. The problem is hard enough to warrant several tacks: we reason by analogy to rounding real numbers, and dealing with ranking data. These are both cases where, as in phylogeny the parameters of interest are not real numbers. Then we pose the problem in geometrical terms, using distances and measures on a natural space of trees. We do not solve the problems of inference on tree space, but suggest some coherent ways of tackling them.  相似文献   



Phylogenetic trees are an important tool for representing evolutionary relationships among organisms. In a phylogram or chronogram, the ordering of taxa is not considered meaningful, since complete topological information is given by the branching order and length of the branches, which are represented in the root-to-node direction. We apply a novel method based on a (λ + μ)-Evolutionary Algorithm to give meaning to the order of taxa in a phylogeny. This method applies random swaps between two taxa connected to the same node, without changing the topology of the tree. The evaluation of a new tree is based on different distance matrices, representing non-phylogenetic information such as other types of genetic distance, geographic distance, or combinations of these. To test our method we use published trees of Vesicular stomatitis virus, West Nile virus and Rice yellow mottle virus.  相似文献   

Collections of phylogenetic trees are usually summarized using consensus methods. These methods build a single tree, supposed to be representative of the collection. However, in the case of heterogeneous collections of trees, the resulting consensus may be poorly resolved (strict consensus, majority-rule consensus, ...), or may perform arbitrary choices among mutually incompatible clades, or splits (greedy consensus). Here, we propose an alternative method, which we call the multipolar consensus (MPC). Its aim is to display all the splits having a support above a predefined threshold, in a minimum number of consensus trees, or poles. We show that the problem is equivalent to a graph-coloring problem, and propose an implementation of the method. Finally, we apply the MPC to real data sets. Our results indicate that, typically, all the splits down to a weight of 10% can be displayed in no more than 4 trees. In addition, in some cases, biologically relevant secondary signals, which would not have been present in any of the classical consensus trees, are indeed captured by our method, indicating that the MPC provides a convenient exploratory method for phylogenetic analysis. The method was implemented in a package freely available at http://www.lirmm.fr/~cbonnard/MPC.html  相似文献   

A simple graphic method is proposed for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from molecular data. This method is similar to the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean, but the process of computation of average distances and reconstruction of new matrices, required in the latter method, is eliminated from this new method, so that one can reconstruct a phylogenetic tree without using a computer, unless the number of operational taxonomic units is very large. Furthermore, this method allows a phylogenetic tree to have multifurcating branches whenever there is ambiguity with bifurcation.  相似文献   

Dissimilarity measures for (possibly weighted) phylogenetic trees based on the comparison of their vectors of path lengths between pairs of taxa, have been present in the systematics literature since the early seventies. For rooted phylogenetic trees, however, these vectors can only separate non-weighted binary trees, and therefore these dissimilarity measures are metrics only on this class of rooted phylogenetic trees. In this paper we overcome this problem, by splitting in a suitable way each path length between two taxa into two lengths. We prove that the resulting splitted path lengths matrices single out arbitrary rooted phylogenetic trees with nested taxa and arcs weighted in the set of positive real numbers. This allows the definition of metrics on this general class of rooted phylogenetic trees by comparing these matrices through metrics in spaces Mn(\mathbb R){\mathcal{M}_n(\mathbb {R})} of real-valued n × n matrices. We conclude this paper by establishing some basic facts about the metrics for non-weighted phylogenetic trees defined in this way using L p metrics on Mn(\mathbb R){\mathcal{M}_n(\mathbb {R})}, with ${p \in \mathbb {R}_{ >0 }}${p \in \mathbb {R}_{ >0 }}.  相似文献   

We review recent models to estimate phylogenetic trees under the multispecies coalescent. Although the distinction between gene trees and species trees has come to the fore of phylogenetics, only recently have methods been developed that explicitly estimate species trees. Of the several factors that can cause gene tree heterogeneity and discordance with the species tree, deep coalescence due to random genetic drift in branches of the species tree has been modeled most thoroughly. Bayesian approaches to estimating species trees utilizes two likelihood functions, one of which has been widely used in traditional phylogenetics and involves the model of nucleotide substitution, and the second of which is less familiar to phylogeneticists and involves the probability distribution of gene trees given a species tree. Other recent parametric and nonparametric methods for estimating species trees involve parsimony criteria, summary statistics, supertree and consensus methods. Species tree approaches are an appropriate goal for systematics, appear to work well in some cases where concatenation can be misleading, and suggest that sampling many independent loci will be paramount. Such methods can also be challenging to implement because of the complexity of the models and computational time. In addition, further elaboration of the simplest of coalescent models will be required to incorporate commonly known issues such as deviation from the molecular clock, gene flow and other genetic forces.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Despite substantial efforts to develop and populate the back-ends of biological databases, front-ends to these systems often rely on taxonomic expertise. This research applies techniques from human-computer interaction research to the biodiversity domain. RESULTS: We developed an interactive node-link tool, TaxonTree, illustrating the value of a carefully designed interaction model, animation, and integrated searching and browsing towards retrieval of biological names and other information. Users tested the tool using a new, large integrated dataset of animal names with phylogenetic-based and classification-based tree structures. These techniques also translated well for a tool, DoubleTree, to allow comparison of trees using coupled interaction. Our approaches will be useful not only for biological data but as general portal interfaces.  相似文献   

We have developed a new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees called random local neighbor-joining (RLNJ). Our method is different from the neighbor-joining method (NJ) of Saitou and Nei and affords a more thorough sampling of solution space by randomly searching for local pair of neighbors in each step. Results using the RLNJ method to analyze yeast data show an increasing possibility to get a smaller S value (sum of branch lengths) compared with the NJ method as cases with more taxa are analyzed and many individual runs using the RLNJ method usually generate more than one topology with small S values. Computer simulation shows the fact that the RLNJ method can improve the possibility of recovering correct topology significantly by affording more than one topology. In addition, when using the RLNJ method, computer simulation also shows that the proportion of correct topologies (P(C)) will increase as the number of different topologies decreases and as the proportion of "most frequent topology" increases. Thus, the number of different topologies and the proportion of "most frequent topology" can be used as auxiliary criteria to evaluate reliability of a phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   



Non-parametric bootstrapping is a widely-used statistical procedure for assessing confidence of model parameters based on the empirical distribution of the observed data [1] and, as such, it has become a common method for assessing tree confidence in phylogenetics [2]. Traditional non-parametric bootstrapping does not weigh each tree inferred from resampled (i.e., pseudo-replicated) sequences. Hence, the quality of these trees is not taken into account when computing bootstrap scores associated with the clades of the original phylogeny. As a consequence, traditionally, the trees with different bootstrap support or those providing a different fit to the corresponding pseudo-replicated sequences (the fit quality can be expressed through the LS, ML or parsimony score) contribute in the same way to the computation of the bootstrap support of the original phylogeny.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid parsimony method for reconstructing ancestral nucleotide states that allows calculation of initial branch lengths that are good approximations to optimal maximum-likelihood estimates under several commonly used substitution models. Use of these approximate branch lengths (rather than fixed arbitrary values) as starting points significantly reduces the time required for iteration to a solution that maximizes the likelihood of a tree. These branch lengths are close enough to the optimal values that they can be used without further iteration to calculate approximate maximum-likelihood scores that are very close to the "exact" scores found by iteration. Several strategies are described for using these approximate scores to substantially reduce times needed for maximum-likelihood tree searches.  相似文献   

Synapomorphies are fundamental to phylogenetic systematics as they offer empirical evidence of monophyletic groups. However, no method exists to directly measure synapomorphy. Here, we propose a method that quantifies synapomorphy using the pattern of character state distribution over a cladogram separately for each character and for each clade. We define a fully synapomorphic character state as one shared by all of a clade’s terminal taxa and at the same time completely absent from all terminal taxa outside that clade. The extent to which this condition is met corresponds to the support for the character state being synapomorphic or, in short, support for synapomorphy. It is calculated as the probability of randomly selecting, by multi‐stage sampling following the topology of the tree, two terminals from inside a clade sharing the same character state and one terminal from outside the clade bearing a different character state. The method is independent of tree inference and free of transformational assumptions, and so can be applied to any tree and used for any type of discrete character. By measuring synapomorphy, the method offers a potential tool for determining diagnostic character states for taxa on different hierarchical levels, for evaluating alternative systems of character coding, and for evaluating clade support. We show how the method differs from ancestral character state reconstruction methods and goodness‐of‐fit indices. We demonstrate the behaviour of our method with several hypothetical scenarios and its potential use with two real‐life examples.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Functional linkages implicate pairwise relationships between proteins that work together to implement biological tasks. During evolution, functionally linked proteins are likely to be preserved or eliminated across a range of genomes in a correlated fashion. Based on this hypothesis, phylogenetic profiling-based approaches try to detect pairs of protein families that show similar evolutionary patterns. Traditionally, the evolutionary pattern of a protein is encoded by either a binary profile of presence and absence of this protein across species or an occurrence profile that indicates the distribution of copies of this protein across species. RESULTS: In our study, we characterize each protein by its enhanced phylogenetic tree, a novel graphical model of the evolution of a protein family with explicitly marked by speciation and duplication events. By topological comparison between enhanced phylogenetic trees, we are able to detect the functionally associated protein pairs. Because the enhanced phylogenetic trees contain more evolutionary information of proteins, our method shows greater performance and discovers functional linkages among proteins more reliably compared with the conventional approaches.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Algorithms for phylogenetic tree reconstruction based on gene order data typically repeatedly solve instances of the reversal median problem (RMP) which is to find for three given gene orders a fourth gene order (called median) with a minimal sum of reversal distances. All existing algorithms of this type consider only one median for each RMP instance even when a large number of medians exist. A careful selection of one of the medians might lead to better phylogenetic trees. RESULTS: We propose a heuristic algorithm amGRP for solving the multiple genome rearrangement problem (MGRP) by repeatedly solving instances of the RMP taking all medians into account. Algorithm amGRP uses a branch-and-bound method that branches over medians from a selected subset of all medians for each RMP instance. Different heuristics for selecting the subsets have been investigated. To show that the medians for RMP vary strongly with respect to different properties that are likely to be relevant for phylogenetic tree reconstruction, the set of all medians has been investigated for artificial datasets and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene orders. Phylogenetic trees have been computed for a large set of randomly generated gene orders and two sets of mtDNA gene order data for different animal taxa with amGRP and with two standard approaches for solving the MGRP (GRAPPA-DCM and MGR). The results show that amGRP outperforms both other methods with respect to solution quality and computation time on the test data. AVAILABILITY: The source code of amGRP, additional results and the test instances used in this paper are freely available from the authors.  相似文献   

Several indices that measure the degree of balance of a rooted phylogenetic tree have been proposed so far in the literature. In this work we define and study a new index of this kind, which we call the total cophenetic index: the sum, over all pairs of different leaves, of the depth of their lowest common ancestor. This index makes sense for arbitrary trees, can be computed in linear time and it has a larger range of values and a greater resolution power than other indices like Colless’ or Sackin’s. We compute its maximum and minimum values for arbitrary and binary trees, as well as exact formulas for its expected value for binary trees under the Yule and the uniform models of evolution. As a byproduct of this study, we obtain an exact formula for the expected value of the Sackin index under the uniform model, a result that seems to be new in the literature.  相似文献   

The root of a phylogenetic tree is fundamental to its biological interpretation, but standard substitution models do not provide any information on its position. Here, we describe two recently developed models that relax the usual assumptions of stationarity and reversibility, thereby facilitating root inference without the need for an outgroup. We compare the performance of these models on a classic test case for phylogenetic methods, before considering two highly topical questions in evolutionary biology: the deep structure of the tree of life and the root of the archaeal radiation. We show that all three alignments contain meaningful rooting information that can be harnessed by these new models, thus complementing and extending previous work based on outgroup rooting. In particular, our analyses exclude the root of the tree of life from the eukaryotes or Archaea, placing it on the bacterial stem or within the Bacteria. They also exclude the root of the archaeal radiation from several major clades, consistent with analyses using other rooting methods. Overall, our results demonstrate the utility of non-reversible and non-stationary models for rooting phylogenetic trees, and identify areas where further progress can be made.  相似文献   

Much modern work in phylogenetics depends on statistical sampling approaches to phylogeny construction to estimate probability distributions of possible trees for any given input data set. Our theoretical understanding of sampling approaches to phylogenetics remains far less developed than that for optimization approaches, however, particularly with regard to the number of sampling steps needed to produce accurate samples of tree partition functions. Despite the many advantages in principle of being able to sample trees from sophisticated probabilistic models, we have little theoretical basis for concluding that the prevailing sampling approaches do in fact yield accurate samples from those models within realistic numbers of steps. We propose a novel approach to phylogenetic sampling intended to be both efficient in practice and more amenable to theoretical analysis than the prevailing methods. The method depends on replacing the standard tree rearrangement moves with an alternative Markov model in which one solves a theoretically hard but practically tractable optimization problem on each step of sampling. The resulting method can be applied to a broad range of standard probability models, yielding practical algorithms for efficient sampling and rigorous proofs of accurate sampling for heated versions of some important special cases. We demonstrate the efficiency and versatility of the method by an analysis of uncertainty in tree inference over varying input sizes. In addition to providing a new practical method for phylogenetic sampling, the technique is likely to prove applicable to many similar problems involving sampling over combinatorial objects weighted by a likelihood model.  相似文献   

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