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Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) are one population of adult stem cells that can self renew and differentiate into multiple lineages. Because of advantages in method and quantity of acquisition, ADSCs are gaining attention as an alternative source of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. In this study, we performed microRNA profiling of undifferentiated and of neurally-differentiated ADSCs to identify the responsible microRNAs in neurogenesis using this type of stem cell. MicroRNAs from four different donors were analysed by microarray. Compared to the undifferentiation control, we identified 39–101 microRNAs with more than two-fold higher expression and 3–9 microRNAs with two-fold lower expression. The identified microRNAs were further analysed in terms of gene ontology (GO) in relation with neurogenesis, based on their target mRNAs predicted by computational analysis. This study revealed the specific microRNAs involved in neurogenesis via microRNA microarray, and may provide the basic information for genetic induction of adult stem cell differentiation using microRNAs.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (or miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs (21-25 nucleotides) that are involved in a wide range of activities related to the development and differentiation of cells. Comparison of the miRNA expression profiles of mouse P19 embryonic carcinoma cells with those of differentiated neural stem cells showed that the expression level of 65 miRNAs changed (2-fold) after differentiation. MiR-124a was dramatically upregulated (more than 20-fold) while miRNAs of the miR-302 family and those in the miR-290-295 cluster were strongly down-regulated. Further analysis revealed that some important factors such as Oct4 and Sox2 appeared to be involved in the regulation of these miRNAs. These results may contribute to a better understanding of miRNA-regulated neural differentiation in early mouse embryos.  相似文献   



Pooled human embryonic stem cells (hESC) cell lines were profiled to obtain a comprehensive list of genes common to undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

Gan L  Schwengberg S  Denecke B 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25809
MicroRNA (miRNA) plays a critical role in a wide variety of biological processes. Profiling miRNA expression during differentiation of embryonic stem cells will help to understand the regulation pathway of differentiation, which in turn may elucidate disease mechanisms. The identified miRNAs could then serve as a new group of possible therapeutic targets. In the present paper, miRNA expression profiles were determined during cardiomyocyte-specific differentiation and maturation of murine embryonic stem (ES) cells. For this purpose a homogeneous cardiomyocyte population was generated from a transgenic murine ES cell line. Two high throughput array platforms (Affymetrix and Febit) were used for miRNA profiling in order to compare the effect of the platforms on miRNA profiling as well as to increase the validity of target miRNA identification. Four time points (i.e. day 0, day 12, day 19 and day 26) were chosen for the miRNA profiling study, which corresponded to different stages during cardiomyocyte-specific differentiation and maturation. Fifty platform and pre-processing method-independent miRNAs were identified as being regulated during the differentiation and maturation processes. The identification of these miRNAs is an important step for characterizing and understanding the events involved in cardiomyocyte-specific differentiation of ES cells and may also highlight candidate target molecules for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

Gene expression profiling of mouse embryonic stem cell subpopulations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We previously demonstrated that mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells show a wide variation in the expression of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM1) and that the level of expression is positively correlated with the pluripotency of ES cells. We also found that PECAM1-positive ES cells could be divided into two subpopulations according to the expression of stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA)-1. ES cells that showed both PECAM1 and SSEA-1 predominantly differentiated into epiblast after the blastocyst stage. In the present study, we performed pairwise oligo microarray analysis to characterize gene expression profiles in PECAM1-positive and -negative subpopulations of ES cells. The microarray analysis identified 2034 genes with a more than 2-fold difference in expression levels between the PECAM1-positive and -negative cells. Of these genes, 803 were more highly expressed in PECAM1-positive cells and 1231 were more highly expressed in PECAM1-negative cells. As expected, genes known to function in ES cells, such as Pou5f1(Oct3/4)and Nanog, were found to be upregulated in PECAM1-positive cells. We also isolated 23 previously uncharacterized genes. A comparison of gene expression profiles in PECAM1-positive cells that were either positive or negative for SSEA-1 expression identified only 53 genes that showed a more than 2-fold greater difference in expression levels between these subpopulations. However, many genes that are under epigenetic regulation, such as globins, Igf2, Igf2r, andH19, showed differential expression. Our results suggest that in addition to differences in gene expression profiles, epigenetic status was altered in the three cell subpopulations.  相似文献   

Expression profiling offers a potential high-throughput phenotype screen for mutant mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. We have assessed the ability of expression arrays to distinguish among heterozygous mutant ES cell lines and to accurately reflect the normal function of the mutated genes. Two ES cell lines hemizygous for overlapping regions of mouse Chromosome (Chr) 5 differed substantially from the wildtype parental line and from each other. Expression differences included frequent downregulation of hemizygous genes and downstream effects on genes mapping to other chromosomes. Some genes were affected similarly in each deletion line, consistent with the overlap of the deletions. To determine whether such downstream effects reveal pathways impacted by a mutation, we examined ES cell lines heterozygous for mutations in either of two well-characterized genes. A heterozygous mutation in the gene encoding the cell cycle regulator, cyclin D kinase 4 (Cdk4), affected expression of many genes involved in cell growth and proliferation. A heterozygous mutation in the ATP binding cassette transporter family A, member 1 (Abca1) gene, altered genes associated with lipid homeostasis, the cytoskeleton, and vesicle trafficking. Heterozygous Abca1 mutation had similar effects in liver, indicating that ES cell expression profile reflects changes in fundamental processes relevant to mutant gene function in multiple cell types.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) hold great promise for cell-based therapies and drug screening applications. However, growing and processing large quantities of undifferentiated hESCs is a challenging task. Conventionally, hESCs are passaged as clusters, which can limit their growth efficiency and use in downstream applications. This study demonstrates that hESCs can be passaged as single cells using Accutase, a formulated mixture of digestive enzymes. In contrast to trypsin treatment, Accutase treatment does not significantly affect the viability and proliferation rate of hESC dissociation into single cells. Accutase-dissociated single cells can be separated by FACS and proliferate as fully pluripotent hESCs. An Oct4-eGFP reporter construct engineered into hESCs was used to monitor the pluripotency of hESCs passaged with Accutase. Compared to collagenase-passaged hESCs, Accutase-treated cultures contained a larger proportion of undifferentiated (Oct4-positive) cells. Additionally, Accutase-passaged undifferentiated hESCs could be grown as monolayers without the need for monitoring and/or selection for quality hESC colonies.  相似文献   

Currently, there are no differentiation strategies for human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) that efficiently produce one specific cell type, possibly because of lack of understanding of the genes that control signaling events prior to overt differentiation. sed HepG2 cell conditioned medium (MEDII), which induces early differentiation in mouse ES cells while retaining pluripotent markers, to query gene expression in hESCs. Treatment of adherent hESCs with 50% MEDII medium effected differentiation to a cell type with gene expression similar to primitive streak stage cells of mouse embryos. MEDII treatment up-regulates TDGF1 (Cripto), a gene essential for anterior-posterior axis and mesoderm formation in mouse embryos and a key component of the TGFB1/NODAL signaling pathway. LEFTYA, an antagonist of NODAL/TDGF1 signaling expressed in anterior visceral endoderm, is down-regulated with MEDII treatment, as is FST, an inhibitor of mesoderm induction via the related INHBE1 pathway. In summary, the TGFB1/NODAL pathway is important for primitive-streak and mesoderm formation and in using MEDII, we present a means for generating an in vitro cell population that maintains pluripotent gene expression (POU5F1, NANOG) and SSEA-4 markers while regulating genes in the TGFB1/NODAL pathway, which may lead to more uniform formation of mesoderm in vitro.  相似文献   

This protocol details a method to derive human embryonic stem (hES) cells from single blastomeres. Blastomeres are removed from morula (eight-cell)-stage embryos and cultured until they form multicell aggregates. These blastomere-derived cell aggregates are plated into microdrops seeded with mitotically inactivated feeder cells, and then connected with neighboring microdrops seeded with green fluorescent protein-positive hES cells. The resulting blastomere-derived outgrowths are cultured in the same manner as blastocyst-derived hES cells. The whole process takes about 3-4 months.  相似文献   

Teratogens are substances that may cause defects in normal embryonic development while not necessarily being toxic in adults. Identification of possible teratogenic compounds has been historically beset by the species‐specific nature of the teratogen response. To examine teratogenic effects on early human development we performed non‐biased expression profiling of differentiating human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells treated with several drugs – ethanol, lithium, retinoic acid (RA), caffeine and thalidomide, which is known to be highly species specific. Our results point to the potency of specific teratogens and their affected tissues and pathways. Specifically, we could show that ethanol caused dramatic increase in endodermal differentiation, RA caused misregulation of neural development and thalidomide affected both these processes. We thus propose this method as a valuable addition to currently available animal screening approaches.  相似文献   

Fluorescence-activated single cell sorting of human embryonic stem cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are the subject of intense investigation for use in regenerative medicine, in toxicity testing, and as models for the study of human development. Automated cell sorting will enhance the isolation of homogenous pools of differentiated hESCs both for basic studies and for therapeutic applications. Sorting could also be used to deplete undifferentiated, potentially tumourigenic cells. However, hESCs are sensitive to single cell disaggregation and recover poorly when plated at clonal density. Here we report a method for successful semi-automated single cell sorting of hESCs. This method utilizes an ES-specific promoter-transgene construct and automated FACS-based single cell sorting and plating. Clonal recovery in physiologic oxygen (2%) was increased fourfold over room oxygen (21%; p < 0.01). This automated protocol will help to realize proposed hESC strategies that are hampered by low throughput and poor yields.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence has suggested that bronchioalveolar stem cell (BASC) is the progenitor cells of lung cancer stem cells. However, the mechanisms by which self-renewal of BSACs is controlled and how BASCs turn into cancer stem cells still remains to be unknown. In the present study, we successfully isolated bronchioalveolar stem cells (BASCs) from mouse lung using FACS. These BASCs were characterized by clonal growth, self-renewal and high capacity for differentiation, suggesting that these BASCs are indeed stem cells. We investigated the microRNA (miRNA) expression profile of these BASCs using miRNA array and quantitative RT-PCR. We discovered that BASCs possessed a unique miRNA profile, with altered expression of several microRNAs, such as miR-142-3p, miR-451, miR-106a, miR-142-5p, miR-15b, miR-20a, miR-106b, miR-25, miR-486, in BASCs compared to control cells. Our results suggest that microRNAs might play important roles in maintaining the self-renewal capacity of BASCs, and suggest the intriguing possibility that aberrant expression of microRNAs could involved in turning BASCs into lung cancer stem cells.  相似文献   

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