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DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most serious DNA damage. Due to a great variety of factors causing DSBs, the efficacy of their repair is crucial for the cell's functioning and prevents DNA fragmentation, chromosomal translocation and deletion. In mammalian cells DSBs can be repaired by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination (HRR) and single strand annealing (SSA). HRR can be divided into the first and second phase. The first phase is initiated by sensor proteins belonging to the MRN complex, that activate the ATM protein which target HRR proteins to obtain the second response phase--repair. HRR is precise because it utilizes a non-damaged homologous DNA fragment as a template. The key players of HRR in mammalian cells are MRN, RPA, Rad51 and its paralogs, Rad52 and Rad54.  相似文献   

We report here for the first time the large-scale isolation of hypervariable minisatellite DNA sequences from a non-human species, the Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus). A size-selected genomic DNA fraction, rich in hypervariable minisatellites, was cloned into Charomid 9-36. This library was screened using two multilocus hypervariable probes, 33.6 and 33.15 and also, in a "probe-walking" approach, with five of the peafowl minisatellites initially isolated. Forty-eight positively hybridizing clones were characterized and found to originate from 30 different loci, 18 of which were polymorphic. Five of these variable minisatellite loci were studied further. They all showed Mendelian inheritance. The heterozygosities of these loci were relatively low (range 22-78%) in comparison with those of previously cloned human loci, as expected in view of inbreeding in our semicaptive study population. No new length allele mutations were observed in families and the mean mutation rate per locus is low (less than 0.004, 95% confidence maximum). These loci were also investigated by cross-species hybridization in related taxa. The ability of the probes to detect hypervariable sequences in other species within the same avian family was found to vary, from those probes that are species-specific to those that are apparently general to the family. We also illustrate the potential usefulness of these probes for paternity analysis in a study of sexual selection, and discuss the general application of specific hypervariable probes in behavioral and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Using a sensitive transient assay, we investigated extrachromosomal homologous DNA recombination (ECR) in plant cells. As the plant genome is highly C methylated, we addressed the question of whether CpG methylation has an influence on DNA recombination efficiencies. Whereas the expression level of the fully CpG-methylated DNA molecules was reduced drastically, we found no significant changes in ECR efficiencies between two partly CpG-methylated plasmids or between one fully CpG-methylated and one nonmethylated plasmid. Using a modified polymerase chain reaction analysis, we were able to detect recombination between two fully CpG-methylated plasmids. Furthermore, we characterized the kinetics of the ECR reaction. Cotransfection of plasmids carrying truncated copies of the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene resulted in enzyme activity with a delay of only half an hour compared with that of the plasmid carrying the functional marker gene. This indicates that the ECR reaction itself requires no more than 30 min. By polymerase chain reaction, we were able to detect the recombined GUS gene as early as 2 h after transfection. This result and the time course of the transient GUS activity indicate that ECR occurs mainly early after transfection. The biological significance of this finding is discussed, and properties of ECR and intrachromosomal recombination are compared.  相似文献   

Instead of telomerase, some immortal cells use the alternative lengthening of telomeres pathway (ALT) to maintain their telomeres. There is good evidence that homologous recombination contributes to the ALT mechanism. Using an inducible GFP reporter system to measure the frequency of homologous recombination, we asked whether or not ALT cells exhibited a general change of the recombination machinery. Our results show that the frequency of homologous recombination for non-telomeric sequences in ALT cells is identical to that in telomerase positive cells, irrespective of whether the reporter was present at an intra-chromosomal location or next to a telomeric sequence. We conclude that the underlying recombination defect in ALT cells is restricted to telomeric sequences.  相似文献   

Rad52-dependent homologous recombination (HR) is regulated by the antirecombinase activities of Srs2 and Rqh1/Sgs1 DNA helicases in fission yeast and budding yeast. Functional analysis of Srs2 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe led us to the discovery of Sws1, a novel HR protein with a SWIM-type Zn finger. Inactivation of Sws1 suppresses the genotoxic sensitivity of srs2Delta and rqh1Delta mutants and rescues the inviability of srs2Delta rqh1Delta cells. Sws1 functions at an early step of recombination in a pro-recombinogenic complex with Rlp1 and Rdl1, two RecA-like proteins that are most closely related to the human Rad51 paralogs XRCC2 and RAD51D, respectively. This finding indicates that the XRCC2-RAD51D complex is conserved in lower eukaryotes. A SWS1 homolog exists in human cells. It associates with RAD51D and ablating its expression reduces the number of RAD51 foci. These studies unveil a conserved pathway for the initiation and control of HR in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Summary By cotransfecting plasmids carrying particular mutations in the -glucuronidase (GUS) gene into Nicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplasts and by monitoring the recombination rates using a recently developed transient assay, we were able to obtain insights into the mechanism of extrachromosomal recombination operating in plant cells. An exchange of flanking markers takes place in over 90% of the recombination events. In most of the remaining cases two consecutive, independent single crossover events occur. These events involve the same DNA substrate and lead to two successive exchanges of flanking markers, thus mimicking a presumed double crossover intermediate. A comparison of the outcome of our experiments with the predictions of two recombination models originally proposed for mammalian cells indicates that extrachromosomal recombination in plant cells is best described by the single strand annealing model. According to this model all recombination events result in an exchange of flanking markers. Our results rule out the double strand break repair model which predicts that flanking markers are exchanged in only half of all events.  相似文献   

The maintenance of genomic stability and the ability to repair induced DNA damage in vertebrate cells require homologues of the yeast RAD52 epistasis group genes. The homologous recombination carried out by the products of these genes is essential and appears to be closely linked to DNA replication. Defects in recombination and associated activities are implicated in human cancer. This review summarises recent biochemical and genetic findings on the roles played by the vertebrate RAD52 group gene products in recombination. We describe the phenotypic analysis of genetically engineered mammalian and chicken mutants of homologous recombination genes.  相似文献   

We examined unequal homologous DNA recombination between human repetitive DNA elements located on a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) and transforming plasmid molecules. A plasmid vector containing an Alu element, as well as a sequence identical to a unique site on a YAC, was introduced into yeast and double recombinant clones analyzed. Recombination occurs between vector and YAC Alu elements sharing as little as 74% identity. The physical proximity of an Alu element to the unique DNA segment appears to play a significant role in determining the frequency with which that element serves as a recombination substrate. In addition, cross-over points of the recombination reaction are largely confined to the ends of the repetitive element. Since a similar distribution of crossover sites occurs during unequal homologous recombination in human germ and somatic tissue, we propose that similar enzymatic processes may be responsible for the events observed in our system and in human cells. This suggests that further examination of the enzymology of unequal homologous recombination of human DNA within yeast may yield a greater understanding of the molecular events which control this process in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Recombination is a process thought to be underlying genomic instability involved in carcinogenesis. This report examines the potential of cytostatic drugs to induce intrachromosomal homologous recombination. In order to address this question, the hprt gene of a well-characterized mammalian cell line was employed as a unique endogenous marker for homologous recombination. Commonly used cytostatic drugs with different mode of action were investigated in this context, i.e. bifunctional alkylating agents, inhibitors of DNA synthesis, inhibitors of topoisomerases and a spindle poison. With the exception of the spindle poison, all these drugs were found to induce homologous recombination, with clear differences in their recombination potency, which could be related to their mechanism of action. Bifunctional alkylating agents were the least efficient, whereas inhibitors of DNA synthesis were found to be the most potent inducers of homologous recombination. This raises the question whether these later drugs should be considered for adverse effects in cancer chemotheraphy.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination between DNA repeats directly threatens the intact transmission of repeat-rich eukaryotic genomes through mitotic and meiotic cell divisions. Besides several other factors already known, DNA methylation might contribute, in some eukaryotes, to the limitation of crossover events between repeats. A strong inhibitory effect of DNA methylation has now been directly demonstrated, in the filamentous fungus Ascobolus. This therefore reinforces the question of the biological impact of this DNA modification on the recombinational stability of repeat-rich genomes, such as those of mammals.  相似文献   

B Huey  J Hall 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(5):2528-2532
Extensive restriction-fragment-length polymorphism was revealed in Escherichia coli strains by using a region of the bacteriophage M13 genome as a DNA hybridization probe. This variation was observed across natural strains, in clinical samples, and to a lesser extent in laboratory strains. The sequence in M13 which revealed this fingerprint pattern was a region of the gene III coat protein, which contains two clusters of a 15-base-pair repeat. Oligonucleotides made to a consensus of these repeats also revealed the fingerprint profile. While this consensus sequence has significant homology to the lambda chi site sequence, an oligonucleotide made of the chi sequence did not reveal polymorphic fingerprint patterns in E. coli. The strain variation revealed by the M13 and M13-derived oligonucleotide probes will be useful for bacterial characterization and should find use in studies of bacterial evolution and population dynamics. The findings raise questions about what these repeated sequences are and why they are so variable.  相似文献   

Genistein (GES), a phytoestrogen, has potential chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effects on cancer. The anticancer mechanism of GES may be related with topoisomerase II associated DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). However, the precise molecular mechanism remains elusive. Here, we performed genetic analyses using human lymphoblastoid TK6 cell lines to investigate whether non-homologous DNA end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR), the two major repair pathways of DSBs, were involved in repairing GES-induced DNA damage. Our results showed that GES induced DSBs in TK6 cells. Cells lacking Ligase4, an NHEJ enzyme, are hypersensitive to GES. Furthermore, the sensitivity of Ligase4−/− cells was associated with enhanced DNA damage when comparing the accumulation of γ-H2AX foci and number of chromosomal aberrations (CAs) with WT cells. In addition, cells lacking Rad54, a HR enzyme, also presented hypersensitivity and increased DNA damages in response to GES. Meanwhile, Treatment of GES-lacking enhanced the accumulation of Rad51, an HR factor, in TK6 cells, especially in Ligase4−/. These results provided direct evidence that GES induced DSBs in TK6 cells and clarified that both NHEJ and HR were involved in the repair of GES-induced DNA damage, suggesting that GES in combination with inhibition of NHEJ or HR would provide a potential anticancer strategy.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA-binding protein in Bacteria and replication protein A (RPA) in Eukarya play crucial roles in DNA replication, repair, and recombination processes. We identified an RPA complex from the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrococcus furiosus. Unlike the single-peptide RPAs from the methanogenic archaea, Methanococcus jannaschii and Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus, P. furiosus RPA (PfuRPA) exists as a stable hetero-oligomeric complex consisting of three subunits, RPA41, RPA14, and RPA32. The amino acid sequence of RPA41 has some similarity to those of the eukaryotic RPA70 subunit and the M. jannaschii RPA. On the other hand, RPA14 and RPA32 do not share homology with any known open reading frames from Bacteria and Eukarya. However, six of eight archaea, whose total genome sequences have been published, have the open reading frame homologous to RPA32. The PfuRPA complex, but not each subunit alone, specifically bound to a single-stranded DNA and clearly enhanced the efficiency of an in vitro strand-exchange reaction by the P. furiosus RadA protein. Moreover, immunoprecipitation analyses showed that PfuRPA interacts with the recombination proteins, RadA and Hjc, as well as replication proteins, DNA polymerases, primase, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and replication factor C in P. furiosus cells. These results indicate that PfuRPA plays important roles in the homologous DNA recombination in P. furiosus.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization to human meiotic metaphase I (MI) preparations, using the labeled minisatellite core sequence lambda 33.15, showed clustering of autoradiographic grains principally at or around chiasmata, autosomal sites where crossing-over had occurred. For the XY bivalent, the pairing region formed between the terminal regions of the two short arms (Xpter Ypter), was also a principal site of labeling; in addition, the terminal region of the X long arm (Xqter) was labeled. Control experiments using a member of the human Alu family of dispersed repeated DNA sequences showed a much more randomized grain distribution, with clustering over chiasmata being far less obvious. The data provide support for the suggestion that polymorphic minisatellite regions within the human genome might play a significant role in pairing and/or recombination.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO*) is involved in neurotransmission, inflammation, and many other biological processes. Exposure of cells to NO* leads to DNA damage, including formation of deaminated and oxidized bases. Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease-deficient cells are sensitive to NO* toxicity, which indicates that base excision repair (BER) intermediates are being generated. Here, we show that AP endonuclease-deficient cells can be protected from NO* toxicity by inactivation of the uracil (Ung) or formamidopyrimidine (Fpg) DNA glycosylases but not by inactivation of a 3-methyladenine (AlkA) DNA glycosylase. These results suggest that Ung and Fpg remove nontoxic NO*-induced base damage to create BER intermediates that are toxic if they are not processed by AP endonucleases. Our next goal was to learn how Ung and Fpg affect susceptibility to homologous recombination. The RecBCD complex is critical for repair of double-strand breaks via homologous recombination. When both Ung and Fpg were inactivated in recBCD cells, survival was significantly enhanced. We infer that both Ung and Fpg create substrates for recombinational repair, which is consistent with the observation that disrupting ung and fpg suppressed NO*-induced recombination. Taken together, a picture emerges in which the action of DNA glycosylases on NO*-induced base damage results in the accumulation of BER intermediates, which in turn can induce homologous recombination. These studies shed light on the underlying mechanism of NO*-induced homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Summary The ideal approach to gene therapy of hereditary diseases or gene correction therapy is considered. The advantages, disadvantages and limits of gene targeting by homologous recombination are discussed with regard to its possible application in gene correction therapy and in comparison with retroviral-mediated gene complementation therapy.  相似文献   

In human somatic cells, homologous recombination is a rare event. To facilitate the targeted modification of the genome for research and gene therapy applications, efforts should be directed toward understanding the molecular mechanisms of homologous recombination in human cells. Although human genes homologous to members of the RAD52 epistasis group in yeast have been identified, no genes have been demonstrated to play a role in homologous recombination in human cells. Here, we report that RAD54B plays a critical role in targeted integration in human cells. Inactivation of RAD54B in a colon cancer cell line resulted in severe reduction of targeted integration frequency. Sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and sister-chromatid exchange were not affected in RAD54B-deficient cells. Parts of these phenotypes were similar to those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae tid1/rdh54 mutants, suggesting that RAD54B may be a human homolog of TID1/RDH54. In yeast, TID1/RDH54 acts in the recombinational repair pathway via roles partially overlapping those of RAD54. Our findings provide the first genetic evidence that the mitotic recombination pathway is functionally conserved from yeast to humans.  相似文献   

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