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Lonnie W. Aarssen 《Oikos》2007,116(10):1768-1778
Why are many human populations presently ‘imploding’ with below‐replacement fertility? Why are more and more young adults in these societies choosing to remain single and/or childless? Based on first principles of evolutionary theory, predictions can be derived for changes over time in the relative frequency distributions of four traits in humans proposed as the most direct determinants of the propensity to mate and reproduce: attractions to sex, legacy, leisure and parenting. In the past, high fitness was most profoundly determined by strong sex drive and strong legacy drive, especially in males. Female fertility was largely controlled by dominant males, who were then free to engage in attractions to both leisure and legacy through ‘memes’ (as well as through genes, or offspring) without any penalty on fitness. Natural selection in the past, therefore, neither strongly favoured nor strongly disfavoured any particular intrinsic female inclinations or preferences that might affect offspring production. The recent, widespread, and continuing rise in the empowerment of women, however, defines a dramatically different contemporary selection regime, where women are now free to indulge in their evolved attractions to leisure and legacy through memes inherited from predecessors, both of which represent compelling distractions from parenthood. The implications for the future survival of marriage and parenthood as cultural institutions look dismal in the short term, but promising in the long term.  相似文献   

Despite the near elimination of caste in Fiji, Indo-Fijian Hindus widely adhere to pollution ideologies that were once associated with caste hierarchies. In this paper, I analyse how such ideologies have been transformed from demarcating caste status to indexing Hindu identity. Examining a hotly contested community debate that took place when members of a Hindu devotional singing group in Fiji were accused of praying while being ‘unclean’, I argue that the intense local interest incited by such allegations—along with highly creative acts of adherence that many Indo-Fijian women undertake to avoid similar accusations—can illuminate largely unexamined aspects of how women collectively comply with pollution prohibitions, while simultaneously investing them with further social and moral force.  相似文献   

All biomolecules are of one hand — but what determines which hand? Why is life based on L-amino acids and D-sugars rather than D-amino acids and L-sugars? We believe the symmetry-breaker could be the weak force, which causes enantiomers to differ very slightly in energy. In this paper we present our calculations of this parity-violating energy difference (PVED) for a range of important biomolecules, and in nearly all cases it is indeed the ‘natural’ enantiomer which is the more stable.  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that we can learn much about ‘wild justice’ and the evolutionary origins of social morality – behaving fairly – by studying social play behavior in group-living animals, and that interdisciplinary cooperation will help immensely. In our efforts to learn more about the evolution of morality we need to broaden our comparative research to include animals other than non-human primates. If one is a good Darwinian, it is premature to claim that only humans can be empathic and moral beings. By asking the question ‘What is it like to be another animal?’ we can discover rules of engagement that guide animals in their social encounters. When I study dogs, for example, I try to be a ‘dogocentrist’ and practice ‘dogomorphism.’ My major arguments center on the following ‘big’ questions: Can animals be moral beings or do they merely act as if they are? What are the evolutionary roots of cooperation, fairness, trust, forgiveness, and morality? What do animals do when they engage in social play? How do animals negotiate agreements to cooperate, to forgive, to behave fairly, to develop trust? Can animals forgive? Why cooperate and play fairly? Why did play evolve as it has? Does ‘being fair’ mean being more fit – do individual variations in play influence an individual's reproductive fitness, are more virtuous individuals more fit than less virtuous individuals? What is the taxonomic distribution of cognitive skills and emotional capacities necessary for individuals to be able to behave fairly, to empathize, to behave morally? Can we use information about moral behavior in animals to help us understand ourselves? I conclude that there is strong selection for cooperative fair play in which individuals establish and maintain a social contract to play because there are mutual benefits when individuals adopt this strategy and group stability may be also be fostered. Numerous mechanisms have evolved to facilitate the initiation and maintenance of social play to keep others engaged, so that agreeing to play fairly and the resulting benefits of doing so can be readily achieved. I also claim that the ability to make accurate predictions about what an individual is likely to do in a given social situation is a useful litmus test for explaining what might be happening in an individual's brain during social encounters, and that intentional or representational explanations are often important for making these predictions.  相似文献   

A. Talaat, D. Brinkmann, J. Dhundee, Y. Hana, J. Bevan, R. Irvine, S. Bailey and R. Woolas
Risk of significant gynaecological pathology in women with ?glandular neoplasia on cervical cytology Objective: To review the risk of pre‐invasive and invasive gynaecological pathology in women referred with cervical cytology reporting ?glandular neoplasia. Methods: Review of the case notes of all women referred with cervical cytology reported as ?glandular neoplasia between January 1999 and December 2008 at two UK hospitals: Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust and Queen Mary’s Hospital Sidcup. The category of ‘borderline nuclear change in endocervical cells’, result code 8 according to the national health service cancer screening programme (NHSCSP), was excluded from the study. Results: A total of 200 women were identified using the hospitals’ pathology computer systems. Invasive carcinoma was found in 48 women (24%): 28 endocervical adenocarcinomas, eight squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), ten endometrial and two ovarian adenocarcinomas. Pre‐invasive neoplasia was found in 115 (57.5%), including 14 cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia (CGIN), 31 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2/3 and 70 concomitant CGIN and CIN2/3. CIN1/HPV was found in 25, simple endometrial hyperplasia in three and no histological abnormality in three. Thirty‐four (70.8%) of 48 invasive carcinomas (of which 23 were endocervical adenocarcinomas) were in asymptomatic women investigated for abnormal cytology. Fourteen of 34 (41.4%) of those with ?glandular neoplasia thought to be endometrial were CGIN or CIN2/3. Colposcopic appearances were normal in 47.6% of women with pure cervical glandular neoplasia (adenocarcinoma or CGIN) compared with 12.8% with squamous cell lesions (CIN2/3 or SCC): P = 0.0001. Thus, colposcopy was more sensitive for detecting squamous cell abnormalities than their glandular counterparts. Although cervical adenocarcinomas are less amenable to prevention by screening than cervical SCC, in our study cervical cytology predominantly detected these abnormalities at their early asymptomatic stages. Conclusion: At least CIN2 was found in 81.5% in women referred with cervical cytology reporting ?glandular neoplasia. A thorough evaluation of the whole genital tract is needed if colposcopy is negative.  相似文献   

Giulia Cavaliere 《Bioethics》2020,34(7):727-734
In a recent article in this journal, Kathryn MacKay advances a defence of ectogenesis that is grounded in this technology’s potential to end—or at least mitigate the effects of—gender-based oppression. MacKay raises important issues concerning the socialization of women as ‘mothers’, and the harms that this socialization causes. She also considers ectogenesis as an ethically preferable alternative to gestational surrogacy and uterine transplantation, one that is less harmful to women and less subject to being co-opted to further oppressive ends. In this article, I challenge some of the assumptions that underlie MacKay’s case in favour of ectogenesis by questioning whether the relationship between women’s capacity to gestate and birth children and gender-based oppression is as strong as MacKay makes it out to be. I subsequently argue that—even if MacKay’s reading of this relationship is accurate—ectogenesis is not a desirable means to end gender-based oppression. It embodies a strategy that could be used to pursue liberating projects that follow what Iris Marion Young defines as ‘the ideal of assimilation’, but that must be resisted. I then concur with MacKay’s contention that ectogenesis is better than gestational surrogacy and uterine transplantation. My argument is that many of the problematic issues that MacKay herself sees as features of these practices will not disappear with ectogenesis. Finally, I conclude that MacKay’s narrow focus on women’s biology and ectogenesis as a solution to gender-based oppression results in the overlooking of broader systemic issues that contribute to the upholding of oppressive norms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the relative protection against death from cervical cancer after two or more negative smear test results and compare it with the protection against invasive cancer estimated by an International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) working group in an analysis of data from 10 large screening programmes. DESIGN--Comparison of risk of death from cervical cancer after two or more negative smear results with the risk in unscreened women by using a model constructed with data from the British Columbia screening programme. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Mortality from and incidence of invasive cancer. RESULTS--In women with two negative smear results estimates of protection against cervical cancer were about 50% higher when lethal invasive cancer was used as the criterion rather than all invasive cancer. This difference was due to these women being more likely to attend for further tests at which invasive cancer could be detected: screen detected cancer has a better prognosis than clinically diagnosed cancer. Screening intervals could be longer than three years: screening women aged 35-64 every five years was predicted to result in a 90% reduction in mortality from cervical cancer. CONCLUSION--Because protection from mortality is higher than protection from disease and because of the high costs and negative side effects of frequent screening, screening intervals should be longer than three years.  相似文献   

Big data biology—bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology (including ‘omics’), and synthetic biology—raises a number of issues for the philosophy of science. This article deals with several such: Is data-intensive biology a new kind of science, presumably post-reductionistic? To what extent is big data biology data-driven? Can data ‘speak for themselves?’ I discuss these issues by way of a reflection on Carl Woese’s worry that “a society that permits biology to become an engineering discipline, that allows that science to slip into the role of changing the living world without trying to understand it, is a danger to itself.” And I argue that scientific perspectivism, a philosophical stance represented prominently by Giere, Van Fraassen, and Wimsatt, according to which science cannot as a matter of principle transcend our human perspective, provides the best resources currently at our disposal to tackle many of the philosophical issues implied in the modeling of complex, multilevel/multiscale phenomena.  相似文献   

Sperm-dependent (or pseudogamous) forms of parthenogenetic reproduction occur in a wide variety of animals. Inheritance is typically clonal and matroclinous (of female descent), but sperm are needed to initiate normal development. As opposed to true parthenogenesis (i.e., sperm-independent reproduction), pseudogamous parthenogenetic lineages must coexist with a ‘sperm donor’— e.g., males from a conspecific sexual lineage, conspecific hermaphrodites, or males from a closely related sexual species. Such sperm donors do not contribute genetically to the next generation. The parasitic nature of sperm-dependent parthenogenesis raises numerous ecological and evolutionary questions. How do they arise? What factors help stabilize coexistence between the pseudogamous parthenogens and their sperm donors (i.e., ‘sexual hosts’)? Why do males waste sperm on the asexual females? Why does true parthenogenesis not evolve in pseudogamous lineages and free them from their dependency on sperm donors? Does pseudogamous parthenogenesis provide compensatory benefits that outweigh the constraints of sperm-dependence? Herein, we consider some genetic, ecological, and geographical consequences of sperm-dependent parthenogenesis in animals.  相似文献   

This introductory essay takes ‘anthropology at home’ to refer to the conduct of fieldwork and other kinds of anthropological research in or about communities which Australian anthropologists regard as culturally familiar. In that sense, anthropology at home raises two interrelated questions: 1) ‘What is an appropriate anthropological object?’ and 2) ‘What are the appropriate methods for studying that object?’ I argue that anthropology remains overdetermined by its colonial heritage and that it is still overly concerned with the study of ‘the other’ through long-term fieldwork. My feeling is that we should displace the idea of ‘the other’ in favour of an anthropological object construed in terms of self-other relationships. This not only implies that anthropology at home should cease to appear as an oxymoron, but also suggests that a more comprehensive employment of various study methods should displace long-term fieldwork as metonymic of the discipline.  相似文献   

Dickenson D 《Bioethics》2006,20(3):115-124
Prominent international and national ethics commissions such as the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee rarely achieve anything remotely resembling gender equality, although local research and clinical ethics committees are somewhat more egalitarian. Under‐representation of women is particularly troubling when the subject matter of modern bioethics so disproportionately concerns women’s bodies, and when such committees claim to derive ‘universal’ standards. Are women missing from many ethics committees because of relatively straightforward, if discriminatory, demographic factors? Or are the methods of analysis and styles of ethics to which these bodies are committed somehow ‘anti‐female’? It has been argued, for example, that there is a ‘different voice’ in ethical reasoning, not confined to women but more representative of female experience. Similarly, some feminist writers, such as Evelyn Fox Keller and Donna Haraway, have asked difficult epistemological questions about the dominant ‘masculine paradigm’ in science. Perhaps the dominant paradigm in ethics committee deliberation is similarly gendered? This article provides a preliminary survey of women’s representation on ethics committees in eastern and western Europe, a critical analysis of the supposed ‘masculinism’ of the principlist approach, and a case example in which a ‘different voice’ did indeed make a difference.  相似文献   

The reproductive justice movement started by black women’s rights activists made its way into the academic literature as an intersectional approach to women’s reproductive autonomy. While there are many scholars who now employ the term ‘reproductive justice’ in their research, few have taken up the task of explaining what ‘justice’ entails in reproductive justice. In this paper I take up part of this work and attempt to clarify the relevant kind of freedom an adequate theory of reproductive justice would postulate. To do so, I compare two approaches to reproductive freedom: an approach based on freedom as non-interference and an approach based on freedom as non-domination. I then argue that the non-domination approach better fits the ideals of the reproductive justice movement as set forth by its founders and should be treated as one of the necessary conditions in any non-ideal account of reproductive justice. Towards the end, I single out epistemic non-domination as crucial in shaping the narrative around reproductive justice.  相似文献   

In 2009 we celebrate Charles Darwin’s second centenary, and 150 years since the publication of ‘The Origin of Species’. After so many years, what has changed in the way we understand Evolution? Obviously we have now a full understanding of the mechanisms underlying heritability. Many molecular tools are available, allowing among other things to reconstruct more accurately the evolutionary history of species and use a comparative approach to infer evolutionary processes. But we can also study evolution in action. Such studies—Experimental Evolution—help us to characterize in detail the evolutionary processes and patterns as a function of environmental challenges, the previous history and present state of populations, and the interactions between such factors. We have now a wide variety of organisms that have been studied with this approach, exploring a diversity of potentialities, in biological characteristics and genetic tools, and covering a variety of evolutionary questions. In this short article I will illustrate the potentialities of Experimental Evolution, focusing in three studies in Drosophila. These and other studies of Experimental Evolution illustrate that Evolution is often local, involving complex patterns and processes, which lead both to specific adaptations and to biological diversity, as Darwin already stated clearly in ‘The Origin of Species.  相似文献   

Breaking glass?     
Why are women so under-represented at the top echelons of science? Why do so many drop out just as their careers should be blossoming? Are women in science being actively discriminated against by their peers, and, if, so what can be done about this? These were just a few of the puzzles reflected upon at a recent European meeting that examined the role of women in science. Thankfully, there is evidence that, today, there is real opportunity, as well as mere light, emerging through the ceiling that caps so many careers.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine the frequency of different outcomes in women participating in cervical screening.DesignAnalysis of screening records from 348 419 women, and modelling of cases of cervical cancer and deaths with and without screening.SettingCervical screening programme in Bristol.ResultsFor every 10 000 women screened from 1976 to 1996, 1564 had abnormal cytology, 818 were investigated, and 543 had abnormal histology. One hundred and seventy six had persistent abnormality for two years or more. In the absence of screening 80 women would be expected to develop cancer of the cervix by 2011, of whom 25 would die. With screening 10 of these deaths would be avoided. Comparison of cumulative abnormality rates with numbers expected to develop cancer in the absence of screening suggests that at least 80% of high grade dyskaryosis and of high grade dysplasia would not progress to cancer. The lifetime risk of having abnormal cytology detected could be as high as 40% for women born since 1960.ConclusionsScreening is labour and resource intensive. It involves treatment for many women not destined to develop invasive cancer. The increased intervention rate for cervical abnormality in England is due to change in practice, not a cohort effect, and is probably the reason for the marked fall in incidence and mortality during the 1990s. For other cancers there is scope for major iatrogenic harm from screening because of invasive tests and treatments.

What is already known on this topic

Since the mid-1980s incidence of and mortality from cervical cancer in women born since the 1930s in England and Wales has fallen; screening is the most likely explanationFor each death prevented many women have to be screened and many are treated who would not have developed a problem

What this study adds

In the NHS cervical screening programme around 1000 women need to be screened for 35 years to prevent one deathOver 80% of women with high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia will not develop invasive cancer, but all need to be treatedFor each death prevented, over 150 women have an abnormal result, over 80 are referred for investigation, and over 50 have treatmentBefore the 1988 relaunch of screening with strict quality standards, for each death prevented there were 57 000 tests and 1955 women had abnormal results  相似文献   

Dunja Begovi&#x; 《Bioethics》2019,33(8):958-964
Traditionally, two main rationales for the provision of prenatal testing and screening are identified: the expansion of women’s reproductive choices and the reduction of the burden of disease on society. With the number of prenatal tests available and the increasing potential for their widespread use, it is necessary to examine whether the reproductive autonomy model remains useful in upholding the autonomy of pregnant women or whether it allows public health considerations and even eugenic aims to be smuggled in under the smokescreen of autonomy. In this article I argue that if we are serious about upholding women’s autonomy in the context of prenatal testing, what is needed is a model based on a more robust conception of reproductive autonomy, such as the one defended by Josephine Johnston and Rachel Zacharias as ‘reproductive autonomy worth having’. While Johnston and Zacharias put forward a basic outline of this conception, I apply it to the specific case of prenatal testing and show how it responds to objections levelled against the reproductive autonomy model. I argue that adopting this kind of conception is necessary to avoid fundamental challenges to women’s autonomy when it comes to prenatal screening and testing.  相似文献   

Two of the most fundamental questions in tadpole biology, also applicable to most small, under-studied organisms are: (1) ‘Why are they built the way they are?’ and (2) ‘Why do they live where they do?’ Regrettably, despite significant progress in most aspects of tadpole biology, the answers to these questions are not much better now than they were in the last century. We propose that an autecological approach, that is the careful observation of individuals and how they interact with the environment, is a potential path towards a fuller understanding of tadpole ecomorphology and evolution. We also discuss why more attention should be given to studying atypical tadpoles from atypical environments, such as torrential streams, water-filled cavities of terrestrial plants and wet rock surfaces neighbouring streams. Granted, tadpoles are rare in these settings, but in those unusual habitats the physical environments can be well described and characterized. In contrast, the more common ponds where tadpoles are found are typically too structurally complex to be easily delineated. This makes it difficult to know exactly what individual tadpoles are doing and what environmental parameters they are responding to. Our overall thesis is that to understand tadpoles we must see exactly what they are doing, where they are doing it, and how they are doing it. This takes work, but we suggest it is feasible and could greatly advance our understanding of how anuran larvae have evolved. The same strategies for studying tadpoles that we encourage here can be applied to the study of many other small and fast-moving animals.  相似文献   

Modra L 《Bioethics》2006,20(5):254-263
Research groups around the world are developing non‐invasive methods of prenatal genetic diagnosis, in which foetal cells are obtained by maternal blood test. Meanwhile, an increasing number of genetic tests are sold directly to the public. I extrapolate from these developments to consider a scenario in which PNGD self‐testing kits are sold directly to the public. Given the opposition to over‐the‐counter genetic tests and the continuing controversy surrounding PNGD, it is reasonable to expect objections to PNGD self‐testing kits. I focus on one potential objection, that PNGD self‐testing kits would undermine the autonomy of potential test subjects. More specifically, that ‘direct to the public’ PNGD would fail to ensure that consumers exercise autonomy in the following PNGD‐related choices:
  • ? Should I use PNGD?
  • ? Based on the results of the PNGD test, should I continue or terminate my pregnancy?
Under the current system, PNGD is provided by health care practitioners, who are required to counsel women both before and after the test. In contrast, ‘direct to the public’ PNGD would allow women to make their PNGD‐related decisions outside the context of the health care system. I compare these two decision‐making contexts, arguing that the health care system is not unequivocally better at promoting the autonomy of potential test subjects. Therefore the promotion of autonomy does not constitute a strong argument against such test kits. Other objections may be more persuasive, so I do not offer an overall assessment of the acceptability of ‘direct to the public’ PNGD.  相似文献   

Reflections on univariate and multivariate analysis of metabolomics data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metabolomics experiments usually result in a large quantity of data. Univariate and multivariate analysis techniques are routinely used to extract relevant information from the data with the aim of providing biological knowledge on the problem studied. Despite the fact that statistical tools like the t test, analysis of variance, principal component analysis, and partial least squares discriminant analysis constitute the backbone of the statistical part of the vast majority of metabolomics papers, it seems that many basic but rather fundamental questions are still often asked, like: Why do the results of univariate and multivariate analyses differ? Why apply univariate methods if you have already applied a multivariate method? Why if I do not see something univariately I see something multivariately? In the present paper we address some aspects of univariate and multivariate analysis, with the scope of clarifying in simple terms the main differences between the two approaches. Applications of the t test, analysis of variance, principal component analysis and partial least squares discriminant analysis will be shown on both real and simulated metabolomics data examples to provide an overview on fundamental aspects of univariate and multivariate methods.  相似文献   

Why do Solomon Islands’ villagers continue to engage with large scale logging projects by foreign companies when they have decades of experience of the disadvantages of such deals? This paper explores village level narratives of equality surrounding a logging dispute in a village on Kolombangara Island in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. Drawing on empirical evidence I seek to understand firstly, why villagers continue to engage with logging companies, and secondly, why seemingly viable and financially attractive alternative forestry projects may not be taken up. Additionally, I examine legal recognition of a local conservation Non‐Government organisation as an environmental ‘stakeholder’, with an accepted interest in customary land as distinct from the categorisation of ‘landowners’. I conclude that village communities may continue to engage with foreign logging companies, despite their clear knowledge of the disadvantages of such projects, partly as a means of maintaining some measure of social equality in the village.  相似文献   

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