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Problem of three-dimensional structure of chromatin is reviewed. Data concerning ranged distribution of chromosomes in nucleoplasm are shown. Special attention being paid to the role of nuclear matrix in maintenance of nucleus topology. Possible role of satellite sequences and DNA-binding proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we attempt to analyze the relationship between the processes which occur in the nucleus and the dynamics of chromatin, as well as to classify the changes in the position of chromatin in the cell nucleus during the lifetime of the cell. The proposed concept integrates possible types of chromatin movement within the nucleus.  相似文献   

The role of residual nuclear structures (structures persisting upon the treatment of nuclei with a non-ionic detergent, nucleases and 2 M NaCl) in the spatial organization of DNA in the interphase nucleus has been considered. Experimental works that have engendered the concept of loop level of DNA organization in the nucleus are discussed. A comparison is made of the loop-domain and rosette-like patterns of DNA organization in the interphase nucleus.  相似文献   

The arrangement of compact chromatin of G0 lymphocytes was studied in three-dimensional reconstructions of the ensemble of the chromatin and of individual compact chromatin bodies. Rat spleen was serially cut and sections were contrasted with procedures preferential for DNA. Electron microscopy images were digitized, processed, and displayed using a commercial soft-ware package, complemented by a system for three-dimensional reconstruction and analysis developed by us on an IBM-compatible microcomputer provided with an image acquisition board. The reconstructions showed a continuous layer of compact chromatin in contact with the nuclear envelope that prevents the automatic recognition of individual chromatin clumps. The ensemble of the arrangement of compact chromatin was found to be very similar in different lymphocytes. After morphological filtering procedures, the initial mass was divided into individual bodies of compact chromatin, which were tagged. Most of these bodies contact the nuclear envelope. The number of bodies as well as the number of contacts with the envelope are similar and correspond to a haploid number of chromosomes. The largest body is always the one containing nucleolus-associated chromatin. When the cell has two nucleoli, the nucleolus-associated chromatin bodies contact the envelope in diametrically opposed areas. This feature was also described in rat liver cells. It is concluded that: (a) the individualized compact chromatin bodies do not correspond to an entire chromosome or to a pair of chromosomes; (b) the arrangement of compact chromatin is not identical in each G0 lymphocyte, but there are patterns that are repeated with limited changes; and (c) there are common features that appear in different cell types of individuals of the same species.  相似文献   

Summary The problem of localization of chromosomes in relation to each other in the interphase nucleus of human lymphocytes was investigated by analysis of chromatid and chromosome aberrations observed in lymphocyte cultures of three patients with Fanconi's anemia, one patient with Bloom's syndrome, and in Trenimon-treated (Trenimon, Bayer) normal cells. Distribution of open gaps and breaks is highly correlated with chromosome length and distribution of breaks involved in chromatid translocations in Fanconi's anemia and in Trenimontreated cells. Both correlations are much lower in Bloom's syndrome. In Fanconi's anemia and in normal cells after Trenimon-treatment, the majority of chromatid translocations are between nonhomologous chromosomes, whereas in Bloom's syndrome mainly homologous chromosomes are involved. Statistical localization of chromosomes in relation to each other in the three-dimensional space by multidimensional scaling gives results consistent with the limited amount of independent evidence.  相似文献   

The organization of chromatin in macronuclei of Bursaria truncatella cells that completed their growth and differentiation was electron microscopically studied. The data obtained showed that (1) inactive macronuclear chromatin was organized in compact chromatin clumps 120 to 180 nm in diameter linked by one or several chromatin fibres, and (2) in low salt buffer the chromatin clumps gradually unraveled, radial loops of supranucleosomal or, more often, nucleosomal structure appearing around chromatin clumps. Upon prolonged incubation in low salt buffer chromatin clumps were completely transformed into nucleosomal fibres. The data obtained evidenced in favour of a loop-packed structure of chromatin clumps.  相似文献   

Chromatin structure has been studied in the sites of attachment to the nuclear matrix in interphase mouse liver and spleen nuclei. The patterns of fragmentation of the DNA belonging to these sites (0.3-2% of total DNA in spleen and liver, respectively) with staphylococcal nuclease and DNAase I were very close to those of usual nucleosomal chains. Moreover, the nuclear matrix preparations contained all five major histones, including H1, in almost stoichiometric amounts. The histone/DNA ratios for the matrix were also similar to those found in nuclei. These findings and the size of the matrix-protected DNA indicated that interphase chromatin was attached to the nuclear matrix via matrix-bound nucleosomes and, to a much lesser extent, oligonucleosomes up to 5-6 units long. Two-dimensional electrophoretic separation of the matrix-bound histones revealed that modifications of histone H1 and, probably, of other histones were distinguished from those in bulk chromatin. Study of binding of exogenously added labeled histone octamers or mononucleosomal size DNA to nuclear matrix excluded the possibility of their artifactual trapping during the isolation procedure.  相似文献   

In the interphase cell nucleus, chromosomes adopt a conserved and non-random arrangement in subnuclear domains called chromosome territories (CTs). Whereas chromosome translocation can affect CT organization in tumor cell nuclei, little is known about how aneuploidies can impact CT organization. Here, we performed 3D-FISH on control and trisomic 21 nuclei to track the patterning of chromosome territories, focusing on the radial distribution of trisomic HSA21 as well as 11 disomic chromosomes. We have established an experimental design based on cultured chorionic villus cells which keep their original mesenchymal features including a characteristic ellipsoid nuclear morphology and a radial CT distribution that correlates with chromosome size. Our study suggests that in trisomy 21 nuclei, the extra HSA21 induces a shift of HSA1 and HSA3 CTs out toward a more peripheral position in nuclear space and a higher compaction of HSA1 and HSA17 CTs. We posit that the presence of a supernumerary chromosome 21 alters chromosome compaction and results in displacement of other chromosome territories from their usual nuclear position.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic study of chromatin organization in isolated macronuclei of a ciliate Bursaria truncatella showed macronuclear chromatin to be organized in compact clumps 120--180 nm in diameter linked with each other by one or several chromatin fibres. Macronucleus being dispersed in a solution of low ionic strength, radial loops basically of nucleosomal structure start appearing around chromatin clumps. Long-time dispersing of macronuclear chromatin brings complete decompactization of chromatin clumps into a set of nucleosome fibres. The way the fibres of interphase chromatin are packed in a chromatin clump is discussed.  相似文献   

The review examines the structured organization of interphase nuclei using a range of examples from the plants, animals, and fungi. Nuclear organization is shown to be an important phenomenon in cell differentiation and development. The review commences by examining nuclei in dividing cells and shows that the organization patterns can be dynamic within the time frame of the cell cycle. When cells stop dividing, derived differentiated cells often show quite different nuclear organizations. The developmental fate of nuclei is divided into three categories. (i) The first includes nuclei that undergo one of several forms of polyploidy and can themselves change in structure during the course of development. Possible function roles of polyploidy is given. (ii) The second is nuclear reorganization without polyploidy, where nuclei reorganize their structure to form novel arrangements of proteins and chromosomes. (iii) The third is nuclear disintegration linked to programmed cell death. The role of the nucleus in this process is described. The review demonstrates that recent methods to probe nuclei for nucleic acids and proteins, as well as to examine their intranuclear distribution in vivo, has revealed much about nuclear structure. It is clear that nuclear organization can influence or be influenced by cell activity and development. However, the full functional role of many of the observed phenomena has still to be fully realized.  相似文献   

M Kubbies 《Cytometry》1990,11(3):386-394
Changes in chromatin structure were induced in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Resting G0/G1 cells were exposed to either X-rays, mitomycin C, or bleomycin and stimulated with PHA. Exposure to such agents provokes an increase in the non-cycling cell fraction; and a distinctive, non-cycling G-/G1 subpopulation appears which is characterized by a 23% reduced Hoechst fluorescence intensity. This novel subpopulation was found as early as 24 h after PHA stimulation; it was still present in 72 h cultures. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd/Hoechst 33258-ethidium bromide (EB) flow cytometric analysis revealed increments of this subpopulation from 2% of the non-cycling cell fraction in the control culture to 29% (X-rays), 15% (mitomycin C), and 24% (bleomycin) after clastogen exposure. In the presence of the ligase inhibitor 3-aminobenzamide, this aberrant cell population increased significantly after X-ray treatment. With the aid of a viable BrdUrd/Hoechst staining assay, the newly identified non-cycling subpopulation with decreased Hoechst 33258 binding was identified as a distinctive signal cluster. Other than the regular non-cycling and cycling cell fractions, this subpopulation with non-stoichiometric Hoechst dye binding showed progressive uptake of ethidium bromide; however, by such criteria 44% of the subpopulation was still viable. It is concluded that the clastogen induced subpopulation of non-cycling cells represents damaged cells with altered dye binding properties.  相似文献   

EPC-1/PEDF expression is closely associated with reversible growth arrest in normal human diploid fibroblast-like (HDF) cells and is diminished with proliferative senescence in vitro. EPC-1 expression in HDF cells is induced under conditions of density-dependent contact inhibition and growth factor deprivation. Antiserum generated against EPC-1 recognizes a secreted protein of approximately 50 kDa from medium conditioned by early passage HDF cells, but not from senescent cells. The addition of EPC-1 antiserum to early population doubling level (PDL) cultures near the plateau phase of growth significantly increases the number of cells entering DNA synthesis. Affinity purified EPC-1 antibodies alone enhance the ability of near plateau-phase early PDL WI-38 cells to synthesize DNA by as much as threefold. Further, the addition of recombinant EPC-1 (rEPC-1) to logarithmically growing cells resulted in a marked decrease in the ability of these cells to enter DNA synthesis. We also demonstrate the loss of EPC-1 expression in WI-38 and IMR-90 HDF cell lines with both senescence and simian virus 40 (SV40) transformation. The loss of EPC-1 expression with SV40 transformation occurs at the level of steady-state mRNA and protein accumulation with genomic EPC-1 sequences grossly intact. Taken together, these results suggest that EPC-1 may play a role in the entry of early passage fibroblasts into a G(0) state or the maintenance of such a state once reached.  相似文献   

Numerous studies indicate that the genome of higher eukaryotes is organized into distinct chromosome territories and that the 3‐D arrangement of these territories may be closely connected to genomic function and the global regulation of gene expression. Despite this progress, the degree of non‐random arrangement remains unclear and no overall model has been proposed for chromosome territory associations. To address this issue, a re‐FISH approach was combined with computational analysis to analysis the pair‐wise associations for six pairs of human chromosomes (chr #1, 4, 11, 12, 16, 18) in the G0 state of normal human WI38 lung fibroblast and MCF10A epithelial breast cells. Similar levels of associations were found in WI38 and MCF10A for several of the chromosomes whereas others showed striking differences. A novel computational geometric approach, the generalized median graph (GMG), revealed a preferred probabilistic arrangement distinct for each cell line. Statistical analysis demonstrated that ~50% of the associations depicted in the GMG models are present in each individual nucleus. A nearly twofold increase of chromosome 4/16 associations in a malignant breast cancer cell line (MCFCA1a) compared to the related normal epithelial cell line (MCF10A) further demonstrates cancer related changes in chromosome arrangements. Our findings of highly preferred chromosome association profiles that are cell type specific and undergo alterations in cancer cells, lead us to propose a probabilistic chromosome code whereby the 3‐D association profile of chromosomes contributes to the functional landscape of the cell nucleus, the global regulation of gene expression and the epigenetic state of chromatin. J. Cell. Physiol. 221: 130–138, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc  相似文献   

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