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Though several studies have suggested that estradiol improves hippocampal-dependent spatial memory, the effects of other hormones in the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis on memory have largely been ignored. Estradiol and luteinizing hormone (LH) are generally inversely related and LH may significantly affect spatial memory. Ovariectomized (ovx) rats treated with Antide (a gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist) had low LH levels and showed enhanced spatial memory, comparable to treatment with estradiol. Antide-treated ovx females retained spatial memory longer than estradiol-treated ovx females. Deficits in spatial memory are a primary symptom of neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Treatment with Antide prevented spatial memory deficits in a neurotoxin-induced model typical of early AD. These data suggest that memory impairments seen in female rats after ovariectomy or women after menopause may be due to high LH levels and that a reduction in LH enhances memory. These results also implicate an LH lowering agent as a potential preventative therapy for AD.  相似文献   

Attempts to determine the influence of testicular hormones on learning and memory in males have yielded contradictory results. The present studies examined whether testicular hormones are important for maximal levels of spatial memory in young adult male rats. To minimize any effect of stress, we used the Object Location Task which is a spatial working memory task that does not involve food or water deprivation or aversive stimuli for motivation. In Experiment 1 sham gonadectomized male rats demonstrated robust spatial memory, but gonadectomized males showed diminished spatial memory. In Experiment 2 subcutaneous testosterone (T) capsules restored spatial memory performance in gonadectomized male rats, while rats with blank capsules demonstrated compromised spatial memory. In Experiment 3, gonadectomized male rats implanted with blank capsules again showed compromised spatial memory, while those with T, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), or estradiol (E) capsules demonstrated robust spatial memory, indicating that T's effects may be mediated by its conversion to E or to DHT. Gonadectomized male rats injected with Antide, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist which lowers luteinizing hormone levels, also demonstrated spatial memory, comparable to that shown by T-, E-, or DHT-treated males. These data indicate that testicular androgens are important for maximal levels of spatial working memory in male rats, that testosterone may be converted to E and/or DHT to exert its effects, and that some of the effects of these steroid hormones may occur via negative feedback effects on LH.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have suggested that estradiol (E) improves spatial memory as female rats with E perform better than those without E. However there is an inverse relationship between E and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels and LH could play a role. We examined whether treatment with the LH homologue human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), would impair spatial memory of adult E-treated female rats. In the object location memory task, ovariectomized (ovxed) rats treated with E and either a single high dose (400 IU/kg) or a lower repeated dose of hCG (75 IU/kg hourly for 8 h) showed spatial memory disruption compared to ovxed rats treated with estradiol alone. Impairment was attributed to memory disruption as performance improved with shortened delay between task exposure and testing. Tests on another spatial memory task, the Barnes maze, confirmed that hCG (400 IU/kg) can impair memory: although E + veh treated animals made significantly fewer hole errors across time, E + hCG-treated did not. In humans, high LH levels have been correlated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Because brain amyloid-beta (Aβ) species have been implicated as a toxic factor thought to cause memory loss in AD, we analyzed whether hCG-treated animals had increased Aβ levels. Levels of Aβ from whole brains or hippocampi were assessed by Western blot. hCG treatment to E-implanted females significantly increased soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42 levels. These results indicate that high levels of LH/hCG can impair spatial memory, and an increase in brain Aβ species may account for the memory impairment in hCG-treated rats.  相似文献   

Galanin is a 29-amino-acid peptide that colocalizes with GnRH in hypothalamic neurons. High concentrations of galanin are present in portal vessel blood of both male and female rats, and galanin receptors are present on gonadotropes in both sexes. Results from studies of female rats indicate that galanin acts at the level of the pituitary to directly stimulate LH secretion and also to enhance GnRH-stimulated LH secretion. The effects of galanin on pituitary LH secretion in male rats are relatively uncharacterized; thus, the present in vivo study was conducted 1). to examine the ability of galanin to affect basal or GnRH-stimulated LH secretion in male rats and 2). to determine whether the effects of galanin on LH secretion in male rats are testosterone-dependent. All three doses of galanin used (1, 5, and 10 micro g/pulse) significantly enhanced GnRH-stimulated LH secretion in intact male rats. Only the highest dose of galanin directly stimulated LH secretion (without GnRH coadministration) in intact males. Galanin did not directly stimulate LH secretion or enhance GnRH-stimulated LH secretion in castrated male rats. In fact, the highest dose of galanin inhibited GnRH-stimulated LH secretion in castrated males. Upon testosterone replacement, the ability of galanin to directly stimulate LH secretion and to enhance GnRH-stimulated LH secretion was restored in castrated males. These results suggest a role for galanin in the regulation of LH release in male rats and demonstrate that testosterone upregulates the ability of the pituitary to respond to the stimulatory effects of galanin.  相似文献   

Naloxone produces large increases in serum luteinizing hormone (LH) levels in normal males and females, supporting a role for endogenous opioids (EOP) in the tonic inhibition of LH. Since the antagonist apparently exerts no important effects on the pituitary, the reasonable assumption has been made that it elevates gonadotropin levels by affecting the release of LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) from the hypothalamus. However, at present there is no direct in vivo evidence supporting this widely-held view. In an attempt to directly demonstrate that naloxone increases the secretion of LHRH, and thereby elevates serum LH levels, we examined whether a potent synthetic antagonist of LHRH ( [D-p Glu1, D-Phe2, D-Trp3,6]-LHRH, GPT-LHRH) blocked the effects of naloxone in male rats with a normal response to naloxone and in those with a markedly enhanced sensitivity to the drug induced by a brief period of morphine pellet implantation. Our results demonstrated that GT-LHRH antagonized equipotent doses of LHRH (100 ng/kg) and naloxone (0.5 mg/kg) over a similar time course with approximately the same AD50. Most importantly, however, we showed that the GPT-LHRH produced equivalent, parallel shifts to the right in the dose-response curves for LHRH and naloxone, indicative of competitive inhibition. We also found that GPT-LHRH completely abolished the enhanced response to naloxone's effects on LH which occurs in morphine-pretreated rats. Since we observed no competition between LHRH and naloxone for their binding sites in pituitary or brain, the only viable interpretation of our results is that naloxone increases LH by inducing the release of LHRH.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) is known to affect spatial abilities in men and women. Studies focusing on this relationship showed that both endogenous variability of T and administration of exogenous T, altered mental rotation and spatial visualization. Organizational and activational effects of T can be separately identified. The aim of our study was to evaluate the activational effects of exogenous T on spatial memory in male and female rats. T was administered 3 times a week over a two week period in either 1 mg/kg for low testosterone group or 10 mg/kg for high testosterone group. The Morris water maze was performed to assess the rat’s working and reference spatial memory. T and estradiol levels were measured in plasma. Increase in plasma T levels was confirmed in the experimental groups in comparison to the control groups (receiving sterile oil, 3 times a week over a two week period). Low dose T impaired working, but improved reference memory in female rats. In male rats the negative effects of T (both doses) on reference memory were shown. This experiment showed that the activational effects of exogenous testosterone on spatial memory of rats were gender and dose-dependent.  相似文献   

The control of luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion was investigated in ovariectomized, prepubertal Yorkshire pigs by comparing the effects of anterior (AHD), complete (CHD), and posterior (PHD) hypothalamic deafferentation to sham-operated controls (SOC). Gilts (n = 16) were assigned randomly to treatments, fitted with an indwelling jugular catheter, and ovariectomized 2 days before deafferentation or sham-operation (Day 0). Blood for radioimmunoassay (RIA) of LH was collected sequentially at 20-min intervals for a period of 2 h before and 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after hypothalamic deafferentation or SOC. Episodic LH release after AHD or CHD was abolished (p less than 0.01), but not after PHD or SOC. Concentrations of serum LH in AHD and CHD dropped (p less than 0.01) at 24 and 48 h after surgery. Levels of LH before and after surgery in PHD and SOC were similar (p greater than 0.05). Infusion of 25 micrograms LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) i.v. at 72 and 96 h after hypothalamic deafferentation and SOC increased (p less than 0.01) serum LH to peak levels within 15 min. after infusion; LH returned to basal levels 60-80 min later. By 96 h after surgery, LH response to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) was less in AHD and CHD as compared with the response at 72 h postinjection. Concentrations of LH in PHD and SOC were similar (p greater than 0.05) at 72 and 96 h, respectively. The results from this study clearly indicate that neural stimuli originating or traversing the neural areas rostral to the median eminence are required for secretion of LH in the pig.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Behavioural effects of intracerebroventricularly-injected (icv) LHRH were studied in female rats. Locomotor and exploratory activities as well as irritability were determined. A pronounced inhibitory effect of 10 micrograms doses of LHRH was found. At 100 micrograms doses of LHRH, barrel behaviour was observed. We conclude that LHRH can modify the activity of central serotonergic receptors in rats.  相似文献   

Serum levels of LH, FSH, Prolactin and Testosterone of 90 days old male rats androgenized soon after birth were determined by specific radioimmunoassay and were compared to untreated rats. LH and FSH levels were also determined in 90 days old female rats neo-natally treated with testosterone and compared with normal diestrus rats. Androgenization of male rats significantly increased serum FSH and Prolactin levels without producing changes in plasma LH and testosterone concentrations. Similar increase in the FSH levels were found in androgenized female rats although plasma FSH concentrations were lower than in the male groups. These results obtained in male rats give an additional evidence that androgens acting in the first days of life are responsible of the higher levels of FSH and Prolactin that characterize the male or tonic pattern of gonadotrophin secretion.  相似文献   

The effects of LH-RH on pregnancy in rats were investigated. A single 500 mcg injection of LH-RH on Days 9, 10, or 11 of pregnancy terminated pregnancy, whereas injection on Days 6-8 or 13-16 had little or no effect. The ED 50 on Day 10 for b.i.d. administration was 150 mcg and 550 mcg for a single injection. Administration on Day 9 was followed by a decrease in circulating progesterone levels on Days 10 and 11. The administration of large doses of progesterone reversed the effects of LH-RH administration on Days 7-12. Treatment with estradiol-17beta did not potentiate the effect of progesterone, but appeared to slightly retard fetal resorption when administered alone. The results suggest that the antifertility effect of LH-RH is mediated via functional luteolysis.  相似文献   

Anestrous lighthorse mares were treated in December with dihydrotestosterone (DHT; 150 micrograms/kg of body weight), progesterone (P; 164 micrograms/kg), both DHT and P (DHT+P), testosterone (T; 150 micrograms/kg), or vehicle (n = 4/group). Daily blood sampling was started on Day 1, and on Day 4 all mares were administered a pretreatment injection of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and were bled frequently to characterize the responses of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations. Treatment injections were given on Day 4 and then daily through Day 17. On Day 18, all mares were again administered GnRH and were bled frequently. Treatment of mares with DHT, P, or T increased (p less than 0.01) plasma concentrations of these steroids to approximately 1.5 ng/ml during the last 10 days of treatment. There was no effect (p greater than 0.10) of treatment on LH or FSH concentrations in daily blood samples. Relative to the pretreatment GnRH injection, mares treated with T or DHT+P secreted approximately 65% more (p less than 0.01) FSH in response to the post-treatment GnRH injection; FSH response to the second GnRH injection was not altered (p greater than 0.10) in control mares or in DHT- or P-treated mares. There was no effect of any steroid treatment on LH secretion after administration of GnRH (p greater than 0.10). Averaged over all mares, approximately 94 times more FSH than LH was secreted in response to injection of GnRH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the hypothesis that the loss of LH surges in response to the stimulatory actions of estradiol and progesterone in middle-aged, persistent-estrous (PE) rats may be caused by chronic elevations in circulating estradiol. Five groups of regularly cycling young rats received an s.c. estradiol implant immediately after ovariectomy (Day 0). For determination of LH surges, blood samples were collected hourly between 1200-1900 h from each of the five groups at one of the following times: 3 days, or 1, 2, 4, or 8 wk later. On the next day, either progesterone (0.5 mg/100 g BW) or corn oil was injected s.c. at 1200 h, and samples were obtained as before. Incidence and amplitude of estradiol-induced LH surges decreased during the first 2 wk of estradiol treatment, after which no surges occurred. Progesterone enhanced the incidence and amplitude of estradiol-induced LH surges thus delaying their disappearance. These results support our hypothesis and demonstrate that the stimulatory actions of estradiol and progesterone on the LH surge sequentially diminish with time after exposure to estradiol in young rats. Thus, young rats chronically treated with estradiol may be a useful model for studying the mechanisms whereby LH surges are abolished in middle age during the hyperestrogenic state of PE.  相似文献   

The ability of equine luteinizing hormone (eLH) to promote follicular growth and maturation in hypophysectomized rats has been assessed. A single injection of equine LH has been shown to promote the growth of a large number of antral and preovulatory follicles. In addition, equine LH markedly increased serum estrogen levels and uterine weight. Furthermore, equine LH, like equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG; PMSG) was able to significantly enhance the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into ovarian DNA, an activity shown to be specific to hormones having follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) activity. Equine LH treated with an FSH antibody immunoaffinity column to remove any possible contamination still exhibited the above activity, demonstrating that the FSH activity is intrinsic to the eLH molecule. Equine LH has also been shown to be capable of inducing LH receptors in granulosa cells of ovaries of hypophysectomized rats, an activity specific to FSH-like hormones. From the doses required of eLH and the degree of response observed, it is concluded, however, that eLH in the hypophysectomized rat is less active than eCG as an FSH.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that hyperprolactinemia in rats inhibits the post-gonadectomy rise in plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) for a limited period only. In intact rats the suppression of plasma LH during hyperprolactinemia is more prolonged. In the present study we have examined the possibility that the elevated levels of progesterone brought about by the raised plasma prolactin levels in intact rats are involved in the maintenance of LH inhibition. We have observed the effect of exogenous progesterone administration during the early post-ovariectomy period on plasma LH levels in female rats made hyperprolactinemic by administration of the dopamine antagonist, domperidone. Following ovariectomy of virgin, female rats, plasma LH was determined on each day from Day 3 to Day 10 after ovariectomy. In control rats plasma LH had increased by approximately 5-fold during the period of the experiment. In control rats treated with progesterone the rise in plasma LH was inhibited temporarily but LH had increased to similar levels to the controls by Day 10. In hyperprolactinemic rats LH was suppressed until Day 7, after which significant rises were observed. However, in hyperprolactinemic rats treated with progesterone, LH did not rise in a similar fashion, and remained low throughout the experiment. We conclude that a combination of hyperprolactinemia and raised plasma progesterone concentrations is necessary for the continued inhibition of LH release after ovariectomy.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of DSP4-induced noradrenaline depletion on learning and memory in a spatial memory paradigm (holeboard). Since Harro et al. Brain Res 976:209-216 (2003) have demonstrated that short-term effects of DSP4 administration include both noradrenaline depletion and changes in dopamine and its metabolites-with the latter vanishing within 4 weeks after the neurotoxic lesion-the behavioural effects observed immediately after DSP4 administration cannot solely be related to noradrenaline. In the present study, spatial learning, reference memory and working memory were therefore assessed 5-10 weeks after DSP4 administration. Our results suggest that the administration of DSP4 did not lead to changes in spatial learning and memory when behavioural assessment was performed after a minimum of 5 weeks following DSP4. This lack of changes in spatial behaviour suggests that the role of noradrenaline regarding these functions may be limited. Future studies will therefore have to take into account the time-course of neurotransmitter alterations and behavioural changes following DSP4 administration.  相似文献   

The free amino groups in oLH, oLHalpha and oLHbeta were guanidinated by O-methylisourea. The epsilon-NH2 groups of lysine residues reacted bo substitute these positions in the sequence with the more basic homoarginine residue. The alpha-NH2 groups did not react under the conditions used. Guanidinated oLH or the products of guanidinated oLHalpha + native oLHbeta or guanidinated oLHalpha + guanidinated oLHbeta were inactive in two bioassay systems. Native oLHalpha + guanidinated oLHbeta, however, showed potencies of 39% to 55% of that observed with the native subunit recombinant or native oLH. Possible structural implications for hormone-receptor site interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of third cerebroventricular (3V) injections of avian and bovine pancreatic polypeptide (APP and BPP) and the C-terminal hexapeptide amide of human PP (CHPP) on the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones in conscious ovariectomized rats. Injection of APP (2.0 micrograms; 472 pmoles) or BPP (5.0 micrograms; 1191 pmoles) decreased plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) when compared to pre-injection levels in these animals or to saline-injected controls. The lower dose of BPP (0.5 micrograms; 119 pmoles) decreased plasma LH versus pre-injection levels and control animals, however, these effects diminished at later times. Plasma growth hormone (GH) also decreased following 3V injections of APP (2.0 micrograms) or BPP (5.0 micrograms). The lower dose of BPP (0.5 microgram) initially inhibited GH release, however, this effect was rapidly reversed and GH levels were significantly greater than those in controls at 60 and 120 min. Injections of BPP or APP did not alter prolactin (PRL) or thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) secretion. Administration of 2.0 micrograms and 0.2 microgram of CHPP (2488 and 249 pmoles) produced no significant effects on plasma LH, GH, PRL or TSH. APP and BPP had no consistent effects on hormone secretion from dispersed anterior pituitary cells. The results indicate that APP and BPP exert potent central effects which inhibit LH and GH release from the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

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