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Intrinsically disordered proteins and proteins containing intrinsically disordered regions are highly abundant in the proteome of eukaryotes and are extensively involved in essential biological functions. More recently, their role in the organization of biomolecular condensates has become evident and along with their misregulation in several neurologic disorders. Currently, most studies involving these proteins are carried out in vitro and using purified proteins. Given that in cells, condensate‐forming proteins are exposed to high, millimolar concentrations of cellular metabolites, we aimed to reveal the interactions of cellular metabolites and a representative condensate‐forming protein. Here, using the arginine–glycine/arginine–glycine–glycine (RG/RGG)‐rich cold inducible RNA binding protein (CIRBP) as paradigm, we studied binding of the cellular metabolome to CIRBP. We found that most of the highly abundant cellular metabolites, except nucleotides, do not directly bind to CIRBP. ATP, ADP, and AMP as well as NAD+, NADH, NADP+, and NADPH directly interact with CIRBP, involving both the folded RNA‐recognition motif and the disordered RG/RGG region. ATP binding inhibited RNA‐driven phase separation of CIRBP. Thus, it might be beneficial to include cellular metabolites in in vitro liquid–liquid phase separation studies of RG/RGG and other condensate‐forming proteins in order to better mimic the cellular environment in the future.  相似文献   

Liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) facilitates the formation of membraneless compartments in a cell and allows the spatiotemporal organization of biochemical reactions by concentrating macromolecules locally. In plants, LLPS defines cellular reaction hotspots, and stimulus‐responsive LLPS is tightly linked to a variety of cellular and biological functions triggered by exposure to various internal and external stimuli, such as stress responses, hormone signaling, and temperature sensing. Here, we provide an overview of the current understanding of physicochemical forces and molecular factors that drive LLPS in plant cells. We illustrate how the biochemical features of cellular condensates contribute to their biological functions. Additionally, we highlight major challenges for the comprehensive understanding of biological LLPS, especially in view of the dynamic and robust organization of biochemical reactions underlying plastic responses to environmental fluctuations in plants.  相似文献   

The RNA‐binding protein fused in sarcoma (FUS) assembles via liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) into functional RNA granules and aggregates in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis associated neuronal inclusions. Several studies have demonstrated that posttranslational modification (PTM) can significantly alter FUS phase separation and aggregation, particularly charge‐altering phosphorylation of the nearly uncharged N‐terminal low complexity domain of FUS (FUS LC). However, the occurrence and impact of N‐terminal acetylation on FUS phase separation remains unexplored, even though N‐terminal acetylation is the most common PTM in mammals and changes the charge at the N‐terminus. First, we find that FUS is predominantly acetylated in two human cell types and stress conditions. Next, we show that recombinant FUS LC can be acetylated when co‐expressed with the NatA complex in Escherichia coli. Using NMR spectroscopy, we find that N‐terminal acetylated FUS LC (FUS LC Nt‐Ac) does not notably alter monomeric FUS LC structure or motions. Despite no difference in structure, Nt‐Ac‐FUS LC phase separates more avidly than unmodified FUS LC. More importantly, N‐terminal acetylation of FUS LC reduces aggregation. Our findings highlight the importance of N‐terminal acetylation of proteins that undergo physiological LLPS and pathological aggregation.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the accumulation of protein aggregates in motor neurons. Recent discoveries of genetic mutations in ALS patients promoted research into the complex molecular mechanisms underlying ALS. FUS (fused in sarcoma) is a representative ALS-linked RNA-binding protein (RBP) that specifically recognizes G-quadruplex (G4)-DNA/RNAs. However, the effects of ALS-linked FUS mutations on the G4-RNA-binding activity and the phase behavior have never been investigated. Using the purified full-length FUS, we analyzed the molecular mechanisms of multidomain structures consisting of multiple functional modules that bind to G4. Here we succeeded to observe the liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) of FUS condensate formation and subsequent liquid-to-solid transition (LST) leading to the formation of FUS aggregates. This process was markedly promoted through FUS interaction with G4-RNA. To further investigate, we selected a total of eight representative ALS-linked FUS mutants within multidomain structures and purified these proteins. The regulation of G4-RNA-dependent LLPS and LST pathways was lost for all ALS-linked FUS mutants defective in G4-RNA recognition tested, supporting the essential role of G4-RNA in this process. Noteworthy, the P525L mutation that causes juvenile ALS exhibited the largest effect on both G4-RNA binding and FUS aggregation. The findings described herein could provide a clue to the hitherto undefined connection between protein aggregation and dysfunction of RBPs in the complex pathway of ALS pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Alzheimer''s disease is a progressive fatal neurodegenerative disease with no cure or effective treatments. The hallmarks of disease include extracellular plaques and intracellular tangles of aggregated protein. The intracellular tangles consist of the microtubule associated protein tau. Preventing the pathological aggregation of tau may be an important therapeutic approach to treat disease. In this study we show that small heat shock protein 22 kDa (Hsp22) can prevent the aggregation of tau in vitro. Additionally, tau can undergo liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) in the presence of crowding reagents which causes it to have an increased aggregation rate. We show that Hsp22 can modulate both the aggregation and LLPS behavior of tau in vitro.  相似文献   

Tightly packed complexes of nucleocapsid protein and genomic RNA form the core of viruses and assemble within viral factories, dynamic compartments formed within the host cells associated with human stress granules. Here, we test the possibility that the multivalent RNA‐binding nucleocapsid protein (N) from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) condenses with RNA via liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) and that N protein can be recruited in phase‐separated forms of human RNA‐binding proteins associated with SG formation. Robust LLPS with RNA requires two intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs), the N‐terminal IDR and central‐linker IDR, as well as the folded C‐terminal oligomerization domain, while the folded N‐terminal domain and the C‐terminal IDR are not required. N protein phase separation is induced by addition of non‐specific RNA. In addition, N partitions in vitro into phase‐separated forms of full‐length human hnRNPs (TDP‐43, FUS, hnRNPA2) and their low‐complexity domains (LCs). These results provide a potential mechanism for the role of N in SARS‐CoV‐2 viral genome packing and in host‐protein co‐opting necessary for viral replication and infectivity.  相似文献   

Intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles composed of Tau aggregates have been widely accepted as an important pathological hallmark of Alzheimer''s disease. A current therapeutic avenue for treating Alzheimer''s disease is aimed at inhibiting Tau accumulation with small molecules such as natural flavonoids. Liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) of Tau can lead to its aggregation, and Tau aggregates can then be degraded by autophagy. However, it is unclear whether natural flavonoids modulate the formation of phase-separated Tau droplets or promote autophagy and Tau clearance. Here, using confocal microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching assays, we report that a natural antioxidant flavonoid compound myricetin slows LLPS of full-length human Tau, shifting the equilibrium phase boundary to a higher protein concentration. This natural flavonoid also significantly inhibits pathological phosphorylation and abnormal aggregation of Tau in neuronal cells and blocks mitochondrial damage and apoptosis induced by Tau aggregation. Importantly, using coimmunoprecipitation and Western blotting, we show that treatment of cells with myricetin stabilizes the interaction between Tau and autophagy-related protein 5 (ATG5) to promote clearance of phosphorylated Tau to indirectly limit its aggregation. Consistently, this natural flavonoid inhibits mTOR pathway, activates ATG5-dependent Tau autophagy, and almost completely suppresses Tau toxicity in neuronal cells. Collectively, these results demonstrate how LLPS and abnormal aggregation of Tau are inhibited by natural flavonoids, bridging the gap between Tau LLPS and aggregation in neuronal cells, and also establish that myricetin could act as an ATG5-dependent autophagic activator to ameliorate the pathogenesis of Alzheimer''s disease.  相似文献   

Soluble amyloid-β oligomers (AβOs) are proposed to instigate and mediate the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease, but the mechanisms involved are not clear. In this study, we reported that AβOs can undergo liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) to form liquid-like droplets in vitro. We determined that AβOs exhibited an α-helix conformation in a membrane-mimicking environment of SDS. Importantly, SDS is capable of reconfiguring the assembly of different AβOs to induce their LLPS. Moreover, we found that the droplet formation of AβOs was promoted by strong hydrated anions and weak hydrated cations, suggesting that hydrophobic interactions play a key role in mediating phase separation of AβOs. Finally, we observed that LLPS of AβOs can further promote Aβ to form amyloid fibrils, which can be modulated by (−)-epigallocatechin gallate. Our study highlights amyloid oligomers as an important entity involved in protein liquid-to-solid phase transition and reveals the regulatory role of LLPS underlying amyloid protein aggregation, which may be relevant to the pathological process of Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

SARS‐CoV‐2 nucleocapsid (N) protein plays essential roles in many steps of the viral life cycle, thus representing a key drug target. N protein contains the folded N‐/C‐terminal domains (NTD/CTD) and three intrinsically disordered regions, while its functions including liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) depend on the capacity in binding various viral/host‐cell RNA/DNA of diverse sequences. Previously NTD was established to bind various RNA/DNA while CTD to dimerize/oligomerize for forming high‐order structures. By NMR, here for the first time we decrypt that CTD is not only capable of binding S2m, a specific probe derived from SARS‐CoV‐2 gRNA but with the affinity even higher than that of NTD. Very unexpectedly, ATP, the universal energy currency for all living cells with high cellular concentrations (2–16 mM), specifically binds CTD with Kd of 1.49 ± 0.28 mM. Strikingly, the ATP‐binding residues of NTD/CTD are identical in the SARS‐CoV‐2 variants while ATP and S2m interplay in binding NTD/CTD, as well as in modulating LLPS critical for the viral life cycle. Results together not only define CTD as a novel binding domain for ATP and nucleic acid, but enforce our previous proposal that ATP has been evolutionarily exploited by SARS‐CoV‐2 to complete its life cycle in the host cell. Most importantly, the unique ATP‐binding pockets on NTD/CTD may offer promising targets for design of specific anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 molecules to fight the pandemic. Fundamentally, ATP emerges to act at mM as a cellular factor to control the interface between the host cell and virus lacking the ability to generate ATP.  相似文献   

The transition between soluble intrinsically disordered tau protein and aggregated tau in neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease is unknown. Here, we propose that soluble tau species can undergo liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) under cellular conditions and that phase‐separated tau droplets can serve as an intermediate toward tau aggregate formation. We demonstrate that phosphorylated or mutant aggregation prone recombinant tau undergoes LLPS, as does high molecular weight soluble phospho‐tau isolated from human Alzheimer brain. Droplet‐like tau can also be observed in neurons and other cells. We found that tau droplets become gel‐like in minutes, and over days start to spontaneously form thioflavin‐S‐positive tau aggregates that are competent of seeding cellular tau aggregation. Since analogous LLPS observations have been made for FUS, hnRNPA1, and TDP43, which aggregate in the context of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, we suggest that LLPS represents a biophysical process with a role in multiple different neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

We present improvements to the hydropathy scale (HPS) coarse‐grained (CG) model for simulating sequence‐specific behavior of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), including their liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS). The previous model based on an atomistic hydropathy scale by Kapcha and Rossky (KR scale) is not able to capture some well‐known LLPS trends such as reduced phase separation propensity upon mutations (R‐to‐K and Y‐to‐F). Here, we propose to use the Urry hydropathy scale instead, which was derived from the inverse temperature transitions in a model polypeptide with guest residues X. We introduce two free parameters to shift (Δ) and scale (µ) the overall interaction strengths for the new model (HPS‐Urry) and use the experimental radius of gyration for a diverse group of IDPs to find their optimal values. Interestingly, many possible (Δ, µ) combinations can be used for typical IDPs, but the phase behavior of a low‐complexity (LC) sequence FUS is only well described by one of these models, which highlights the need for a careful validation strategy based on multiple proteins. The CG HPS‐Urry model should enable accurate simulations of protein LLPS and provide a microscopically detailed view of molecular interactions.  相似文献   

Biomolecular condensation of the neuronal microtubule‐associated protein Tau (MAPT) can be induced by coacervation with polyanions like RNA, or by molecular crowding. Tau condensates have been linked to both functional microtubule binding and pathological aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases. We find that molecular crowding and coacervation with RNA, two conditions likely coexisting in the cytosol, synergize to enable Tau condensation at physiological buffer conditions and to produce condensates with a strong affinity to charged surfaces. During condensate‐mediated microtubule polymerization, their synergy enhances bundling and spatial arrangement of microtubules. We further show that different Tau condensates efficiently induce pathological Tau aggregates in cells, including accumulations at the nuclear envelope that correlate with nucleocytoplasmic transport deficits. Fluorescent lifetime imaging reveals different molecular packing densities of Tau in cellular accumulations and a condensate‐like density for nuclear‐envelope Tau. These findings suggest that a complex interplay between interaction partners, post‐translational modifications, and molecular crowding regulates the formation and function of Tau condensates. Conditions leading to prolonged existence of Tau condensates may induce the formation of seeding‐competent Tau and lead to distinct cellular Tau accumulations.  相似文献   

Nucleolin is a multifunctional RNA Binding Protein (RBP) with diverse subcellular localizations, including the nucleolus in all eukaryotic cells, the plasma membrane in tumor cells, and the axon in neurons. Here we show that the glycine arginine rich (GAR) domain of nucleolin drives subcellular localization via protein‐protein interactions with a kinesin light chain. In addition, GAR sequences mediate plasma membrane interactions of nucleolin. Both these modalities are in addition to the already reported involvement of the GAR domain in liquid‐liquid phase separation in the nucleolus. Nucleolin transport to axons requires the GAR domain, and heterozygous GAR deletion mice reveal reduced axonal localization of nucleolin cargo mRNAs and enhanced sensory neuron growth. Thus, the GAR domain governs axonal transport of a growth controlling RNA‐RBP complex in neurons, and is a versatile localization determinant for different subcellular compartments. Localization determination by GAR domains may explain why GAR mutants in diverse RBPs are associated with neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin‐binding shuttle UBQLN2 mediates crosstalk between proteasomal degradation and autophagy, likely via interactions with K48‐ and K63‐linked polyubiquitin chains, respectively. UBQLN2 comprises self‐associating regions that drive its homotypic liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS). Specific interactions between one of these regions and ubiquitin inhibit UBQLN2 LLPS. Here, we show that, unlike ubiquitin, the effects of multivalent polyubiquitin chains on UBQLN2 LLPS are highly dependent on chain types. Specifically, K11‐Ub4 and K48‐Ub4 chains generally inhibit UBQLN2 LLPS, whereas K63‐Ub4, M1‐Ub4 chains, and a designed tetrameric ubiquitin construct significantly enhance LLPS. We demonstrate that these opposing effects stem from differences in chain conformations but not in affinities between chains and UBQLN2. Chains with extended conformations and increased accessibility to the ubiquitin‐binding surface promote UBQLN2 LLPS by enabling a switch between homotypic to partially heterotypic LLPS that is driven by both UBQLN2 self‐interactions and interactions between multiple UBQLN2 units with each polyubiquitin chain. Our study provides mechanistic insights into how the structural and conformational properties of polyubiquitin chains contribute to heterotypic LLPS with ubiquitin‐binding shuttles and adaptors.  相似文献   

Clavulanic acid (CA) is usually used together with other β‐lactam antibiotics as combination drugs to inhibit bacterial β‐lactamases, which is mainly produced from the fermentation of microorganism such as Streptomyces clavuligerus. Recently, it is still a challenge for downstream processing of low concentration and unstable CA from fermentation broth with high solid content, high viscosity, and small cell size. In this study, an integrated process was developed for simultaneous solid–liquid separation and primary purification of CA from real fermentation broth of S. clavuligerus using salting‐out extraction system (SOES). First, different SOESs were investigated, and a suitable SOES composed of ethanol/phosphate was chosen and further optimized using the pretreated fermentation broth. Then, the optimal system composed of 20% ethanol/15% K2HPO4 and 10% KH2PO4 w/w was used to direct separation of CA from untreated fermentation broth. The result showed that the partition coefficient (K) and recovery yield (Y) of CA from untreated fermentation broth were 29.13 and 96.8%, respectively. Simultaneously, the removal rates of the cells and proteins were 99.8% and 63.3%, respectively. Compared with the traditional method of membrane filtration or liquid–liquid extraction system, this developed SOES showed the advantages of simple operation, shorter operation time, lower process cost and higher recovery yield of CA. These results demonstrated that the developed SOES could be used as an attractive alternative for the downstream processing of CA from real fermentation broth.  相似文献   

Enzymes within the de novo purine biosynthetic pathway spatially organize into dynamic intracellular assemblies called purinosomes. The formation of purinosomes has been correlated with growth conditions resulting in high purine demand, and therefore, the cellular advantage of complexation has been hypothesized to enhance metabolite flux through the pathway. However, the properties of this cellular structure are unclear. Here, we define the purinosome in a transient expression system as a biomolecular condensate using fluorescence microscopy. We show that purinosomes, as denoted by formylglycinamidine ribonucleotide synthase granules in purine-depleted HeLa cells, are spherical and appear to coalesce when two come into contact, all liquid-like characteristics that are consistent with previously reported condensates. We further explored the biophysical and biochemical means that drive the liquid–liquid phase separation of these structures. We found that the process of enzyme condensation into purinosomes is likely driven by the oligomeric state of the pathway enzymes and not a result of intrinsic disorder, the presence of low-complexity domains, the assistance of RNA scaffolds, or changes in intracellular pH. Finally, we demonstrate that the heat shock protein 90 KDa helps to regulate the physical properties of the condensate and maintain their liquid-like state inside HeLa cells. We show that disruption of heat shock protein 90 KDa activity induced the transformation of formylglycinamidine ribonucleotide synthase clusters into more irregularly shaped condensates, suggesting that its chaperone activity is essential for purinosomes to retain their liquid-like properties. This refined view of the purinosome offers new insight into how metabolic enzymes spatially organize into dynamic condensates within human cells.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer has a propensity to metastasize to the bone. Currently the only effective systemic treatment for these patients is androgen ablation therapy. However, the tumor will invariably progress to an androgen-independent stage and the patient will succumb to his disease within approximately 2 years. The earliest indication of hormonal progression is the rising titer of serum prostate specific antigen. Current evidence implicates the androgen receptor (AR) as a key factor in maintaining the growth of prostate cancer cells in an androgen-depleted state. Under normal conditions, binding of ligand activates the receptor, allowing it to effectively bind to its respective DNA element. However, AR is also transformed in the absence of androgen (ligand-independent activation) in prostate cells via multiple protein kinase pathways and the interleukin-6 (IL-6) pathway that converge upon the N-terminal domain of the AR. This domain is the main region for phosphorylation and is also critical for normal coregulator recruitment. Here we discuss evidence supporting the role of the AR, IL-6 and other protein kinase pathways in the hormonal progression of prostate cancer to androgen independence and the mechanisms involved in activation of the AR by these pathways. Receptor-targeted therapy, especially potential drugs targeting the N-terminal domain, may effectively prevent or delay the hormonal progression of AR-dependent prostate cancer.  相似文献   

MAGEL2 encodes the L2 member of the melanoma-associated antigen gene (MAGE) protein family, truncating mutations of which can cause Schaaf-Yang syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. MAGEL2 is also inactivated in Prader–Willi syndrome, which overlaps clinically and mechanistically with Schaaf–Yang syndrome. Studies to date have only investigated the C-terminal portion of the MAGEL2 protein, containing the MAGE homology domain that interacts with RING-E3 ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinases to form protein complexes that modify protein ubiquitination. In contrast, the N-terminal portion of the MAGEL2 protein has never been studied. Here, we find that MAGEL2 has a low-complexity intrinsically disordered N-terminus rich in Pro-Xn-Gly motifs that is predicted to mediate liquid–liquid phase separation to form biomolecular condensates. We used proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID) and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry to identify MAGEL2-proximal proteins, then clustered these proteins into functional networks. We determined that coding mutations analogous to disruptive mutations in other MAGE proteins alter these networks in biologically relevant ways. Proteins identified as proximal to the N-terminal portion of MAGEL2 are primarily involved in mRNA metabolic processes and include three mRNA N 6-methyladenosine (m6A)-binding YTHDF proteins and two RNA interference-mediating TNRC6 proteins. We found that YTHDF2 coimmunoprecipitates with MAGEL2, and coexpression of MAGEL2 reduces the nuclear accumulation of YTHDF2 after heat shock. We suggest that the N-terminal region of MAGEL2 may have a role in RNA metabolism and in particular the regulation of mRNAs modified by m6A methylation. These results provide mechanistic insight into pathogenic MAGEL2 mutations associated with Schaaf–Yang syndrome and related disorders.  相似文献   

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