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A newly developed laboratory fluorescence imaging system was used to obtain fluorescence images (FImage) of freshly excised cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves in spectral bands centered in the blue (F450), green (F550), red (F680), and far-red (F730) spectral regions that resulted from a broad-band (300-400 nm) excitation source centered at 360 nm. Means of relative fluorescence intensities (RFI) from these spectral fluorescence images were compared with spectral fluorescence emission data obtained from excitation wavelengths at 280 nm (280EX, 300-550 nm) and 380 nm (380EX, 400-800 nm) of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) extracts from these leaves. All three fluorescence data types (FImage, 280EX, 380EX) were used to assess ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280-320 nm) induced physiological changes and the possible use of N-[2-(2-oxo-1-imidazolidinyl) ethyl]-N′-phenylurea (EDU or ethylenediurea) as a chemical protectant against UV-B damage. Plants exhibited well known foliar growth and pigment responses to UV-B exposure (e.g., increased UV-B absorbing compounds and decreased leaf area, chlorophyll a content; and and lower chlorophyll a/b and chlorophyll/carotenoid pigment ratios). Since EDU alone had no effect on foliar variables, there was no evidence that EDU afforded protection against UV-B. Instead, EDU augmented some UV-B effects when provided in conjunction with UV-B irradiation (e.g., reductions in the chlorophyll/carotenoid ratio, total photosynthetic pigments, and chlorophyll b content).Relative fluorescence intensities (RFI) in the longer visible wavelengths (green, red, and far-red) were uncorrelated for comparisons between the FImage and 380EX data sets. However, blue and green RFI were significantly correlated (0.8r0.6; P ≤0.002) for comparisons between FImage and 280EX data sets. UV-B treatment caused an increase in blue RFI (e.g., F450) in both images and 280EX measurements. One explanation is that the UV-B excitation of both 280EX and FImage stimulates processes that produce excess blue fluorescence. The molecules that produce the excess blue fluorescence in both the 280EX and the Fimage data are different electron transfer agents that operate in parallel. For FImage, the UV excitation penetrates leaf surface layers to stimulate fluorescence from compounds in mesophyll and epidermal tissues (as occurs for the extracts of leaf discs), whereas emissions captured at longer, less energetic wavelengths, were primarily from the epidermal layer. UV-B irradiated leaves showed much greater heteorgeneity of RFI in both the green (F550FImag) and the red (F680FImag) bands than unirradiated leaves; this was true irrespective of EDU treatment.Although qualitative responses in individual bands differed between FImage and 380EX data, similar results were obtained in the detection of UV-B induced effects when the red/green and blue/far-red fluorescence ratios of these data were compared. The red/green ratio (either F680/F550FImage or F675/F525380EX) was lower for UV-B exposed plants in both images and 380EX data. UV-B exposure also significantly enhanced the blue/far-red ratio of images (F450/F740FImage) and the comparable 380EX ratio (F450/F730380EX) for the combined UV-B/EDU group. The far-red/red ratios were not useful in separating treatment effects in images or 380EX. Although comparable ratios were not available in 280EX data, the UV/blue ratio (F315/F420280EX) was substantially reduced by UV-B exposure and was inversely related to total photosynthetic pigment content. These findings suggest that the red/green ratio (FImage, 380EX) and the UV/blue ratio (280EX) may be as useful as the blue/far-red ratio (380EX) reported previously in detection of UV-B stress. Furthermore, the results support the validity of the imaging technique as a non-destructive diagnostic tool for assessing UV-B stress damage in plants.  相似文献   

光质和光强均是影响植物光合作用的重要外部因素,该文以菜豆(Phaseolus vulgaris)为材料,通过叶绿素荧光技术比较研究了菜豆叶片在不同光强的红光和蓝光下叶绿素荧光特性的变化规律。结果表明:随着红光和蓝光光强的增加,菜豆叶片的光适应下的最大光化学效率(Fv'/Fm')呈下降趋势,但与在红光下相比,蓝光下叶片的Fv'/Fm'值较高。随着蓝光光强的增加,菜豆叶片PSⅡ实际光化学效率(Y(Ⅱ))和光化学猝灭系数(q P和q L)先呈上升趋势之后逐渐趋于平稳;而随着红光光强的增加,以上参数呈下降趋势。随着红光和蓝光光强的增加,非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)、相对电子传递速率(ETR)以及调节性能量耗散的量子产量Y(NPQ)均呈上升趋势,但与在红光下相比,蓝光下叶片NPQ和Y(NPQ)的值较低,而ETR值较高。非调节性能量耗散产量Y(NO)随着红光光强增加而呈上升趋势,而随着蓝光光强增加呈下降趋势。综上可见,随着光强的增加菜豆叶片的光化学效率呈降低趋势,但叶片在蓝光下的光化学吸收和利用效率高于红光。研究结果可为植物对光强和光质的响应提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

几种针阔叶树种不同光照强度下叶绿素荧光特性的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
测定研究了油松、新疆杨等7种针阔叶树种不同光照强度下最大量子效率(ΦP)和实际量子效率(PhiPSⅡ)等叶绿素荧光特性的变化规律,进而研究了树木对光照强度适应性。结果表明,ΦP和PhiPSⅡ随光强度增加呈下降趋势,二者的光进程变化呈正相关直线。运用方程获得的量子效率最大点、光进程变化转折点和量子效率最小点,可评价树木光合量子效率的大小和对强光的适应性。依PhiPSⅡ最大值对被试树种光合量子效率排序为沙棘>白榆>新疆杨>白腊>油松>白木千>侧柏;依ΦP光进程变化转折点和量子效率最小点对应的光强度评价被试树木对强光的适应能力排序为新疆杨>白榆>侧柏>白腊>油松>沙棘>白木千,结果与被试树种生态特征基本一致。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the vegetative gametophytic cells of Porphyra leucosticta Thuret grown in red, blue and green light was studied both in ultrathin sections and in replicas of rapidly frozen cells. High activity of dictyosornes and mucilage sacs results in a dramatic decrease of the protoplasmic area and in thicker cell walls in red light in comparison with blue light and the control. There are numerous well‐formed phycobili‐somes in blue light, whereas not well‐formed ones are present in red and especially in green light. There are also many phycobilisomes in the intrapyrenoidal thylakoids in blue light, fewer in green light, but they are absent in red light and in the control. It seems that in red and especially in green light, the phycobilisomes have fewer rods than in blue light. In green light, chloroplasts bear numerous genophores in contrast to blue and red light. The spacings of neighboring parallel thylakoids are as follows: control 64.3 nm, blue light 90.6 nm, red light 41.3 nm, green light 43.7 nm. Due to the relatively small spacing of the neighboring parallel thylakoids in red (41.3 nm) and in green light (43.7 nm) and of the given height of phycobilisomes (35 nm), the alternate phycobilisomes attached to neighboring lamellae are forced to interdigitate. The density of phycobilisomes per square micrometer of thylakoid surface dramatically increases in blue light (800 μm?2) in relation to red (250 μm?2) and green light (180 μm?2). The protoplasmic fracture face of the thylakoids reveals numerous, tightly packed, but randomly distributed particles. The particle size distribution is uniform in the two types of fracture faces, with an average diameter of about 11.5 nm. In blue light, both the phycobilisomes and exoplasmic face particles are organized into rows with a spacing of 60–70 nm. The results (changes: in the protoplasmic area; in the spacing of the thylakoids; in phycobilisome arrangement; in structure, shape and size of phycobilisomes; and in the accumulation of plastoglobuli), have shown that the monochromatic light (blue, red and green) brings about marked changes in the package effect and consequently in the efficiency of light absorption. In addition, the blue light contributes to the intense production of chlorophyll a, phycoerythrin, phycocyanin and soluble proteins, while intense production of polysaccharidic material is attributed to red light.  相似文献   

Changes in the redox states of photosystem I (PSI) and PSII in irradiated wheat leaves were studied after growing seedlings on a nitrogen-free medium or media containing either nitrate or ammonium. The content of P700, the primary electron donor of PSI was quantified using the maximum magnitude of absorbance changes at 830 nm induced by saturating white light. The highest content of P700 in leaves was found for seedlings grown on the ammonium-containing medium, whereas its lowest content was observed on seedlings grown in the presence of nitrate. At all irradiances of actinic light, the smallest accumulation of reduced QA was observed in leaves of ammonium-grown plants. Despite variations in light-response curves of P700 photooxidation and QA photoreduction, the leaves of all plants exposed to different treatments demonstrated similar relationships between steady-state levels of P700+ and QA . The accumulation of oxidized P700 up to 40% of total P700 content was not accompanied by significant QA photoreduction. At higher extents of P700 photooxidation, a linear relationship was found between the steady-state levels of P700+ and QA . The leaves of all treatments demonstrated biphasic patterns of the kinetics of P700+ dark reduction after irradiation by far-red light exciting specifically PSI. The halftimes of corresponding kinetic components were found to be 2.6–4 s (fast component) and 17–22 s (slow component). The two components of P700+ dark reduction were related to the existence of two PSI populations with different rates of electron input from stromal reductants. The magnitudes of these components differed for plants grown in the presence of nitrate, on the one hand, and plants grown either in the presence of ammonium or in the absence of nitrogen, on the other hand. This indicates the possible influence of nitrogen nutrition on synthesis of different populations of PSI in wheat leaves. The decrease in far-red light irradiance reduced the relative contribution of the fast component to P700+ reduction. The fast component completely disappeared at low irradiances. This finding indicates that the saturating far-red light must be applied to determine correctly the relative content of each PSI population in wheat leaves.Translated from Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2005, pp. 165–171.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Dzhibladze, Polesskaya, Alekhina, Egorova, Bukhov.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

When the capacity of leaves for orderly dissipation of excitation energy in photosynthesis is exceeded, one mechanism by which the excess energy appears to be dissipated is through a nonradiative decay process. This process is observed as a reversible quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence emission (77K) from both photosystem II and photosystem I which persists in darkness (Demmig and Björkman 1987, Planta 171, 171–184). Fluorescence quenching was induced in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) leaves by two methods: 1) changing the composition of the gas surrounding the leaf from normal air to 2% O2, 0% CO2 at a low, constant photon flux density (PFD=photon fluence rate), and 2) increasing the PFD in the presence of normal air. In either case the quenching was fully reversible after return to the original condition (low PFD, normal air). The half-time of the relaxation of the quenching was in the order of 30 min. Both treatments resulted in reversible dephosphorylation of the light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex of photosystem II (LHC-II). Treatment under photoinhibitory conditions (high PFD plus chloramphenicol) also caused dephosphorylation of LHC-II. Therefore, phosphorylation of LHC-II cannot account for the observed fluorescence quenching. In addition, our results indicate that in vivo a factor other than the redox state of the plastoquinone pool controls LHC-II phosphorylation. This factor may be pH, the pH gradient across the thylakoid membranes.Abbreviations and symbols CAP chloramphenicol - Fo, FM, Fv instantaneous, maximumr variable fluorescence emission - LHC-II light-haryesting chlorophyll-protein complex of PSII - kDa kilodalton - pH pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane - PFD photon flux density (photon fluence rate) - PQ plastoquinone - PSI, PSII photosystem I, II - Q acceptor of PSII C.I.W.-D.P.B. Publication No. 926  相似文献   

The role of gibberellins in plant morphology under selective light was studied. A comparison of the effects of green and blue light on growth, development, and hormonal balance was performed for two Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (ecotype Landsberg erecta lines: wild type Ler and its ga4-1 mutant with suppressed GA4/1 synthesis. The absence of active GA4/1 from ga4-1 mutant determined its retarded growth, slowed passing through developmental phases, suppressed apical dominance, and reduced seed productivity. The retarded growth and development of the mutant was related to changed hormonal balance in them as compared to wild-type line: IAA content and the IAA/ABA ratio were declined, zeatin riboside and ABA accumulated. Green light retarded stem elongation and branching, reduced leaf specific surface density and plant seed productivity, and retarded plant transition to reproduction to a greater degree at GA4/1 deficit (ga4-1) than at its normal content (Ler).  相似文献   

In recent years, several sensor-based approaches have been established to early detect single plant stresses, but the challenge of discriminating between simultaneously occurring stressors still remains. Earlier studies on wheat plants strongly affected by pathogens and nitrogen deficiency indicated that chlorophyll fluorescence might be suited to distinguish between the two stressors. Nevertheless, there is lack of information on the pre-symptomatic detection of synchronized occurrence of slight N-deficiency and the early stages of pathogen infection. The usefulness of the blue, green, and yellow fluorescence signals in this context has not yet been explored. We hypothesized that differentiation between wheat plants’ physiological reaction due to N-deficiency and leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) as well as N-deficiency and powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici) might be accomplished by means of UV laser-induced fluorescence spectral measurements between 370 and 620 nm in addition to chlorophyll fluorescence (640-800 nm). Plants were provided with either a normal or a modified Hoagland nutrient solution in order to induce a slight N deficit. Pathogen inoculation was carried out on the second fully developed leaf. Four experimental groups were evaluated: (a) N-full-supply [N+]; (b) N-deficiency [N−]; (c) N-full-supply + pathogen [N+/LR] or [N+/PM]; (d) N-deficiency + pathogen [N−/LR] or [N−/PM]. The results revealed that, in addition to the amplitude ratio of R/FR fluorescence, B/G fluorescence also facilitated reliable and robust discrimination among the four experimental groups. The discrimination among the experimental groups was accomplished as early as one and two days after inoculation for powdery mildew and leaf rust infection, respectively. During the 3 days evaluation period, the differences among the treatment groups became more evident. Moreover, several other amplitude ratios and half-bandwidth ratios proved to be suited to early detect fungal infection, irrespective of the nitrogen status of the plant.  相似文献   

Human Meibomian gland secretions (MGS) are a complex mixture of diverse lipids that are produced by Meibomian glands that are located in the upper and the lower eyelids. During blinking, MGS are excreted onto the ocular surface, spread and mix with aqueous tears that are produced by lachrymal glands, and form an outermost part of an ocular structure called “the tear film” (TF). The main physiological role of TF is to protect delicate ocular structures (such as cornea and conjunctiva) from desiccating. Lipids that are produced by Meibomian glands are believed to “seal” the aqueous portion of TF by creating a hydrophobic barrier and, thus, retard evaporation of water from the ocular surface, which enhances the protective properties of TF. As lipids of MGS are interacting with underlying aqueous sublayer of TF, the chemical composition of MGS is critical for maintaining the overall stability of TF. There is a consensus that a small, but important part of Meibomian lipids, namely polar, or amphiphilic lipids, is of especial importance as it forms an intermediate layer between the aqueous layer of TF and its upper (and much thicker) lipid layer formed mostly of very nonpolar lipids, such as wax esters and cholesteryl esters. The purpose of this review is to summarize the current knowledge on the lipidomics of human MGS, including the discussions of the most effective modern analytical techniques, chemical composition of MGS, biophysical properties of Meibomian lipid films, and their relevance for the physiology of TF. Previously published results obtained in numerous laboratories, as well as novel data generated in the author’s laboratory, are discussed. It is concluded that despite a substantial progress in the area of Meibomian glands lipidomics, there are large areas of uncertainty that need to be addressed in future experiments.  相似文献   

Nuclear receptors (NRs) represent attractive targets for the treatment of metabolic syndrome-related diseases. In addition, natural products are an interesting pool of potential ligands since they have been refined under evolutionary pressure to interact with proteins or other biological targets.This review aims to briefly summarize current basic knowledge regarding the liver X (LXR) and farnesoid X receptors (FXR) that form permissive heterodimers with retinoid X receptors (RXR). Natural product-based ligands for these receptors are summarized and the potential of LXR, FXR and RXR as targets in precision medicine is discussed.  相似文献   

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