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The human polyomavirus JC virus (JCV) is the etiologic agent of a fatal central nervous system (CNS) demyelinating disease known as progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). PML occurs predominantly in immunosuppressed patients and has increased dramatically as a result of the AIDS pandemic. The major target cell of JCV infection and lytic replication in the CNS is the oligodendrocyte. The mechanisms by which JCV initiates and establishes infection of these glial cells are not understood. The initial interaction between JCV and glial cells involves virus binding to N-linked glycoproteins containing terminal alpha(2-6)-linked sialic acids. The subsequent steps of entry and targeting of the viral genome to the nucleus have not been described. In this report, we compare the kinetics and mechanisms of infectious entry of JCV into human glial cells with that of the related polyomavirus, simian virus 40 (SV40). We demonstrate that JCV, unlike SV40, enters glial cells by receptor-mediated clathrin-dependent endocytosis.  相似文献   

Human fetal Schwann cells support JC virus multiplication.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The human papovavirus JC virus (JCV), the etiologic agent of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, displays a narrow host range for growth, preferentially infecting oligodendrocytes, the myelin-producing cells of the central nervous system. In tissue culture, human fetal brain cells have been used for JCV propagation because of their ability to support JCV virion production. In this study, we evidence that a human fetal cell type derived from the peripheral nervous system can be productively infected with JCV. Schwann cells, the cell type responsible for myelination in the peripheral nervous system, support the expression of JCV T antigen and JCV DNA replication. However, viral proteins and DNA replication were not detected either in dorsal root ganglion neurons or fibroblasts. These results extend the host range of JCV to include another cell of the glial lineage whose function is myelin formation.  相似文献   

Infection of eukaryotic cells by pathogens requires the efficient use of host cell endocytic and cytoplasmic transport mechanisms. Understanding how these cellular functions are exploited by microorganisms allows us to better define the basic biology of pathogenesis while providing better insight into normal cellular functions. In this report we compare and contrast intracellular transport and trafficking of the human polyomavirus JC virus (JCV) with that of simian virus 40 (SV40). We have previously shown that infection of human glial cells by JCV requires clathrin-dependent endocytosis. In contrast, infection of cells by SV40 proceeds by caveola-dependent endocytosis. We now examine the roles of endosomal pH and the cellular cytoskeleton during infection of glial cells by both viruses. Our results demonstrate that JCV infection is sensitive to disruption of endosomal pH, whereas SV40 infection is pH independent. Infection by JCV is inhibited by treatment of glial cells with cytochalasin D, nocodazole, and acrylamide, whereas SV40 infection is affected only by nocodazole. These data point to critical differences between JCV and SV40 in terms of endocytosis and intracellular trafficking of their DNA genomes to the nucleus. These data also suggest a unique sequential involvement of cytoskeletal elements during infection of glial cells by JCV.  相似文献   

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a fatal demyelinating disease that results from an oligodendrocyte infection caused by the JC virus. Therefore, inhibiting the expression of JC virus is important for preventing and/or treating PML. This study found that irisolidone, an isoflavone metabolite, significantly inhibited the JC virus expression in primary cultured human astrocytes and glial cell lines. Studies examining the underlying mechanism revealed that a mutation of the Sp1 binding site downstream of the TATA box (Sp1-II) dramatically diminished the inhibitory activity of irisolidone. In addition, an irisolidone treatment repressed Sp1 binding to Sp1-II site, which is important for the basal JC virus promoter activity. The results suggest that the inhibitory effect of irisolidone against the JC virus may be attributed at least in part to the suppression of Sp1 binding to the JC virus promoter region. Therefore, the inhibition of the JC virus expression by irisolidone might provide therapeutic potential for PML caused by the JC virus.  相似文献   

We have used genome editing to generate inactivating deletion mutations in all three copies of the dicer (hdcr) gene present in the human cell line 293T. As previously shown in murine ES cells lacking Dicer function, hDcr-deficient 293T cells are severely impaired for the production of mature microRNAs (miRNAs). Nevertheless, RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISCs) present in these hDcr-deficient cells are readily programmed by transfected, synthetic miRNA duplexes to repress mRNAs bearing either fully or partially complementary targets, including targets bearing incomplete seed homology to the introduced miRNA. Using these hDcr-deficient 293T cells, we demonstrate that human pre-miRNA processing can be effectively rescued by ectopic expression of the Drosophila Dicer 1 protein, but only in the presence of the PB isoform of Loquacious (Loqs-PB), the fly homolog of the hDcr cofactor TRBP. In contrast, Drosophila Dicer 2, even in the presence of its cofactors Loqs-PD and R2D2, was unable to support human pre-miRNA processing. Interestingly, although ectopic Drosophila Dicer 1/Loqs-PB or hDcr both rescued pre-miRNA processing effectively in these hDcr-deficient cells, there were significant differences in the ratio of the miRNA isoforms that were produced, especially in the case of miR-30 family members, and we also noted differences in the relative expression level of miRNAs vs. passenger strands for a subset of human miRNAs. These data demonstrate that the mechanisms underlying the accurate processing of pre-miRNAs are largely, but not entirely, conserved between mammalian and insect cells.  相似文献   

Fetal chondrocytes (FCs) have recently been identified as an alternative cell source for cartilage tissue engineering applications because of their partially chondrogenically differentiated phenotype and developmental plasticity. In this study, chondrocytes derived from fetal bovine cartilage were characterized and then cultured on commercially available Cytodex-1 and Biosilon microcarriers and thermosensitive poly(hydroxyethylmethacrylate)-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PHEMA-PNIPAAm) beads produced by us. Growth kinetics of FCs were estimated by means of specific growth rate and metabolic activity assay. Cell detachment from thermosensitive microcarriers was induced by cold treatment at 4 °C for 20 min or enzymatic treatment was applied for the detachment of cells from Cytodex-1 and Biosilon. Although attachment efficiency and proliferation of FCs on PHEMA-PNIPAAm beads were lower than that of commercial Cytodex-1 and Biosilon microcarriers, these beads also supported growth of FCs. Detached cells from thermosensitive beads by cold induction exhibited a normal proliferative activity. Our results indicated that Cytodex-1 microcarrier was the most suitable material for the production of FCs in high capacity, however, ‘thermosensitive microcarrier model’ could be considered as an attractive solution to the process scale up for cartilage tissue engineering by improving surface characteristics of PHEMA-PNIPAAm beads.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms involved in the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) may differ in various cell types and with various exogenous stimuli. Astrocytic glial cells, which can support HIV-1 replication in cell cultures and may be infected in vivo, are demonstrated to provide a cellular milieu in which TAR mutant HIV-1 viruses may replicate. Using transfections of various TAR mutant HIV-1 proviral constructs, we demonstrate TAR-independent replication in unstimulated astrocytic cells. We further demonstrate, using viral constructs with mutations in the tat gene and in the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B)-binding sites (enhancer) of the HIV-1 long terminal repeat, that TAR-independent HIV-1 replication in astrocytic cells requires both intact NF-kappa B moiety-binding motifs in the HIV-1 long terminal repeat and Tat expression. We measured HIV-1 p24 antigen production, syncytium formation, and levels and patterns of viral RNA expression by Northern (RNA) blotting to characterize TAR-independent HIV-1 expression in astrocytic glial cells. This alternative regulatory pathway of TAR-independent, Tat-responsive viral production may be important in certain cell types for therapies which seek to perturb Tat-TAR binding as a strategy to interrupt the viral lytic cycle.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a patient with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and spleen cells from a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) were fused with HAT-sensitive human B lymphoma cells (RH-L4) in attempts to generate human monoclonal antibodies (Mab) against antigens with high specificity for myeloid leukemia cells. Forty-seven of 246 hybridomas secreted Ig that bound to AML cell surface constituents, as determined by FACS analysis of viable cells that were FITC-stained with the human Mab as the first-step reagent and FITC-conjugated rabbit anti-human Ig as second-step. Two of the 47 human Mab (one from each patient and designated AML-19 and CML-20, respectively) bound to both autologous and allogeneic myeloid leukemia cells. No significant binding was observed to cell surface constituents on human bone marrow cells, granulocytes, lymphocytes, erythrocytes, thymocytes, monocytes, lymphoblastic leukemia cells, fibroblasts, malignant B and T lymphocytic cell lines, and murine bone marrow cells. Both human Mab were IgG and were cytotoxic to myeloid leukemia cells in the presence of complement. About 70% of peripheral blood cell samples from 46 AML patients contained AML-19- and CML-20-positive cells, but the reactivity pattern had no correlation to the morphologic FAB classification of the samples. The promyelocytic HL60 cell line and the K562 cell line reacted with the two antibodies. Dot blot analysis of binding of AML-19 and CML-20 to cellular extracts immobilized on nitrocellulose paper showed that both human Mab in this assay also reacted with normal bone marrow cells. This was supported by microscopic immunofluorescence because both human Mab stained intracytoplasmatic structures in normal bone marrow cells, but both intracytoplasmatic and cell surface components stained in myeloid leukemia cells. Moreover, immunoblotting demonstrated that both human Mab in leukemia cells reacted with two cellular proteins with Mr approximately 14,500 and 18,000, and in normal bone marrow cells with a molecule with Mr approximately 20,000. Immunoprecipitation of cell membrane molecules with both the AML-19 and CML-20 antibody precipitated from leukemic cells only the molecule with Mr approximately 18,000 and no components from normal bone marrow cells. It is concluded that myeloid leukemogenesis may result in generation of cell surface expression of either new or abnormally processed molecules that are immunogenic in the autochthonous host. These molecules may also be useful as markers in diagnosis of myeloid leukemia.  相似文献   

Murine fibroblasts transformed by transfection with DNA from mink cells infected with the Snyder-Theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus and subgroup B feline leukemia virus were analyzed for the presence of integrated proviral DNA and the expression of feline leukemia virus- and feline sarcoma virus-specific proteins. The transformed murine cells harbored at least one intact feline sarcoma virus provirus, but did not contain feline leukemia virus provirus. The transformed murine cells expressed an 85,000-dalton protein that was precipitated by antisera directed against feline leukemia virus p12, p15, and p30 proteins. No feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen reactivity was detected on the surfaces of the transformed murine cells by indirect membrane immunofluorescence techniques. The 85,000-dalton feline sarcoma virus-specific protein was also found in feline cells transformed by transfection. However, these cells also contained env gene products. The results of this study demonstrate that the feline sarcoma virus genome is sufficient to transform murine cells and that expression of the 85,000-dalton gag-x protein is associated with transformation of both murine and feline cells transformed by transfection.  相似文献   

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