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Recent development of gene expression profiling technologies has enabled the large-scale analysis of gene expression changes during disease progression. Frequently, cardiovascular diseases involve complex interactions of multiple cell types over prolonged periods of time. A better understanding of the pathology of cardiovascular diseases and the potential identification of underlying genetic defects are currently being explored by using profiling methodologies in a number of animal and tissue-culture models.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although the majority of drug-na?ve HIV-infected patients develop acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a small percentage remains asymptomatic without therapeutic intervention. METHODS: We have utilized the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaque model to gain insights into the molecular mechanisms of long-term protection against simian AIDS. RESULTS: Chronically SIV-infected macaques with disease progression had high viral loads and CD4(+) T-cell depletion in mucosal tissue and peripheral blood. These animals displayed pathologic changes in gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) and mesenteric lymph node that coincided with increased expression of genes associated with interferon induction, inflammation and immune activation. In contrast, the animal with long-term asymptomatic infection suppressed viral replication and maintained CD4(+) T cells in both GALT and peripheral blood while decreasing expression of genes involved in inflammation and immune activation. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that reduced immune activation and effective repair and regeneration of mucosal tissues correlate with long-term survival in SIV-infected macaques.  相似文献   

文章以8日龄矮小型黄羽肉雏鸡为材料,以28℃±1℃处理3 h为对照组,40℃±1℃热应激3 h为实验组,采集大脑、肝脏、腿肌3种组织,利用全基因组表达谱芯片检测实验组和对照组各组织的差异表达基因,并结合生物信息学方法分析其功能。研究结果表明:在热应激处理组与对照组中,大脑组织中共有183个显著变化的差异表达探针(变化倍数≥2或≤0.5,q≤0.05),129个有基因注释,39个生物学过程发生了改变,18个生物学通路发生显著改变;肝脏组织中有558个显著改变的探针(变化倍数≥2或≤0.5,q≤0.05),包含339个基因,涉及37个生物学过程,58个生物学通路发生改变;腿肌组织中显著改变的探针有301个(变化倍数≥2或≤0.5,q≤0.05),209个有基因注释,参与了31个生物学过程,51个生物学通路发生改变。3种组织中,获得差异表达探针935个,不同组织具有特异性的表达模式;多种热休克蛋白家族基因被诱导上调表达,抗凋亡过程、钙离子信号通路、MAPK信号通路和多种代谢途径发生改变。文章对鸡的热应激分子机制进行了初步探索,为筛选耐热性相关基因提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

基因芯片技术与基因表达谱研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基因芯片技术是近年来出现的分子生物学与微电子技术相结合的最新DNA分析检测技术,该技术将成为信息科学与生命科学之间的联系纽带,为后基因组时代基因功能的分析提供一种最重要的技术手段,目前基因芯片技术已在基因表达谱等研究中得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

The ability of many organisms to switch to new hosts can be critical to their survival in the wild. However, the genetic mechanisms underlying such shifts are poorly understood. In this study, we used complementary DNA (cDNA) microarrays to ask if changes in gene expression are observed in response to a dietary shift in Drosophila melanogaster, a dietary generalist. We found significant and repeatable differential expression in a number of genes related to metabolic function and stress, suggesting that a functional genomics approach will be useful in seeking loci involved in the ability of flies to utilize different resources.  相似文献   

分析棉铃虫核多角体病毒基因组 ,结合GenBank中已知的序列 ,发现iap2基因位于其基因组的BamHⅠ F片段上 ,回收此片段作为模板 ,设计引物 ,通过PCR扩增得到了抗细胞凋亡基因iap2的DNA片段。将扩增产物克隆到pGEM T载体上 ,再进一步将插入片段酶切并连接到表达载体pET 2 8a上 ,构建了重组质粒pET iap2。DNA序列分析结果表明 ,克隆得到的DNA序列与所发表序列完全相同。含重组质粒pET iap2的大肠杆菌BL2 1 (DE3)表达了抗细胞凋亡蛋白IAP2。  相似文献   

A.H. Munshi 《Aerobiologia》2000,16(3-4):331-334
The molecular mechanism of gene expression for pollen specificity is not yet fully known. However, it is an exciting area with great potential and has a wide scope of application in the field of molecular biology, breeding systems, biotechnology etc. The main aim of this write-up is to review some of the interesting achievements made through studies like gene expression in allergic pollen and the research which will make a way towards practical application of pollen molecular biology in identifying and isolating the genes responsible for all allergic disorders reported among various individuals. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


In recent years a number of experimental findings have indicated that in higher plants the gametophytic phase is able to express its own genetic information, a large part of which it shares with the sporophytic generation. Quantitative estimates of haploid and haplodiploid gene expression have been obtained by mRNA and isozyme analysis in several plant species: 60-70% of the genes are expressed in both pollen and plant, about 10% are pollen-specific, and 20% represent the sporophytic domain. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that stage-specific genes are expressed in the gametophytic generation: at least two sets of genes are activated during pollen development, others are expressed only in the postshedding period, during germination and tube growth. Studies have been made to ascertain the role played by gametophyte-expressed genes in pollen development; the in vivo and in vitro pollen tube growth rate has been revealed to be controlled by the gametophyte genome itself. Differential effects of specific chromosomal deficiencies on the development of maize pollen grains have indicated that components of normal microspore development are controlled by genes located in specific parts of the genome. For single gene analysis, gene transfer can be used; on the contrary, for traits with a multifactorial genetic control, direct proof of gene expression both in the gametophytic and the sporophytic generation can be obtained when selection is applied to the pollen population of a hybrid plant, and response to selection is observed in the resulting sporophytic progeny. Response to selection, applied at different stages of the gametophytic phase, has been described in the sporophytic progeny and this with regard to many adaptive traits; thus the phenomenon can have an important bearing on the genetic structure of natural populations and on higher plant evolution, it can also be used as a breeding tool to increase the efficiency of conventional selection methods.  相似文献   

The feeding relationships of the larger fish species in a Scottish sea loch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patterns within a fish assemblage have been examined from catches obtained over a period of 17 months using fixed nets and rod and line sampling. A total of 19 species were caught with summer samples dominated by dab and saithe and winter samples by whiting. Cod were caught regularly throughout the year. Catches at the study site of dab and whiting occurred mainly at night but for cod and saithe catches occurred throughout the day. There was no indication ofa crepuscular or tidal rhythm for any species. Differences between our own observations and those from other published studies lead us to conclude that no species-specific generalizations about feeding periodicities can be made. Feeding patterns are more likely to be determined by site-specific features of particular habitats and their associated prey and predator assemblages.
Examination of stomach contents data using a variety of methods indicates that conclusions are highly dependent on the form of the resource matrix used. However, our analyses indicate that during summer cod and dab feed on a much narrower range of prey than saithe and that there is significant overlap in their diets if a resource matrix based on percentage occurrence of prey species is used. Nevertheless, most diet overlap values for the species examined were low (between 0.1 and 0.2) suggesting that competition for food is unlikely. To date, no experiments have been performed to test the hypothesis that cod and dab compete for food.  相似文献   

A morphological or physiological trait may appear multiple times in evolution. At the molecular level, similar protein functions may emerge independently in different lineages. Whether these parallel functional changes are due to parallel amino acid substitutions has been a subject of debate. Here, I address this question using digestive ribonucleases (RNases) of two groups of foregut-fermenting mammals: ruminant artiodactyls and colobine monkeys. The RNase1 gene was duplicated twice in ancestral ruminants at least 40 MYA, and it was also duplicated in the douc langur, an Asian colobine, approximately 4 MYA. After duplication, similar functional changes occurred in the ruminant and monkey enzymes. Interestingly, five amino acid substitutions in ruminant RNases that are known to affect its catalytic activity against double-stranded (ds) RNA did not occur in the monkey enzyme. Rather, a similar functional change in the monkey was caused by a different set of nine substitutions. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to make three of the five ruminant-specific substitutions in the monkey enzyme. Functional assays of these mutants showed that one of the three substitutions has a similar effect in monkeys, the second has a stronger effect, and the third has an opposite effect. These results suggest that (1) an evolutionary problem can have multiple solutions, (2) the same amino acid substitution may have opposite functional effects in homologous proteins, (3) the stochastic processes of mutation and drift play an important role even at functionally important sites, and (4) protein sequences may diverge even when their functions converge.  相似文献   

Abstract Lactic acid bacteria are of major economic importance, as they occupy a key position in the manufacture of fermented foods. A considerable body of research is currently being devoted to the development of lactic acid bacterial strains with improved characteristics, that may be used to make fermentations pass of more efficiently, or to make new applications possible. Therefore, and because the lactococci are designated 'GRAS' organisms ('generally recognized as safe') which may be used for safe production of foreign proteins, detailed knowledge of homologous and heterologous gene expression in these organisms is desired. An overview is given of our current knowledge concerning gene expression in Lactococcus lactis . A general picture of gene expression signals in L. lactis emerges that shows considerable similarity to those observed in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis . This feature allowed the expression of a number of L. lactis -derived genes in the latter bacterial species. Several studies have indicated, however, that in spite of the similarities, the expression signals from E. coli, B. subtilis and L. lactis are not equally efficient in these three organisms.  相似文献   

The cheek teeth in dugongs are considered to be largely non-functional whereas the oral horny pads are important both in mechanical disruption of the diet and in conveying seagrass through the mouth. Particle size distributions of digesta from 41 dead stranded dugongs were examined to investigate the relationship between degree of food breakdown, gut region and functional surface area of the mouthparts. The in vitro ease of fracture of major dietary seagrass species were compared. The rate of food breakdown through the gut appears to be more closely linked to fibre level of the diet than to size or age of the dugong and its mouthparts. Low fibre seagrass, for example Halophila ovalis , breaks down at a faster rate than high fibre seagrass, for example Zostera capricorni both in dugong guts and in vitro . Several structural characteristics of seagrass, including level and arrangement of fibre, and water content, make it particularly amenable to mechanical breakdown. The soft mouthparts of the dugong are highly modified so that the entire oral cavity functions to crush low fibre seagrasses. Thus, the dugong has developed an efficient method of food ingestion and mastication that is suited to processing large quantities of soft seagrass during short dive times. The potential cost to the dugong in having lost its hard dental surfaces is that it has become restricted to a low fibre diet.  相似文献   

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