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Summary Monoclonal antibodies were isolated from mice immunized with chicken gizzard desmin. Antibodies reacting with desmin on immunoblots and selectively decorating chicken and rat intestinal smooth muscle as well as the Z-line in striated muscle, were selected for this study. Based on their staining pattern on cryostat sections of chicken and rat cerebellum, spleen, kidney, aorta and femoral artery, monoclonal supernatants could be divided in three groups: (i) antibodies decorating astrocytes and vascular smooth muscle; (ii) antibodies decorating only vascular smooth muscle; (iii) antibodies decorating only astrocytes. Antibodies in group (i) and (iii) also stained GFA-negative Bergmann glia in chicken cerebellum. It is proposed that desmin may vary depending on the histological localization.  相似文献   

Antisera raised to desmin, the protein subunit of muscle-type intermediate filaments (IFs), were used to study by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase procedures the early development of skeletal muscle in the rat embryo. The specificity of the antisera (Dahl D, Bignami A: J Histochem Cytochem 30:207, 1982) was confirmed by immune blotting on chicken gizzard extracts and purified antigen. Desmin-positive cells were first observed on day 12 by immunofluorescence and on day 13 by the immunoperoxidase procedure. Desmin immunoreactivity was not found in caudal somites in which the dermatome was present, i.e., somites where the dorso-lateral part had maintained its definite boundaries and epithelioid characteristics. Desmin-positive cells were observed within the myotome of cranial somites where the dermatome had disappeared. Compared to day 13, desmin-positive cells had extended ventrally on day 14, while on day 15, they were found in the skeletal musculature of the trunk and the limbs.  相似文献   

The distribution of glial fibrillary acidic (GFA) protein and desmin was compared in cryostat sections of rat brain, spinal cord, and eye by immunofluorescence and peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) staining. Desmin antisera were raised to antigen purified from chicken gizzard. In rat brain and spinal cord, GFA protein and desmin were selectively localized in astrocytes. Neurons and axons were not stained. The only difference between GFA and desmin antisera was the staining of smooth muscle in small arteries with anti-desmin. It was only in retinal glia that a difference in the localization of the two proteins was apparent. As previously reported, only the glia limitans on the inner surface of the retina was demonstrated with GFA antisera in the normal eye. With anti-desmin Müller fibers spanning the whole thickness of the retina were stained. It is concluded that GFA and desmin form two distinct systems of 100 A filaments in astroglia, as previously reported for GFA and vimentin.  相似文献   

E Debus  K Weber  M Osborn 《The EMBO journal》1983,2(12):2305-2312
A set of monoclonal antibodies to desmin has been isolated from a fusion of mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from mice immunized with purified porcine desmin. Eleven group I antibodies recognized desmin in the immune blot, and using defined desmin fragments the epitope has been tentatively assigned as lying between residues 325 and 372. When cell lines were tested in immunofluorescence only the human line RD and hamster BHK-21 were positive. When tissue sections were used, skeletal, cardiac, visceral and some vascular smooth muscle cells were positive. Thus, the group I antibodies appear specific for desmin and do not recognize other intermediate filament proteins. Group II monoclonals recognized not only desmin in the immune blot but also other polypeptides. The epitope of this class is located between residues 70 and 280. In immunofluorescence on cell lines and tissues, the staining patterns of group II antibodies were more complicated and demonstrate that not only other intermediate filament proteins but also additional antigenic determinants are being recognized. The group I antibodies stain, as expected from their desmin specificity, rat and human rhabdomyosarcomas and thus appear to be useful reagents in pathology.  相似文献   

In order to localize the cell specific domains of glial- and muscle-type intermediate filaments, the purified subunits (bovine GFA protein and chicken desmin) were fragmented and the digests passed through immunoaffinity columns or stained by the immunoblotting procedure to determine which fragments reacted with the monospecific polyvalent antisera. The following fragments were found immunoreactive according to these criteria: 30 K (GFA) and 33 K (desmin) N-bromosuccinimide fragments (tryptophan cleavage); 35 K (GFA) and 39 K (desmin) 2-nitro-5-thiocyanobenzoic acid fragments (cysteine cleavage); 18 K (GFA) and 9 K (desmin) cyanogen bromide fragments. Fragmentation of GFA protein was also accomplished using proteolytic digestion with chymotrypsin and trypsin. Two resistant core polypeptides, one about 37 K and stable in the chymotryptic digests and one about 21 K and stable in the tryptic digests bound specifically to the immunoaffinity columns. The 21 K tryptic fragment was found to contain the 18 K cyanogen bromide fragment. The fragmentation patterns support recently published structural domain models for intermediate filament proteins. The immunochemical findings indicate that the immunoreactive regions of GFA protein are located in the aminoterminal region of the middle domain of these models (coil I), while they appear to be situated in the aminoterminal headpiece of the protein in the case of desmin.  相似文献   

The coding region of the hamster desmin gene was fused to the 5' flanking sequences of the hamster vimentin gene and introduced into the germ line of mice. The expression of this intermediate filament gene construct (pVDes) was analyzed at the RNA and protein level in transgenic mice as well as in fibroblast cell lines and primary hepatocyte cultures derived from these mice. In all transgenic mice, the pVDes-encoded protein was coexpressed with mouse vimentin in a tissue-specific fashion and was indistinguishable from normal hamster desmin. Culturing of transgenic hepatocytes induced desmin expression indicating that 3.2 kbp of the vimentin gene 5' region regulates both tissue-specific and tissue culture-induced intermediate filament protein expression. Immunohistochemical staining and double-label immunoelectron microscopy of cultured transgenic fibroblasts showed that the pVDes protein assembled into intermediate filaments which colocalized with the mouse vimentin filaments. Endogenous vimentin RNA levels were not influenced by high-level pVDes expression. The coexpression of desmin and vimentin in nonmuscle cells did not result in detectable developmental, morphological, or physiological abnormalities.  相似文献   

Fluorescent measurement of desmin intermediate filament assembly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intermediate filaments (IF) are cytoskeletal elements that are believed to play a major role in the specification and maintenance of cell form. Although previously thought to be stable and static because of their relative insolubility in physiological solvents, IF have recently been shown to have dynamic properties not unlike those of other cytoskeletal elements. The methodology for measuring this dynamic behavior, however, has been mostly borrowed from studies of other filament proteins and are poorly suited to IF because of their unusual physicochemical properties. In this report we introduce a fluorescence assay for quantifying in vitro IF assembly. Desmin subunits labeled with iodoacetamidofluorescein (IAF) to approximately 0.4 mol/mol retain the ability to polymerize into filaments indistinguishable from unlabeled IF in the electron microscope. By spectrophotometry, however, up to 90% of the starting fluorescence is quenched upon maximal IF assembly from IAF-desmin subunits. This quench is proportional to the total concentration of desmin subunits and is a sensitive measure of the assembly process. The critical concentration of assembly, measured at 170 mM NaCl, 1 mM MgCl2, 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.0, is 0.2 microM. This indicates that a significant level of unpolymerized desmin exists in steady-state equilibrium with polymerized filaments under these conditions and suggests that IF subunit-filament equilibria may play a role in cytoskeletal dynamics.  相似文献   

A helical coiled-coil region of amino acid sequence surrounding the cysteine residue of desmin and vimentin shows a regular pattern of alternating positive and negative charges with periods close to 283 and 2810 residues. This suggests relationships with the charge distributions of myosin rod and alpha-keratin. The common features may reflect a similar pattern of three-dimensional packing in vivo for each of these molecules.  相似文献   

The distribution of the intermediate filament (IF) proteins desmin, keratin, and vimentin was studied immunohistochemically in bovine ovaries. Special attention was paid to granulosa cells to examine possible marked changes of IF distribution in relation to folliculogenesis during ovarian development. Therefore, ovaries were used from fetuses from 3 months of gestation onward, calves, heifers, and cows. In all ovaries, desmin immunoreactivity was restricted to smooth muscle cells in blood vessel walls. Keratin appeared a characteristic of the ovarian surface epithelium. Co-localization of keratin and vimentin was observed in the epithelium of rete ovarii tubules in fetuses and calves, and in cortical cord epithelium and pregranulosa cells of primordial follicles in fetuses at 3–7 months of gestation. Vimentin was demonstrated in endothelium and in fibroblasts. In addition, vimentin immunoreactivity was present in granulosa cells of primary, secondary, and antral follicles. In antral follicles, these granulosa cells mainly had an elongated appearance and either contained an oblong or a round nucleus. Those with an oblong nucleus were characteristic for atretic antral follicles. In nonatretic follicles, numerous vimentin immunore-active, elongated granulosa cells with a round nucleus were observed, especially in the peripheral granulosa layer and in small (<3 mm in diameter) antral follicles. Additionally, in antral follicles, protrusions of vimentin-positive corona radiata cells were observed, that penetrated the zona pellucida to contact the oocyte. The data show that the distribution of vimentin containing IFs is associated with various aspects of granulosa cell activity, as mitosis, atresia, and intercellular transport. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We recently identified a novel protein called syncoilin, a putative intermediate filament protein that interacts with alpha-dystrobrevin, a member of the dystrophin-associated protein complex. Syncoilin is found at the neuromuscular junction, sarcolemma, and Z-lines and is thought to be important for muscle fiber integrity. Based on the similar protein structure and cellular localization of syncoilin and desmin, we proposed that these proteins interact in vivo. The data presented confirm an interaction between syncoilin and desmin and demonstrate their co-localization in skeletal muscle. Intriguingly, whereas these proteins interact, COS-7 cell expression studies show that desmin and syncoilin do not assemble into heterofilaments. Furthermore, fractionation assay and immunofluorescence study of H2K myoblasts and myotubes suggest that, unlike typical intermediate filament proteins, syncoilin does not participate in filament formation with any protein. However, it is possible that syncoilin is involved in the anchoring of the desmin intermediate filament network at the sarcolemma and the neuromuscular junction. This interaction is likely to be important for maintaining muscle fiber integrity and may also link the dystrophin-associated protein complex to the cytoskeleton. The dysfunction or absence of syncoilin may result in the disruption of the intermediate filament network leading to muscle necrosis. Syncoilin is therefore an ideal candidate gene for muscular dystrophies and desmin-related myopathies.  相似文献   

Polyadenylated ribonucleic acid (RNA) was isolated from chicken skeletal and smooth muscle and translated in a cell-free rabbit reticulocyte system. Both types of muscle tissue contain messenger RNAs that code for the intermediate filament proteins desmin and vimentin, and the relative concentrations of the two translation products reflect the prevalence of the two proteins in vivo. Desmin synthesis represents a greater proportion of the total protein synthesis from smooth muscle RNA than from skeletal muscle RNA, whereas the converse is true of vimentin synthesis. Fractionation of the RNA on formamide-containing sucrose gradients before translation indicates that the desmin messenger RNA is larger than the vimentin messenger RNA and contains an extensive noncoding segment. The desmin and vimentin messages code predominantly for the non-phosphorylated forms of desmin and vimentin. However, the ratio of phosphorylated to unphosphorylated forms of the proteins could be increased by adding cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent kinase activity to the translation mixtures. These results suggest that desmin and vimentin are each synthesized from a single messenger RNA species and that posttranslational phosphorylation generates the additional isoelectric variants of each which are observed in vivo.  相似文献   

We have used a monoclonal antibody against desmin to examine the assembly of intermediate filaments (IF) from their building blocks, the tetrameric protofilaments. The antibody, designated D76, does not cross react with any other IF proteins (Danto, S.I., and D.A. Fischman. 1984. J. Cell Biol. 98:2179-2191). It binds to a region amino-terminal to cys-324 of avian desmin that is resistant to chymotrypsin and trypsin digestion, and in the electron microscope appears to bind to the ends of tetrameric protofilaments. In combination, these findings suggest that the epitope of the antibody resides at the amino-terminal end of the alpha-helical rod domain. Preincubation of desmin protofilaments with an excess of D76 antibodies blocks their subsequent assembly into IF. In the presence of sub-stoichiometric amounts of antibodies, IF are assembled from protofilaments but they are morphologically aberrant in that (a) they are capped by IgG molecules at one or both ends; (b) they are unraveled to varying degree, revealing a characteristic right-handed helical arrangement of sub-filamentous strands of different diameters. The antibody binds only to the ends but not along the length of desmin IF. The most straightforward explanation for this is that the epitope resides in a part of the desmin molecule that becomes buried within the core of the filament upon polymerization and is therefore inaccessible to the antibody.  相似文献   

Testicular seminoma has in the past been considered to represent a germ cell tumor incapable of further differentiation. In recent years this view has been challenged on the basis of morphologic and chromosomal studies. Moreover, studies of intermediate filaments (IF) of seminoma cells have provided evidence of the capability of seminoma cells to differentiate in different directions. In the present study of the IF protein profile of 26 human testicular seminomas, using frozen as well as formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues, we report evidence of a heterogeneous differentiation potential inherent in these neoplasms. Thus, in 4 of the seminomas neither cytokeratins nor vimentin were detected; 3 showed vimentin positive cells but no cytokeratins; in 4 seminomas only cytokeratins were detected. In the remaining 15 cases both cytokeratins and vimentin were present, with occasional cells demonstrating coexpression of cytokeratin and vimentin. While the cytokeratins present were mostly of the "simple epithelial type", in 2 instances seminoma cells also contained cytokeratins 4 and 17, normally found in stratified and/or complex glandular epithelia. Furthermore, in 3 cases scattered tumor cells stained for desmin and in 2 other seminomas neurofilaments were identified. All of the cases showed variable positive staining for desmoplakins and desmoglein, indicative of the presence of desmosomes. It can therefore be concluded that, while some seminomas seem to be devoid of IFs, most of them show varied differentiation patterns usually with epithelial features but occasionally also with components commonly regarded as characteristic of myogenic or neurogenic differentiation. These observations may help to elucidate the relationship of seminomas to other germ cell tumors, and also contribute to our understanding of the histogenesis of these neoplasms.  相似文献   

Large amounts of a neurofilament-enriched fraction may be prepared from spinal cord homogenates by a simple, three-step procedure. This involves flotation of filament-containing axon fragments, extraction with Triton X-100, and washing by sedimentation through a sucrose density gradient. The material obtained by this procedure includes both large mats of individual 10-nm filaments and tightly packed bundles of filaments. SDS-gel electrophoresis of these fractions indicates that the fractions are formed of four polypeptides: the three which are generally considered to form neurofilaments (P200, P150, and P68) and another, with a molecular weight of about 50,000 daltons (P50), which is thought to be derived from fibrous astrocytes. Analysis of these filament fractions on two-dimensional gels indicates heterogeneity among each of the different molecular weight classes. The largest polypeptide of neurofilaments, P200, focuses at several spots in the pH gradient. P68 and P150 are more acidic: each appears as a pair of overlapping spots. P50 resolves into a complex of spots of about the same molecular weight but with different isoelectric points. Heterogeneity is not unique to these filament polypeptides but appears to be a characteristic of all fibrous proteins of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Intermediate filament protein partnership in astrocytes.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Intermediate filaments are general constituents of the cytoskeleton. The function of these structures and the requirement for different types of intermediate filament proteins by individual cells are only partly understood. Here we have addressed the role of specific intermediate filament protein partnerships in the formation of intermediate filaments in astrocytes. Astrocytes may express three types of intermediate filament proteins: glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), vimentin, and nestin. We used mice with targeted mutations in the GFAP or vimentin genes, or both, to study the impact of loss of either or both of these proteins on intermediate filament formation in cultured astrocytes and in normal or reactive astrocytes in vivo. We report that nestin cannot form intermediate filaments on its own, that vimentin may form intermediate filaments with either nestin or GFAP as obligatory partners, and that GFAP is the only intermediate filament protein of the three that may form filaments on its own. However, such filaments show abnormal organization. Aberrant intermediate filament formation is linked to diseases affecting epithelial, neuronal, and muscle cells. Here we present models by which the normal and pathogenic functions of intermediate filaments may be elucidated in astrocytes.  相似文献   

Plectin is a versatile cytolinker protein critically involved in the organization of the cytoskeletal filamentous system. The muscle-specific intermediate filament (IF) protein desmin, which progressively replaces vimentin during differentiation of myoblasts, is one of the important binding partners of plectin in mature muscle. Defects of either plectin or desmin cause muscular dystrophies. By cell transfection studies, yeast two-hybrid, overlay and pull-down assays for binding analysis, we have characterized the functionally important sequences for the interaction of plectin with desmin and vimentin. The association of plectin with both desmin and vimentin predominantly depended on its fifth plakin repeat domain and downstream linker region. Conversely, the interaction of desmin and vimentin with plectin required sequences contained within the segments 1A-2A of their central coiled-coil rod domain. This study furthers our knowledge of the interaction between plectin and IF proteins important for maintenance of cytoarchitecture in skeletal muscle. Moreover, binding of plectin to the conserved rod domain of IF proteins could well explain its broad interaction with most types of IFs.  相似文献   

Transitin is an avian intermediate filament protein whose transient expression in the progenitor cells of the muscle and nerve tissues is similar to that of mammalian nestin. Both proteins contain an alpha-helical core domain flanked by a short N-terminal head and a long C-terminal extremity. However, the tail region of transitin is significantly different from that of nestin in that it harbors a unique motif containing more than 50 leucine zipper-like heptad repeats which is not found in any other intermediate filament protein. Despite the absence of introns in this region of the transitin gene, it was reported that different isoforms of the protein were produced by exclusion or inclusion of a number of repeats generated by an unusual splicing mechanism recognizing consensus 5' and 3' splice sites contained within the coding sequence of the heptad repeat domain [Napier et al. (1999) J Mol Neurosci 12:11-22]. Two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) reacting with repeated epitopes of this motif were used to monitor transitin expression during in vitro myogenesis of the quail myogenic cell line QM7. Confocal microscopy revealed that the subcellular domains decorated with mAbs A2B11 and VAP-5 were mutually exclusive: the intermediate filament network visualized with mAb VAP-5 appeared to abut on a submembranous domain defined by mAb A2B11. When QM7 cells were induced to differentiate by switching to medium containing low serum components, an early effect was the local loss of A2B11 cortical staining at the points of cell-cell contacts. The A2B11 signal also disappeared before that of VAP-5 in newly formed myotubes. Unexpectedly, the mutually exclusive staining pattern of the mAbs could not be explained by alternative splicing since both epitopes mapped to a repeated element preceding the consensus 5' splice sites of the heptad repeat domain. An alternative explanation would be that the central repeat domain of transitin is a polymorphic structure from which different conformations exist depending on the local context. This hypothesis is strengthened by the observation that in cultured neural crest cells, the A2B11 antigen is preferentially expressed by freely migrating crest cells whose intracellular pH and calcium concentrations are different from those of non-migrating cells.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein A (SP-A), a member of the collectin family that modulates innate immunity, has recently been involved in the physiology of reproduction. Consistent with the activation of ERK-1/2 and COX-2 induced by SP-A in myometrial cells, we reported previously the presence of two major proteins recognized by SP-A in these cells. Here we identify by mass spectrometry one of these SP-A targets as the intermediate filament (IF) desmin. In myometrial preparations derived from desmin-deficient mice, the absence of binding of SP-A to any 50 kDa protein confirmed the identity of this SP-A-binding site as desmin. Our data based on partial chymotrypsin digestion of pure desmin suggested that SP-A recognizes especially its rod domain, which is known to play an important role during the assembly of desmin into filaments. In line with that, electron microscopy experiments showed that SP-A inhibits in vitro the polymerization of desmin filaments. SP-A also recognized in vitro polymerized filaments in a calcium-dependent manner at a physiological ionic strength but not the C1q receptor gC1qR. Furthermore, Texas Red-labeled SP-A colocalized with desmin filaments in myometrial cells. Interestingly, vimentin, the IF characteristic of leukocytes, is one of the major proteins recognized by SP-A in protein extracts of U937 cells after PMA-induced differentiation of this monocytic cell line. Interaction of SP-A with vimentin was further confirmed using recombinant vimentin in solid-phase binding assays. The ability of SP-A to interact with desmin and vimentin, and to prevent polymerization of desmin monomers, shed light on unexpected and wider biological roles of this collectin.  相似文献   

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