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The occurrence of eggs, pelagic larvae and juveniles, and settled juveniles of the dragonetRepomucenus valenciennei in Tokyo Bay, Japan, were investigated by plankton net and bottom trawl surveys between September 1990 and September 1991. Eggs, and pelagic larvae and juveniles appeared from April to November (spring to autumn), peaking in both spring and autumn. From the temporal pattern of egg and pelagic fish occurrence, and pelagic duration reported elsewhere (ca. one month), settlement could be predicted as occurring from late spring to autumn. However, settled juveniles appeared from August to December, with an abrupt peak in November. Aging from daily increments in the otoliths of settled recruits in 1990 indicated that the latter comprised individuals which had hatched between mid-September and early November (i.e. autumn cohort), implying that individuals which had hatched in spring to summer (April to August) were not recruited. Benthic hypoxia occurs widely in Tokyo Bay, from June to October each year, particularly in the northern part, which is the main nursery area ofR. valenciennei. The timing of dissolved oxygen recovery, and appearance of settled fish coincided closely (i.e. November), indicating that summer hypoxic conditions prevented the settlement of the spring cohort and hence recruitment to the population.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of the dragonet,Repomucenus valenciennei, from Tokyo Bay, Japan, was studied by analysis of seasonal trends in gonadosomatic indices and histological observations of gonads. Sexual dimorphism in the growth of several body parts relative to standard length (SL) and changes in color pattern of the first dorsal fin with growth were also investigated. The spawning season lasted from spring (April [1991] or February [1992]) to autumn (October) with two spawning peaks, in spring and autumn. In spring, only one-year-old (age 1+) fish spawned, age 0+ females not spawning until autumn, at which time they had reached age 1+. Likewise, histological observations of males indicated that testes had reached full maturity by 80 mm SL (age 1+). The minimum mature size of females was estimated as 60 mm SL. In males 45–80 mm SL, the first spine of the first dorsal fin, last ray of the second dorsal fin, last ray of the anal fin, and caudal fin ray showed strongly positive allometry, indicating rapid growth of these structures relative to SL. Subsequently, their growth returned to an isometric pattern in males>80 mm SL. In females, on the other hand, the same body parts showed slightly positive allometry throughout their growth. The color pattern on the first dorsal fin also changed in males 45–80 mm SL.  相似文献   

Summary Data from 22Acromyrmex heyeri and 39A. striatus colonies showed that most were male-biased, while some were female-biased and a few had a sex ratio of 11. The time and pattern of swarming were different in both species and could be seen as strategies to avoid inbreeding.  相似文献   

The sex ratio is an important parameter which characterizes the state and dynamics of natural populations of animals. Although ixodid ticks are specialized ectoparasites, most species are bisexual and are characterized by a 1:1 sex ratio for their progeny. In natural populations and even in laboratory colonies, biased sex ratios are often observed. Ixodes rubicundus, the Karoo paralysis tick, parasitizes domestic stock and wild ungulates in South Africa. Adults quest from vegetation, can mate off or on the host and males are seldom parasitic. We hypothesized that the sex ratio for I. rubicundus would be 1:1 when observed directly in the progeny but that it would be strongly biased towards females in samples of parasitic adults. The results mostly supported the hypothesis but it was also shown that unexplained and unpredictable variations can occur. On hosts, females dominated strongly, except on adult angora goats where the sex ratio was biased in favour of the males. This disparity may be related to a greater retention of males in the coarse, curly hair of angora goats compared to the other hosts. Monthly variations in the sex ratios of the tick on hosts are believed to be related to the large fluctuations in sex ratios of questing ticks.  相似文献   

雌雄异株植物的性比和空间分布格局对其繁殖策略、种群进化及发展起着至关重要的作用。黄柳是浑善达克沙地重要的固沙先锋植物,但针对其种群性比方面的研究却鲜有报道。采用点格局分析的方法,对黄柳4个天然种群的性比、空间分布格局以及空间关系进行了调查分析。结果表明:黄柳雌雄群体间在形态上的差异与种群所处环境条件密切相关;在调查样地内(50 m×50 m)种群性比(雌/雄)均极显著偏雌性(P0.01)。决定性比的主要组成部分为第I径级和第II径级雌雄个体的数量;随着年龄的增长,性比由原本的偏雌性转变为接近于1∶1。4个种群的雌雄群体在全部尺度范围内主要以聚集分布为主,偶尔在小尺度内呈随机分布。扎格斯台、饮马井、巴格来3个种群雌雄群体的空间关系均表现为相互独立,说明性别之间对资源的竞争不激烈;而宝绍岱种群两性的空间关系为相互排斥,即存在性别空间分离现象。研究结果揭示了天然黄柳雌雄群体的组成、结构及分布特征,为提高人工黄柳林群落稳定性奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

The course of changes in secondary sex ratio (proportion of males at birth) in silver foxes bred at the fur farm of this Institute was analyzed. Data collected over several years of breeding of a domesticated (experimental) population selected for amenability to domestication and of a commercial (control) were compared. A tendency to increase in secondary sex ratio was demonstrated in both populations. However, the proportion of males at birth was higher in domestic foxes. This proportion, calculated from the combined data for 1978–1993, was 0.538±0.005 and 0.511±0.007 in the selected and commercial populations, respectively. The minimal departure of the observed sex ratio from 0.5 was demonstrated for litters with five pups, which is close to the average litter size in fox populations. The proportion of males increases with both increasing and decreasing litter size. An analysis of secondary sex ratio with respect to maternal age revealed a minimal departure of sex ratio from the expected in offspring from foxes of optimal reproductive age (2–4 years). An effect of the autosomal semidominant coat color mutation star on male excess at birth was also found: secondary sex ratio was higher (0.583±0.015) in offspring of mothers heterozygous for the star mutation than from standard types of the domesticated population. The increase in secondary sex ratio in the analyzed fox populations is viewed as a correlated response to selection for domestication. The hormonal mechanisms mediating the effects of both this selection and the star mutation on sex ratio at birth are discussed.  相似文献   

蜜蜂性别决定与性比调控机理研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
叙述了 4个主要蜜蜂性别决定机理的假说 :即性位点假说、基因平衡假说、蜜蜂性别决定综合假说和性基因数量决定假说。然后就蜜蜂性比由蜂王操纵 ,或是由工蜂操纵进行了论述 ,并对蜜蜂性比调控机理研究提出了一些建议  相似文献   

Sex ratio, sex-specific chick mortality and sexual size dimorphism in birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been suggested that sexual size dimorphism (SSD) may influence sex ratios at different life stages. Higher energy requirements during growth associated with larger body size could lead to a greater mortality of the larger sex and ultimately to an overproduction of the smaller sex. To explore the associations between SSD and hatching and fledging sex ratio we performed a species-level analysis and a phylogenetically controlled analysis, based on 83 bird species. Overall, there was a significant inverse relationship between the degree of SSD and the proportion of males at hatching and fledging. Sex-specific mortality related to SSD showed a weak but persistent negative tendency, suggesting a mortality bias towards the larger sex. These results suggest that changes in relation to SSD may take place mainly at the conception stage, but could be adjusted during growth. However, conclusions should be treated cautiously as these relationships weaken when additional variables are considered.  相似文献   

The ability of the gregarious larval endoparasitoid Cotesia glomerata L. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to adjust progeny sex ratio and clutch size was investigated. The sex ratios (proportion of males) of field clusters were diverse, but many (70%) were female-biased. Nearly 10% yielded males only, suggesting a low percentage of unmated females in the field. In over half of the clusters containing females, the sex ratio was below 0.3. Superparasitism was common in the field, and females were believed to increase progeny sex ratio when attacking previously-parasitized hosts. However, in a single oviposition bout, sex allocation was not precisely controlled both in the field and laboratory. In the laboratory, the number of eggs laid in a day tended to decrease with increasing female age. For females which were offered two hosts per day and for those offered three hosts per day, this value became nearly the same several days after the start of oviposition. The total number of hosts which a female could parasitize during her lifetime was often less than 40. Some of the old females which attacked more than 40 hosts produced male-biased clutches; this was due to sperm depletion, because sperm remained viable throughout a female's lifetime. The amount of sperm used in a single oviposition bout seemed fixed and was not dependent on the number of eggs laid. Females with much oviposition experience did not produce new eggs to compensate for deposited eggs, and the efficiency of egg use (deposited eggs/total eggs) was more than 80%.  相似文献   

Temperature affects many life history parameters in poikilotherms. Temperature clearly affects development time and fecundity, which affect the intrinsic rate of increase. In haplodiploid mites, ambient temperature may also affect offspring sex ratio which, in turn, affects intrinsic rate of increase. The combined effect of all these processes determines the fitness of individual females. However, sex ratio also affects mating structure and, potentially, rate of local adaption. We investigated the direct effect of temperature variation on sex ratio, development time, and fecundity in the twospotted spider mite (Tetyranychus urticae), and calculated the effect of their interaction on mite intrinsic rate of increase. We conducted experiments at 2 temperatures and designed the experiment to separate pre-adult and adult sensitivity to temperature variation. Mites were reared from eggs to adult ecdysis at either 22°C or 32°C. Upon emergence as adults, these 2 groups were each split between 22°C and 32°C and allowed to oviposit. Not surprisingly, development from egg to adult was accelerated when mites were exposed to the higher temperature during offspring development, regardless of the temperature experienced by the mother during her development. Fecundity and the proportion of female offspring were affected by temperature only when mothers were exposed during both development and oviposition. About 12 offspring were gained and female bias was increased by 26% when the mother's development occurred at 22°C, whereas oviposition at 22°C added only 6 more offspring and increased female bias by only 7%. There was no correlation between sex ratio and fecundity; both were related to temperature but not to each other. Furthermore, development time, not fecundity or sex ratio, appeared to the main factor affecting the intrinsic rate of increase. Our results support other evidence that sex ratio varies independently of development time and fecundity.  相似文献   

In order to test the effects of colony size and nutritional condition on the survivorship and sex ratio of ants, Myrmecina nipponica colonies were housed in a laboratory in colony sizes of 10 or 30 individuals and fed either daily or weekly. Under all conditions, most of the larvae successfully grew into adults, which suggests that survivorship was not significantly affected by either colony size or nutritional condition. However, the number of new queens was significantly higher in colonies that were fed daily. These results indicate that workers do not control the proportion of diploid and haploid broods by eliminating some larvae and that nutritional condition exerts a significant effect on sex ratio.  相似文献   

Primary sex ratio of arrhenotokous tetranychid mites depends on the age-specific schedule of ratios of progeny produced by individual females. Since primary sex ratio is conditional upon female age and since the proportion of females of a given age in a population is influenced by the rate of increase, both the agespecific ratio of males to females and the overall ratio of males to females depends on the rate of increase. We given an expression for this dependence and compare it to experimental results for the two-spotted spiter mite. These results imply that there is no standard sex ratio of spider mites because of interpopulation variation in rates of increase.
Résumé Le taux sexuel des acariens tétranychidés arrhénotoques est défini comme le rapport de la somme des nombres de mâles sur la somme des nombres de femelles pour chaque âge de la distribution en âges. Comme le taux sexuel primaire dépend de l'âge de la femelle et comme la proportion de femelles d'un âge donné dans la population est influencée par le taux d'accroissement, alors le rapport mâle/femelle spécifique d'un âge déterminé et le rapport global mâle/femelle dépendent du taux d'accroissement. Nous avons cherché à exprimer cette dépendance et à la comparer aux résultats expérimentaux pour Tetranychus urticae. Ces résultats signifient qu'il n'y a pas de taux sexuel caractéristique de Tétranyques par suite des variations du taux d'accroissement suivant les populations.

The problem of the functioning specificity of sex chromosomes during the early stages of embryogenesis in man and the associated problem of the sex ratio in spontaneous and induced abortions, as well as in newborns, remains open. We have conducted a cytogenetic examination of 342 spontaneous abortions divided into three clinical groups on the basis of the severity of the developmental disturbances of the embryo: spontaneous abortionssensu stricto with a developed embryo without any significant intrauterine delay of development (n=100), nondeveloping pregnancies (n=176), and anembryonic fetuses (n=66). The frequency of chromosomal mutations in these groups was 22.0, 48.3, and 48.5%, respectively. Statistical analysis has demonstrated significant differences between the studied groups in the frequencies of the normal and abnormal karyotypes: the major contributions to these differences were associated with autosomal trisomy, triploidy, and the 46.XY karyotype. The presence of 46.XY may reflect the specific genetic mechanisms of the prenatal mortality of embryos with the normal karyotype, associated with sex and/or with the imprinting of X-chromosomes. The sex ratio in spontaneous abortions with the normal karyotype was as follows: 0.77 for spontaneous abortions with well-developed embryos without any significant intrauterine delay of development; 0.60 for nondeveloping pregnancies; and 0.31 for anembryonic fetuses. An analysis of DNA from the embryos and their parents has demonstrated a low probability of contamination of cell cultures with mother cells as a possible source of the prevalence of embryos with the 46.XX karyotype among spontaneous abortions. Nondeveloping pregnancies and anembryonic fetuses showed statistically significant differences in the sex ratio from the control group consisting of medical abortions (1,11). Differences in the sex ratio were due to an increasingly lower proportion of embryos with karyotype 46.XY (relative to the expected one) among the fetuses with an increased severity of developmental disturbances. The statistical “chances ratio” index also provided evidence that embryos with the 46.XY karyotype had a higher propensity to produce a well-formed fetus as compared with the female embryos. We propose that the expression of genes of the maternal X-chromosome in XY embryos supports a more stable development during early embryogenesis as compared with XX embryos. In the latter case, normal development is coupled with the operation of an additional mechanism for compensation of the dose of X-linked genes. Operation of this mechanism increases the probability of disturbances in female embryos. A higher viability of XY embryos during the early stages of ontogenesis in man appears to explain their underrepresentation in samples of spontaneously aborted embryos and appears to be the major factor responsible for the deviation of the sex ratio from the theoretically expected value.  相似文献   

Sex ratio variation in female-biased populations of Notostracans   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Clay Sassaman 《Hydrobiologia》1991,212(1):169-179
Females from female-biased populations of the notostracan Triops newberryi produce viable eggs when reared in isolation. Clutches produced under such conditions exhibit sex-ratio polymorphism. One category of females (monogenics) produces only female offspring; the second category (amphigenics) produces clutches with a sex ratio of 3 females: 1 male. The relative proportions of the two categories of females varies significantly between populations and is correlated with population sex ratio. This correlation, and the pattern of offspring distribution in amphigenics, suggests that sex is determined by an autosomal Mendelian gene locus for which the male-determining allele is recessive. Limited pedigree analysis of lineages under selfing support the genetic model.  相似文献   

In many plant and animal taxa mutation rates are higher in males than in females. As a result, the evolutionary speed of genes depends on how much time they spend in either sex. Usually, this time differs between genes located on sex chromosomes but not between those on autosomes. Here we present an unusual system with a partially sex-linked inheritance of autosomes: the hemiclonal frog Rana esculenta (E) which is originally a hybrid between the sexual species R. lessonae (L) and R. ridibunda (R). Rana esculenta excludes the L genome prior to meiosis, produces eggs or sperm containing an unrecombined R genome and restores hybridity by mating with R. lessonae (‘hybridogenesis’). Matings between L males and E females result in offspring with an even sex ratio, whereas the reverse combination produces only daughters. The extent of the resulting female bias and the proportion that R alleles have spent in either sex depend on the relative survival (b) and the relative reproductive contribution (a) of E males vs. E females. In this paper, we analyze mathematically how different combinations of a and b influence the sex ratio in R. esculenta populations and, combined with the male/female mutation rate ratio (α), the evolutionary rate of the clonally transmitted R genome. We find that this rate is higher than in an asexual population and lower than in a sexual one. Hence, clonal diversity through new mutations is more easily achievable than in purely asexual species. In contrast, the occurrence and accumulation of deleterious mutations is lower than in a comparable sexual species. We conclude that these intermediate mutation rates improve the ecological and evolutionary potential of hemiclonal organisms, and we draw attention to the implications for the use of microsatellites. Co-ordinating editor: L. Hurst  相似文献   

Asobara tabida Nees (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a widespread parasitoid, attacking larvae ofDrosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) species in fermenting substrates. In this species, geographic variation is found in the percentage of parasitoids entering diapause and in the sex ratio of emerging parasitoids. Percentage diapause appears to be influenced by host species (more parasitoids enter diapause inD. melanogaster Meigen than inD. subobscura Collin) and temperature. It is not correlated with any of the abiotic factors investigated, but is correlated with survival probability inD. melanogaster larvae and with the time of year in which the experiment was conducted (even though none of the parasitoids experienced natural day light). Sex ratio was only found to correlate with percentage diapause, suggesting that males enter diapause more frequently than females. It is concluded thatA. tabida uses diapause to survive both unfavourable abiotic and biotic circumstances.  相似文献   

Summary The dioecious winter ephemeral liverwort, Sphaerocarpos texanus disperses spore tetrads consisting of two males and two females. I examined the subsequent sex ratio of S. texanus at different stages in its life cycle to detect possible mechanisms affecting deviations from a 1:1 sex ratio and the effect of sex ratio on reproductive success. As S. texanus occurs in pure male, pure female and mixed sex clumps, I examined the proportions and sizes of these, the reproductive success of pure female and mixed sex clumps in the field and the sex ratio of germinating plants in a growth chamber. In both the field and the growth chamber the most abundant clump type was pure female followed by mixed sex and pure male clumps. These abundance patterns suggest that males have a lower survival rate than females before emergence and this lower survival rate continues through the gametophytic stage. This disadvantage may be due to the higher susceptibility of males to environmental conditions, to their competitive inferiority to females, and/or to differential resource allocation to the sexes within the spore tetrad. The female biased sex ratio at germination is consistent with predictions from sex ratio theory. Further my field data indicate that males may gain a survival benefit from growing in a mixed sex clump and both males and females benefit reproductively when they occur in mixed sex clumps.  相似文献   

The sex expression inThymelaea hirsuta was assessed in five habitats in the western Mediterranean desert of Egypt. The survey over two main flowering periods indicated that the sexual expression of this plant is complex and labile. Beside the dioecious male and female states, five monoecious states were detected. The dioecious states are more abundant and less labile. There is a clear shift from monoecious towards dioecious states and in general favour of males from the first (late autumn) to the second (late winter) flowering period. These results are discussed in view of the adaptive theories and evolution.  相似文献   

A nest box population of Tengmalm's owls (Aegolius funereus) in northern Sweden was studied to investigate the effects of extra food on the sex ratio between hatching and fledging in this sexually size-dimorphic species. The brood size and brood sex ratio of supplementary-fed and control broods were compared. Newly hatched nestlings were blood sampled and sexed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the sex-linked CHD1Z and CHD1W genes. The brood sex ratio at hatching was strongly male biased (65%); this was also the case in broods where all eggs hatched (72%). There was no relationship between hatch order and sex ratio, and hatching sex ratio did not vary significantly with laying date. Brood size decreased between hatching and fledging, but did not differ between fed and control broods at either stage. Brood sex ratio did not differ between hatching and fledging, and fledging sex ratio did not differ between fed and control broods. It was concluded that, at least during the year in which the study was carried out, feeding had no effect on brood reduction, and that male and female nestlings did not show any differential mortality. The mechanisms behind the male-biased sex ratio at hatching, and any possible adaptive reasons for it, are not known.  相似文献   

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