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The rates of uptake of five amino acids--alanine, glutamate, glycine, leucine and serine--by axenic cultures of the cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens were measured over a range of irradiances using the (14)C-labelled amino acids at the nanomolar concentrations observed in Lake Zürich. The rates in the light exceeded the dark rates by as much as two- to ninefold. The light-affinity constants for stimulation were similar, indicating a similar process for each of the five amino acids. The E(k) (light saturation irradiance) for light stimulation was only 1 micromol m(-2) s(-1), less than the compensation point for photosynthesis and autotrophic growth, and much lower than the E(k) for either process. The E(k) for amino acid uptake was also less than the irradiance at which filaments obtain neutral buoyancy, which determines the depth at which they stratify and the irradiance they receive. This indicates that stimulation of amino acid uptake by light of low irradiances provides a mechanism for supplementing growth of filaments stratifying deep in the metalimnion, which, while able to grow at low irradiances, are often left with insufficient light to sustain them. Acetate uptake was also stimulated by light, but the kinetics differed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the populations of planktonic cyanobacteria that occupy the metalimnion of stratified lakes during the summer months may be aestivating between the main periods of growth during entrainment in the epilimnion in spring and summer. We determined the vertical distribution of the biomass and daily integral of photosynthesis of the population of Planktothrix ( Oscillatoria ) rubescens in Lake Zürich for 136 d from July to November 1995. The population showed an 80-fold increase during the stratified period but it only doubled over the subsequent period of entrainment. During the first eight days, part of the increase was attributed to recruitment of filaments floating up from greater depths but all of the subsequent production could be accounted for by photoautotrophic growth. On sunny days the biomass-specific photosynthesis of this population reached some of the highest values over the whole period despite its depth (>13 m). On very cloudy days, however, primary productivity was very low and on 4 days, when the mean depth of the population exceeded 15 m, there was no net production. Over the whole period of the study, the accumulated photosynthetic production exceeded the increase in biomass of the population by a factor of 9·5. Although much of this production occurred during the period of entrainment only a small proportion was translated into growth of the population. It is concluded that the growth that takes place in the period of stratification in the metalimnion is essential to subsequent production.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative changes in proteins and ethanol-soluble nitrogen were followed in senescing leaf and bark tissues of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.). While senescing leaves lost 46% of their proteins, total bark protein increased 240% during senescence. However, the protein nitrogen gain in bark tissue was about the same as the protein nitrogen loss in leaf tissue per unit fresh weight of tissues. The pattern of bark protein accumulation appears to be gradual from early August to November and sequential from lower to higher molecular weight species of proteins. The final electrophoretic profile of total bark proteins was established at the later stages of senescence. By late November, 89% of the nitrogen in the bark tissue was found in proteins with 11% in the ethanol-soluble fractions. The total protein content of dormant bark tissue was 3.5% per gram dry tissue. Fractionation of the total bark proteins by DEAE-cellulose chromatography indicated that the final upsurge of bark proteins observed in November was associated primarily with one group of proteins (Peak III).  相似文献   

Abstract Roots of sterile-grown, intact 6-day-old seedlings of Ricinus communis possess at least two independent active amino acid uptake systems, one for neutral and one for basic amino acids. The kinetics of uptake of L-proline and L-arginine, which were taken as representative substrates for the two systems, are biphasic. At low concentrations (0.01–0.5 mol m?3) Michaelis -Menten kinetics prevail, changing to a linear concentration dependence at higher substrate concentrations (1–50 mol m?3). L-glutamate uptake velocity is linear over the whole substrate concentration range. For comparison the uptake kinetics of nitrate and ammonium were determined as well as interactions among the different nitrogen sources. The Km value for nitrate uptake was 0.4 mol m?3, and for ammonium 0.1 mol m?3. The uptake capacity for nitrate or ammonium was approximately the same as for amino acids. The interaction between the uptake systems for organic and inorganic nitrogen is small. Two hypotheses for the physiological significance of amino acid uptake by roots were considered: (i) Uptake of amino acids from the soil-determination of amino acids in soil and in soil water indicates that they might contribute 15–25% to the nitrogen nutrition of the plant. (ii) Amino acid uptake systems of root cells serve primarily as retrieval of amino acids delivered from the phloem- it was found that 14C L-glutamine, which was delivered to the cotyledon and transported to the root via the phloem, was not lost by the roots, whereas it appeared in the bathing medium if L-glutamine was applied externally to the root to compete for the uptake sites; this suggests that an apoplastic pool of amino acids in the root exists due to their efflux from the phloem.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the effects of chilling-stress at night on photosystem 2 (PS2) efficiency under dim irradiance (DI), mango leaves were chilled to varied extent (8–3 °C) and for varied duration (0–12 h) in growth cabinets in the dark, and then exposed to DI (20 μmol m−2 s−1 PPFD) at each chilling-temperature for 1 h. Chilling in the dark had little effect on Fv/Fm of mango leaves. But both the extent and duration of chilling pre-treatments significantly affected Fv’/Fm’ when leaves were exposed to DI. This down-regulation of PS2 efficiency was closely related to xanthophyll de-epoxidation, assessed as photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and calculated from leaf spectral reflectance [(R531 − R570)/(R531 + R570)], and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). The down-regulation of PS2 is a defence mechanism initiated at predawn in winter to alleviate the damage of PS2 by the sudden and strong irradiation at sunrise. Mango leaves, transferred suddenly from warm and dark room to DI and chilling showed a slight down-regulation of PS2 efficiency, in spite of an increased xanthophyll de-epoxidation. This might have been due to the unavailability of some cofactors required for NPQ.  相似文献   

1. Irradiance strongly affects the abundance of stream periphyton communities that in turn influence patterns of instream nutrient uptake. We examined relationships between irradiance and periphyton nutrient uptake taking into account diel and seasonal variation in ambient irradiance. 2. Uptake of dissolved N, P and C by periphyton as areal uptake (U) and demand (Vf) was determined under 11 irradiance levels (0–100% of ambient conditions) using shallow stream‐side experimental channels. Experiments were conducted once per season over one annual cycle with both day and night uptake rates assessed, together with periphyton biomass and autotrophic production rates. 3. No consistent diel variation in areal uptake or demand was detected for the predominant inorganic or total dissolved nutrients even at the highest irradiances. Lack of variation may indicate nutrient limitation, with photosynthetic sequestration and storage of C during the day for subsequent utilisation at night. Alternatively, oxygen consumption by photoautotrophs at night may stimulate compensatory heterotrophic uptake (e.g. denitrification). 4. In all seasons, release of dissolved organic N was detected during the day but to a lesser extent at night. This was not directly related to irradiance levels, indicating that heterotrophic metabolism (e.g. microbial decomposition) contributes to this phenomenon. 5. Areal uptake and demand for the predominant inorganic and total dissolved nutrients increased in response to increasing irradiance in some or all seasons, but rates were typically higher during the spring and summer. Saturation of areal uptake and demand at elevated irradiances was evident during the spring. demand was also saturated at higher irradiances in the summer and autumn. Maximum demand was comparable during spring and summer, but saturation occurred at lower irradiance in summer (24 h average 135–145 μmol m?2 s?1) relative to spring (312–424 μmol m?2 s?1), indicating more efficient nutrient uptake in summer. Higher total periphyton biomass in summer, but comparable autotrophic biomass (chlorophyll a), implies that heterotrophic metabolism may contribute to this greater efficiency. In spring, autotrophic biomass peaked at an irradiance level of 225 μmol m?2 s?1, also suggesting a role for heterotrophic metabolism in demand at higher irradiances. 6. The results of this study show that irradiance levels exert a strong influence on the nature and quantity of instream nutrient uptake with N demand saturated at elevated irradiance levels during the spring, summer and autumn. Our results also suggest that heterotrophic metabolism makes a measurable contribution to instream nutrient uptake even under higher irradiances that favour autotrophic activity.  相似文献   

Rentsch D  Schmidt S  Tegeder M 《FEBS letters》2007,581(12):2281-2289
Nitrogen is an essential macronutrient for plant growth. Following uptake from the soil or assimilation within the plant, organic nitrogen compounds are transported between organelles, from cell to cell and over long distances in support of plant metabolism and development. These translocation processes require the function of integral membrane transporters. The review summarizes our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms of organic nitrogen transport processes, with a focus on amino acid, ureide and peptide transporters.  相似文献   

1. Agricultural and urban land use may increase dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations in streams and saturate biotic nutrient demand, but less is known about their impacts on the cycling of organic nutrients. To assess these impacts we compared the uptake of DIN (as ammonium, NH4+), dissolved organic carbon (DOC, as acetate), and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON, as glycine) in 18 low‐gradient headwater streams in southwest Michigan draining forested, agricultural, or urban land‐use types. Over 3 years, we quantified uptake in two streams in each of the three land‐use types during three seasons (spring, summer and autumn). 2. We found significantly higher NH4+ demand (expressed as uptake velocity, Vf) in urban compared to forested streams and NH4+Vf was greater in spring compared to summer and autumn. Acetate Vf was significantly higher than NH4+ and glycine Vf, but neither acetate nor glycine Vf were influenced by land‐use type or season. 3. We examined the interaction between NH4+ and acetate demand by comparing simultaneous short‐term releases of both solutes to releases of each solute individually. Acetate Vf did not change during the simultaneous release with NH4+, but NH4+Vf was significantly higher with increased acetate. Thus, labile DOC Vf was not limited by the availability of NH4+, but NH4+Vf was limited by the availability of labile DOC. In contrast, neither glycine nor NH4+Vf changed when released simultaneously indicating either that overall N‐uptake was saturated or that glycine and NH4+ uptake were controlled by different factors. 4. Our results suggest that labile DOC and DON uptake can be equivalent to, or even higher than NH4+ uptake, a solute known to be highly bioreactive, but unlike NH4+ uptake, may not differ among land‐use types and seasons. Moreover, downstream export of nitrogen may be exacerbated by limitation of NH4+ uptake by the availability of labile DOC in headwater streams from the agricultural Midwestern United States. Further research is needed to identify the factors that influence cycling of DOC and DON in streams.  相似文献   

Nutrient uptake and growth of barley as affected by soil compaction   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Arvidsson  Johan 《Plant and Soil》1999,208(1):9-19
A field experiment with different levels of compaction was carried out on a mouldboard ploughed silty clay, with the objective of studying the effects on plant nutrient uptake and growth. Soil from the field was also used in laboratory studies of carbon and nitrogen mineralization, and plant uptake of water and nutrients. In the field, low as well as high bulk densities reduced biomass production and nutrient uptake of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) compared to intermediate bulk densities, where grain yield was approximately 20% higher. In the beginning of the growing season, the concentration of phosphorus and potassium was lowest in plants grown in the loosest and in the most compacted soil, and suboptimal for plant growth. The uptake of nutrients transported by diffusion was more affected by compaction than for nutrients transported by mass flow. The reasons for lowered uptake in loose compared to moderately compacted soil could be reduced root-to-soil contact, a low diffusion coefficient for nutrients and/or reduced mass transport of water to seed and roots. Differences in plant nutrient concentrations between treatments gradually declined until harvest. Immediately after compaction there was probably oxygen deficiency in the compacted soil since the air-filled porosity was critically low, but as the soil dried out, mechanical resistance to root growth may have become a more important growth-limiting factor. In the laboratory study, severe compaction reduced carbon mineralization and uptake of water and nutrients by roots, and caused denitrification. There were only small differences between loose and moderately compacted soil in carbon mineralization, nitrogen concentration in the soil, uptake of water and nutrients and dry matter yield. The large yield increase due to recompaction in the field was not reproduced in the laboratory. Possible reasons are differences in soil temperature between the field and laboratory, in the sowing and fertilizing methods, the pretreatment of the soil and in the spatial variability of bulk density. It is possible that recompaction is needed only in the uppermost part of the soil, which is the loosest, dries out first, and is where the seed as well as the fertilizer are placed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Observations of near-bottom populations of Karenia brevis suggest that these cells may derive nutrients from the sediment–water interface. Cells undergoing a metabolic-mediated migration may be in close proximity to enhanced concentrations of nutrients associated with the sediment during at least a fraction of their diel cycle. In this study, the growth, uptake and assimilation rates of ammonium, nitrate, and urea by K. brevis were examined on a diel basis to better understand the potential role of these nutrients in the near-bottom ecology of this species. Three strains of K. brevis, C6, C3, and CCMP 2229, were grown under 12:12 light dark cycle under 30 μmol photons m−2 s−1 delivered to the surface plain of batch cultures. Nitrogen uptake was evaluated using 15N tracer techniques and trichloroacetic acid extraction was used to evaluate the quantity of nitrogen (N) assimilated into cell protein. Growth rates ranged from a low of 0.12 divisions day−1 for C6 and C3 grown on nitrate to a high of 0.18 divisions day−1 for C3 grown on urea. Diurnal maximum uptake rates, ρmax, varied from 0.41 pmol-N cell−1 h−1 for CCMP 2229 grown on nitrate, to 1.29 pmol-N cell−1 h−1 for CCMP 2229 grown on urea. Average nocturnal uptake rates were 29% of diurnal rates for nitrate, 103% of diurnal uptake rates for ammonium and 56% of diurnal uptake rates for urea. Uptake kinetic parameters varied between substrates, between strains and between day and night measurements. Highest maximum uptake rates were found for urea for strains CCMP2229 and C3 and for ammonium for strain C6. Rates of asmilation into protein also varied day and night, but overall were highest for urea. The comparison of maximal uptake rates as well as assimilation efficiencies indicate that ammonium and urea are utilized (taken up and assimilated) more than twice was fast as nitrate on a diel basis.  相似文献   

Singh  J.S.  Singh  Smita  Raghubanshi  A.S.  Singh  Saranath  Kashyap  A.K.  Reddy  V.S. 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(1):115-121
Methane uptake was measured for two consecutive years for four forest and one savanna sites in a seasonally dry tropical region of India. The soils were nutrient-poor and well drained. These sites differed in vegetational cover and physico-chemical features of the soil. There were significant differences in CH4 consumption rates during the two years (mean 0.43 and 0.49 mg m-2 h-1), and at different sites (mean 0.36 to 0.57 mg m-2 h-1). The mean uptake rate was higher (P < 0.05) in dry seasons than in the rainy season at all the sites. There was a significant season and site interaction, indicating that the effect of different seasons differed across the sites. There was a positive relation between soil moisture and CH4 uptake rates during summer (the driest period) and a negative relation during the rest of the year. The results suggested that seasonally dry tropical forests are a strong sink for CH4, and C and N status of soils regulates the strength of the sink in the long term.  相似文献   

The effects of serum components and amino acids on the uptake and cytotoxicity of NiCl2 were examined in cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. CHO cells maintained in a minimal salts/glucose medium accumulated 10-fold more63Ni than did cells maintained in complete medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. Cell-surface binding of63Ni appeared to account for the majority of this increased accumulation of cell-associated nickel observed in the simple maintenance medium since such increases were reduced 70% by trypsin treatment. The addition of the Ni2+-binding amino acids cysteine or histidine to the salts/glucose medium markedly decreased63Ni accumulations, an effect not observed following addition of any of several amino acids that do not bind Ni2+. Supplementation of the salts/glucose medium with fetal bovine serum decreased in a concentration dependent fashion both the63Ni2+ uptake and cell detachment caused by Ni2+, while dialyzed (amino acid-free) serum was 3–5-fold less effective than undialyzed serum at reducing63Ni2+ uptake and similarly exhibited only a slight protective effect against nickel-induced cytotoxicity. Supplementation of dialyzed serum with cysteine at levels approximating those in whole serum partially restored its inhibitory activity toward nickel uptake by cells and restored completely its inhibition of nickel's cytotoxicity, indicating the predominant role of specific amino acids over serum proteins in regulating the uptake and subsequent cytotoxicity of Ni2+. Addition of cysteine to the salts/glucose medium during a 2 h exposure of cells to either 100 μM HgCl2 or 1 mM NiCl2 masked the cytotoxic effects of these metal ions. These results demonstrate the importance of extracellular small molecular weight metal ion chelators in altering the biological effects of metal ions at the level of metal uptake.  相似文献   

Amino acid transport via phloem is one of the major source‐to‐sink nitrogen translocation pathways in most plant species. Amino acid permeases (AAPs) play essential roles in amino acid transport between plant cells and subsequent phloem or seed loading. In this study, a soybean AAP gene, annotated as GmAAP6a, was cloned and demonstrated to be significantly induced by nitrogen starvation. Histochemical staining of GmAAP6a:GmAAP6a‐GUS transgenic soybean revealed that GmAAP6a is predominantly expressed in phloem and xylem parenchyma cells. Growth and transport studies using toxic amino acid analogs or single amino acids as a sole nitrogen source suggest that GmAAP6a can selectively absorb and transport neutral and acidic amino acids. Overexpression of GmAAP6a in Arabidopsis and soybean resulted in elevated tolerance to nitrogen limitation. Furthermore, the source‐to‐sink transfer of amino acids in the transgenic soybean was markedly improved under low nitrogen conditions. At the vegetative stage, GmAAP6a‐overexpressing soybean showed significantly increased nitrogen export from source cotyledons and simultaneously enhanced nitrogen import into sink primary leaves. At the reproductive stage, nitrogen import into seeds was greatly enhanced under both sufficient and limited nitrogen conditions. Collectively, our results imply that overexpression of GmAAP6a enhances nitrogen stress tolerance and source‐to‐sink transport and improves seed quality in soybean. Co‐expression of GmAAP6a with genes specialized in source nitrogen recycling and seed loading may represent an interesting application potential in breeding.  相似文献   

叶片适时衰老对保证玉米产量有重要意义。本试验以玉米自交系PH6WC和PH4CV为研究对象,通过水培方法,设置低氮(0.04 mmol·L-1,LN)和正常(4 mmol·L-1,CK)氮素水平两种处理,在培养2、4、6和8 d后,对其幼苗第2和第3叶片表型、光合特性、叶片中氮素和糖分含量及碳氮比进行分析,旨在探究低氮胁迫下玉米幼苗叶片衰老过程中碳氮平衡的动态变化。结果表明: 与CK相比,LN造成两玉米自交系幼苗第2和第3叶片的面积、生物量、相对叶绿素含量、净光合速率、可溶性糖和淀粉含量均下降,而其氮物质生产能力均先后增加,但第2叶片的变化时间均早于第3叶片;在两叶片的各性状上,均为LN下PH6WC的变化幅度大于PH4CV,且仅幼苗叶片中的碳氮比在LN下显著提高;PH6WC的叶片衰老更快,PH4CV有更强的碳氮平衡能力,其叶片衰老相对滞后。综上,低氮会诱导玉米幼苗叶片衰老,高碳氮比具有促进叶片衰老的调控作用,低氮胁迫下幼苗叶片的碳氮平衡能力在两个玉米基因型间存在较大差异。  相似文献   

The effect of amino acids on nitrate transport was studied in Zea mays cell suspension cultures and in Zea mays excised roots. The inclusion of aspartic acid, arginine, glutamine and glycine (15mM total amino acids) in a complete cell-culture media containing 1.0 mM NO3 - strongly inhibited nitrate uptake and the induction of accelerated uptake rates. The nitrate uptake rate increased sharply once solution amino acid levels fell below detection limits. Glutamine alone inhibited induction in the cell suspension culture. Maize seedlings germinated and grown for 7 days in a 15 mM mixture of amino acids also had lower nitrate uptake rates than seedlings grown in 0.5 mM Ca(NO3)2 or 1 mM CaCl2. As amino acids are the end product of nitrate assimilation, the results suggest an end-product feed-back mechanism for the regulation of nitrate uptake.  相似文献   

Using time-course, natural-light incubations, we assessed the rate of carbon uptake at a range of light intensities, the effect of supplemental additions of nitrogen (as NH4+ or urea) on light and dark carbon uptake, and the rates of uptake of NH4+ and urea by phytoplankton from Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts from February through August 1982. During the winter, photoinhibition was severe, becoming manifested shortly after the start of an incubation, whereas during the summer, there was little to no evidence of photoinhibition during the first several hours after the start of an incubation. At light levels which were neither photoinhibiting nor light limiting, rates of carbon uptake normalized per liter were high and approximately equal during winter and summer (22–23 μg C·l?1 · h?1), and low during spring (<10 μgC·l?1· h?1). In contrast, on a chlorophyll a basis, rates of carbon fixation were as high during spring (15–20μg C·μg Chl a?1·h?1), when concentrations of chlorophyll a were at the yearly minimum (<0.5 μg · l?1) as during the summer, when chlorophyll a concentrations were substantially higher (0.8–1.3 μg · l?1). Highest rates of NH4+ and urea uptake were observed during summer, and at no time of the year was there evidence for severe nitrogen deficiency, although moderate nitrogen nutritional stress was apparent during the summer months.  相似文献   

Paterson  Eric  Thornton  Barry  Sim  Allan  Pratt  Shona 《Plant and Soil》2003,250(2):293-305
The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological basis of increased root exudation from Festuca rubra, in response to defoliation. The hypothesis, that assimilate supply to roots is a key determinant of the response of root exudation to defoliation was tested by imposing CO2-deplete (< 50 mol mol–1) atmospheres to F. rubra. This was done as a non-destructive means of preventing supply of new assimilate to roots of intact and defoliated plants. F. rubra was grown in axenic sand systems, with defoliation and CO2-depletion treatments applied to plants at 14 and 35 days after planting. Root exudation and NO3 uptake were quantified throughout, and post-treatment uptake and allocation of N were determined from the distribution of 15N label, supplied as 15NO3 . Defoliation of F. rubra resulted in significantly (P <0.01) increased root exudation, CO2-depletion did not result in increased exudation from plants of either age. When treatments were applied to F. rubra after 14 days, defoliation and CO2-depletion each reduced NO3 uptake significantly (P <0.05). However, in older plants, uptake of NO3 was less sensitive to defoliation and CO2-depletion. The results indicate that increased root exudation following defoliation is not related directly to reduced assimilate supply to roots. This was evident from the lack of effect of CO2-depletion on root exudation, and the absence of correlation between root-C efflux and the rate of NO3 uptake. The physiological basis of increased exudation following defoliation remains uncertain, but may be dependent on physical damage, either directly or as a consequence of systemic responses to wounding.  相似文献   

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