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为克隆家蚕Bombyx mori Piwi亚家族蛋白基因cDNA全长序列,分析其分子特征和表达模式,探究Piwi亚家族蛋白在家蚕中的生理功能,本研究利用已知物种的Piwi亚家族蛋白搜索家蚕基因组,预测获得家蚕Piwi亚家族蛋白基因siwi1和siwi2,采用RACE技术克隆siwi1和siwi2的全长cDNA序列,利用ORFfinder、Gene-Explorer、InterPro等分析其分子特征;其次,利用已知的所有物种Piwi蛋白及其类似物Piwil构建系统发育树;最后,通过荧光定量PCR技术检测了siwi1和siwi2在丝腺、马氏管、中肠、头部、卵巢和精巢以及不同发育时期(卵、1~5龄幼虫、蛹、成虫)的表达水平,结果显示,克隆获得了siwi1 cDNA全长3 277 bp,包含部分5′UTR、完整的开放阅读框ORF和3′UTR,获得了siwi2的部分序列,其中siwi1对应BmPiwi,siwi2对应BmAgo3。系统发育结果显示,家蚕Piwi亚家族蛋白与乳草长蝽Oncopeltus fasciatus、黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster、橘小实蝇Bactro...  相似文献   

The plant cystatins or phytocystatins comprise a family of specific inhibitors of cysteine proteinases. Such inhibitors are thought to be involved in the regulation of several endogenous processes and in defence against pests and pathogens. Extensive searches in the complete rice and Arabidopsis genomes and in barley EST collections have allowed us to predict the presence of twelve different cystatin genes in rice, seven in Arabidopsis, and at least seven in barley. Structural comparisons based on alignments of all the protein sequences using the CLUSTALW program and searches for conserved motifs using the MEME program have revealed broad conservation of the main motifs characteristic of the plant cystatins. Phylogenetic analyses based on their deduced amino acid sequences have allowed us to identify groups of orthologous cystatins, and to establish homologies and define examples of gene duplications mainly among the rice and barley cystatin genes. Moreover, the absence of a counterpart between the two monocots, as well as strong variations in the motifs that interact with the cysteine proteinases, may be related to a species-specific evolutionary process. This cystatin classification should facilitate the assignment of proteinase specificities and functions to other cystatins as new information is obtained.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

The Cypricercinae are one of the most speciose subfamilies of non-marine ostracods, with more than 170 described species, mostly from the tropics. Although the identity of the subfamily as such is clear, because of the presence of unifying characters such as the Triebel’s loop in the attachment of the caudal ramus, the supra-specific taxonomy of this group has long been confused because of lack of good generic and tribal characters. Here, the generic characters of the Cypricercinae are revised. Eleven genera are retained in this subfamily, including three new genera: Bradleytriebella n. gen., Nealecypris n. gen. and Pseudostrandesia n. gen. Tanycypris siamensis n. sp. is described from Thailand. In addition, five species [Bradleystrandesia fuscata (Jurine, 1820), Bradleytriebella tuberculata (Hartmann, 1964), Nealecypris obtusa (Klie, 1933), Pseudostrandesia striatoreticulata (Klie, 1932), Spirocypris horrida (Sars, 1926)] are redescribed. A key to the genera is given. We propose three tribes: the nominal tribe Cypricercini McKenzie, 1971, as well as two new tribes, Bradleystrandesiini n. trib. and Nealecypridini n. trib. To evaluate the systematic relationships within this subfamily, phylogenetic analyses, based on morphological characters of valves and soft parts, were conducted. The Neighbour Joining (NJ) tree strongly supports the classification into three independent tribes, whereas the Maximum Parsimony (MP) tree shows that Bradleystrandesiini n. trib is actually a subgroup of the Cypricercini. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

南极抗细菌活性菌株的筛选及系统发育分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分别以大肠杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、青枯假单胞菌、绿脓假单胞菌和苏云金芽孢杆菌为指示菌,采用琼脂扩散法对实验室保存的580株极地细菌进行了抗菌活性菌株的筛选与活性验证,从中筛选出4株对上述指示菌株具有明显抗菌效果的活性菌株,其编号分别为97、Z11、Z18及Z19,并对其生长曲线、抗菌活性曲线和系统发育地位进行研究。结果表明,4株菌均在培养24 h后进入指数生长期,菌株97在培养48 h后达到稳定期,而菌株Z11、Z18及Z19在培养60 h后达到稳定期。抗菌活性分别在培养84、96、72和72 h时达到最高。系统发育分析表明,该4株菌分别属于伦黑墨氏菌属(Rheinheimera)、嗜冷杆菌属(Psychrobacter)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)和嗜冷杆菌属(Psychrobacter)。  相似文献   

This study shows that intramolecular hydrogen bonding in proteins depends on the accessibility of donors and acceptors to water molecules. The frequency of occurrence of H-bonded side chains in proteins is inversely proportional to the solvent accessibility of their donors and acceptors. Estimates of the notional free energy of hydrogen bonding suggest that intramolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions of buried and half-buried donors and acceptors can contribute favorably to the stability of a protein, whereas those of solvent-exposed polar atoms become less favorable or unfavorable.  相似文献   

Allactaga sibirica (Dipodidae) is widely distributed in the northwestern arid regions of China. The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of A. sibirica was 16,685 bp in length; included 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosome genes, 22 tRNA genes, and one control region; and had a structure that was typical of vertebrates. The base composition and codon usage of the mitogenome are described, and the structure of the non-coding sequence in the A. sibirica is reported for the first time. The putative origin of replication for the light strand of A. sibirica was approximately 45 bp long, and was highly conserved in the stem-loop and adjacent sequences. Phylogenetic analyses showed high resolution in each of the main divergent clades within Dipodoidea using mitogenomes data. The results indicated that the Zapodidae group was a representative of very basal taxon in Dipodoidea, and shared a common ancestor with Dipodidae species. Within Dipodidae clade, Allactaginae species was at basal position, and this result was in line with previous molecular systematic and morphological studies. Furthermore, Euchoreutes naso and A. sibirica had a close relationship could implicate a sister-group relationship between Euchoreutinae and Allactaginae. Meanwhile, this work also provided a set of useful data on phylogeny and molecular evolution in Dipodidae species.  相似文献   

霍乱弧菌和副溶血弧菌分离株的gyrB基因系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据gyrB基因部分编码序列构建系统发育树以分类和鉴别霍乱弧菌和副溶血弧菌,并探讨其种系发生关系。扩增并测序13株霍乱弧菌、8株副溶血弧菌、2株嗜水气单胞菌及1株类志贺邻单胞菌的gyrB基因(编码DNA促旋酶B亚单位)序列,并采用距离法与最大似然法构建系统发育树。两种方法所构建的树结构完全一致,霍乱弧菌、副溶血弧菌、嗜水气单胞菌及类志贺邻单胞菌各自形成一个独立的簇。其中,霍乱肠毒素基因(ctxA)阳性的霍乱弧菌(8株O139群与2株O1群ElTor型)聚类成一分枝;3株副溶血弧菌临床株(1株2002年流行株,2株2004年分离株)与1日本菌株及2001年1株自环境分离的毒力株聚类。系统发育分析靶分子gyrB基因可以良好区分上述4种常见病原菌。产毒O139群霍乱弧菌与产毒O1群ElTor型霍乱弧菌关系密切。副溶血弧菌环境毒力株与本地区临床主要流行株在系统发育关系上较为接近,可能是潜在的致病菌。  相似文献   

Quasispecies composition and tissue distribution of feline coronaviruses (FCoVs) were studied in naturally infected cats. The genomic complexity of FCoVs was investigated using single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of N and ORF7b amplicons, and the evolutionary process was investigated by sequence-based phylogenetic analysis. SSCP analysis showed high heterogeneity of the FCoV genome which was correlated with the seriousness of the clinical form. The two genomic regions analysed showed different levels of variation; the N region demonstrated significant heterogeneity as compared to ORF7b. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences showed the clear separation of sequences analysed on the basis of virulence and geographical origin. A maximum likelihood analysis of N and ORF7b data sets showed a situation of strong heterogeneity for the N region.  相似文献   

The first comprehensive combined molecular and morphological phylogenetic analysis of the major groups of termites is presented. This was based on the analysis of three genes (cytochrome oxidase II, 12S and 28S) and worker characters for approximately 250 species of termites. Parsimony analysis of the aligned dataset showed that the monophyly of Hodotermitidae, Kalotermitidae and Termitidae were well supported, while Termopsidae and Rhinotermitidae were both paraphyletic on the estimated cladogram. Within Termitidae, the most diverse and ecologically most important family, the monophyly of Macrotermitinae, Foraminitermitinae, Apicotermitinae, Syntermitinae and Nasutitermitinae were all broadly supported, but Termitinae was paraphyletic. The pantropical genera Termes, Amitermes and Nasutitermes were all paraphyletic on the estimated cladogram, with at least 17 genera nested within Nasutitermes, given the presently accepted generic limits. Key biological features were mapped onto the cladogram. It was not possible to reconstruct the evolution of true workers unambiguously, as it was as parsimonious to assume a basal evolution of true workers and subsequent evolution of pseudergates, as to assume a basal condition of pseudergates and subsequent evolution of true workers. However, true workers were only found in species with either separate- or intermediate-type nests, so that the mapping of nest habit and worker type onto the cladogram were perfectly correlated. Feeding group evolution, however, showed a much more complex pattern, particularly within the Termitidae, where it proved impossible to estimate unambiguously the ancestral state within the family (which is associated with the loss of worker gut flagellates). However, one biologically plausible optimization implies an initial evolution from wood-feeding to fungus-growing, proposed as the ancestral condition within the Termitidae, followed by the very early evolution of soil-feeding and subsequent re-evolution of wood-feeding in numerous lineages.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin (Trx) proteins play important biological functions in cells by changing redox via thioldisulfied exchange. This system is especially widespread in plants. Through database search, we identified 30 potential Trx protein-encoding genes (OsTrx) in rice (Oryza sativa L.). An analysis of the complete set of OsTrx proteins is presented here, including chromosomal location, conserved motifs, domain duplication, and phylogenetic relationships. Our findings suggest that the expansion of the Trx gene family in rice, in large part, occurred due to gene duplication. A comprehensive expression profile of Trx genes family was investigated by analyzing the signal data of this family extracted from the whole genome microarray analysis of Minghui 63 and Zhenshan 97, two indica parents, and their hybrid Shanyou 63, using 27 different tissues representing the entire life cycle of rice. Results revealed specific expression of some members at germination transition as well as the 3-leaf stage during the vegetative growth phase of rice. OsTrx genes were also found to be differentially up- or down-regulated in rice seedlings subjected to treatments of phytohormones and light/dark conditions. The expression levels of the OsTrx genes in the different tissues and under different treatments were also checked by RT-PCR analysis. The identification of OsTrx genes showing differential expression in specific tissues among different genotypes or in response to different environmental cues could provide a new avenue for functional analyses in rice.  相似文献   

Here, we report the RNA polymerase beta-subunit gene (rpoB) as a new molecular marker for the identification of the Cronobacter species. The results indicated that members of the Cronobacter genus are more easily discriminated by rpoB sequencing than 16S rRNA sequencing, and reliable identification could be achieved by rpoB gene sequence comparison.  相似文献   

A molecular cloning strategy has been designed to isolate the gene that encodes the small cytoplasmic RNA (scRNA) component of bacterial signal recognition particles. Using this strategy a putative Listeria monocytogenes scRNA lambda gt11 recombinant clone was isolated. A previously described complementation assay developed to genetically select functional homologues of 4.5S RNA and scRNA of bacteria confirmed that the lambda gt11 recombinant clone isolated encoded for the scRNA from L. monocytogenes. A secondary structure for this scRNA is proposed and a phylogenetic comparison of the 276 base L. monocytogenes scRNA with previously characterised Gram-positive bacterial scRNAs is also presented.  相似文献   

家蚕CyPA基因的克隆、表达谱及进化分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
CyP蛋白家族在蛋白质折叠过程中起着重要作用。本研究克隆了家蚕Bombyx mori CyPA基因(BmCyPA),该基因由2个外显子和1个内含子组成,推导开放阅读框编码165个氨基酸,分子量为19.4 kD,等电点为8.79。序列分析表明BmCyPA在不同物种间具有高度的保守性,含有肽酰脯氨酸顺反异构酶活性位点及与CsA侧链结合的氨基酸,提示BmCyPA可能具有肽酰脯氨酸顺反异构酶活性和与CsA结合的特性。组织表达谱及EST数据分析显示,BmCyPA在丝腺中高丰度表达。通过对不同物种来源的CyP基因的进化分析,进一步预测了BmCyP基因的功能,BmCyP可能与丝蛋白的正确折叠相关。  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) can provide novel insights into understanding the mechanisms underlying mitogenome evolution. In this study, the complete mitogenome of Eriocheir japonica sinensis (Decapoda: Varunidae) was determined to be 16,378 bp, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes and a D-loop region. The AT skew of the E. j. sinensis mitogenome was slightly negative (−0.016), indicating a higher number of T compared with A nucleotides. The nucleotide composition of the mitogenome was also biased toward A + T nucleotides (71.6%). All PCGs were initiated by ATN codons. Eight of the 13 PCGs harbored the incomplete termination codon by T, or TA. All other tRNA genes displayed a typical clover-leaf structure of mitochondrial tRNA. The D-loop region of the E. j. sinensis mitogenome was 918 bp in length. Based on 13 PCGs, phylogenetic analysis confirmed the placement of E. j. sinensis within the Varunidae.  相似文献   

The pill millipedes of the order Glomerida are a moderately diverse group with a classical Holarctic distribution pattern. Their classification is based on a typological system utilizing mainly a single character complex, the male telopods. In order to infer the apomorphies of the Glomerida, to elucidate its position in the Pentazonia, and to test the monophyly of its families and subfamilies, we conduct the first phylogenetic analysis of the order. To provide additional characters, we comparatively analyze the mandible using scanning electron microscopy. The final character matrix consists of 69 characters (11 mandible characters) and incorporates 22 species from 20 of the 34 pill millipede genera, representing all families and subfamilies, except the monotypic Mauriesiinae. Two species from each of the two other Pentazonian orders Sphaerotheriida and Glomeridesmida, as well as two Spirobolida, are included as outgroup taxa. The Glomerida are recovered as monophyletic and are supported by five apomorphies. Within the Pentazonia, the Glomeridesmida are recovered as the sister group to the classical Oniscomorpha (Sphaerotheriida + Glomerida) with weak support. The analysis provides little resolution within the Glomerida, resulting in numerous polytomies. Further morphological characters and/or the addition of molecular analyses are needed to produce a robust phylogenetic classification of the Glomerida.  相似文献   

根据Genbank报道的大蒜A病毒(GarVA)、大蒜B病毒(GarVB)、大蒜C病毒(GarVC)、大蒜D病毒(GarVD)、大蒜E病毒(GarVE)和大蒜X病毒(GarVX)的序列设计引物,克隆外壳蛋白(CP)基因、测序并进行同源性分析。结果表明,6种病毒CP基因分别由756、735、780、753、759和732核苷酸组成。氨基酸序列多重对齐比对结果表明,GarVC与GarVD同源性最低(57.69%),GarVB与GarVX同源性最高(87.70%);同属6种病毒CP基因在C端变异性大,N端保守。进化树显示Gar-VA、GarVE和GarVD成簇,GarVB和GarVX成簇,GarVC与其他5种病毒亲缘关系较远。本研究结果为预测6种病毒之间是否存在血清学交叉反应,在进行ELISA检测是否会相互干扰提供指导意义。  相似文献   

Physiologically distinct facultative anaerobic microorganisms were isolated and investigated for their ability to oxidize different substrates with azo compounds as a terminal electron acceptor. Four strains of dissimilatory azoreducing bacteria (DARBs), isolated from activated sludge of a textile-printing wastewater treatment plant, could reduce azo compound by coupling oxidation of several of electron donors. Different strains preferred specific electron donor for azoreduction, such as hydrogen, formate or lactate. Evolutionary relationships among these DARBs were examined by phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequences. Members of the genera Citrobacter (AzoR-1), Acinetobacter (AzoR-3), and Pseudomonas (AzoR-9) formed a monophyletic group within the gamma subdivision of the class Proteobacteria, which was closely related to the member of the previously described Shewanella decolorationnis S12 that obtained its energy for growth by dissimilatory azoreduction process. The genus Bacillus (AzoR-6) made up a distinct branch within the Firmicutes cluster. The results of this study expanded the limited number of microbial isolates that are known to be capable of dissimilatory azoreduction and demonstrated that the ubiquity of azoreduction coupling with hydrogen or organic acids as an electron donor.  相似文献   

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