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Incubation of Escherichia coli with spectinomycin caused the disappearance of a major protein from the cytoplasmic membrane. This protein, called "I-19", was not a ribosomal protein. Its disappearance was not a result of the direct action of spectinomycin on the cytoplasmic membrane, but a result of its action on ribosomes. The disappearance was specifically induced by spectinomycin, and other antibiotics such as neomycin, erythromycin, and chloramphenicol had no effect. Although growth was not required for spectinomycin-induced disappearance of protein I-19 from the cytoplasmic membrane, the disappearance was not observed under conditions where protein synthesis was inhibited completely either by the addition of chloramphenicol or by cooling in ice. It is suggested that at least some ribosomes interact with the cytoplasmic membrane and that a modification of the mode of interaction through the action of spectinomycin on ribosomes caused the deletion of membrane protein I-19.  相似文献   

Membrane protein misfolding is related to the etiology of many diseases, but is poorly understood, particularly from a structural standpoint. This study focuses upon misfolding of a mutant form of diacylglycerol kinase (s-DAGK), a 40 kDa homotrimeric protein having nine transmembrane segments. Preparations of s-DAGK sometimes contain a kinetically trapped misfolded population, as evidenced by lower-than-expected enzyme activity (with no accompanying change in substrate K(m)) and by the appearance of a second band in electrophoresis gels. Misfolding of s-DAGK may take place during cellular overexpression, but can also be reproduced using the purified enzyme. TROSY NMR spectra of s-DAGK as a 100 kDa complex with detergent micelles exhibit a single additional set of resonances from the misfolded form, indicating a single misfolded conformational state. The relative intensities of these extra resonances correlate with the percent reduction in enzyme activity below the maximum observed for fully folded s-DAGK. Misfolded s-DAGK exhibits a modest difference in its far-UV CD spectrum compared to the folded enzyme, consistent with a small degree of variance in secondary structural content between the two forms. However, differences in NMR chemical shift dispersion and temperature-dependent line widths exhibited by folded and misfolded s-DAGK support the notion that they represent very different structural states. Cross-linking experiments indicate that both the correctly folded enzyme and the kinetically trapped misfolded form are homotrimers. This work appears to represent the first documentation of conformationally specific misfolding of an integral membrane protein.  相似文献   

The binding of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to the outer membrane of Escherichia coli was examined. The amount of DNA found to be bound to outer membrane was low and was estimated to be about 0.4% of the total DNA. Treatment of cells with chloramphenicol or rifampin caused a disassociation of the apparent DNA-outer membrane complex. The results presented here suggest that the binding between membrane and DNA is specific and involves a membrane protein having a molecular weight of 13,000.  相似文献   

A 3.7 S binding protein for the steroid hormone and vitamin D metabolite 1 alpha-25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25-(OH)2-D) was observed in high salt cytosol extracts of chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane. The binding protein was characterized after partial purification of cytosol extracts by ammonium sulfate fractionation. The binding of 1,25-(OH)2-D was saturable, had a high affinity (Kd = 0.16 nM), and was specific for hormonally active vitamin D metabolites. Analysis of the displacement of [3H]1,25-(OH)2-D by unlabeled analogues showed the affinities of vitamin D metabolites to be in the order of 1,25-(OH)2-D = 1,24R,25-(OH)3-D much greater than 25-OH-D = 1-OH-D greater than 24R,25-(OH)2-D. Hormone binding was sensitive to pretreatment with sulfhydryl-blocking reagents. The chorioallantoic membrane 1,25-(OH)2-D-binding protein associated with the chromatin fraction after homogenization of membranes in low salt buffer, and bound to DNA-cellulose columns, eluting as a single peak at 0.215 M KCl. These findings support identification of this 1,25-(OH)2-D-binding protein as a steroid hormone receptor, with properties indistinguishable from 1,25-(OH)2-D receptors in other chick tissues. The chorioallantoic membrane functions in the last third of embryonic development to reabsorb calcium from the eff shell for deposition in embryonic bone. 1,25-(OH)2-D binding activity in the chorioallantoic membrane increased 4- to 5-fold from day 12 to day 16 of incubation, immediately preceding the onset of shell reabsorption. This finding suggests that 1,25-(OH)2-D may act to regulate shell mobilization and transepithelial calcium transport by the chorioallantoic membrane. Finally, the similarity of shell mobilization to bone resorption, which is also stimulated by 1,25-(OH)2-D, suggests that the chorioallantoic membrane is a useful alternate model for the study of 1,25-(OH)2-D action on bone mineral metabolism.  相似文献   

Human eosinophil granule major basic protein (MBP1) is an exceedingly basic (isoelectric point >11) 14-kDa protein, comprising the core of the secondary eosinophil granule. Recently, a less cationic homolog of MBP, termed MBPH or simply, MBP2, has been discovered. We prepared a panel of mAbs to MBP2 and used these Abs to localize and quantitate this molecule in leukocytes and biological fluids. Specific mAbs for MBP2 were selected using slot-blot analyses and used in a two-site immunoassay, Western blotting, and immunofluorescence microscopy. The sensitivity of the immunoassay was markedly improved by reduction and alkylation of MBP2. MBP1 is more abundant than MBP2 in lysates of eosinophils and their granules, as judged by immunoassay and Western blotting. By immunofluorescence, MBP1 is present in eosinophils, basophils, and a human mast cell line (HMC1), whereas MBP2 is only detected in eosinophils. Neither MBP1 nor MBP2 could be detected in any other peripheral blood leukocyte. MBP2 levels measured in plasma and serum were essentially identical. In contrast to past measurements for MBP1, MBP2 was not detected above normal levels in sera from pregnant donors. However, measurement of serum MBP2 discriminated patients with elevated eosinophils from normal subjects, and MBP2 was also detectable in other biological specimens, such as bronchoalveolar lavage, sputum, and stool. These results indicate that MBP2 is present only in eosinophils and that it may be a useful biomarker for eosinophil-associated diseases.  相似文献   

The glycoprotein Mo1 has previously been demonstrated to be on the cell surface and in the specific granule fraction of neutrophils and to be translocated to the cell surface during degranulation. It is not known, however, whether Mo1 is an integral membrane protein or a soluble, intragranular constituent loosely associated with the specific granule membrane. Purified neutrophils were disrupted by nitrogen cavitation and separated on Percoll density gradients into four fractions enriched for azurophilic granules, specific granules, plasma membrane, and cytosol, respectively. The glycoproteins in these fractions were labeled with 3H-borohydride reduction, extracted with Triton X-114, and immunoprecipitated with 60.3, an anti-Mo1 monoclonal antibody Mo1 was detected only in the specific granule and plasma membrane fractions and partitioned exclusively into the detergent-rich fraction consistent with Mo1 being an integral membrane protein. In addition, treatment of specific granule membranes with a high salt, high urea buffer to remove absorbed or peripheral proteins failed to dissociate Mo1. These data support the hypothesis that Mo1 is an integral membrane protein of plasma and specific granule membranes in human neutrophils.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1986,103(6):2511-2527
An intrinsic membrane protein of brain synaptic vesicles with Mr 38,000 (p38, synaptophysin) has recently been partially characterized (Jahn, R., W. Schiebler, C. Ouimet, and P. Greengard, 1985, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 83:4137-4141; Wiedenmann, B., and W. W. Franke, 1985, Cell, 41:1017-1028). We have now studied the presence of p38 in a variety of tissues by light and electron microscopy immunocytochemistry and by immunochemistry. Our results indicate that, within the nervous system, p38, like the neuron-specific phosphoprotein synapsin I, is present in virtually all nerve terminals and is selectively associated with small synaptic vesicles (SSVs). No p38 was detectable on large dense-core vesicles (LDCVs). p38 and synapsin I were found to be present in similar concentrations throughout the brain. Outside the nervous system, p38 was found in a variety of neuroendocrine cells, but not in any other cell type. In neuroendocrine cells p38 was localized on a pleiomorphic population of small, smooth-surfaced vesicles, which were interspersed among secretory granules and concentrated in the Golgi area, but not on the secretory granules themselves. Immunoblot analysis of endocrine tissues and cell lines revealed a band with a mobility slightly different from that of neuronal p38. This difference was attributable to a difference in glycosylation. The finding that p38, like synapsin I, is a component of SSVs of virtually all neurons, but not of LDCVs, supports the idea that SSVs and LDCVs are organelles of two distinct pathways for regulated neuronal secretion. In addition, our results indicate the presence in a variety of neuroendocrine cells of an endomembrane system, which is related to SSVs of neurons but is distinct from secretory granules.  相似文献   

Synaptosomal plasma membranes were isolated from Torpedo cholinergic synaptosomes which had been purified as previously described or repurified by equilibrium centrifugation. The synaptosomal plasma membrane could be distinguished from postsynaptic membranes by the absence of postsynaptic specific markers (nicotinic AChR) and by its low intramembrane particle complement after freeze fracture. In addition, the presynaptic membrane fraction contained acetylcholinesterase. Gel electrophoresis permitted the identification of a major protein component of the presynaptic membrane fraction which had a molecular weight of 67,000. This protein was not found in postsynaptic membrane or synaptic vesicle fractions. Thus it appeared to be specific to the nerve terminal plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Activation of Raf-1 by Ras requires recruitment to the membrane as well as additional phosphorylations, including phosphorylation at serine 338 (Ser-338) and tyrosine 341 (Tyr-341). In this study we show that Tyr-341 participates in the recruitment of Raf-1 to specialized membrane domains called "rafts," which are required for Raf-1 to be phosphorylated on Ser-338. Raf-1 is also thought to be recruited to the small G protein Rap1 upon GTP loading of Rap1. However, this does not result in Raf-1 activation. We propose that this is because Raf-1 is not phosphorylated on Tyr-341 upon recruitment to Rap1. Redirecting Rap1 to Ras-containing membranes or mimicking Tyr-341 phosphorylation of Raf-1 by mutation converts Rap1 into an activator of Raf-1. In contrast to Raf-1, B-Raf is activated by Rap1. We suggest that this is because B-Raf activation is independent of tyrosine phosphorylation. Moreover, mutants that render B-Raf dependent on tyrosine phosphorylation are no longer activated by Rap1.  相似文献   

The outer membranes of several strains of Escherichia coli, other enteric bacteria, and a variety of nonenteric gram-negative bacteria all contain a major heat-modifiable protein similar to the OmpA protein of E. coli K-12. The heat-modifiable proteins from these bacteria resemble the K-12 protein in molecular weight, in preferential release from the outer membrane by sodium dodecyl sulfate in the presence of Mg2+, and in characteristic cleavage by proteases to yield a smaller fragment which remains membrane bound. Antiserum directed against the K-12 protein precipitated the heat-modifiable protein from all strains of Enterobacteriaceae, and chemical comparison by isoelectric focusing, cyanogen bromide cleavage profiles, and proteolytic peptide analysis indicated that the proteins from the various enteric bacteria were nearly identical in primary structure. The heat-modifiable proteins from bacteria phylogenically distant from E. coli shared many of the properties of the E. coli protein but were chemically distinct. Thus, it appears that the structure (and, presumably, the function) of the heat-modifiable protein of gram-negative bacteria is strongly conserved during evolution.  相似文献   

A maltose-induced major outer membrane protein (the 44K protein) is demonstrated in Salmonella typhimurium. This protein resembles the lambda receptor of Escherichia coli in its location, induction properties, apparent molecular weight, and association with the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall. The 44K protein is missing in certain Salmonella Mal- mutants, which are also missing a protein analogous to the maltose-binding protein of E. coli. Thus, these mutants may be defective in the control of maltose genese in Salmonella. The proteins appear to be closely related, as indicated by cross-reaction of the Salmonella protein with the antiserum raised against the lambda receptor; however, they are not identical, since the peptide patterns obtained after limited proteolysis are completely different. Bacteriophage lambda does not use the 44K protein as a receptor.  相似文献   

Novel protein with a molecular mass of ~43 kDa from rat olfactory epithelium in pathophysiological conditions was discovered. Its amino acid sequence and affiliation with the family 18 glycohydrolase subgroup of chitinase-like proteins YM-1 were determined.  相似文献   

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