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By establishing hybridomas from two distinct surface IgM+ splenic B cell populations, Ly-1 B cells and "conventional" (Ly-1-) B cells, we found that the Ly-1 B population includes a 30 to 70 times higher frequency (1 to 2%) of cells with specificity for bromelain treated autologous red blood cells (anti-BrMRBC) when compared with conventional B cells (0.03%). We cloned and sequenced the V genes encoding anti-BrMRBC antibody from two hybridomas made with Ly-1 B cells sorted from the spleen of SM/J mice. The VH sequence (for both) is identical with the previously reported sequence associated with this specificity and belongs to a new VH gene family. This gene family, defined here as VH11, has only two members and is the predominant VH rearranged in a collection of Ly-1 B derived anti-BrMRBC hybridomas, always in association with a single VL gene (a member of the V kappa 9 family). Furthermore, analysis of hybridomas made with Ly-1 B cells sorted from the peritoneum reveals a yet higher increased frequency of VH11-encoded anti-BrMRBC specificity (30%). This variation in frequency of anti-BrMRBC in the Ly-1 population depending on location, together with the repeated association of VH11 with a particular V kappa gene suggest that antigen driven selection is (at least in part) responsible for the biased V gene expression seen in this population. Furthermore, a mechanism that might contribute to biased expression, preferential rearrangement due to close proximity to J (as seen in pre-B lines), is excluded by localization of VH11 5' to several of the more J-proximal families (Q52, 7183).  相似文献   

Mice have more than 1000 VH gene segments, and each pre-B cell must choose a single one for rearrangement to encode the V portion of the antibody H chain. Presumably, all or most of the functional VH gene segments must be chosen by the population of B lymphocytes if the organism is to express the diversity that is observed in the immune system. Control of the selection of a VH gene segment for expression is not understood. We have found that the members of the VH gene family closest to the constant genes, the 7183 family, are transcribed in a manner that is specific for the stage of B cell development after pre-B cells derived from spleens of 6- to 8-wk-old nude mice are induced to differentiate in vitro by a mixture of dendritic cells and mitogen-activated T lymphocytes (DC-T). DC-T from spleens and lymph nodes induce transient high levels of synthesis of RNA from the 7183 VH family, whereas DC-T from Peyer's patches of mice of the same age as those from which spleen and lymph node DC-T were prepared did not induce the expression of RNA from that gene family. Spleen and Peyer's patch DC-T induce secretion of similar total amounts of antibody. Therefore, the RNA synthesis from members of at least one VH gene family is specific both for the lymphoid tissue in which B cell differentiation occurs and for the developmental stage of the B lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

VH gene family usage was determined in both spontaneous, in vivo activated plasma cells and LPS-induced plasma cells from individual MRL/lpr mice by using in situ hybridization. It was found that VH gene family expression in spontaneous plasma cells varied from mouse to mouse. Some mice expressed VH families in an apparently random manner similar to that obtained with polyclonal activation. Other mice showed an exaggerated expression of particular VH gene families. VH J558 was overrepresented most frequently, but overrepresentation of VH 7183, Q52, and 36-60 was also observed. Importantly, LPS-induced VH gene family expression in these same mice displaying biased VH family usage in spontaneous plasma cells, appeared normal with no evidence for similar biases in the LPS-induced repertoire. Anti-DNA antibody concentrations and the degree of glomerulonephritis were determined for each mouse to measure the severity of disease. The level of expression of the J558 family was positively correlated with disease severity. The results suggest that the initial autoantibody response is highly diverse but becomes more restricted as the disease progresses.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the genomic organization of the human Ig VH locus have revealed the presence of an important proportion of VH pseudogenes and a high degree of interspersion among VH gene-family members. The mechanisms of selection of VH genes expressed by differentiating B cells remain to be elucidated. We have made use of RNA-RNA in situ hybridization to probe the repertoire of VH gene-families assembled in peripheral B cells of normal adults. Cells were in vitro activated with mitogens and then hybridized to [35S]-labeled anti-sense RNA probes specific for C mu and C gamma genes, and for the six known human VH gene-families. We found that the numbers of cells expressing C mu and C gamma mRNA were similar to the total numbers of cells expressing members of the six VH gene-families. Therefore, the six known VH gene-families represent essentially the human VH locus. We also found that expression of VH gene-families does not closely correlate with their relative genomic complexity. This apparently biased expression may suggest that in some VH gene-families the ratio of pseudogenes/functional genes is particularly high, and/or that regulatory mechanisms play a major role in shaping the available VH gene repertoire in differentiating B cells.  相似文献   

We have generated a mouse x human heterohybridoma that contains a single copy of chromosome 14 and, thus, a haploid set of Ig VH genes. This cell line was used to investigate the germ-line content and nucleotide sequences of members of the VH4 gene family in a polymerase chain reaction-based approach. The analysis of 58 full-length sequences revealed the presence of 12 different germ-line VH4 genes, each of which is potentially functional. These germ-line VH4 genes were compared with the nucleotide sequences of published VH4 genes. Three VH4 genes were 100% identical to previously published sequences and belong to a group of VH4 genes that are strongly conserved and highly prevalent in the human population. Three VH4 genes in our collection displayed greater than 99.3% sequence identity with reported germ-line VH4 sequences and likely represent allelic counterparts of these genes. Six genes displayed less than 97.2% sequence identity with published VH4 genes and were identified as novel members of the human VH4 gene family or more distantly related alleles of known VH4 genes. Collectively, these data suggest that, overall, the human VH4 gene family may be more diverse than hitherto assumed, whereas a number of individual members are nonpolymorphic and extremely well conserved.  相似文献   

Ig VH repertoire differences between normal and x-linked immune deficiency- (xid) expressing mice are well established. To test the hypothesis that such differences might exist as early as the pre-B stage of ontogeny we generated panels of xid fetal liver derived Abelson murine leukemia virus transformants with H chain Ig VDJ rearrangements. Cells from CBA/Tufts.xid mice used VH genes from many families, with no demonstrable preference for 3' genes. Analysis of cells derived from (CBA/Tufts.xid X CBA/Tufts)F1 mice showed preferential usage of 3' family genes in the phenotypically normal females, even though V to DJ joins were made in vivo. The defective male mice did not show this marked preferential usage. A similar, but less marked, effect on VH gene usage was seen in mice with X-linked immune deficiency and a BALB/c background. Taken together, these results show that either X-linked immune deficiency, or a closely linked gene, affects fetal pre-B cells such that the usual pattern of predominant usage of 3' family genes is altered.  相似文献   

Newly generated bone marrow B cell precursors of aged BALB/c mice, stimulated in splenic fragment cultures, display a markedly increased frequency of phosphorylcholine (PC)-responsive cells. This increased frequency is found for both precursors that utilize VHS107, a phenotype common to essentially all PC-specific B cells of young mice, and, surprisingly, for precursors that utilize VH genes other than VHS107. PC-specific hybridomas derived from bone marrow cells of aged mice utilize members of at least three VH gene segment families that have never been observed in PC responses of young mice. The ability of aged but not young mice to generate these unique PC-specific clonotypes may be evidence for constraints on V region utilization during repertoire development in young adults and has important implications for aging-associated changes in immune responsiveness.  相似文献   

An oligodeoxyribonucleotide probe based on the sequence of a 321-bp internal fragment of the msp gene encoding a major secreted polypeptide of Listeria monocytogenes was labeled with digoxigenin by using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. The specificity of the digoxigenin-labeled probe was determined by dot blot assays. The probe reacted with all strains of L. monocytogenes tested (12 of 12 strains representing five serotypes). The probe did not react with any other Listeria species or with other gram-positive bacteria (Brochothrix, Erysipelothrix, Corynebacterium, Rhodococcus, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Bacillus, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus). The probe was used to develop a colony blot assay for the rapid confirmation of L. monocytogenes on Listeria-selective agars which had been streaked with food enrichment cultures. Forty-eight food samples were tested by conventional culture and DNA colony blot assay. The sensitivity and specificity of the DNA colony blot were 100 and 97%, respectively.  相似文献   

We have recently reported a novel finding that a candidate tumor suppressor gene prox1 suffered adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA mutation without genomic mutation in a subset of human cancer cells and lost its function. Hence, screening of mutations in both cDNA and genomic DNA could be important in the analysis of causes for cancers. Here, we applied a sensitive, accurate, and simple method, called shifted termination assay (STA) for detection of an A-to-I RNA mutation (R334G) in prox1. We prepared PCR-amplified samples containing the target base of RNA mutation from cDNAs and genomic DNAs of various cell lines and clinical samples, to demonstrate that the STA method can be used to identify not only genomic mutations but also RNA mutations more effectively compared to sequencing. By means of STA, we found prox1 R334G RNA mutations but not genomic DNA mutations in 4 of 8 cases of esophageal cancers. This method can help us to detect RNA mutation effectively and progress research of a potential oncogenic principle.  相似文献   

V(H)12 B cells undergo stringent selection at multiple checkpoints to favor development of B-1 cells that bind phosphatidylcholine. Selection begins with the V(H) third complementarity-determining region (CDR3) at the pre-B cell stage, in which most V(H)12 pre-B cells are selectively eliminated, enriching for those with V(H)CDR3s of 10 aa and a fourth position Gly (designated 10/G4). To understand this selection, we compared B cell differentiation in mice of two V(H)12 transgenic lines, one with the favored 10/G4 V(H)CDR3 and one with a non-10/G4 V(H)CDR3 of 8 aa and no Gly (8/G0). Both H chains drive B cell differentiation to the small pre-BII cell stage, and induce allelic exclusion and L chain gene rearrangement. However, unlike 10/G4 pre-B cells, 8/G0 pre-B cells are deficient in cell division and unable to differentiate to B cells. We suggest that this is due to poor 8/G0 pre-B cell receptor expression and to an inability to form an 8/G0 B cell receptor. Our findings also suggest that V(H)12 H chains have evolved such that association with surrogate and conventional L chains is most efficient with a 10/G4 CDR3. Thus, selection for phosphatidylcholine-binding B-1 cells is most likely the underlying evolutionary basis for the loss of non-10/G4 pre-B cells.  相似文献   

This study examines Ig VH utilization in murine lupus with emphasis on the relative contribution of 3' and 5' gene families. We used in situ hybridization with 35S-labeled ssRNA probes to detect VH expression in individual spleen cells. Cells were taken from unmanipulated animals, and were not stimulated in vitro. This approach allows analysis of VH usage among only those B cells which have undergone activation in vivo, while minimizing the potential for skewing in vitro. We compared usage of the 3' 7183 and Q52 families with the more 5' J558 family in adult NZB, MRL-lpr/lpr, and nonautoimmune NIH Swiss mice. VH utilization in the autoimmune strains was proportionate to VH family size, and was not biased toward the 3' families when compared with the Swiss repertoire. Moreover, 3' skewing did not develop in NZB mice with increasing age. Thus, systemic autoimmunity is not associated with impaired normalization of the adult repertoire away from the 3' bias of early ontogeny. Instead, our data support a stochastic model for VH gene usage in the activated B cells and plasma cells of adult lupus mice.  相似文献   

The fetal VH gene repertoire was shown previously to be characterized by overrepresentation of D-proximal families, VH 7183 and VH Q52, compared with adult bone marrow B cells in which VH genes were expressed in a more stochastic fashion. To determine the underlying mechanisms of these findings, adult vs fetal progenitors were placed in the same supportive microenvironment and the resulting B lineage cells analyzed for VH gene family expression. The supportive microenvironment was provided by established adult bone marrow stromal cell layers. In this way the relative importance of environmental vs genetic influences could be determined. The fetal B cells and pre-B cells that developed on adult stromal cells maintained a fetal-like VH gene family repertoire with preference for D-proximal families VH 7183 and Q52. In contrast, adult cultured B cells maintained the adult-like repertoire with predominance of the largest family VH J558. Only after long-term incubation was there a change in the expression of particular VH gene families. These findings suggest that the D-proximal VH gene family preference observed early in ontogeny is associated more with the inherent genetic potential of B cell progenitors that predominate during fetal life and less with environmental influences.  相似文献   

Summary Human S-protein is a serum glycoprotein that binds and inhibits the activated complement complex, mediates coagulation through interaction with antithrombin III and plasminogen activator inhibitor I, and also functions as a cell adhesion protein through interactions with extracellular matrix and cell plasma membranes. A full length cDNA clone for human S-protein was isolated from a lambda gt11 cDNA library of mRNA from the HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cell line using mixed oligonucleotide sequences predicted from the amino-terminal amino acid sequence of human S-protein. The cDNA clone in lambda was subcloned into pUC18 for Southern and Northern blot experiments. Hybridization with radiolabeled human S-protein cDNA revealed a single copy gene encoding S-protein in human and mouse genomic DNA. In addition, the S-protein gene was detected in monkey, rat, dog, cow and rabbit genomic DNA. A 1.7 Kb mRNA for S-protein was detected in RNA from human liver and from the PLC/PRF5 human hepatoma cell line. No S-protein mRNA was detected in mRNA from human lung, placenta, or leukocytes or in total RNA from cultured human embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (RD cell line) or cultured human fibroblasts from embryonic lung (IMR90 cell line) and neonatal foreskin. A 1.6 Kb mRNA for S-protein was detected in mRNA from mouse liver and brain. No S-protein mRNA was detected in mRNA from mouse skeletal muscle, kidney, heart or testis.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation of CD19 in pre-B and mature B cells.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Cross-linking of B cell surface immunoglobulins (sIg) results in activation of mature B cells and stimulates a molecular signaling mechanism for antigen-specific B cell expansion and differentiation. This signaling pathway is dependent on tyrosine (Tyr) phosphorylation and results in the activation of sIg-associated src family kinases and p72SYK. Rapid Tyr phosphorylation occurs on multiple protein substrates. Here we show that activation of B cells by cross-linking sIg results in an increase in Tyr phosphorylation of the lineage-restricted B cell surface antigen CD19, and show that it is a major substrate of activated Tyr kinase following sIg stimulation. Lower levels of constitutive CD19 Tyr phosphorylation occurred in most sIg+ mature B cell lines examined and in normal dense tonsillar B cells. We also find that when CD19 is Tyr-phosphorylated it becomes competent to interact with SH2 domains suggesting a mechanism whereby, following B cell activation, CD19 could be linked to intracellular signaling pathways. In sIg- pre-B cell lines, CD19 was expressed but was not constitutively phosphorylated on tyrosine. Upon CD19 cross-linking, Tyr phosphorylation of CD19 was induced in sIg- pre-B cell lines. CD19 cross-linking also directly induced Tyr phosphorylation of CD19 and other substrates in mature B cells. The ability of CD19 to signal in the absence of sIg expression may provide important stimulation in pre-B cell development.  相似文献   

Five germ-line genes of the VGAM3.8 VH family in BALB/c mice have been isolated from genomic libraries and sequenced. The genes are functional and three are expressed in antibodies of different specificities. Overall nucleotide sequence homologies within the family are greater than 90%, whereas homologies with other VH families are less than 70%. Southern blot hybridization and sequencing indicate a minimum family size of six genes. Differences in the coding regions are mostly confined to CDR, where there is a high replacement/silent substitution ratio, indicative of positive selection for diversification associated with Ag binding. VHVGAM3.8 sequences are highly conserved, and polymorphism in the coding regions appears to be very limited. Evidence is presented that the family has evolved, and been homogenized, by recombinatorial events.  相似文献   

During B cell differentiation rearrangement of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes is partially regulated by the Ig proteins. Rearrangement of heavy (H) chain genes is inhibited, whilst that of light (L) chain genes is induced by the membrane form of the mu H chain. In order to analyse additional structural requirements of mu induced L chain gene rearrangement we transfected wild-type mu and mutant mu constructs lacking functional exons encoding the first or second constant domains into Abelson murine leukemia virus (AMuLV) transformed pre-B cells. All mu chains are expressed on the surface of the pre-B cell and all associate with omega and iota, two proteins forming a surrogate light chain, necessary for mu membrane expression. Nevertheless, only wild-type mu and not the mutant mu proteins promote L gene rearrangement. A heterodimer of proteins with Mr of 33 kd and 36 kd was found associated with wild-type but not with the mutant mu proteins. Continuous presence of mu is required for L chain gene recombination since loss of mu stopped and readdition of mu started L gene rearrangement. We propose that the protein complex composed of mu and the 33 kd/36 kd protein heterodimer is responsible for the activation of the L chain gene locus and its rearrangement.  相似文献   

Abstract Subinhibitory concentrations of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole increased the total yield of Shiga-like toxin (SLT), produced by Shigella dysenteria 1 and by enterophathogenic and enterohemorrhagic strains of Escherichia coli . Stimulation of SLT synthesis by trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was demonstrated by an increase in cytotoxic activity for HeLa cells and the diameter of the zone formed around bacterial colonies probed with monoclonal antibodies to SLT. Thus, supplementation of culture media with trimetroprimsulfamethoxazol will facilitate SLT purification and detection of SLT-producing bacteria.  相似文献   

Young Alicia rabbits use VHa-negative genes, VHx and VHy, in most VDJ genes, and their serum Ig is VHa negative. However, as Alicia rabbits age, VHa2 allotype Ig is produced at high levels. We investigated which VH gene segments are used in the VDJ genes of a2 Ig-secreting hybridomas and of a2 Ig+ B cells from adult Alicia rabbits. We found that 21 of the 25 VDJ genes used the a2-encoding genes, VH4 or VH7; the other four VDJ genes used four unknown VH gene segments. Because VH4 and VH7 are rarely found in VDJ genes of normal or young Alicia rabbits, we investigated the timing of rearrangement of these genes in Alicia rabbits. During fetal development, VH4 was used in 60-80% of nonproductively rearranged VDJ genes, and VHx and VHy together were used in 10-26%. These data indicate that during B lymphopoiesis VH4 is preferentially rearranged. However, the percentage of productive VHx- and VHy-utilizing VDJ genes increased from 38% at day 21 of gestation to 89% at birth (gestation day 31), whereas the percentage of VH4-utilizing VDJ genes remained at 15%. These data suggest that during fetal development, either VH4-utilizing B-lineage cells are selectively eliminated, or B cells with VHx- and VHy-utilizing VDJ genes are selectively expanded, or both. The accumulation of peripheral VH4-utilizing a2 B cells with age indicates that these B cells might be selectively expanded in the periphery. We discuss the possible selection mechanisms that regulate VH gene segment usage in rabbit B cells during lymphopoiesis and in the periphery.  相似文献   

In this study, the contribution of the CD5+ B cell to the preferential expression of VH 7183 and Q52 observed early in development was determined. CD5+ and CD5- B cells from BALB/c mice were isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorter and the expression of particular VH gene families was determined directly by in situ hybridization. The results indicate that CD5+ B cells obtained from both adult and neonatal animals express Q52 at increased levels compared with CD5- B cells. Preferential expression of VH 7183 was observed only in the neonatal CD5- B cell subset. Thus, the increased expression of VH 7183 early in development is caused by the CD5- subset whereas increased Q52 expression is caused by the CD5+ subset. These results indicate that the fetal/neonatal conventional B cell is distinct from conventional adult B cells in terms of Ig gene repertoire expression.  相似文献   

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