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The pattern of glucose catabolism in barley shoots during vernalizationwas examined using glucose-1-14C and glucose-6-14C. The pentosephosphate pathway became progressively predominant over theEmbden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) pathway after germination in unvernalizedseedlings, while the EMP pathway maintained a superior positionduring the corresponding developmental stages in seedlings undervernalization. (Received August 20, 1973; )  相似文献   

Changes in nucleic acid metabolism of barley seedlings duringvernalization were investigated using thymidine-3H and uridine-3H. DNA content increased in the early germination stage from the1st to 3rd week in vernalized seedlings. In unvernalized seedlings,the most rapid increase was found in the late germination stage.RNA content in the vernalized seedlings increased after 1 weekand reached maximum level after 3 weeks of vernalization treatment.The unvernalized seedlings had a comparatively high contentat 2 days' germination which then gradually increased. Much thymidine-3H was incorporated into DNA and uridine-3H intoRNA fractions in the seedlings during early vernalization. Onthe contrary, without vernalization, heavy incorporation ofthymidine-3H was delayed during the late germination stage.Incorporation of uridine-3H showed a linear increase. A more detailed distribution of thymidine-3H and uridine-3Hin the nucleic acids was examined by methylated albumin-coatedkieselguhr column chromatography. A considerable amount of theincorporated uridine-3H was found in the tenaciouslybound ribonucleicacid (TB-RNA) in the vernalized seedlings. (Received January 18, 1973; )  相似文献   

Changes in lipids of cereal seedlings during vernalization   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Temperate cereals, such as wheat (Triticum spp.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), respond to prolonged cold by becoming more tolerant of freezing (cold acclimation) and by becoming competent to flower (vernalization). These responses occur concomitantly during winter, but vernalization continues to influence development during spring. Previous studies identified VERNALIZATION1 (VRN1) as a master regulator of the vernalization response in cereals. The extent to which other genes contribute to this process is unclear. In this study the Barley1 Affymetrix chip was used to assay gene expression in barley seedlings during short or prolonged cold treatment. Gene expression was also assayed in the leaves of plants after prolonged cold treatment, in order to identify genes that show lasting responses to prolonged cold, which might contribute to vernalization-induced flowering. Many genes showed altered expression in response to short or prolonged cold treatment, but these responses differed markedly. A limited number of genes showed lasting responses to prolonged cold treatment. These include genes known to be regulated by vernalization, such as VRN1 and ODDSOC2, and also contigs encoding a calcium binding protein, 23-KD jasmonate induced proteins, an RNase S-like protein, a PR17d secretory protein and a serine acetyltransferase. Some contigs that were up-regulated by short term cold also showed lasting changes in expression after prolonged cold treatment. These include COLD REGULATED 14B (COR14B) and the barley homologue of WHEAT COLD SPECIFIC 19 (WSC19), which were expressed at elevated levels after prolonged cold. Conversely, two C-REPEAT BINDING FACTOR (CBF) genes showed reduced expression after prolonged cold. Overall, these data show that a limited number of barley genes exhibit lasting changes in expression after prolonged cold treatment, highlighting the central role of VRN1 in the vernalization response in cereals.  相似文献   

The rapid senescence of the etiolated leaves of dark-grown barley seedlings in the dark is accompanied by the loss of those lipids associated with the plastids. The linolenate content of the plastid glycerolipids rapidly decreased whereas it tended to increase in the extraplastidic phospholipids. Kinetin treatment slowed down the loss of the plastid lipids and their constituent fatty acids. The hormone treatment brought about increased linolenate, particularly in phosphatidylcholine and monogalactosyldiacylglycerol. The senescing leaf attempts to adapt to ageing by increased membrane synthesis and/or membrane repair. Kinetin appears to control the sequential desaturation of oleate to linolenate.  相似文献   

Lipids in rye seedlings in relation to vernalization   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Increasing the chilling time from 1 to 8 weeks decreased the time to heading of winter rye (Secale cereale var. Sangaste) to approximate that of the spring variety (Prolific). On a dry weight basis, the total phospholipid content of the embryos was higher in Sangaste but declined in both varieties during chilling. The proportions of the individual phospholipid components were similar for both varieties and showed similar responses during the 8-week chilling period. Phosphatidylcholine declined and phosphatidic acid increased in both varieties during the treatment.  相似文献   

Oxygen fluxes of protoplasts from different developmental regions of light-grown (16 h day/8 h dark) barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Patty) seedlings were studied using oxygen electrodes as well as with a more sensitive technique of oxygen exchange measurement, Cartesian-diver microrespirometry. A pronounced increase in dark respiration of protoplasts from the region close to the intercalary meristem was observed, especially below the amyloplast region. In the dark this region also displayed the greatest activity of the alternative (cyanide-insensitive) mitochondrial electron-flow pathway, possibly due to high intracellular sugar levels and suitable cytosolic energy charge engaging the pathway. Etiolated protoplasts from similar regions of dark-grown barley seedlings close to the intercalary meristem displayed a reduced dark respiratory rate which suggests that mitochondrial participation prior to normal plastid development is a partially light-initiated process, probably acting through the agency of phytochrome and a blue light receptor. These results demonstrate that in normal light-grown seedlings, just as in algal and etiolated greening systems, mitochondrial participation is vital for the very early stages of plastid development and may be controlled at least partly through phytochrome action as well as a blue light receptor.  相似文献   

During senescence of flowering plants, only breakdown products derived from chlorophyll a were detected although  b disappears, too (Matile et al., 1996, Plant Physiol 112: 1403–1409). We investigated the possibility of chlorophyll b reduction during dark-induced senescence of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves. Plastids isolated from senescing leaves were lysed and incubated with NADPH. We found 71-hydroxy-chlorophyll a, 71-hydroxy-chlorophyllide a, and, after incubation with Zn-pheophorbide b, also Zn-71-hydroxy-pheophorbide a, indicating activity of chlorophyll(ide) b reductase. The highest activity was found at day 2 of senescence when chlorophyll breakdown reached its highest rate. Chlorophyllase reached its highest activity under the same conditions only at days 4–6 of senescence. Based on the chlorophyll b reductase activity of plastids at day 2.5 of senescence (=100%), the bulk of activity (83%) was found in the thylakoids and only traces (5%) in the envelope fraction. Chlorophyll b reduction is considered to be an early and obligatory step of chlorophyll b breakdown. Received: 22 February 1999 / Accepted: 24 March 1999  相似文献   

Polyamine levels in barley seedlings grown in the dark or in diurnal illumination have been determined, by direct dansylation, 3, 6 and 12 days after g  相似文献   

The metabolism of C14O2 during amphibian development   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  

Contents of nicotinamide nucleotides, NAD, NADP, NADH2 and NADPH2,in wheat embryos were determined during normal germination andcold treatment. They increased markedly in the early stage ofgermination then decreased later. During cold treatment, thesenucleotides increased initially as in normal germination, butdid not decrease in the later stages. The C6/C1 ratios during germination decreased gradually withaging, but after about the fourth day increased. This suggeststhat the pentose phosphate pathway operates actively. Duringcold treatment, the C6/C1 ratio decreased slightly with aging.This suggests that the EMP pathway operates predominantly inthe glucose metabolism. Based on these results, the correlationbetween NADPH2 and glucose metabolism during cold treatmentwas discussed. Embryos which had absorbed labelled glucose were fractionatedinto several chemical components. The radioisotope accumulatedmainly in the sugar fraction, with small amounts in the organicacid, amino acid and nucleic acid fractions. Changes in thecontent of each component showed that sugar, organic acid andamino acid increased during cold treatment. 1 Present address: Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of PharmaceuticalScience, Higashi Nippon Gaguen University, Ishikari-Tobetsu,Hokkaido 061-02, Japan. 2 Present address: Hokkaido Forest Products Research Institute,Asahikawa 070, Japan. 3 Present address: Kakuto 534, Komae City, Tokyo 182, Japan. (Received November 1, 1976; )  相似文献   

Summary The log. 14C activity/distance profile in the stems of Helianthus seedlings consists of two main parts: region 1, the linear advancing front and region 2, which is also linear but with a less steep slope. As the front passes down the stem, the slope of region 1 remains constant but the amplitude of the front becomes attenuated. The attenuation increases with temperature. The apparent velocity of the profile, which can be derived from the position of the front, is also temperature dependent. Small amounts of 14C occur in the stem ahead of the profile; these amounts increase with a rise of temperature. Region 2 behaves differently: its slope decreases steadily with time but it is insensitive to temperature. The behaviour of this region is dependent on the movement of tracer into an immobile fraction as well as on the longitudinal movement of tracer in the translocation stream.  相似文献   

A large number of accessions of covered and naked barley from eastern Nepal were grown without vernalization, and it was found that naked barley accessions were predominantly spring varieties while covered barley accessions were predominantly winter varieties. Seven accessions were subjected to a range of vernalization periods. Four naked varieties were spring varieties, although one showed some response to vernalization, but the three covered barleys were winter varieties. Although the majority of naked barleys are spring forms, they are winter sown at high altitudes and this does not conform to the distribution of naked barley described by Takahashi (1955). Wheat accessions which came from villages situated at high altitudes tended to have higher vernalization requirements than those which came from lower altitudes. This was taken to indicate local adaptation and a low movement of seeds (gene-flow) between villages. The relationship between vernalization requirement and altitude was not found in barley. Marked but contrasting regional patterns for vernalization requirement occurred in the wheat and covered barley. It was concluded that gene-flow was greater within regions than between them. This regional isolation together with environmental heterogeneity are major diversity promoting mechanisms.  相似文献   

It is shown that more than 90% of the labelled substance D-[1-14C] calcium homopantotenate is rapidly removed from the organism with urea; 6-8% are products of its transformation, among them GABA is identified. An insignificant transformation of D-[1-14C] calcium homopantotenate up to 14CO2 is observed. After the preparation administration only unchanged D-[1-14C] calcium homopantotenate was found in the tissues, except of the liver where, as in urea, there is a nonidentified product with small Rf. [1-14C] GABA is rapidly transformed to 14CO2 and only its insignificant part is removed with urea, chiefly as products of transformation.  相似文献   

In crop carbon budget studies losses of root material during storage and washing of samples may cause considerable errors. To correct data from field experiments where rhizosphere C fluxes in wheat and barley were determined by14C pulse-labelling at different development stages, experiments were performed to quantify losses of14C from roots during washing. Losses of14C from wheat roots grown on nutrient solution and stored in different ways, decreased from on average 45% of total14C content 8 days after labelling to 27% after 21 days. This decrease was probably related to the incorporation of14C into structural compounds. During washing of oven-dried soil cores of held-grown wheat and barley 3 weeks after labelling, different size classes of losses of14C from the roots increased substantially with the development stage of the crop at labelling. The 0.3–0.6 mm size class increased from 5% of the14C in roots > 0.3 mm in young plants to 25% at ripening, and the < 0.3 mm size class increased from 8 to 41% of total14C content. The latter size class was, however, determined by washing handpicked roots and may therefore partly consist of adhering exudates, mucilages and microorganisms. The effect of development stage on root washing losses was attributed to root senescence which increases the fragility of roots. Thus, especially at the rate development stages root washing losses caused a severe underestimation of the root14C content. However, with these results the14C distribution patterns of the field experiments could be adequately corrected.Communication No. 77 of the Dutch Programme on Soil Ecology of Arable Farming Systems.  相似文献   

A method is described for the chemical synthesis of stigmasta-5,24-dien-3β-ol-[26-14C] and (24S)-24-ethylcholesta-5,25-dien-3β-ol-[26-14C] (clerosterol). 28-Isofucosterol-[7-3H2] fed to developing barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare) was incorporated into sitosterol and stigmasterol confirming the utilisation of a 24-ethylidene sterol intermediate in 24α-ethyl sterol production in this plant. Also, the use of mevalonic acid-[2-14C(4R)-4-3H1] verified the loss of the C-25 hydrogen of 28-isofucosterol during its conversion into sitosterol and stigmasterol in agreement with the previously postulated isomerisation of the 24-ethylidene sterol to a Δ24(25)-sterol prior to reduction. However, feeding stigmasta-5,24-dien-3β-ol [26-14C] to barley seedlings gave very low incorporation into sitosterol. Attempts to trap radioactivity from mevalonic-[2-14C(4R)-4-3H1] in stigmasta-5,24-dien-3β-ol when this unlabelled sterol was administered to barley seedlings gave only a very small incorporation although both 28-isofucosterol and sitosterol were labelled.  相似文献   

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