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This review explores the long‐standing question: ‘Why do cardiovascular shunts occur?’ An historical perspective is provided on previous research into cardiac shunts in vertebrates that continues to shape current views. Cardiac shunts and when they occur is then described for vertebrates. Nearly 20 different functional reasons have been proposed as specific causes of shunts, ranging from energy conservation to improved gas exchange, and including a plethora of functions related to thermoregulation, digestion and haemodynamics. It has even been suggested that shunts are merely an evolutionary or developmental relic. Having considered the various hypotheses involving cardiovascular shunting in vertebrates, this review then takes a non‐traditional approach. Rather than attempting to identify the single ‘correct’ reason for the occurrence of shunts, we advance a more holistic, integrative approach that embraces multiple, non‐exclusive suites of proposed causes for shunts, and indicates how these varied functions might at least co‐exist, if not actually support each other as shunts serve multiple, concurrent physiological functions. It is argued that deposing the ‘monolithic’ view of shunting leads to a more nuanced view of vertebrate cardiovascular systems. This review concludes by suggesting new paradigms for testing the function(s) of shunts, including experimentally placing organ systems into conflict in terms of their perfusion needs, reducing sources of variation in physiological experiments, measuring possible compensatory responses to shunt ablation, moving experiments from the laboratory to the field, and using cladistics‐related approaches in the choice of experimental animals.  相似文献   

Morphometric differences and distances are theoretically equivalent whether based on Cartesian coordinate locations of landmarks, or on the linear measurements between those same landmarks. In two examples: (a) two-dimensional primate odontometrics and (b) three- dimensional hominoid pelvic osteometrics, much similarity is found between analyses using input data in the form of chords and coordinates. The subtle differences attain statistical significance, however, with the greater interspecific separation and delineation of trends consistently favouring chords in one example and coordinates in the other.  相似文献   

Although most studies on integration and modularity have focused on variation among individuals within populations or species, this is not the only level of variation for which integration and modularity exist. Multiple levels of biological variation originate from distinct sources: genetic variation, phenotypic plasticity resulting from environmental heterogeneity, fluctuating asymmetry from random developmental variation and, at the interpopulation or interspecific levels, evolutionary change. The processes that produce variation at all these levels can impart integration or modularity on the covariance structure among morphological traits. In turn, studies of the patterns of integration and modularity can inform about the underlying processes. In particular, the methods of geometric morphometrics offer many advantages for such studies because they can characterize the patterns of morphological variation in great detail and maintain the anatomical context of the structures under study. This paper reviews biological concepts and analytical methods for characterizing patterns of variation and for comparing across levels. Because research comparing patterns across level has only just begun, there are relatively few results, generalizations are difficult and many biological and statistical questions remain unanswered. Nevertheless, it is clear that research using this approach can take advantage of an abundance of new possibilities that are so far largely unexplored.  相似文献   

The evolutionary role of modularity and integration in the hominoid cranium   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Patterns of morphological integration and modularity among shape features emerge from genetic and developmental factors with varying pleiotropic effects. Factors or processes affecting morphology only locally may respond to selection more easily than common factors that may lead to deleterious side effects and hence are expected to be more conserved. We briefly review evidence for such global factors in primate cranial development as well as for local factors constrained to either the face or the neurocranium. In a sample comprising 157 crania of Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes, and Gorilla gorilla, we statistically estimated common and local factors of shape variation from Procrustes coordinates of 347 landmarks and semilandmarks. Common factors with pleiotropic effects on both the face and the neurocranium account for a large amount of shape variation, but mainly by extension or truncation of otherwise conserved developmental pathways. Local factors (modular shape characteristics) have more degrees of freedom for evolutionary change than mere ontogenetic scaling. Cranial shape is similarly integrated during development in all three species, but human evolution involves dissociation among several characteristics. The dissociation has probably been achieved by evolutionary alterations and by the novel emergence of local factors affecting characteristics that are controlled at the same time by the common factors.  相似文献   

Animals typically have several navigational strategies available to them. Interactions between these strategies can reduce navigational errors and may lead to the emergence of new capacities.  相似文献   

T-DNA chimeric integration and unexpected transgene expression are relevant constraints affecting transgenic plants. This study aims to properly investigate the occurrence of these events and to what extent they may be related. The final goal is to develop an effective screening tool for earlier selection of proper transgenic lines. A strategy based on qPCR and Southern blot was adopted for evaluating gus and Egfp chimerism degree in transgenic Vitis vinifera cv ‘Chardonnay’. Of nine transgenic lines, one had a very high chimerism value, which was shown to be associated with minimal transgene expression. The evaluation of the gus gene over time and space on a line selected as a model showed that transgene’s chimerism was stable and uniform throughout plant tissues whilst its expression was highly variable. Transgene chimerism issue was investigated in detail and useful hints were given for selecting the most favorable transgenic plants and for proper planning of in vitro and ex vitro experiments.  相似文献   

Morphological integration and modularity are important points of intersection between evolution and the development of organismal form. Identification and quantification of integration are also of increasing paleoanthropological interest. In this study, the "posterior face," i.e., the mandibular ramus and its integration with the associated midline and lateral basicranium, is analyzed in lateral radiographs of 144 adult humans from three different geographic regions. The null hypothesis of homogenously pervasive morphological integration among "posterior-face" components is tested with Procrustes geometric morphometrics, partial least squares, and singular warps analysis. The results reveal statistically significant differences in integration. Only loose integrative relationships are found between midline and lateral components of the basicranium, which may indicate the presence of at least two different basicranial modules. This modularity can be interpreted in terms of spatiotemporal dissociation in the development of those basicranial structures, and gives support to hypotheses of independent phylogenetic modifications at the lateral and midline basicranium in humans. In addition, morphological integration was statistically significantly stronger between the middle cranial fossa and the mandibular ramus than between the ramus and the midline cranial base. This finding confirms previous hypotheses of a "petroso-mandibular unit," which could be a developmental consequence of well-known phylogenetic modifications in coronal topology of the posterior face and base in hominoid evolution, related to middle cranial fossa expansion. This unit could be involved in later evolutionary tendencies in the hominid craniofacial system.  相似文献   

The increased availability of both open ecological data, and software to interact with it, allows the fast collection and integration of information at all spatial and taxonomic scales. This offers the opportunity to address macroecological questions in a cost‐effective way. In this contribution, we illustrate this approach by forecasting the structure of a stream food web at the global scale. In so doing, we highlight the most salient issues needing to be addressed before this approach can be used with a high degree of confidence.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the functional morphology of the primate supraorbital region is based largely on previous morphometric and in vivo mechanical tests of hypotheses in non-human anthropoids. Prior tests of two structural hypotheses explaining morphological variation in the supraorbital region, the craniofacial size hypothesis and the spatial hypothesis, did not fully consider modern humans. We extend these previous findings to include modern humans by conducting morphometric tests of these two hypotheses in a sample of adult Melanesian crania. Morphometric correlates of structural predictions for the craniofacial size and spatial hypotheses were developed and compared to measurements of the supraorbital region via bivariate product-moment correlations. Measurements of the supraorbital region are significantly correlated with a craniofacial size estimate across individuals from this Melanesian sample. This result supports the prediction of the craniofacial size hypothesis that the magnitude of the supraorbital region is proportional to craniofacial size. The predicted link between the degree of neural-orbital disjunction and the magnitude of the supraorbital region, explicated in the spatial hypothesis, receives mixed support in the correlation analysis. These two results agree with previous research indicating that support for the craniofacial size and spatial hypotheses can be found across and within anthropoid primate species, including modern humans. Correlational support for both the craniofacial size and spatial hypotheses suggests multiple factors influence variation in the modern human supraorbital region. Thus, a single hypothesis cannot fully account for modern human variation in this region. The low bivariate correlation coefficients in this study further question whether existing hypotheses can adequately explain morphological variation in the supraorbital region in a primate population sample. Novel functional, structural, behavioral and developmental ideas must be explored if we are to better understand morphological variation in the modern human supraorbital region.  相似文献   

Organisms are built from distinct modules, which are internally coherent but flexible in their relationships among one another. We examined morphological variation within and between two candidate modules: the fore- and hindwings of bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus empatiens). We used the techniques of geometric morphometrics (Procrustes superimposition) to analyze the variation of landmark configurations in fore- and hindwings. Regression was used to correct for size-related shape variation (allometry). Principal component analysis revealed patterns of variation that were remarkably similar for individual variation and fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Because covariation of FA among parts must be due to direct transmission of the developmental perturbations causing FA, this agreement of patterns suggests that much of individual variation is also due to direct developmental interactions within each developing wing. Moreover, partial least squares analysis indicated that the patterns of shape covariation between fore- and hindwings were nearly the same as the patterns of within-wing variation. Shape covariation of FA was only found in bees that had been reared under elevated CO(2) concentration but not in bees from the control treatment, suggesting that the mechanisms of developmental interactions between fore- and hindwings are related to gas exchange. We conclude that the fore- and hindwings are developmental modules that maintain internal coherence through direct developmental interactions and are connected to each other only by relatively few links that use the system of interactions within modules.  相似文献   

Modularity and integration are variational properties expressed at various levels of the biological hierarchy. Mismatches among these levels, for example developmental modules that are integrated in a functional unit, could be informative of how evolutionary processes and trade‐offs have shaped organismal morphologies as well as clade diversification. In the present study, we explored the full, integrated and modular spaces of two developmental modules in phacopid trilobites, the cephalon and the pygidium, and highlight some differences among them. Such contrasts reveal firstly that evolutionary processes operating in the modular spaces are stronger in the cephalon, probably due to a complex regime of selection related to the numerous functions ensured by this module. Secondly, we demonstrate that the same pattern of covariation is shared among species, which also differentiate along this common functional integration. This common pattern might be the result of stabilizing selection acting on the enrolment and implying a coordinate variation between the cephalon and the pygidium in a certain direction of the morphospace. Finally, we noticed that Austerops legrandi differs slightly from other species in that its integration is partly restructured in the way the two modules interact. Such a divergence can result from the involvement of the cephalon in several vital functions that may have constrained the response of the features involved in enrolment and reorganized the covariation of the pygidium with the cephalon. Therefore, it is possible that important evolutionary trade‐offs between enrolment and other functions on the cephalon might have partly shaped the diversification of trilobites.  相似文献   

When molecules and morphology produce incongruent hypotheses of primate interrelationships, the data are typically viewed as incompatible, and molecular hypotheses are often considered to be better indicators of phylogenetic history. However, it has been demonstrated that the choice of which taxa to include in cladistic analysis as well as assumptions about character weighting, character state transformation order, and outgroup choice all influence hypotheses of relationships and may positively influence tree topology, so that relationships between extant taxa are consistent with those found using molecular data. Thus, the source of incongruence between morphological and molecular trees may lie not in the morphological data themselves but in assumptions surrounding the ways characters evolve and their impact on cladistic analysis. In this study, we investigate the role that assumptions about character polarity and transformation order play in creating incongruence between primate phylogenies based on morphological data and those supported by multiple lines of molecular data. By releasing constraints imposed on published morphological analyses of primates from disparate clades and subjecting those data to parsimony analysis, we test the hypothesis that incongruence between morphology and molecules results from inherent flaws in morphological data. To quantify the difference between incongruent trees, we introduce a new method called branch slide distance (BSD). BSD mitigates many of the limitations attributed to other tree comparison methods, thus allowing for a more accurate measure of topological similarity. We find that releasing a priori constraints on character behavior often produces trees that are consistent with molecular trees. Case studies are presented that illustrate how congruence between molecules and unconstrained morphological data may provide insight into issues of polarity, transformation order, homology, and homoplasy.  相似文献   

The morphological integration of the hind wings of the western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte was investigated to get a better insight of the undergone by this invasive species. Geometric morphometric methods were used to test two modularity hypotheses associated with the wing development and function (hypothesis H1: anterior/posterior or H2: distal/proximal wing parts). Both hypotheses were rejected and the results showed the integrated behavior of the hind wings of D. v. virgifera. The hypothesized modules do not represent separate units of variation, so in a similar fashion as exhibited by the model species Drosophila melanogaster, the hind wings of D. v. virgifera act as a single functional unit. The moderate covariation strength found between anterior and posterior and distal and proximal parts of the hind wing of D. v. virgifera confirms its integrated behavior. We conclude that the wing shape shows internal integration, which could enable flexibility and thus enhance flight maneuverability. This study contributes to the understanding of morphological integration and modularity on a non-model organism. Additionally, these findings lay the groundwork for future flight performance and biogeographical studies on how wing shape and size vary across the endemic and expanded/invaded range in the USA and Europe infested with D. v. virgifera.  相似文献   

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