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The complete genome of Marek's disease virus serotype 1 (MDV-1) strain 584Ap80C was cloned in Escherichia coli as a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC). BAC vector sequences were introduced into the U(S)2 locus of the MDV-1 genome by homologous recombination. Viral DNA containing the BAC vector was used to transform Escherichia coli strain DH10B, and several colonies harboring the complete MDV-1 genome as an F plasmid (MDV-1 BACs) were identified. DNA from various MDV-1 BACs was transfected into chicken embryo fibroblasts, and from 3 days after transfection, infectious MDV-1 was obtained. Growth of MDV-1 recovered from BACs was indistinguishable from that of the parental virus, as assessed by plaque formation and determination of growth curves. In one of the MDV-1 BAC clones, sequences encoding glycoprotein B (gB) were deleted by one-step mutagenesis using a linear DNA fragment amplified by PCR. Mutant MDV-1 recovered after transfection of BAC DNA that harbored a 2.0-kbp deletion of the 2.6-kbp gB gene were able to grow and induce MDV-1-specific plaques only on cells providing MDV-1 gB in trans. The gB-negative virus reported here represents the first MDV-1 mutant with a deletion of an essential gene and demonstrates the power and usefulness of BACs to analyze genes and gene products in slowly growing and strictly cell-associated herpesviruses.  相似文献   

The RNA subunit of telomerase is encoded by Marek's disease virus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Marek's disease virus (MDV) is a herpesvirus of chickens that induces T lymphomas and tumors within 4 to 5 weeks of infection. Although the ability of MDV to induce tumors was demonstrated many years ago and although a number of viral oncogenic proteins have been identified, the mechanism by which the MDV is implicated in tumorigenesis is still unknown. We report the identification of a virus-encoded RNA telomerase subunit (vTR) within the genome of MDV. This gene is found in the genomic DNA of the oncogenic MDV strains, whereas it is not carried by the nononcogenic MDV strains. The vTR sequence exhibits 88% sequence identity with the chicken gene (cTR). Our functional analysis suggests that this telomerase RNA can reconstitute telomerase activity in a heterologous system (the knockout murine TR(-/-) cell line) by interacting with the telomerase protein component encoded by the host cell. We have also demonstrated that the vTR promoter region is efficient whatever the species of cell line considered and that vTR is expressed in vivo in peripheral blood leukocytes from chickens infected with the oncogenic MDV-RB1B and the vaccine MDV-Rispens strains. The functionality of the vTR gene and the potential implication of vTR in the oncogenesis induced by MDV is discussed.  相似文献   

Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-encoded microRNA (miRNA) MiR-K12-11 was recently shown to be a functional ortholog of miR-155, a miRNA that plays a major role in lymphoid malignancies and the modulation of immune responses. Here we show that miR-M4, encoded by the highly oncogenic Marek's disease virus of chickens, shares common targets with miR-155 and thus is also a functional ortholog of miR-155, the first one identified in an alphaherpesvirus. The observation that two distinct oncogenic herpesviruses associated with distinct types of lymphomas in different species encode functional miR-155 orthologs suggested the importance of this miRNA in regulatory pathways and the biology of lymphomagenesis.  相似文献   

The discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs) is a remarkable breakthrough in the field of life science, and they are important actors which regulate gene expression in diverse cellular processes. Recently, several reports indicated that miRNAs can also target viruses and regulate virus replication. Here we discovered 36 pig-encoded miRNAs and 22 human-encoded miRNAs which have putative targets in swine influenza virus (SIV) and Swine-Origin 2009 A/H1N1 influenza virus (S-OIV) genes respectively. Interestingly, the putative interactions of ssc-miR-124a, ssc-miR-136 and ssc-miR-145 with their SIV target genes had been found to be maintained almost throughout all of the virus evolution. Enrichment analysis of previously reported miRNA gene expression profiles revealed that three miRNAs are expressed at higher levels in human lung or trachea tissue. The hsa-miR-145 and hsa-miR-92a putatively target the HA gene and hsa-miR-150 putatively targets the PB2 gene. Analysis results based on the location distribution from which virus was isolated and sequence conservation imply that some putative miRNA-mediated host-virus interactions may characterize the location-specificity.  相似文献   

Recent findings suggest that mammalian microRNAs (miRNAs) may influence viral replication in host cells. Studies on HIV-1 infection have contributed in part to the development of this notion. Herein, we review, in brief, some of the evidence supportive of an interplay between human miRNAs and HIV-1 in cells. Several cellular miRNAs potentially act to restrict HIV-1 replication, and the virus has countermeasures to evade such restriction.  相似文献   

Hung CF  He L  Juang J  Lin TJ  Ling M  Wu TC 《Journal of virology》2002,76(6):2676-2682
We have previously employed an intercellular spreading strategy using herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) VP22 protein to enhance DNA vaccine potency because DNA vaccines lack the intrinsic ability to amplify in cells. Recently, studies have demonstrated that the protein encoded by UL49 of Marek's disease virus type 1 (MDV-1) exhibits some degree of homology to the HSV-1 VP22 protein and features the property of intercellular transport. We therefore generated a DNA vaccine encoding MDV-1 VP22 linked to a model antigen, human papillomavirus type 16 E7. We demonstrated that compared with mice vaccinated with DNA encoding wild-type E7, mice vaccinated with MDV-1 VP22/E7 DNA exhibited a significant increase in number of gamma-interferon-secreting, E7-specific CD8(+)-T-cell precursors as well as stronger tumor prevention and treatment effects. Furthermore, our data indicated that the antitumor effect was CD8 dependent. These results suggested that the development of vaccines encoding VP22 fused to a target antigen might be a promising strategy for improving DNA vaccine potency.  相似文献   

VP22 of Marek’s disease virus serotype 1 (MDV-1) could function in protein transduction. In this study, an infectious bursal disease virus VP2 gene was fused to the carboxyl termini of VP22. It showed that the fusion protein did not spread into the bystander cells from the cells transfected with pVP22-VP2, as the VP22 alone could. The VP22 proteins were found to be translocated into all the nuclei in the neighboring COS-1 cells, as analyzed by a fluorescence assay. Although mice were immunized with the recombinant DNAs mixed with polyethylenimine (PEI) at a dose of 1:2, it failed to enhance the antibody response against IBDV VP2, as measured by the indirect ELISA assay, yet the cell mediated immune response was significantly increased. The ratio of CD8 /CD4 T cells was significantly increased in the immunized group with the fusion genes, compared with the group immunized with VP2 (P<0.05). Our results demonstrated that VP22 indeed enhances the cell-mediated response in the fused VP2 in a mice model system, possibly due to the fact that the IBDV VP2 could be carried into the surrounding cells at a limited level under pressure from MDV VP22.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease plays a critical role in the proteolytic processing of precursor polyproteins during virion maturation. Contradictory evidence has been obtained for a possible role for the protease early after infection, i.e., during DNA synthesis and/or integration. We have reexamined this question by using conditional mutants of the protease. In one set of experiments, protease mutants that confer a temperature-sensitive phenotype for processing were used to assess the need for protease activity early after infection. No significant difference from results with wild-type virus was seen when infections were carried out at either 35 or 40 degrees C. In a separate set of experiments, infections were carried out in the presence of a protease inhibitor. In this case, both wild-type virus and a drug-resistant variant were used, the latter as a control to ensure a specific effect of the inhibitor. Infection with either virus was not inhibited at drug concentrations that were up to 10-fold higher than those needed to inhibit intracellular processing by the viral protease. The results obtained by both of these experimental protocols provide evidence that the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease does not play a role early after infection.  相似文献   

Xu S  Xue C  Li J  Bi Y  Cao Y 《Journal of virology》2011,85(1):276-285
Viruses cause about 15% of the cancers that are still the leading causes of human mortality. The discovery of viral oncogenes has enhanced our understanding of viral oncogenesis. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of virus-induced cancers are complex and require further investigation. The present study has attempted to investigate the effects of the microRNAs (miRNAs) encoded by Marek's disease virus 1 (MDV1), a chicken herpesvirus causing acute T-cell lymphomas and solid visceral tumors in chickens, on anti-cancer drug-induced apoptosis and identify the targets of the miRNAs. The results showed that of the total 14 miRNAs encoded by MDV1, MDV1-miR-M3 significantly promoted cell survival under treatment with cisplatin, a widely used chemotherapy drug. MDV1-miR-M3 suppressed cisplatin-induced apoptosis by directly downregulating expression at the protein but not the mRNA level of Smad2, a critical component in the transforming growth factor β signal pathway. Our data suggest that latent/oncogenic viruses may encode miRNAs to directly target cellular factors involved in antiviral processes including apoptosis, thus proactively creating a cellular environment beneficial to viral latency and oncogenesis. Furthermore, the knowledge of the apoptosis resistance conferred by viral miRNAs has great practical implications for improving the efficacy of chemotherapies for treating cancers, especially those induced by oncogenic viruses.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate the roles of Marek's disease virus serotype 1 (MDV-1) major tegument proteins VP11/12, VP13/14, VP16, and VP22 in viral growth in cultured cells. Based on a bacterial artificial chromosome clone of MDV-1 (BAC20), mutant viruses were constructed in which the MDV-1 homologs of UL46, UL47, UL48, or UL49 were deleted alone and in various combinations. It could be demonstrated that the UL46, UL47, and UL48 genes are dispensable for MDV-1 growth in chicken embryonic skin and quail muscle QM7 cells, although the generated virus mutants exhibited reduced plaque sizes in all cell types investigated. In contrast, a UL49-negative MDV-1 (20 Delta 49) and a UL48-UL49 (20 Delta 48-49) doubly negative mutant were not able to produce MDV-1-specific plaques on either cell type. It was confirmed that this growth restriction is dependent on the absence of VP22 expression, because growth of these mutant viruses could be partially restored on cells that were cotransfected with a UL49 expression plasmid. In addition, we were able to demonstrate that cell-to-cell spread of MDV-1 conferred by VP22 is dependent on the expression of amino acids 37 to 187 of MDV-1 VP22, because expression plasmids containing MDV-1 UL49 mutant genes with deletions of amino acids 1 to 37 or 188 to 250 were still able to restore partial growth of the 20 Delta 49 and 20 Delta 48-49 viruses. These results demonstrate for the first time that an alphaherpesvirus UL49-homologous gene is essential for virus growth in cell culture.  相似文献   

An earlier report (M. Sakaguchi et al., Vaccine 16:472-479, 1998) showed that recombinant Marek's disease virus type 1 (rMDV1) expressing the fusion (F) protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV-F) under the control of the simian virus 40 late promoter [rMDV1-US10L(F)] protected specific pathogen-free chickens from NDV challenge, but not commercial chickens with maternal antibodies against NDV and MDV1. In the present study, we constructed an improved polyvalent vaccine based on MDV1 against MDV and NDV in commercial chickens with maternal antibodies. The study can be summarized as follows. (i) We constructed rMDV1 expressing NDV-F under the control of the MDV1 glycoprotein B (gB) promoter [rMDV1-US10P(F)]. (ii) Much less NDV-F protein was expressed in cells infected with rMDV1-US10P(F) than in those infected with rMDV1-US10L(F). (iii) The antibody response against NDV-F and MDV1 antigens of commercial chickens vaccinated with rMDV1-US10P(F) was much stronger and faster than with rMDV1-US10L(F), and a high level of antibody against NDV-F persisted for over 80 weeks postvaccination. (iv) rMDV1-US10P(F) was readily reisolated from the vaccinated chickens, and the recovered viruses were found to express NDV-F. (v) Vaccination of commercial chickens having maternal antibodies to rMDV1-US10P(F) completely protected them from NDV challenge. (vi) rMDV1-US10P(F) offered the same degree of protection against very virulent MDV1 as the parental MDV1 and commercial vaccines. These results indicate that rMDV1-US10P(F) is an effective and stable polyvalent vaccine against both Marek's and Newcastle diseases even in the presence of maternal antibodies.  相似文献   

Immune activation is a major characteristic of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection and a strong prognostic factor for HIV-1 disease progression. The underlying mechanisms leading to immune activation in viremic HIV-1 infection, however, are not fully understood. Here we show that, following the initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy, the immediate decline of immune activation is closely associated with the reduction of HIV-1 viremia, which suggests a direct contribution of HIV-1 itself to immune activation. To propose a mechanism, we demonstrate that the single-stranded RNA of HIV-1 encodes multiple uridine-rich Toll-like receptor 7/8 (TLR7/8) ligands that induce strong MyD88-dependent plasmacytoid dendritic cell and monocyte activation, as well as accessory cell-dependent T-cell activation. HIV-1-encoded TLR ligands may, therefore, directly contribute to the immune activation observed during viremic HIV-1 infection. These data provide an initial rationale for inhibiting the TLR pathway to directly reduce the chronic immune activation induced by HIV-1 and the associated immune pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Loss-of-function gac1 mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fail to accumulate normal levels of glycogen because of low glycogen synthase activity. Increased dosage of GAC1 results in increased activity of glycogen synthase and a corresponding hyperaccumulation of glycogen. The glycogen accumulation phenotype of gac1 is similar to that of glc7-1, a type 1 protein phosphatase mutant. We have partially characterized the GAC1 gene product (Gac1p) and show that levels of Gac1p increase during growth with the same kinetics as glycogen accumulation. Gac1p is phosphorylated in vivo and is hyperphosphorylated in a glc7-1 mutant. Gac1p and the type 1 protein phosphatase directly interact in vitro, as assayed by coimmunoprecipitation, and in vivo, as determined by the dihybrid assay described elsewhere (S. Fields and O.-k. Song, Nature [London] 340:245-246, 1989). The interaction between Gac1p and the glc7-1-encoded form of the type 1 protein phosphatase is defective, as assayed by either immunoprecipitation or the dihybrid assay. Increased dosage of GAC1 partially suppresses the glycogen defect of glc7-1. Collectively, our data support the hypotheses that GAC1 encodes a regulatory subunit of type 1 protein phosphatase and that the glycogen accumulation defect of glc7-1 is due at least in part to the inability of the mutant phosphatase to interact with its regulatory subunit.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism of p56lck protein downregulation observed in human T cells infected by human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), we have investigated the ability of the 3' end of the HTLV-1 genome as well as that of the tax and rex genes to modulate p56lck protein expression and p56lck mRNA synthesis. By using Jurkat T cells stably transfected with constructs that expressed either the 3' end of the HTLV-1 genome (JK C11-pMTEX), the tax gene (JK52-Tax) or the rex gene (JK9-Rex), we found that the expression of p40tax (Tax) was sufficient to modulate p56lck protein expression. Similarly, we found that the expression of the mRNA which encoded p56lck was repressed in Jurkat T cells which expressed Tax. This downregulation was shown to be proportional to the amount of tax mRNA found in the transfected cells, as evidenced by experiments that used cells (JPX-9) stably transfected with a tax gene driven by a cadmium-inducible promoter. Furthermore, cadmium induction of Tax in JPX-9 cells transiently transfected with a construct containing the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene under control of the lck distal promoter (lck DP-CAT) resulted in the downregulation of CAT gene expression. In contrast, cadmium induction of Tax in JPX-9 cells transiently transfected with a CAT construct driven by a lck DP with a deletion extending from position -259 to -253 (a sequence corresponding to a putative E-Box) did not modulate CAT gene expression, suggesting that the effect of Tax on p56lck is mediated through an E-Box binding protein.  相似文献   

An enzyme treated preparation of Mycobacterium phlei (NSI), induced strong cell mediated immune response (CMIR) against specific as well as against nonspecific oncogenic Marek's disease (MDV) in birds, as evinced by Lymphocyte migration inhibition, (LMIT) lymphocyte transformation test (LT) and Lymphokine (Lymphocyte migration inhibition factor) LyIF assay. Maximum CMIR could be observed towards third week post inoculation. All the three tests exhibited a positive correlation. Such phenomenon of CMIR induction by NSI, nonspecifically to unrelated viral/cancerous diseases (MD) in birds generates hopes for immunoprevention of these maladies by utilizing such phenomenon.  相似文献   

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