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End-tidal carbon dioxide tension (Pet(CO(2))) is reduced during an orthostatic challenge, during heat stress, and during a combination of these two conditions. The importance of these changes is dependent on Pet(CO(2)) being an accurate surrogate for arterial carbon dioxide tension (Pa(CO(2))), the latter being the physiologically relevant variable. This study tested the hypothesis that Pet(CO(2)) provides an accurate assessment of Pa(CO(2)) during the aforementioned conditions. Comparisons between these measures were made: 1) after two levels of heat stress (N = 11); 2) during combined heat stress and simulated hemorrhage [via lower-body negative pressure (LBNP), N = 8]; and 3) during an end-tidal clamping protocol to attenuate heat stress-induced reductions in Pet(CO(2)) (N = 7). Pet(CO(2)) and Pa(CO(2)) decreased during heat stress (P < 0.001); however, there was no group difference between Pa(CO(2)) and Pet(CO(2)) (P = 0.36) nor was there a significant interaction between thermal condition and measurement technique (P = 0.06). To verify that this nonsignificant trend for the interaction was not due to a type II error, Pet(CO(2)) and Pa(CO(2)) at three distinct thermal conditions were also compared using paired t-tests, revealing no difference between Pa(CO(2)) and Pet(CO(2)) while normothermic (P = 0.14) and following a 1.0 ± 0.2°C (P = 0.21) and 1.4 ± 0.2°C (P = 0.28) increase in internal temperature. During LBNP while heat stressed, measures of Pet(CO(2)) and Pa(CO(2)) were similar (P = 0.61). Likewise, during the end-tidal carbon dioxide clamping protocol, the increases in Pet(CO(2)) (7.5 ± 2.8 mmHg) and Pa(CO(2)) (6.6 ± 3.4 mmHg) were similar (P = 0.31). These data indicate that mean Pet(CO(2)) reflects mean Pa(CO(2)) during the evaluated conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Growth pigment production as well as macroconidia and arthrospore formation ofTrichophyton mentagrophytes are stimulated under the influence of increased carbon dioxide tension. Macroconidia with spirals and pistol forms of macroconidia are observed.The granular form ofT. mentagrophytes displays an asteroid growth (Dextrose agar of Sabouraud) with an ingrowth and elongation of the ray branches in the agar and a decrease of the air-mycelium. The culture completely resembles to those ofT. mentagrophytes varasteroides. The macroconidia appear elongated and they acquire an asteroid arrangement. The less granular strains ofT. mentagrophytes take the appearance ofT. interdigitale type.An analogy is made between these morphogenetic changes under the effect of increased CO2 tension in vitro and the influence of the animal organism in the evolution of the growth forms of dermatophytes in vivo in the process of their parasitic adaptation.  相似文献   

While optimal diving models focus on the diver's oxygen (O(2)) stores as the predominant factor influencing diving behaviour, many vertebrate species surface from a dive before these stores are exhausted and may commence another dive well after their O(2) stores have been resaturated. This study investigates the influence of hypoxia and also hypercapnia on the dive cycle of tufted ducks, Aythya fuligula, in terms of surface duration and dive duration. The birds were trained to surface into a respirometer box after each dive to a feeding tray so that rates of O(2) uptake (VO2) and carbon dioxide output (VCO2) at the surface could be measured. Although Vco2 initially lagged behind Vo2, both respiratory gas stores were close to full adjustment after the average surface duration, indicating that they probably had a similar degree of influence on surface duration. Chemoreceptors, which are known to influence diving behaviour, detect changes in O(2) and CO(2) partial pressures in the arterial blood. Thus, the need to restore blood gas levels appears to be a strong stimulus to continue ventilation. Mean surface duration coincided with peak instantaneous respiratory exchange ratio due to predive anticipatory hyperventilation causing hypocapnia. For comparison, the relationship between surface duration and O(2) uptake in reanalysed data for two grey seals indicated that one animal tended to dive well after fully restocking its O(2) stores, while the other dived at the point of full restocking. More CO(2) is exchanged than O(2) in tufted ducks during the last few breaths before the first dive of a bout, serving to reduce CO(2) stores and suggesting that hypercapnia rather than hypoxia is more often the limiting factor on asphyxia tolerance during dives. Indeed, according to calculations of O(2) stores and O(2) consumption rates over modal diving durations, a lack of O(2) does not seem to be associated with the termination of a dive in tufted ducks. However, factors other than CO(2) are also likely to be important, and perhaps more so, such as food density and rate of food ingestion. Because some predictive success has been demonstrated for optimal diving models, they should continue to incorporate O(2) stores as a variable, but their validity is likely to be improved by also focusing on CO(2) stores.  相似文献   

This is a preliminary study designed to investigate the potential usefulness of alveolar (lung) CO2 feedback training in promoting sleep onset in primary insomniacs. The present study was undertaken to determine if normal subjects could, without obvious manipulation of breathing, bring alveolar (lung) CO2 tension under voluntary control using biofeedback techniques and, if so, whether this control would be accompanied by shifts in level of wakefulness. Subjects participated in five baseline and five training sessions in which EEG, alveolar CO2 tension, and thoracic/abdominal respiratory movement were monitored. The feedback consisted of a pitch-modulated tone plus visual scores. We found that CO2 tension in awake portions of up trials was significantly higher than for awake portions of down trials (p<.01), indicating that learning had occurred. In the initial trials, when subjects raised CO2 tension they became drowsy and often fell asleep, and when they lowered CO2 tension they aroused themselves. However, when subjects were awakened immediately upon falling asleep, there developed a decoupling of EEG and CO2 changes. The presence of such a decoupling phenomenon makes it unclear whether CO2 feedback will be useful in promoting sleep onset in primary insomniacs.This study was supported by National Institute of Mental Health Research Fellowship MH05151, Research Grant MH29369, Research Scientist Development Award MH38897, and by a Biomedical Research Support Grant to Langley Porter Institute, 507RR05755.  相似文献   

This is a preliminary study designed to investigate the potential usefulness of alveolar (lung) CO2 feedback training in promoting sleep onset in primary insomniacs. The present study was undertaken to determine if normal subjects could, without obvious manipulation of breathing, bring alveolar (lung) CO2 tension under voluntary control using biofeedback techniques and, if so, whether this control would be accompanied by shifts in level of wakefulness. Subjects participated in five baseline and five training sessions in which EEG, alveolar CO2 tension, and thoracic/abdominal respiratory movement were monitored. The feedback consisted of a pitch-modulated tone plus visual scores. We found that CO2 tension in awake portions of "up" trials was significantly higher than for awake portions of "down" trials (p less than .01), indicating that learning had occurred. In the initial trials, when subjects raised CO2 tension they became drowsy and often fell asleep, and when they lowered CO2 tension they aroused themselves. However, when subjects were awakened immediately upon falling asleep, there developed a decoupling of EEG and CO2 changes. The presence of such a decoupling phenomenon makes it unclear whether CO2 feedback will be useful in promoting sleep onset in primary insomniacs.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of both sodium chloride and CO2 on oxygen binding by component II of the hemoglobin fromArtemia franciscana have been determined. Sodium chloride decreases both the oxygen affinity and cooperativity: the Hill coefficient decreases from 2.4 to 1.7 in the presence of 0.5 M NaCl at pH 7.5, 20°C. In contrast, CO2 increases both the oxygen affinity and cooperativity. The effects of both agents are small and increase with the degree of oxygenation.  相似文献   

Many teleost fishes have haemoglobins which possess a Root effect, a large Haldane effect and a low buffer capacity. This combination of characteristics influences the interaction between movements of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the red cell, in the respiratory epithelium, and in the tissues. The presence of the Root effect may limit oxygen uptake at the gills due to an accumulation of Bohr protons released upon oxygenation. However, the Root effect is probably important in maintaining or elevating blood PO2 during muscle capillary transit, enhancing oxygen delivery to the tissues.Bohr protons are reversibly bound to haemoglobin. The release of Bohr protons during oxygenation facilitates bicarbonate dehydration at the gills, while Bohr proton binding facilitates CO2 hydration at the tissues. In some teleost fishes, most of the Bohr protons are released and bound to haemoglobin, between 50 and 100% of haemoglobin-oxygen saturation (27). This trait is probably significant in maximizing oxygen uptake at the gills and in conserving body CO2 stores during exposure to hypoxia and exercise, when the lower reaches of the haemoglobin-oxygen equilibrium curve are used.  相似文献   

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