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The IkappaB kinase (IKK) complex includes the catalytic components IKKalpha and IKKbeta in addition to the scaffold protein IKKgamma/NEMO. Increases in the activity of the IKK complex result in the phosphorylation and subsequent degradation of IkappaB and the activation of the NF-kappaB pathway. Recent data indicate that the constitutive activation of the NF-kappaB pathway by the human T-cell lymphotrophic virus, type I, Tax protein leads to enhanced phosphorylation of IKKgamma/NEMO by IKKbeta. To address further the significance of IKKbeta-mediated phosphorylation of IKKgamma/NEMO, we determined the sites in IKKgamma/NEMO that were phosphorylated by IKKbeta, and we assayed whether IKKgamma/NEMO phosphorylation was involved in modulating IKKbeta activity. IKKgamma/NEMO is rapidly phosphorylated following treatment of cells with stimuli such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1 that activate the NF-kappaB pathway. By using both in vitro and in vivo assays, IKKbeta was found to phosphorylate IKKgamma/NEMO predominantly in its carboxyl terminus on serine residue 369 in addition to sites in the central region of this protein. Surprisingly, mutation of these carboxyl-terminal serine residues increased the ability of IKKgamma/NEMO to stimulate IKKbeta kinase activity. These results indicate that the differential phosphorylation of IKKgamma/NEMO by IKKbeta and perhaps other kinases may be important in regulating IKK activity.  相似文献   

The IKKbeta and NEMO/IKKgamma subunits of the NF-kappaB-activating signalsome complex are known to be essential for activating NF-kappaB by inflammatory and other stress-like stimuli. However, the IKKalpha subunit is believed to be dispensable for the latter responses and instead functions as an in vivo mediator of other novel NF-kappaB-dependent and -independent functions. In contrast to this generally accepted view of IKKalpha's physiological functions, we demonstrate in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) that, akin to IKKbeta and NEMO/IKKgamma, IKKalpha is also a global regulator of tumor necrosis factor alpha- and IL-1-responsive IKK signalsome-dependent target genes including many known NF-kappaB targets such as serum amyloid A3, C3, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-11, IL-1 receptor antagonist, vascular endothelial growth factor, Ptx3, beta(2)-microglobulin, IL-1alpha, Mcp-1 and -3, RANTES (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted), Fas antigen, Jun-B, c-Fos, macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Only a small number of NF-kappaB-dependent target genes were preferentially dependent on IKKalpha or IKKbeta. Constitutive expression of a trans-dominant IkappaBalpha superrepressor (IkappaBalphaSR) in wild type MEFs confirmed that these signalsome-dependent target genes were also dependent on NF-kappaB. A subset of NF-kappaB target genes were IKK-dependent in the absence of exogenous stimuli, suggesting that the signalsome was also required to regulate basal levels of activated NF-kappaB in established MEFs. Overall, a sizable number of novel NF-kappaB/IKK-dependent genes were identified including Secreted Frizzled, cadherin 13, protocadherin 7, CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-beta and -delta, osteoprotegerin, FOXC2 and FOXF2, BMP-2, p75 neurotrophin receptor, caspase-11, guanylate-binding proteins 1 and 2, ApoJ/clusterin, interferon (alpha and beta) receptor 2, decorin, osteoglycin, epiregulin, proliferins 2 and 3, stromal cell-derived factor, and cathepsins B, F, and Z. SOCS-3, a negative effector of STAT3 signaling, was found to be an NF-kappaB/IKK-induced gene, suggesting that IKK-mediated NF-kappaB activation can coordinately illicit negative effects on STAT signaling.  相似文献   

The Nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB signalling pathway plays a critical role in the regulation and coordination of a wide range of cellular events such as cell growth, apoptosis and cell differentiation. Activation of the IKK (inhibitor of NF-kappaB kinase) complex is a crucial step and a point of convergence of all known NF-kappaB signalling pathways. To analyse bovine IKKalpha (IKK1), IKKbeta (IKK2) and IKKgamma (or NF-kappaB Essential MOdulator, NEMO) and their substrate IkappaBalpha (Inhibitor of NF-kappaB), the corresponding cDNAs of these molecules were isolated, sequenced and characterized. A comparison of the amino acid sequences with those of their orthologues in other species showed a very high degree of identity, suggesting that the IKK complex and its substrate IkappaBalpha are evolutionarily highly conserved components of the NF-kappaB pathway. Bovine IKKalpha and IKKbeta are related protein kinases showing 50% identity which is especially prominent in the kinase and leucine zipper domains. Co-immunoprecipitation assays and GST-pull-down experiments were carried out to determine the composition of bovine IKK complexes compared to that in human Jurkat T cells. Using these approaches, the presence of bovine IKK complexes harbouring IKKalpha, IKKbeta, NEMO and the interaction of IKK with its substrate IkappaBalpha could be demonstrated. Parallel experiments using human Jurkat T cells confirmed the high degree of conservation also at the level of protein-protein interactions. Finally, a yeast two-hybrid analysis showed that bovine NEMO molecules, in addition to the binding to IKKalpha and IKKbeta, also strongly interact with each other.  相似文献   

James A. Wilkins  Shin Lin 《Cell》1982,28(1):83-90
Immunofluorescence and microinjection experiments have shown that vinculin (molecular weight 130,000) is localized at adhesion plaques of fibroblasts spread on a solid substrate. We found that this protein affects actin filament assembly and interactions in vitro at substoichiometric levels. Vinculin inhibits the rate of actin polymerization under conditions that limit nuclei formation, indicating an effect on the filament elongation step of the reaction. Vinculin also reduces actin filament-filament interaction measured with a low-shear viscometer. Scatchard plot analysis of the binding of 3H-labeled vinculin to actin filaments showed that there is one high-affinity binding site (dissociation constant = 20 nM) for every 1,500–2,000 actin monomers. These results suggest that vinculin interacts with a specific site located at the growing ends of actin filaments in a cytochalasin-like manner, a property consistent with its proposed function as a linkage protein between filaments and the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Modifying NEMO     

The phosphorylation of IkappaB by the IKK complex targets it for degradation and releases NF-kappaB for translocation into the nucleus to initiate the inflammatory response, cell proliferation, or cell differentiation. The IKK complex is composed of the catalytic IKKalpha/beta kinases and a regulatory protein, NF-kappaB essential modulator (NEMO; IKKgamma). NEMO associates with the unphosphorylated IKK kinase C termini and activates the IKK complex's catalytic activity. However, detailed structural information about the NEMO/IKK interaction is lacking. In this study, we have identified the minimal requirements for NEMO and IKK kinase association using a variety of biophysical techniques and have solved two crystal structures of the minimal NEMO/IKK kinase associating domains. We demonstrate that the NEMO core domain is a dimer that binds two IKK fragments and identify energetic hot spots that can be exploited to inhibit IKK complex formation with a therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

Abstract Laminin, the major glycoprotein of basement membranes, was shown to be bound by the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori . Binding of 125I-laminin by strain 17874 was time-dependent, specific and saturable. Scatchard analysis of specific binding indicated about 2000 binding sites per cell with a dissociation constant of 8.5 pM. Treatment of the cells by heat (80°) and with proteolytic enzymes drastically reduced laminin binding, suggesting that the laminin receptors are surface proteins. Some highly glycosylated glycoproteins inhibited laminin binding by 50%. Furthermore, N -acetylneuraminyllactose decreased laminin binding by 70% and neuraminidase treatment of laminin by 50%, while a recombinant B1 chain of laminin, containing high-mannose type oligosaccharides, inhibited binding by only 25%. This suggests that terminal sialic acids on laminin compete for a specific sugar binding protein(s) on H. pylori cells.  相似文献   

PKA (protein kinase A) is tethered to subcellular compartments by direct interaction of its regulatory subunits (RI or RII) with AKAPs (A kinase-anchoring proteins). AKAPs preferentially bind RII subunits via their RII-binding domains. RII-binding domains form structurally conserved amphipathic helices with unrelated sequences. Their binding affinities for RII subunits differ greatly within the AKAP family. Amongst the AKAPs that bind RIIalpha subunits with high affinity is AKAP7delta [AKAP18delta; K(d) (equilibrium dissociation constant) value of 31 nM]. An N-terminally truncated AKAP7delta mutant binds RIIalpha subunits with higher affinity than the full-length protein presumably due to loss of an inhibitory region [Henn, Edemir, Stefan, Wiesner, Lorenz, Theilig, Schmidtt, Vossebein, Tamma, Beyermann et al. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 26654-26665]. In the present study, we demonstrate that peptides (25 amino acid residues) derived from the RII-binding domain of AKAP7delta bind RIIalpha subunits with higher affinity (K(d)=0.4+/-0.3 nM) than either full-length or N-terminally truncated AKAP7delta, or peptides derived from other RII binding domains. The AKAP7delta-derived peptides and stearate-coupled membrane-permeable mutants effectively disrupt AKAP-RII subunit interactions in vitro and in cell-based assays. Thus they are valuable novel tools for studying anchored PKA signalling. Molecular modelling indicated that the high affinity binding of the amphipathic helix, which forms the RII-binding domain of AKAP7delta, with RII subunits involves both the hydrophobic and the hydrophilic faces of the helix. Alanine scanning (25 amino acid peptides, SPOT technology, combined with RII overlay assays) of the RII binding domain revealed that hydrophobic amino acid residues form the backbone of the interaction and that hydrogen bond- and salt-bridge-forming amino acid residues increase the affinity of the interaction.  相似文献   

Surface plasmon resonance studies using C-terminal truncation forms of the S-layer protein SbsC (recombinant SbsC consisting of amino acids 31 to 270 [rSbsC(31-270)] and rSbsC(31-443)) and the secondary cell wall polymer (SCWP) isolated from Geobacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 12980 confirmed the exclusive responsibility of the N-terminal region comprising amino acids 31 to 270 for SCWP binding. Quantitative analyses indicated binding behavior demonstrating low, medium, and high affinities.  相似文献   

高亲和力谷氨酸转运体   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
Yang R  Yang XL 《生理科学进展》2000,31(4):293-298
高亲和力谷氨酸转运体主要位于神经元和胶质细胞的细胞膜上,能逆浓度梯度从胞外向胞内摄取谷氨酸,中止谷氨酸能传递,使胞外谷氨酸浓度保持在较低水平,以保护神经元不受谷氨酸的毒性影响。近年来,随着高亲和力谷氨酸转运体的克隆,有关研究迅速发展。本文从高亲和力谷氨酸转运体的克隆、分子结构特征、表达分布、生理功能、结构-功能关系等方面对近年的进展加以综述。  相似文献   

The identification of mutations in the NEMO gene in humans with incontinentia pigmenti and several other genetic conditions has led to an appreciation of the multiple roles of signaling through the NFkappaB pathway, and how erroneous signalling contributes to disease. The finding that the disease results from a common, recurrent mutation was surprising given the high variability in patients' phenotypes and illustrates the role of X inactivation and selection in females. Recent advances in mouse models and in understanding the multiple roles of NEMO in the cell provide additional avenues to define the various roles of NEMO in NFkappaB signaling.  相似文献   

J A Cox  M Milos    M Comte 《The Biochemical journal》1987,246(2):495-502
Two molecules of gramicidin S, a very rigid cyclic decapeptide rich in beta-sheet structure, can bind in a Ca2+-dependent way to a calmodulin molecule in the presence as well as in the absence of 4 M-urea. The flow-microcalorimetric titration of 25 microM-calmodulin with gramicidin S at 25 degrees C is endothermic for 21.3 kJ.mol-1; the enthalpy change is strictly linear up to a ratio of 2, indicating that the affinity constant for binding of the second gramicidin S is at least 10(7) M-1. In 4 M-urea the peptide quantitatively displaces seminalplasmin from calmodulin, as monitored by tryptophan fluorescence. An iterative data treatment of these competition experiments revealed strong positive co-operativity with K1 less than 5 X 10(5) M-1 and K1.K2 = 2.8 X 10(12) M-2. A competition assay with the use of immobilized melittin enabled us to monitor separately the binding of the second gramicidin S molecule: the K2 value is 1.9 X 10(7) M-1. By complementarity, the K1 value is 1.5 X 10(5) M-1. In the absence of urea the seminalplasmin displacement is incomplete: the data analysis shows optimal fitting with K1 less than 2 X 10(4) M-1 and K1.K2 = 3.2 X 10(11) M-2 and reveals that the mixed complex (calmodulin-seminalplasmin-gramicidin S) is quite stable and is even not fully displaced from calmodulin at high concentrations of gramicidin S. The activation of bovine brain phosphodiesterase by calmodulin is not impaired up to 0.2 microM-gramicidin S. According to our model the ternary complex enzyme-calmodulin-gramicidin is relatively important and displays the same activity as the binary complex enzyme-calmodulin. Gramicidin S also displaces melittin from calmodulin synergistically, as monitored by c.d. Our studies with gramicidin S reveal the importance of multipoint attachments in interactions involving calmodulin and confirm the heterotropic co-operativity in the binding of calmodulin antagonists first demonstrated by Johnson [(1983) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 112, 787-793].  相似文献   

[3H]Octopamine binds to a particulate preparation from heads of Drosophila melanogaster at a level of 0.5 +/- 0.1 pmol/mg protein, with an apparent dissociation constant of 6.0 +/- 0.9 x 10(-9) M at 26 degrees C. The binding is reduced or abolished by heat, trypsin, detergents, sulfhydryl reagents and EDTA. Low concentrations of MgCl2 or CaCl2 increase binding but high ionic strength is inhibitory. Low concentrations of dihydroergotamine, phentolamine, clonidine, chlorimipramine and chlorpromazine, but not of serotonin and propranolol, displace the labeled biogenic amine from its binding sites. The stable GTP analogue, guanosine-5'-(beta-gamma-imido)triphosphate (Gpp(NH)p), at the microM range, decreases the maximal number of the high-affinity [3H]octopamine-binding sites. The properties of the [3H]octopamine-binding sites are compared to the properties of octopamine receptors as revealed by stimulation of adenylate cyclase in insects, including Drosophila.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that in vitro brief ischemia activates nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB in rat myocardium. We report in vivo ischemia-reperfusion (I/R)-induced NF-kappaB activation, IkappaB kinase -beta (IKKbeta) activity, and IkappaBalpha phosphorylation and degradation in rat myocardium. Rat hearts were subjected to occlusion of the coronary artery for up to 45 min or occlusion for 15 min followed by reperfusion for up to 3 h. Cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins were isolated from ischemic and nonischemic areas of each heart. NF-kappaB activation was increased in the ischemic area (680%) after 10 min of ischemia and in the nonischemic area (350%) after 15 min of ischemia and remained elevated during prolonged ischemia and reperfusion. IKKbeta activity was markedly increased in ischemic (1,800%) and nonischemic (860%) areas, and phosphorylated IkappaBalpha levels were significantly elevated in ischemic (180%) and nonischemic (280%) areas at 5 min of ischemia and further increased after reperfusion. IkappaBalpha levels were decreased in the ischemic (45%) and nonischemic (36%) areas after 10 min of ischemia and remained low in the ischemic area during prolonged ischemia and reperfusion. The results suggest that in vivo I/R rapidly induces IKKbeta activity and increases IkappaBalpha phosphorylation and degradation, resulting in NF-kappaB activation in the myocardium.  相似文献   

NEMO/IkappaB kinase (IKK) gamma is the regulatory component of the IKK complex comprising the two protein kinases, IKKalpha and IKKbeta. To investigate the self-assembly properties of NEMO and to understand further the mechanism of activation of the IKK complex, we purified wild-type and mutant NEMO expressed in Escherichia coli. In the absence of its IKK partners, recombinant NEMO (rNEMO) is a metastable functional monomer correctly folded, according to its fluorescence and far-UV CD spectra, which is binding specifically to the IKK complex. A minor fraction of rNEMO was found tightly associated with DnaK (E. coli Hsp70). We also examined the interaction of NEMO with prokaryotic and eukaryotic Hsp70, and we showed that the Hsp70-NEMO complex forms a supramolecular structure probably corresponding to an assembly intermediate. In vivo cross-linking experiments indicate that native NEMO in association with IKK is in equilibrium between a dimeric and a trimeric form. Similarly to native NEMO, a NEMO mutant deleted from its IKK binding N-terminal domain (residues 242-388) forms a stable trimeric coiled-coil, suggesting that the association of NEMO with IKK or with Hsp70 prevents incorrect interdomain pairing reactions that could lead to aggregation or to an non-native oligomeric state of rNEMO. We propose a model in which the activation of the IKK complex occurs through the trimerization of NEMO upon binding to a not yet identified upstream activator.  相似文献   

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