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Aim In this study we evaluate patterns of endemism for benthic polychaete species along the southeastern Pacific coast of Chile. Our goals were (1) to describe latitudinal gradients of endemism and identify areas of high endemism, (2) to evaluate the effect of biogeographical limits on endemism patterns, and (3) to evaluate indirectly the role played by evolutionary dynamics on patterns of endemism. Location South‐eastern Pacific coast of Chile, ranging from Arica (18° S) to Cape Horn (56° S). Methods We used a list of 178 species of endemic, shallow benthic polychaetes to evaluate patterns of endemism. Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) and the endemism index (EI) were used to evaluate hierarchical relationships of endemism between different latitudinal bands, and to identify areas with high degrees of endemism and differences in endemism. We evaluated the effect of biogeographical limits on endemic polychaete fauna by testing for the existence of geometric constraints (mid‐domain effect). The role of evolutionary dynamics on latitudinal patterns of endemism was evaluated with nestedness analysis (NA) using the temperature index. Results The PAE analysis indicated two large, separate areas of endemism: (1) the northern area between 18° S and 38° S, and (2) the southern area between 39° S and 56° S. The endemism index showed a maximum value (32 species) around 39°–41° S. Species‐richness curves of each 3° band of latitude showed a clear mid‐domain effect (69%), but the two maximum points of species richness at mid‐latitudes (36° S to 38° S and 39° S to 41° S) did not correspond to the mid‐domain peak in species richness, presenting a greater number of species than expected by the mid‐domain effect. The nestedness analysis showed that the number of genera reaches a maximum of 70 at mid‐latitudes (36°–41° S), decreasing towards both the northern and southern areas. The spatial distribution of the entire data set of endemic species showed a nested pattern (T° = 24.5°, P < 0.0001). Main conclusions Our results strongly support the existence of a latitudinal gradient of endemism for benthic polychaete species along the Chilean coast. The shape of this gradient is clearly non‐linear, with a marked peak of endemism occurring at mid‐latitudes (36°–41° S, endemism hotspot), which also corresponds to a peak in species richness. Furthermore, this hotspot is the midpoint separating two distinct areas of endemism to the north and south. We suggest that the observed pattern of endemism for benthic polychaete taxa of the Chilean coast can be explained by a combination of geometric constraints and historical mechanisms, such as the processes that affected the Chilean coast during the Neogene (e.g. ENSO, oxygen minimum zone, glaciations).  相似文献   

Aim To use new collections and taxonomic reviews of the Chilean coastal biota, and studies on biodiversity on a reappraisal of Southeastern Pacific littoral biogeography. Location The temperate coastline of the Southeastern Pacific, extending over 6000 km from northern Peru to the southern tip of Chile. Methods Records of coastal macroinvertebrates were assigned to ten geographic zones along the Chilean coast. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient, ρ, was used to establish the relationship between the total number of species and the number of single records for each zone. Regions and underlying faunal gradient were verified via an unweighted paired group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA), and ordination non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis based on a disagreement distance matrix of presence/absence data. Abundance down-weighting was preferred to rare species down-weighting, owing to the nature of the records, where a larger number of references for a given taxon did not necessarily indicate a greater abundance or commonness. The dissimilarity matrices between the different zones were used to establish the degree of agreement between the different levels of analysis, using a weighted Spearman rank correlation coefficient ρw. Statistical significance was established using a randomization (permutation) test. Main conclusions Analysis of new macroinvertebrate data and taxonomic reviews of the Chilean coastal fauna indicates a Transitional-Temperate Region for the Southeastern Pacific littoral, located between 35°S and 48°S where a gradual mixing and replacement of species negates previous hypotheses on the existence of a marked distributional break at 42°S.  相似文献   

Aim Our aim in this paper is to present the first broad‐scale quantification of species abundance for rocky intertidal communities along the Pacific coast of North America. Here we examine the community‐level marine biogeographical patterns in the context of formerly described biogeographical regions, and we evaluate the combined effects of geographical distance and environmental conditions on patterns of species similarity across this region. Location Pacific coast of North America. Methods Data on the percentage cover of benthic marine organisms were collected at 67 rocky intertidal sites from south‐eastern Alaska, USA, to central Baja California Sur, Mexico. Cluster analysis and non‐metric multidimensional scaling were used to evaluate the spatial patterns of species similarity among sites relative to those of previously defined biogeographical regions. Matrices of similarity in species composition among all sites were computed and analysed with respect to geographical distance and long‐term mean sea surface temperature (SST) as a measure of environmental conditions. Results We found a high degree of spatial structure in the similarity of intertidal communities along the coast. Cluster analysis identified 13 major community structure ‘groups’. Although breaks between clusters of sites generally occurred at major biogeographical boundaries, some of the larger biogeographical regions contained several clusters of sites that did not group according to spatial position or identifiable coastal features. Additionally, there were several outliers – sites that grouped alone or with sites outside their region – for which localized features may play an important role in driving community structure. Patterns of species similarity at the large scale were highly correlated with geographical distance among sites and with SST. Importantly, we found community similarity to be highly correlated with long‐term mean SST while controlling for the effects of geographical distance. Main conclusions These findings reveal a high degree of spatial structure in the similarity of rocky intertidal communities of the north‐east Pacific, and are generally consistent with those of previously described biogeographical regions, with some notable differences. Breaks in similarity among clusters are generally coincident with known biogeographical and oceanographic discontinuities. The strong correlations between species similarity and both geographical position and SST suggest that both geography and oceanographic conditions have a large influence on patterns of intertidal community structure along the Pacific coast of North America.  相似文献   

物种分布区范围地理格局的Rapoport法则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rapoport法则最初是关于物种分布的纬度位置与纬度分布宽度的关系的假说, 被认为是宏观生态学的重要假说之一。Rapoport法则提出以后引发了广泛的实证检验和理论探讨, 并扩展到海拔和海洋深度梯度的分析。对Rapoport法则的检验发展了多种算法, 包括基于中域效应模型的比较分析法, 提出了气候变异性等多种机理解释, 并建立了物种分布区范围格局与物种丰富度格局、分布边界限制等重要宏观生态学现象之间的联系。关于该法则的普适性仍存在明显的意见分歧, 但分析和检验方法被认为是影响结果的重要因素, 方法的改进将是这一领域今后研究的关键。本文主要从Rapoport法则的概念、检验方法、机理性解释, 关于其普适性的争论及其与物种丰富度格局的关系等方面, 综述这一领域的研究进展。  相似文献   

The present study is the first attempt to describe meso-scale patterns in the species richness of polychaetes along the Gulf of California, which stretches from about 23°N to 31°N. We examine herein the spatial changes in species distribution and explore the overlapping of species’ ranges towards the centre of the Gulf, to test whether the mid-domain effect (MDE) could explain an expected mid-domain peak in species richness. The faunal composition and the latitudinal range of 244 species of polychaetes recorded along the continental shelf of the Gulf of California were analysed in latitude bands of 1°. The species composition changes around the Gulf’s archipelago (~29°N), and the highest values of species richness are found at the 25° (197 species) and 26° (193 species) of latitude. Although the species richness pattern could be described by a parabolic shape, the regional trend was not strongly consistent with the peak of diversity at 27°N (176–191 species) predicted by the mid-domain effect: the random sorting of species’ ranges within spatial domain does not explain satisfactorily the geographical patterns of diversity. Nevertheless, a partial contribution of MDE to these natural patterns of diversity could be detected, and the increase in species richness towards middle latitudes was basically determined by species with distribution ranges larger than 6°. The low level of significance between the empirical species richness pattern and the mid-domain model prediction for polychaetes in the Gulf does not restrict their use as a model for exploring the randomness of the diversity patterns.  相似文献   

We examined the metazoan parasite fauna of the bigeye flounder, Hippoglossina macrops, in a latitudinal gradient of the southeastern Pacific (ca. 25 degrees S-33 degrees S) to assess whether their parasites show latitudinal and/or biogeographical patterns, and to determine if these patterns agree well with those observed for free-living organisms. In total, 331 fish from 6 localities were analyzed. Eighteen parasite species, including 5 ecto- and 13 endoparasites, were found in the bigeye flounder. Neoheterobothrium chilensis, Floridosentis sp., and Corynosoma australe were the most prevalent parasite species. Ecto- and endoparasites of H. macrops showed different latitudinal patterns. Only endoparasite species show a distributional pattern concordant with biogeographic areas recognized for free-living organisms; this finding was supported by cluster analyses showing 2 major divisions. The first joined the most northern localities (25 degrees S-26 degrees S), and the second consisted of 2 subgroups: (1) 28 degrees S-30 degrees S, and (2) 31 degrees S-32 degrees S. A multivariate analysis of infracommunities showed significant differences in the parasitic load of H. macrops from different latitudes. The latitudinal differences in the prevalence and abundance of the parasites might be explained by differing oceanographic conditions in water masses. These physical conditions could affect the dispersal ability of the infective stages of ecto-parasites, and produce zoogeographical breaks that could affect the distribution of intermediate hosts (invertebrate and vertebrate prey), subsequently affecting the transmission of endoparasites.  相似文献   

Aim In Europe, winter severity is positively correlated with longitude. We test how this climatic cline affects biogeographical patterns in Western Palearctic homeotherms. Location Eurasia, west of 60° longitude. Methods We test the effects of longitude on body size of carnivores, using cranial measurements of 2002 specimens belonging to 11 species. We test the effects of longitude on migration patterns of birds by comparing which populations of partial migrants are sedentary and which undergo winter migration. Results Carnivore body size does not vary consistently with longitude. Populations of partial migrants are more likely to be sedentary in western Europe and to migrate from eastern Europe than vice versa. Main conclusions Longitudinal patterns in climate exert a selective force on birds but do not affect carnivore size in a consistent, predictable manner. We find no support for the mechanism suggested to promote size change, namely the fasting‐endurance hypothesis.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and functioning of polychaetes in benthic sediments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Polychaetes are well represented in most marine and estuarine environments, both in terms of number of individuals and species, and they typically contribute a significant percentage of the total macrofaunal diversity. They exhibit considerable variations in recruitment in both time and space, which is then often reflected in adult distributions. Whilst families and genera of polychaetes have wide distributions, normally species have discrete distributions. Polychaetes are often classified according to their diverse feeding guilds. They play a major role in the functioning of benthic communities, in terms of recycling and reworking of benthic sediments, bioturbating sediments and in the burial of organic matter. Some species form dense tubiculous colonies which can radically change recruitment patterns of other infaunal organisms. Polychaetes, by their burrowing and feeding activity, may considerably enhance various sedimentary processes. However, much remains to be learnt as to how benthic communities function, and how they may change in function as they are increasingly being impacted especially in coastal waters adjacent to centres of population.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate Rapoport's rule for New World birds in two‐dimensional geographical space. We specifically test for a topography × climate interaction that predicts little difference in range sizes between lowlands and mountains in cold climates, whereas in the tropics, montane species have narrow ranges and lowland species have broad ranges. Location The western hemisphere. Methods We used digitized range maps of breeding birds to generate mean range sizes in grids of 27.5 × 27.5 km and 110 × 110 km across North and South America. We examined the geographical pattern with respect to range in elevation, mean temperature in the coldest month, their interaction, biome size and continental width, using model II analysis of variance, multiple regression and simple correlation. Results In northern latitudes species have broad ranges in both mountainous and flat areas. However, range sizes in the mountains and lowlands diverge southwards, with the most extreme differences in the tropics. Further, there are minimal differences in range sizes across latitudes in lowlands. The smallest mean ranges occur in the tropical Andes. Mean range sizes in north‐central Canada, Central America and Argentina/Chile are also small, reflecting the narrowing of the continents in these areas. The best regression model explained 51% of the variation in mean range size. Main conclusions The two‐dimensional range size pattern indicates that neither winter temperature nor annual variability in temperature strongly influences the distribution of range sizes directly; rather, climate influences bird range sizes indirectly via effects on habitat size. Also, macroclimate interacts with topographic relief across latitudes, generating sharp mesoscale habitat gradients in tropical mountains but not in high latitude mountains or in lowlands at any latitude. Birds respond to these habitat gradients, resulting in ‘latitudinal’ range size gradients in topographically complex landscapes but not in simple landscapes.  相似文献   

The applicability of Rapoport's rule to the marine molluscs of the Americas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim We evaluated the applicability of Rapoport's rule (RR) to the marine molluscs of the Americas. The biogeographical pattern predicted by RR has been the subject of a large number of studies, some supporting it and some not. In this exercise, we attempted to generate results free of biases in taxonomy or geographical scale. Location The study area encompassed the Pacific and Atlantic sides of the entire North and South American continents. Methods Our analysis was based on secondary data. We tested the relationship of the geographical range to gradients of latitude and depth, using the methodologies of Stevens (1989) and midpoint ( Rohde et al., 1993 ). By Spearman's correlation, we related the mean amplitude of the geographical distribution to each gradient. We compared all known molluscan species together, and performed a second analysis limited to certain taxonomically well‐known groups. Results Our results were generated from a databank encompassing 4067 species. The analyses corroborated RR on both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. In applying the pattern to the Atlantic coast, certain methodological issues had to be considered, such as the exclusion of deep‐water species and taxonomically biased groups. Regional features, such as the size of a biogeographical province, seemed to strongly affect the form of the pattern. The results also supported the association of RR with a depth gradient.  相似文献   

For the first time, the cyanobacterial diversity from microbial mats in lakes of Eastern Antarctica was investigated using microscopic and molecular approaches. The present study assessed the biogeographical distribution of cyanobacteria in Antarctica. Five samples were taken from four lakes spanning a range of different ecological environments in Larsemann Hills, Vestfold Hills and Rauer Islands to evaluate the influence of lake characteristics on the cyanobacterial diversity. Seventeen morphospecies and 28 16S rRNA gene-based operational taxonomic units belonging to the Oscillatoriales, Nostocales and Chroococcales were identified. The internal transcribed spacer was evaluated to complement the 16S rRNA gene data and showed similar but more clear-cut tendencies. The molecular approach suggested that potential Antarctic endemic species, including a previously undiscovered diversity, are more abundant than has been estimated by morphological methods. Moreover, operational taxonomic units, also found outside Antarctica, were more widespread over the continent than potential endemics. The cyanobacterial diversity of the most saline lakes was found to differ from the others, and correlations between the sampling depth and the cyanobacterial communities can also be drawn. Comparison with database sequences illustrated the ubiquity of several cyanobacterial operational taxonomic units and their remarkable range of tolerance to harsh environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Aim Few studies have explicitly considered the recurrent pattern of declining species diversity and increasing geographical range size that exists for numerous taxa across a variety of physical gradients. We extend Stevens’ [ Stevens, G.C. (1996) Journal of Biogeography, 23 , 149] work on Rapoport's bathymetric rule, using a more complete latitudinal assemblage of Northeast Pacific fishes and new data from Northwest Atlantic gastropods, to show that bathymetrical range size and species diversity are not causally linked. Location Fishes from the Northeast Pacific (0°–60° N) and gastropods from the Northwest Atlantic (0°–74° N) distributed from the surface to depths greater than 200 m. Methods Species pools were divided into three bathymetrical subgroups: (1) species restricted to shallow waters, between the surface and 200 m, (2) species that occurred in waters, both shallow and deep of 200 m, and (3) species restricted to waters deeper than 200 m. Median bathymetrical range size and total number of species were plotted against latitude (2° bins) using Stevens’ method, for the entire species pool and individual bathymetrical groups. Results For both fishes and gastropods, the apparent link between extratropical diversity and bathymetrical range size is an artefact resulting from the disproportionately high number of shallow restricted species in tropical latitudes, and the loss of these species in temperate latitudes. Furthermore, the extratropical gradient in gastropod diversity and bathymetrical range size are decoupled by approximately 15°, and while the latitudinal pattern for diversity is consistent across bathymetrical groups, median bathymetrical range size is highly irregular. Main conclusions These results suggests that functional groups can contribute disproportionately to patterns apparent at larger scales and that analysis of ecographical patterns by subregion is a novel approach that can help resolve debates over causality when patterns are seemingly coincident.  相似文献   

There has been a recent resurgence of interest in documenting and explaining patterns of species' range sizes with the goal of determining if general patterns exist. Much recent debate has centered on whether Rapoport's rule, the tendency for range size to increase with increasing latitude, is a general rule or a local effect. I calculated the sizes of turtle species ranges from distribution maps and used published natural history data to examine how range size varies with latitude, and to determine if differences in range size exist among continents, and if correlations with body size, available land area, habitat and diet breadth exist. The distribution of turtle range sizes extended over six orders of magnitude and formed a lognormal distribution with many species having moderate or small ranges and few species having large ranges. Range size was positively correlated with available land area, habitat breadth, diet breadth, and body size. Multiple regression accounted for only 39% of the variance in range size indicating that other important factors remain unknown. At both global and continental scales, range size is largest near the equator and decreases with increasing latitude, the apposite of Rapoport's rule. However, range size did increase latitudinally above 25-30°N in both the Neararctic and Palearctic suggesting that the pattern would be more accurately considered a local effect than a general rule. Larger range sizes at low latitudes may occur because more land area in the tropics provides much suitable habitat for ectotherms and there are few large scale physical barriers to dispersal. Rapoport patterns result from the occurrence of a small number of wide-ranging cold tolerant species that have reinvaded northern latitudes after Pleistocene glaciation. Patterns of the longitudinal and latitudinal extents of species ranges and their positions illustrate the importance of climate, mountain ranges, deserts, and coastlines, as barriers potentially affecting range size.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the relationship between species richness and distribution within regions arranged along a latitudinal gradient we use the North American mammalian fauna as a study case for testing theoretical models. Location North America. Methods We propose a conceptual framework based on a fully stochastic mid‐domain model to explore geographical patterns of range size and species richness that emerge when the size and position of species ranges along a one‐dimensional latitudinal gradient are randomly generated. We also analyse patterns for the mammal fauna of North America by comparing empirical results from a biogeographical data base with predictions based on randomization null models. Results We confirmed the validity of Rapoport's rule for the mammals of North America by documenting gradients in the size of the continental ranges of species. Additionally, we demonstrated gradients of mean regional range size that parallel those of continental range. Our data also demonstrated that mean range size, measured both as a continental or a regional variable, is significantly correlated with the geographical pattern in species richness. All these patterns deviated sharply from null models. Main conclusions Rapoport's statement of an areographic relationship between species distribution and richness is highly relevant in modern discussions about ecological patterns at the geographical scale.  相似文献   

Studying the distributions of plants and animals along environmental gradients can illuminate the factors governing and maintaining species diversity. There are two general predictions of how species richness and elevation are related: either species richness decreases monotonically with increasing elevation or richness peaks at mid-elevations. Several processes might contribute to this pattern. In this paper, I examine patterns in ant species richness along elevational gradients in three states in the western US: Colorado, Nevada, and Utah. I test for the effects of available area and the geometric constraints model on species richness patterns. I also test Rapoport's rescue hypothesis, which relates the extent of species' elevational ranges to patterns in species richness. In each state, species richness peaked at mid-elevations. Area explained more variation in species richness than the geometric constraints model in Colorado and Utah, but not in Nevada. Area and geometric constraints together explained 90%, 99%, and 57% of the variation in species richness in Colorado, Nevada, and Utah, respectively. Even though there were peaks at mid-elevations, I still found a strong Rapoport effect. This work suggests that the influences of area and geometric constraints cannot be overlooked when examining patterns in species richness along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(2):161-167
Two diversity patterns (hump-shaped and monotonic decrease) frequently occur along altitude or latitude gradients. We examined whether patterns of ant species richness along altitudes in South Korea can be described by these patterns and whether ranges of ant species follow Rapoport's altitudinal rule. Ants on 12 high mountains (> 1100 m) throughout South Korea (from 33° N to 38° N) were surveyed using pitfall traps at intervals of 200–300 m altitude. The temperatures at the sampling sites were determined from digital climate maps. Ant species richness decreased monotonically along the altitudinal gradient and increased along the temperature gradient. However, species richness of cold-adapted species (highland species) showed a hump-shaped pattern along altitude and temperature gradients. The altitude and temperature ranges of ant species followed Rapoport's rule. Sampling site temperature ranges were significantly correlated with coldness. Therefore, Rapoport's rule can be explained by high cold-tolerance of species inhabiting high altitudes or latitudes.  相似文献   

Polychaetes inhabiting deep-sea soft bottoms from the southeastern Gulf of California were collected during four oceanographic cruises during 2000 and 2001. Sampling of benthic organisms was performed with a benthic sledge to collect epifauna and a Karling dredge for epifauna and infauna, in a depth range from 732 to 2 250 m. A list of the polychaetes that were collected and their distribution are presented here. A total of 73 species (distributed among 33 families) were identified. Moreover, 11 species were identified only to genus level and 20 species only to family level. With the exception of Ancistrosyllis hartmanae and Melinnampharete eoa, all identified species have been previously reported in soft bottoms of the Gulf of California or in adjacent areas. Additional previously unreported information is provided herein regarding depth ranges, geographical distribution, morphology and tubes inhabited by the organisms. The morphology of the ampharetids Amage sp. and Samytha sp. does not coincide with that of other species in these genera reported for the Gulf of California, which suggests that they are probably undescribed species.  相似文献   

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