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HMG proteins are abundant chromosomal non-histone proteins. It has been suggested that the HMG proteins may play an important role in the structure and function of chromatin. In the present study, the binding of HMG proteins (HMG1/2 and HMG14/17) to the core DNA sequence of DNasel hypersensitive site 2 (HS2core DNA sequence, -10681-10970 bp) in the locus control region (LCR) of the human β-like globin gene cluster has been examined by using both the in vitro nucleosome reconstitution and the gel mobility shift assays. Here we show that HMG1/2 can bind to the naked HS2core DNA sequence, however, HMG 14/17 cannot. Using the in vitro nucleosome reconstitution we demonstrate that HMG14/17 can bind to the HS2core DNA sequence which is assembled into nucleosomes with the core histone octamer transferred from chicken erythrocytes. In contrast, HMG 1/2 cannot bind to the nucleosomes reconstituted in vitro with the HS2core DNA sequence. These results indicate that the binding patterns between HMG proteins and t  相似文献   

HMG proteins are abundant chromosomal non-histone proteins. It has been suggested that the HMG proteins may play an important role in the structure and function of chromatin. In the present study, the binding of HMG proteins (HMG1/2 and HMG14/17) to the core DNA sequence of DNaseI hypersensitive site 2 (HS2core DNA sequence, -10681-10970 bp) in the locus control region (LCR) of the human β-like globin gene cluster has been examined by using both thein vitro nucleosome reconstitution and the gel mobility shift assays. Here we show that HMG1/2 can bind to the naked HS2core DNA sequence, however, HMG14/17 cannot. Using thein vitro nucleosome reconstitution we demonstrate that HMG14/17 can bind to the HS2core DNA sequence which is assembled into nucleosomes with the core histone octamer transferred from chicken erythrocytes. In contrast, HMG1/2 cannot bind to the nucleosomes reconstitutedin vitro with the HS2core DNA sequence. These results indicate that the binding patterns between HMG proteins and the HS2core DNA sequence which exists in different states (the naked DNA or thein vitro reconstituted nucleosomal DNA) are quite different. We speculate that HMG proteins might play a critical role in the regulation of the human β-like globin gene’s expression.  相似文献   

Our previous study showed that hydroxyurea (Hu) could induce HEL cells to express humanβ-globin gene. However the molecular mechanisms by which the expression of β-globin gene is activated and regulated are poorly understood. Here we show that the binding patterns between the core DNA sequences (HS2 core sequence -10681- -10971 bp , HS3 core sequence -14991- -14716 bp and HS4 core sequence -18586- -18306 bp) of DNase I hypersensitive sites in the human β-globin LCR and nuclear matrix proteins isolated from Hu induced and uninduced HEL cells are quite different. Results demonstrated that nuclear matrix proteins might play important roles in regulating the expression of humanβ-like globin genes through their interaction with HSs (HS2,HS3 and HS4 core sequences) in the LCR. Moreover, the results obtained from the in vitro DNA-matrix binding assay showed that the core DNA sequences of DNase I hypersensitive sites (HS2, HS3 and HS4) were unable to bind to the nuclear matrix isolated from uninduced HEL cel  相似文献   

Sequence polymorphisms within the 5HS2 segment of human locus control region is described among sickle cell anemia patients. Distinct polymorphic patterns of a simple sequence repeat are observed in strong linkage disequilibrium with each of the five major S haplotypes. Potential functional relevance of this polymorphic region in globin gene expression is discussed.  相似文献   

Our previous work on structural polymorphism shown at a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (A→G) site located on HS4 region of locus control region (LCR) of β-globin gene has established a hairpin→duplex equilibrium corresponding to A→B like DNA transition (Kaushik M, Kukreti, R., Grover, D., Brahmachari, S.K. and Kukreti S. Nucleic Acids Res. 2003; Kaushik M, Kukreti S. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006). The G-allele of A→G SNP has been shown to be significantly associated with the occurrence of β-thalassemia. Considering the significance of this 11-nt long quasi-palindromic sequence [5′-TGGGG(G/A)CCCCA; HP(G/A)11] of β-globin gene LCR, we further explored the differential behavior of the same DNA sequence with its RNA counterpart, using various biophysical and biochemical techniques. In contrast to its DNA counterpart exhibiting a A→B structural transition and an equilibrium between duplex and hairpin forms, the studied RNA oligonucleotide sequence [5′-UGGGG(G/A)CCCCA; RHP(G/A)11] existed only in duplex form (A-conformation) and did not form hairpin. The single residue difference from A to G led to the unusual thermal stability of the RNA structure formed by the studied sequence. Since, naturally occurring mutations and various SNP sites may stabilize or destabilize the local DNA/RNA secondary structures, these structural transitions may affect the gene expression by a change in the protein–DNA recognition patterns.  相似文献   

Whatever its field of application, animal transgenesis aims at a high level of reproducible and stable transgene expression. In the case of xenotransplantation, prevention of hyperacute rejection of grafts of animal origin requires the use of organs expressing human inhibitors of complement activation such as CD55 (DAF) and CD59. Pigs transgenic for these molecules have been produced, but with low and variable levels of expression. In order to improve cDNA expression, a vector containing the 5HS4 region from the LCR of the chicken globin locus and the promoter and the first intron from the human EF1 gene, was used to coexpress human CD55 and CD59 cDNAs in transgenic rabbits. The transgenic lines with the 5HS4 region displayed dramatically enhanced CD55 and CD59 mRNA concentrations in brain, heart, kidney, liver, lung, muscle, spleen and aortic endothelial cells in comparison with the transgenic lines without the 5HS4 region. In the absence of the 5HS4 region, only some of the transgenic lines displayed specific mRNAs and at low levels. Human CD55 and CD59 proteins were detectable in mononuclear cells from transgenic rabbits although at a lower level than in human mononuclear cells. On the other hand, primary aortic endothelial cells from a bitransgenic line were very efficiently protected in vitro against human complementdependent lysis. Transgenic rabbits harbouring the two human inhibitors of complement activation, CD55 and CD59, can therefore be used as new models in xenotransplantation. Moreover, the vector containing the 5HS4 region from the LCR of the chicken globin locus seems appropriate not only for xenotransplantation but also for any other studies involving transgenic animals in which cDNAs have to be expressed at a high level in all cell types.  相似文献   

Summary Overlapping genomic clones of the human 2-macroglobulin (2M) gene were isolated from a cosmid library and were used to map 80 kb of the chromosomal region of this gene. Fragments carrying the two exons encoding the bait region and the exon encoding the thiolester site were partially sequenced and PCR primers were designed for the amplification of both functional domains. By direct genomic sequencing of these domains in 30 healthy individuals and in 30 patients with chronic lung disease three mutations were detected. The first was a sequence polymorphism occurring near the thiolester site of the gene, changing Val1000(GTC) to Ile1000(ATC), with allele frequencies of 0.30 (GTC) and 0.70 (ATC), respectively. No difference of 2M serum levels was observed for these two alleles. The second mutation occured within the thiolester site of one patient, changing Cys972(TGT) to Tyr972(TAT). Since activation of the internal thiolester formed between Cys972 and Gln975 in each of the subunits of the tetrameric 2M is involved in the covalent cross-linking of the activating proteinase, this mutation is predicted to interfere with 2M function. The 2M serum level was within the normal range in this patient. In one healthy individual we detected an alteration of the bait region sequence, which is usually encoded by two different exons separated by an intron of size 1.6kb. In this individual, PCR amplification of genomic DNA using the bait region primers produced the common fragment of size 1.8 kb and an additional variant fragment of size 0.23kb. This finding, and the genomic sequencing data of this individual, indicate that he carries two different alleles of the 2M gene: one with the regular structure (bait exon I-intron-bait exon II), the other with the two bait exons fused into one. Direct genomic sequencing of the two 2M functional domains is a useful tool for the detection of the genetic, and possibly the functional, heterogeneity of 2M. This, in turn, may provide some insight into the hitherto unknown physiological role(s) of 2M, by studying in vivo effects of naturally ocurring mutations of the gene.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe human P-like globin genes are arranged as acluster of five genes(e, Gry, Ary, 8 and P) in the orderof their temporal expression. The human embryonicE-globin gene is expressed in the blood island of theembryonic yolk sac and is silenced completely at 6~8w of gestation in the fetal liverI11. Studies on trans-genic mice suggested that the regulation of 5-globingene expression is autonomous. The activating andsilencing of 5-globin gene expression rely on distallocus control …  相似文献   

The genomic clone encoding the pistil-specific thaumatin/PR5-like protein (PsTL1) was isolated from Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina). Sequence analysis showed that the genomic clone contained the 5-flanking sequence of 2.4 kb, the 3-flanking sequence of 648 bp and the coding region interrupted by a intron of 351 bp. A sequence motif conserved in some pistil self-incompatibility gene promoters of solanaceous and brassicaceous species was located in the 5-flanking region of the PsTL1 gene. The 2.4 kb 5-flanking region was fused to the GUS coding sequence and transferred to tobacco. Transgenic tobacco showed GUS activity in pistil and, at low level, in anther, but not in other floral organs and leaf. Histochemical analysis localized GUS activity to stigma, transmitting tissue, anther and pollen of transgenic tobacco.  相似文献   

Expression of the human granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) gene under the control of the 5′-regulatory sequence of the goat alpha-S1-casein gene with and without a matrix attachment region (MAR) element from the Drosophila histone 1 gene was studied in four and eight transgenic mouse lines, respectively. Of the four transgenic lines carrying the transgene without MAR, three had correct tissues-specific expression of the hGM-CSF gene in the mammary gland only and no signs of cell mosaicism. The concentration of hGM-CSF in the milk of transgenic females varied from 1.9 to 14 μg/ml. One line presented hGM-CSF in the blood serum, indicating ectopic expression. The values of secretion of hGM-CSF in milk of 6 transgenic lines carrying the transgene with MAR varied from 0.05 to 0.7 μg/ml, and two of these did not express hGM-CSF. Three of the four examined animals from lines of this group showed ectopic expression of the hGM-CSF gene, as determined by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence analyses, as well as the presence of hGM-CSF in the blood serum. Mosaic expression of the hGM-CSF gene in mammary epithelial cells was specific to all examined transgenic mice carrying the transgene with MAR but was never observed in the transgenic mice without MAR. The mosaic expression was not dependent on transgene copy number. Thus, the expected “protective or enhancer effect” from the MAR element on the hGM-CSF gene expression was not observed.  相似文献   

The region containing the GABAA receptor β3 and α5 subunit-encoding genes is subject to parental imprinting and is organized in different allele-specific replication timing domains. A 60-kb domain displaying a maternal early/paternal late pattern of allele-specific replication timing asynchrony is nested within a larger region displaying the opposite pattern. The proximal portion of this maternal early replicating domain is incorporated into phage clone λ84. In order to identify DNA structures which may be associated with the boundary between the replication domains, phage λ84 has been subcloned into smaller fragments and several of these have been analyzed by nucleotide sequencing. A plot of helical stability for 13 kb of contiguous sequence reveals several A +T-rich regions which display potential DNA unwinding. The plasmid subclones from phage λ84 have been analyzed for bent DNA and one of these, p82, contains bent DNA and overlaps with the region of highest potential helical instability. Of the seven plasmids tested, only p82 shows strong autonomous replication activity in an in vitro replication assay, with replication initiating within the genomic insert. These results suggest that a putative origin of DNA replication contained within p82 may play a role in establishing the allele-specific replication timing domains in the GABAA receptor subunit gene cluster.  相似文献   

After the inactivation of yeast hexokinase with (R,S)2′,3′-epoxypropyl β-d-[U-14C]glucopyranoside (50 mM), four moles of this inhibitor were found to be bound per mole of hexokinase monomer (mol.wt., 50 000). The hexokinase inactivated in this way did not show any reaction with 5,5′-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) in 8 M urea; this is consistent with the alkylation of four cysteine residues per monomer by (R,S)2′,3′-epoxypropyl β-d-glucopyranoside.Amino acid analyses of hexokinase which had been alkylated with (R,S)2′,3′-epoxypropyl β-d-glucopyranoside and then oxidised with performic acid gave evidence for the alkylation of two types of cysteine residue, one type reactive towards DTNB and not essential for enzyme activity, the other type less reactive towards DTNB and essential for enzyme activity.The presence of a cysteine residue in the binding site of d-glucose is proposed and a mechanism for the binding of d-glucose involving an intermediate covalent, d-glucose enzyme complex is suggested.  相似文献   

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