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In species with time-limited opportunities for insemination, precopulatory mate-guarding is expected to coevolve with the duration of female reproductive cycles. Despite this adaptation to female characteristics, it may also be advantageous for males to adjust the duration of guarding with respect to sex ratio because the benefits of guarding are dependent on the availability of females. If female fitness is reduced because of guarding, male guarding behavior leads to intersexual conflict. We studied these aspects of male mate-guarding behavior in two closely related, thermal-spring isopods (Thermosphaeroma). First, guarding duration showed species specificity which was related to the duration of reproductive cycle; cycle length for females and duration of guarding by males in T. milleri were twice as long as in T. thermophilum. Second, males in both species adjusted their guarding duration with sex ratio, guarding longer when a competing male was present. Third, in T. thermophilum, ovarian development began immediately after the birth of the previous brood and continued through guarding, sexual molt and post-molt periods until oviposition, whereas in T. milleri, ovarian development was largely postponed until the post-molt period. Because guarding during ovary provisioning periods may be costly for females, we tested the existence of intersexual conflict over guarding duration in T. thermophilum. We compared the duration of guarding of control pairs with those of pairs in which either male guarding ability or female ability to resist guarding was reduced experimentally. Guarding durations for manipulated and control males were equal, but manipulated females were guarded longer, suggesting that conflict exists and that females can effectively shorten guarding duration by their behavior. Moreover, we suggest that selection in the context of intersexual conflict may play an important role in the evolution of delayed oviposition and sperm-storage organs in mate-guarding crustaceans.  相似文献   

Sex differences in foraging behavior have been widely reported in the ornithological literature, but few examples are available from tropical avifaunas. Differences between males and females in foraging behavior have been hypothesized to be a byproduct of sexual size dimorphism or a result of niche partitioning to reduce intersexual competition for food or different reproductive roles. From 2010 to 2013, I used foraging data and mist‐net capture rates from multiple study sites to examine possible sex differences in the foraging behavior of two New Guinean Pachycephala whistlers. I found that male Regent (Pachycephala schlegelii) and Sclater's (Pachycephala soror) whistlers consistently foraged in higher strata than females. It is unlikely that these differences are due to sexual dimorphism because these species exhibit little sexual dimorphism. Sex differences in foraging behavior were consistent across years and study sites and did not appear linked to breeding behavior, supporting the food‐competition hypothesis, but not the reproductive‐roles hypothesis. Male territorial defense often occurs in relatively high strata in Pachycephala whistlers, possibly influencing male foraging strata. However, male territorial behavior cannot explain why females predominately forage in lower strata. Instead, intersexual competition for food resources is likely the primary driver of differences in the foraging behavior of male and female Regent and Sclater's whistlers.  相似文献   

We observed sexual behavior patterns in two captive groups of Cebus apella.We obtained data on intersexual solicitations and intersexual competition. The length of proceptivity cycles by females averaged 18.8 ± 1.2 days; this corresponds with published reports of physiological measures of ovulatory cycles. Females initiated sexual interactions with males significantly more than males initiated interactions with females, and female solicitations increased in frequency over the duration of displayed periods of proceptivity. In contrast, male solicitations of females were infrequent and did not change significantly throughout female proceptive phases. Each female solicited the same male throughout a given proceptive phase. We observed no evidence of male-male or female-female competition. Males seem to respond to female sexual behavior directed toward them, rather than initiating sexual interactions themselves. Even so, male sexual interactions with females followed only a small proportion of solicitations.  相似文献   

Male and female interests can either be in conflict or serve as a basis for exchange. Communication is thus an important aspect of intersexual relationships. Verreaux's sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi), like many prosimians, uses chemical signals as one form of communication. The goals of this study were to determine 1) if males and females exhibit sex differences in their scent-marking behavior, and 2) if scent-marking is an example of mating conflict or cooperation. All occurrences of scent-marks, scent-mark context, and scent-mark style were collected on 23 sifaka in the Kirindy Forest of western Madagascar for 7 months (September 2001-March 2002). Scent-mark rates were collected using continuous focal animal sampling from November 2000-March 2002. Home-range data were collected using monthly censuses and instantaneous focal sampling throughout those 17 months. The pressures of behavioral ecology seem to have shaped scent-marking in sifaka: the sexes exhibited significantly different scent-marking behavior. Results from this study are consistent with the hypotheses that 1) females scent-mark to advertise their presence and mark their resources, 2) clean-chested males use scent-marks as between-group communication to advertise their presence, and 3) stained-chested males use scent-marks as a form of olfactory mate-guarding. Scent-marking does not appear to be a "service" that males provide to females, because overmarking limits female communication rather than adding to the overall number of scent-marks. Scent-marking behavior is a crucial aspect of the mating conflict and for understanding intersexual relationships in sifaka.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that individuals should adopt counterstrategies against intersexual conflict with their mating partners if the counterstrategies are effective and cost-efficient. In fishes, males with parental care often cannibalize their own offspring, which reduces the female’s fitness and creates intersexual conflicts. Males of the goby Rhinogobius flumineus cannibalize more eggs in the nest when they have access to additional females prior to spawning. Thus, it is predicted that females will strategically avoid spawning with males that have high mate availability. In the present study, we experimentally tested this prediction. When sexual pairs were placed in tanks, most females (control females; 21/22) successfully spawned inside the nest. In contrast, when a gravid female (stimulus female) that was housed in a small transparent cage was shown to the experiment pairs prior to spawning, only about half of the females (experiment females; 16/29) spawned inside the nest; the remaining females released unfertilized eggs outside of the nest. Moreover, experiment females infrequently accepted and followed males into nests, and delayed spawning more often than control females. R. flumineus females prefer males that court frequently. Indeed, experiment females that infrequently received courtship tended to spawn outside of the nest. However, infrequent courtship alone could not explain outside-nest spawning, delay in spawning, or the shorter stay of females in nests. These results imply that the presence of a stimulus female dampens female spawning with males. We suggest that R. flumineus females may strategically reject or hesitate to spawn with males that have high mate availability, and that this spawning avoidance may be a counterstrategy against male filial cannibalism.  相似文献   

We examined whether sexual differences in trophic morphology are associated with sexual differences in foraging behavior through two laboratory experiments on rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) designed to compare probing abilities (maximum extraction depths) and handling times of sexes at flowers. Bills of female S. rufus are about 10.5% longer than bills of males, and this difference was associated with sexual differences in foraging abilities. Maximum extraction depths of female S. rufus were significantly greater than those of males, and no overlap between the sexes was observed. Moreover, handling times of females were shorter than handling times of males at flowers having longer corollas (15 mm). Thus, because of their longer bills, female S. rufus have the potential to feed from longer flowers than males, and can do so more quickly. We suggest that no single mechanism is responsible for the evolution of sexual dimorphism in bill lengths of hummingbirds, but rather that the dimorphism probably reflects the combined effects of reproductive role division and intersexual food competition, and possibly, sexual selection.  相似文献   

Monogamy is a relatively rare social system in mammals, occurring only in about 3% of mammalian species. Monogamous species are characterized by the formation of pair‐bonds, biparental care, and a very low level of sexual dimorphism. Whereas in most polygynous species males engage in more rough‐and‐tumble play than females, we predicted that males and females of monogamous species would have similar, or monomorphic, play behavior. In this study, we focused on two monogamous species: coppery titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus) and prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). We documented the development of play behavior in both species, and quantified different types of play behavior. We did not find any sex differences in either species in the frequencies and types of play. However, we did find sex differences in the choice of play partner in titi monkeys: female offspring spent a higher proportion of time playing with their father, while male offspring played equally with their mother and father. It is possible that rough‐and‐tumble play behavior is monomorphic in many monogamous mammals, perhaps reflecting differences from polygynous species in the effects of exposure to early androgens or in the estrogen receptor distribution. However, more subtle differences in monomorphic play behavior, such as choice of partner, may still exist.  相似文献   

Sexual selection involves two main mechanisms: intrasexual competition for mates and intersexual mate choice. We experimentally separated intrasexual (male-male interference competition) and intersexual (female choice) components of sexual selection in a freshwater fish, the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). We compared the roles of multiple morphological and behavioural traits in male success in both components of sexual competition, and their relation to male reproductive success, measured as paternity of offspring. Body size was important for both female choice and male-male competition, though females also preferred males that courted more vigorously. However, dominant males often monopolized females regardless of female preference. Subordinate males were not excluded from reproduction and sired some offspring, possibly through sneaked ejaculations. Male dominance and a greater intensity of carotenoid-based red colouration in their iris were the best predictors of male reproductive success. The extent of red iris colouration and parasite load did not have significant effects on female choice, male dominance or male reproductive success. No effect of parasite load on the expression of red eye colouration was detected, though this may have been due to low parasite prevalence in males overall. In conclusion, we showed that even though larger body size was favoured in both intersexual and intrasexual selection, male-male interference competition reduced opportunities for female choice. Females, despite being choosy, had limited control over the paternity of their offspring. Our study highlights the need for reliable measures of male reproductive success in studies of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Some females of Orchestia gammarellus generate offspring which include too many females as well as intersexual males. This thelygeny related to intersexuality is temperature sensitive; it disappears above 22°C. It is induced by a feminising parasite described in another work. We have studied how the temperature acts on pubescent thelygenic females having either a known or unknown genotype (♀ 2AYY). The increase of female breeding temperature up to 25 or 30°C has two kinds of consequences for their offspring: (i) an increase in the male ratio, that is to say the expression of the normal genetic sex in potential neo females, and (ii) a correlative decrease in the proportion of intersexual males. The strength of these effects varies according to several parameters: temperature, exposure duration and genotype of tested females.  相似文献   

Seminal proteins are critical for reproductive success in all animals that have been studied. Although seminal proteins have been identified in many taxa, and female reproductive responses to receipt of these proteins have been documented in several, little is understood about the mechanisms by which seminal proteins affect female reproductive physiology. To explore this topic, we investigated how a Drosophila seminal protein, ovulin, increases ovulation rate in mated females. Ovulation is a relatively simple physiological process, with known female regulators: previous studies have shown that ovulation rate is promoted by the neuromodulator octopamine (OA) in D. melanogaster and other insects. We found that ovulin stimulates ovulation by increasing OA signaling in the female. This finding supports a model in which a male seminal protein acts through “hacking” a well-conserved, regulatory system females use to adjust reproductive output, rather than acting downstream of female mechanisms of control or in parallel pathways altogether. We also discuss similarities between 2 forms of intersexual control of behavior through chemical communication: seminal proteins and pheromones.  相似文献   

In several primate taxa there is evidence that the social and physical environment can exert a significant effect on reproductive behavior and biology. In this paper we examine social and physiological factors influencing group composition and reproduction in free-ranging moustached tamarin monkeys (Saguinus mystax mystax). This species is characterized by cooperative care of the young and a breeding system that includes both polyandrous and polygyandrous matings. Body measurements collected on adult males residing in multimale groups indicate marked within-group differences in testes volume. In 12 of 17 groups examined, testes volume of at least two resident adult males differed by 21–174%. Among these males, testes volume was not correlated with either body weight or adult age class. We also examine whether factors such as time of year had an effect on reproductive condition. An analysis of body measurements of 128 adult male and 127 adult female moustached tamarins, wild-trapped and released in northeastern Peru, indicates cyclic changes in genital size. For males, mean monthly testes volume in July (712 mm3) was twice that recorded in June (351 mm3). Females exhibited a similar pattern. Although endocrine information on intra- and intersexual social effects on fertility are unavailable for S. mystax, given the high degree of social cooperation and lack of overt aggression among adult male group members, we offer the possibility that resident male moustached tamarins compete for access to the groups' lone breeding female through socially induced reproductive suppression and sperm competition. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Why do females of socially monogamous species engage in extra-pair copulations? This long-standing question remains a puzzle, because the benefits of female promiscuous behavior often do not seem to outweigh the costs. Genetic constraint models offer an answer by proposing that female promiscuity emerges through selection favoring alleles that are either beneficial for male reproductive success (intersexual pleiotropy hypothesis) or beneficial for female fecundity (intrasexual pleiotropy hypothesis). A previous quantitative genetic study on captive zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, reported support for the first, but not for the second hypothesis. Here, we re-examine both hypotheses based on data from lines selected for high and low male courtship rate. In contrast to previous conclusions, our new analyses clearly reject the hypothesis that male and female promiscuity are genetically homologous traits. We find some support for a positive genetic correlation between female promiscuity and fecundity. This study also shows that the behavioral outcome of extra-pair courtships primarily depends on individual-specific female preferences and not on the “attractiveness” of the social mate. In contrast, patterns of paternity are strongly influenced by the social partner and the pair bond, presumably reflecting variation in copulation behavior, fertility, or sperm competitiveness.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Investigators generally pool observations of males and females in studies of the foraging behavior of sexually monochromatic songbirds. However, such pooling can obscure possible intersexual differences. We compared the foraging behavior of male and female Western Wood‐Pewees (Contopus sordidulus), a sexually monochromatic species, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California during the breeding seasons of 2007 and 2008. We recorded 143 foraging observations (male N= 74, female N= 69). Overall, mean foraging rates of females (2.8 attacks/min) were higher (P < 0.001) than those of males (1.1 attacks/min). In addition, female foraging rates were significantly higher during incubation than during the nest building, nestling, and fledgling periods. When foraging, males perched higher above ground than females (means = 17.1 and 6.7 m, respectively). Differences between male and female Western Wood‐Pewees in foraging rates and perch heights suggest that males may spend more time on vigilance while females focus on foraging quickly during incubation and when feeding nestlings. Because metrics such as foraging attack rates are sometimes used as indicators of habitat quality and we found that rates can differ between the sexes and among nesting stages, investigators should consider the possibility of such differences when assessing habitat quality, especially for sexually monochromatic species of birds.  相似文献   

Libellula luctuosa, a pond dragonfly found in eastern North America, is apparently sexually dimorphic. Previous studies of the mating behavior in this species suggested that both male-male competition and female mate choice are important influences. Males compete for territories, where they attract females and where mating occurs. Female behavior influences both the copulation success and the fertilization success of males. Because of temporal and spatial separation of these episodes of sexual selection, multivariate and nonparametric statistical techniques could be used to investigate the influence of components of sexual selection on various sexually dimorphic traits. Sexual dimorphism in L. luctuosa was first quantified; then the direct effects and the form of selection were estimated. Sexually dimorphic wing size, body size, wing coloration, and body coloration are distributed either continuously or discontinuously between the sexes in L. luctuosa. These traits have apparently diverged between the sexes as a result of directional sexual selection. Body size is further influenced by stabilizing selection. Intrasexual selection (success in gaining access to a territory) and intersexual selection (success in copulation and fertilization) can influence the same or different sexually dimorphic characters. Body size is influenced by directional selection during the intrasexual phase of sexual selection and is also influenced by stabilizing selection during intersexual selection. The size of the brown wing patch is influenced by directional selection, primarily during the intersexual phase of sexual selection. There is directional selection on the white wing patch during both phases. Thus, the different proximate mechanisms of sexual selection may jointly or separately affect the evolution of sexually dimorphic characters. Further empirical and theoretical investigations into the differences in the effects of intrasexual selection and intersexual selection are needed to clarify the circumstances leading to separate consequences of these two mechanisms of sexual selection.  相似文献   

We studied sexual dominance and seasonal differences in aggressiveness of individuals in intraspecific competition for shells of the hermit crab Pagurus filholi in terms of size of contestants and duration of the attempt to deprive other crabs of their shell. Experiments were conducted using paired intrasexual and intersexual contests in the pre-breeding and post-breeding seasons. Size ratios between contestants were systematically varied to assess the sexual difference in size and owner advantages. In both intrasexual and intersexual contests intruder crabs tended to win the contests more often as their size increased, that is, size advantage overcame owner advantage. Although we did not recognize a sexual difference in size and owner advantages in contest outcomes, male intruder crabs took a shorter time to deprive female owners of a shell than to deprive male owners. Furthermore, male individuals in the pre-breeding season had significantly longer fight durations. Fighting is costly. Thus males can afford to expend more energy and time fighting, indicating that males are dominant over females in shell fights as both intruders and owners. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Males and females are known to differ in a whole suite of characteristics,such as morphology, physiology, ecology, and behavior. Intersexualdifferences are generally believed to arise because of differencesin selective pressures on either sex. In this study, we investigatedwhether intersexual differences in escape behavior exist inlizards of the genus Anolis, and whether these could be explainedby intersexual differences in body size and/or microhabitatuse. To do so, we compared the behavioral response to an approachinghuman predator in the field in males and females of 12 Anolisspecies. We found that ecomorphs and sexes differ greatly withrespect to escape behavior. Twig anoles have the shortest approachdistance (i.e., distance between the observer and the lizardwhen it starts fleeing) and final distance (i.e., distance betweenthe observer and the lizard when it stops moving), comparedwith the other ecomorphs. The distance fled, on the contrary,is greatest in twig anoles. Also, females flee less soon andrun over shorter distances than do males. Since twig anolesare considered the most cryptic anoles, and females may be lessconspicuous than males, these results corroborate the idea thatwell camouflaged animals allow predators to come closer. Theinterspecific variation in sexual dimorphism in escape behavior,however, cannot be explained by the interspecific variationin sexual size dimorphism or sexual dimorphism in microhabitatuse. Thus, escape behavior appears determined by different factorsin males and females.  相似文献   

Intralocus sexual conflict results from sexually antagonistic selection on traits shared by the sexes. This can displace males and females from their respective fitness optima, and negative intersexual correlations (rmf) for fitness are the unequivocal indicator of this evolutionary conflict. It has recently been suggested that intersexual fitness correlations can vary depending on the segregating genetic variation present in a population, and one way to alter genetic variation and test this idea is via inbreeding. Here, we test whether intersexual correlations for fitness vary with inbreeding in Drosophila simulans isolines reared under homogenous conditions. We measured male and female fitness at different times following the establishment of isofemale lines and found that the sign of the association between the two measures varied with time after initial inbreeding. Our results are consistent with suggestions that the type of genetic variation segregating within a population can determine the extent of intralocus sexual conflict and also support the idea that sexually antagonistic alleles segregate for longer in populations than alleles with sexually concordant effects.  相似文献   

We observed sexual behavior patterns in two captive groups of Cebus apella.We obtained data on intersexual solicitations and intersexual competition. The length of proceptivity cycles by females averaged 18.8 ± 1.2 days; this corresponds with published reports of physiological measures of ovulatory cycles. Females initiated sexual interactions with males significantly more than males initiated interactions with females, and female solicitations increased in frequency over the duration of displayed periods of proceptivity. In contrast, male solicitations of females were infrequent and did not change significantly throughout female proceptive phases. Each female solicited the same male throughout a given proceptive phase. We observed no evidence of male-male or female-female competition. Males seem to respond to female sexual behavior directed toward them, rather than initiating sexual interactions themselves. Even so, male sexual interactions with females followed only a small proportion of solicitations.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is often assumed to reflect the phenotypic consequences of differential selection operating on each sex. Species that exhibit SSD may also show intersexual differences in other traits, including field‐active body temperatures, preferred temperatures, and locomotor performance. For these traits, differences may be correlated with differences in body size or reflect sex‐specific trait optima. Male and female Yarrow's spiny lizards, Sceloporus jarrovii, in a population in southeastern Arizona exhibit a difference in body temperature that is unrelated to variation in body size. The observed sexual variation in body temperature may reflect divergence in thermal physiology between the sexes. To test this hypothesis, we measured the preferred body temperatures of male and female lizards when recently fed and fasted. We also estimated the thermal sensitivity of stamina at seven body temperatures. Variation in these traits provided an opportunity to determine whether body size or sex‐specific variation unrelated to size shaped their thermal physiology. Female lizards, but not males, preferred a lower body temperature when fasted, and this pattern was unrelated to body size. Larger individuals exhibited greater stamina, but we detected no significant effect of sex on the shape or height of the thermal performance curves. The thermal preference of males and females in a thermal gradient exceeded the optimal temperature for performance in both sexes. Our findings suggest that differences in thermal physiology are both sex‐ and size‐based and that peak performance at low body temperatures may be adaptive given the reproductive cycles of this viviparous species. We consider the implications of our findings for the persistence of S. jarrovii and other montane ectotherms in the face of climate warming.  相似文献   

When Charles Darwin set out to relate his theory of evolution by natural selection to humans he discovered that a complementary explanation was needed to properly understand the great variation seen in human behavior. The resulting work, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, laid out the defining principles and evidence of sexual selection. 1 In brief, this work is best known for illuminating the typically male strategy of intrasexual competition and the typically female response of intersexual choice. While these sexual stereotypes were first laid out by Darwin, they grew in importance when, years later, A. J. Bateman, in a careful study of Drosophila mating strategies, noted that multiple mating appeared to provide great benefit to male reproductive success, but to have no such effect on females. 2 As a result, female choice soon became synonymous with being coy, and only males were thought to gain from promiscuous behavior. However, the last thirty years of research have served to question much of the traditional wisdom about sex differences proposed by Darwin and Bateman, illuminating the many ways that women (and females more generally) can and do engage in multiple mating.  相似文献   

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