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The rate of attrition on the permanent molars may depend on culturally and economically determined conditions of living. In order to analyse the relation the probability of having entered the stages of attrition is analysed by means of logistic regression on age at death. It is shown that not all teeth continue to be worn at the same rate throughout life and that there is an association between advanced attrition and risk of dying. The rate of dental attrition does not differ much by sex but there are some indications that male teeth are worn quicker than female teeth. This greater rate of attrition might be due to greater consumption of food in males than in females. The stages of dental attrition give some information on the age at death but they are poor age indicators on their own.  相似文献   

The dentitions of individuals from archaeological sites located along the Santa Barbara Channel were analysed using quantitative methods which allow the accurate assessment of attrition rates. Comparisons of molar wear gradients indicate that attrition rates have decreased significantly through time in the Santa Barbara Channel area.  相似文献   

Although telomere biology was revealed to play an important role in several hematopoietic disorders, its impact on the age-dependent dynamics of regular hematopoiesis is poorly understood. In vitro results suggest that particularly the erythropoietic capacity might be limited by critically short telomere length (TL). However, it remains unclear whether TL also affects erythropoiesis in healthy individuals in vivo. Therefore, we analyzed the associations between relevant hematopoietic parameters and peripheral blood leukocyte TL in the apparently healthy Asklepios study population, aged approximately 35-55 years (N > 2500). Our data indicate a clear positive, age and paternal age at birth adjusted, correlation between TL and red blood cell count, both in men (p < 0.001) and women (p = 0.011). This association was particularly significant in the older segment of the population (> 45 years old, both sexes: p = 0.003) and in younger men (p = 0.013), but not in younger women (p = 0.521). Further adjustment for known determinants in a general linear model revealed that peripheral blood leukocyte TL is most probably an independent predictor of red blood cell count (p < 0.001), suggesting that critical telomere shortening might also limit erythropoiesis in vivo. While negligible in a middle-aged population, the clinical consequences might be important in the elderly (e.g. in anemia of chronic disease). Further studies are required to confirm the impact of our results.  相似文献   

Aging is a biological process linked to specific patterns and changes in the epigenome. We hypothesize that age‐related variation in the DNA methylome could reflect cumulative environmental modulation to the epigenome which could impact epigenomic instability and survival differentially by sex. To test the hypothesis, we performed sex‐stratified epigenome‐wide association studies on age‐related intra‐pair DNA methylation discordance in 492 twins aged 56–80 years. We identified 3084 CpGs showing increased methylation variability with age (FDR < 0.05, 7 CpGs with p < 1e‐07) in male twins but no significant site found in female twins. The results were replicated in an independent cohort of 292 twins aged 30–74 years with 37% of the discovery CpGs successfully replicated in male twins. Functional annotation showed that genes linked to the identified CpGs were significantly enriched in signaling pathways, neurological functions, extracellular matrix assembly, and cancer. We further explored the implication of discovery CpGs on individual survival in an old cohort of 224 twins (220 deceased). In total, 264 CpGs displayed significant association with risk of death in male twins. In female twins, 175 of the male discovery CpGs also showed non‐random correlation with mortality. Intra‐pair comparison showed that majority of the discovery CpGs have higher methylation in the longer‐lived twins suggesting that loss of DNA methylation during aging contributes to increased risk of death which is more pronounced in male twins. In conclusion, age‐related epigenomic instability in the DNA methylome is more evident in males than in females and could impact individual survival and contribute to sex difference in human lifespan.  相似文献   

An increase in the length of telomeres in human sperm compared to somatic cells has long been noted and considered within a popular hypothesis involving telomere shortening and cell aging. In the present study we determined telomere length in two species with long terminal TTAGGG arrays—bovine and porcine. Using several independent methods we demonstrate that the telomeres in the sperm of human, porcine and bovine are elongated by 69%, 24%, and 14%, respectively, in comparison with somatic tissues. Therefore, increased sperm telomere length is a feature preserved throughout mammalian evolution. The biological role of this phenomenon is discussed in the context of telomere functions in meiosis and fertilization. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 51:98–104, 1998.© 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Propping  P. 《Human genetics》1977,36(3):321-325
Summary In a sample of 52 adult male twin pairs (26 MZ, 26 DZ) performance in a series of psychophysiologic tests was measured. The intraindividual variability was determined by repetitive tests in the same subjects. In a number of cases the measured parameters proved relatively stable within the same person; identical twins, however, were no more similar to one another than fraternal twins. In a pair of identical twins with autosomal-dominant essential tremor the degree of the tremor could be effectively reduced by alcohol application.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within the SFB 35.  相似文献   

Age‐related telomere shortening is considered a hallmark of the ageing process. However, a recent cross‐sectional ageing study of relative telomere length (rTL) in bats failed to detect a relationship between rTL and age in the long‐lived genus Myotis (M. myotis and M. bechsteinii), suggesting some other factors are responsible for driving telomere dynamics in these species. Here, we test if longitudinal rTL data show signatures of age‐associated telomere attrition in M. myotis and differentiate which intrinsic or extrinsic factors are likely to drive telomere length dynamics. Using quantitative polymerase chain reaction, rTL was measured in 504 samples from a marked population, from Brittany, France, captured between 2013 and 2016. These represent 174 individuals with an age range of 0 to 7+ years. We find no significant relationship between rTL and age (p = .762), but demonstrate that within‐individual rTL is highly variable from year to year. To investigate the heritability of rTL, a population pedigree (n = 1744) was constructed from genotype data generated from a 16‐microsatellite multiplex, designed from an initial, low‐coverage, Illumina genome for M. myotis. Heritability was estimated in a Bayesian, mixed model framework, and showed that little of the observed variance in rTL is heritable (h2 = 0.01–0.06). Rather, correlations of first differences, correlating yearly changes in telomere length and weather variables, demonstrate that, during the spring transition, average temperature, minimum temperature, rainfall and windspeed correlate with changes in longitudinal telomere dynamics. As such, rTL may represent a useful biomarker to quantify the physiological impact of various environmental stressors in bats.  相似文献   

Guanine-rich telomeric sequences fold into G-quadruplex conformation and are known to bind a variety of ligands including potential drug candidates. By means of CD spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime measurements we demonstrate that putative anticancer therapeutic sanguinarine (SGR) exhibits two distinct interactions with human telomere d[(TTAGGG)4] (H24) in presence of K+. Up to about 1:2 M ratio of H24:SGR (10 μM H24), two molecules of SGR bind H24. Above this molar ratio, SGR induces a conformational transition in H24 from the K+-form to the Na+-form. The demonstration of SGR-induced conformational transition in a G-quadruplex formed by a human telomeric sequence could provide new insights into interaction of drugs with quadruplex DNA structure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Novel antibody-based immunotherapeutic strategies exploit chimeric immune receptors (CIR), expressed on the surface of transduced human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), to redirect potent non-MHC-dependent cytotoxicity to tumor cells expressing a tumor-associated antigen. However, clinical application of the strategy has been hampered by the potential side effects associated with immunogenicity and by low transduction efficiency. METHODS: A fully human CIR was constructed that triggers immune activation through the zeta chain of CD3 and contains a human single-chain antibody fragment specific for an extracellular epitope of HER2. PBMC were transduced with the CIR using gibbon-ape leukemia virus envelope pseudotyped retroviruses. In vitro cytotoxicity and inhibition assays were carried out using normal and tumor cell lines expressing different levels of HER2. RESULTS: Bulk populations of CIR-transduced PBMC could express high levels of the construct and subcloning ensured stable expression. CIR-mediated killing and growth inhibition of targets expressing high HER2 levels were very efficient at low effector-to-target ratios. Under the same experimental conditions, CIR-mediated activity against normal cells expressing low HER2 levels was marginal. The CIR-mediated recognition of target cells induced the release of soluble factors able to inhibit growth of both HER-positive and HER2-negative bystander tumor cells. CONCLUSIONS: Human CIR-transduced PBMC exert a potent and dose-dependent anti-tumor activity. Target antigen level appeared to be a critical determinant of specificity and delivery of signals leading to redirected effector functions. Soluble factors, released by redirected effectors at the site of antigen-driven activation, mediate potent bystander killing.  相似文献   

50% of cases of infertility are caused by male factor, which acquired or congenital problems may bring on. Male infertility can be caused by oligospermia and asthenozoospermia, which are common. Since the same mutations that cause azoospermia in some people also cause oligozoospermia in others, oligozoospermia may be thought of as a less severe form of azoospermia. Studies have demonstrated telomere length, catalase activity, super oxide dismutase (SOD), and DNA fragmentation can be influential factors for male infertility. The amount of apoptosis, oxidative stress factors, telomere length, and DNA fragmentation were some aspects of healthy sperm that we chose to look into in this study and compare to oligospermia individuals. Oligospermia patients (n = 24) and fertile men (n = 27) semen samples were collected, and the apoptosis rate of sperms in both groups was analyzed (Flow cytometry). Also, gene expression of apoptotic and antiapoptotic markers and telomere length were examined (real-time polymerase chain reaction). The sperm DNA fragmentation kit was used to determine DNA fragmentation and to evaluate catalase and SOD activity; the specific kits and methods were utilized. Higher expression levels of caspase3 (p = .0042), caspase8 (p = .0145), caspase9 (p = .0275), and BAX (p = .0202) mRNA were observed in patients who had oligospermia. In contrast, lower mRNA expression of BCL-2 (p = .0009) was detected in this group. In addition, telomere length was decreased in the oligospermia group (p < .0001) compared to the health group. Moreover, the frequency of apoptosis is induced in patients (p = .0026). The catalase activity is low (p = .0008), but the SOD activity is high (p = .0015) in the patient group. As a result of our findings, we may list the sperm cell apoptosis rate, telomere length, the degree of sperm DNA fragmentation, and lastly, the measurement of significant and efficient oxidative stress markers like SOD and catalase in semen plasma among the principal diagnostic characteristics for oligospermia. Future studies will be better able to treat oligospermia by showing whether these indicators are rising or falling.  相似文献   

Stem cells of various tissues are typically defined as multipotent cells with 'self-renewal' properties. Despite the increasing interest in stem cells, surprisingly little is known about the number of times stem cells can or do divide over a lifetime. Based on telomere-length measurements of hematopoietic cells, we previously proposed that the self-renewal capacity of hematopoietic stem cells is limited by progressive telomere attrition and that such cells divide very rapidly during the first year of life. Recent studies of patients with aplastic anemia resulting from inherited mutations in telomerase genes support the notion that the replicative potential of hematopoietic stem cells is directly related to telomere length, which is indirectly related to telomerase levels. To revisit conclusions about stem cell turnover based on cross-sectional studies of telomere length, we performed a longitudinal study of telomere length in leukocytes from newborn baboons. All four individual animals studied showed a rapid decline in telomere length (approximately 2-3 kb) in granulocytes and lymphocytes in the first year after birth. After 50-70 weeks the telomere length appeared to stabilize in all cell types. These observations suggest that hematopoietic stem cells, after an initial phase of rapid expansion, switch at around 1 year of age to a different functional mode characterized by a markedly decreased turnover rate.  相似文献   

It was previously reported that tumour samples had shorter telomeres than the surrounding normal tissue. Hereby, the initial sign of correlation between malignant tissue and telomere behaviour could be noticed. Bridging knowledge between germ and somatic cells could facilitate understanding cellular evolution. The aim of our investigation was to provide evidence for the evolutionary hypothesis of TL (telomere length) in primary BC (breast cancer) and BTs (brain tumours), which might be applied as a prognostic and/or predictive marker. DNA extraction from the frozen tissues was performed using high pure PCR template preparation kit. Standard protocol of Telo TTAGGG Telomere Length Assay kit, a non‐radioactive chemiluminescent assay, was used. The protein expression in extracted cells was analysed by immunofluorescence. We also detected telomerase activity. The G/T (genomic/tumour ratio) for TL in two groups of patients affected with primary BC and primary BT revealed significant differences in both BC patients (P=0.025) and in BTs (P=0.001). The pattern of telomere signals by Q‐FISH (quantitative fluorescent in situ hybridization) show that in all samples, except one, SI (signal intensity) has been significantly decreased in tissue related to blood, either in BC patients or in patients with BTs (0.041≥P≥0.001). However, the data achieved by Q‐FISH support the results of Southern blot. These data reflect a significant diversity either in BC or in BT patients, providing evidence for the evolutionary hypothesis of TL in cancer development and progression.  相似文献   

Telomere length (TL) is increasingly being used as a biomarker of senescence, but measuring telomeres remains a challenge. Within tissue samples, TL varies between cells and chromosomes. Class I telomeres are (presumably static) interstitial telomeric sequences, while terminal telomeres have been divided in shorter (Class II) telomeres and ultralong (Class III) telomeres, and the presence of the latter varies strongly between species. Class II telomeres typically shorten with age, but little is known of Class III telomere dynamics. Using multiple experimental approaches, we show great tits to have ultralong telomeres, and we investigated age effects on Class II and III telomeres using a longitudinal approach (our method excludes Class I telomeres). In adults, TL averaged over the whole distribution did not significantly change with age. However, more detailed analyses showed that Class II TL did shorten with age, and, as in other species, the longest Class II telomeres within individuals shortened more quickly with age. In contrast, Class III TL did not shorten with age within individual adults. Surprisingly, we found the opposite pattern in nestlings: Class III TL shortened significantly with age, while the age effect on Class II TL was close to zero. Thus, Class III TL may provide information on developmental history, while Class II TL provides information on telomere dynamics in adulthood. These findings have practical implications for telomere studies and raise the interesting question of what causes variation in TL dynamics between chromosomes within individuals and how this is related to development.  相似文献   

1. Nest construction and paternity assurance are predicted to favour biparental care in insects. The horned passalus (Odontotaenius disjunctus) is a socially monogamous beetle with biparental care that breeds in decaying logs. The genetic mating system of the horned passalus was investigated to determine if paternity assurance is likely to drive the evolution or maintenance of paternal care in this system. Parental time budgets were also examined to better understand the types and frequencies of behaviours performed by parents. 2. Genotyping‐by‐sequencing revealed high levels of extra‐pair paternity, with 54.8% of offspring sired by extra‐pair males and 70% of nests containing extra‐pair young. 3. More heterozygous social males were cuckolded less than more homozygous social males. Extra‐pair mating, however, seems unlikely to increase offspring genetic diversity as extra‐pair offspring were not more heterozygous than within‐pair offspring, and average brood heterozygosity did not increase with higher rates of extra‐pair paternity. 4. Behavioural observations demonstrated that parents spent on average 46.5% of their time processing the decaying wood resource for larval offspring. Because resource processing is a by‐product of feeding and provides shareable benefits for all larvae in the brood, this form of paternal care could be favoured despite low paternity.  相似文献   

Genealogical, demographic, and economic data collected in a rural Trinidadian village indicate that: (1) individuals with more land have more offspring, (2) males with more land have higher mating success, (3) young adults with parents resident in the village have higher reproductive success, and (4) the residence of father has a strong effect on young adult male reproductive success, but apparently has no effect on young adult female reproductive success, suggesting a gender bias in nepotism. The results indicate that there are important gender differences in the effect of resources on reproduction and in patterns of parent-offspring interaction.  相似文献   

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