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The duetting behavior of siamangs (Hylobates syndactylus) has previously been observed as representing a complex, interactively organized, and standardized set of vocal features. Anti-resonance in the bitonal screams of 15 males was observed. The sound energy of the fundamental frequency of the first note of these screams are absorbed, the result being a fundamental frequency which was virtually filtered out. The implications and consequences of such a rare phenomenon as anti-resonance in the vocal behavior in gibbons is discussed.  相似文献   

Urinalysis is an emerging method for monitoring the health and energy balance of wild primates. Here, we report the first urinalysis of wild gibbons. We used multi‐reagent test strips to monitor the health status of 52 individual white‐handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) inhabiting Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Most urinary reference values were within normal ranges; however, regardless of age‐ and sex‐class or monthly fruit productivity, we found unexpectedly high rates of urinary leukocytes (50% and 90% of individuals in 2001–2003 and 2006, respectively). In contrast to previous studies of African apes, this finding is coupled with the near absence of urinary nitrites, demonstrating pervasive levels of sterile pyuria. This result is the first reported case of sterile pyuria in a population of wild primates. The etiology of human sterile pyuria is diverse, but in all cases it is diagnostic of systemic inflammation. We discuss the potential causes of sterile pyuria in the gibbons of Khao Yai. Am. J. Primatol. 71:880–883, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Five demographical factors influencing the sex ratio of a population are classically considered. The influence of two of them is dependent on the longevity of individuals in the population. The effect of differential age at maturity between males and females is higher for animals with low annual survival, whereas the effect of differential annual survival between males and females is higher for animals with high annual survival. Such a conclusion applied to turtles, which are long life-span animals, allows us to retain differential survival between sexes as a major factor influencing the population sex ratio.  相似文献   

Black-crested gibbons (Hylobates concolor concolor), which inhabit the subtropical forests of southern China and northern Vietnam, have until now never been the subject of any systematic behavioral or ecological field study. This report presents the findings of a three-month field study of wild black-crested gibbons in the Wuliang and Ailao Mountain Game Reserves in Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China. The sites visited consisted of temperate, subtropical, broadleaf evergreen forests, with trees belonging to the families Elaeocarpaceae, Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, and Theaceae. Black-crested gibbons were documented from four sites visited and were found to be polygynous, with an average group size of seven to eight animals. The family groups were observed to comprise one adult male, from one to four adult females, and numerous offspring of various ages. Both sexes of this species emit interactive songs, and various features of this loud vocal behavior were analyzed and are discussed here. Since all other gibbon species were found to inhabit only tropical rain forests and live in strictly monogamous family groups, some of the ecological and evolutionary implications of these findings are also presented.  相似文献   

The size at maturity was studied in the crab Aegla uruguayana from the Areco River (31°14′ S, 59°28′ W), Argentina. Size at sexual maturity was determined according to three criteria: morphometric (change in the relative growth of reproductive characters), histological (first maturation of gonads) and functional (capability to mate and carry eggs). Regarding females, morphometric maturity occurred at a carapace length (CL) of 11.50 mm, considering abdomen width as a reproductive character. Gonad maturity of females could be observed at a minimum size ranging from 15 to 17 mm CL. The smallest ovigerous female observed in the field was 15.60 mm CL, although a relevant population incidence of ovigerous females (86.6%) has just been observed at values higher than 17 mm CL. As for males, the relative growth of the left chela length changed at a value of 15.40 mm CL, while morphological changes in sexual tube occurred between CL of 14 and 16 mm. Testicular maturation occurred at a CL ranging from 17 to 19 mm. The smallest size of males having spermatozoids in their vasa deferentia was 18.70 mm CL. The results obtained indicated that, in both sexes, functional maturity occurred after morphometric maturity and at a size similar to that of gonad maturity. Comparing sexes, females acquired sexual maturity (morphometric, gonad and functional maturity) at sizes statistically smaller than those of males.  相似文献   

Background and AimsTraditionally, local adaptation has been seen as the outcome of a long evolutionary history, particularly with regard to sexual lineages. By contrast, phenotypic plasticity has been thought to be most important during the initial stages of population establishment and in asexual species. We evaluated the roles of adaptive evolution and phenotypic plasticity in the invasive success of two closely related species of invasive monkeyflowers (Mimulus) in the UK that have contrasting reproductive strategies: M. guttatus combines sexual (seeds) and asexual (clonal growth) reproduction while M. × robertsii is entirely asexual.MethodsWe compared the clonality (number of stolons), floral and vegetative phenotype, and phenotypic plasticity of native (M. guttatus) and invasive (M. guttatus and M. × robertsii) populations grown in controlled environment chambers under the environmental conditions at each latitudinal extreme of the UK. The goal was to discern the roles of temperature and photoperiod on the expression of phenotypic traits. Next, we tested the existence of local adaptation in the two species within the invasive range with a reciprocal transplant experiment at two field sites in the latitudinal extremes of the UK, and analysed which phenotypic traits underlie potential local fitness advantages in each species.Key ResultsPopulations of M. guttatus in the UK showed local adaptation through sexual function (fruit production), while M. × robertsii showed local adaptation via asexual function (stolon production). Phenotypic selection analyses revealed that different traits are associated with fitness in each species. Invasive and native populations of M. guttatus had similar phenotypic plasticity and clonality. M. × robertsii presents greater plasticity and clonality than native M. guttatus, but most populations have restricted clonality under the warm conditions of the south of the UK.ConclusionsThis study provides experimental evidence of local adaptation in a strictly asexual invasive species with high clonality and phenotypic plasticity. This indicates that even asexual taxa can rapidly (<200 years) adapt to novel environmental conditions in which alternative strategies may not ensure the persistence of populations.  相似文献   

This osteological survey of 249 specimens of Brevimyrus niger ranging in size from 44 to 137 mm standard length (LS) demonstrated that developmental changes in anal‐fin morphology can serve as a predictor of sexual maturity in this species. Anal‐fin ray bases begin to expand when fish reach c. 90 mm LS at which size and above there were roughly equal numbers of individuals observed with expanded and unmodified anal‐fin bases, reflecting a 1:1 sex ratio.  相似文献   

Blue crabs Callinectes latimanus (Rath.) trapped from two lagoons were sexed, measured and weighed. The eggs of the mature females were counted to determine fecundity, and the spermatophores of the males were counted to determine the size of sexual maturity. Sizes at maturity of both male and female crabs were determined. The methods employed and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

We present data on sexual maturity in young hamadryas baboon males (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) and its reproductive consequences in a large captive baboon colony. Hamadryas baboons live in a multilevel social system, with one-male units (OMUs) as the smallest social entity. Male leaders of OMUs are believed to monopolize matings within their OMUs; hence mating is believed to be polygynous and monandrous. In a captive colony of hamadryas baboons, we found evidence that young males less than 4 years old fathered at least 2.5% of 121 offspring born subsequent to vasectomy of all adult males, and males aged 4-5 years fathered at least 16.5% of the offspring. Additional evidence that these young males are able to sire offspring came from a morphological comparison of sperm from hamadryas males of different ages. The sperm of a 48-month-old hamadryas baboon were morphologically indistinguishable from viable sperm from adult males, whereas sperm from a 45-month-old male showed some aberrations. If successful copulations by adolescent males constitute a regular pattern even in free-ranging hamadryas baboons, a hamadryas male's chances to reproduce would not be limited to his role as an OMU leader as previously assumed, and a male's reproductive career would consist of two phases: the adolescent phase, and the OMU leader male phase.  相似文献   

Age at first reproduction is an extremely important life-historytrait. Several factors such as nutritional state and age-specificfecundity have been shown to influence time to sexual maturity;however, little work has been done in insects. We addressedthis in a stalk-eyed fly (Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni), by testingthe hypothesis that time to sexual maturity is associated withthe development of male internal reproductive structures. Wefound that sexual maturity was attained after an increased rateof growth in the accessory glands, several days after maturesperm bundles, and motile sperm were observed in the testes.Although testis development is essential, the results suggestthat accessory gland growth is more closely associated withthe time taken to reach sexual maturity than is testis growth.When we manipulated the growth of testes and accessory glandsvia a dietary manipulation, we found that delayed growth ratesincreased the time taken to reach sexual maturity. Among thedelayed individuals, sexually mature males had larger accessoryglands, but not testes, than did immature males. In adult males,mating frequency was significantly positively correlated withaccessory gland size, but not with testis length or body size.We conclude that accessory gland size is a critical determinantof sexual maturity and male mating frequency in this species.  相似文献   

The relative growth of two species of the genus Ocypode inhabiting different ecological niches was studied before and after sexual maturity. The growth coefficient of both sexes of O. cordimana, which inhabits supra-littoral zones, is higher than that of O. platytarsis found in wave-wash zones.s

Some characteristics such as eyestalk length, major chela width and obdomen width do not show any difference in the growth pattern of either species of Ocypode at the onset of sexual maturity. Other characteristics such as minor and major chela length in male O. platytarsis; carapace length, minor chela length and width in female O. platytarsis; major chela length and third walking leg length in male O. cordimana showed a difference in the growth pattern after the onset of sexual maturity.

Major chela length of males of both species is clearly a sexually dimorphic feature since it showed an increase in the growth coefficient after sexual maturity. Merus length in male O. platytarsis and minor chela length in female O. cordimana also showed such sexual dimorphism.

There are several characteristics in which the growth coefficient declines after sexual maturity. The change in growth coefficient of different characteristics may depend on the adaptive value of the characteristic in reproductive or post-reproductive activities of O. cordimana and O. platytarsis.  相似文献   

The effects of size and previous sexual maturity on downstream migration in two-summer-old Baltic salmon were studied during their normal seaward migratory period in spring. We used an automatic PIT (Passive Integrated Transponder) tag monitoring system for individual recognition of tagged fish. Size affected the probability of migration among both previously immature and previously mature males while there was no such relationship among females. Nearly all females and 63.6% of the previously immature males migrated during the smolting period, while only 24.5% of the previously mature males did. In migrating fish the individual activity level increased from almost zero in May to about 450 antenna passages per day in mid June, coinciding with a pronounced increase in ambient water temperature. During the period of increasing activity in early June the fish changed from night activity to day activity and finally activity all day and night. The fish moved downstream in schools but no specific school size dominated. This paper demonstrates the strong effect of body size and previous sexual maturity on the probability of migration.  相似文献   

This study was to determine the age at sexual maturity and the relationships between age and internal reproductive organs of Cosmopolites sordidus. Male banana weevils become sexually mature 18 days after emergence (DAE), that is after 2 weeks of adult eclosion, in spite of the fact that spermatogenesis is completed at emergence. A positive correlation exists between age and male internal organs, for example for mean testis diameter (r = .849, p ≤ .001), mean seminal vesicle diameter (r = .679, p ≤ .001), mean accessory gland length (r = .561, p ≤ .01) and mean accessory gland diameter (r = .498, p ≤ .05), respectively. Significant differences were recorded between sexually mature and immature weevils with respect to mean testis diameter (T = 4.471, p ≤ .001) and mean seminal vesicle diameter (T = 3.939, p ≤ .001), but not with mean accessory gland length and mean accessory gland diameter (T = 1.899 and 1.661). Male internal organs were visibly underdeveloped at emergence but became significantly enlarged and developed on attainment of sexual maturity. Female C. sordidus, on the other hand, are sexually mature at 5 DAE. There was also a strong, positive correlation between age of females and mean ovariole length (r = .656, p ≤ .001), and significant differences existed between mean ovariole lengths of sexually mature and immature females (T = 4.306, p ≤ .001). Increasing age of females witnessed progressive increases in ovariole lengths and developmental changes within female ovarioles and calyces. The findings made here may be helpful in Musa germplasm screening works, as weevils bred on susceptible cultivars may reveal similar results, while those bred on resistant ones may experience possible delays in their reproductive developments.  相似文献   

Abstract Carrion beetles (Nicrophorus spp.) use small vertebrate carcasses for food and reproduction. Their ecology and behaviors are highly affected by the availability of carcasses and the surrounding environmental conditions. Our results revealed that in subtropical Fushan, northern Taiwan, N. nepalensis was mainly active in spring (February to May), and could also be found in autumn (October and November); but there was no capture record in summer (June to September) and winter (December and January). A laboratory temperature tolerance study indicated that N. nepalensis adults become inactive at temperatures above 26°C, and had the highest mortality when the temperature was raised from 27°C to 28°C. Furthermore, N. nepalensis became sexually mature at 20°C, depending on the photoperiod: the longer the day, the lower the percentage of sexually mature 2‐week‐old females after emergence. In another experiment, N. nepalensis virgins were paired under three possible conditions at Fushan. At 15°C and 20°C, if carcasses were presented to the pairs within 3 days after emergence, all laid eggs in the second week after emergence. If carcasses were presented 1 week after emergence, most began to reproduce at 20°C with 12.5 h of daylight. However, at 15°C with 11 h of daylight, the carrion beetles hibernated first, and reproduced in the ninth week after emergence. At 25°C with 14 h of daylight, carrion beetles did not bury the mouse carcasses, the females did not lay eggs, and the adult lifespan was only one‐third of that at 20°C. This study revealed that both photoperiod and temperature influence the time needed to reach the sexual maturity of N. nepalensis; and also implied that the narrow temperature tolerance range and dormancy behavior of carrion beetles are highly regulated by those environmental factors.  相似文献   

Natural selection can influence the evolution of sexual dimorphism through selection for sex-specific ecomorphological adaptations. The role of natural selection in the evolution of sexual dimorphism, however, has received much less attention than that of sexual selection. We examined the relationship between habitat structure and both male and female morphology, and sexual dimorphism in size and shape, across 21 populations of dwarf chameleon (genus Bradypodion). Morphological variation in dwarf chameleons was strongly associated with quantitative, multivariate aspects of habitat structure and, in most cases, relationships were congruent between the sexes. However, we also found consistent relationships between habitat and sexual dimorphism. These resulted from both differences in magnitude of ecomorphological relationships that were otherwise congruent between the sexes, as well as in sex-specific ecomorphological adaptations. Our study provides evidence that natural selection plays an important role in the evolution of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

The content (% wet mass) in water, ash, lipid, crude protein, DNA and RNA of different tissues was determined during sexual maturation of bonitos Sarda sarda from the Aegean Sea. A total of 220 specimens were collected in the following stages of sexual maturity: immature, resting, developing, mature, spawning and spent. Highest lipid levels in the white muscle, red muscle and liver were measured in immature specimens, while lowest levels were found in spawning bonitos. The gradual percentage of lipid reduction from immature to spawning bonitos was relatively higher in the liver (females 71·2% and males 64·4%) than in the white (females 59·2% and males 53·5%) and red (females 62·1% and males 51·7%) muscle. Lipid levels in the gonads increased gradually from the immature to spawning stage. The decrease of lipid in the somatic tissues was more intense in females than in males, and gonadal lipid content was higher in females than in males. There was a strong reverse correlation between water and lipid percentage in all tissues. Protein content decreased significantly only in spawning bonitos. The percentage of protein reduction from immature to spawning stage was relatively higher in males than in females in both white (females 3·4% and males 4·6%) and red (females 4·6% and males 5·1%) muscles. Protein content in the liver was significantly lower than in the other tissues, being highest in mature females. Gonadal protein content in females increased with maturation and decreased after spawning. The content in ash exhibited considerable stability. The RNA:DNA ratio exhibited a similar pattern of variation in both muscles. The RNA:DNA ratio increased during gonadal development gradually from the developing to spent stage. It was concluded that in S. sarda during gonadal development, there was an increase in gonadal lipid accompanied by a decrease in somatic tissue lipid reserves. Thus, reproductive inactive bonitos have more lipid in their edible part and a higher nutritional value than active ones.  相似文献   

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