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Using P element-mediated mutagenesis we have isolated 20 X-linked lethal mutations, representing at least 14 complementation groups, which exhibit melanotic tumor phenotypes. We present the systematic analysis of this interesting group of lethal mutations that were selected for their visible melanotic or immune response. The lethal and melanotic tumor phenotypes of each lethal(1) aberrant immune response (air) mutation are pleiotropic effects of single genetic lesions. Lethality occurs throughout the larval and early pupal periods of development and larval development is extended in some air mutants. The air mutant lethal syndromes include abnormalities associated with the brain, haematopoietic organs, gut, salivary glands, ring glands, and imaginal discs. Additional characterization of the melanotic tumor mutations Tuml and tu(1)Szts have indicated that the melanotic tumor phenotype is similar to that observed in the air mutants. These studies have led to the proposal that two distinct classes of melanotic tumor mutations exist. Class 1 includes mutants in which melanotic tumors result from "autoimmune responses" or the response of an apparently normal immune system to the presence of abnormal target tissues. The Class 2 mutants display obvious defects in the haematopoietic organs or haemocytes, manifested as overgrowth, and the resulting aberrant immune system behavior may contribute to melanotic tumor formation.  相似文献   

Avirulent strains of the endoparasitoid Leptopilina boulardi succumb to a blood cell-mediated melanotic encapsulation response in host larvae of Drosophila melanogaster. Virulent wasp strains effectively abrogate the cellular response with substances introduced into the host that specifically target and effectively suppress one or more immune signaling pathways, including elements that control phenoloxidase-mediated melanotic encapsulation. The present study implicates involvement of the Drosophila Toll pathway in cellular innate immunity by regulating the serine protease inhibitor Serpin 27A (Spn27A), which normally functions as a negative regulator of phenoloxidase. The introduction of Spn27A into normally highly immune competent D. melanogaster larvae significantly reduced their ability to form melanotic capsules around eggs of L. boulardi. This study confirms the role of Spn27A in the melanization cascade and establishes that this pathway and associated blood cell responses can be activated by parasitization. The activation of phenoloxidase and the site-specific localization of the ensuing melanotic response are such critical components of the blood cell response that Spn27A and the signaling elements mediating its activity are likely to represent prime targets for immune suppression by L. boulardi.  相似文献   

The ethyl methane sulfonate-induced mutation, fs(1)1621, resides at 11.7 on the genetic map and within segment 4F1-5A1 of the cytological map of the X chromosome. When homozygous, fs(1)1621 renders females semisterile but has no effect on their viability; nor does it affect the viability or fertility of hemizygous males. Heterozygous females are fertile and have cytologically normal ovaries. The ovaries of homozygous females first produce normal oocytes, which, if fertilized, can develop into adult males or females. After this period, ovarian chambers containing only pseudonurse cells are formed, and finally mutant germaria produce only tumors. These contain hundreds to thousands of cells that appear to be derived from germarial cystocytes, because they occasionally form clones of interconnected cells and also can differentiate into endopolyploid pseudonurse cells. Raising the temperature speeds the rate at which tumors form; lowering it increases the probability of pseudonurse cell differentiation. Df(1)C159 includes fs(1)1621. The pattern of ovarian chamber production is more temperature sensitive in hemizygous females than in homozygous ones. The morphology of hemizygous tumors and the number of dividing cells within them also differ from homozygotes. These observations support the hypothesis that fs(1)1621 is producing a product, that less is produced by one gene than by two, and that the product plays a role in the mitosis and cytokinesis of ovarian cystocytes.  相似文献   

Often, immunity is invoked in the context of infection, disease and injury. However, an ever alert and robust immune system is essential for maintaining good health, but resource investment into immunity needs to be traded off against allocation to other functions. In this study, we study the consequences of such a trade-off with growth by ascertaining various components of baseline innate immunity in two types of Drosophila melanogaster populations selected for fast development, in combination with either a long effective lifespan (FLJs) or a short effective lifespan (FEJs). We found that distinct immunological parameters were constitutively elevated in both, FLJs and FEJs compared to their ancestral control (JB) populations, and these constitutive elevated immunological parameters were associated with reduced insulin signalling and comparable total gut microbiota. Our results bring into focus the inter-relationship between egg to adult development time, ecdysone levels, larval gut microbiota, insulin signalling, adult reproductive longevity and immune function. We discuss how changes in selection pressures operating on life-history traits can modulate different components of immune system.  相似文献   

Summary Two tissue culture incubation systems are described in which immune responses to cell surface antigens have been demonstrated In the one-way “mixed lymphocyte interaction” system, a specific stimulation of thymidine uptake was induced by a particulate membrane antigen fraction, the microsomal lipoproteins (MLP)when low levels (0.01 to 0.001 μg per ml) were incubated with spleen or lymph node cells from nonsensitized mice. No stimulation was seen when allogeneic MLP was used at high levels, 10 μg per ml, nor at any level with syngeneic MLP. Specific effectors were demonstrated after 72-hr incubation with stimulatory levels of allogeneic MLP in three separate in vitro assays, a plaque-forming cell reduction assay, a tumor target assay, and an antigen-binding cell assay. In the latter assay, [125I]MLP was used as the source of antigen. This system has limited potential inasmuch as mouse spleen cells do not survive in it beyond the 4th day of culture. The second tissue culture system, the Marbrook system, has much greater possibilities because at least 25% of the inoculum is recovered 7days later. In this culture system a cell-free sheep erythrocyte membrane preparation can induce, plaque-forming cells in the absence of macrophages. Using a sensitive radioimmunoassay, frees specific antibody was detected in culture supernatant fluids. With the same culture system, allogeneic lymphocytotoxic cells (killer) have been induced with spleen cells from unprimed mice in strains differing at the major histocompatibility locus (H-2). Allogeneic MLP induced very significant “killer” cell activity with spleen cells from primed mice. In a syngeneic tumor systems, significant amounts of killer cell activity were induced with unprimed spleen cell inocula, and much larger amounts induced with spleen cells from immunized mice. Presented in the formal symposium on Carcinogenesis in Vitro, at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Miami Beach, Florida, June 3–6, 1974. This work was supported by Public Health Service Rescarch grants CA 07973 and CA 10815 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

A hyalinocyte-mediated encapsulation reaction is elicited by sporocysts of Renicola buchanani infecting the anterior mantle region of Cerithidea californica. Three phases of capsule formation are recognized: (1) an initial aggregating of hyalinocytes around each sporocyst in which pseudopodia from encapsulating cells loosely interdigitate with the parasite's tegumental microvilli, (2) the infiltrating of numerous hyalinocytes to form a dense matrix of cells which lies in close contact with the sporocyst's tegument, and (3) the horizontal flattening of hyalinocytes against the sporocyst's surface to form a tightly adhering capsule four to eight cell layers deep. Sporocysts are not harmed as a consequence of encapsulation. Capsule formation in response to R. buchanani sporocysts is considered a type of leucocytic encapsulation, specifically designated hyalinocytic encapsulation.  相似文献   

The I(1)fdg mutation demonstrates two separate phases of lethality, depending on developmental conditions. At 32–33°C, an embryonic lethality is expressed whereas at lower temperatures a larval-pupal lethality is observed. This larval-pupal lethality characteristically produces noncondensed, curved puparia, and since the contraction of the pupa depends on strong muscular contraction, this phase of lethality implicates some involvement of abnormal musculature. The embryonic expression of I(1)fdg at 32–33°C is the subject of this study. In these embryos, which are alive but immobile (incapable of hatching), the fibrillar organization and fiber morphology of the somatic musculature varies from being apparently normal to being grossly abnormal. While the abnormalities appear as unusual distributions of fiber organelles, abnormal convolutions of the muscle fibers, and disorganizations of fibrillar components, it seems most probable that the underlying defect ultimately responsible resides in some system essential for Z body alignment and sarcomere formation. Accompanying the embryonic lethality, certain abnormalities in midgut development are observed which at present do not appear to be related to the defects observed in the somatic muscle.  相似文献   

3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine, 5-6-dihydroxyindole, and N-acetylarterenone were detected by electrochemical methods in the hemolymph of immune reactive larvae of Drosophila melanogaster following parasitization by the wasp Leptopilina boulardi. Determinations of the catechols were made after separation by reverse phase, ion-pairing high pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. The presence of 5,6-dihydroxyindole unequivocally establishes the eumelanin pathway in the defense response of Drosophila, and confirms previous investigations which have implicated certain catecholamine metabolizing enzymes in insect immunity. The occurrence of N-acetylarterenone, a derivative of the principal sclerotizing agent N-acetyldopamine, verifies the existence and proposed involvement of quinone methide isomerase in the regulation of catecholamine metabolism, and suggests that the cellular capsule formed by Drosophila in immune reactions against parasites is most likely a composite of both eumelanin and sclerotin. The absence of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid in hemolymph samples from immune reactive hosts suggests that during parasitization certain catecholamines and metabolic precursors may be re-employed in alternate pathways, some of which may be used in defense reactions.  相似文献   

Ecological immunology attempts to explain variation in immune function. Much of this work makes predictions about how potential hosts should invest in overall immunity. However, this ‘overall’ perspective under-emphasizes other critical aspects, such as the specificity, inducibility and timing of an immune response. Here, we investigate these aspects by examining gene regulation across several immune system components in both male and female Drosophila melanogaster prior to and after mating. To elucidate potentially important temporal dynamics, we also assayed several genes over time. We found that males and females emphasized different components of their immune system, however overall investment was similar. Specifically, the sexes emphasized different gene paralogues within major gene families, and males tended to invest more in gram-negative defence. By contrast, the inducibility of the immune response was both transient (lasting approx. 24 hours) and equal between the sexes. Furthermore, mating tended to induce humoral gene upregulation, while cell-mediated genes were unaffected. Within the humoral system, gram-negative bacterial defence genes exhibited a greater inducibility than those associated with fungal or gram-positive bacterial defence. Our results suggest that variation in the effectiveness of the immune response between the sexes may be driven by differences in emphasis rather than overall investment.  相似文献   

1-Methyl-1-nitrosourea (MNU) induced specific-locus mutations in mice in all spermatogenic stages except spermatozoa. After intraperitoneal injection of 70 mg/kg body weight of MNU a high yield of specific-locus mutations was observed in spermatids (21.8 × 10−5 mutations per locus per gamete). The highest mutational yield was induced in differentiating spermatogonia. In 1954 offspring we observed 5 specific-locus mutants (44.8 × 10 mutations per locus per gamete). In addition, 2 mosaics were recovered, which gave a combined mutation rate of 62.7 × 10−5. In As spermatogonia the mutation rate was 3.9 × 10−5. The same dose of 70 mg/kg of MNU induced dominant lethal mutations 5–48 days post treatment, mainly due to post-implantation loss in spermatids and spermatocytes. It is interesting to compare the induction pattern of mutations by MNU with methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) and ethylnitrosourea (ENU). Based on the different spermatogenic response of the induction of specific-locus mutations we can characterize the 4 mutagens in the following way: EMS = MMS ≠ MNU ≠ ENU.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation is one of the most extensively studied carcinogens. In contrast to the detrimental effects of high‐dose radiation in carcinogenesis, the biological effects of low‐dose radiation remains poorly understood. In this study, we introduced adult wts/ + heterozygotes of Drosophila melanogaster as transgenic model organisms to determine the tumorigenic activity of low‐dose radiation. The warts (wts) gene is a tumor suppressor gene in mice and humans that is directly involved in cell cycle regulation. Fruit flies at the first larval stage were subjected to ionizing radiation, and then tumorigenic activity was evaluated as the frequency of observed warts tumorous mosaic clones in adult flies. Low‐dose irradiation alone did not cause tumorigenesis in our system. In combined treatment with a chemical carcinogen, chronic irradiation at 0.2 Gy decreased the frequency of tumorous clones induced by cisplatin. These results suggest that low‐dose radiation alone is not deleterious but beneficial in tumorigenesis induced by a chemical carcinogen.  相似文献   

We report the molecular and genetic characterization of the cytoplasmic dynein light-chain gene, ddlc1, from Drosophila melanogaster. ddlc1 encodes the first cytoplasmic dynein light chain identified, and its genetic analysis represents the first in vivo characterization of cytoplasmic dynein function in higher eucaryotes. The ddlc1 gene maps to 4E1-2 and encodes an 89-amino-acid polypeptide with a high similarity to the axonemal 8-kDa outer-arm dynein light chain from Chlamydomonas flagella. Developmental Northern (RNA) blot analysis and ovary and embryo RNA in situ hybridizations indicate that the ddlc1 gene is expressed ubiquitously. Anti-DDLC1 antibody analyses show that the DDLC1 protein is localized in the cytoplasm. P-element-induced partial-loss-of-function mutations cause pleiotropic morphogenetic defects in bristle and wing development, as well as in oogenesis, and hence result in female sterility. The morphological abnormalities found in the ovaries are always associated with a loss of cellular shape and structure, as visualized by a disorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Total-loss-of-function mutations cause lethality. A large proportion of mutant animals degenerate during embryogenesis, and the dying cells show morphological changes characteristic of apoptosis, namely, cell and nuclear condensation and fragmentation, as well as DNA degradation. Cloning of the human homolog of the ddlc1 gene, hdlc1, demonstrates that the dynein light-chain 1 is highly conserved in flies and humans. Northern blot analysis and epitope tagging show that the hdlc1 gene is ubiquitously expressed and that the human dynein light chain 1 is localized in the cytoplasm. hdlc1 maps to 14q24.  相似文献   

The consequences of inbreeding for host immunity to parasitic infection have broad implications for the evolutionary and dynamical impacts of parasites on populations where inbreeding occurs. To rigorously assess the magnitude and the prevalence of inbreeding effects on immunity, multiple components of host immune response should be related to inbreeding coefficient (f) in free-living individuals. We used a pedigreed, free-living population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to test whether individual responses to widely used experimental immune challenges varied consistently with f. The patagial swelling response to phytohaemagglutinin declined markedly with f in both females and males in both 2002 and 2003, although overall inbreeding depression was greater in males. The primary antibody response to tetanus toxoid declined with f in females but not in males in both 2004 and 2005. Primary antibody responses to diphtheria toxoid were low but tended to decline with f in 2004. Overall inbreeding depression did not solely reflect particularly strong immune responses in outbred offspring of immigrant-native pairings or weak responses in highly inbred individuals. These data indicate substantial and apparently sex-specific inbreeding effects on immune response, implying that inbred hosts may be relatively susceptible to parasitic infection to differing degrees in males and females.  相似文献   

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